#zoids fan oc
commodoresigma · 8 months
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[original drawing date: 26th Nov 2017]
Mira and her Organoid Prism. A couple of fan characters for Zoids (specifically the Chaotic Century continuity or something loosely inspired by it and/or the battle story), who fight in a Buster Tortoise.
I traced the Buster Tortoise from official artwork, btw, god knows there was no way i'd be able to do that by hand lol
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Happy 4th of july folks! We get some firework punch out headcanons + oc's!!!
Still the wii. Sorry super punch out fans i promise i got some headcanons for you all soonish
Little Mac
Doesn't mind them much but gets nervous at very big ones, loves the sounds the small sparkler like ones make though.
Glass Joe
Is used to the noise (being from a Popular city can do that) and loves the colors, a simple man.
Von Kaiser
Has to wear earphones during them, to loud for him.
Probably actually hates them in general to be honest.
Disco Kid
Loves everything second of a firework show due to the colors, loves the ending. Is sad when they end.
King Hippo
At first panic's because of the loud noise, then calms down after abit and watches. Eventually gets board though.
Piston Hondo
Anticipates what kind of fire work would be set off next. Most times he's off.
Bear Hugger
Focuses on making sure the animals are alright then the fireworks. He's an animal lover who worries about the noise and lights.
Great Tiger
Has his clones get snacks while he watches them.
Probably actually uses fireworks during magic acts.
Don Flamenco
Uses them as metaphors for carmen. Wishes some of fireworks were flowers just so he can give them to her.
Aran Ryan
This guy is lighting up some firework he got from masked muscle while the actual show is going on to be honest.
"oi. I wonder what this will-" *kaboom*
He's banned from stores as long as fireworks are on sale.
Soda Popinski
Probably got distracted by the fireworks first going off and nobody explained to him what a firework show was till it ended. They once left him at a place.
Bald Bull
Flash sensitive, has to wear sunglasses or else he'll be upset. Has tried to work around it though.
Super Macho Man
Has someone taking pictures of him posing while the fireworks go off. They always come out horrible because of the flash.
Mr. Sandman
Would honestly like to be asleep rather then watch them, although admittedly they are cool to him.
The ohio spark/clara
She's from the country part of ohio, nothing about fireworks scares her. Probably comforts the ones who do have issues with them though.
Detirmed Delilah
Unlike glass joe, Delilah does have an issue with the noises. And is often grabbing onto someone for reassurance after every bang.
Vicky Kaiser
LOVES the loud noises and lights, records the show so she can show von Kaiser after wards (she bought an expensive camera for this kind of stuff)
Dancing boxer/ deedee
She's from texas, also used to the noise. However immediately goes to comfort someone as soon as they start displaying nervousness about them.
Similar to king hippo, she gets scared, however once she sees them she understands and watches all the way through, nobody knows why.
Hurricane cherry /Sarasa
Makes snacks and drinks for everyone before the show, other wise is also playing the guessing game with hondo
Gamer zoid
Get's very excited over them, it's like a victory screen for her. Ironically she is Canadian so it's hilarious when she says that.
Magnificent Lion/ Chanda
More hesitant to watch, still does but often leaves before the final.
Carmen flamenco
Loves hearing don's metaphors about the fireworks. Tries to keep a mental picture of each one in her head for later, perhaps she'll make a fake flower about it.
Ardin ryan
"aran don't light that!-" *kaboom* "aaand the feckin' eejit did."
Keeps a very very close eye on aran. Actually once had to kick one away after he decided to look at it directly above.
Other wise she doesn't mind
The caffinator/caff
Has to have headphones on, too loud for the over caffeinated gal. Loves the colors though
Turkey's vulture/ raven
Is typically the one unintentionally distracting the worried while looking at the fireworks. Ironically it's by giving reasons as to what the fireworks mean and do.
Super sexy lady/ Amelia
Doing the exact same thing as super macho man. The others just ignore them both.
dream lander
Making absolutely sure nobody is about to go crazy, has a backup plan for everyone including herself.
Otherwise? She wants to go to bed too.
Right have a happy 4th of July!!!
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blade-liger-4ever · 3 months
Okay, a little announcement
I have a blog on WordPress, and I recently posted this:
Now, to all the Supernatural fans, I will be kind and tell you right now - this is featuring comments, discussions and, perhaps, fanfic that is an AU or rewrite of the Catholic/Christian mindset, and will therefore be un-enjoyable for you. However, that is not the main point of this post.
There are some OCs for this rewrite/AU I have in mind, and I am working on creating them as well as discovering their "voice", if you will. I already have one designed via Hero Forge for visual reference, and will be getting to the (for now) other two at some point, but I fear that Hero Forge often makes the female characters I create seem a little "butch"/gay, and my characters are NOT gay. I do not wish for my female characters, especially the one I just made, to appear gay or repugnant to any viewers or followers I gain on WordPress, and I am looking for artists - preferably Catholics and Christians - who are willing to collaborate with me on this.
Now, to be fair to the other half of this group, I will warn you that I cannot commission you for art. I can't pay for fanart to be made for this, and I mainly just want at most three art pieces for each of my characters. If you are willing to do this collaboration, please let me know, and while I cannot pay you, I will cite you on each post for these characters and post links to your Deviantart/Tumblr accounts so that others will be able to find you and, God willing, be able to pay you for the art they desire.
If you find this interesting and want to help me out, just reblog with comments or ask in the comments on this post. My schedule is a bit wild, but I will do my best to respond to you quickly. If you are a rabid Supernatural fan who wishes to attack me, I will block you because I am not looking for a fight, nor am I attacking you. As a matter of fact, I am not attacking anyone in this fandom: this project of mine is to have fun and get myself accustomed to public interaction that would include the writing world.
So please, if you find that this upsets you, keep scrolling. I do not wish for a fight, but I will not end my ideas, or bend to wills that is not God's Will, simply because you wish me to.
Take care, all of you, and have a blessed day.
