#zip zorp
bink-boink-bonk · 9 months
i made a silly alien oc but im not sure which design I like more 😭😭 the tall is really fun to draw but the short one is cuter 🙃🙃 maybe I could just make both of them their design lol
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rubberdawgz · 2 months
Pick your alien
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giffypudding · 9 months
Bip Bap Borp
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kukvy · 20 days
Zorp zip zip zeep zirp 🌹❌❌❌❌‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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mildlybizarrecorvid · 1 month
Get oc lored suckers
(I've gotten new folks since last I lored, so feel free to look at the oc tags on my blog)
You're going to know about Hyacinth
So for starters, ya remember Nathaniel Robot? Also known as bootleg leftist Cave Johnson? Well he had a somewhat similar situation at the end. You know, inevitable decline, hoping to gain immortality through a machine and all that. However:
1: He had a decent bit more time, and
2: He was still batshit weird, but more practically so.
As such, he was able to succeed. But he didn't just have it happen in one go, zip-zap-zorp. That would be pretty stupid if you didn't know at least the basics of robotics.
So as a practice run, he had them invent a true Ai in an effective robot body. Like I said, batshit weird.
After several months frenzied effort, they made what they dubbed Human Creation 1, HC-1 on the paperwork, and Hyacinth in casual conversation. This was a fairly nice place, so you didn't get the kind of stuff that usually makes starter Ais go bad. No abuse of that one special person who treated the robot nice, no contradictory commands, it was smooth as butter. (side note: by human standards, Hyacinth is agender, aromantic, and asexual. They didn't want to waste time programming all that in)
Shortly after, Nathaniel died. It was a big deal, he'd done a lot for the world. Every paper worth it's ink ran an obituary.
Yet shortly after something happened. An earthquake, and while this lab wasn't as deep as Aperture (I'm not that shameless), it was still subterranean. Not optimal when that terrain you're in moves. Everything was falling apart, Hyacinth couldn't get out because they'd been made with treads (not optimal for perilous ground), and they saw someone run past: the second robot, who had Nate in because I'm not going to throw away someone so amusing.
Years later, Dialtone (one of the main ocs) breaks in because it looks cool and isn't in any official maps. She finds Hyacinth, and since that's a massive deal turns them on, takes them home, and has a new roommate.
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gleep zip zorp glep zop gloop z 👽
Huh? ...What?
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two-stud-invasion · 6 months
gleeby, zip zorp.
. . 🛸 “ glorp. “
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larz-barz · 1 year
merp geep zip zorp zippy geepers.
mrrp zeep gip ze do dah googoo gaga
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henryashtran · 11 months
Zip zorp...
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zuzuyams · 6 years
Weird question but favorite pkkmn?
Buneary!! (and Lopunny lol)
For legendary probably entei and zapdos
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chanandlers · 7 years
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so, what did you think of the house? it’s perfect. it’s everything we’ve been looking for.
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gobblechopstv · 7 years
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Now, let's meet our judges. NBA star and host of Flip That Igloo, Muk Mu!  Former Hot Tots champion, Baby Dimples Riskind! And robotic-themed DJ Der Zip-Zorp!
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jiamour · 3 years
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stupid cupid
pairing: neighbor!jaemin x reader
side pairing: chenji, markhyuck, noren kinda honestly this is jeno x everyone
genre: soulmates, fluff, ?crack?, the littlest tiniest bit of angst
warnings: (these are all super minor warning) legal drug use, sexual jokes, swearing, internalized homophobia, cheating, there is also very very very minor mentions of poison, vore, blood, gaslighting, ghosts and, murder but these are all in passing comments or jokes
a/n: im not a big fan of this au until later parts so please bear with me🙏
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soulmates au
~ in which you’re pretty sure your next door neighbor is a murderer but you’re locked out and really need a place to stay ~
alternatively: the world is colourless until you kiss your soulmate and jaemin really hates colour
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part 1: introductions
part 2: alien
part 3: caramel latte
part 4: bestfriend
part 5: strawberry !!
part 6: heterophobic
part 7: emotional support malewife
part 8: one month
part 9: espresso
part 10: bowling
part 11: lee jeno?
part 12: third wheel
part 13: nom nom
part 14: beep bop zip zorp
part 15: cookies and cream
part 16: heart problems
part 17: cop bunny
part 18: jfk
part 19: 𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚
part 20: shade of gray
part 21: mini fridge
part 22: *7 way
part 23: darling
part 24: knock?
part 25: my forever buddy
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spectralscathath · 3 years
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to Antares. :3c
fanfic ask meme, currently accepting.
man, there's so much potential there, especially since while I know, vaguely, where everyone ends up at the end, I have No Fucking Clue how it's gonna get there post-Atlas arc.
