#zephyr papyrus
wishingstarinajar · 8 months
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Friends are there to "lift" you up, no?
A little something for Skullcandii, featuring their Snowglobe and my Zephyr.
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saltyfryz · 9 months
I know I've been neglecting my Tumblr as of late regarding my art, so to remedy that I have decided to dump my newest sans OCS on you and (mostly) all their information :3
Heres pt 2 with Plum and Cypher;)
First up is!
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Cassiopeia, or Cassie for short is the Sans of this universe(which I don't have a name for yet) she is 5'2 and trans.
Her drink of choice is tea! all kinds, she's not picky! She actually is a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to the stuff. And when she wants to treat herself she likes to add condiments to her cup to add a bit of flavor.
Her personality is similar to og sans but she's a lot more elegant in her mannerisms. She's also VERY slow to anger/irritation and even slower to show it. Let's just say, never play poker with her.
She still has 1 hp, and isn't a fan of physical combat. She likes being covert and subdues any treats with the stardust that surrounds her skull. As when inhaled it can give the victim a calming effect or put them into a deep sleep, depending on how much they've puffed. She does also have bones and blasters but rarely needs to use them due to her stardust being so effective.
Instead of being a quantum physics nerd, Cassie is a medical doctor. I'm not sure what specifically but what I do know is that she is very educated on human Bodies and monster souls. She had tried to learn quantum physics when she was younger but it just didn't click with her, she was never a numbers gal.
I like to imagine she's friends with Baggs sans or Wine. For Baggs, I think they would grow close while having deep conversations about their respective jobs and tell stories about all the crazy injuries they've had to deal with. That, and she can use her stardust to put him to sleep, that's my head canon at least. She also likes teasing him about his height, she thinks his reactions are hilarious.
As for Wine, i feel like they like debating each other. Their favorite topic to debate over being what's the better drink, wine or tea. And let me tell ya, it will get very intense. And not in the 'toss a couple chairs at each other' kinda way, more so in the calm on the surface yet internally wishing death upon the other, all in good fun of course. The most hostile thing they'd do to each other is send a passive aggressive yet deeply accurate comment. Sometimes Coffee likes to sit in the corner and listen to them while he draws, it's good background noise.
As for Papyrus or Zephyr,
His personality is a lot like og pap, just more blunt and a lot more willing to initiate a friendly sparring session.
He's kind of a gym junkie, always training out to get stronger. He absolutely LOVES working out and even has weighted plating for his boots, gauntlets, shoulder and knee pads.
Due to his love for sparring, he often gets into friendly brawls with the other members of the royal guard stationed in snowdin, and has beaten every single one. These feats were obviously reported to Undyne. And Undyne, Impressed by his feats, offered Zeph a position in the royal guard. Papyrus obviously was ecstatic, and accepted immediately.
However due to actually getting a position in the royal guard, the rose tinted glasses he'd always held onto have been a bit wiped down due to the actual nature of the guard not being quite what he expected. Still though, he holds out hope for all the fame and recognition he rightfully deserves.
Zephyr is a full on tank when it comes to fighting, he's a heavy hitter and very agile, even with his weighted gear. He mainly uses punches and kicks for precise direct hits but isn't afraid to give his appoint a good knee or elbow to throw them off.
His weapons of choice are brass knuckles, they pack a punch on their own but when he's feeling a bit murdery, he's able to reinforce them with his magic.
Besides training he also loves to paint. Any blank surface you can think of, he's painted on. He's painted his armor, shorts, safety pads, and his own face!
He even paints on lashes to match with Cassie's (which are made of magic). He changes the paint on his face everyday, it's always something new but he seems to favor cloud and sun motifs.
When Zeph isnt training he is always neck deep in a painting project, weather it be one he was working on for several days or a new idea he just made up and really wanted to do. Sometimes he has Cassie help with some of his projects, though she either lazily draws a sick man, or a handprint. Typical lazy sans behavior, it annoys Zeph to no end but he never paints over any additions made
Due to being a Doctor, Cassie is a slight germaphobe(more so in her workplace) but she puts that aside and gets her hands dirty for him
The clouds around his head change with his mood Like pepa from encanto. He can also manipulate them, making the clouds big and fluffy to ride on or catch someone when falling, or even creating fog or mist to act like a smoke screen.
