#zhongli x pregnant reader
seakicker · 1 year
mother's day hc that you tell the genshin boys you're pregnant on mother's day so they decide to celebrate by getting you double pregnant?
YES MA’AM i had a randomizer pick four names for me out of all the guys i write for… kinda laughing at 3/4 of them being all the Serious, Stoic ones lol
fem reader, pregnancy, breeding, overstimulation (alhaitham) and knotting (gorou) below!
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You can never be too sure, he says— a good, valid experiment hinges upon proper reliability. Do you know how many undergraduate experimental reports he’s dismissed on account of their supposed “results” being the chance of mere coincidence or random chance? It never hurts to eliminate the possibility of a false positive and to ensure that your positive pregnancy test result is a true positive by breeding you all over again and having you take another pregnancy test in five weeks or so.
When you tell him you’re pregnant, he responds with a quiet nod before almost analyzing all of the behavior you’ve displayed over the last few weeks. Yes, the news makes perfect sense— last week, Alhaitham overheard you wondering aloud if your period was late or if you had just tracked it wrong, and he’d have to be a fool to not know what a missed period is the universal signifier of. The news comes at a perfect time, so he couldn’t be happier— though your husband certainly has a… uniquely stoic way of expressing happiness.
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That night, he replicates every last aspect of the night he imagines he got you pregnant some five weeks ago (it’s a simple calculation, really) down to your spot on the bed and the clothes he was wearing just to make sure that a false positive is out of the question. Perhaps he’ll have to come inside if you twice tonight just to really seal the deal that you’re pregnant— once is chance, twice is a coincidence, and thrice is a true pattern. You’d like to try and convince him that surely there’s no need for all of this, that pregnancy tests rarely, rarely fail or show an incorrect result, but there’s no pushing back against your husband’s logical calculations or sense of reason— not that you’re much in the condition to even try to speak with him anyways.
When your husband has you spread open wide with your knees pressed up against either side of your chest, a light conversation is absolutely out of the picture. You’d consider it a feat to muster up anything other than splintered whines of your husband’s name and delicate pleas for him to slow down— though, truthfully, it’d be an even bigger feat if you managed to successfully convince Alhaitham of doing the latter. He hasn’t stalled or slowed his pace for even a fraction of a second because he, of course, is trying to replicate the night he very likely knocked you up exactly, and he just so happened to be absolutely railing you that night.
“You can certainly take more than this.” That’s all he offers when you beg him to slow down again. “I’ve discovered, met, and exceeded every last one of your limits myself, and this pace, this position, and this fervor hardly come close to any of those. I’m simply validating your claim before I take to preparing the spare room for our child.”
You gasp and let your head fall back against the pillow, defeated and overwhelmed in equal tandem by your husband’s delightful Mother’s Day plans.
Alhaitham only chuckles once, a satisfied smirk so faint on his lips that you almost don’t catch it at all. “You’ll be alright. We’ll have nine entire months to be gentle.”
Zhongli has lived a normal human lifetime nearly ninety times over— yet, fascinatingly, he always insists he’s come nowhere close in experiencing everything life, nature, humanity, and civilization have to offer, an assertion you’ve always found downright impossible to fathom. How does somebody not get bored after six thousand years of life? You know people who are bored after just four years of working in the same career before they jump ship and try to find something, anything completely different.
He offers the exact same explanation every single time you once again ask how he still finds things to do, places to go, and activities to enjoy after being alive for so long— he always, always smiles softly and explains that he never gets bored with life because you’re in it, and you show him new things, new foods, and new ways to love and enjoy the world that he never even imagined prior to meeting you.
You’ll admit that you’ve found his reasoning somewhat hard to believe on a few separate occasions— like he’s seriously been alive for over six thousand years, yet he’s never tried red bean ice cream from Inazuma before? It’s not exactly a rare or expensive good. However, there are other times when you think you understand what he means, and his logic has never been more evident than today because you told your darling husband that you’re pregnant this morning.
“I’ve never been a father before,” Zhongli hums as he presses a wide circle of kisses all around the cusp of your tummy. “I’ve tutored and taught many, but I’ve never raised a child as my own from their very birth.”
“Does it make you nervous?” You grip his left hand a little tighter as his right comes to rub a soothing circle over the apex of your soft belly.
He pauses for a moment. “I see no reason to be afraid of new experiences, let alone ones I have you to guide me through. I’ve found that sampling life’s uncertainties and navigating its surprises provide far more enrichment than routine.”
You laugh. “I don’t think I can do much ‘guiding’ here, my love— I’ve never been a mother before either. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Zhongli melts. How do you always know just how to tickle his heart with the most innocuous of statements?
“And that is exactly why I’m not nervous— because we’ll have each other to both learn from and learn alongside. I’ve spent the vast majority of my life being the teacher and not the student, so opportunities to learn with you excite me.”
All you can do is hide your face with your free hand, your cheeks warm and your grin obvious. Your husband chuckles and kisses a line down the bottom half of your tummy, down your hips, and all the way down, down, down until he runs into the fabric of your panties.
“I’ve read that intimacy during pregnancy has an array of positive effects for a mother,” Zhongli notes, gently sliding a hand down to tug your panties to the side. “We’ll have to try every last tip and wives’ tale, won’t we, my love?”
Completely opposite to that of Zhongli, Diluc’s perspective on celebratory sex on Mother’s Day is that it’s about as tired, cliche, and lazy as celebratory sex on a birthday, New Year’s Eve, or Valentine’s Day. Really, any other holiday where people feel the need to either supplement their actual present with sex because they fear what they really bought their spouse just isn’t good enough on its own or because they forgot to get them a present entirely.
Or so he says.
He’s always been of the opinion that love and intimacy expressed on a random day of the year without any special meaning bears more weight than celebratory holiday sex— why should sex be included as part of the celebratory experience when a married couple is expected to regularly display intimacy towards one another? You’ve teased him about this cynical, grumpy take plenty of times, but you’ve almost come to agree with him regardless— it’s hard to even have the energy for sex at the end of your birthday or on the evening of Valentine’s Day when you’re just so exhausted by everything Diluc planned for you during the day. Perhaps it’s entirely because he doesn’t take special occasions lightly that he sees no need to end the day on a cliche.
Well, there’s a first for everything.
“I thought you don’t do celebratory sex,” you whimper with a sharp inhale. You had meant for the statement to sound more teasing and alluring, but it’s damn near impossible to keep your composure when your husband’s spent the past hour and a half between your legs.
Diluc, for the first time in ninety minutes, actually pulls away from your slick, saliva-coated pubic mound to stare up at you over your tummy. How amusing— this is the smallest he’ll see your tummy for the next nine months, and something tells him he’s not going to miss it whatsoever.
“We’ve never celebrated Mother’s Day before simply because you were never a mother for any of them. Today is different— and of course this news deserves celebration.” That’s right— you did mention to Diluc that you’re pregnant this morning over breakfast, didn’t you?
You take advantage of this impromptu break to make eye contact with your husband, who hasn’t looked this… disheveled in quite some time. Bangs plastered to his forehead, nose and chin dripping with a mix of saliva and your fluids, and pupils blown wide with desire, this is a Diluc you don’t get to see very often— and you know how to revel in the treat.
“Making exceptions to your own rules doesn’t suit you.” There, that one actually sounded teasing.
He offers a sort of shrug in response. “I’d have to be devoid of all emotion entirely to not want to celebrate my wife’s body when she tells me it’s pregnant with our very first child.” He glides his soaked lips down the inside of your thighs elegantly and with purpose, taking care to stop just before where thigh meets labia to really relish in your scent.
“Besides,” Diluc murmurs. “I’d like to map out how your body looks now so I can properly appreciate how much lovelier you’ll look once you begin to actually show how well I’ve bred you.”
Gorou tentatively asks you to repeat yourself just to make sure that he heard you properly, which carries a good amount of irony given his exceptionally superhuman hearing. He just wants to make sure he heard you properly— telling him you’re pregnant on Mother’s Day? He can’t think of anything more perfect than that, so it’d be a shame if he just imagined you saying it— he’s dreamed of being a father for so long now that if you were to hit him with a “gotcha” now, he might faint from disappointment.
Realistically, he should’ve put two and two together three weeks ago, but leave it to your husband to miss something glaringly obvious without your explicit guidance or direction. It’s almost funny to think that, despite his keen sense of smell, taste, and hearing, his overprotective nature, and his well-developed common sense, it’s so easy for him to miss the elephant in the room and get distracted by something incredibly unrelated to whatever he’s supposed to be looking out for.
He should have known from the second he found himself growing more and more overprotective of you without any visible or tangible piece of evidence as to why— you weren’t sick, you weren’t injured, and you weren’t otherwise vulnerable… or so he thought. It wasn’t obvious to him at the time, but now that you’ve confirmed it for him… it makes perfect sense. His nose already knew you were pregnant then— he picked up in the slightest change in your hormone levels without even realizing it, and now that he knows you’re pregnant?
He won’t leave your side for a single moment these next nine months.
Apparently, his vow to stay by your side 24/7 started the very moment you first broke the news to him— with your husband pressed so close up against you, you wouldn’t be surprised if you two just simply combined. Gorou’s hips slap against your ass so roughly and so quickly the sound of skin making contact with skin bounces off the walls and fills your ears, almost threatening to drown out your husband’s elated rambling.
Almost, but not quite. Nothing will get him to stop talking once he’s already started running his mouth.
“I just— I’ve just wanted this for so long,” he pants, looping his hands around your thighs to press them against the front your belly. “It’s just instinct, I guess? I just— Archons— there’s no better way to spend my life than with a sweet wife and a big, big family of our cute little pups.” He’ll be sure to keep you pregnant now that the precedent has already been established— Gorou knows he’ll miss taking you doggy style when your belly gets too big to safely attempt such a position, but he’s sure he can figure out a nice, comfortable compromise.
“I’ll get lots of time off from work! It’ll be easy. I’ll spend every day taking good, good care of you and our family because that’s— that’s what good husbands do, right? I’ll get Thoma to teach me tons of nutritious meals for you because I only know how to prepare quick rations for troops,” Gorou notes with a sheepish chuckle before he hunches over your back and whimpers brokenly. Will you still be able to take his knot while you’re pregnant, or will it be too much for you? He can’t push you too far now that you’re the most delicate you’ve ever been, heavy with the promise of a big family, right?
“I love you so much,” he gasps, nails digging into your belly softly as he loses control of himself. “And I’ll be the best father possible!”
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ventingv · 1 year
how would zhongli and neuvillette react to readers body changing as the egg grows?
When the first signs of the egg start appearing Zhongli would feel a deep satisfaction at the sight that he was the one to do that to you, that you are the one carrying his child.
When it becomes more obvious of the pregnancy you were having the people of Liyue would almost always see Zhongli walking besides you when you were out doing errands.
During the final months he would use all his sick, vacation, and maternity leave to make sure that you wouldn’t have to worry about giving birth while he wasn’t there.
I’m sorry to say but he would be basically a helicopter parent as soon as he learns of your pregnancy.
It’s not out of something malicious or that he doesn’t trust you but with him being the Chief Justice and the hydro dragon he’s worried that people may try to harm you or the eggs you are carrying to get back at him. So expect to be constantly under someone that he trusts watch when it’s not him.
During the final months it would be even worse due to him asking constantly if you need anything, if you feel any pain, or if you think the eggs may be come. The only time of pease you would get from him is when you send him out to get something from the house, such as take out. Which he does almost instantly, not wanting to make you sad or unhappy.
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ishitandgiggle · 1 month
hey guys did you know zhongli can canonically get pregnant
I don't know what I'm doing. This is purely for shits and giggles DON'T COME AT ME.
