#zoommates au
mercisnm · 1 year
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a doodle for the zoommates AU Do you feel like I feel (Or am I all alone?) by @thegirl20
extra: Yennefer being used as a scratching post
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raayllum · 11 months
Do you have any Modern AUs that you could share with us?
TDP corner has quite a few pretty well known Modern AU fics (Zoommates, Homeward Bound, some others I'm sure I'm forgetting and @jelzorz's dabbled in a few, probably most notably "raising chickens" and "a snowfall kind of love"). One of my all time favourites is this long, sweet, friendship with dashes of romance centric oneshot. General Modern AUs tag here that will probably have the bulk of what you're looking for fic/fanart wise <3
For myself, I'm mostly incapable writing anything other than Rayllum first meetings only when it comes to Modern AUs / I prefer to stick as close to canon's world as possible generally speaking, but some exceptions:
Tag for modern AU specific headcanons here (featuring more than just Rayllum, like some sparse Janaya and Ezran)
the most wonderful time of the year: Ezran drags Callum to a "Meet Santa" event. Rayla works as a holiday helper. Christmas fluff ensues. 2.8k and super old (like dec 2019 old) but still very cute
luck: Callum and Rayla meet at a DnD club. 3k, Loosely inspired by the Zoom Into Xadia dnd skit the cast did back in 2020
Honestly the only modern AU headcanons I hold strongly to is like
Callum and Ezran are from a mixed race, interfaith family. Harrow is Christian so they do celebrate Christmas, but culturally participate and consider themselves to be Jewish far more. Callum (+ Amaya and Sarai) are Korean and Ezran is half Black, half Korean
Ezran would be an animal rights protection lawyer
If Rayla plays an instrument, she plays the drums (listen, the sticks just work well with her dual blades)
Soren's favourite movie is "Bend It Like Beckham"
I think I have just one modern AU planned for the future which is Great Responsibility, featuring Ezran being bitten by a radioactive spider, Callum as his protective only mildly freaking out big brother, and Rayla as the boxer who actually teaches Ezran how to fight (and gets drawn into their shenanigans as a result) but that's more Ezran (+ broyals) centric than anything else
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zuppizup · 1 year
i just wanted to say that and they were zoommates is the best rayllum fic ever created 😭 i was NEVER into modern au before, but tumblr was head over heels in awe so i gave it a try and i do not regret it
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OMG, Nonny! 🥺
Thank you so much. It's been such a wild ride of a fic. One I never really planned on writing, and certainly didn't intend on ended up with a ~250k series for 😆
Modern AUs weren't really my thing before I got inspired by that fateful Tumblr post, and, well, here we are!
I've honeslty had such a great time writing the story, but it's also been so incredibly fun interacting with people who've been reading along.
Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I'll be a little sad to hit the "complete" button when I upload the final chapter.
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hazelandglasz · 4 years
OMG They Finally Met!
Part 2 of the Zoommates AU!
Because I can!
(And because I need to picture a world where this whole crisis is over …)
On AO3
Blaine waits a couple of days after Governor Cuomo announces it on TV, he is in such a state of shock and disbelief.
But the day has finally arrived.
The COVID-19 virus has been somehow contained and the quarantine is more or less lifted.
Blaine doesn’t wait just because he wants to be sure, but also because if that is indeed true, and he can step out of his apartment (while still practicing a healthy level of social distancing) and go for more than one hour, that means one thing.
He has a date to plan with a man he has only seen in pixels for the better part of the past months.
Picking the location is one element that takes a lot of his time, but he finally settles on a coffee shop near the dog park so they can either sit down or go sit in the park if they don’t feel safe in the café.
Picking the outfit, truth be told, takes longer.
“It’s not about making a first impression,” he sternly tells his dog while emptying his closet onto his bed. “It’s about showing Kurt that I made an effort for him.”
General Pupgana keeps on munching on her squeaky chicken. “Mrrrmf.”
“Because making an effort shows that I care, right?”
“Thank you, you’re my best girl.”
That makes her look up and smile at him while panting.
“So, bowtie or no bowtie?”
And off she goes, leaving Blaine with his wondering.
Yes bowtie, in the end.