Zephyr's dish of choice is pastries, some witch he lends to Cassie to go with her tea. It's more of a casual thing than something he's passionate about though
Next up is my favorite at the moment! OUTCODE: E770R2095E!! Or Code:E for short! Pronounced Cody ;)
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He his, like his name states, an outcode. However no one really knows where he comes from. Ink's theory is that he was supposed to be an error sans, but something went wrong and now he's just here.
He exists somewhere in the anti-void, no where close to Error, seeing as how he had no idea Code:E existed for the longest time. Having nothing to do with his time, he sits in the anti-void going over codes.
When he's eventually discovered by Error, immediately Error is pissed as he feels Code:E is trying to copy him. And true to his title, he tries to destroy Code:E. However, it didn't quite work out. Every time Error tried attacking, it had always just fazed through him, leaving Code:E completely unbothered. Eventually he finds that Code:E has no soul. Due to this he has no emotions and Error can't check his code, and even if he tried it would be completely an utter gibberish.
Dispite not having any actual emotions, he has this inate want to learn and grow, asking questions about anything and everything. He often gets compared to an AI by Error because of this.
He has no real powers or magic but can copy the code of any sans type just by looking at them, other outcodes included. And when I say copy, I mean copy. With one look he knows all about you, your au, your powers, everything. Usually when this happens his eyes gloss over with static as he lists everything he sees in the code out loud.
Being able to copy code, he is also able to copy the appearance of the sans he sees and even use their magic.
When he can't do something or is just thinking really hard on one thing in particular, Code:E's eyes get staticy and his form glitches a helluva lot more.
He can also create portals to other universes with the pink tear like glitches under his eyes. Though he never uses it, as he never sees the need to. He mostly uses them to observe and learn about the multiverse. He spends most of his time sitting in the little anti-void where he first was created. Just sitting there.
Doing nothing.
All alone.
Well, not totally. Due to Error being a complete drama queen, he often complains about Code:E aloud allowing Ink to overhear. And ink, like the nosy like little shit he is, annoys Error to show him what's got his strings all bundled up. He eventually caved and led Ink to Code:E. And after a pretty disturbing interaction, Ink complains to the star sans' about him. Upon hearing it, Dream, always with the bleeding heart, decides to visit Code:E and announces that they're friends. Code:E doesn't quite understand it, but goes along anyway as Dream teaches him about more aus and how emotions work. Even so, he rarely has time to visit due to his role in the multiverse.
But their is one person who does visit regularly..
And his name is-
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RETRO!! A fellow outcode!
He's a very outgoing and rambunctious spirit, going all around all kinds of AUs to do anything he wants! Weather that be wreaking havoc with pranks or just relaxing under the stars in outertale. However due to his chaotic neutral nature, he often has run-ins with both the star sans' AND the bad sans' usually having to escape in outrageous ways and hide in the anti-void for a few hours.
And during one of his little escapades, into the anti-void he meets Code:E. At first he's startled, especially when Code:E tries copying Retro's code, and can't. Leaving Code:E perplexed and Intrigued as this had never happened with any sans he had seen. He asks all sorts of questions about Retro, some more personal than others, and after giving some non answers Retro asks about Code:E.
Code:E is absolutely floored(as floored as one with no soul can be) as no one had actually asked him anything about what he wanted to do or needed. He told him as such and for some reason, this had hit Retro directly in the soul. He had found it relatable. And so from that moment forward, Retro vowed to be Code:E's friend. He even gave Code:E his nickname. And later, his poncho.
I bet your wondering about the gell I described in the photo, well it's simple really. It's basically the gels from Portal. THATS RIGHT IM UNORIGINAL!! FUCKING SUE ME!! /J
In all seriousness though, yes I did just give him the powers from Portal, and yes he can make actual portals, but these help him travel through aus. The portals are his magic while he made the gel with science. For his portals idk if I want it to only work on white surfaces so that can be up to interpretation
Alright that's all the info I got! Here are the doodles I have that I have no idea where to put! The ones with Cassie and Zeph are a bit old so plz ignore any design inconsistencies!