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"i..i'm pregnant.." zhongli says nervously. "hey no it's okay.." you squeeze his hand as reassurance. "we'll raise it together, okay?" "It'll be alright. deep breaths." "in.... out.." "there we go. doing such a great job for me, darling." "thank you.." zhongli mummers before snuggling up close to you, caressing his now PREGNANT belly. "i'm here for you, sweetheart.." "do you want me to call neuvillette? he could help you. he's had 4 pregnancies after all." "i.. i don't want to feel like a burden.." "no, no, please don't think like that, love." you gently give him a kiss on the forehead. he looks away. "i've.. never had someone care for me like this.. it's always been-" "hey, hey, look at me." you softly grab his chin, tilting his head to face you. it felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest. how dare someone treat him like that?
Who do you think the father is? (It's me)
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lovely-lein · 2 years
You and zhongli were lovers for so many years already it was unexpected but worked out great, but what you both were really not expecting was for you to be expecting, now the problem was zhongli, yes he was over the moon going to celestia and all but if you think he were protective when you weren't pregnant then you are so wrong cause he is 2x no atleast 10x more protective over you now that your carrying his child, he helped you through your morning sickness, weird cravings and all, here comes the part where he is so worried about he's worried about you when your about to give birth he wouldn't be ready to lose you that's why he tries his best to do everything just to protect you he is gentle, but strict with you and he knows no both of you knew that everything would be just fine.
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aetheternity · 2 years
Ngl it bugs me a little bit when I'm reading an x reader with pregnant reader and said pregnant reader got that way because of an immortal being but the pregnancy is completely the same as it would be for a normal human baby..
Have the immortal father explain to reader that carrying said baby to full term would only require four months of pregnancy instead of the normal nine. Have said baby need far more food than a normal baby. Have a huge risk of death. Maybe even have said baby talk to their mom in the womb via telepathy. The options are literally endless.
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berriblossom · 1 year
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X fem reader, btw
Imagine your husband gains baby fever. He sees how you hold children, how you're so gentle and careful with them. How all your friends have children and talk about the joys and happiness they have with their little babies.
Imagine how he sees your disappointed smile about how you two don't have a little one yet.
This leads him to imagine what it would be like to have a little one around, how'd they cling onto you and their cute smile. How'd they look like a perfect mixture of the both of you. His perfect girl and his perfect child.
This leads to everytime he fucks your sweet pussy, he stays a little long before pulling out and spilling his hot cum onto your tummy and chest, whenever his cock is pushing into your womb he pushes his hand onto your tunny for you to feel him fucking your cervix and promising he'll give you that baby.
How many nights he'd have you ass up, face down as he fucks your pussy, pleading to you to let him get you pregnant. How sometimes in the middle of the night he'd eat you out in the middle of the night claming "he needed a taste before he filled you up again". Its so cute when he begs and pleads that he loves the look of your cunt leaking his cum.
How greedy he'd get when you cockwarm him, his thick, long cock throbbing just to fill you with his cum and get you pregnant. How'd he fantasize about your swollen tummy, your milk-filled breast just leaking your sweet milk for him to taste.
Goodness when you finally beg him to fuck a baby into him, hes already planning his next vacation at work for the next few weeks to give you that baby.
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Its not a problem if i don't admit its one
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lyneira · 1 year
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♤ can I be deep inside of your love? ♤
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-> after you both climax, he decides to stay buried inside of you. Why?
fem!reader x genshin men / cw: unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, cockwarming
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Wants to ensure you're having his babies
ZHONGLI, Ayato, Childe, Gorou
He'll keep himself buried deep inside you even after blowing his load into you because this man is MAKING SURE that you'll be pregnant with his child after this night (with your consent of course). He had already came in you so much that his seed was oozing out of your hole, to his dismay. And of course it would. Because even now, he was still managing to empty the rest of himself out into you as he further buried himself in your core.
As he's basking in your warmth, he's also basking in delight, rubbing small circles at your hip with his thumb as thoughts of you carrying his child run through his head. Imagining you with your belly swollen and round and seeing you with that special glow, gosh, the thought makes him swoon. You'd look so beautiful. It all excites him so, that he plants a tender, loving kiss to your lips, and whispers,
"There's no one else that I'd make the mother of my children other than you, my love...you'll make such a beautiful mommy"
He feels the closest to you like this
KAVEH, Kazuha, Baizhu, Thoma
Just because he's finished blowing his load into you doesn't mean he's done with you. He feels that this next part, where he's simply buried inside you, is just as significant as the previous act of thrusting his love into you.
This unity you both had made: joined together as one, bodies pressed up against one another's, hands intertwined, his lips locked on yours, tongues dancing with each other, and him sheathed deeply inside you. This is where he feels the closest to you, both physically and emotionally, eyes looking into each other's with such vulnerability and love. Relishing in this feeling, he doesn't dare pull away. He views this union as romantic and meaningful as it was a declaration of love for you of an intimate nature, so he'd find it so insensitive to pull out immediately.
He also hopes to leave you with his warmth for as long as he can, just as you have enveloped him and given him warmth. He'd want to hold you like this for the rest of the night.
Loves the feeling
Venti, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya
Similar to the previous category, it simply feels so warm, so cozy, and so comfortable inside of you that he wouldn't want to pull out right away. He also wants to relish the feeling of being inside you, and he'd stay inside you for longer than you'd expect. Won't you let him be selfish a bit? Just feel the way his length was beautifully melded into your core. Wouldn't you want to stay like this too? He desires your touch and your heat for much longer.
He'll embrace you tightly the whole time, and if you begin to squirm, asking if he's done yet, he'll mumble into your neck, "No...just a little bit longer please...You feel too good", and he'll start leaving kisses up and down your neck and jaw to soothe you.
When the time comes that he has to pull out, he'll realize that he should do this more often. Maybe while you two are simply enjoying the time, not doing much, he'll think of pulling you onto his lap and slipping himself inside of you. He'd have a more enjoyable time and would make sure you would too.
Needless to say, cockwarming him would be a frequent thing between you two ;)
He can't
Alhaitham, Albedo, Cyno, Tighnari
Exhausted from his release, he initially tries to pull out of you. Yet, with your legs wrapped tightly around him and with your pussy still squeezing him and sucking him in so good, he just can't. He might have asked you to let up, but he couldn't find himself doing that either. It's not like he really wants to anyway. And with your pussy begging for his cock like that, who was he to resist?
He lets out heavy moans as you overstimulate his cock with each spasm and contraction of your walls tightening around him. The feeling of it all was terribly addictive and made him feel yet another high, an even more intense one at that. It's so intense that he finds himself pouring even more of his essence into you that he didn't know he had left.
A ring of his cum and yours was now formed at the hilt of his cock, the sight of it turning him on again Another round wouldn't hurt, would it? (You two wouldn't go one round; you two would go multiple rounds afterwards, and the cycle would repeat, heh)
Does it out of possessiveness
Scaramouche, Xiao, Diluc, Dainsleif
After releasing, you'd expect him to pull out, but he'd do the opposite. He'll grab you by your thighs and pull you in towards him while thrusting himself further into you, feeling as the mixture of your essence and his gushes out of your hole and stains his cock. More importantly, you'd also notice how desperately he'd cling to you: how he’d tightly hold your thighs at his sides, how his fingernails were digging into your skin, how deeply he was trying to bury himself into you, deepening his kiss to your core so lovingly.
Looking at your flushed face, all tired out, you couldn't look any more beautiful to him even like this; that expression, your touch, your warmth, your moans, your pussy, and most of all, your love was his. The entirety of you was his and his alone.
Under gritted teeth, he'd mutter, "You're mine, you know that?", holding you even closer as he feels you squeeze around him perfectly.
But when you gazed upon his face- oh, that look. It was so vulnerable. The way he looked into your eyes sought reassurance and was pleading, "Please never let me go...I'm yours and no one else's...and I give all of myself to you and only you"
So please tell him tenderly, "I know", and watch as relief washes over him, releasing his grip on your thighs to embrace you protectively. He'll then whisper a delicate, "I love you so much", into your ear, and won't be letting go of you for a while.
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Helloooo! May I request Zhongli, Itto, Neuvillette, and Tighnari's s/o asking them to make her a mommy?
Oh what a wonderful idea~
─⊰💕𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤💕⊰─
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{༻~Make me a mommy, pretty please~༺}
CW: NSFW, MDNI!!, Fem! Reader, breeding kink, no protection, slight mommy kink, creampie, slight mention of nipple play, scratching, big d*ck, and rough s*x!
Names used on the reader: Itto: Princess and Tighnari: Mutt, Neuvillette: My love
(Includes: Itto, Zhongli, Tighnari, and Neuvillette!)
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"I-i want to be a mommy, mmnhhg please Itto! C-cum inside!" You moaned loudly into the air, your nails digging into the large onis back as he nearly split you in two. You were a puddle beneath him, soaking the bed as he filled you past your limit with his thick cock, god you couldn't even see straight with how hard he was fucking you into the mattress.
He paused his movements, looking at you with this knowing glint in his eyes and smirk that left your legs quivering even more then they had been. He lifted up your chin and licked his lips, "You gonna carry my child for me like a good princess, give me a perfect baby~"
You couldn't even respond only weakly nod under his gaze and oh how he enjoyed seeing you so weak under him, "Then lets make sure you get pregnant tonight~"
"I w-wanna be a mommy, wanna carry your b-babies, mmnhhg!" You gasped your words in between his messy kisses, your body screaming for him to fill it with his seed, oh archons you didn't even know what had gotten into you but your urges had you clenching around his hard cock like it was the end of the world if you didn't. Your hands held bunches of his hair and with ever thrust of his hips you were almost blinded with ecstasy, the rest of existence drowned out as he groaned into your mouth "Mnhghh~"
He pulled away long enough to look you in the eyes, his gleaming yellow orbs shining like he intrigued by your request...you almost wanted to look away with how intense of a stare he somehow managed to hold while he still thrusted into you. "That's no trouble at all, I'll breed you until you're swarming with my offspring. Till your perfect body can't handle anymore and then just as it's healed up, I'll do it all again~"
"T-tighnar-i nhhg! Let me h-have your child, make me a mommy mnnh!! P-pleaseee" You gripped the sheets so hard your fingers where turning white, but it felt so good you were basically in a bath of your own heat. His cock destroying your tight pussy from behind you and the angle he was at reaching the places that made your eyes roll into the back of your head. You needed him to put a baby in, you just needed it animalistic instincts taking over when his teeth left imprints in your neck "F-fuck please mmnh! Please!!"
His hands slid up from where they'd been playing with your sensitive nipples and he pulled your whole body away from the mattress, your back up against his chest as he whispered into your ear, "My mutts so eager to be a mommy hmm, you gonna take every bit of my cum then? Cause I won't stop till you're overflowing~"
You let your head fall back as a loud desperate moan escaped you, your hips moving on their own as your desperately rocked into his massive cock, every inch of it making you feel like you were being torn apart but god it was so good you couldn't stop, "Neuvill-ette Mnhgh! O-oh god, please cum inside. M-make me a mommy! F-fuck please!!"
He groaned into your ear, his grip on your body growing tighter like he'd just forgotten every other thing but your request and how wonderful your pussy felt around him, "You want me to make you a mommy...you want to carry my child?" He forced you down onto him roughly and you absolutely screamed in joy, "Y-yes! Fuck yes!!"
