taffydragondraws · 1 year
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I may or may not get to draw today so just in case, here's something else I've drawn but hadn't posted here yet
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drmopp1966 · 1 year
currently having way too much fun drawing zeroids
silly lil bal mans
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keaalu · 23 days
By Any Other Name
aka "I found a place for the silly parrot joke"
(Poor Ninestein is getting overruled by Mary (and the resident fleet of little chaos gremlins) again. Funny how something as simple as giving someone an emergency nickname can cause so much drama. Those students have a lot to answer for...)
Mary Falconer had been enjoying catching up with the latest issue of Stellarnautics scientific journal over her breakfast, when a polycarbonate wafer tablet landed on top of it with a subtly scolding slap. It missed her toast by half a millimetre and made her half-consumed mug of tea slop alarmingly.
“Good morning to you too, Tiger,” she said, sliding it delicately to one side without looking up.
“Have you seen this?” Doctor Ninestein plopped down in the chair opposite and gestured with an open palm at the wafer.
Of course Mary had seen it, and from his tone of voice, she knew he knew that she had – after all, on the screen was an inbox full of authorised requisitions, and she was usually the one who handled that side of things.
She also instantly recognised the reason that it had dropped into her breakfast. “Do you mean before or after you threw it at me?” she wondered, glancing briefly up at him, intentionally playing ignorant.
His eyes narrowed subtly, annoyed. “I’ll let you spot the problem.”
She took a deliberate bite of toast and made a show of analysing the inbox anyway. Nothing exciting – just a lot of very dull supply requisitions, tools and fuel and equipment parts for Hawknest, and of course all the groceries for their orbital station.
The ‘requisitioned by’ column was populated by a handful of numbers, which she’d countersigned, and a single name, which she hadn’t. The numbers were obviously a variety of zeroid designations.
Everything else had apparently been signed off by a Space Sgt Polly Owun.
Mary swallowed so hard in her effort not to crack a smile that she strained something and winced. “I don’t see an issue.”
“I thought we said that we were going to tell him to stop with the whole ‘Polly’ nonsense?” Ninestein grumbled. “Instead I find out that you’re not only indulging him, you let him add a made-up surname as well?!”
Mary let the smile come to the surface. “Technically, that is just his normal designation. We just replaced the first ‘One’ with ‘Polly’.”
He frowned, confused, mulled it over for an instant, then covered his face with both hands. “Polly Oh-One. That’s terrible.”
“According to Hiro, it’s 101’s favourite joke, at the moment.”
“Why does that fail to shock me. Never let it be said that our zeroids learned to also have a decent grasp of comedy alongside their emotions.”
Mary snorted into her teacup. “I thought it was rather cute, coming from a robot. Anyway, I don’t remember ever agreeing with you. If he wants to be called Polly, let him. It works in my favour that people don’t think he’s just a typo, any more.”
“It’s undignified! He’s a zeroid, not a… flaming… parrot.”
“And that’s today’s excuse, is it?”
“Because last week it was, and I quote, if we don’t nip it in the bud now, everyone else will want to join in,” she ticked each point off on her fingers, “and I can’t even understand all their accents, how the hell will I remember all the absurd names they’ll decide to give themselves? End quote.”
“That was an entirely reasonable complaint, as well! There’s over a hundred of those little idiots rolling around!” Ninestein protested, throwing his hands up.
“Tiger.” Mary leaned forwards onto her elbows and smiled the world’s widest smile. “If it keeps all the paperwork 101 is more than capable of doing for himself off my desk, and means I no longer have to countersign every last request for a paperclip, he can call himself precisely what he likes, as far as I’m concerned!”
Poor Dix-Huit tries to be the voice of reason by comparing it to his own designation and only manages to make things worse.
101 is all “ha ha oopsie? O____o I will be over here if anyone needs me. Inaccessible. In orbit.”
Lois wants to know why they gave him a girl’s name and hopes it’s not because they think only girls can be secretaries in which case she is waiting here with a rolled-up newspaper to hit people with.
Zero thinks there is infinite wind-up potential in “Space Sgt Pretty Polly” but for once is instantly foiled because 101 doesn’t care because it’s his name and he was given it by his friends and he likes his name so screw off anyway, Zee-ro.)