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toffeesbabbles · 26 days
I need to have time to draw soon because im deprived of ink and his brothers (zephyrtale sans and papyrus) content. Not sure how much they canonically know of eachother but they're brothers in my heart okay?!
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kottonkandykiller · 7 months
blog directory.
hazbin hotel/helluva boss ocs.
@er0t0ph0n0philia (formerly @lethalityandlustmoved) — high activity
others in progress.
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violettadecalda · 1 year
Elements: Air Edition
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About the air element: The air element is linked to things such as divination, concentration, visualization, and prophecy. Air teaches us how to hone our scattered energy and focus it toward what we want. It teaches us to use our intention. Air can be a big cleanser and also a big charger. Just stand outside for a few momenrs on a windy day, letting it blow around you and play through your hair, and you will feel renewed.
Air in magic: The air element is often used in combination with smoke, feathers, trees, flowers, and plants. It is common to use the air element in both spells that require letting go, and in spells that bring you new information. After all, rumors can travel on the wind. Aromatherapy, hanging objects up, playing the flute or other woodwind instruments, and tossing things to the wind are all examples of using the air element in magic.
Forms of air include: wind, still air, breath, vibrations
Some air spirits include: Sylphs, zephyrs, faeries
Color: Yellow
Direction: East
Tools: Censer, athame, sword, wand
Tarot suit: Swords
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
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Air in daily life: The most obvious form of air in our daily lives is the air that we breathe. Everyone does it, everyone needs it. Speaking requires the element of air as well, as it carries the vibrations of our voices. We use air to cool off, and every time we look up at the clouds in the sky, we are interacting with the air element.
Air in the home: Similarly to how fire is used to keep our homes warm, air is used to keep them cool. Whether you are opening a window, turning on a fan, using an air conditioner, or fanning yourself with the playbill for your little brother's school performance of Legally Blonde in the stuffy auditorium, you are using air to cool yourself down. Air can also be very healing. How many times have you stepped outside to get some fresh air and take in the breeze while you were feeling sick?
Air in the kitchen: Though it may not be obvious at first, there are some cooking methods that utilize the air element. Perhaps the most common is drying, whether you are drying meat for jerkey or herbs for tea. Then there is cooking with convection heat, which is growing more popular, or cooking with microwaves. Also popular, as seen by the amount of fizzy beverages and whipped toppings available, is carbonation and aeration. There are several foods and ingredients associated with the air element, including~
Almond, anise, bamboo, brazil nut, caraway, chicory, dandelion, endive, hazel, hops, lavender, lime, mace, maple, marjoram, mint, mulberry, parsley, pecan, sage, acorn squash, artichoke, bitter melon, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, fennel, okra, rhubarb, spaghetti squash, alfalfa, cannelini beans, lima beans, mung beans, celery seed, chamomile, rosemary, scallions, amaranth, puffed rice, rye, apple, apricot, blackberry, currants, lingonberry, pear, pineapple, tamarind, pomegranate, black tea, chocolate, coffee, white vinegar, cabbage, celery, grape leaves, mustard greens, daikon, sunchoke, parsnip, hibiscus, macadamia nuts, walnuts, stevia
Herbs associated with air: Frankincense*, myrrh*, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow, dill, clove, acacia, aspen, beech, benzoin*, bodhi, bracken, bromeliad, clover, fern, goldenrod, horehound, houseleek, mistletoe*, papyrus, pine, slippery elm, tobacco, rose petals
Stones associated with air: Fluorite, moonstone, turquoise, amethyst, rhodochrosite, topaz, pumice, alexandrite
Animals associated with air: Doves, hawks, eagles, foxes, turtles, ravens, spiders
Incense: Lavender, lemon balm, linden, frankincense, myrrh, violet, anise, chicory, mace, pine
Air on the altar ideas: yellow feathers, feathers in general, bird imagery, incense, censer, bells, flute, objects hanging above the altar
Divination with the air element: Nephomancy, austromancy, alveromancy, feather divination
Air work for spoonies:
Open up the window to watch the sky
Collect feathers or scatter them to the breeze
Keep a handheld fan nearby for when you need to create a breeze of your own
If you dont have your own windchimes, ring bells or listen to recordings of chimes on your phone
Use yellow pillowcases, blankets, sheets, curtains, or wall decorations
Hang beads or ribbons in your window
*Some herbs are unsafe or even deadly to ingest and can be dangerous to use. ALWAYS do research.