To celebrate summer and their freedom, Blaine goes for bright colors, yellow with just small dark accents to highlight it (and yes, he also picked those pants because they do wonders for his ass).
On the eve of their date, Blaine is surprised to hear Zoom beeping on his computer.
“Hey,” he says softly as Kurt’s face appears. “How are you?”
Kurt bites on his lower lip, and Blaine can’t wait to do the same. “Is it silly that I’m a bit nervous?”
“Not at all.”
“I just spent three hours trying different outfits.”
“Small player. I spent the entire afternoon before circling back to my first choice.”
Kurt chuckles at that, running his fingers through his hair. “It feels unreal.”
“You’ll need to be more specific.”
“That we’re getting out, that we’re going to meet for real after, um…”
“After virtually dating for the past couple of months?”
Kurt lets out a breath. “Yeah.”
“Feels like it’s all but a dream.”
“Oh, you poet.”
“Only for you, Kurt.”
Blaine feels his cheeks burning as he blurts it out, but Kurt’s soft smile is soothing enough for him to discard his discomfort.
“So, tomorrow?”
Kurt looks… Kurt looks shy and adorable and incredible. “To think, we spent the last weeks apart while living in the same borough.”
“A shame, really. I wish we were closer, though.”
Kurt’s smile turns into a smirk—gentle, but still mocking. Fond, in a nutshell, of Blaine’s behavior. “To have a date via drone?”
“Don’t laugh, this guy is one of my neighbors.”
Kurt shakes his head. “Is there something in the water in your building?”
“Not that I... What?”
Kurt leans his head in the palm of his hand. “To make you all such romantics.”
Blaine preens at the convoluted compliment.  “Nope. Just happens to happen.”
“Besides, I told you. I’m not usually very good at romance.”
“You make me want to be good at it, though.”
Kurt blushes and looks away. Blaine takes advantage of the moment to admire his profile.
“I’ll tell you one thing, mister, you may be better at it than you think.”
Blaine can tell that he is blushing too without having to steal a glance at his own face on the screen, but he really doesn’t care.
Tomorrow afternoon, they will be two blushing idiots meeting face to face, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Go to sleep, you insufferable idiot.” Kurt yawns as he admonishes Blaine.
“Your idiot?”
“My idiot.”
The words ‘love you’ are just on the tip of Blaine’s tongue, but no. Those words are better said “live”, aren’t they?
The following morning is a blur, as far as Blaine is concerned.
One shower, too much gel, a second shower, an aborted decision to go without gel because, just, no, just a little bit of gel, then feeding Pupgana, walking Pupgana, petting Pupgana, having a long talk with Pupgana to make her understand that for the first time since forever she’s going to have the apartment to herself, almost crying because his dog decided to sulk and turn her back on him until he sat on the floor and she came to console him (good girl, best girl really), finishing to get dressed, getting David and Wes’s approval over Zoom, hesitating over taking a jacket or not, before finally rushing out of the house to make sure he wouldn’t arrive late, jacketless.
Luckily, the coffee place is not too far from his building, and Blaine slows down as he approaches the red brick place.
But Kurt is already there, leaning against the wall while hiding behind his sunglasses, and Blaine’s heart just skips a beat.
He thought the phenomenon only happened in romance novels and/or in movies, but no. Honest to God, skipped a beat.
Because while he got used to and quite fond of and, yes, enamored with Kurt’s face, it’s an entirely different matter to be faced with his whole being.
With his long silhouette.
With how tapered his waist his, compared to the width of his shoulders.
Oh Lord.
With the way his choice of clothing, once out of confinement, really speaks for Kurt louder than any worded statement.
“We’re wearing complementary colors,” is what comes out of Blaine’s mouth once he reaches Kurt.
You complete me, is what Blaine thinks, but it’s far too early in their relationship to just blurt it out, isn’t it.
Kurt looks up, startled, until a smile slowly stretches his lips. He takes one step toward Blaine’s, clenching and unclenching his right hand, Darcy style.
“We do,” he finally replies after giving Blaine a long up and down look. “I didn’t think I was taller than you.”
“And yet, here I am,” Blaine says, going for a short curtsey.
They are still six feet apart, but Blaine would love to close that distance.
He feels closer to those Austenian characters now than he ever has.
