#ziam proofs
yaz-the-spaz · 1 year
I have a new second favorite Zayn and here's reasons #1-∞ why...
first off, for anyone who may have missed it liam participated in Soccer Aid this week and made a new friend with an old name. enter tiktoker & youtuber zaynqf, who makes football content but was clearly fangirling over liam (much like another zayn we know lmao) 😆
...BUT things really popped off when zayn(qf) made a post including a caption with a punny joke about himself and liam (included in the screenshots below)
as they do, fans reacted and the result was...interesting 😏
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and then just to make sure what was seemingly being implied by zayn(qf) was crystal clear someone else followed up and...
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THEN as if to double down on his chaotic and downright egregious behavior (sir! we were not prepared!) AND add fuel to the already deliciously burning fire, he proceeded to view (and even like) posts from other ziams' stories
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there may be even more of these, i'm not sure, but these are just the ones i happened to see (if people have screenshots of more of him creeping on ziam posts please do feel free to send them in so i can add them to this post lol!)
anyways, in conclusion, I have a new second favorite zayn and now you all do too. let's welcome our new surrogate captain of this beautiful ship warmly! 😜🏳️‍🌈
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louuthesunflower · 1 year
Happy 25/04 Ziam anniversary ❤️💛
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notaboutafish · 1 year
If you want to prove that ziam isn’t real the best way to NOT prove that is to have them stunt immediately after an interaction.
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awesomefringey · 1 year
Hello Sabine! I have only recently (~half a year ago) joined this fandom, and I have a question regarding people around HL reacting to/speaking about Larries. From old posts I've seen, it used to happen a lot that their relatives or other people like Liam would speak really bad about Larries on SM, even way into the hiatus when they were not with Modest anymore. But ever since I joined, I have not seen one single interaction like that, but more rather things like Gemma's recent story, which seems like they are now even giving subtle hints (of course we don't know if it's meant like that). Do you have an estimate when it was that the Larrie thrashing stopped? Or can you give me a recommendation who on Tumblr would have documented stuff like this and would know? Thanks a lot!! :-)
Welcome to the hell hole, nonnie! 😄💜
I didn’t track all the times people have denied Larry or talked shit about Larries. But it’s fair to say over the course of 1D and beyond, Larries have always been an easy target.
Gemma called people/larries in the comment section of her IG ‘mental’ at some point because they kept flooding her posts about Larry proof. And last year, she debunked old tweets as fake. But I wouldn’t call either Larry denials per se. She just pushed back on Larries quite a bit especially when she was used to back up any theories, which is absolutely fair. See a wonderful and enlightening comment on her motivation here.
Of course, Zayn’s Larry/Ziam denial, and him accusing fans for forcing Larry to show no affection, which was back in 2015.
I remember Liam denying Larry when he was asked by a fan a few years back. I mean, what do people expect him to say? 🤦🏼‍♀️
And well, in 2017, Louis’ “there’s genuinely seriously obviously no truth to it” when asked about the Larry organisation and I couldn’t have asked for a better Larry denial. 😂
Maybe Lou Teasdale was the last one to cackle about Larries during a podcast episode she was invited to back in 2020. Her and Eleanor’s IG and snapchats were involved in a Larrie investigation after Louis’ and Harry’s voice could be heard in the background. I bet she’s never had that much interest in her account before but with the podcast she made sure, people were reminded that she was an idiot.
But beyond that - I don’t know… 🤔
@skepticalarrie @daisiesonafield-blog @twopoppies Do you have tags for Larry denials tags for this nonnie?
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edge-oftheworld · 4 months
Ok, please explain the your theory about 1D reuniting at Michael and Crystal’s wedding?? You can’t just drop that in the tags and not explain. Were there pictures? I’ve never seen pictures of any pictures of any of the 1D guys there. If this really happened and they actually released pictures onto the internet, then I’m shocked that I haven’t seen them yet, since the we get private pictures of Harry at the weddings of family and non famous friends all the time.