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lethalityandlustmoved · 6 months
NAME: Hunter
PRONOUNS: they/them unless otherwise specified
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: stealing into your room in the dead of night and whispering memes into your ears from the vaguely human-shaped shadow in the corner. or DMs, if that doesn’t work for you.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Nikki Knockout, Papyrus (formerly Khepri Cairo Akil), & Zephyr Goetia
BEST EXPERIENCE: online? probably talking about fighting in a McDonald's parking lot with @femmina-eroe. that was fun lol. in general, I really like writing my characters pissing people off, though.
RP PET PEEVES/DEAL-BREAKERS: look, i don’t mind one-liners as long as i can take something in that one line and write with it. but if you’re just writing about your character? nothing that my muse can pick up or continue the thread with? doesn’t matter how many paragraphs you write, i can’t do anything with them.
MUSE PREFERENCES (FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT): angst all the fuckin way. I also like fluff but more as an aftercare or apology sort of thing.
PLOTS OR MEMES: m e m e s. I’m so awkward plotting, i much prefer spur-of-the-moment shit. though if you have something specific in mind, then, uh, specify please– but im fine with editing posts.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: long! there’s a lot of things to be said, and i like saying them all! lemme ramble on for a paragraph about the exact movements of my muse’s body, then let me take three other paragraphs for my muse to say something that could have been said in one line. all of my muses are very talkative.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: either bright and early as soon as i wake up, right before noon, or middle of the afternoon.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): uhm, kind of? Nikki in particular started off as a self-insert (cringe I know) but i managed to develop him past that. we’re both very socially awkward, oblivious, and overly trusting. me ‘n Papyrus are both very insecure and pretty philosophical. me and zephyr both like pushing people’s buttons lol–
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ATLA Undertale AUs and such
Sans: Water Bender- Flows
Papyrus: Fire Bender- Flare
Red: Fire Bender- Smoke
Edge: Fire Bender- Sear
Blueberry: Air Bender- Nado
Stretch: Air Bender- Zephyr
Axe: Earth Bender- Turf
Noodle: Non-Bender- Shelter
Nightmare: Water Bender picked by the moon spirit(He can also blood bend) Midnight
Dream: Fire bender picked by the dragons(He can also lightning bend) Beams
Killer: Water Bender: Hydro
Dusty: Blood Bender: Hemo
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tya-haru · 5 months
Home-made AU.
Rough drawing of the Skeleton Brothers.
Grief (SANS) and Zephyr (PAPYRUS).
The work is called SNOW TALE.
I sometimes put it up, so please help me.
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insomniasystem · 1 year
Sooo a week ago I did a design vote for relictale! Sans and design 1 won! explanation of the au under the cut.
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Anyways, relictale! relictale is very much like undertale.
The major differences are that there are relics. One relic per undertale region plus five forbidden ones. Each relic has claimed something in the underground.
fire/Seraphina claimed the Hotlands
water/Nixie chose Snowdin and Waterfall
air/Zephyr took the ruins due to it being the closest to the surface
earth/Bryn preferred New Home
sleep/Hypnos chose [redacted]
illusion/Maya chose [redacted]
memory/Alhena chose [redacted]
thoughts/Hugin chose [redacted]
feelings/Afya chose the one who is missing
The regional relics are protected by a guard to keep them safe. The regional relics grant magic to those who live inside their region minus the [redacted] thus making protecting these relics very important to the inhabitants. The magic that is given can only be of the same element that the relic has meaning that Snowdin and Waterfall inhabitants can only use ice/water magic and so on.
Seraphina is hidden in the true labs and is protected by the amalgamates. Nixie is protected by Papyrus who thinks it's the actual one while everyone minus Undyne and Sans thinks it's a fake to make Papyrus happy. It's not, the fake relic is in the artifact room. Zephyr is protected by Toriel and Bryn is protected by Asgore.