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hanyoutaikyoushu · 7 years
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Long awaited commission for fiel7d, of their character Ancient~ A lot of work went into this one, especially with all of that extra equipment. There was also a lot of tinkering with the lighting, to try and find what worked best. Originally it was actually going to be a calmer sky blue, but I put down some red just to see where my color zones were, and liked the warmer palette a lot more.
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
it is strange to be a guy who is writing books & posting art on tumblr because i can’t call these things worldbuilding projects or headworlds or whatever, and i can’t actually talk about a lot of it because there’s spoilers but also the way it’s designed to be experienced is in book form, through the eyes of specific characters. it’s why i have trouble adding meaningful explanations in the captions of my work sometimes and also why, despite my header, i wouldn’t describe these characters as ‘ocs’ in the usual online artist sense.
it’s a weird place to be because it feels like i have to always be holding back to keep some things A Surprise, and like i can’t ever actually introduce my characters properly because they exist in the context of ongoing narrative events and character arcs; anything i say about them is only true at like one point in one book before things change. c’est la vie
that said i’m really grateful for all the nice messages & tags i’ve gotten and it’s heartening to see genuine interest in these settings. and to those in the tags wondering: i am a die hard zoids fan
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
What I Want To See More On Tumblr
Tumblr is a sharing/social networking blog site that has a variety of content.  However, there is content that also needs more recognition, and I see little to none of that content; probably because it is underrated and not very many users talk about or mention it.  Of course, there will be plenty of opportunities to add more content, and I still have more information that must be voiced, but it would be nice if others take action and start expanding the site with extra and unlimited content (whether it be pictures, videos, audio, photographs, artwork, fan media, quotes, chats, weblinks, entertainment and media reviews, recaps of different works, memes, tutorials, self-help, GIFs, messages, etc.) as well.
Here are the following content that needs more recognition (it is a long list, so please pace yourselves):
- Skills and techniques with Microsoft PowerPoint (this may include picture making with the shape tool)
- Fictional landscapes created by users
- Synthwave, Vaporwave, and Retrowave (and other retro forms like these)
- OC and fan character bases and illustrations
- Microsoft Windows (1.0, 3.1, 95, NT, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, etc.)
   * Desktop images (tiled pictures included)
   * Screensavers
   * Logos
   * Screenshots
   * Tutorials
   * Video clips
- Extraterrestrial content
   * Planets
   * Star systems
   * Phenomenon (including black holes, quasars, pulsars, supernovae, etc.)
   * Plants/flora
   * Animals/fauna
   * Fungi
   * Single-celled organisms
   * Landscapes
   * Skies
   * Terrains
   * Montane areas
   * Oceans
   * Habitats
   * Climate phenomenon (rain, snow, wind, sandstorms, thunderstorms, blizzards, sleet, hail, auroras, etc.)
   * Moons and natural satellites
   * Technologies
   * Rocks and minerals
   * Intelligent life
   * Alien languages
   * Science fiction
   * Fantasy
   * Geography
   * Field guides
- Alien/space dragons
- Fictional rocks, minerals, and gemstones
- Real-life landscapes
- Firearms
- Psalms
- Vintage material
- Web-developing/web-designing ideas and blueprints
- Mesozoic Era (including dinosaurs, mammals, early birds, and flora)
- Hybrid/crossbreed animals
- Werebeasts
- Alien skunks
- Alien birds
   * Owls
   * Peafowl
   * Hawks
   * Falcons
   * Birds of paradise
   * Parrots and macaws
   * Sparrows
   * Corvids
   * Shrikes
   * Archaeopteryx (dinosaurs are included)
   * Crossbreeds
- Kitsunes (including alien kitsunes)
- Alien wolves
- Alien hedgehogs
- Exotic birds
- G1 MLP (we have enough G4/FIM already)
- Retro
- Fighter jets
- Cars from 1967-1988
- Quotes and scenes from movies, TV shows, videogames/computer games, anime, books, comics, music videos, radio, podcasts, direct-to-video movies and series, plays, scripts, and websites
- Any LGBTQ+ content that encourages diversity of thought, creativity, and staying true to yourself regardless of sexual orientation
Original Stories:
- Science fantasy
- Alien fantastical creatures
   * Dragons
   * Unicorns
   * Pegasi (flying horses)
   * Hippocampus
   * Cerberus
   * Roc (giant eagle)
   * Griffons
   * Hippogriff
   * Kitsune
   * Minotaurs
   * Ent
   * Basilisk
   * Gorgon
   * Harpy
   * Merfolk
   * Fauns
   * Orcs, ogres, goblins, and ghouls
- Action/thrillers
- Influences from sci-fi authors and writers (including Robert Heinlein)
- Female villains and complex characters
- Influences from Atlantis
- Mpreg and fempreg (hermaphrodites, transgender, reverse reproduction, magic, alternate dimension, etc.)
- Allegories (Christian, Jewish, Hindi, Buddhist, Sikh, Taoist, Shinto, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, Muslim, Scientologist, Judeo-Christian, Norse, Jainist, Gothic, any other ideology you can think of)
- Alternate dimensions
- Historical fiction
- Time travel
- Giant robots
- Original anime and manga styles
- Dystopian futures/dimensions
- Conflicts regarding the LGBTQ+ community (gay conservatives, march vs. morality, discrimination based on political party, heroes and villains regardless of sexual orientation, asexuality, intersex couples, coexisting with the majority, etc.)