It’s weird to me that all the 1D guys try to downplay their friendships after the band split. They reel us that they talk but they try not to admit to hanging out in person. At least that what I and some fans suspect: they spend a lot more time together than they show us. About a year ago Niall finally confirmed that a picture of him and Harry at a park wearing masks in 2021 really was them hanging out. So we know they hangout in pairs. Those of us that think Larry and Ziam are going strong assume those guys live together when they aren’t traveling for work. I think all five guys in 1D are still friends and hangout sometimes, but I have no proof.
Similarly, I feel like none of the 1D guys act like they are close to any of the 5SOS guys anymore, and Vice Versa. I saw an interview a few years ago where Ashton said he ran into Niall while hiking around LA and they said “hi” but didn’t talk or hangout more than that. That could be true, but it seems odd to me that 5sos don’t hangout with Niall more in particular, since Wikipedia tells me they all own homes in the same neighborhood in Laurel Canyon in LA. Ashton just moved, so maybe that’s not the case anymore. I get the impression that Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn all spend most of their free time in England when they aren’t traveling, and they go to LA mostly for work. But I think Niall and Shawn have made LA their home base.
okay. so. with the caveat that I know very little about the guys from one direction. I'm going solely off this clip I saw on Instagram (don't know the source of, guessing it was some interview or livestream) where michael is talking about his wedding. he talks about how luke and sierra did a song for him, and then someone asks about one direction reuniting for it and he's like yeah, i think he said they performed a song but my memory is a little fuzzy, maybe they just came idk. i know michael and crystal did get married in secret in a ceremony that was smaller than planned due to covid, i'm not 100% sure if they did a bigger reception thingo later or not, but they didn't share any pictures until about a year later and even then, not that many. i'm guessing they didn't want to share pics of everyone who was there bc they knew how this would go down?? either that or i imagined the whole clip which is--not completely impossible. I'm pretty sure it happened though and I don't see why mike would lie.
and tbh I don't really pay attention to who they all hang out with?? like i can name the places in sydney luke posted in his most recent photo dump but that's because it's like my turf yknow?? other than that, what they get up to is up to them and if I see something funny or relatable I will talk about it, if not, monkey brain does not engage at all. so honestly i have no idea how close they all are. from what I see ash isn't super close with 1d but that makes sense, whereas from what I've seen when they used to tour together and stuff it seems that michael was the closest to all of them (I could be wrong) and so it'd kinda make sense for them to come to his wedding? that's all I've got. could try to find the clip but honestly I haven't seen it since
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caralara · 1 year
Why are you so optimistic that bbg will end? I’m amazed but also confused. People also believe that liam’s and zayn’s children are also a stunt. If louis were to end it, doesn’t it will have a domino effect to them and also other problems (closeting, pr company problem that Louis is still very much still with, etc). I personally think it will stay for a long time to create some public image about him.. after all he’s a celebrity and an international artist (remember the world is still homophobic) and also he’s kinda in the indie music scene and idk if the “coming out” or revealed bbg will help at all. But who knows 🤷‍♂️ I certainly hope you are true even though I don’t know how that big of a scandal will end in the current music industry that still filled with a lot of powerful executives.
Hi anon!
I think you might have missed a few of my posts there, I don’t believe Louis is going to come out and say „babygate was never real,“ very much also for the reasons you’ve mentioned. When I say „end it“ I mean that Louis will turn out to not be the dad in whatever fashion (most likely that they all thought he was but Briana had slept with other men during that time so it is actually someone else’s kid) and he will be just as surprised and shocked as the fans because he really thought he was his dad all along.
About Bear and Khai - for me, I have found a reason as to why babygate happened, and it’s not just as simple as general closeting, you can look at my long post that I have pinned on my blog to get a better idea why I think babygate happened in the first place, and because of that, I don’t see the same necessity for Liam and Zayn - so I’m sorry to say but as of now I don’t think there’s Ziam babygates (doesn’t mean I don’t think there’s nothing fishy there)
And you already said it, Louis is moving into an indie part of the music genre, and it’s much easier to keep your private life actually private in those circles. I’ve said before that I don’t think Louis will do a coming out on his own.