The pacifist/neutral is honestly pretty much the same except that you never see Sans' eyes they're always hidden and he wears a symbol no other also in pacifist, Flowey also steals all the relics so have fun~
Genocide takes a turn though. You have the choice to steal the artifacts. Here's the order of each you get from first to last:
You can't get Seraphina and Alhena due to both being in the true lab during the genocide runs.
The five forbidden relics however can't be taken easily due to the fact they are almost always moving around.
Sans is the only one with a different outfit and also a dramatic flare combined with a bit of social anxiety. And by a bit I mean a lot of social anxiety the dude can barely function in any crowded area and a conversation with more than three people in it.
Undyne also gets dissociation episodes and that's how you manage to beat her in genocide/neutral.
Alphys is also smarter and remembers the resets as well.
Those are the differences between undertale and relictale.
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
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Merry Christmas, everyone!
I drew something Christmas-y for my bestie @stankychee because it is Christmas/Gyftmas for these roommates too! It's also the first-ever Christmas for Zinfandel, Stray, Dullahan and Zephyr, so it's extra special~
The Christmas lights are like stars and they make the space skellies rather nostalgic.
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andizoidart · 1 year
Part Five of my UTMV characters masterlist:
JATH!Nightmare (Nightmare, from the JATH!AU)
JATH!Dream (Dream, from the JATH!AU)
JATH!Blue (Blue, from the JATH!AU)
JATH!Ink (Ink, from the JATH!AU)
JATH!Killer (Killer, from the JATH!AU)
JATH!Horror (Horror, from the JATH!AU)
JATH!Dust (Dust, from the JATH!AU)
JATH!Error (Error, from the JATH!AU)
JATH!Cross (Cross, from the JATH!AU)
WTTW!Sans (Sans, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Papyrus (Papyrus, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Alphys (Alphys, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Undyne (Undyne, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Toriel (Toriel, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Asgore (Asgore, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Asriel (Asriel, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Chara (Chara, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Frisk (Frisk, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Grillby (Grillby, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Mettaton (Mettaton, from the WTTW!AU)
WTTW!Napstablook (Napstablook, from the WTTW!AU)
Cookie the caracal (caracal, from the WTTW!AU)
Blank!Papyrus (Papyrus, from _ _ _ _ _ TALE)
Blank!Flowey (Flowey, from _ _ _ _ _ TALE)
Bell (BellHell!Sans, from BellHell)
Toll (BellHell!Papyrus, from BellHell)
Josie (Justice, from BellHell)
Magnus (Sans, from the Corpus!AU)
Aspen (Papyrus, from the Corpus!AU)
Rune (Sans, from the Corpus!AU)
Stormy (Selkieton, from a maritime AU)
Merriweather (skeleton, from the skelefive!AU)
Abe (skeleton, from the skelefive!AU)
Skasey (skeleton, from the skelefive!AU)
B.G. (Skeleton, from the skelefive!AU)
Lizzie (skeleton, from the skelefive!AU)
Cuckoo (Skeleton, from the skelefive!AU)
Viv (skeleton, from the Skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Tabasco (variant of Scalding!Sans, from the skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Mallow (variant of Hivetale!Sans, from the skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Clover (variant of Hivetale!Papyrus, from the skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Chiffon (variant of Chiffon, from the skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Meringue (Variant of Meringue, from the Skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Amaryllis (Variant of Hivetale!Asriel, from the Skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Chorley (Variant of Hivetale!Chara, from the Skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Fritter (Variant of Hivetale!Frisk, from the Skelefive!AU)
Sk5!Soara (variant of Soara, from the Skelefive!AU)
Val (love bug monster, from the skelefive!AU)
Whaily (elf monster, from the Skelefive!AU)
Raigo (Ogre monster, from the Skelefive!AU)