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lostnearinfinity · 2 years
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The newest wave of @bio_masters mutants are here. As @captaincraybeard noted the paint scheme matches up with @onelldesign Wave 72's Mraedis Agents which happens to also be the 2018 White Buildstation drop I was thinking of. Also Classic Sentinel from @toyfinity if you have one and you probably do have one if you collected Robo Force. Our other friend matched up with OD's Wave 84 Renegade Curator which I bought entirely for the two Gobon Renegade heads in 2019. The Phaseon form is happy to get some new parts. The Renegade head will fit on the Bio Mutant body, but I'd suggest using a hair dryer and a LEGO separator to pop it out as it sits fairly flush to the rim. #glyos #biomasters #toyfinity #roboforce #zeroids #white #brown https://www.instagram.com/p/Cou_X07OnBF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gerryandersontv · 2 years
Terrahawks: From Zelda With Love! - A Gerry Anderson A21 News Story
The man in black barely made a sound as he crept between the shadows of the alleyways in Bereznik’s Old Quarter. Agent Nine was one of the most special agents in the World Intelligence Network and the mission on which he was engaged was one of supreme importance. Not for the first time that night, he reminded himself that the fate of the world could well depend on the success of his rendezvous…
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laufire · 10 days
several sentences sunday
My most slice-of-life* WIP is (what's supposed to be) this preboot one-shot with established!Jaytim and past!Jayroy where Tim and Roy somehow end up teaming up, bonding about Jason, and this leads to Jason and Roy reconnecting as friends. Because I want my favourite guy to have good things once in a while, amidst all the dying and suffering and brainwashing and and and several other ordeals I put him through in other stories xD. I've shared earlier versions of this excerpt on DMs and I thought I might as well put it here. Under the cut, because it gets a bit long.
*for now... catch me adding plot smh
“I bet you two talked about me,” Jason teased him.
Tim, distractedly setting the table, hummed in confirmation.
Tim zeroid in on that little sound; on the almost too long pause preceding it. “All good things,” he reassured him, smiling.
Jason’s face remained carefully, uncharacteristically neutral; in someone naturally so expressive, Tim had learned to interpret that as a sign of deep inner turmoil.
“Seriously, Jason,” he added, trying to impress weight on every single syllable, “Roy thinks the world of you.”
Although Jason’s shoulders relaxed, Tim could tell that his mind wasn’t in the room with them, not wholly, for the duration of their dinner.
Later, when Jason, even silent and pensive as he was, maintained the routine of keeping him company while he insisted on doing the dishes, guest or not, as it'd been Jason's turn to cook, Tim took a deep breath and told him: “You could call him.”
“You want me to reconnect with my ex?” Jason asked, words dripping skepticism.
The truth was that, initially, Tim had briefly entertained the idea of saying the same thing to Roy, imagining he'd be less likely than Jason to overthink it and take a first step that'd Jason have to react to. Old habits died hard, but the few conversations about what Jason had to say about Tim's mediation and meddling and busybody tendencies did their work.
The reason why the idea came to Tim at all was that after just a few hours with the man, it was plain to see that Roy, even if they hadn’t actually spoken in a couple of years, was someone who could be counted on to be in Jason’s corner.
Tim still remembered the first time he spoke with Talia after he started dating Jason. It couldn’t be called a shovel talk; Tim had been the target of one or two of those, and they all dripped paternalism, condescendence, and a lack of respect for the boundaries of the person they were supposed to shield. Talia clearly respected Jason’s choice –she, simply, didn’t think much of Tim, on his own. But although she didn’t have the warmest way to show it, Jason was one of her favourite people in the world, and if that was the close he'd get to a shovel talk on his behalf, it was the first one Tim was happy to receive.
It was also in stark contrast to Bruce’s reaction when Tim told him. He’d bypassed all the arguments about why Jason would be bad for Tim, maybe presuming someone else had already failed to convey them, and instead spoke of all the ways Jason wasn’t mentally capable of handling a relationship, and of all the ways Tim would set him back once their relationship inevitably went down in flames. Tim had gone cold, utterly furious, and warned Bruce off repeating those words aloud anywhere Jason could hear them.