"Then consider it done my love, just remember that you never get pregnant first try and I don't plan on going easy on you~"
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day!~*⁠.⁠✧
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Day 8: Breeding
♤♡-Pairs: Zhongli x Fem!reader
☆☆-Warnings: mentions of cum, tummy bulge, mating press, messy, mentions of getting reader pregnant, horny Zhongli, enjoy (;
When you came home from your shift this evening, you hadn't thought you'd come face to face with your husband. Working at the Funeral Parlor, he usually came home at later hours. But instead you found him sat on the couch, legs crossed as he held a cup of tea in his hand. And he only simply nodded when you greeted him.
Maybe it'd been a long day.
He would talk to you when he was ready, so you made your way into the kitchen. Rolling up your sleeves as you set to wash your hands, prepared to start dinner. Little did you know, that dinner would be long forgotten. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a nose brush against the skin of your neck. "I don't need dinner tonight. I only want you and that sweet pussy of yours."
Your hand immediately paused, your eyes widening. Zhongli's tone was different...deeper, more primal. And you couldn't help but squeeze your thighs together, out of habit. He chuckled deep in his throat, pressing his lips to your neck. "Meet me in our room, undressed." You swallowed thickly before nodding, he gave you one more kiss before slipping his hands from around you.
You had never moved so fast in your life, quickly drying your hands, you made your way to the shared bedroom. Quickly shedding your clothes, lying down on the silk of the sheets. Heavy footsteps made their way up the stairs shortly after. You weren't sure why he made you come up first or why you didn't enter together. But that wasn't important. The door opened, his large frame entering the room. His eyes never left your form as he undressed himself. Eyes full of lust and want, they seemed almost...darker.
Soon, he was just as bare as you, knees settling on the mattress. Arms caging you in as he stared you down. "This is a rare occurrence and I think it's time. I'm going to pump this tummy of yours full of my cum." His words tapered off as he ran a hand across your stomach. "You'll be so full, there's no chance that you won't be bearing my children. Do you understand?" Heat pooled in your stomach at his words, you nodded unable to say anything. He smiled, were his...teeth sharper? And was that..
His cock, it had grown in size, both length and girth. He was already big to begin with, thick veins running along his shaft. Would you even be able to take that..? He answered your question by properly preparing you first. Sliding his fingers in his mouth before slipping them into your heat. Pumping them in and out, adding more to make sure you were stretched properly. Already, tears welled in your eyes from the pleasure. "You are going to look radiant swollen with my children."
Once Zhongli was sure you were prepped enough, both hands grabbed at your thighs. Pressing them up until you were practically folded in half. The length of his cock rubbed sweetly against your leaking sex. And he didn't waste anytime, he fed himself into you until there was a small bulge in your stomach. He'd reached your womb.
You whined, still unable to speak and you had a feeling that would be the case for the rest of the night. Looking down, you could see him inside you. He watched your face, watching for any discomfort before pulling back, thrusting back into you. Setting a pace that made the bed shake and smack against the wall. The sound of slapping skin echoed throughout the whole room. He groaned, deep and guttural as he pounded into you.
"Gonna fill you up nice, sweetheart. You'll be leaking my cum." His hips snapped forward, your breasts shook from the power. Your thighs shivered and cramped from the position but it was so delicious you couldn't be bothered to complain. All you could do was grip tight to the sheets and sob. Your breath catching in your throat as he used you like he wanted.
A mess was being made, you knew this for a fact. Your ankles groaned from the tight grip he had on them, keeping them in place above your head. He slid in and out, over and over again until finally his hips stilled. Spilling his load inside your warm insides, but he didn't stop there. Almost immediately, he picked back up. The sound almost obscene with how wet it sounded. A mixture of your arousal and his cum, coating your thighs and pussy.
"Need to fill you up more, I need you leaking."
You sobbed openly as he did just as he promised. That night, he had cum so much inside you that when he finally pulled out. It immediately gushed, leaking on the sheets and all the way back to your ass. That wouldn't do, he'd have to keep his baby plugged up.
Safe to say, you slept with his cock still inside you that night.
Prev. ☆ Next.
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enihk-writes · 7 months
[someone older]
pairing: older!multi-fandom men x gn!they/them!reader
reader is written to be in their early twenties, under twenty-five and fresh out of uni with their first degree and no corporate work experience.
summary: shorts about old men and a younger beau to-be
content warning: big age-gap relationships // superior-subordinate power imbalance // possible infantilization // some form of saviour-complex // (some unintentional) manipulation
characters: zhongli (genshin impact) // neuvilette (genshin impact) // jing yuan (honkai star rail) // tang gunak (return of the blossoming blade) // dokgo (return of the mad demon) // chongyue (arknights) // shamane (RE:1999) // hiromi higuruma (jujutsu kaisen) // ryū (gokurakugai)
author's note: my lovely oomfs i need yall to look away and pretend im doing okay,,, the demons and the little voices in my head have won and taken over..... i have to make that middle-aged man pregnant so so so so bad it's terminal... (head in hands)... OUGHHHHKKKGSHHH (coughs blood and straight up dies)..... looking at the list here i really have a type huh....
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ZHONGLI who had lived for long enough to have seen and experienced almost everything one could see, was still taken aback when he felt a familiar throb in his heart as he conversed with the new face of the artisan's alley. a fledgling who had just left their nest and was beginning to make their way into the world — your naivety much unlike your more seasoned neighbours who knew how to set the prices of their goods to gain the maximum profit. you were often tricked and scammed out of selling your wares at their proper price, too scared to stand your ground and disrespect your older customers. the former archon couldn't bear to see a budding talent, such as yourself, sell themselves short out of expected social courtesy. he often found himself buying your highest-priced works even if he had to empty his entire wallet. you were beyond grateful for his patronage, even offering a commission, free of charge. that's just how bad business was before he stepped in. oh you poor thing, now that he knows how easy it was to get you dancing in his palm, how could he let you meet better opportunities? he was your lifeline, the only way you were going to make it in this career you chose. and you better not forget that.
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NEUVILETTE knew that he shouldn't be so enamoured with the new hire. really. a being who had been alive for as long as he falling in love with someone thousands of years their junior? he wanted to rip his hair out. the chief justice approached this predicament as he would with almost anything he deemed annoying — avoidance. sending you out on errands that kept you out of the office for the whole day, giving days off to everyone if there was nothing on the agenda, having you go sort out documents in the filing room, and a whole host of other things that made sure you and him wouldn't cross paths. once he had a clearer mind to sit down and think, he is immediately riddled with guilt. weren't his actions akin to that of a black company employer? you on the other hand, could not be happier to hit the jackpot. good pay, regular days off, responsibilities that didn't require you to rack your brain too much. this was everything an energy-saving adult like you could ever want. it must be nice to frolic around and stay blissfully unaware while your boss was in the middle of a mental breakdown alone in his office.
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JING YUAN was a calculating man, despite the commonly held belief that he never really took things too seriously. he kept a rather consistent air of nonchalance so impenetrable that it annoyed you whenever you couldn't discern what was on his mind at that moment. your after-hours hobby these days was to drop by the community starchess club and play a few rounds with the people there. and who else was waiting there at your seat every day? your damned boss. the elders who were there swooned over the handsome general, remarking about how you and him made a great pair — much to your chagrin. the man would always send a blinding smile in your way as you got closer, even going so far as to help you settle down. the routine was always the same each night. you would play against him for at least five rounds consecutively, lose against him in almost every single match, play against the other club members, gather your things and go home for the day. the general would also coincidentally be done with his activities. he offered to walk you to your front door, you've learnt from the one time you refused that the general was unusually talented in pulling an extremely sad, pathetic, wet and kicked puppy face. unfortunately, you were too nice to reject him further. ah, but now that he knew of that weakness of yours, you'd better expect that he would be pulling the same trick again soon.
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TANG GUNAK felt that he was far too geriatric to be feeling this way. especially when he had adult children of his own. the youngest of whom was only a few years older than you were. a talented person, emerging at the top of your class in the academy meant that the world was your oyster. so why had you decided to come down to sichuan and work as an aide in this family? the patriarch had no clue, and he certainly didn't know how to even bring up the question. at first, he had hoped that perhaps you and one of his children would be wed but as time passed, it became increasingly obvious you were not interested in them at all, rather you had set your sights on the patriarch himself. him? the widower? the poor man who had only felt the touch of his dead wife? he was very scandalised that the young aide of his house was so open about their attraction to him. however, it seemed nobody in the household was on his side. not even his own flesh and blood. though for all that forwardness, he never expected that you would be so hesitant and shy when you were alone with him. it was endearing how you became more diligent whenever that happened, how you would engross yourself in your work just to pretend he wasn't there with you. the next time he looked up from what he was doing, you were passed out on your desk. he moved over to carry you back to your quarters — it was deep into the night right now anyways, so nobody would see him with you in his arms. he tucked you into bed, leaving as quickly as he came. the glimpse of his own flushed face in the reflection of the window never left his mind the rest of that week.
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DOKGO had agreed to follow his disciple to town only because said disciple was going to throw a tantrum in his courtyard and the older man was not in the mood to deal with the adult child. the master pretended to not be acquainted with his own disciple when the man began to flirt with the women passing by. he walked on and sat down at a vacant bench in front of a teahouse. his troublesome disciple eventually shook off the girls clinging onto him and joined his master at the table, a string of apologies falling out his mouth when he caught sight of the older man's disapproving glare. only when the younger man offered to pay did the old master's hardened expression fall softer — fine, he said with a grunt. the second headache of the day came in the shape of you, a wandering merchant, or so you said. you slipped in to sit next to the master after the disciple had graciously allowed you to. not like the older man could oppose when there weren't any empty seats in the vicinity. while the conversation was lively as you talked with the disciple about your travels, he could only focus solely on the callouses of your palms, something a merchant who says they are not a martial artist shouldn't have. you had noticed his scrutinising gaze, throwing him a quick grin as you continued the chat with his disciple. oh? he could only wonder what that was about. shame that his dull, blockheaded disciple had let that slip past him. the master wonders if he should up the training regime when they get back.
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CHONGYUE was up and early, as he usually does, leading the daily morning exercise with the other operators. the doctor not being there was somewhat expected, but you going missing? that was a first. when the morning exercise was over, he headed up to your room to check on you, finding the door slightly ajar. cautiously, he walked into the dark room, you had a bag of junk near the entry, from the looks of it you were living off cup noodles and soda, again. no wonder you were now curled up in bed all sick. he might have to give you an earful later, but for now, he puts aside your laundry and took out the trash. he goes down to the canteen, ordering some warm chicken porridge and even stopping by the nurse's office to pick up whatever he thinks you might need. this time, you were now somewhat awake. grumbling and muttering complaints under your breath from the disturbance, he helped you sit up. you insisted on feeding yourself, but he would have none of it. you could only comply and open your mouth wide every time he brought the spoon to your lips. you finished the food and even took the medicine obediently, earning praise from the man himself. before he left, he rubbed some medicinal balm on your stomach, layering warm blankets and patted you back to sleep, reciting an abbot's chants as he did so. the nostalgic feeling was comforting. you should thank him when you got better — maybe he might be interested in a popular classic novel from your home country, or should you try your luck with the lacquer pots instead?
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SHAMANE spotted a figure hunched over the running stream near his hut as he was out collecting the fresh water he would need for the day. when they didn't answer his calls, he walked over, not too worried about whether the figure was a dangerous critter or not. the snap of a twig had them spin their head in his direction — that's when he met your eyes. you both stared at the other, sizing each other up. when he decided that you were not a threat, he introduced himself with his signature smile. you did the same, albeit quieter, still a little peeved from seeing a large bearded man in the middle of nowhere. friendly as ever, he kept the conversation going. he talked about himself, he asked about you, and so on and so forth until you finally admitted to him that you had gotten lost in the mountains, also you had twisted your ankles. he pointed to his hut and asked if you wanted to rest in there until you got better, how could you say no? the month when you lived under the same roof as him passed by quickly, and soon enough it was time for you to go back down the mountain. when you both parted ways at the entrance of the village, there was an air of reluctance in saying goodbye. you promised to write to him, maybe even visit him. he only laughed you off, not expecting much to come out of that. though when he received his sister's letter not long after, he thought about taking you with him to his hometown. but ah, isn't visiting each other hometowns a thing expectant newlyweds do? well, he could always pretend he didn't know about these things, couldn't he?