Rok4 (sentient, from the Skelefive!AU)
Gila (skeleton hybrid, from the Skelefive!AU)
Sprinkles (bunny monster, from the Skelefive!AU)
Ozzie (cat monster, from the Skelefive!AU)
Fruitcake (dog metazoan, from the AU hub)
Piece!Frisk (Frisk, from Piecetale)
Piece!Chara (Chara, from Piecetale)
Piece!Asriel (Asriel, from Piecetale)
Tesriola (Tesriola, from Piecetale)
Rebones!Patricé (Patience, from the Rebones!AU)
Rebones!Baylee (Bravery, from the Rebones!AU)
Rebones!Ingrid (Integrity, from the Rebones!AU)
Rebones!Pers (Perseverance, from the Rebones!AU)
Rebones!Kingston (Kindness, from the Rebones!AU)
Rebones!Just (Justice, from the Rebones!AU)
Rebones!Chara (Chara, from the Rebones!AU)
Zephyr (dog monster, from the AU hub)
Tabasco (Scalding!Sans, from Scaldingfell)
Ember (Scalding!Papyrus, from Scaldingfell)
Clover (Papyrus, from Hivetale)
Mallow (Sans, from Hivetale)
Cobalt (Mettaton, from Hivetale)
Fritter (Frisk, from Hivetale)
Chorley (Chara, from Hivetale)
Amaryllis (Asriel, from Hivetale)
Hive!MK (MK, from Hivetale)
Winny (skeleton, from Magnolia!AU)
Gabby (sans variant, from Magnolia!AU)
August (papyrus variant, from Magnolia!AU)
Tenor (sans variant, from Magnolia!AU)
Shortcake (sans variant, from Magnolia!AU)
Bigtop (sans variant, from Magnolia!AU)
Sky (sans variant, from Magnolia!AU)
Bunny (skeleton hybrid, from Magnolia!AU)
Ouris (skeleton, from Magnolia!AU)
Treble (papyrus variant, from Magnolia!AU)
Bass (papyrus variant, from Magnolia!AU)
Grayson (monster, from Manifoldswap/The Manifold convergence)
Pansy (Child Sans, perseverance soul holder, from the Soulstole!AU)
Plasma (skeletal ghost, an outcode)
Haunt (skeletal ghost, an outcode)
Spook (skeletal ghost, an outcode)
Specter (skeletal ghost, an outcode)
Phantasm (skeletal ghost, an outcode)
Quilt (skeleton made of quilting)
Biohazard (an Error, an outcode)
Crayons!Frisk (Frisk, from the Crayons!AU)
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starryrainy · 4 years
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"He used to be a good father."
Ahhhh I kinda hate drawing positive arts qwq (just kidding)
It made my chest hurt everytime QXQ
Too much love and caring energy.......
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zephyr-together · 5 years
I UNLOCKED N. TROPY THIS FINE NIGHT AND (collapses from exhaustion) 
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myfontz · 4 years
Moods: Romantic
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part 1 of 2
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ritaerr0r · 3 years
Day 26
Connect, Hidden places, hidden figures, Trapped
Warning, nothing intense, just some death and experiments mention, but still
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I don't have time to even name it.
My time is runing low. It's now or never, I will live for ever, or die once and for all. Last experiment didn't go well, empty soul did expand over the one it was supposed to take in.  This created a whole new human, without memories of it's previous owner. I didn't have enough time to prepare the body, a lot of flesh is still present. If this will work, I will just get another one. It's not like anybody miss those orphans.
A sample from my hand should be enough to transfer my soul to new vessel. Normally I will write things down after experiment, but this might not be possible this time. I will watch upon anyone who will took my advices and finally find a way, to stay immortal forever.
Experiment was unsuccesfull.
My mind didn't transfer with my soul, so before it could kill me, I did rip it off from body. My skull and hands cracked. My soul is demaged, I need another victim to repair it.
I throw body into some dark allay, but it wasn't there when I walked back with other guts that I needed to throw away. Maybe Royals are closer, that I thought. I need to vanish, no one need to know. I can't be trapped, whenever others like it or not.
Hidden places that were in use, are on fire now. Hidden figures will vanish forever. My connection to this all will be forgotten forever. I will make sure, that no one will have a chance, to even try to talk about it with someone
W.D. Gaster Zephyr Gaster Sci Sans Swap Papyrus Swap Sans Geno Aftertale Nightmare
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