- Space operas
- Travel and vacationing
- Crossovers (even with official media)
- Even memoirs
Statements and opinions:
- 1980's
- 1990′s
- Anti-identity politics
- Individuality
- Anti-misandry, anti-misogyny, and double standards
- Knight Rider (1980's)
- Sonic X (Japanese, English, or both)
- Transformers Micron Legend
- Transformers Superlink
- Transformers Galaxy Force
- Transformers Unicron Trilogy (sub vs. dub, pro or anti, characters, pairings, etc.)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
- Bumblebee (2018)
- Mpreg and fempreg (pro or anti)
- "Hate is a strong word"
- "Original is better"
- Synthwave
- Bayformers (pro or anti)
- Sub vs. dub
- Anti-trolling
- Equal opportunity vs. equal outcomes
- "I'm gay and conservative; I make my own choice on who to vote, and to tell me otherwise makes you more homophobic than the ones you claim to be"
- Pro-individuality
- Variations of certain pairings (like Sonadow and Megascream)
- Anti-Shradow
- Anti-Sondash
- Sonic x Transformers crossover
- "Fandom abuse kills interest" or similar statements
- "You can be a patriot of your country and support another country at the same time"
- "'Not My President!'  Then move to some other country where he is not your president"
- "This Blog Is A No Threat Zone"
- Supporting underrated characters
- Supporting underrated pairings
- Supporting rarer material that is not mainstream
- Seiyuu and other foreign voice acting
- "Fanboys and fangirls are both annoying" or similar statements
- "Hate a work?  That's your problem" or similar statements
- “Not all Christians are hateful towards gays; not all gays are hateful towards Christians”
- Current news unreported by mainstream media
Sonic The Hedgehog:
- Sonic X (styles and retroactive design is welcome)
   * Bilingual Sonic
   * Fake screenshots
   * Sonic and Shadow
   * Maria Robotnik
   * Adventure 1 and 2
   * Original vs. 4Kids
   * Metarex
   * Molly
   * Scourge The Hedgehog
   * Black Arms
   * AOSTH characters (including Catty Carlisle, Breezie, and Katella The Huntress)
   * Sonic Forces characters (including Infinite The Jackal)
   * Fan characters
   * Transformers in Sonic X style
- Shadow The Hedgehog (2005)
   * Firearms
   * Vehicles
   * Lyrics to theme songs
   * Karma meter
   * Japanese version
   * Screenshots
- Fan character Eggman badniks
- Chaos Emeralds (more colors besides the SEVEN)
- Seiyuu and English-speaking voice actor comparisons
- Sonic OVA
   * Sara (Sera)
   * Old Man Owl
   * Planet Freedom
   * Sonic vs. Metal Sonic
   * Sonic X characters in OVA style
   * Shadow The Hedgehog
- Green Hill Zone in many variations
- Other zones such as Spring Yard Zone and Lava Reef Zone
- Babylon Rogues
   * Jet The Hawk
   * Wave The Swallow
   * Storm The Albatross
   * Sonic X style
- Silver as a Sonadow fan child
- Archie vs. Fleetway vs. IDW
- Controversy memes
- Shadow mpreg (usually in regards to Sonadow or even Mephadow (though I don't ship the latter))
- Fan character creators
- Katella The Huntress
- Female villains and badniks
- Classic style of characters
- Planet Mobius
- Shadow, Silver, and Scourge as werehogs
- Cosmo The Seedrian
- The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
- Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Legends Of The Microns (Transformers: Micron Legend)
- Transformers: Superlink
- Transformers: Galaxy Force
- Transformers G1 Japanese canon
   * Transformers Scramble City (1986)
   * Transformers Headmasters (1987-1988)
   * Transformers Super-God Masterforce (1988-1989)
   * Transformers Victory (1989)
   * Transformers Zone (1990)
- Armada characters with Micron Legend names
- Energon characters with Superlink names
- Cybertron characters with Galaxy Force names
- Armada Demolishor
- Armada Thrust
- Armada Tidal Wave
- Armada Hot Shot (in new coloration)
- Energon Prime Force
- Energon Wing Saber
- Energon Mirage
- Energon Shockblast (should be Shockwave, because he pays homage to G1 Shockwave)
- Cybertron Soundwave
- Cybertron Thunderblast
- Cybertron Landmine
- Cybertron Thundercracker
- Ironhide
   * G1
   * Micron Legend/Armada (the only incarnation of Ironhide that is a Decepticon)
   * Prime
   * Bumblebee (2018)
- Springer
   * G1
   * Superlink/Energon (although he pays homage to his G1 counterpart, he is not a Triple Changer)
   * Live-action versions
- Chromia
   * G1
   * Galaxy Force/Cybertron (the only incarnation of Chromia that is a Decepticon)
- Laserbeak (G1)
- Armada characters in G1 style
- Armada characters in Bumblebee (2018) style, and vice versa
- G1 show fake screenshots
- Armada fake screenshots
- Stunticons and Menosaur
- Aerialbots and Superion
- Omega Supreme
  * G1
  * Superlink/Galaxy Force
- Controversy memes
- Fan character creators
- Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes
- Alice (ROTF)
- Charlie Watson
- Shatter and Dropkick
- Tina Lark (2018 Bumblebee film)
- Female Decepticons and villains
- Blackout (Transformers 2007 film)
- Barricade (Transformers 2007 film)
- G1 meets Armada
- Blitzwing (G1)
- Predaking (G1)
- Seiyuu and English-speaking voice actor comparisons (especially the Unicron Trilogy)
- More combiner robots
- Crossovers or stand-alone fan media with humongous Mecha piloted by humans
- Talaria (G1 episode: The God Gambit)
- Transformers with Pontiac Firebird Trans Am alt-modes
Mecha Anime:
- Beast King Golion
- Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV
- Lightspeed Electroid Albegas
- Gatchaman
- Raideen
   * Yusha Raideen (Raideen The Brave)
   * Chouja Raideen (Raideen The Superior)
- Galaxy Express 999
- Space Battleship Yamato
- Star Musketeer Bismarck (Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs)
- Zoids
- Mighty Orbots
- GaoGaiGar
- Macross/Mospeda
- Space Runaway Ideon
- Queen Millenia (does it count as a Mecha anime?)