And the reason I’m so optimistic? for the last two years I’ve dug deep into everything babygate, looked at everything g myself, debunked a lot of „proofs“ on the way lol, but I still arrived at the conclusion that babygate was a stunt - and then went on to see patterns that suggested Louis tried to end it in 2020/2021 already, but - pandemic. so all I’ve been observing makes a lot of sense for him to build up to the end. That’s why I’m optimistic - I looked at all the facts and the big picture myself and made my mind up based on that.
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twopoppies · 2 years
sometimes i fr see where anits coming from when they hate on larries and shit cuz on twitter they’re embarrassing asf. they’re all 0t5 (nothing wrong w that but just annoying) most of them ship ziam and think it’s real, fucking even go as far to belive shiall.💀💀 when i see ziam shit on my tl i fr think in my head that this is how antis see larries which makes me understand more😭 cuz ziammies fucking REACH. like y’all on tumblr think twitter larries reach fucking hell try having ridiculous shaill and zaim proof on ur dash
Sigh. I get why people think larries sound delusional. Especially if you only look at theories from the last three or four years. It’s completely out of control at this point and I just can’t take any of it seriously. This fandom has changed so drastically, and it seems to be going in the absolute opposite direction Harry and Louis are going in, that it really just isn’t a whole lot of fun. It seems as though people are more interested in getting viral posts and hit tweets than they are in actually making any sense. And others just agree and retweet/reblog literally everything without any attempt at being logical.
We all get excited from time to time with something that looks like “proof”, but 99% of the time what people are talking about has absolutely no basis in reality. You can literally make anything into a theory that has some glimmer of possibility if you’re ignoring logic. Hence: Xarry proof, Gryles proof, Shiall proof, Louke proof, Zouis proof…. It’s just embarrassing.
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moonsaurora · 1 year
what is the one moment of proof or evidence that is undeniable to you? it’s hard to explain what i’m asking lol but the one thing that you’re holding onto that has you like - yes. they’re real. they’re together. maybe the one moment that when you were getting into them that made your jaw drop and make you believe completely, like you don’t think it could be explained away at all. for both larry and ziam
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redyellowberry · 2 years
Hiiii ! I’m newer to the whole ziam thing. I’ve been in the fandom for a while now and I’ve never really thought anything of zayn and Liam’s relationships because I pretty much believed what I got from the GP. (Even though I always hated Liam’s girlfriends) I just wanted to to know you’re take on there relationships with there girlfriends(is it real? Was it real at one point?) and the whole cheating Liam scandal that always resurfaces when he dates someone. Thank youuu
Hi, thank you for sending the ask ❤️
No Liam’s relationship with women were real (except for danielle back in 2011/2012, though there is still debate about whether it was real or not).
Liam is married to Zayn, there are many proofs of it, and the whole point of all these countless fake affairs Liam’s being put into is to conceal this fact.
Recently Liam released the Lonely Bug NFT collection where the bug is put into the glass box, and with it Liam tried to explain how it feels like to be locked in a closet. You can ready my analysis on it here.
Liam’s friend Landon Ross posted the photo with Liam where he holds him and captioned it “Back to the cupboard” which is obviously a reference to the closet.
As for “the whole cheating scandal” that follows Liam’s “relationships”, it’s happened only one time with m*ya, and it was debunked by Liam’s management by them saying that their “relationship” had ended before Liam was seen with another woman.
If you are interested, you can read more on laya’s fake relationship in this great post.
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the most frustrating thing about the harry styles queerbaiting shit is like
these are the same people who claim to support closeted and unlabeled folks.
the hypocrisy.
and not to get too conspiratorial, buuuut
a lot of it feels like old 1d haters looking for a new reason to hate him. his musical style has expanded so much since 1d split that they can't make fun of him for writing bubblegum pop songs, they can't the same homophobic jokes they did before (and let's not kid ourselves - at least 80% of the hate levied at one direction was homophobic) so they have to find something to hate him for.
Actually this makes perfect sense, anon.
I am 100% on board with your analysis of why there seems to be such a huge focus on harry and his "queerbaiting" recently being related to finding another reason except his queerness to hate on him for. Because you're right, they used to hate 1D something fierce and if if it wasn't homophobic, it was sexist in nature.