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HIGURUMA was pretty friendly with the tenants renting out the office space next door. all of whom were fresh design school graduates trying to start a business together. you were the one he's grown the most familiar with, the unofficial boss of the company and the one who was single-handedly juggling your own practice along with other administrative duties. he helped you where he could, the doors to his own law office always open to you — even in the wee hours of the night. you would sit cross-legged on the big swivel chair as both of you engrossed yourselves in your respective work with the boxes of takeout splayed all over his table. when it was late enough that you missed the last train, he drove you back to your apartment. and everytime you sat in the passenger seat, he would reach over to pull the seatbelt on for you. you could have done it yourself but how were you supposed to pass up the chance to have him come this close? enough to even catch a whiff of his cologne? the lawyer himself knew that you were capable enough to do something this simple, but he couldn't help but enjoy the way you tried not to look at him as he did this each time. the ride back was quiet and serene, your tired body sank into the plush of his car seats and soon you were knocked out cold. even when you were both already parked outside your residence, you still wouldn't rouse. he clicks the seatbelt off you, even going so far as to push the seat back so you were lying more comfortably. you've done this enough times where he has a blanket to cover you with as he waited for you to wake up. which you would, and feel so ashamed. he thinks about how cute you were babbling out your apologies and thanks, all while scrambling to pull yourself together and out his car. only to repeat this whole song and dance the very next night.
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RYŪ was a bit of a recluse. never really leaving his room unless it was for a really good reason. which was rare, and by rare it was almost never. but a human had to eat, shit and get clean — which was where you came in. as the designated errand runner for the organisation, you were the one that ended up having to take care of that guy's day-to-day needs. you might have hated him at first, with how picky he was with his food, even the brand of his necessities had to be the exact right one. doesn't matter if the stock ran out, you had to go out there and haunt for a place that still has it or else he wouldn't even entertain your presence. the one good thing you had going about you was that you were adaptable, learned things quick and was light on your feet. if things went south, you always had a backup, and a backup for the backup, you get the idea. the man, mayhaps out of the other's insistence, but you liked to think that he had warmed up to you, started to initiate conversations. at some point whenever you brought him his meals, he would make you sit and watch him eat. at first, you didn't know what to talk about, but then you also started bringing your own lunchboxes to eat alongside him, and you talked his ear off about what you made that day. over time, you both fell into a routine and on days when he's kept you a little too long with him, you'd stay over and crash on his couch. and after more time had passed, he's already got some of your clothes together with his in the wardrobe. hell, he even bought a bigger sofa just so you could sleep better whenever you stayed over. give it more time and who knows, you might end up moving in completely, not that this old hack would mind too much.
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bohbee · 2 years
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Genshin x Pregnant reader.
Part 1.
Part 2
Part 3
(It will take a long time for the other parts to come out so bear with me PLEASE)
It will still be GN!
Characters: Venti, Diluc, Kaeya, Aether, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe.
Warnings: Pregnancy, throwing up, screaming, pain, fainting, water breaking, mentions of death (no dying), alcohol, tearing, unexpected second baby.
Notes: not proofread, okay some of these are WAY different than the others but I'm just gonna leave it like that.
PLEASE READ!!! You need to know this for the story!! VVV
Venti, Xiao, and Zhongli will have longer stories. Only because I really want to add the difficulty of their pregnancy.
In Ventis story, the reader is a demi-god, which causes the pregnancy to go softer than it would if they were a human. I also made it to where the pregnancy is affected by the archons power? Basically, the baby is like a tornado 💀.
In Xiaos, you were an old demi-god. After the war, you had placed down your role and settled down in Wangshu Inn. You and Xiao were close for a while and started dating for about 200 years, then you fell pregnant. You, being a demi-god, assisted your pregnancy, but his Karma SPED up the process. I have a belief that if a Yaksha had a kid during the war, it would take like a week cause the kid would be bred to immediately go to war? But now that everything is calm and you lengthen the process, it takes a little longer, and it's not a blood thirsty baby.
Zhonglis, in Zhongli, the reader, is an Adepti. Both you and Zhongli have been together for a LONG while. And, both of you consider Ganyu and Xiao to be your kids. When he took his "mortal" plane, the two of you forgot you could fall pregnant. So, the pregnancy was a scare.
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Aether (please read the notes!)
You hobbled out of your room in Wangshu Inn, Xiao, quickly following behind your wobbling body. You had decided to 'settle down' in Liyue. There would be many times when Aether couldn't stay with you during your pregnancy, so he had asked his dear friend to watch over you while he was gone. Xiao was hesitant, but once he saw your state, he agreed.
Your belly was round. You were 7 months in your pregnancy, and it caused all kinds of aches and pains. Aethers baby had PLENTY of room in your expanded belly. You walked close to the balcony, Xiao watching your every move. "Xiaoo, come on, Aether will be here within the hour. Please just take a break." You huffed out at your friend. This man wouldn't leave your side at all. He shook his head yet again. "I was given a duty, and if anything were to happen to either of you within that hour, I'd be responsible."
You grumbled at his response, your baby kicking your stomach in protest to his words. "Even the baby agrees," you huffed. Your irises moved to look at the gorgeous scenery in front of the inn, only to spot your beautiful blonde husband and floating companion. "Oh my archons!! AETHER!" You shouted, catching the males attention, you jumped up slightly, causing Xiao to scold you as he grabbed your arm.
Aether sped up his pace, and soon enough, he was in front of you, kneeling and hugging your stomach. Pressing small kisses everywhere he cold. "How have they been? I hope they aren't kicking you too much." His sweet voice said, Paimon nodded quickly. Despite him only being gone for a short while, tears still weld up in your eyes. "Oh no, they haven't been doi -" your voice was cut off by the anemo yaksha, who disapproved of your statement. "They're lying. The baby consistently kicks them." His voice was serious, but his face held ever so faint smile as he watched the two of you. You giggled at Paimon, who started to scold your stomach. "Rude baby! You need to take care of (y/n)!"
After Paimons wrath, she followed Xiao to give you your space, and finally, the two of you alone together. Well, technically, three.
"I've missed you, love," you said, catching the attention of aethers' golden irises. He smiled at your words, "I've missed you so much more." He grabbed your face, landing a soft, delicate kiss on your lips. The both of you sat down and caught up on things.
~Two months later~
You were walking back from the bathroom, Xiao and Aether had gone to Liyue Harbor to grab some last-minute things for your pregnancy. Before you could sit down, a large snap was felt in your stomach, causing you to gasp as fuild leaked down your legs. "AETHERR!" You yelled. There's no way he could've heard you, but you didn't know what to do, so you paced grabbing a bunch of stuff. In a quick flash, Aether stood in front of you, both of you panicking.
~Small skip~
It had been two months since you had given birth to your kid, Aether was an amazing parent. It's almost as if he was meant to be one. Currently, Paimon was your kids' favorite toy. Whenever she would fly over them, they would reach out, trying to grab her cute cape. And you are now waiting to tell your husband that you're expecting another kid.
(Bonus: Xiao is the 'godparent' of your child(ren), he always watches over them. When the two of you named your youngest after him, he teared up a little.)
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Childe (Tartaglia, Ajax)
Your hands shook as you held the paperwork that Baizhu had given you. Pregnant was written in bold letters. You sat the papers facing down on your table and rubbed your temples. You knew that Childe wanted a family, but neither of you wanted one now. Strong arms snaked around your abdomen, shocking you. "My love, what are you stressing about?" The freckled man asked as he placed soft kisses on your neck.
You stiffened at his touch, causing alarms to go off in his head. Never had you once done that before. He flipped you around and looked into your teary eyes for an answer. His hands rubbed up and down your arms reassuringly.
"I-" you stopped yourself, your eyes looking down. "I just wanna say, I am happy to do this with you, I just -" you sighed. "I need you to be there." More tears fell down your eyes. He was confused.
Were you trying to say he wasn't there in the relationship enough? He tried his best. He would do as much as he-.
His thoughts were interrupted by you shoving the papers in his arms. He looked down, and his thoughts immediately went towards death. But then his blue irises spotted it. His breath stayed in his chest as tears spilled from his eyes as well. "I'm gonna be a dad," he mumbled. He placed the papers down and tackled you into a hug. "IM GONNA BE A DAD!"
His dull eyes finally had light in them, this is what he had always wanted....
Your pregnancy was rough, even though you were only at four months. You were constantly sick. Always throwing up all of your food, and it made you weak. This terrified Childe, but you were trudging through it like a champ. Recently, you found out that you were expecting three kids, which caused the both of you to nearly faint. However, you were ready....
You walked into your living room with some celery sticks, Childe smiled at you. You were ready to pop any day now. You had pretty heavy contractions but nothing other than that. You wobbled over to sit, but you dropped your celery stick. When you bent over, you had thought you peed yourself, however... your water broke. Your eyes widened, and you stared at childe. "You pee yourself again?" He said jokingly. However, his deep smile went away. He surely misunderstood the situation. He stood up and grabbed your baby bag, rushing you out of the house.
Childe was the best father anyone could have asked for. All his experiences with his little siblings really worked well for the future. The two of you currently stood in the nursery room, watching all three of your kids sleep peacefully. Childe rubbed your shoulders. "Such a good parent, hm my love." he kissed your neck softly, complimenting you on your skills. "How about two more?" You blushed at his joke. However, his hands went to your waist as the kisses on your neck got sloppier. He wasn't joking...
(Bonus: Zhongli would visit once in a while. The kids all seemed to love him. He would hum old lullabies and tell old stories to help the kiddos sleep. When he found out you were pregnant again, he bonked Childe on the held and scolded him for hours.)
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You walked out of your room, your red-haired husband following you like a lost puppy. "Luc! I am okay, please. My love, I need you to worry about yourself as well." You turned your body to face your stubborn husband, your large belly softly pressing against his muscular abdomen. He huffed slightly, placing his large, warm hands on where your kid had laid. "I'm not just worrying about you, I'm also worrying about little Creya," you smiled warmly at the name, when Albedo told you guys that your baby was going to be a male. The two of you agreed to name it after his father Crepus and the oh so supportive Kaeya.
"I can't wait to tell Kaeya our babies name." You said as you kissed Diluc sweetly. "I was thinking we could tell him now? We already went to my father's grave and told him, mind as well tell the living one." A bittersweet smile formed on both of your lips. You jumped up and down, excitement flowing through your veins, "Oh dear! How should we tell him. My my this is so exciting." Your movements worried Diluc. However, he calmed down. "I have just the idea."
The two of you knocked on his door, the blue-haired male answered, his face holding a confused smile. "And what brings you here, awe, was it my nephew visiting? Hmmm??? I just know he's gonna be just like Uncle Kaeya." The younger brother smiled and ushered the two of you in.
"Well, it is about the baby." Your husband said calmly, handing him some dandelion wine. Kaeya nodded in anticipation. "Well, we found a name!...... actually we have for a while," you said, murmuring the last part. "Uh ow? And you didn't tell me?!" You reached out for Dilucs' hand, rubbing it reassuringly. "Brother..." He started. For some reason, Kaeya felt a bit of fear entering his chest.