- Ergo Proxy (Autoreivs may count as mecha, since they are robots)
- Starship Troopers (OAV)
- Crossovers (including with Transformers)
- Original Mecha artwork as well as stories
- Creatures
   * Paleozoic Era creatures
   * Mesozoic Era creatures
   * Cenozoic Era creatures
   * Megafauna
   * Passenger pigeon
   * Echidna
   * Skunk
   * Peafowl
   * Kitsune
   * Owl
   * Falcon
   * Sonic The Hedgehog characters
   * Star Trek style characters
   * Animal crossbreeds
   * Creepy And Cute parts pack
   * Underwater creatures
   * SporeMaster (extra parts for creatures including extra wings, movable tails, whiskers, and tentacles)
- Flora
   * Pine tree
   * Plants with black trunks and green or blue leaves
   * Berry bush
   * Palm tree-like plants
   * Cherry blossom
   * Eyeball plants
   * Succulent plants
   * Groundcover
   * Fluffy plants
   * Water plants
   * Fungi
- Planets, moons, and stars
- Cells and microbes
- Early creatures
- Land, Air, and Water vehicles
- UFO's that look like fighter jets
- Realistic-looking wildlife and planets
- Asteroids and meteors
- Robots and Mecha
- Comets
- Galaxies
- Fonts
- Humanoid creatures
- Planetary landscapes
- Screenshots
Ships And Pairings:
- Sonic The Hedgehog
   * Sonadow (Sonic seme x Shadow uke)
   * Sonourge/Scouronic (Scourge seme x Sonic uke)
   * Manamy (Manic x Amy)
   * Salamy (Sally Acorn x Amy Rose)
   * Wavouge (Wave x Rouge)
   * Chriselen (Chris Thorndyke x Helen)
   * Metandroid (Metal Sonic x Shadow Android)
   * Jetave (Jet x Wave)
   * Infiniles/Mephinite (Infinite x Mephiles)
   * Geoffershey (Geoffrey x Hershey)
   * Scourgiona (Scourge x Fiona)
   * Juladette (Jules x Bernadette)
   * Soneezie (Sonic x Breezie)
   * Eggella (Eggman x Katella)
   * Robotara/Eggera (Dr. Robotnik x Sara)
   * Knuxikal (Knuckles x Tikal)
- Transformers
   * Ironromia (Ironhide x Chromia)
   * Infernalert (Inferno x Red Alert)
   * Ironratch (Ironhide x Ratchet)
   * Optilita-1 (Optimus Prime x Elita-1)
   * Hotarcee (Hot Rod x Arcee)
   * Springarcee (Springer x Arcee)
   * Shocksound (Shockwave x Soundwave)
   * Optihide (Optimus Prime x Ironhide)
   * Bumblecliff (Bumblebee x Cliffjumper)
   * Megabird (Megatron x Nightbird)
   * Blitztrain (Blitzwing x Astrotrain)
   * Wreckancy (Wreck-Gar x Nancy)
   * Cyclonourge (Cyclonus x Scourge)
   * Hotolishor (Hot Shot x Demolishor); Ironrod/Hothide (Hot Rod x Ironhide)
   * Starclonus (Starscream x Cyclonus); Starsand/Sandscream (Starscream x Sandstorm)
   * Starshot (Starscream x Hot Shot); Starrod (Starscream x Hot Rod)
   * Hotjack (Hot Shot x Wheeljack); Hotpage (Hot Rod x Rampage)
   * Democlonus (Cyclonus x Demolishor); Sandhide (Sandstorm x Ironhide)
   * Radexis (Rad x Alexis); Radexa (Rad x Alexa)
   * Siderust (Sideways x Thrust); Doublerust (Doubleface x Thrust)
   * Blurshot (Blurr x Hot Shot); Silverrod (Silverbolt x Hot Rod)
   * Demolihide/Ironmolishor (Demolishor x Ironhide); Ironbuster/Roadhide (Ironhide x Roadbuster)
   * Ironwing (Ironhide x Wing Saber); Roadsaber (Roadbuster x Wing Saber)
   * Winglock (Wing Dagger x Padlock)
   * Galvarage (Galvatron x Mirage); Galvafleet (Galvatron x Shockfleet)
   * Tidaldagger/Saberage (Tidal Wave/Mirage x Wing Dagger/Wing Saber); Shockwing (Shockwave/Shockfleet x Wing Dagger/Wing Saber)
   * Starwave/Starrage (Starscream x Tidal Wave/Mirage); Starshock (Starscream x Shockwave/Shockfleet)
   * Demolisaber (Demolishor x Wing Saber); Ironwing (Ironhide x Wing Saber)
   * Bulkclonus (Bulkhead x Cyclonus); Springstorm (Springer x Sandstorm)
   * Starblast (Starscream x Thunderblast); Starromia (Starscream x Chromia)
   * Charemo/Memarlie (Charlie x Memo)
   * Shattopkick (Shatter x Dropkick)
   * Wheelarcee (Wheeljack x Arcee)
- Whoever you think need more recognition; there is too many to count.
