#vienna papyrus
wishingstarinajar · 1 year
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Merry Christmas, everyone!
I drew something Christmas-y for my bestie @stankychee because it is Christmas/Gyftmas for these roommates too! It's also the first-ever Christmas for Zinfandel, Stray, Dullahan and Zephyr, so it's extra special~
The Christmas lights are like stars and they make the space skellies rather nostalgic.
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dwellerinthelibrary · 3 months
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Description from Wikimedia Commons: "The sun rises from the mound of creation at the beginning of time. The central circle represents the mound, and the three orange circles are the sun in different stages of its rising. At the top is the "horizon" hieroglyph with the sun appearing atop it. At either side are the goddesses of the north and south, pouring out the waters that surround the mound. The eight stick figures are the gods of the Ogdoad, hoeing the soil." From the Book of the Dead of Khonsumes.
Where: Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
When: Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty
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thefirstknife · 9 months
That last post I reblogged and my ramble in the tags reminded me also about some extra details about Xivu. Her entries in Sororicide you can earn when you do the void attunement are something else.
First, Major Arcana card number 6 is Lacuna. A "lacuna" is an empty space, a gap, something missing (figuratively). The text itself is Xivu crying, again, about her brother being dead. She misses him and she loves him. Oryx is the lacuna in Xivu's heart. But even better than that, the actual title of the card is:
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The word is Greek: katolophyromai. From the link:
Katolophyromai (Greek: κατολοφύρομαι), is the headword in a musical fragment from the first stasimon of Orestes by Euripides (lines 338–344, Vienna Papyrus G 2315). It means "I cry, lament so much."
Her other card is number 9, called Lament. The content is yet some more about her grief and inability to come to terms with her brother's death:
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And the title of the card itself:
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Antigone is a character in Greek mythology and a protagonist of a play (tragedy) by Sophocles named after her. Not to go too much into the whole story (you can read about it in the link!), but the crux of it is that Antigone wants to honor and bury her dead brother whose burial has been forbidden. Her death eventually leads to the deaths of the household of those that forbade the burial in the first place.
This is an insane reference to an ancient tragedy. I'm losing my mind. It's Antigone's and Xivu's love for their dead brothers that leads to conflict and eventual destruction of their enemies and hopefully this is a prophetic reference. I want Xivu's love to destroy those that made the Hive the way they are.
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A Historical And Kinktastic Journey
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BDSM is a complex and multifaceted practice that encompasses a wide range of activities, power dynamics, and psychological elements. Exploring the history of BDSM reveals a rich tapestry of human desires, power dynamics, and social attitudes toward sexuality and pleasure. Today we are going to take a high-level look into the evolution of BDSM, tracing its roots from ancient civilizations to the present.
The origins of BDSM can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where evidence of power exchange and sexual dominance emerges in the form of erotic artwork and literary works. In ancient Egypt, hieroglyphics and papyrus documents depict scenes of
bondage and flagellation, suggesting that elements of BDSM were present within their society. Similarly, ancient Greek and Roman cultures embraced various forms of sexual expression, including dominance and submission. Greek and Roman mythology, such as the story of Zeus and Ganymede, and the practice of sexual flagellation in Roman society, offer glimpses into the early manifestations of BDSM dynamics.
During the Middle Ages, BDSM practices were often intertwined with religious and judicial systems. The concept of flagellation as a form of penance and self-mortification played a significant role in Christianity. The flagellants, religious sects engaging in self-flagellation, sought spiritual purification through pain and submission. Furthermore, the Inquisition's use of torture and humiliation as a means of extracting confessions displayed elements of power exchange and sadism.
The Renaissance period witnessed a shift in attitudes towards sexuality, leading to the emergence of erotic literature and artworks celebrating BDSM themes. Artists like Rembrandt and Caravaggio depicted scenes of bondage and discipline, reflecting a growing interest in exploring the boundaries of pleasure and pain. Notably, the works of the Marquis de Sade in the late 18th century challenged societal norms by exploring explicit BDSM themes and paved the way for later discussions around consent, desire, and erotic power dynamics.
The Victorian era, known for its strict moral codes, paradoxically also saw an undercurrent of hidden sexual desires. BDSM practices found expression in clandestine gatherings and secret societies, particularly among the upper class. In an era characterized by prudishness and repression, the fascination with dominance and submission thrived in private circles, leading to the production of erotic literature such as "The Pearl" and "The Romance of Lust." These publications provided an outlet for exploring sexual fantasies and fetishes within a fictional framework.