“You look good,” he says, reciprocating the up and down look Kurt gave him earlier. “Very good.”
Kurt smiles and nods his thanks. “You don’t look bad either,” he replies. “You little sun. Shall we?”
They enter the empty coffee shop, make their order and find a table in the window.
“I love your contrast,” Blaine says, continuing their discussion. “Delicate lavender and camouflage khakis, that is bold.”
“Not as bold as that yellow, but thanks.”
They smile at each other before looking away, both awkward and Blaine silently high fives himself in his mind.
He knew they would be two babbling and blushing idiots, didn’t he?
“Your voice is even prettier than I thought,” he says, because compliments can never go wrong. “Without the lagging and electronic distortions.”
“And your eyes are brighter than your camera let on,” Kurt replies, clearly decided on not being outdone in the compliment department. “I’m glad I got to see it.”
“Me too.”
“Why was it so much easier to talk when we were doing it over Zoom?” Kurt laments once the waiter brought them their tray and they ended up being silent once again.
“Maybe because there was no pressure over our computers,” Blaine replies. “No temptation for me or for you to do something stupid.”
“Like this,” Blaine says, holding his breath as he covers Kurt’s hand with his, just for a moment.
Just a moment, that seems to last through a lifetime.
“See? Stupid,” Blaine says with a deprecating chuckle, removing his hand.
Kurt tilts his head to the side, his eyes on Blaine’s retreating hand, their bluish green so much more intense now than through his webcam’s pixels.
“I quite like stupid,” he says softly, reaching out to take Blaine’s hand, his thumb brushing Blaine’s knuckle.
Blaine turns his hand so they are palm to palm. Even before, Blaine thought it would be amazing to hold hands with someone he loved.
Now, with the social distancing rules that have been ingrained in their mentality, it feels even more incredible.
“I quite like you, Kurt,” he replies, just as softly. “But I’m still going to let go of your hand and use my hydroalcoholic gel.”
Kurt snorts a laugh before nodding. “Same, same.”
“Do you… want some of my gel?”
Kurt bats his eyelashes like a damsel in distress. “Oh, such a generous gesture. My knight in sanitized armor. Unless that’s an innuendo, in which case, kudos.”
Blaine replays the sentence in his mind and he knows for sure that he’s turning redder than a tomato.
“Not an innuendo, then.” Kurt is full-on laughing, now, and while Blaine does his best to get himself under control, he loves being the one who put Kurt in such a good mood.
“Not an innuendo,” he finally replies, taking a sip of his coffee. He waits for Kurt to do the same, shoulders still shaking to continue. “If I wanted to do an innuendo, I’d propose to clean your hands and more, dot dot dot.”
Kurt’s eyes widen and he seems to be choking on his mouthful before audibly gulping. “That—that is a good one.”
“Your turn.”
They exchange innuendos, puns, and horrible pick-up lines until the sun starts going down.
“Oh wow,” Kurt says as they step outside, walking as side by side as they can. “I didn’t realize so much time had gone by.”
“Me neither.” Blaine pauses, hoping that General Pupgana won’t be too mad. “I should go back to walk my dog.”
“Oh.” Kurt takes a deep breath. “Can I—that is, may I walk you home? And, and, um, wait for you? For you two?”
“Won’t Wildcat be mad at you for being late?”
“Are you kidding? I’m sure she’s happy to have the apartment to herself again, at last.”
“Well then. I’d love that. I didn’t want our first date to be over already.”
“Me neither,” Kurt says, echoing Blaine. “I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to you.”
Kurt’s words reach for Blaine’s heart in his chest, inflate it to ten-times his size, and put it back in its place.
Kurt smiles like he wants to say so much more, or do something stupid again, but they both manage to get to Blaine’s building without doing anything forbidden.
(They do end up kissing behind a tree while waiting for Pupgana to be done with her little business, and Blaine wouldn’t have their kiss any other way.)
“Can I—can I see you again tomorrow?”
Kurt smiles, pushing a curl away from Blaine’s forehead. “I’d love that. But my pick.”
“Of course.”
“I’ll text you later.”
“Looking forward to it.”
They stand at the entrance of Blaine’s place, again, with Blaine’s dog panting between them, her eyes going from one man to the other until she whines and breaks the spell.