- Sonic The Hedgehog x Transformers
   * Sonic games x G1
   * AOSTH x G1
   * SatAM x G1
   * Sonic OVA x Headmasters
   * Underground x RID (Car Robots)
   * Sonic X x G1
   * Sonic X x Armada (Micron Legend)
   * Sonic X x Energon (Superlink)
   * Sonic X x Cybertron (Galaxy Force)
   * Sonic games x Unicron Trilogy
   * Archie Comics x IDW
   * Fleetway x Shattered Glass
   * Sonic games x Shattered Glass
   * Archie Comics x Animated
   * Sonic Boom x Prime
   * Sonic Boom x War For Cybertron/Fall Of Cybertron
   * Sonic Mania x Bumblebee (2018)
   * Sonic Forces x Cyberverse
   * Sonic Forces x Bumblebee (2018)
   * Team Sonic Racing x RID (2015)
   * IDW crossover
   * Sonic live-action (2019- ) x Bayformers (2007-2017)
- Transformers x Voltron
   * G1 x Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
   * Armada x Voltron Force
   * Unicron Trilogy x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Headmasters x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Victory x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Cyberverse x Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Alien (1979-2017) x Avatar (2009 film)
- 24 x Transformers (2007)
- Top Gun (1986) x Stealth (2005)
- The Final Countdown (1980) x Top Gun (1986)
- Transformers G1 x Armada
- Transformers G1 x Energon
- Transformers G1 x Bumblebee (2018)
- Transformers IDW x Dreamwave
- Transformers Armada x War For Cybertron
- Sonic OVA x Sonic X
- AOSTH x Sonic X
- AOSTH x Underground
- SatAM x Underground
- SatAM x Sonic X
- Underground x Sonic X
- Sonic Universe crossovers
- Transformers Universe crossovers
Aliens And Extraterrestrial Life:
- Plants
- Fungi
- Bacteria
- Mammals
- Birds
- Reptiles
- Dinosaur-like animals
- Amphibians
- Fish
- Insects
- Arrachnids
- Worms
- Mollusks
- Crustaceans
- Autotrophs (plant animals)
- Humanoids
- Xenomorphs
- Algae
- Hybrids and crossbreeds
- Technology
- Advertisements
- Fonts
- Chrome
- Movie posters
- Art
- Stock footage
- Computer graphics (early CGI)
- Music and soundtracks
- Cars
- Aircraft
- Merchandises
- J-Pop and J-Rock
- 78 RPM and LP vinyl records
- Walkman
- Hairstyles
- Musical instruments (such as synthesizers and drum machines)
Patterns And Textures:
- Memphis-style
- Terrain
- Ocean and sea
- Flowers
- Space
- Faceted
- Planet texture maps
- Sand
- Snow
- Dirt
- Ice
- Sonic patterns
- Transformers patterns
- Geometric
- Grid
- Feathers
Media Reviews:
- Transformers Unicron Trilogy (both Japanese and English)
- Plane and fighter jet films
- 1980's TV shows
- Bumblebee (2018)
- Sonic X (original Japanese version with English subtitles is preferable)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
- G1 MLP TV specials, movie, and series
- Any anime and manga review
- Software and hardware
- Regarding fan media
- Memes in general
- TV Tropes
- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia and RationalWiki (not just negative reviews for Conservapedia, and not just positive reviews for RationalWiki, either; balance them out, see if they have any good points; what are they both right or wrong on?)
- DeviantArt
- Tumblr (the website you are in)
- Top Gun (1986)
- The Final Countdown (1980)
- Avatar (2009)
- Alien vs. Predator media (1979-2017)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
- 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
- Terminator (1984-2019)
- Stealth (2005)
- Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'hoole (2010)
- Cobra (1986)
- Judge Dredd (1995)
- Total Recall (1990)
- Demolition Man (1993)
- Any Garfield TV specials (1982-1991)
- The Land Before Time films (1988-2016)
- Animal Farm (any film or TV show)
- Dragonheart (1996)
- Dirty Dancing (1987)
- Strictly Ballroom (1992)
- Die Hard films (1988-2013)
- Iron Eagle (1986-1994)
- Young Guns (1988-1990)
- The Lost Boys (1987)
- Flatliners (1990, 2017)
- Any direct-to-video film
TV Shows:
- 24 (2001-2010, 2014)
- La Femme Nikita (1997-2001)
- The X Files (1993-2002)
- The Dukes Of Hazard (1979-1985)
- Mr. Ed (1961-1966)
- Any Lucille Ball show
- Stranger Things (2016- )
- The 100 (2014- )
- Knight Rider franchise (1982-2000)
- G.I Joe (1985-1987)
- Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
- Xena: Warrior Princess
- Star Trek franchise
- Star Blazers (1979-1984)
- Voltron (1984-1986)
- Buck Rogers In The 25th Century (1979-1981)
- Battle Of The Planets (1978-1985)
Videogames And Computer Games:
- Halo (1999-2014)
- Sins Of A Solar Empire (2008)
- E.V.O.: Search For Eden (1992)
- Darkspore (2011)
- Unreal (1998-2014)
- Half-Life (1998-2003)
- Age Of Empires (1997- )
- SimCity (2013- )
- Crazy Taxi (1999-2007)
- Nier series (2010-2017)
- Flow (2006)
- Diablo (1996-2017)
- Flicky (1984)
- Ecco The Dolphin (1992)
- Classic Pac-man games (1980-1984)
- Let’s-plays for videogames lesser known in mainstream
- Any fan game
Books And Novels:
- Dragonriders Of Pern
- The Space Trilogy (1938-1945)
- Dune series
- Red Mars Trilogy (Kim Stanley Robinson)
- The Dark Tower (1977)
- The Maze Runner series
- The Chronicles Of Narnia
- Any book and short story by Robert Heinlein
- Bright Lights, Big City
- Space Odyssey (Arthur C. Clarke)
- Guardians Of Ga'hoole
- Watership Down
- The Plague Dogs
- The Rescuers series (Margery Sharp)
- A Brother's Price (Wen Spencer)
- Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
- Any book by Isaac Asimov
- Any webcomic you consider underrated
- Older Garfield comic strips before 2006
- Hyperbole And A Half
- Your own comics
Music And Soundtrack:
- Rush
- Kenny Loggins
- Karen Guys
- Laura Brannigan
- Pat Benetar
- Bon Jovi
- A-Ha
- Rick Astley
- Anime songs
- Off Course
- Brian Eno and Roxy Music
- Collective Soul
- Owl City
- Dead Can Dance
- Cheap Trick
- The Cars
- Cyndi Lauper
- Heart
- Hailee Steinfeld
- Any Sonic shipping fandom
- Transformers Armada (Micron Legend)
- Transformers Energon (Superlink)
- Transformers Cybertron (Galaxy Force)
- AI (artificial intelligence and computers)
- Female villain fandoms
- Seiyuu
- Fighter jets and military helicopters
- Classic cars
- Mecha anime
- Any religious fandom (not that I am religious myself)
(Please note that I may also do some of these, myself, but I encourage others to do so, as well; there are plenty of users who are more skilled and knowledgeable than I am.)
