#zeon xc3
extoller · 9 months
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Commission for @noahzeon
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cynicalruins · 2 years
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portable stove
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Zeon: Juniper likes funny, smart and good looking guys.
Zeon: You're smart and good looking, but do they think you're funny?
Kite: Once after I got punched in the face they said I looked funny.
Kite: Does that count?
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sharonpearlee · 1 year
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sicahyart · 1 year
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City customs
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frickingcasual · 2 months
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— zeon, kite & juniper
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gzeidraws · 2 years
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defenders assemble! 🛡
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anpiels · 1 year
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hot yaoi base posting
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thaisibir · 1 year
Kevesi and Agnian Heroes living in the City headcanons
-Ethel and Cammuravi make literally everything a competition (who can run the most laps around the entire City, who can eat the most torpedo wraps in one sitting, good ol' fashioned brawls at the wrestling ring, etc)
-Alexandria tried to enroll in university but was turned away for being too young. High school quickly bored her to tears. It begged the university to get Aionios's resident smartass off their hands. The university finally caved in and let her enroll to study business and IT.
-Valdi is everyone's go-to guy for fixing Levnises, of course. He insists on bunking in the tech quarter, forgoing actual furnished rooms in the residential quarters.
-Cammuravi was initially treated as a walking fire hazard until Ethel and the Ouroboros gang convinced people that he will not in fact burn down the entire City, by accident or otherwise.
-Fiona regards the park as her favorite spot in the City. She's the City kids' favorite playmate.
-Isurd is a new member of the City's tabletop and board game club. He got Zeon to join when he mentioned that some games are farming sims.
-Miyabi joins the City street performers, alternating between her flute and fans to entertain folks with music and dance.
-Not wanting to steal Ethel and Cammuravi's thunder as already established sparring instructors, Teach spends much of his time at the university to learn how gentler arts are being taught.
-Zeon is absolutely enthralled by the concept of greenhouses and balcony gardens.
-Ethel's second home is the City library. The senior librarian is practically her adopted mother.
-Juniper spends more time outside the City than in it, patrolling and exploring the wilderness outskirts to their heart's content.
-Ashera is the resident terror among Lost Number recruits and soldiers. She's always showing up to the training facility uninvited, joking about eating them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, depending on the time of day. Ethel swatting her off like a fly is a daily occurrence. ("Ash please go away, I already fought you yesterday, you're scaring the poor recruits")
-Isurd becomes a regular at the City's most popular massage parlor and acupuncture clinic. It's very hard for Taion to hold a proper conversation with him there when he's emitting satisfied "oohs" and "aahs" every five seconds.
-Despite stating precautions and giving warnings to discourage any derring-do, Juniper is not popular among parents for being a "bad influence" on their children, who want to slide down ziplines willy nilly. They have to limit their sliding to nighttime, when the kids are in bed.
-It was Fiona's idea to grow more flowers around the Remembrance Stones. City folks backed the project and believe the place has become even more lovely and precious for it.
-Valdi has his own names for all the City Automatons. Half the Lost Numbers think it's endearing and the other half think it's downright annoying.
-One day Hollis gathered all of them at the medical facility to sit down for The Talk. Alexandria and Teach took meticulous notes. Zeon, who had just grasped mastering how to grow potatoes, was hopelessly confused. Juniper, a veteran at growing potatoes, was just as confused. Ashera kept making faces like something had died in the room. Valdi nodded along politely, but really couldn't care less about something that's not at all like making Levnises. Fiona and Miyabi thought the whole thing was simply magical. Isurd stared off into space, mulling over that kind of possibility with a certain someone who loves saffronias. Ethel and Cammuravi looked around everywhere but at each other, their faces red as Noah's jacket.
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kiyuno-puricollon · 1 year
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frickingnerd · 27 days
love triangle with zeon, kite & juniper
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pairing: zeon x kite x gn!reader x juniper
tags: childhood friend!zeon & kite, bits of jealousy, supportive friends (zeon, kite & juniper), wholesome fluff
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zeon and kite had always been fond of you, yet never quite realized that what they felt for you was love
that was until juniper entered your life; this kind commander from another colony who knew more than just how to fight!
they were honestly jealous of juniper from the moment they met them. but after talking to juniper and seeing just how kind they were, it made them feel even more jealous, since juniper really was as nice as they seemed to be!
over time, zeon and kite befriended juniper and while they weren't too happy to find out juniper had developed a crush on you as well, they decided not to make a fuss about it
juniper might be their rival, but they were also their friend! and as friends, they needed to support each other!
ultimately, the three just want you to be happy, no matter who you pick. none of them are pushing their feelings onto you and instead they all take small steps towards confessing to you
though kite is certainly the one who'd most likely let a confession slip out by accident…
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hyenagirltittums · 2 years
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thatbiiih · 2 years
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We were robbed of swimsuit Zeon DLC with his potato pool floatie 😩💦
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honestlyvan · 2 years
Hey do you have any thoughts on Kite, Zeon and Juniper? Love your meta btw
Oh yeah I'm a card-carrying Kite defender, I think his actions make perfect sense and I really liked both plotlines involving him. Colony 9 is starving and vulnerable, after their resounces had already taken a hit in the aftermath of the battle with Colony Gamma. Keves puts a lot more emphasis on collective punishment when one of their colonies fucks up -- that's why Kevesi commanders tend to be a little more controversial around their own colonies than Agnian commanders, and why open rebellion against a bad commander seems a hair less unheard of.
Which isn't to say I think Kite did everything right. I think he had quite a low opinion of Zeon in the first place, considering him someone who's loyal but in need of direction, y'know? A lieutenant personality through and through. Kite seemed to project his own intention of having Zeon be the executor of his vision onto the Ouroboroses, thought that they might be manipulating him somehow, because he didn't trust Zeon to have strong convinctions on his own to make radical decisions as a commander. He has to start respecting Zeon's authority and his independence first and let go of the idea that they could have ruled together, so to speak. Kite is clearly good at working with people, the rest of his little gang are very loyal to him, he just needs to let go of the internalised chain of command where some people's opinions matter more than other people's.
And like the beautiful thing is that Kite is right about Zeon!! Zeon doesn't want to lead! You can practically see the "╥﹏╥" whenever he has to make decisions that affect people who aren't present to voice their dissatisfaction with the decision. He is soooooo uncomfortable with the veto power he now has over other people's lives and he's shedding feathers from stress entire game long until he manages to gather enough allies to have people who can realistically check him. I like the vibe of "Kiiiiite I don't want to be here come pick me up", I think it's very compelling that Zeon just wants to make up with him, because the conflict is not really about whether or not Zeon can be an illustrious commander. This is not war anymore. Friendship is a diplomatic relationship between two equals.
I think Juniper is more interesting in the context of Tau's story, which is out of the scope of this post, but I absolutely loved Kite's immediate puppydog crush on the cute catperson. Like a) same b) his immediate fascination with this entirely new thing in his life demonstrates that Kite is not as dig-his-heels-in conservative as he comes across, the order of "yoooooooooo" followed by "wait fuck you're Agnian" is very revealing and c) I think him being a clown about it puts him and Zeon slightly more on level with each other as far as emotional maturity goes. After seeing how he vacillates, feels bad for judging Juniper and falling right back into bad habits, trying to do the work of unlearning his biases, it's a lot easier to feel sympathetic to him being so obviously ruled by his fears during the initial Colony 9 plotline.
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sicahyart · 1 year
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Lanz and Commander Zeon are fighting(?) again
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frickingcasual · 3 months
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— zeon, juniper & kite
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