“See you tomorrow, Blaine.”
“See you tomorrow, Kurt.”
When Blaine closes the door, his first reflex is to send Kurt a message.
“I miss you already.”
“Ugh, I miss you too. I almost turned back when I reached the corner.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I thought it was too soon for me to pull a Pretty Woman.”
“Does that make me the prostitute?”
“Okay bad reference. Too soon to pull a When Harry Met Sally.”
“Better. But I thought you wanted to be Meg Ryan?”
“Your curls are better than mine.”
Blaine laughs at that, pressing his phone to his chest. 
“But we’re not at the end of the movie yet.”
Kurt doesn’t reply immediately, but Blaine, for once, is not worried. When his phone vibrates again, he already has his dinner heating up on the stove.
“Not yet. But I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too.”
When the second wave happens, they move in together because, as soon as it may be for their relationship, neither of them can picture being apart.
Luckily for them, Pupgana and Wildcat adore each other.
Blaine wishes they could have met differently (a small part of him wishes he could have met Kurt while they were in high school).
But at least, one good thing came out of this whole crisis, and that’s the love of his life.
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 years
Shower - Untamed Spring Fest 2020 Day 9
You can all go and thank @ruensroad for this one again<3 !
When Jiang Cheng finally appears on the screen, Lan Xichen freezes.
It takes him a moment to really take in what he’s seeing, and then he just hopes that his flush isn’t visible through his shitty camera.
Jiang Cheng isn’t wearing a suit, or even anything else that would be appropriate for work. Instead he is dressed in an oversized sweater—the sleeves falling way past his hands—and he seems to be swaddled in a soft blanket. He didn’t even put up his hair; it looks like he simply got out of bed and curled up on the couch.
Lan Xichen is dying a little bit with how soft he looks.
“Xichen?” Jiang Cheng asks him, and his voice finally jolts Lan Xichen out of his thoughts.
“Am I too early?” Lan Xichen asks and Jiang Cheng frowns at him.
It doesn’t have half the impact it usually does, mostly because his bangs keep falling in his face, and he tugs the blanket up higher.
Jiang Cheng is so much more cutting when his hair is pulled back tight.
“What? No,” Jiang Cheng says and Lan Xichen pointedly looks down at the blanket.
“You don’t seem to be ready,” he then goes on and Jiang Cheng looks down at himself, before he huffs.
“Xichen, no offense, but I haven’t been home for this long since I took over the company. I am not going to wear suits at home. And besides, I figured it’s just you,” he says and Lan Xichen’s heart falls before Jiang Cheng goes on. “I don’t have to look all competent and put together with you. I already had to put on a suit for Old Man Yao today, don’t make me do it again.”
That, at least, makes Lan Xichen smile. He does enjoy it that Jiang Cheng feels comfortable enough around him to not have to put on his CEO persona.
“Okay, I won’t then,” he says, and pointedly doesn’t think about the fact that he is wearing his best suit, because he didn’t want Jiang Cheng to think he was being slobby.
“So can we get this—oi, Garlic, what the hell are you doing?” Jiang Cheng suddenly says and Lan Xichen frowns at the screen, wonders what’s going on there.
He doesn’t have to wonder all that long, because a cat sticks its head right in front of the camera.
“Get away from there,” Jiang Cheng complains and shoos the cat away.
“He seems to be—lively,” Lan Xichen diplomatically says, and Jiang Cheng snorts.
“Demanding, more like,” he gives back and then sighs. “I don’t know if he likes having me here this much or if he’s going to murder me in my sleep next night,” Jiang Cheng tells him and Lan Xichen chuckles.
“How is quarantine treating you?” he asks and Jiang Cheng raises his eyebrow at him.
“It’s the best thing ever. Like I said, I never spend this much time at home before. I didn’t even know I liked my home until recently. Plus, my mother can’t just barge in here and demand the most outrageous things.” He then seems to think for a moment, before he leans closer to the camera. “And if people annoy me, I can just cut off the video stream and blame poor connectivity. But don’t tell Old Man Yao that.”
This time, Lan Xichen laughs out loud, because only Jiang Cheng would simply cut off a business partner when he gets annoyed.
It’s one of the many things Lan Xichen loves about him.