Because as someone who was very heavily a part of the 1D fandom from the very beginning, I have been here for ALL of the conversations regarding the boys' sexualities and whether or not it was problematic to be a larry shipper. I think it's so fucking interesting that the narrative has gone from "harry can't be gay! look at all these women he likes!" to "harry can't be gay! we've never seen him date a man! he's doing it for attention" because like he's the same harry he's always fucking been.
Like, I remember having VIVID discussions with people about whether or not we should assume louis and harry are dating because the only difference between their interactions and the other ships' is that louis and harry were the only "stereotypical" looking gay couple of the bunch. Like, literally every other combination was not "gay" enough and that's why larries focus so much on this ship instead of LiLo or Lirry or Zouis or Ziam or Zarry etc and like that was the point where I was like "actually you're right this feels a little stereotypical atp" and also there were discussions at the time that just because harry said he doesn't mind dating men doesn't mean he IS dating louis.
and now it's like... we've all collectively forgotten that? We've forgotten that we used to discuss whether or not harry's gay ass is "proof" of larry and what gets me is that people just seem to not realize or care to put these two things together and see how mayyyyyybe, just mayyyyyybe Harry doesn't feel comfortable enough to be *publically* queer because of the way it was commodified and denied and discussed so intensely during such a pivotal moment of life for him (like.. he was a teenager for 3 out of the 5 years 1D was around bro).
But not only that but he HAS confirmed he's part of the community but that he is unlabelled and unlabelled is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT VALID AND OKAY AND SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AS LESSER OF AN IDENTITY THAN LABELLED ONES ARE. Literally all that means is that none of the labels we have feel right for you and that's okay. It doesn't invalidate the diversity of experience you may or may not have nor does it get rid of the gay ass feelings u have for people of the same gender/sex as you. I don't understand this insistence that harry is not queer because he doesn't like labels and would rather just date a person than their genitals???? it definitely has to be related to society's hatred of "girly" things because if there is one thing harry is not, it's a man's man.
idk i just don't even care that fucking much about harry styles dude, I just care about society accepting "less than perfect" queers as queers without making us constantly have to prove that we're queer. let us live our lives as WE SAY WE ARE instead of making us prove our queerness to you everytime we exist outside of your narrow little stereotypes of us.
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yaz-the-spaz · 2 years
“pAYNt” “zAYN” not Payne lol Also I guess Ziams are gonna pretend Liam’s interview with Logan Paul doesn’t exist. Nothing about what he says indicates they’re a couple and if they are it’s not a healthy relationships. Why would Liam speak about not being able to reach out tonhis supposed partner
look feel free to believe that, no one's stopping you (just like no one's stopping me from believing what I believe) just as long as you're also willing to acknowledge that that same merch:
had L's all over it - a pretty interesting coincidence/choice given all the possible letters he could've chosen out of the entire alphabet, including the one his own name starts with which would've made a hell of a lot more sense too if paynt really was just zayn+paint
had colors highly associated with zayn & liam - band colors which zayn clearly still associates himself to or he wouldn't have named his album yellow metal, not to mention the fact that after watching this fandom for almost 12 damn years I'm pretty sure he's very aware of the fact that ziam fans often post yellow and red hearts to signify them and you would think if he didn't wanna fuel rumors he would've picked literally any other combination of colors out of the rainbow. and yet.
sectioned off the words in the block/square t-shirt design so that the 'payn' part stood alone - lol does this honestly even need further explanation like ??
was released exclusively during pride month of all months which should be a MAJOR 👀 👀👀 to anyone in the queer community (esp given the rampant rumors about zayn's sexuality) - and again needs no further explanation imo
immediately followed all this up days later by wearing the merch, again full of liam connections, while performing a snippet of a song he famously dueted with liam on, that liam also literally has a line from permanently tattooed on his body - again, he's watched the fandom for 12 years you think he hasn't seen ppl toting this song as a ziam anthem? or that he didn't see any of the comments about the merch? you truly think he has zero awareness of how this all looks together? you really think the song choice means absolutely nothing to either of them when liam got a line from it permanently inked into into his skin and zayn even put a refrain of it in one of his own songs on icarus falls? when they literally dueted/harmonized on it live almost every night for like two years? when liam cried the first time they had to perform it without zayn? all the possible songs zayn could've chosen to show off his famous high notes and he choses the one with THE MOST ziam history right smack in the middle of the entire internet dragging liam to hell and i'm supposed to believe that means absolutely nothing?? nah fam.