Roy, albeit cordial and warm in comparison, had landed on the Talia-est end of the spectrum. He'd clearly taken the mission as an opportunity to suss Tim out, proding to see if he was good to Jason, and showing at every turn that he knew well the value of what Tim had with him. It was a novelty in his circle.
To sum it up: Tim would welcome in anyone who was on Jason’s side, truly on Jason’s side, no matter what they thought of Tim’s presence in his life or how it could affect him. And Roy seemed to fit the criteria.
“If you think that’s something you’d like to do, then yes: I want you to reconnect with your ex,” he parroted.
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kitnapz · 1 month
Girlie drop the skincare routine why are you so gorgeous 😭😭😭
wahh thank you >_<🤍🤍 i actually used to have rly bad acne but zeroid intensive ointment cream saved my life! i also make sure to stack on a bunch of hydrating serums before i put on lotion (currently i use a shegaia ample i stole from my mom)
most of my skin/acne problems resulted from lack of hydration. so ya!
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chickenpeep77kirbyau · 9 months
Fecto Elfilis
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Elfilin's natural species, Idrelian, lives in a high magic world and fly around with levitation. This allows the males of the species to have absurdly big and fancy display features, since weight isn't as much of an issue. The females (lower left) are more plain, with smaller ears, lack of horns and side of face structures, and reduced caruncles, along with lack of neck floof and a more faded belly marking. Since it wouldn't be good for a species to laser blast rivals to death constantly(too risky for both combatants), the males settle for display features and posturing to compete with each other.
I believe Facto Forgo is some version of a zeroid ish lifeform. Elfilin/Elfilis(?) (Was that even his original name?) seeked power and made an alliance with it, increasing his power. This life form fused with Elfilin. Its then wanting to consume everything leads me to believe that its method of power increase is similar to Marx's, using absorbed energy to stabilize and increase magic amount pulled in from micro rifts. Their journey began a relatively short time ago, and, coming from a low tech planet, he saw a low magic planet and assumed it would be an easy first conquest, but did not yet understand the power of advanced technology. How else would you explain how the Forgotten Land civilization was able to capture it at their apparent technological level? ("Ultimate Life Form". "The Great One". Lmao settle down buddy you're nothing in the grand scheme of things.) If not stopped, they presumably would have eventually returned to the Idrelian home world and absorbed them all after it became strong enough to fight them all.
Forgotten Land's civilization (It's Earth, but a parallel universe version of it), due to the nature of magic and their low to none magic world, are unable to actually learn its worm hole magic, but by studying its effects, are eventually able to duplicate it with technology. This time at Lab Discovera fractured his mind, resulting in the separation of Elfilin and Fecto Forgo/April I I'd old self. Elfilin manifested as a form resembling a juvenile Idrelian(ears are on the big side for his apparent age). Fecto Forgo is unable to remain stable for long without a host soul and began reverting to its base physical form. They put it in stasis somehow. Idk. At their technological level and not knowing much about magic I'm not sure how they figured it out. Or maybe in my au it was just a blob in the tank. They believed the wormholes could take them to higher realms, so they all left for this supposed realm. Where they went and what happened to them is unknown. Elfilin had a hard time after his magic ran out(no Forgo so no magic generation), so its a miracle he survived. Luckily the cities were pretty safe and well stocked with food.
The Forgotten Lands world actually fluctuates in magic amount over time, and if the civilization had waited a while longer, they would have seen the reoccurrence of a higher magic period. Many lifeforms were able to rapidly readapt due to old hidden genes reactivated(there's a scientific term for the reactivation of old ancestral genes but I don't remember what it is). Elfilin was able to levitate again. He has kept some of the abilities he had during his time possessed by Forgo. Also that spear is still around.
Forgo escapes into a pocket dimension. It seems to have features of both physical reality and mind reality. Its also technically part of Forgo, as a semi physical manifestation of Forgo's mind. It is spreading out Leongar's soul to make him a suitable host. Kirby stops that. Forgo, in a weakened state, is predated upon by a type of soul absorbing entity. It tries to carry out Forgo's last wish to destroy Kirby. Its defeated, allowing Forgo to turn the tables on who's absorbing who and reassert control, becoming Chaos Elfilis. Kirby wins again, and Forgo is destroyed once and for all.