The early 20th century witnessed the gradual emergence of BDSM communities and organizations, albeit underground due to societal taboos and legal restrictions. The growth of secret societies like the "Order of Chaeronea" and the "Vienna Circle" provided a platform for individuals to connect, share their experiences, and explore their sexual preferences openly. In the 1930s, prominent psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing published his influential work, "Psychopathia Sexualis," which discussed various sexual deviations, including masochism and sadism, further contributing to the understanding and acceptance of BDSM.
World War II brought significant changes to the landscape of BDSM. With the advent of the war, military and paramilitary organizations incorporated elements of BDSM within their training regimes. Practices such as military discipline, punishment, and role-playing were employed to foster obedience and enhance combat readiness. Additionally, BDSM played a role in providing psychological release and coping mechanisms for soldiers stationed far from home.
The period following World War II witnessed the beginnings of BDSM as an organized subculture. Inspired by the works of Marquis de Sade and Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, pioneers such as John Willie and Irving Klaw started publishing fetish literature and imagery. These publications, often circulated through the underground market, provided a means of connection and exploration for individuals interested in BDSM.
The sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s brought increased societal acceptance of diverse sexual practices, including BDSM. The feminist movement also played a role in encouraging discussions around power dynamics, consent, and sexual liberation. As a result, BDSM communities began to form in major cities, providing safe spaces for individuals to explore their desires. Prominent organizations like the Society of Janus in San Francisco and TES (The Eulenspiegel Society) in New York City emerged as beacons of education, support, and socialization for those interested in BDSM.
The advent of the internet in the 1990s revolutionized the dissemination of information and facilitated the formation of online communities centered around BDSM. Online forums, websites, and chatrooms allowed people from different geographical locations to connect, share experiences, and exchange knowledge. These platforms fostered a sense of community and contributed to the spread of BDSM awareness.
In parallel, popular culture began to depict BDSM themes, albeit often sensationalized or stigmatized. Books like Anne Rice's "Exit to Eden" and films such as "Secretary" introduced BDSM to a wider audience. However, the portrayal of BDSM in mainstream media was often distorted, emphasizing the sensational aspects rather than the core principles of consent, negotiation, and trust.
The 21st century has witnessed a significant shift in the perception and acceptance of BDSM. As the internet continued to play a crucial role in connecting individuals, educational resources, and support networks proliferated. BDSM organizations, workshops, and conferences have become more accessible, promoting safe and consensual practices, and the importance of negotiation and communication.
Furthermore, BDSM has entered public discourse through the efforts of activists and advocates who work to dispel misconceptions, challenge stigma, and promote sexual freedom. Advocacy groups such as the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF) and the Leather Archives and Museum actively engage in education, legal defense, and community building.
The history of BDSM is a testament to the resilience and growth of a subculture that emerged from the shadows and flourished into a recognized and respected community. From its humble, ancient beginnings to an underground subculture, BDSM has evolved, breaking taboos, and challenging societal norms. The sexual revolution, the advent of the internet, and increased visibility in popular culture have contributed to the growing acceptance and understanding of BDSM. Today, BDSM is characterized by education, advocacy, and a commitment to ethical practices that prioritize consent, communication, and mutual respect, ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of all involved.
What part of the history of the lifestyle fascinates you the most and why?
As with all of my thoughts, please see this disclaimer.
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100secondegyptology · 2 years
Non-exhaustive list of museum websites
(that I use + hosting databases with Egyptian objects. Feel free to add onto this list, I probably missed a lot)
The BIG one: The global Egyptian museum where other institutions add their stuff http://globalegyptianmuseum.org
For European Collections: Europeana (plus API endpoint, which you have to register for)
And now onto (more regular) museums:
The MET and their API
Cleveland and their API
Baltimore, Walters and their API
Louvre and their API
British Museum
Staatliche Museen Berlin (you have to filter by collection)
Papyrus database Berlin
N'tl Museums Scotland
Petrie Collection
RPM Hildesheim
Rijksmuseum and API
KHM Vienna
Papyrussammlung Vienna
Nt'l Museum Tokyo
Penn Museum Philadelphia
Brooklyn Museum
Glyptothek Kopenhagen
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hangmanapologist · 2 years
Ivy and papyrus !!
Ahhhh ty for the ask!!!