“My lips are sealed,” he promises and Jiang Cheng snuggles back into the couch with a small smile.
“Now, do we really have to talk about business?” Jiang Cheng asks him and Lan Xichen looks a little bit helpless at the camera.
“This is what this appointment was for, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, but do we really have to? I mean, we can just say we talked business, but I’d much rather hear how you’re doing, all alone in that big apartment of yours.”
“You heard Wangji is quarantined with your brother then,” Lan Xichen says with a small smile, though it feels strange to him to be all alone here.
Lan Wangji was always a steady presence in this apartment and Lan Xichen isn’t used to being alone for long stretches of time.
“Hard not to when Wei Wuxian won’t shut up about it,” Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes as he says it and then frowns at something to his right.
“Garlic, don’t you dare,” he threatens, but it seems like the cat didn’t listen, because soon after there’s a small crash.
“Did he break something?” Lan Xichen asks worriedly and Jiang Cheng snorts.
“As if I have anything left that could be broken,” he mutters, and then grunts when Garlic jumps on his stomach.
“Who is feeding you, you’re fat,” Jiang Cheng tells the cat, but he sounds soft and Lan Xichen smiles at the scene in front of him.
Garlic doesn’t seem inclined to move, and instead smashes his head into Jiang Cheng’s chest again and again.
“What do you want, you little idiot?” Jiang Cheng asks, but he strokes a hand down his cat’s back.
It takes Garlic a few more headbutts before Jiang Cheng seems to understand.
“Oh, you want under the blanket, huh?” he asks and lifts the corner of it.
Garlic is quick to wedge himself in there and Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes again.
“I can’t believe how needy he suddenly is,” Jiang Cheng says, this time to Lan Xichen again.
“He’s happy to have you home. He loves you.”
“Yeah, he could show that without his claws, ouch,” Jiang Cheng says at right that moment and Lan Xichen has to laugh when Garlic sticks his out of the blanket.
Just his head, though, and he seems more than happy to stay right where he is.
“You’re a menace,” Jiang Cheng tells Garlic and then bends down to kiss his head.
“Gods, I wish that were me,” Lan Xichen mutters and when Jiang Cheng’s head snaps up to the camera again, Lan Xichen slaps a hand over his mouth.
“We’ll get to that once this damn lockdown is over,” Jiang Cheng promises him and Lan Xichen can do nothing but stare at the camera in surprise.
“What?” he asks, because he cannot have heard that right, because Jiang Cheng doesn’t like him like Lan Xichen likes him.
Sure, they are friends, but Lan Xichen was prepared to pine after him in silence.
“Xichen, if you don’t think I’m going to shower you in kisses once I get to see you again in person, you’re very mistaken,” Jiang Cheng says and leans slightly forward, careful not to dislodge Garlic on his chest.
“This is what we have been building up to, right?” he then carefully asks and Lan Xichen beams at him.
“Yes, it is,” he agrees immediately, because even though he hadn’t dared to hope that Jiang Cheng felt the same for him, that is absolutely what Lan Xichen wants.
“Good,” Jiang Cheng says. “But really, after this lockdown. I’m not kissing you through a damn mask. It’s unsanitary, and stupid.”
Lan Xichen laughs out loud at that, while Jiang Cheng only fondly smiles at him.
“And until then we’ll just have to talk like this,” Jiang Cheng goes on and snuggles even deeper into the couch.
Gods, Lan Xichen really wishes he could be there with him right now. He has never seen a more comfortable picture in his entire life.
“With pleasure,” Lan Xichen replies and conveniently forgets that this was supposed to be a business call.
Talking to his soon-to-be boyfriend is much more fun after all.
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winderlylandchime · 4 years
tied to a night they never met
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AKA Zoommates
Chapter 20 with more low-key hurt/comfort and a bit of smut.
Or read from the beginning here.
artwork by @chalamazed​
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nny11writes · 4 years
Turns out after reblogging the reminder I couldn’t help but check it out and the dang fic was already mostly done. So, here you go!
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doggernaut · 4 years
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I’m Telling You I’m Lonely Too
by RabbitRunnah
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Check Please! (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Colleagues Jack Zimmermann and Eric Bittle have never really connected, despite working on the same team to bring tennis star Camilla Collins’ cookbook to market. But sheltering in place orders have a way of changing everything.