I'm thinking after he reunited with the small portion of his old self that wanted forgiveness, he started growing again, in age and in power as he ages. Maybe he can relocate his home world, though how would they react to this child so advanced in skill at his apparent age?
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He can still GET you
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claudiosuenaga · 11 months
A Teoria dos Zeroides: Seriam alguns dos OVNIs criaturas vivas ou bioformas?
Antes de tudo, faço questão de deixar bem claro que mesmo que esta teoria venha a ser confirmada, ela não explica o Fenômeno OVNI em sua totalidade, mas só uma ínfima parte dele.
Uma teoria muito pouco discutida na ufologia é a de que os OVNIs possam ser Zeroides, termo genérico para bioformas ou criaturas vivas que habitam os recônditos do espaço.
Assistia aqui no canal, o vídeo em que o ufólogo, criptozoologista e físico nuclear Dr. Franklin Ruehl (1950-2015) fala sobre a Teoria dos Zeroides: https://youtu.be/TmOwSq3UnO4
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✅ Adquira "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?" https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
✅ Adquira “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, bem como meus dois primeiros livros, "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?" e "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?", diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
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Demon Jesse
As she put on the glowing pink lipstick, Jesse thought about something. All her life, Jesse wanted to be with the Stacies, but she always miss that chance every time. Terry then knocks on the door.
Terry: muffling Jesse? You almost done?
Jesse: Uh yeah, I’m done. I’m heading out now.
Jesse walks out of the door tiredly as she heads to her room. She then puts on her pajamas and looks at the mirror sadly.
Music in the background: “Beautiful” from Christina Aguilera
Jesse then heads to bed as she sheds a little tear in her eye, as if she was feeling left out by her transformed family. But as she falls asleep, a glow appears on herself. She then started to have nightmares like Turning Red, one that involves her two adults, her brothers and the Stacies and their friends insulting and blaming her for ruining their lives, a muscular demon looking at her, a spirit of a demon flying through and a shadow of herself as something terrible….. a muscular monstrous demon Shlorpian! Jesse awakes form her nightmares in fear as she breathes in and out in tears.
Jesse: Nnnnooooo! breathes in and out as she begins to cry
Yumyulack: wakes up Hey Jesse, what’s wrong? You having a nightmare?
Jesse: breaks down in tear as she hugs Yumyulack Oh Yumyulack, it was horrible. Everybody was blaming me, there was a monster and I turned into one and…and…
Yumyulack: Hey it’s okay. Just get some rest, you’ll be fine in the morning.
Jesse worriedly head back to her bed and head back to sleep. But then, the next morning…
Jesse: yawning
Terry: yelling from downstairs Kids! Breakfast is ready!
Yumyulack and Jesse: Coming.
After Yumyulack finished getting ready for school, Jesse heads into the restroom. But once she looks at the mirror, she suddenly sees glittering spots all over her body with different shades of pink as she gasp in horror.
Jesse: screams in horror as she slams the door
Korvo: Jesse?! Damn it Terry, did you scare her about this puberty thing again?
Terry: What? Pfft, no. That’s ridiculous, Jesse’s growing up, she knows about this stuff! starts gloobering
Korvo: sigh I know what she needs.
Jesse quickly started to panic as she looks around her body.
Jesse: Oh my God! What is happening to me?! crying but stops once she realizes something Wait a minute, I look perfect! This is just like what the Stacies use to wear. I think my luck is changing! The girls are so gonna love it! I’m gonna be the most popular girl in school!
Jesse’s imagination daydream shows up inside her head as it shows the Stacies and their friends adoring Jesse’s new look.
Stacy K: Oh my God Jesse, you look so fucking cool!
Stacy F: I totally wanna be your friend!
Dylan: Kiss me Jesse!
The daydream ended once Korvo knocks on the door.
Jesse: gasp Korvo!
Korvo: Jesse! Jesse, open the door! I got the stuff you need!
Jesse: puts on a pink jacket Yes. Thank you so much.