"We decided to name him Creya Ragnvindr, after father and you." Dilucs voice cracked a little. Kaeya stood there in shock, a line of tears streaming down his face. In a sudden motion, he tackled his brother. It wasn't often the two of them got along. But that all changed when baby Creya came around.
~two weeks later~
"DILUCCC" Your agonizing shout could be heard. Your contractions were absolutely awful today. Your husband ran upstairs and into your room, and his eyes flickered to the wet floor. He rushed to your body, softly leading you downstairs. He had hired a midwife to deliver the baby, and he sent one of the maids to grab her. "Shhh, deep breaths, my love.... I know it hurts. I'm here. I'm here." He laid your body down on the makeshift bed that was downstairs. "Look at me, love, don't take your eyes off of me, dear."
His hands shook heavily, tears pouring from excitement and downright fear. He was scared that you were going to end up like his mother. However, you were strong, you had this down.
Diluc was a soft father. He would always spoil his sweet, red-haired baby. He would always bring him wherever he'd go unless, of course, it was somewhere unsafe. He was humming to Creya, his left hand slowly rocking him as his right continued to sort through papers.
(Bonus: Kaeya would practically try and steal your son. He'd be over all the time to take the "load" off of your guy's backs. However, he did it for himself. He was the world's proudest uncle.)
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Kaeya walked into the house perfectly on time for dinner. Ever since the two of you had found out that you were pregnant, he didn't stay even a second later at work. He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your body, seemingly charging his social battery. "Mmm, it smells delicious, my snowflake. How's our baby doing?" You smiled and hugged him softly, "I've missed you. Our little baby has been kicking me all day." Kaeyas face frowned, he knelt down to your large belly. "My my, abuse isn't funny, kiddo." He scolded your kid through your stomach.
"Diluc came by today. He gave us Virgin Dandelion Wine? I tried it, and I think it tastes the same." You placed the food on the plates and poured the pregnancy safe wine. "Hm, I think my brother is finally getting around. Also, go sit down. I got this." He led your body to the dining table. "Hey! I got it Kae!" Your husband only smirked and shook his head, "Absolutely not."
He placed the food down and sat beside you, a heavy kick hit your stomach again, causing you to grip the table in pain. The cryo user frowned once again, freezing his hand ever so slightly and placing it on your stomach. You hissed at first but eased into the coolness. Your baby seemed to love it as well. "I told you to stop kicking!" He whispered-shouted. His free hand picked up your fork and placed the food in your mouth, assisting you throughout the whole night.
~Two months later~
A large gasp fell from your chest as you quickly grasped your husband's shirt, your body slightly going to the ground. He whipped his head towards you and grabbed your body, "Okay, okay, let's go." he lifted your body and carefully ran to the Mondstat nurse.
Once the two of you settled down, your closest friends Jean, Diluc, and Venti rushed in. They all had different gifts. They were soon ushered out by the nurse. Kaeya stood by your side, whispering sweet things as the baby tore your insides out.
Kaeya was an amazing father. However, he was a troublemaker. He would always get your kid to do things they weren't supposed to, and you have to admit it was funny. Your husband had started to take fewer shifts so he could be there with you while raising your family. Currently, the two of you snuck in your baby to go see Lisa at the KOF library. "Awe, deary! They're so adorable." The woman exclaimed, softly tickling their stomach.
(Bonus: You and Kaeya had invited Diluc over for dinner. The three of you shared stories, both Kaeya and Diluc, using their visions to assist you if you were ever in need. "Diluc, I have a question, brother." Kaeya stated, "Diluc hummed in response. "Would you like to be their 'God' father?" Diluc practically choked on his food and looked at Kaeya with wide eyes. "I-" he hesitated. "Are you sure?" His pupils were dilated. "Then it's settled! God father, LuLu!" You exclaimed.)
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Venti (Barbatos)
You woke up to Venti humming to your stomach quietly. "Hey Barb," you mumbled. His eyes shot up to face you, "Good morning, Blume!" His smile lit up the room, and his cold hands softly held your face as he peppered you with kisses. You groaned slightly, nausea hitting your body. You threw your legs off the bed, quickly getting up and rushing to the bathroom. Your head hovered over the toilet as you threw up, mostly dry heaving due to the lack of food in your system.
Venti was right behind you, his hands massaging your shoulders as he brought in a soft breeze to cool you down. He was always a happy go lucky person. However, he hated seeing you sick. "Barb pregnancy really sucks." You muttered. He frowned slightly, "I'm sorry, my Blume, if I knew -" You shut him up by hugging him "I am more than happy to go through this if it means we get to have a family."
He smiled and hugged you tighter, "Well then, let's get you some fresh air, we can go out to eat this morning!" He kissed your lips before swiftly moving down to your stomach, despite you not having a bump yet. Your symptoms were awful. That's what you get for having sex with an Archon, I guess.
The two of you made it to the restaurant. You ordered tea break pancakes and Mondstadt hashbrowns. Venti created a soft breeze, making sure the weather was completely perfect. As you ate the hash Browns, a small cramp shot through your stomach, your eyes widened, causing Venti
~Two months later~
It had only been such a short while since you fell pregnant, but at this point, you looked 7 months along. The whole pregnancy took a heavy toll on your body. You were constantly tired, aching, and most of all, emotional. Venti was supper happy. However, he was stressed out of his mind. It was really obvious that he had been scared to lose his lover. Whenever you would gasp, his heart would drop, thinking that your body finally gave out. He would always mutter an apology whenever you were in pain. It wasn't always like this, though. Sometimes, your baby would take a day off. Leaving you feeling completely rejuvenated, those days would mainly be spent going outside and having lots of fun with your husband.
~Five months along~
You gasped out, grabbing the table beside you. This gasp was different from all the other ones that have played in Barbs' ears. He quickly ran over to you. You opened your mouth to scream, but nothing came out. He started to panic, thinking that you were dying. However, when his foot stepped in a puddle, it all came crashing down. Venti helped you sit down before quickly running to the front door, yelling to get peoples attention. Pregnancy took nine months?! Why did your water break after five??
Doctors came rushing in, and the process began.
Hours had gone by, Venti was in the living room, tears streaming down his face as your agonizing screams could he heard from the bedroom. Diluc and Jean had ran as soon as they heard the noise, the two of them were the only ones to know of his true identity of course. They tried their best to comfort him, it was difficult seeing the never down bard lose his composure.
The screaming stopped, Barbatos's eyes widening, heart stopping. However, once the babies cries were heard, his heart pounded into his chest. He ran into the bedroom only to find you weakly holding onto your baby. He walked towards you, kissing your forehead. "I'm so sorry, Blume... how are you feeling?" He asked, his full attention on you. You smiled warmly. "It was worth it, bar-venti," you corrected yourself. "Look at them," your husband looked down at your child. They had your haircolor, with slightly glowing ends. His bright smile came back again, heavy winds swirling outside. "Love, might wanna calm down a bit." You giggled, causing him to get into touch with reality again. "It might just be impossible to do so."
Barbatos was a fun father. He would always bring your baby out on adventures and would sing and dance with them. He wanted another baby but would absolutely not put you through that again. However, when you told him you'd be completely fine with it, you guys tried for another. It was a success, luckily this kid was a LOT calmer than your first.
(Bonus: Jean smiled heavily as she held the tiny little human in her arms. She would always come over and assist the two of you whenever she wasn't slammed with her job. She truly loved both of your kids as if they were her own)
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His yellow eyes looked into yours in fear "(y/n)...." He whispered, his hands trembling as his eyes started to water. "I can't -" a sob broke through his chest, and your heart broke a little. Neither of you wanted a kid, but here you are, pregnant. "I can't lose you too!" He finally shouted. Tears were streaming down his face, sobs breaking out. You had never, ever seen him like this. It was frightening. "I- xiao, I'm sorry." Shameful tears left your eyes, your hand grabbing his softly. "Adepti can have kids, Yanfei and Ganyu are here, you know!" His breathing slowed, pure terror still in his eyes. "I have karma... I am a soul shattering yaksha! I'm not meant to have a child!" He shouted again, his hand gripped yours tightly. He wasn't intending on scaring you, he was just frightened of losing you.
Your sorrowful eyes brought him to slight reality, "If there's a way we can reverse this, then let's do -" Your words were cut off by Xiao hugging you tightly. "No, I can already see your love for this unborn child. Let's talk to Cloud Retainer before we make any rash decisions." He mumbled softly, his hands clutched onto your back as if you were to perish at any time.
The two of you came back from the Cloud Retainer. She had informed the two of you that because of him being a yaksha and you being an old demi-god that the pregnancy would be very fast. She also confirmed that the karma would in fact take a heavy toll on your body, but if the two of you were careful, then you both would be fine.
~Four weeks later~
Fast was an understament. your body was aching at all times. A very large bump was apparent on your body. Xiao had been with you at ALL. Not once did he let you move on your own. You were like a fragile glass, but now you were holding precious cargo. Verr Goldet had hired a nurse to stay there at all times, a congratulations gift sort of. So whenever the karma got too much the nurse would always be there to help.
Currently, you were lying on the bed, trying to do breathing exercises. "Xiao," you mumbled. He swiftly walked over to you. "What's the matter?" He asked. Worry filled his veins. "Could you hold me?" You asked, your voice quiet. "Are you su-" you huffed, cutting him off. "I don't care about the extra karma yiu grumpy adeptus. Your pregnant partner needs you to hold them!" You shouted softly. Despite the 'hostility' your tone, He softly smiled and crawled on the bed, holding your body close.
His movements stopped when you burst into tears, "wha-" he tried to say but a crackled sob interrupted him "I'm sorry for yelling Xiao!" You sobbed into his chest. Boy boy were these pregnancy emotions gonna kill him.
~Two weeks later~
Everyone had assumed that you were going to pop soon, and new faces showed up at the Wangshu Inn to assist the poor nurse during the pregnancy. Cloud Retainer, Zhongli, Aether, and Ganyu had all shown up to help you. It was very overwhelming for Verr, but she understood.
You were talking to Zhongli while Aether and Ganyu forced your husband to leave the inn. When suddenly a large abnormally painful snap charged into your stomach, a blood curdling scream erupted from your throat. Zhongli immediately grabbed your body, preventing you from falling, and he yelled your husband's name. The nurse and retainer ran inside. Xiao teleporting in the room while the other two ran towards the inn as fast as they possibly could.
Cloud Retainer and Ganyu were the only ones in the room. The nurse was even kicked out. Zhongli and Aether comforted the horrified Xiao as your torturous screams echoed off the wall. "They're going to die," Xiao muttered quietly, tears flowing down. "Hey! Don't say that you have some faith in them!" Aethers floating companion said. "Hate to agree with bestie paimon, but they're going to be fine. They need your support more than anything right now, " Aether said. Their words did slightly calm him down, but your never-ending screams even worried Zhongli. Whom saw you like his own child.
An hour went by, the screaming came to an end, and the Cloud Retainer left the room. Xiaos heart paced heavily, "did they -" his voice got caught in his throat. "They are both fine and waiting for you, but pl -"
Xiao didn't even let her finish before he ran into the room. His eyes landed on your body, holding your kid peacefully. A sigh of relief left his throat "Archons you're beautiful. Both of you, " he mumbled, his body dipped on the bed and carefully held you. "Hold your baby, Xiao," you said weakly. His hesitant hands grabbed his kid, and he softly hummed. His eyes were filled with adoration. "It's not so bad now, is it Xiao." He shook his head softly. "No, not at all."