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merlinityart · 4 years
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It's still OC-tober in my heart.
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ohemgeeitscoley · 4 years
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Ben Solo is the recently assigned editor for Rey Johnson’s book about star-crossed lovers in space when the world is turned upside down and stay home orders are issued. Ben and Rey begin working together over Zoom and their relationship grows.
Or, an and they were zoomates fic.
Based on this Tumblr post. 
The one I have been waiting for (Part One of Two)
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Rey/Ben Solo (Reylo)
Note: This was going to be a really, really short one shot. It turned into a 12k two-shot. Whoops. This is pure fluff. 
As always, the biggest thank you to @andyouweremine for being the world’s best beta and friend. Seriously, thank you for all of your cheerleading and input and for convincing me that one more scene never hurt anyone. You’re the absolute best.
Read below or on AO3.
From: Leia Organa-Solo <[email protected]> To: Benjamin Solo <[email protected]> Subject: Quarantine assignments 
Unfortunately with everything going on right now, I've decided that we are going to close the office and have everyone work from home. I know you were looking forward to the big welcome lunch I had planned. Hopefully we will be able to reschedule in a few weeks once the risk of spreading COVID-19 lessens.
In the meantime, I am going to assign you to Rey Johnson. She is working on a new novel with a goal of having the first draft submitted by May 30. I'm attaching her contact information and what she has sent over so far. Please coordinate with Rey to schedule an introduction meeting. 
Warm regards,
Leia Organa-Solo CEO Rebel Publishing, LLC
From: Benjamin Solo <[email protected]> To: Leia Organa-Solo <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Quarantine assignments
I am deeply saddened that the welcome lunch you coordinated over my many, many vocal objections to has been cancelled. I suppose we will have to plan another inner-office get together wherein I can find a way to embarrass and let you down. I'm greatly looking forward to the opportunity.
On that note, was it really necessary to use my full name in my email address? Was Ben already taken? I am fairly certain as my mother you are aware that you are the only person who ever calls me Benjamin. Would it be possible to have IT change this before tomorrow? 
I think closing the office is the right decision. Social distancing is quite important now more than ever. I'm assuming this means that Saturday dinners will also be postponed?
I'll look over what you sent and reach out to Ms. Johnson. I'm looking forward to working with her. 
Ben Solo Editor Rebel Publishing, LLC
From: Leia Organa-Solo <[email protected]> To: Benjamin Solo <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Quarantine assignments
I distinctly remember writing Benjamin down on your birth certificate. I'm unaware of any name change order being in your personnel file. The email stays.
The lunch has not been cancelled, it has been postponed. Despite your assertions, you will not embarrass or let me down in any get together. However, I make no such promises. Seeing as how I'll be trapped at home with your father for the foreseeable future, maybe I'll finally have time to find some of those old pictures of you. I've been meaning to redecorate my office.
It does appear that Saturday dinners will need to be postponed. However, I am working with Chewie and Luke to see if we can perhaps get them set up to attend virtual dinners. I'll keep you updated.
Warm regards,
Leia Organa-Solo CEO Rebel Publishing, LLC
Ben sighed, pushing his hands under his glasses as he rubbed at the corners of his eyes. It wasn’t that he necessarily thought that agreeing to go work at his mom’s publishing company was going to be the easiest of transitions, but he also hadn’t been prepared for his name to be on the list of things they would argue about. 
It only made sense, then, that it was one of the first things. 
He considered sending another email, pushing the issue. But he knew better than to think it was an argument he was going to win. And, honestly, he was hopeful that if he didn’t respond maybe she’d never again think about coordinating, or asking him to coordinate, a virtual Saturday dinner. 
Instead, Ben opened the contact card his mom had sent for Rey, and got to work.
From:  Benjamin Solo <[email protected]>  To: Rey Johnson <[email protected]> Subject: Introduction Meeting
Good evening Ms. Johnson:
I’m the assigned editor for your next book. Leia has already provided your initial pitch, character sketches, and outline. However, I usually prefer to talk with an author prior to reading these materials. I have found in the past that going into these conversations without any preconceived ideas based on the initial workups leads to a more organic understanding of the material. As such, I’d love to have the chance to talk with you about your book prior to looking over the material.