Korvo: Here you go. Just in case you start your zeroid. hands her puberty stuff
Jesse: Gee thanks Korvo. Well, better get ready. Better get breakfast.
Later, the Replicants head to school. Jesse head inside the girls’ bathroom where she takes off her coat.
Stacy F: offscreen Holy fuck! Jesse?
Jesse turns around and gasp to see the Stacies and their friends looking at her.
Stacy K: Oh my God! That’s so fucking cool.
Marie: You like a princess.
Stacy F: Do you wanna hang after lunch?
Jesse: Yes. suddenly notices a horn appearing on her forehead Huh?
Stacy F: Great see you then!
As the Stacies and their friends left, Jesse started to panic once she notices the horns looks like a demons’ horn as she panics.
Jesse: Oh no! This is awful, I have to do something or the Stacies are gonna kill me! gets a pink hat and puts it on her Phew. Okay, time to get Stacied!
A montage occurs which involved Jesse hanging out with the Stacies and their friends while Jesse tries to hide her horns. Yumyulack grows worried and suspicious about his sister. Later, he heads home where Korvo and Terry were busy restraining themselves due to their side effects from their monster forms.
Yumyulack: Korvo! Terry! We need to talk, I think Jesse is hiding something and-
Korvo: holding his arm that is glowing blue Not right now Yumyulack. Terry and I are busy trying to control ourselves.
Terry: restraining his arm that is growing green cat fur and it glows light green Korvo, we have to keep trying! We have to gain control before-
Yumyulack: I know how! You guys, we have been controlling ourselves by not letting our frustrations get the best of us. We just kept on going whenever trouble burst around here. Because, we’re the Solar Opposites!
Korvo: He’s right! We have to stop! We have full control!
Terry: We got this guys!
As said, Korvo and Terry manage to gain control as their arms turn back to normal. Suddenly, Terry sees the glowing pink lipstick Jesse put on and grow suspicious.
Terry: What the?
Later, in the lab, Korvo gasp once he ran DNA tests on the lipstick as the gang screams in horror.
Yumyulack: What the fuck is happening?!
Terry: That thing can turn someone into a demon?!
Korvo: But who used it? None of us are even girls! Damn it!
Suddenly, the three aliens’ eyes shrink in horror as they suddenly realized in horror who put it on.
Terry: Holy fuck! Jesse!
Terry quickly got in the taxi and tells the cab driver where to drop him off. Back with Jesse, she tried her best to hide her looks, only for her to grow taller and muscular and her horns grow larger too as her hands develop claws on them.
Jesse: Aw man, this is getting worst, but at least the Stacies didn’t know.
Suddenly, she hears talking and laughing coming from outside as she hears the Stacies.
Stacy K: Can you believe that loser Jesse totally believed we wanted her to be our friend? laughing That bitch is really a slut.
Stacy F: Yeah, we only hang out with her because the sparkles.
Dee Dee: I know, what a loser.
The Stacies and their friends laugh as Jesse turned around in shock with a jaw drop.
Jesse: All this time… the Stacies only liked me…. voice suddenly gets distorted FOR MY SKIN?! growls I can’t believe they fucking tricked me! Those fucking skanks! smashes a mirror with her fist as her eyes started to glow dark pink Ugh, I can’t believe this! Why doesn’t anyone care about me for being me?!
Terry: runs into the school once he suddenly sees the sunset and gasp Oh no! Jesse!
Back in the girls restroom, Jesse growls as she finishes growing, her back gained magenta demon wings, her teeth became demon fangs and she started to growl once the Stacies enter the room.
Stacy F: What the fuck?!
Demon Jesse: roars loudly
Stacy K: Aaaaahhh! It’s a monster! Run!
The girls ran for their lives as Terry runs past through them and gasp once he saw Jesse finishing her transformation. The full moon then appears and Terry turns around to see the moon as he starts transforming.
Terry: Oh shit.
Terry turns into his werecat, and after yowling at the moon, sniffs for Jesse as he growls. Suddenly, he sees a mysterious being with dark pink eyes. Once he turns on the lights, he sees Jesse, now a monstrous she-demon with a ruined dress growling at him.
Werecat Terry: gaining the ability to speak but with a different voice Holy fuck! Jesse?!