(I'm not even gonna get into the fact that liam was drunk and looked super uncomfortable or that that asshat, l0g4n p@ul, would do literally anything for clicks or that liam's team let liam - someone with a known drinking problem - continue to drink during the interview just to get through it cause all that's been hashed and re-hashed and should be a MAJOR red flag that something's not right to anyone paying an iota of attention)
go on believing it has nothing to do with liam if you want, but that's a hell of a lot of overlapping coincidences to really just be all coincidences in my book. once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. and this is wayyyyy more than three times, especially when you consider all the other big weirdly suspicious things they've been caught doing that link to each other
i mean if these are really all coincidences and they truly hate each other and don't talk or have any kind of connection/relationship with each other then i guess it's also just another big ol' coincidence that...
they both seem to really, really love the number 25 for some odd reason
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or that they both seem weirdly dedicated to maintaining eyebrow slits even 10 whole years after they first started the trend between each other in 2012, despite the fact that they supposedly don't even talk anymore
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2015-2022 (and these are just a few of them btw, there's so many more)
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or that the "e" in zayn's liam m.o.m. tattoo just so happens to double as an "a" in a way that makes it look suspiciously like it spells out liam
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or that zayn just so happened to get an exact replica of the album artwork from liam's first single tattooed on his hand
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[putting the rest under the cut cause this got wayyyy long]
or that liam just so happened to get/debut the 4 tattoo on his RING finger (RING!!) within days after pillowtalk was released and originally stylized as "PiLlOwT4lK" with a 4
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or that neither the boys nor their families or friends/colleagues seem to be able to stop further fueling rumors by continuously interacting with, liking, and reposting from ziams:
x, x, x, x, x, x
...seriously there are soooo many instances of this and this is just the tip of the iceberg (i unfortunately reached my pic limit for this post but if i included even just a fraction of them this post would be 5 thousand miles long). honestly, if they all think we're just delusional crazies & weirdos why would they keep interacting with us and our posts? even when they're not even tagged (meaning they likely went looking for them)? and especially when so many of these posts are blatantly romantic/sexual and/or outright disrespectful to the women they're supposedly actually dating? (if you don't care to click i'll just go ahead and tell you that most of these literally have hashtags like #ziamisreal or #zerrieisfake/#zigiisfake, etc. plain as day and/or talk about ziam being queer/gay, coming out, and/or are edits of them literally in a very sexual or romantic pose with each other, i.e. things that cannot be interpreted any other way other than that they're queer as hell, their public relationships are fake as hell, and their families know it - i may reblog this with more pics later though for posterity if i have the time)
let's also not forget that twice now liam has spoken as if he's already married despite very much not being married (publicly anyway) and that zayn got a marriage poem tattoed despite also not being married and even being publicly single at the time - x, x, x
and don't even get me started on the damn cartier bracelets that they were both spotted wearing multiple times that were never connected to and/or seen on their respective girlfriends at the time
i mean at a certain point you literally gotta admit there's at least SOMETHING going on even if it's not a romantic relationship cause you honestly cannot make this stuff up, THIS IS TOO DAMN MANY "COINCIDENCES" TO BE GENUINE COINCIDENCES.
there's also tons of proof that most celebrity interviews are at least partially scripted and that people like liam are heavily media trained to make sure they stick to very specific pre-defined talking points (rebecca ferguson and the jonas brothers have talked about this - x, x). if you choose to believe everything in that interview was genuine and that it's a sign of a non-existent or unhealthy relationship, that's your choice. but as someone who's been in this fandom for almost a decade at this point, this is not the first time (and sadly probably won't be the last) that I've seen one of the boys outright lie on camera or seemingly do a complete personality 180 after saying/doing something totally different many times in the past.