Xiaos parenting was odd. Both of you hadn't really known what to do, but you still did your best. The baby grew around many people, Verr being the one who spoiled them the most. "Go to your father!" Your baby stood up and wobbled over to Xiao, their first ever steps being taken.
(Bonus: Zhongli walked into the room after everyone else had left. You whispered a small hello to him, "Look, baby! It's grandpa." You muttered softly, Zhonglis eyes lit up at the title you had given him. And when he first held the baby, he declared in his head he would destroy anyone who walked in his grandkids path.)
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His hands rubbed your stomach. "Dear.... do you know what this means?" His honeycomb voice asked you, you shook your head slightly. "I-" you stopped, he grabbed your hand reassuringly. "I know it will be a hassle, but I want to try it if you're comfortable with that." You said, your eyes shifting to the floor. His ungloved hand grabbed your chin, moving your face to look at him.
"Sweetheart, I would wish nothing more. However, we do need to go see Cloud Retainer about this." You blushed heavily and nodded "Ah of course! Let me grab my stuff."
The two of you headed back from the mountain, "Wow," you mumbled. He unlocked the house and sat on the couch, pulling you on his lap. "I will be here every step of the way, my love." The process was going to practically ruin your body.
"Li, we need to tell Ganyu and Xi- uhm our adoptive son. We need as much help as we can get." You mumbled in his embrace, trying not to summon him just by mentioning his name. "I'll go get her, you call for him, is that okay with you?" You nodded, your Geo husband left the house, and you called for the anemo yaksha.
"Xiao!" You said carefully, the room filled with dark green, his body swarming through the room. "What happened?" He said alarmed, once he saw your calmness, he placed his pole arm down and sighed. "Hey, grump." You smiled, gaining a small scowl from him. You grabbed his arm and brought him to the office, sitting him in a chair. As if on cue, Ganyu bashfully walked through the front door, your husband following shortly after.
And now the four of you sat in the office, "So why did you call me here?" Xiao asked. The blue haired girl nodded nodded. "Did someone pass?" She said, slightly worried. "Quite the opposite matter of fact, my (y/n) would you do the honors."
You looked at him wide-eyed but then focused your attention on the two, now heavily confused shorties. "Zhongli and I are expecting a child..." You said slowly, Xiaos eyes widened in panic as Ganyus sparkled in admiration. "We talked to Cloud Retainer. The news isn't too amazing. She said that three months should go by and the baby will arrive..... (y/n) is an adepti, so it will hurt their body..." He continues on. Both Ganyu and Xiao now hold the same look. Worried with a twinge of curiosity for what is to come.
The conversation continued, and many questions were answered, but in the end, everyone stayed on the same note. Protect (y/n) and help them through the pregnancy. Xiao and Ganyu decided to move in for the time being, helping you while Zhongli was working."
~one month later~
It was awful. Your pregnancy was literally tearing your body apart. Not a day went by where the groans of agony didn't play through the old archons home. Currently, you lay on the floor, the coolness of the tile breaking your attention away from the kicks and punches that were going on in your stomach.
"Excuse me, (y/n)." Ganyu quietly said she was the sweetest always making sure you were okay. "Hmm?" You hummed at her softly, giving her a small but weak reassuring smile. "It's time to eat." She said softly, Xiao walked over, and the two of them helped you up. Your large belly moving in protest, caused you to grit your teeth in pain. Xiao grumbled something along the lines of the kid needing to behave.
The pregnancy made you crave Bamboo Shoot Soup and Cold Soba. However, you couldn't eat the soup due to the raw meat that was in the dish. So everyday you had Ganyus delicious Cold Soba. You sat in the chair at the dining table, slurping slightly at the dish, the two adepti staring down at you. "I swear to Morax, sit down." You grumbled at them. "Also eat some food!" They obeyed immediately, your parental instincts had already hit, and now you were scolding your two adoptive kids whenever they wouldn't rest.
Despite the long shifts The God of Contracts took, he would always spend more than enough time with you. As soon as he got home, he shuffled towards your delicate body. "My love, you're glowing." His deep voice said. He kissed your lips softly. His placed his hands on your stomach, and the moving immediately stopped in your womb. "Why do you get them to stop, but I can't!" You groaned, causing him to frown slightly. "Well, that just means you get to spend more time with me, my beloved"
The night went on, and Zhonglis hands softly send vibrations to your stomach. It was a small little quirk his abilities gave him. Your mind was finally at ease. As you slept the most peaceful sleep you've ever had.
~Three months in~
Everyone stood in the room, Xiao, Ganyu, Cloud Retainer, Shenhe, and most importantly, Zhongli. It was an overwhelming crowd, but your body needed as much assistance as it could get. The room was frigid, thanks to Ganyu and Shenhe, pregnancy caused your body to overheat and now that your due date was two days away, you were sweltering.
Everyone sat in different corners of the house. You wobbled around, your abnormally large abdomen making it hard to see. A large splash caught everyone's attention, a shrieking scream could be heard throughout all of Liyue, signaling that the birth had begun.
You were rushed in the nursery, everyone beside you, causing Ganyu to shout despite how out of character it was. Xiao and Shenhe backed up slightly and walked to a corner of the nursery, Shenhe slowly used her vision to cause the temperature to drop. Zhongli did everything he could for you. He held your soul gripping hands while you cried in pain.
The process was long and agonizing, but the soft coos of your baby had all been worth it. You finally smiled in relief until another spark of pain erupted through you. You threw your head back, it hurt so much, everyone's eyes shot towards your body. Xiao immediately running forward to you taking Zhonglis place as your husband helped your baby.
"There's another!" You yelled out, grabbing Xiao in pain, your body was sweating, and the pain coursing through your body became too much. With one last push your body gave out, fading you into a peaceful slumber.
~Outside POV~
Everyone stared at your limp body, Ganyu successfully pulled the child out and put her attention on them. Xiao panicked and checked for a pulse on your wrist, Zhongli right behind him, checking on your neck. Both of them sighed out in relief, causing the tense air to settle. "They most likely fainted from the pain. We're going to need to stay here for longer. Their body will he fragile." The retainer stated....
Zhongli was a devoted father. He immediately knew what to do, it's as if he had been a father his whole life. He would tell his two kids stories on his life, placing them in a restful sleep. He would always bring the babies with him whenever he would stroll around Liyue Harbor, the citizens would coo at the adorable sight. Currently, the four of you sat at the edge of the harbor and watched fireworks and lanters light up the sky. Your two babies looked up in awe, causing you to smile deeply. "Mortal life is truly worth it." Zhongli said while he stared lovingly at you. His lips captured yours softly. "My glowing beloved."
(Bonus: Xiao and Ganyu would visit ALL the time. Both of them would hang out with their younger siblings, teaching them things despite their young age. Ganyu would softly tell them about cautions and the beauty of life. Your oldest took after her very well. And Xiao would teach them about reality and recklessness. The youngest kid had kind of a rivalry going on with Xiao. It was very amusing to see.)
This is all so sorry for the mistakes and inconsistencies. There will probably be like 7 parts cause I am getting a bit burnt out >:p I hope all is well <3.
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lavandulawrites · 3 months
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Genshin Impact Masterlist
Regular masterlist
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Men who love eating you out
Men who love seeing you cowered in his cum
Yandere Genshin Men With An Escaped Darling
Yandere Genshin Men With A Darling Who Compares Him With Fictional Men (Yandere Albedo x reader, yandere Diluc x reader)
Yandere Genshin Men On Their First Date With Their Darling: Venti
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Men who love eating you out
Men who love seeing you cowered in his cum
Yandere Genshin Men With An Escaped Darling
Yandere Alphabet T, P and J with Xiao
Undeserving (Yandere Zhongli x reader)
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Men who love eating you out
Men who love seeing you cowered in his cum
Yandere Genshin Men With An Escaped Darling
Yandere Genshin Men With a Pregnant Runaway Darling
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Men who love eating you out
Men who love seeing you cowered in his cum
Yandere Genshin Men With An Escaped Darling
Sumeru’s Damsel In Distress (Yandere Alhaitham, yandere Cyno, yandere Kaveh, yandere Tighnari x reader)
Sumeru’s Damsel In Distress Part 2 (Yandere Alhaitham, yandere Cyno, yandere Kaveh, yandere Tighnari x reader)
The Grocery Trip (Yandere Alhaitham x reader)
Yandere Alhaitham and yandere Childe with a darling who is scared of random things
Yandere Alhaitham with a reader who is sick
Jelly (Cyno x reader)
To Save Or Be Saved (Yandere Sethos x reader)
Yandere Genshin Men With A Darling Who Compares Him With Fictional Men (Yandere Tighnari x reader)
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Men who love eating you out
Men who love seeing you cowered in his cum
Yandere Genshin Men With An Escaped Darling
Yandere Genshin Men With a Pregnant Runaway Darling
Yandere Alphabet with Lyney
Soft Jazz (Lyney x reader)
Yandere Genshin Men With A Darling Who Compares Him With Fictional Men (Yandere Neuvillette x reader)
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The Fatui
Men who love eating you out
Men who love seeing you cowered in his cum
Yandere Genshin Men With An Escaped Darling
Yandere Genshin Men With a Pregnant Runaway Darling
In The Arms of A Longing Man (Yandere Childe/Ajax x reader)
In The Arms Of A Longing Man (Rewritten) (Yandere Childe x reader)
Yandere Alhaitham and yandere Childe with a darling who is scared of random things
Hurry Before The Dinner Gets Cold (Yandere Dottore x reader)
Yandere Alphabet with Il Dottore
Yandere Vampire Men (multiple, yandere Pantalone x reader)
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Cares (Yandere Kinich x reader)
A Supporting Friend (yandere Kinich x reader)
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Yandere Genshin Men With An Escaped Darling
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Autonomy Of a Free Soul
Chapter 1: Wonderland
190 notes · View notes
prttykittes · 11 months
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MASTERLIST! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Meanings :: — 🦷= fluff/sfw, 🧠 = smut/nsfw, 🕊️ = dark content, 🦴 = angst, 🐾 = platonic
A/N :: most of them are afab but also gender neutral! but I am trying to do amab as well!{btw afab means people born as females, amab means people born as males! Still gender neutral..kinda ig)
Events :: KINKTOBER 2023 ! .
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Genshin impact !
STEPBRO!Kaeya devours you when your asleep! — Kaeya #afab/female reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
BIGBRO!Aether fucks you and claims you! — Aether #Gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
ONLYFANS!Scara fucks you! — trans!Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠
Foul legacy Childe fucks you after losing the battle! — Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️
Multiple genshin characters smut! — Beidou, Kazuha, Zhongli, Diluc #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (two are incest)
ONLYFANS!Childe rides your dick/strap! — Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
Cutting initials on both skins! — Rosaria, Yae Miko #female reader 🧠🦷(slightly suggestive)
You Fuck afab!kabukimono cunt with your dick/strap! — kabukimono/Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Dom!Scara fucks you and him with a double dildo! — Scaramouche #female/afab reader 🧠
Face riding Childe! — Childe #afab reader 🧠
:3 anon writes Zhongli sadly boops ur dead body(tw.nerco)! — Zhongli #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️(I can't fix the tags for some reason, it won't let me :(
Afab!Scara humps ur pillow and piss' and comes on it! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Baking a cake with big brother!scara! — Scaramouche, Ei, Yae Miko #gender neutral reader 🦷🐾
Scara fucks you and pisses in your hole! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Lactation kink with Scara(your pregnant in this..)! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Doctor dottore confess his feelings for you! — dottore #gender neutral reader 🦷(🕊️maybe)
Scara craves his name into your skin! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🦷(tw.blood)
Pegging Lyney with a 🍌 with a rainbow condom! — Lyney #afab reader 🧠
S-cara writes me Scara smut! — no reader mentioned #Scara solo 🧠
I write S-cara a gift! — CHONGYUN x reader x SCARAMOUCHE #gn reader 🧠
Childe fucks u when his siblings open presents! — Childe/Ajax #gender neutral reader 🧠
Threesome and NTR with genshin characters! — Xiao, Zhongli, Venti, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Raiden EI, Xingqiu, Chongyun #gn reader 🧠(cw.slight incest, NTR)
Stepcest w/ genshin men — Scaramouche, Zhongli, Kazuha, Kabukimono #gn reader 🧠🕊️(tw.stepcest)
Fem!scara scissors you! — Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠
Scara and Xiao noncon threesome u! — Xiao, Scaramouche #gn reader 🧠🕊️(tw. Noncon, slight stepcest)
Scara fucks u cat!reader when ur in heat! — Scaramouche #amab reader 🧠(CW.dubcon?)