When it comes to content, I leave overrated stuff alone, and yearn to increase underrated stuff, even content that may be overrated in many areas, but underrated in others.  I also encourage differing opinions of such content; people can like a certain content that others hate, and vice versa; I have no problem with that; just as long as no one harasses, bullies, trolls, denigrates, or threatens others who do not think the same way they do.
I also encourage alternative sites for content, as well as many more websites solely for entertainment purposes.
For everyone else in Tumblr, as well as many others in other websites, be creative, bring up new ideas and opinions, teach people something interesting, make what you like, encourage other people to do the same, and be cordial and respectful to one another.  I wish you the best of luck.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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ferineelegance · 7 years
😴 - have you ever given up on a blog and regretted it?
((LOL so the upfront answer to this is a largely a really lame no, because this is actually my first and only tumblr rp blog. …I have something slightly related though that’s been on my mind lately - there sort of is a blog that I’m sort of sorry I didn’t try when the rp community for Esie’s original verse (Zoids Fuzors) was active years ago. Tbh part of why I tend to do OCs is because I can be SUPER self-conscious about getting canon portrayals ‘right’. Was even worse back then. Despite the liking I have for one of the characters from that series (even have some stuff for him in the logs tab and Fuzors verse info section on this blog for lack of storage elsewhere). I immediately shot down any of my own ideas of trying my hand at playing that character. But as time went on, it turned out a fair number of the other fans seemed to really like a lot of the perceptions I had for that same character…So I’m wondering if they would have liked my portrayal after all. Just had the thought the other day of “I might make a blog for him looking back on things…if that particular rp community wasn’t 98% dead 8/”  So yeah…been feeling like I missed my chance there. (Maybe I should have gone multimuse too? O.O lol)
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obsidianonslaught · 7 years
♪♩♫, ♦, ☯ ,☄ (( ;) also regarding the muse-aimed half of the last one I think I probably know the answer, but did it for the lols
((Answers under the cut~ ♥
♪♩♫ Does music inspire your muse? What’s one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse?
For Burton, probably not–at least not for his during-series work. He’s very hands-on, but takes those things seriously, likes careful planning of things and relying on his own experiences/his brains to see that the job is done well. Which isn’t to say he isn’t emotional! (I’d argue he’s actually a very emotional character!) And there are definitely points where his emotions over-rule his reasoning and planning and he acts more in-the-moment rather than on the rationality.
Outside of work, possibly! He knows quite a few languages, and music may have very well been something he listened to in order to help him learn. Especially when he was a kid? (Lolly likes to tune to music stations on the radio and Burton lets him play them when they aren’t trying to do anything too serious. And the two of them definitely sing along to stuff that comes on sometimes.)
I like to listen to music in general, but Burton’s stories/interactions/the writing process for him is not particularly inspired by any music. (It’s more like sometimes I listen to stuff and can say to myself, oh hey, I think this song really fits him/this particular situation!) I don’t know if I could pick just one song that reminds me of him? I’ve actually got a little playlist for him, there are a lot of songs that fit. Some highlights I especially associate with him though are Run by AWOLNATION, Dark Side of Me by Coheed and Cambria, Vicarious by Tool, Alabama by 10 Years,  Masterpiece Theatre 2 by Marianas Trench, and The Audience by Coheed and Cambria.
♦ What’s an AU that you’ve always wanted?
Honestly Zoids + His Dark Materials has always been something that’s really interested me? (Burton’s daemon would be a dragon.) I have some headcanon stuff and just general notes I’ve played with for that, and I’ve grown more fond of the idea over time. There’s just a lot of interesting stuff to incorporate and work with, and I like to work with dark stuff in general in my headspace, and there’s a lot of potential for that there (also just adding in fantasy world aesthetic and distopian stuff because that’s one of the things I like to write).
Also I think animal!verse would be really fun (and dragon!verse, but that’s just because I really, really like dragons), in which he’d also be a dragon (though he’d also make a good crow, flying fox, secretary bird?). A very cowardly dragon, all talk and no bite–I imagine like, Blake stomping on his feet while he just sulks about it and maybe gets really snarky. Or him sarcastically coughing smoke into other’s faces while making really bombastic gestures and then acting as if he has no idea that there’s a problem. He slinks around and is remarkably silent when airborne, sometimes when he’s had enough of Blake’s shenanigans and has been sent to collect him, just swoops down, scoops him up, and carries him off for lectures back at base. (One of the more enjoyable moments of the job!)
I also have a more for-fun medieval AU thing. Sandra is a princess who becomes fed up with royal duties and decides to go out and hunt down her father’s murderer. She enlists the help of a very diplomatic dragon (Burton) who can take on a human form and acts as her traveling  companion. They are eventually joined by Sandra’s nephew (Luke) who decides to basically run away with them because he’s a lot more interested in pursuing a life as an inventor than being a nobleman, and a very grumpy for-hire mercenary (Blake). And the four of them just go off and have adventures/get into trouble.
☯ Is there a muse you’ve always wanted to play?
Yes! But I am not sure I would have the time to do any more/am a very shy person and getting into the RP community has always been something very hard for me, I’m not all that sure I would be able to integrate into anything more? Zoids is near and dear to me and is the only series I’ve ever taken up RP like this with, so it’s familiar territory and I’ve been here for a while already. And Burton is likewise a character that is and forever will be very near and dear to me as well–he’s not “easy” to write persay, but I am very comfortable with him and think his general disposition/his character is something that I can compliment with my writing style.
But other muses I’ve wanted to play! Starscream from the Transformers: Prime series (I actually like to do a lot of my own imagining human!verse stuff with him, but as the robot too, yes), and Dartz from Yu-Gi-Oh!: Waking the Dragons. The latter of the two there’s a whole lot of headcanon stuff going back into like, middle or elementary school?, and there things get strange and tangled up in a lot of magic-based things. I think I could theoretically write for both of them, I’ve probably done a lot more of my own (incomplete/incoherent) writing pieces for Star, and more world-building stuff for Dartz (pre-series and post-series), but I’m just really shy and don’t know if I would be biting off more than I could chew!