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
If you ever see me posting Vienna by Billy Joel on my story call the police
Also I think I’m pretty chirpy on a good day so I’m apparently always like extremely smiley I’ve been told but it’s just bc I’m a morning person
If I’m tired I will literally not speak it’s the only time I’m quiet
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
Cry To Me - Solomon Burke
It always makes me think of this Dirty Dancing scene that makes my body weak don’t imagine this song with Rhett Abbott
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jimclarkposting · 2 years
mahonia, papyrus and cactus for the ask game :)
thank you for the ask!! i had to think about my answers for these ones so that's why i've answered it so late oops
cactus: right now, because of my job, i'm learning how to operate billing software and it's the most tedious thing on the face of the planet. in regular life, i'm learning how to play a couple more songs on guitar!! and also some more crochet stitches.
papyrus: stray italian greyhound, by vienna teng. this song is from the south of france, 1985 playlist made by @americangrandprix and i love it so much!! it reminds me of warm summer days (like right now) and flower crowns <3
mahonia: this was a hard question, but i'm really inspired to write or create whenever i'm somewhere that's either heavily abandoned/industrial, or in nature. no idea why! i always imagine stories of people where there are only traces of past human impact.
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voyeurmunson · 6 months
For the ask game, I don’t just love paper plants 😂
Lmaoo 😂 The song is Vienna by Billy Joel. I’m not surprised at all. 🤭 he’s one of my all time favorites. 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Ask game
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Cactus, chia, chamomile, papyrus :))
Hey, Foxie :D
something you’re currently learning (about)?
Mmm, I just recently learned how to play Losing Face on guitar :D And that’s been really fun to play!!
I wanna get better at Since I Saw Vienna and White Wine In A Wetherspoons, and also learn I’m Sorry Boris and For Memories! And perhaps La Jolla and Jubilee Line… what’s holding me back with those two is the wonky tuning :/
what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
Hehe James Carol (aka James Marriott). Me and my sister make so much fun of him lollll
Don’t ask why we call him James Carol. I don’t remember.
what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
Little homemade things mean a lot! One of my irl friends gifted me an art piece she did of our friend group, and to this day I still treasure it very very much :D
And also art in general!! I looooooove it when people give me art they made, it means so much to me :’D I’m obsessed with all the art my sister has given me (SHE DREW SLEEPY BOIS AND THEY’RE SO CUTE) and one of my friends drew my bird OCs, and another friend did art for a DSMP poem I wrote, and I treasure ALL OF THEM :D I love it so much!!
if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
I’m not gonna do the shuffle thing because my On Repeat playlist is BROKEN! But I’ll choose a song myself :)
Into The Open Air by Julie Fowlis!
It was always my favorite song from Brave, but only recently have I actually started listening to the song outside of watching the movie :) It’s so pretty!! The guitar and the singing and the lyrics and the meaning and… aughhh :’0
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mxdreemurr · 1 year
I was tagged by @shimmershy for a one of those tag games that I was thinking about doing, and then forgot, but now I've remembered! Thank you very much for the tag!!!
I'm making my own post because the reblog chain was getting pretty long, but the rules are to put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, without skipping any. All my favourite music is spread across two places in big collections, so I'm going to alternate between them, and I will be skipping songs because I do have music that I don't like (housekeeping is hard...)
In Quiet Rooms – OMN
Gender Bender – Skinjobs
Good Morning Hypocrite – Electric President
Recover – CHVRCHES
Share With Me The Sun – Portugal. The Man
Nyeh Heh Heh! – Toby Fox
Stray Italian Greyhound – Vienna Teng
Silhouettes – Of Monsters And Men
Aaron – Neil Cicierega (um. sorry.)
sans. – Toby Fox
Well!!! It got kind of interesting at the end! 'Tis what I've been dealt though... Got both Papyrus and Sans musical representation in here.
This was really fun!!! I love listening to music and this was a fun reason to do that =) Interestingly, this was all music that I've had around since 2015-2016, nothing recent! (Also nothing before that, didn't dip into my punk rock phase.)
Anyone who sees this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! I'm vouching for you! Shuffling music is fun!!!
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
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Another skelly (and probably the last one, for now) that received some Mermay love.
It's Vienna as a dolphin because if all the roommates of @stankychee's Zinfandel are getting a mertail in this Lighthouse AU, the latest roommate needs one too!