do you know how many times various members of this boyband have said on camera that they don't talk to each other only to then turn around and say they never fell out of contact/never stopped being friends? it's truly baffling to me that anyone even believes that bs anymore with there is not only a literal mountain of evidence proving otherwise, but also plenty of admissions from the boys' own mouths themselves of this not actually being the case. so no, liam speaking about "not being able to reach out to his supposed partner" is not at all surprising to me. louis and harry had the same narrative not too long ago. so did zayn vs. the rest of ot4. and yet we have harry on camera recently admitting that they're all still friends and never had a falling out. this was of course followed up by liam calling zayn his "brother" which you can take how you will (he's obviously not gonna publicly call zayn his partner/husband/etc. when they're not out and when the majority of the fandom/gp still believes their relationship to be a bromance) but that's a pretty strange word choice to use for two people who aren't friends and aren't even in contact, so that alone should tell you something weird is up - if the giant trail of breadcrumbs already illustrated above somehow doesn't, that is.
furthermore, out of the hundreds of times liam's talked about zayn, he has almost always only ever had good things to say. there have literally only been about three notable instances where he's had something seemingly negative to say and at least two of those times happened in the company of extremely sketchy men who are known for doing literally anything for clicks (and during times where ziam rumors were reaching a fever pitch and it looked like someone was gunning for damage control). so excuse me if I choose to instead put my stock in the hundreds of other times where liam has only had nice things to say about zayn instead of the couple of weird times where he said something totally and completely out of character, and to pay more attention to all the million other things they do that say there is something going on between them.
again, you don't have to believe it's a romantic relationship, but at the very least you gotta suspect that you're being lied to about something because there is absolutely no way to explain most of this away. i mean this is stuff that has continued for OVER a decade, during most of which we were meant to believe they don't even speak to each other and you mean to tell me that the both of them have this many weird coincidences/linkages between them? (and these are only a few of the really big ones btw, not even getting to all the other smaller things!) and not only that but both them, their families, and their colleagues continue to show public support to the creepy weirdos online who supposedly constantly disrespect them and their relationships? like MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. either we're weird and delusional (in which case you would think they would've started ignoring us a long time ago). or we're onto something.
...I know what I believe ✌🏽🏳️‍🌈
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louuthesunflower · 1 year
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Happy new year to my bitches here !! Hope that this new one be more gentle with us, be kind to yourself and with others, give love to yourself, listen more music, laugh more, be yourself ALWAYS !!! You’re amazing, deserve the world and more, lots of love 💜
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#and that's. big setback when everyone around me will go to any length to preserve their relationship with people they don't like at all
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Probably won't be here long, but how's everyone and everything? I feel completely detached but I have missed all of you, loads!
4 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me with some information about this?
I am still in college, and I really want to work and have a source of income to save up for my future education. I just don't know how to get started. I am inclined towards copywriting and proof reading, because I sufficiently well-versed in English (I think) and that's the kind of work I won't feel burdened by. I am also in third year of med school if that's a skill set (?) I can put to use?
So if anyone could please tell me how to start and go about it? I have heard of Fiverr and sites like that, but a bit more information would be really helpful. Thanks!
5 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
So I watched Eternals (finally) and... God. It wasn't bad or anything, just the star cast raises your expectations and the movie is unable to meet them. It was also sad to see Hollywood making a mockery out of Bollywood once again. This has to stop, c'mon. A true example of representation for representation's sake.
And Eros is just Harry Styles at a fancy dress party. Walks like him, talks like him, and is also Thanos' brother for some reason. I just don't get it. At all.
Also watch Marvel contradict themselves in terms of timelines and shit. The Eternals are presumably in the same universe as the rest of the Avengers, no idea how that's supposed to work out.
The only people in the movie that remotely made me root for them were Druig and Makkari. Loved those two sooooo muchhh.
5 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
maybe love is still opening up someone's tumblr after they have been gone for more than a year just to check whether they're back. who says friendship doesn't hurt?
6 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I mean...
20 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Sorry but all I see when I look at early Larrie 'proof' is Harry Styles queerbaiting. // To be fair to Harry they all did that kind of fan service to a degree. It also looks worse because larries have created ship promoting videos that make more of those moments than they are and ignore that similar fan service occurred for virtually all pairings. Larry and ziam were dominant because of better ship promotion. It’s the same with all fandoms. Ships take off because they happen to attract good writers or vid makers. Though Harry did carry Larry fan service on well after Louis called time on it, but he isn’t a great respecter of other people’s boundaries.