I also have some OCs (most of them are Zoids-related), but again, I have enough trouble just trying to keep up with Burton. I’m not so sure I could handle any more/if I would want to necessarily bring them over onto formal RP blogs? I think at one point I tried to do that with one of them but it just didn’t really work out/it was hard for me to keep up and keep track.
☄ Do you think your muse would have liked going to high school sports games? Do you or did you go to high school sports games?
Burton not so much, he keeps to himself and had a lot going on even as a child/teen, so I don’t see him as being interested in high school sports (unless he was there to scout for something/doing some sort of information gathering)? Theater is much more his thing. ;D  
I’m not really a big fan of sports in general and cannot say I ever went to high school sports games! (I’m more reclusive haha.)
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doctordouzan-blog · 7 years
Tales From RP - Chapter I: The Gundam Regret
Welcome back to the tales of a really bored RPer who wrote a lengthy post about some commonly found RP terms and some basic pieces of advice. I’m still extremely bored out of mind with nothing to reply to, so I decided to take a trip down memory lane. And for the sheer hell of it, I’m going to drag you all along under the pretense of teaching you lessons that’ll help your RP experience.  Today’s lesson? Appreciate what you have. My roleplaying career started on Battle.net after my paternal aunt casually gave me my cousin’s Diablo disc. At first I played only by myself and avoided the online. But after my vacation was over and I was back home, my dad allowed me on the internet with the game. I called myself Cursed_Angel, and didn’t do much at first. Eventually, I found my way to the Town Square channel, which was a stomping ground for people bored out of their mind, and was often where multiverse RP happened.  (Definition time! Multiverse, at least back in those days, meant an RP that combined several different universes at once. So instead of roleplaying exclusively, say, Marvel, you also tossed in Card Captor Sakura, Gundam, Sailor Moon, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc. A Multiverse character is either: a; a character that exists in a multiverse RP, or b; a character who exists in several different universes at once. Example of the latter definition: My character Rin Anderson is a multiverse character. She’s a dimension hopper that is constantly trying to find her way home, and winds up in different universes, where she abides by the rules of that universe and explores it before gaining enough energy to leave again.  Multiverse RPs can be insanely complicated. Each universe has their own core rules, such as different rules on vampires and werewolves, magic vs science, telepathy allowed or not allowed, technology advanced vs Bronze Age equivalent, etc. Generally, if it is a Multiverse RP, it is assumed that the rules exist simultaneously and overlapping, and not at all. Confusing? Yeah, it’s basically a free-for-all. The definition of all of these could have changed by now, but that was, at the time, the definitoins of Multiverse and Multiverse Characters.) For whatever reason, my Battle.net server had a huge following of Gundam fans. We had clans as well, consisting of Gundam characters, mostly from Gundam Wing, and G Gundam. My little Cursed (Yes, her first name was Cursed) was an amnesiac little flower who flitted around with the Wolves, the Gundam Wing crew, the Shuffle Alliance, and even the Zoids pals. Eventually, she gained a Liger Zoid, and a Gundam that used a traditional cockpit as well as the G Gundam cockpit, based on whatever her needs were for fighting, and eventually even the Zero programming in the traditional cockpit. Looking back, I’m actually fairly proud of that achievement. Cursed never claimed to have those off the bat. Those were all gifts given to her by the other RPers. She gained the Zoid after repairing it with the tiny Zoid gang, and her Gundam was constructed for her by Duo Maxwell and Sai Sai Ci. She even ended up as a sixth member of the Shuffle Alliance, though I can’t for the life of me remember what she had. I want to say she was another Joker alongside Argo, and again, this was something the group decided on altogether. I was one of the few OCs to attain items like those without actually Mary Sueing/Godmoding and claiming I had them initially. They were items granted to her by the canon characters that she earned. If I could find a way to revive Cursed, I would. She is without a doubt one of my all time favorite characters, even though I cringe at how preteen Kayla RP’d, and what caused me to retire her.  I mostly interacted with.. I think it was Kyoji_Kashu_, Duo_Maxwell, HeeroYuy SaiSaiChi_, and Domon_Kashu- or something like that. All the hyphens and underscores that RPers could love. We had pretty much a full set of characters and even duplicates, but we were the core players. Domon and Cursed were stalwart allies who fought in several battles together. Duo and Cursed were inseparable and terrifying troublemakers that should have never been left to their own devices, ever. Sai and Cursed bonded as two youngsters, a sibling bond between the two, and it was Sai who installed the additional cockpit into the Cursed Gundam- yes, that’s what we called it- to allow her to use the latex-loving piloting style of G Gundam. Heero eventually grew to treat Cursed like a little sister, and was the one that installed Zero on Cursed during some epic RP plot that I wish I could recall, but I think it came after Cursed ended up piloting Wing Zero when him and Quatre couldn’t.  The character that I enjoyed RPing with the most, however, was Kyoji.  Cursed and Kyoji clashed several times, enemies to the bitter end, as she sought to protect Domon and Rain from him. The fights between the two were pretty epic and Cursed, being the novice, hardly ever won. As we progressed through the plot and we did all that crazy ‘Oh he’s not REALLY evil, it’s just the Gundam!’ bizniz, the two grew romantic. The two had a bond that was incredibly deep, considering how novice of RPers we were at the time. As I grew better at RPing and Cursed’s skills grew from combat- like a proper character, she learned, adapted, and trained hard to become better- I grew cocky.  I ended up betraying my character’s personality. Cursed was a soft-spoken girl, not unlike me myself. I was severely bullied growing up, and had little-to-no confidence. Cursed, meanwhile, was accepted in ways I could never be, and someone that I think in the end, I wanted to be like. I began to project my own insecurities onto her, and twisted the personality of my beloved character into something grotesque. She became arrogant, cocky, full of bravado, when before she was the girl that ran after Domon asking to train, or listened in rapt attention when Heero repaired his gundam.  