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dwellerinthelibrary · 3 months
2009_0813_152342AA KHM
Detail of the Amduat papyrus of Khonsumes. That's Nefertem emerging from the lotus at left.
Where: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
When: Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty
[An Egyptian papyrus with various symbols. At left, a man's head emerges from a lotus. Next a snake walks on two legs. At right there's a crocodile.]
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washi-undertale · 3 years
Zero Redeeming Qualities
Before we get into this week’s chapter, an announcement:
I’m now posting this on Archive of Our Own! The version on there is going to go up around 6 hours after this one, but it should include better editing/formatting. 
Hope to see you over there!
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A couple years ago the Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, and Swapfell (Red) universes collided, merging into a single - peaceful - universe.
The skelebros have become friends in this universe, often hanging out and spending time together,
Except for Sans, who is distant with everyone and has a tense relationship with Papyrus.
After losing a drinking challenge, Red asked Sans on a date, where he found himself with more questions than answers. He decided to go on a second outing with Sans, this time to the Ebott City Museum.
Something isn’t adding up, and Red is going to figure out why.
Inspired by: Lov Ya by sunblind_seabird
Chapter Five: Passionate
Sans’ pun surprised Red and for a moment all he could do was stare at his alternate. After his earlier attempt had fallen flat he had assumed Sans shared his brother’s hatred of wordplay.
He was even more surprised when Sans let out a short bark of laughter, both at his own joke and at Red’s expression. He quickly covered his mouth and attempted to stifle himself, a blue-grey blush coloring his cheekbones.
Red found he liked the sound of Sans’ laughter.
It was genuine and warm, low and melodic.
… He wanted to hear it more.
Red looked away from Sans, ignoring the way his own cheeks warmed. He collected himself as he focused on folding the map.
He had hoped Sans would share his interest in astronomy. It wasn’t too much of a surprise - all the other Sanses had similar interests. But not liking astronomy wouldn’t be the first time Sans was an outlier.
But if Red was going to spend more time with Sans in an attempt to figure out why the Tale brothers didn’t get along … he might as well enjoy himself.
And Red could live in the Planetarium and not grow tired of it.
He led the way to the astronomy wing, glancing back to catch Sans’ reaction to seeing it for the first time.
It was everything Red had hoped for.
Sans’ eyelights lit up, blindingly bright, and his smile stretched wide. He seemed taller, like he was standing up straighter.
Like he wasn’t trying to make himself as small as possible.
He was all but vibrating with excitement.
“c’mon,” Red said with a grin, his own excitement rising in response to Sans, like a contact high. He jerked his head in the direction fo the planet models. “let’s start over there.”
Sans didn’t need more encouragement than that, and he quickly lost himself in reading the informational placards and looking at the displays.
“it’s too bad we don’t have a scale model of the solar system in ebbot,” Sans said softly after he had spent some time staring at the little Earth model and its moon.
“whaddya mean?” Red asked. “these are scale, ain’t they?”
Sans waved a hand, “they’re scaled for size, not distance. It’s still cool, seeing the sheer difference between earth and jupiter, but it’s hard to get a good sense of how far away jupiter is from earth, y’know?”
“i dunno if I’d be up to that much walkin’,” Red said with an exaggerated yawn. “space is … spacious. does that sorta thing even exist?”
Sans nodded, his attention on a sign about the asteroid belt.
“there’s a bunch walkable and drivable scale models, all over the world. the sagan planet walk in ithaca, one in vienna, another in melbourne. there’s one in munich called the planet walk. the biggest is in sweden - spans the whole country.”
Red wondered, but didn’t ask, how Sans knew about those when he didn’t know the local museum had a planetarium.
Sans mumbled something too soft for Red to hear, but he didn’t push for the other to repeat himself. Instead he let Sans get lost in the informational placards and models again, while he went over to the planetarium to see what was showing.
The next show started soon, and was one of Red’s favorites. While it tread into science fiction rather than fact, it was still built on sound science. Its focus was on what life might look like if humans ever left Earth to become star-farers. Beginning with more-realistic colonization of the moon and Mars, ending with distant future marvels like Dyson spheres and ring worlds. It even dove into the concepts of wormholes and warp drives, and how they might be created.
It was aspirational. Inspiring.
Red bought two tickets and went to find Sans, who was more-or-less where he’d been left.
“hey,” Red said as he approached, causing Sans to jump. Red gave an apologetic smile and held up the tickets. “they got a show startin’ in ten minutes. wanna find some seats?”