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Some thoughts about Room Under The Stairs now that I've listened to it for a while ... :3
Some top vocal moments, I'm loving the South Asian inspired vocal bits here and there. Musically it's really a natural progression from Nobody Is Listening. My brain started playing Paolo Nutini songs after my first RUTS listen, and the sound is quite similar! Zayn is doing a lot of crackly distortion stuff with his voice that make it sound like Paolo Nutini and other singers in that genre.
(Btw it seems I was buying the hype, because I fully expected Zayn to be capable of actually creating a completely new genre like some of the interviewers claimed ... So at my first listen I was a tiny bit disappointed somehow???? xD lmaoo)
The whole visual profile of the album is so lovely and cosy. Especially the lyric videos on youtube are really nice, lovely aesthetics, and different little videos for each song. ♥
Dreamin became an instant skip for me T^T It just sounds like ~200.000 other songs in the world that are also not my cup of tea ... (Btw I wish Spotify had a feature where you could block specific songs from being played to you, also to save songs from getting overplayed!) And after a few listens I started skipping Grateful, too - it's a bit too repetitive for me lol, even if it was probably a deliberate choice to make it sound like a prayer.
False Starts is lovely, in one of my most favourite song genres - "let's leave this place for something better". And it has a refreshing introvert validation in "tonight we can go it alone" :3
In Fuchsia Dreams the lines "I'm tired of the grey / I'm sick of the pain" (juxtaposed with Fuchsia in the title) are likely a reference to the paint colour Payne's Grey ... and even if you don't take it as 'ziam proof' or whatever, it wouldn't be that outlandish if maybe the song does have some kind of inspiration from Liam? 👀
My faves: Stardust - it's so cosy and lovely, and I like the mv with its sci-fi vibes. The Time - the cosy lyrics, country + South Asian style vocals = awesome and so cute. And last but not least How It Feels, with the amazing vocals ♥ The way he sings the line "can you give me a reason to stay" gives me goosebumps and/or makes me cry every time T^T ...
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hi sea! i hope it’s okay that i’m coming to your inbox with this because i just need to get it off my chest. about a year ago i got sucked into the mental health disease that is larry, i was suggested a few youtube proof videos and it all went downhill from there. then a few months ago, i came across some instagram pages run by larries and ziams and boy did that blast my brain open. all the cute little coincidences that they apply to larry they also apply to ziam, all the excuses (like stunts and beards and fake babies) that they make for larry they also make for ziam. and suddenly the rational part of my brain was like “sam (not my real name) wtf are you doing? how did you let yourself get pulled into this conspiracy theory bullshit so far?” and i’m glad to say that i came to my senses. i had always been more of a Louis fan any way, i like his music more, i like him more, now that i come to think about it i was only tolerating harry because he came as a package deal with Louis. any way i’m happy to report that i am now fully cured of the mental illness that is larry and am truly ashamed and guilty that i ever even fell for it in the first place. even in my darkest most delusional larrying days though i never doubted that Freddie is Louis’ baby. so i’m glad i never fell that low.
sorry for the really long message i just feel like this is kind of like a confessional for me. i hope you’re good and enjoying Louis’ tour 💙
To be fair to fans, “Larry” was marketed because it was (and is) profitable.
Syco/ Sony, management, and Harry and Louis themselves participated in marketing Larry to fans.
Harry and Louis both participated in and condoned the rainbow bears. Lots of other examples.
So it isn’t just the fans fantasizing about it. It was marketing for financial gain and loyalty. It was datamining of fans. Ziam was never as profitable as Larry.
Fans who didn’t get “sucked into Larry” provided a counterpoint, and here’s the thing: as long as fans are arguing about Larry, they stay in the fandom. The ups and downs, the anger, the debate, the fanfics, the fan art, the pulling you in and out— all of that keeps fans interested and engaged. Fanfiction was free promo for One Direction.
So in a way, Larry was One Direction, especially Harry and Louis, gaslighting their fans. It doesn’t mean that it wasn’t “real” at some point, just that it was also super profitable.
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