It wasn’t until I made the biggest mistake of my time RPing on Battle.net that I realized the path I had gone down. Cursed was interacting with Kyoji, and while I never can remember how it got to this point, I clearly remember Cursed boldly saying that she was far too strong to need Kyoji, and he was holding her back, that she was beyond his skill level. She destroyed him, and took off without a care, an act completely out of character for her, driven by my own need to be the best. Even worse, was my cockiness went OOC. I basically told him I no longer needed him, that I could RP with whoever I wanted, and that he was beneath me. That was the first time that I realized that my words could have an impact on the person behind the screen. Kyoji and Domon were played by real-life brothers, and Kyoji stopped logging in on that account. We had multiple accounts that we logged in and out of. I had Rikku from FFX2, a custom named Katsume, and Cursed. (I think at one point I had a Sai Sai Ci as well, and even tried my hand at a Heero. I have files somewhere with my old usernames but I found the e-mails I used to send to my boyfriend asking him to log on when I wasn’t able to, so I didn’t lose them.)  I begged Domon to let him know that I didn’t mean it, that I was sorry. Kyoji logged in once and while we talked, it was clear that he wasn’t going to be coming back, that he was gone.  My favorite RP partner was gone, and I stopped logging in for some time. When I came back, our Wing clan, our Shuffle Alliance, was gone. Sometimes Duo or Sai would log back in, but they had all made new accounts and moved on.  It was never confirmed that I was the cause of it, but to this day, I still believe that my cockiness, my desire to be the best, my ego, broke up the group. When members started leaving, others left with them. We lost some of our most active members because I couldn’t control myself. I wasn’t happy with Cursed as a character, she had to be the absolute best. She had to be more, everything I could never be.  I had an amazing Multiverse RP where my character had achieved what very few OCs could. I had fun, I had friends, and I always had someone to RP with, or play a round of Diablo with. Hell, when I got Starcraft later, I always had someone to play games with.  If there is anything I want those who read this to understand, it’s to be happy with what you have. Be grateful for the partners you have, and remember that they’re people behind a screen. Remember that your words can have an impact, and that someone could become hurt by what you do or say. Don’t try to project your own insecurities, your personality, your ego onto your character. It never works out, and always makes a mess of things.  If you reach the point where you have a community that is full, a community of friends that respect and care for you, treasure that shit always, and don’t let it go. Be apart of it, be respectful, and remember that whatever you do or don’t do has consequences.  And Kyoji, if by some miracle you ever read this and remember Cursed_Angel from Battle.net, I don’t think I could ever apologize enough. I miss RPing with you, and someday, I hope I can find you again so that way, I can tell you how wrong I was to say such things. I was lucky to have you as a friend, and not a day goes by that I don’t regret what I did, or what I lost. Someday, I hope to bring back Cursed, maybe even in a Gundam setting, but I know it will never be as amazing as our crazy, zany plots in Town Square.  As always, feel free to ask if you have any questions regarding RP, or are just bored out of your mind. Next time we’ll be checking out one of the following stories. Got one you want to hear first? Send me an ask and tell me which one you want to hear, or Twit at me on the Tweeter. Otherwise, I’ll pick one at random.  -”Kuroda, Tsunade, and the Best Boyfriend Ever (Not.)” -”When Your Demon from Dragon Age is Ivy from Soul Calibur (Wiki Edition!)” -”All My Characters are Besties and Text All The Time!” -”*Giggle* *Laughs* *Snorts* *Giggles* *Chuckles* *Laughs softly* (…What am I Replying to?!)” -”I Got Out of Hell and Turned Super Saiyajin! (All By Myself!)” -"King Douchebag and the Pink Vanilla Sky” - Starring Fuma Kotaro!  -And many more!
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argothiathedreamer · 5 years
The more I dig into Theo (my oc I’ve used most often as a fan character) the more I realize he’s kinda a monster and I’m almost as relieved as I am regretful that his first appearance in any story was that time I killed him off in my zoids fic Hail to the King.
Seriously I’m starting to think about who he’d be in the Fullmetal Alchemist world and oh my god he’s such a little fucker.
0 notes
Didn't like the old one, so we changing it consider it a go to for stuff
Other accounts:
Coming soon
About creator
name's mak, a she/they autistic whos been on the Internet for way longer then recommend.
And a lot of stuff planned out of order
Major: stories with planned multiple chapters
Sparklers introduction (ao3)
Minor: one off stories (mostly)
You ever shut up? (Tumblr) (ao3)
Blood on a horseshoe (Tumblr) (ao3)
Oc's i have made (ref links coming soon)
Womens league
The ohio spark/clara
Detirmed Delilah
Vicky Kaiser
Dancing boxer/ deedee
Hurricane cherry /Sarasa
Gamer zoid
Magnificent Lion/ Chanda
Carmen flamenco
Ardin ryan
The caffinator/caff
Turkey's vulture/ raven
Super sexy lady/ Amelia
dream lander
Time trials
The French redemption/jared
Mechanical snap/mechy
The black swan/Romeo
Punch blade/lucy
Shark bite/ wyat
Send a dm!
Tumblr media
What i use
Ibis paint: drawing/quick edits
Google doc: writing (ik right?)
Gacha life 2: quick stuff or beta designs
Oc/writing usage guidelines
Don't need to credit
- references to oc's/writing
-comms specifically for background use
-any comms outside background use
-any direct usage of oc's/writing
I'm ok with
-shipping most of my ocs*
-fan stuff of any kind with ocs*
Legit almost everything really
Zoid- zoid is 17 years old, and is also a total drama oc, most canon here applies there and vise versa so she's off limit in the shipping category. Also don't draw her in 18+ stuff. That should not have to be put on here.
Deedee- she's still good on the fan stuff but in terms of shipping she's Canonly married, sorry folks she's off limits on the shipping part
You can also just shoot me with an ask or dm I'm alright with it
Tags: most end with the year they were made in (ex. 2024)
Mak post
Mak rambles
Mak stories
Mak reblogs
Mak ask
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