Incest w/ wo/men! — Diluc, Lisa, Baizhu, Scaramouche, Childe #afab & GN!reader 🧠🕊️(tw.incest)
GENSHIN and HSR men w/ smut! — Dottore, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Blade, Dan Heng, Jing yuan #gn & afab reader 🧠
(step or not) big!brother! scara has anal sex with u! — Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠🕊️(tw.(step/in)cest)
Wanderer awkwardly praising you! — Wanderer #gender neutral reader 🧠
Kazuha praises and Wanderer regards you! Kazuha, Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠 (CW.threesome)
Bully!reader bullies their sensitive nipples! — Kabukimono, Thoma, Kazuha #gender neutral reader 🧠 (cw.classroom sex)
Public sex and getting caught! — Kaeya, Wanderer, Kazuha #gender neutral reader 🧠
Fucking their boyclits! — Scaramouche, Yuta, Choso #gender neutral reader 🧠
Klee comforting her 15yr bff! - Klee #gender neutral reader 🐾
Foursome with Venti, Kazuha, Scara! — venti, Kazuha, Scara #gender neutral reader 🧠
Raw and lipstick! — Choso, Kabukimono, Gojo, Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
Kazuha fucks you and scara after y'all tried! — Kazuscara #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Bsd !
Daddy kink! — Dazai, Fukuzawa, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Blowjobs! — Akutagawa, Atsushi, ranpo #amab reader 🧠
Domming you! — Dom!ranpo #amab reader 🧠
Pussy and dick! — Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi #afab reader 🧠
Akutagawa eats you out! — Akutagawa #afab reader 🧠
Beast!Boss Dazai punishes you — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
Chii reader personality — Dazai, Atsushi, Mori #gender neutralreader 🧠
Nipple play — Chuuya #gn reader 🧠
One night stand! — PMzai #female reader 🧠
First time + highschooler reader! — Dazai #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️
Date and "normal" highschooler reader! — PMzai #gender neutral reader 🦷
Annoying people when you are with him! — Akutagawa, Sigma #female reader 🦷
Writing Fantasies! — Poe #gender neutral 🧠🦷
Anonymous and I write incest smut of Chuuya! — Dad!Chuuya #afab reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Lingerie shopping & fucking! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
Rei personality! Reader! — Beast!Dazai, Fyodor #female reader 🧠
:3 anon and I write dazai fucks you with your panties! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
:3 anon writes roofie smut with Dazai! — Dazai #gender neutral 🧠🕊️
Chubby darling anon writes pervy stepbro! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
🌷 anon writes BigBro!Nikolai teaching you! — Nikolai #female reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Nerco!boypussy sigma fucks himself on you! — Sigma #afab reader 🧠🕊️
Dominating beast Dazai!(after he doms you) — BEASTZai #gender neutral reader 🧠
Cheater!bsd cheats on you! — Dazai, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
You have sex with the girls in cheater!bsd — female ocs (Dazai,Chuuya) #gender neutral reader 🧠
Comforting you about sh scars(?)! — Dazai, Chuuya #female reader 🦷
Baking cupcakes for your loved one! — Kenji, Unspecified #gender neutral 🦷🐾(one is where reader likes Kenji and second is Unspecified x reader :)
Chubby darling anon writes Icky stalker! Poe smut! — Poe #i forgot gender reader 🧠
Reader touching themselves and the bed men watch you! — Dazai, Fyodor, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Brat taming Ranpo but not really?? Not sure tbh! — Ranpo, mentioned Poe #amab reader 🧠
15!ssk comforting you after an weird old man! — Chuuya, Dazai #gender neutral reader 🦷(🐾)
First time with Atsushi! — Atsushi #female/afab reader 🧠🦷
Dad!Chuuya throat fucks you(his son's homeroom teacher!) — Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Stepdad!Chuuya fucks u and cupcakes! — Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠 🕊️ (tw.stepcest)
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EXTRA! [twst, hsr, tokyorev, jjk, pjsk, randoms!)
GENSHIN and HSR men w/ smut! — Dottore, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Blade, Dan Heng, Jing yuan #gn & afab reader 🧠
Leona fucks because ur his lucky item! — Leona #afab reader 🧠
Fucking their boyclits! — Scaramouche, Yuta, Choso #gender neutral reader 🧠
Raw and Lipstick! — Choso, Kabukimono, Gojo, Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Sexually provoked! — Barou #female reader 🧠
Threesome with reonagi and bonus! — Reo, Nagi #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Demon Slayer !
:3 anon and I write Free use Friday so he fucks you until your out! — Giyu #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Chainsaw man !
One sided date! — Denji #Gender neutral reader 🦷
Pick which one of us! — Denji, Yoshida #implied fem but gender neutral 🦷
:3 anon and I write Dad!Aki fucking you and calling you mutt!! #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
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Obey me !
Nothing yet (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)
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Original characters & unspecified characters !
:3 anon writes good incest smut and I love them for it!! — unspecified #fem reader(uses she/her) 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Blowing daddy!(I write smut in a hate post)! — incest(daddy! Unspecified #gender neutral 🧠🕊️ (incest)
You have sex with the girls in cheater!bsd — female ocs(Dazai, Chuuya) #gender neutral 🧠
:3 anon and I write incest sister smut with leash! — female oc/unspecified #feminine! reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Nanny!Reader has sex with married man?! — unspecified/male oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Butler!male teacher his master(you) a lesson about your mouth! — Unspecified/male oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Paying stuff with your mouth! — shop worker!male unspecified/oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Perv!character fucks "you" but he is doing a random girl and imagines it's u! — Unspecified #afab reader 🧠
Yandere!male who fucks someone for your guys child! — Oc/Unspecified #gn reader 🧠(CW.dubcon(?)
Yandere!Loser fucks u! — Oc #gender neutral reader 🧠(tw. masochist)
(⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「 yippee!!
747 notes · View notes
genshinwomenontop · 8 months
Can you make a cloud retainer x adeptus reader? Like a continuation of the previous fic of yours but Shehe and Ganyu found out soon that their master was pregnant with reader child and want to protect the unborn child
Also keep it spicy if you can
Aww Shenhe and Ganyu's reaction to their master being pregnant 🥹
"Master's child"
☆Prompt: After you impregnated your adeptus wife, Shenhe and Ganyu became very over protective of her and their soon to be little brother/sister.
☆Warnings: G!P Adeptus Reader, smut, fluff, mother-daughters moment.
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"That's it y/n keep hitting that spot ahh~" Xianyun moaned as your enormous cock kept hitting her g-spot. It's been five hours now and you seem to be unable to resist your wife. She looked so beautiful; her legs on your shoulder, her chest and boobs covered with hickies, her hair sprawled out.
You increased your pace, making her eyes roll to the back as her tongue came out, drool leaking out. Xianyun felt her nineth orgasm approaching and without warning, she squirted all over your dick, the force making you groan as you emptied your balls inside her womb. With your Adeptus strength and stamina, you wanted more, however, Xianyun couldn't keep up and you didn't want to break her.
Pulling out your dick, you saw your mixed cum pour out of her and the sight looked truly tempting but you held back, seeing the passed out Xianyun. You cuddled into her side and soon drifted off to sleep.
A few weeks have passed since that steamy night and you've noticed that Xianyun has been avoiding you. It hurt you and left you confused as to why she did that. You even went as far as to ask Shenhe, Ganyu, and Zhongli but didn't find an answer. The only thing left to do was to confront her and that you did. Xianyun and you were seated on Mountain shaper's Mountain. "Well, are you gonna answer me? Why are you avoiding me? If something is bothering you, let me know."
Xianyun sighed and adjusted her glasses. "There has been nothing bothering me but I..." this was the first time you saw her so vulnerable and scared. You gently pulled her into a hug as her eyes widened.
"Something is bothering you, I can tell. Please, what's going in that pretty head of yours? Hmm?"
"One has recently found out that one may be carrying your child." You blinked a few times before your jaw dropped.
"You're pregnant? How? When?"
"It seemed after that night. I wasn't feeling a tad okay, so I asked Moon Carved and Mountain Shaper to help well to basically check if I'm alright. Mountain Carver had felt another presence with us that day, but it wasn't strong. Moon Carver suggested I take a pregnancy test and well... it came back positive." You listened each word attentively, before a smile broke out from your face.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner instead of avoiding me?"
"I was scared. I'm sorry."
"No need to apologise, I'm so happy right now. You're carrying my child, my own flesh and Blood."
"Master is pregnant?!" Two voices shouted from behind you making you scream. Xianyun was startled as well.
Shenhe and Ganyu jumped out from behind a rock. "Master is this true?" Shenhe asked as she approached Xianyun who sighed but nodded.
"It is. I'm going to be a mother, well a mother to a third individual," she smiled as she rubbed her belly. Ganyu approached you and pulled you into a bone crushing hug.
"Congratulations you two! Oh this is wonderful! Oh we need to buy baby clothes! What will we name them? I hope it's a girl," the three of you watched as Ganyu freaked out over the unborn baby.
"I think it's a boy," Shenhe replied with a small smile. She felt extremely happy and suddenly pulled Xianyun into a hug. At first, Xianyun was puzzled but then she relaxed and eventually hugged Shenhe back, a bright smile adorning her face. Shenhe reached and pulled Ganyu into the hug and it became a trio hug. Xianyun couldn't stop smiling as she hugged both of her daughters and kissed each one of them on their foreheads.
"We can't forget the father of the baby," Shenhe smiled and both Ganyu and her embraced you as you did to them.
From then on, Ganyu and Shenhe were always buy Xianyun's side. Sometimes it's just Ganyu alone, then Sometimes it's just Shenhe, and even though you were there, they felt the need to protect their master (mother) and their little sibling.
When the baby was born, you watched as Ganyu and Shenhe got excited and it was the first time that Shenhe expressed alot of emotions. The two of them eventually fell asleep, cradling your son in their arms and you knew that, that boy will be extremely spoiled and you couldn't be more glad to have that little family.
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mikwaa · 1 year
I'll always miss you, you will shine like gold in my memory.
Zhongli x Reader
Wc: 2.7k
Warnings: Angst, hurt no comfort, reader dies. Toxic relationship, Morax is an idiot brute, this is set in the Archon war, reader is a warrior.
A/n: I had this draft written here a while ago, decided to post it because it's one I really like. As the old Morax is described as a more rough and ruthless person, I imagine that for him to change there had to be a major event. And so I ended up writing this, maybe I'll do another ending because I genuinely don't like sad endings, but it went together so well I decided to leave it like this.
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"Morax, please listen to me." And there you were, in one of those endless fights with your husband.
The reason this time was that you had found a group of people, begging for a place to stay, since they were wandering around. This group had been exiled from Sumeru, the reasons were not yet clear, nor did they know why. There were children, elders, even young pregnant women, you couldn't just ignore them and let them die.