“show?” Sans asked. He frowned at the tickets in Red’s hand, beginning to curl in on himself again. “i … i don’t have the g … ”
“don’t worry about it,” Red said with a shrug and a wave of his hand. “it’s on me.”
Sans raised a brow bone at him, eyelights dimming with uncertainty.
“y-you … you mean it?” He asked.
“ya don’t have to make a big deal about it,” Red answered, annoyance bleeding into his tone. Sans flinched, shrinking away.
Red sighed, his annoyance fading to worry.
“it’s fine,” he said. “i wanna see it, an’ boss’d dust me if I just … abandoned ya.”
Sans still looked uneasy so Red added, “seriously. don’t worry about it.”
“o … okay,” Sans answered, and he looked up to meet Red’s eyelights with a shaky smile. “Thanks.”
Red only glanced at Sans once during the show.
He’d had them sit in the back, away from everyone else. Their glowing eyelights bothered the human guests, something that Red had dealt with before.
It turned out to be a good decision.
Sans’ eyelights were glued to the whirling cosmos above them, bigger and brighter than Red had ever seen them.
They didn’t rival Blue’s cyan stars, they dwarfed them.
The smile on his face was euphoric and real. Open with wonder and awe.
Red knew that was the same smile he’d worn when he had first been in this room, watching a film similar to this. The same smile he’d worn that first night on the surface, after the sun had set and the stars came out.
He tried to ignore the feelings Sans’ smile raised in his Soul.
They spent the entire afternoon in the astronomy wing.
Sans went from exhibit to exhibit, reading every placard over and over again.
Like he was trying to encode every detail to memory.
“what’d ya like most?” Red asked as they passed through the gift shop on their way out of the museum. When Sans didn’t answer he glanced back, only to find him holding a NASA mug, eyelights hazy. “sans?”
Sans jumped, putting the mug back and smiling at Red.
“i liked everything,” he said as he caught up to Red. “actually seeing the difference in size between earth and the gas giants was … awesome. puts everything into perspective, how tiny our planet is in the universe. And the pictures? from the surfaces of the moon and mars? from the surface of venus?! it’s amazing what humans have been able to accomplish without magic or a functional understanding of quantum theory. imagine what they’ll be able to do once they start allowing monsters into scientific fields!
“and the moon rock! that little piece of grey basalt is extraterrestrial! and humans brought it here through explosions and mad science! they decided to go to the moon, built a rocket, went there, and brought back a rock. that’s insane!
“and the setup dedicated to what the first mars colonies might look like? so cool.
“and the planetarium show … i can’t begin to describe it. the models of potential exoplanets were fantastic, and the projections of how we might terraform a planet?” Sans sighed happily. “i could spend forever exploring every bit of that wing and never get bored.”
Red laughed in agreement.
“getcha talkin’ about this stuff and ya never shut up, do ya?” Red teased.
He had been enjoying Sans’ exuberance and excitement. He had meant the comment to be playful. He had been the same way the first time he’d come to the museum, spending the whole night ranting to Edge about everything he’d seen.
He expected Sans to blush that pretty blue grey color, maybe be a little embarrassed. Maybe comment something back.
He didn’t expect Sans to deflate. To look away, ashamed, as he crumpled back into his usual slouch. For the bright lights of his eyes to dim, and his grin to fall back into the stiff mask he usually wore, the joy gone like it had never been there.
“s-sorry,” Sans stuttered, voice soft. “i don’t … i didn’t … sorry.”
Red was lost in the wake of Sans’ sudden emotional shift, and he kicked himself for causing it.
“i didn’t mean it like that,” Red said carefully. “i get the same way. space is cool, y’know? sorry.”
Sans shrugged and shook his head, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like “it doesn’t matter, anyway.”
He turned away from Red, and Red let him. He waited as Sans collected himself.
He hid the pain he felt in his Soul when Sans finally turned around to face him, smiling mask in place.
Sans didn’t meet Red’s eyes.
“thanks … for inviting me,” he said. “i had a lot of fun.”
He glanced at the sky, awash in reds and pinks as the sun sank below the horizon.
“i should probably get home,” he said, more to himself than to Red. He looked back at the ground, grey-blue blush on his cheekbones. “i don’t wanna be a bother, after you brought me here, but … could i bum a ride home? i don’t have money for bus fare.”