But Antares is, at the end of the day, Ruby's story. While Weiss, Blake, Yang, and many others get prominence and story arcs and are main characters, Antares was designed around her, and yes, while Salem and relics and the White Fang and so much other plot stuff happens, it is still, at the end of the day, Ruby's story. It's about her, and finding herself, figuring out who she is, because man do I throw some curveballs at her. And it'll... probably be a happy ending? 80% sure.
So it would only be fitting that any alternative ending focuses on her, and so in accordance, I came up with one that I call:
The Girl On The Moon
So picture this: it's the final battle. Here's my current ideal version.
Salem has acquired all four relics and is about to destroy them
Cinder got all four Maiden powers, became UltraSeasonalMaiden, and immediately got fucking zorped by Salem, who used the beetle in her to pass over ALL of that magic into Salem. Cinder's gonezo, she's dead, she died as she lived, getting the rug swept out of her at the height of her win because of some stupid beetle living rent-free in her head.
Tyrian had a death match with Tai and Qrow, which fulfills the narrative purposes of 'Qrow/Tyrian being nemeses' and 'Tai was always Ruby's dad, Tyrian being a sperm donor doesn't mean zip'. It's narratively fulfilling.
Everyone else is down, because Salem has done, idk, some magic that paralyses everyone, she's sent out some grimm goop that is trapping everyone, whatever, that's not important, what is important is that all hope looks lost.
Ruby has a moment where she looks determined, you've seen anime, and she uses her semblance's ability to break apart into rose petals (side note: she retains her mass, that decision was stupid, that's all I'm saying), and she sweeps by Salem, stealing a relic as she goes.
Salem turns, magic already coursing through her hand as she throws a curse at Ruby to turn into a newt or something, and Ruby screams "ETNA!", clutching the relic of creation in her hand.
Time stops. The curse pauses barely an inch from Ruby's back. She tenses up anyway, before she opens her eyes to see smoke flowing from the white opal, forming into the solid, burly figure of the blacksmith inside. Etna stares at the paused battlefield, made of sculpted ice that moves seamlessly like water.
"Well. This is hardly the type of place I would expect my artistry to be required." She glances at Ruby, summoning a scroll and quill form thin air. "What is it you will be commissioning from me? And do remember, you may only ask me for one single object."
Ruby takes the moment in paused time to make her on-the-fly plan sound understandable. "I want you to make something that'll send Salem to the moon."
Etna is obviously a bit taken aback. She asks for schematics, reasoning for leaving the atmosphere, all that jazz, and Ruby uses her mechanical knowledge that she's meant to have to sketch out a basic airship design, but the question of 'how' still eludes her. Dust won't work outside the atmosphere, so... then what. Then she decides. "My semblance. I'm able to shoot myself forward at top speed, I can go into the air, and- I don't know, would it work?"
Etna ponders, and you know what, she decides that she'll allow it, with the caveat that Ruby has to start her semblance and end it, Etna will just make sure that she and Salem end up in the right area.
Ruby agrees, and when time resumes, she goes for it, not even getting to say goodbye. Etna's shuttle works perfectly. Ruby takes the relic with her as well, both to make sure the shuttle doesn't get unmade by someone trying to make a portal to get her back, and to prevent the gods being summoned at all because screw them. (also Salem has definitely used the staff herself by now on account of having gotten it from Atlas, so she's unable to use it either)
She reaches the moon, her aura and the shuttle all that's able to protect her from dying immediately, and that's when Salem, who can't die, decides to make sure this insolent child has to suffer the punishment with her. She uses all the stolen magic from Cinder/Ozma, and uses it to duplicate her immortality, forcing it onto Ruby.
Now unable to die, unable to destroy each other, unable to go home, the two are left to wander the moon and watch Remnant from afar, which probably inspires some legends and such while everyone else on Remnant wonders what the HECK just happened and also "Where did Ruby go"
Everyone else gets a happy ending, and Ruby and Salem? I'm sure eventually they'd have a very uneasy truce after they got bored of killing each other and settled for chess games and stuff. Immortality, man. Maybe Ruby could even help Salem find her loophole out, so she can die, but Ruby? She didn't get one. So there she stays.
My other ideas were like, varying levels of 'Ruby is the Only Survivor of the good guys and retires to Patch' and 'Ruby is the True Main Villain' and all that sort of angsty stuff, but I like this ending au.
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just-zenitsu · 4 years
you called him 'cheese stick' and now i gotta know: what are your top 10 funny nicknames for zeniboi? (if you can't do 10 that's fine, i just appreciate the funny)
i call zenitsu a lot of names and tbh i barely remember any of them but
* cheese stick * banana bolt bitch * gay ass catboy * moronsexual moron * zip zap zorp * im out of ideas
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askintothevoids · 4 years
ksgfefbkj i am seriously giggleing, i am forever calling him zippy zap, best name.
Zip zap zorp
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