And you had offered them a home in the Guili Plains, the place where the Liyue population was housed. But Morax did not accept, nor did he seem to want to change his mind.
"I've said what I think, and I'm not going to change it." And he didn't even look at you, on the contrary, he walked even faster to distance more from you.
"Can you stop being so irreverent?" You quicken your steps and stand in front of him, stopping him from moving forward.
He narrowed his eyes in your direction, his face turning into an angry frown, "I told you, don't make me repeat myself. If you choose to save those people, you can forget about coming back. I don't want you around." His words were sharp as blades, wounding as such.
And seeing his face without a drop of expression, without a single regret. How could he say such impactful things as if they were nothing?
"How can you talk like that? I'm your spouse, I'm just trying to help." You could already feel tears forming in your eyes, he always acted like a brute, but there were times you couldn't even handle it.
"You can help me by protecting my people, not by harboring strangers." The coldness with which he spoke to you was abysmal, it didn't even seem like you had any kind of relationship.
"They are people too, they have feelings too. They are afraid to die, they are simply out in the open."
"I care what's mine, we're in a war, we can't save everyone. And I chose to take care of what is mine, my territory together with my people". He states, with that usual stoic face. With that arrogance and selfishness that would drive anyone crazy with rage.
"So that's still a no?" Breathing heavily you ask him one last time, the hope you had of him giving in had simply vanished.
"It was always a no. If you're going to keep talking about it, you can save both your time and mine." Snide and sharp, he never seemed to change.
"Then you won't want me here anymore, I suppose." To his surprise, you wouldn't give up. You would keep your word no matter what.
"Go ahead." Nothing more, not a sentimentality, nothing. Just treating you like you were just another one of his pawns, like you were just another one in the crowd.
A hot tear ran down your face, your heart burning as if it had been recently scalded.
"Are you really going to treat me like this? Like I'm nothing to you, and this ring means nothing?" You removed the ring, holding it with trembling hands.
The engagement ring, which he had made for you himself, was so beautiful. With jade detailing all over the ring, and even more precious was the message it had, 'It will always be you'. According to him, it was to show how much you meant to him.
And now? Were those beautiful words just thrown to the wind?
He huffed, looking incredibly upset and tired of this situation, but he didn't show you anything, he wasn't sad, sorry, guilty, nothing. As if none of this mattered.
"Have it your way." Completely indifferent he mumbles.
"Okay." You threw the ring away, without even looking at where it went," If it meant nothing to you, it meant nothing to me."
Now he seemed to take some notice of you, but was clearly displeased.
But there was no time for him to talk or complain to you, you ran out of there. He wanted to go after you, but the pride he carried in his chest was stronger.
A feeling of guilt invaded his heart, but he still wouldn't let his feelings get the better of him, because he believed that you would go back on your decision.
You wouldn't exchange him for a group of people you barely know, but that was exactly the point he didn't understand. It wasn't that he wouldn't help you, it was the way he dealt with certain issues. He was so focused and objective, that should be good, but it wasn't the case with him.
He always complained that you think too much about others, just as you complain that his behavior is often harsh and hostile. He believed that you would come back, but he was wrong, very wrong.
it had been three weeks since you had even dared to look at each other. He couldn't swallow his pride, and neither could you. That arrogance and selfishness he possessed could get on anyone's nerves, and you were not immune to it.
No matter how many times you tried to make him understand that things were not practical as he claimed they were, he would never understand, he was a real brute.
And that was the last straw for you, people were not objects that he could control as and when he wanted, and he didn't seem to want to understand that.
You had left the village, and had no desire to return. You had tucked yourself away in a simpler hut and in a place you suspected Morax wouldn't go near. Even though you loved him so much, you doubted if he would ever change.
It was so many doubts mixed with the anger you felt about the things he said, you took it out on the monsters you met in front of you, without letting a single one escape.
With quick and precise blows, you used your blade with an unmistakable dexterity. But even this was not enough for what would happen next. A monster that you didn't even know what it was hit you, and ended up hurting you.
You didn't even know where it came from, you didn't even have time to react. Your body heaved and you fell to the grass abruptly, as you felt a sharp pain run through your entire body.
And when you managed to stabilize yourself and look at the monster, it was no longer there. It had already turned to dust.
"You with this stubbornness. You can't even take care of yourself." From the familiarity in his voice, it wasn't hard to guess that it was your husband.
"Shut up." You mustered the strength to speak, it seemed as if your strength was draining away second by second.
Even in such a state, the weakness and frailty you were in didn't seem to make any commotion in Morax.
"If you knew you wouldn't be like this." So cold, so distant. Every word of his hurt so much.
How could he be so indifferent? So cruel.
"You won't even see your spouse? You won't even try to take care of me?" Even though you tried to sound strong and imposing, all that came out was a shaky, tired voice.
"I'm no specialist in this. Go find help somewhere else, I told you I don't want you around." It wasn't just anger, it was a feeling of someone who had been defied, you hadn't followed his orders, and he was hating you for it.
You had traded him, that's what he had in mind, but you didn't leave because of that. You loved him like crazy, and you had helped him in many ways. But he still needed to think more about others, trust humans more.
To learn to understand that people were not just pawns that he moved when and how he wanted, it was far from that. And now he was experiencing the fact that someone might not follow his orders, and that someone was you.
He went to look over his shoulder one last time, as he began to notice a pool of blood starting to form around you, he hurried his steps over to you.
"I have to take you, the healers will help." Bending down close to you he whispers. The sudden change in behavior that soon showed his desperation.
"You know they won't, there's nothing else to do." You couldn't control the tear that welled up in your eye.
It had been a very deep wound, you didn't need any healer to tell you that you were hopeless, the village was far away, there would be no time to get there. Several other warriors had died like this, and it would be no different with you.
His stoic expression turned to one of terror, his pride gone in a matter of minutes.
"Don't talk foolishness." He nestles you in his arms, carrying you so gingerly that it seemed he was afraid of hurting you with the slightest touch.
"Leave me here," he opened his mouth to protest, and you continued, "Please."
He propped you up on his chest, wrapping you in the clothes of his own body, so that you were properly protected.
"Why are you so stubborn? I can't understand you." For the first time you heard him speak in a broken voice, he was trying not to cry.
"I just want to save time, you know you don't have much to do." You gently caress his face.
He wanted to tell you so much, but he couldn't put it into words, ever.
"I shouldn't have acted like that." Finally, he admitted it. But now it was too late for any regrets.
You intertwined your fingers with his, smiling faintly. He could feel your strength fading little by little, and he could do nothing.
You were too fragile, just like all humans. And he could do nothing.
He couldn't believe it, how could a being as powerful as him be so powerless like that? That shouldn't be right, but it was.
"Please stay." He pleads, but how could you fulfill that request? His voice was so shaken it sounded almost unrecognizable.
For the first time he was losing one of his partners, he had always protected them all as best he could, and none of them had gone so far. But the first was you, his first big loss was you. How would he be able to handle it? No, he couldn't.
"I will never forget your eyes, they are so beautiful." You say softly, almost inaudible.
And he let a tear escape, all the armor he had made in his heart had broken, and he couldn't control it. It was the love of his life leaving, all he could do was watch, how could he be so useless at a time like this?
"Stay, keep your eyes open, I'll get help, I'll…" Not even he himself believed his own words, much less believed that you could save yourself.
He felt so much guilt, how could he have been so negligent? He had never been very sentimental, but now he felt it all at once.
He could hardly describe his exact feeling, because he had no exact feeling. Now he understood all the human emotions you spoke of, a pity he could only understand now, on your deathbed.
The birds were singing, it was a beautiful day, the sun had the most beautiful glow. And yet Morax was there, on the grass with you in his arms, crying in despair like never before. The blood that stained the green of the vegetation, and the pain that remained impregnated in Morax's soul.
And then, like one of those tricks played by fate, everything fell silent. Morax sobbed softly, and made one last plea, "Don't leave me, I really care for you. I love you, stay here." He held your hand tightly, seeing how small it was compared to his.
It was the first time he had been that clear, he had never really opened his heart to you, a shame that the first time he said 'I love you', you were no longer there to hear it.
And as soon as he realized it, a faint cry was all that came out of Morax's mouth, followed by an audible sob. He realized that you died there, nestled in his arms, holding his hand, so angelic.
His beloved had left him, eternally.
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Millennia had passed since your death, 3.800 years to be exact. Yet this hurt Morax so much that he was never able to forget you.
Even though he left the Archon life aside, now going by another name, Zhongli, and leading a more modest life as a simple Liyue citizen, the memories he had with you were vivid, shining like gold in his memory.
He martyred himself every day, he blamed himself, a guilt that he would never be able to eliminate from his chest, he would give everything, even his life for you to come back.
And today this feeling was stronger than ever, because it was the day of your death, the day you left him alone in this world. Another year had passed, and even so it seemed like yesterday when you died, at least that's how Morax felt.
And as he did every year, he bought your favorite flowers, picked them carefully to make sure that you would like them. Plus he provided the wine of his choice, it was the only thing that made his mind clear on a day like this, even if he wasn't very used to all that drinking.
When he was ready, he went to your tomb, which was made in the Guili Plains, the place where everything began, and also where everything ended. He always kept your grave clean, after all he visited you every day, no matter how hectic his routine could be, he would always come to your grave daily.
"I missed you, my dear." He says these words to the wind, anyone passing by would think he was crazy, but he didn't care.
He always spent hours talking to you, talking about everything that had changed, and how he had changed. He always thought that no matter where you were, you could always hear him.
Gently he put the flowers on the grave, and sat down on the floor, while pouring himself some wine. "I just wanted to remind you that I love you, more than anything else."
On a day like today, he wouldn't even try to hold back the tears, or the pain in his chest. He caught himself thinking how proud you would be to see the progress Liyue had made, how beautiful the city looked now.
He wanted to show you that he understood what you said in the last minutes of your life, he wanted to show you that you had become a better person. This was due to a great influence of yours, who now was not here to accompany him on this journey.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I did, my beloved. You would think it magnificent the way everything has progressed, how humans could achieve so much." His voice choked, his face red as the tears came down without stopping.
'His beloved' , was so sweet when it came out of his lips, but so melancholy by the look in his eyes, those gentle golden eyes that expressed so much sorrow.
A love ended in such a way could hurt so much, and Morax knew it. He had experienced it so harshly, but he stood firm to keep the nation you two had fought so hard for standing, and he would keep fighting because he thought it was the way to repay you for all you had done for him.
Every time he remembered you crumbling in his arms, his heart squeezed in such a way. Your face paled along with your frail body, looking as if it would break at any moment. And with that he remembered how much he missed you in his arms, your laughter, the warmth of your body, your beautiful face.
He missed it all, and remembered these moments bitterly, but also joyfully, because he remembered when you were still with him.
He would protect the people at all costs, and keep everything safe as long as he was alive, he would watch over everything you believed in. He would gladly do this for the rest of his days.
Now all he could do was wait, wait for him to take his last breath. And then finally, finally he could meet you, and tell you everything that happened during those years.
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cheri-2047 · 3 months
“roses for you”
Lyney as a parent
out in the garden
“not again…”
tighnari x injured reader
Study buddy headcanons
Freminet college AU headcanons
Kaveh angst (short bday special)
”you’re…pregnant?” (Alhaitham, Wriothesley, Diluc, Ayato, Lyney)
Arranged marriage (Neuvillette, Zhongli, Ayato)
Star Rail:
Aventurine x reader who got triggered
Dr ratio x pregnant reader headcanons
Wuthering Waves:
Cuddling and falling asleep
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