Demon Jesse: Roar!
Jesse the punches on Terry and begins to attack him in blind rage as they got out of the school while Terry tries his best to restrain Jesse.
Werecat Terry: Jesse, stop! You have control yourself. You’ve gone crazy!
Demon Jesse: Nooo!
Werecat Terry: Aaah, my poor Jesse! She’s gonna crazy! What do I d-
Before he could do something, Jesse grabs him and prepares to lift him but suddenly, Jesse’s demon eyes became normal as she tries to regain most of her sanity.
Demon Jesse: normal voice No-ho!
Jesse quickly drops Terry as he groans but suddenly, sees Jesse growing scared as her voice grows distorted again.
Werecat Terry: Now’s my chance. walks up to Jesse Jesse, it’s me. Terry, your adult. It’s gonna be okay sweetie. Korvo and I are gonna help you. We’ll figure out this transformation thing, but please control yourself, babygirl.
Jesse then tries to attack Terry again, but then Terry quickly grabs her hand and starts soothing her.
Werecat Terry: Shhhh.
Demon Jesse: T-Terry?
Werecat Terry: Yes sweetie, it’s me. Terry.
Demon Jesse: I-I’m… what happened to me? I’m so scared! Terry, what am I gonna do? I’m a monster…….breaks down in tears as Terry comforts her.
Werecat Terry: Shhhh. There there Jesse-bear. Terry’s here. It’s gonna be okay. I got you.
Terry soothes Jesse as a scene flashes back to a memory of Terry soothing Jesse as a infant. The scene switches back to the present as Jesse calms down and smiles at Terry. The adult and replicant hug each other “Father and Daughter” from Paul Simon played in the background as the two decided to head home.
Werecat Terry: Come on Jesse-bear. Let’s go home.
Unknown to them, Miss Frankie has been watching them this whole time as she growls in fury.
Miss Frankie: That’s it! I had it! Time to take matters into my own hands!
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
no1 car id fuck if i was a transformer - rb08
no2 car id fuck if i was a transformer - zeroid x1
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drmopp1966 · 11 months
woah yall are really liking the anderson-related posts huh
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keaalu · 25 days
TH fic masterlist
Just because I like to have it all in one place! Partly so I know what I'm working on and partly an effort to hold myself to acount and finish things (except loool yeah that latter part never works)
These are just the "big" ones I'm working on (posted, or in the background).
Meteoric (https://archiveofourown.org/works/55505092) ~One of our zeroids is missing.~ After accidentally getting shot down out of orbit, 101 is lost in… well no-one is entirely sure. Best the Terrahawks can make out is "southern England, prrrobably London?", but that's a best guess. Incurring damage in the fall, with no functional memory of who he actually is any more, 101 can’t exactly help get himself “un-lost”. Fortunately, he ends up in the company of a group of students, who are more than happy to give him a place to stay while everyone figures it all out. Unfortunately, some people have their own agendas, and “help the little lost guy get home” isn’t one of them.
Square Pegs Sergeant Major Zero's "genius plan" to help Space Sergeant 101 get over his newfound fear of heights could have ABSOLUTELY done with a lot of finessing before he put it into action. But it's finally got 101 off Spacehawk, so that's a good thing! Right? Unfortunately, what came back… wasn't 101.
Tickets Hiro asks Kate to get him some tickets so he can take his best friend to the threatre. The consequences are… unexpected? But not unwelcome. (All right fine this is silly self-indulgent fluff, partly inspired by a dream I had and went "I wish I could use that", immediately followed with WELL WHY NOT. The canon stuff is just as insane.)
A Hundred and One Ways This got a bit dark ¬_¬ I haven't pinned down the nitty-gritty yet but suffice to say it involves parasitic alien mind control, woooo~~
Sphered Well, I've had fun turning nonhuman characters human/related, so why not swap the process around?
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lostnearinfinity · 2 years
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Manglord in turn whips Omega into the ground by his arm (as requested by @toyfinity) 😝😝😝 #glyos #manglord #manglors #roboforce #zeroids https://www.instagram.com/p/Coh2jk9uYbm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ee22iicoi · 3 months
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