“yeah, sure,” Red said, off balance from Sans’ mood swings. He offered his arm and pulled them both to the street outside the Tale brother’s apartment building as soon as Sans had grasped it.
Sans stepped back as soon as they were on the other side of the void.
“thanks,” he repeated as he turned to the building.
He took a single step forward, and then stopped. Red could see he was staring at one of the windows, could see his smile ticking away by fractions.
“hey,” Red said.
Sans let out a shuddering breath as he glanced back, eyes wide.
Red rubbed the back of his skull awkwardly as he looked away. “you, uh. ya got a phone, right?”
Sans frowned but nodded, turning fully as he dug it out of his pocket.
“we should exchange numbers,” Red said, the words coming out in a rush before he could regret them. “it’d make it easier to hang out.”
He watched as Sans’ expression did an emotional speed run. Confusion, anger, refusal, relief … acceptance. He held out his phone.
It was an old flip phone. Dumb, worn down, and well out of date. Between the scratches, the LCD burn, and a crack on the lower right that had killed a substantial number of pixels, the screen was nearly unreadable.
It looked a lot like the phone Red had used when they were still in the Underfell Underground, long since tossed for a nicer smartphone now that they were on the Surface.
He pushed aside his questions, although they bounced in his head like ping pong balls.
Why is Sans’ phone so … shit?
Doesn’t Papyrus have a fancy smart phone?
Red flipped through the options, sending himself a text message before handing the phone back to Sans.
“now we got each other’s numbers,” Red said with a lopsided grin, hoping it hid his uneasiness. “text if ya wanna hang out.”
Sans nodded, and the last thing Red said as he stepped through the void was his grin.
Wide and bright again, open and sincere.
The void closed in around him and Red was alone.
He collapsed in his bed, trying to quiet his racing thoughts and to ignore the feeling gnawing at his Soul.
He was no closer to understanding the rift between the Tale brothers.
Sans stared at the spot Red had been, conflicting emotions battling in his core.
He closed his eye sockets, focusing on his breathing to try to calm his confusion and anxiety.
He wanted to focus on the good parts of the day.
He looked up at the sky. The sun had finally set, but it was still too light to see all but the brightest stars.
He’d spent the entire day surrounded by the cosmos and their mystery.
He glanced at the phone in his hand, seeing the text message Red had sent himself. There wasn’t any content, just a single word.
Red had given him his number.
Sans closed his phone and slid it into his pocket, smiling with relief.
He hadn’t fucked up.
Despite everything. Despite not having the money, despite not leaving the astronomy wing, despite talking too much …
He hadn’t fucked up.
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evisuales · 4 years
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Plaza de los héroes / Heroes' Square / Heldenplatz
1. Papyrus Collection and Papyrus Museum Vienna  2. Heldenplatz  3. Prince Eugene Statue
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steliosagapitos · 2 years
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          Interior of Vienna National Library.
    ~ The library complex comprises four museums. The heritage of the Hapsburg Imperial Library, renamed towards the end The empire is part of the old Hofburg Palace, one of Vienna's emblems. The library has an impressive collection of books, papyrus, maps, all in a baroque building dating from the early twentieth century. In total, seven million protected objects in a splendid space. ~
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While the theoretical underpinnings of native medicine and the ancient treatise format are undisturbed in this late work [from after Egypt's loss of independence], the range of new plant and mineral ingredients is striking. This abundance is due less to Greek or Roman cultural domination than to unprecedented international trade made possible by succeeding Persian, Ptolemaic, and Roman Empires. Egyptian medical use of plants had always been extensive, with some 160 distinctive plant products - of which roughly 20 percent have been identified (securely or tentatively). In the Crocodilopolis manual, over 60 new plants and 5 new minerals now appear in the native pharmacopoeia, while about 200 ingredients are used in this one manual alone. How many of these newer items had been adopted in the previous Persian or Hellenistic times cannot be known. Even discarding the textual editor's dubious identification of "raspberries" or "wild water greens," the Vienna papyrus includes such new plants as asparagus, bdellium, chick-pea, clover, elatine, endive, garden cress, henna, hulwort, iris, mustard, rose, rosemary, rue, pepper, thistle, wormwood, undisputed use of the poppy, and a half dozen possible applications of cannabis.
Robert K. Ritner, “Innovations and Adaptations in Ancient Egyptian Medicine” in Journal of Near Eastern Studies (2000) 59(2):107-117
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