Given the increased concerns of spreading the virus, Leia has closed the office and has asked that we conduct all of our work from home. Please let me know what your availability is tomorrow or the next day so that I can coordinate the conference. I am just transitioning to Rebel Publishing, so my calendar is currently fairly open.
Of course, if you’d rather me read through the materials and start the process that way, just let me know. 
I look forward to working with you.
Ben Solo Editor Rebel Publishing, LLC
From: Rey Johnson <[email protected]>  To: Benjamin Solo <[email protected]>  Subject: RE: Introduction Meeting
Mr. Solo,
Leia let me know today that we would be working together. I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts. I’d love the opportunity to talk with you prior to you reviewing the materials that have been previously sent. This is a different approach than my previous editors have taken, but I am intrigued by your theory. 
With that said, given the recent orders to stay home, my schedule is very flexible. I usually try to block out specific times to focus on writing so that I can turn off notifications and limit distractions. With the times I had previously blocked out for tomorrow, I could make an 11:00 am work? If that doesn’t work, just let me know what does and I’m sure I’ll be able to make that work.
I look forward to meeting with you.
Rey Johnson
Rey was the first one in the Zoom meeting the next morning. She fidgeted with her web camera, adjusting the angle until the image on the screen blocked out most of her messy apartment. She spent a few minutes pushing things out of the way before sitting back down and waiting for Ben to appear. 
She glanced down at the clock on her computer screen, sighing at the time. The meeting wasn’t supposed to start for another five minutes. Being early had never been one of her defining characteristics, but she also hadn’t had any real human interaction in days. 
The day the stay home order had been issued by the Governor, Rey had planned on meeting up with Poe and Finn for drinks. They had been on her for days to avoid slipping into a writer isolation. Poe had a lot of experience in knowing just how easily Rey could spiral when she was writing, hiding away from the world for days at a time. It had always just been easier for Rey to stay in when she was writing. Easier to stay focused on what kept her paid and fed and a roof over her head. 
She didn’t have to worry about getting too distracted and forgetting where she left off or what she had planned for another scene if she just stayed home. Poe liked to remind her that she was ridiculous and that going out also was what provided her with actual inspiration to write.
There was a balance, she was sure. She just hadn’t achieved it yet. Then the stay home issue was ordered and Rey found herself wishing that she had listened to Poe sooner. 
Not that was going to tell him that.
The computer dinged when Ben joined the meeting room. The image was fuzzy at first, Rey could really only make out that he had dark hair and rather broad shoulders. In fact, he looked rather… large, his body taking up most of the space that she could see. The image cleared and Rey took in the rest of his features, the sharp nose and pouty lips. 
He was definitely attractive. Which was not what she needed to be thinking about at the moment.
“Good morning, Mr. Solo,” Rey said, smiling politely as she held her hand up in a tiny, awkward wave.
“I would say Mr. Solo is my father,” he responded, shaking his head slightly. “But he also hates being called that.” 
“Right, so, Benjamin then?”
“No, no, no, no,” Ben grimaced, as if the word personally offended him. “Ben. Just Ben.”
“Okay, just Ben,” Rey laughed softly. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Ms. John-”
“Rey,” she interrupted him with a grin. 
“Well, Rey, tell me about your book.”
Rey took a deep breath before, running her teeth over her bottom lip before she began. She started by attempting to introduce the main characters, Kira and Kylo, and their backstories, but she was easily distracted with certain points of plot that felt so imperative to interrupt and explain.
By the time she finished, she wasn't really sure what information she had shared or left out.  But she was fairly positive that she had failed to hit all of the main plot points.
Rey waited for Ben to say something. She knew that he had told her that he found it beneficial to hear about the story in an organic way, but the longer the silence stretched, the more she wished she had spent more time preparing last night to explain to him the story and the characters in at least a logical way.
“So they are connected?” He finally asked. “What was the word you used?”
“A dyad,” Rey answered. “Soulmates, really.”
“Star-crossed lovers fighting on opposite sides of a galactic war," Ben paused, jotting something down on a piece of paper next to his computer. "Doomed from the start?"
"Hardly," Rey snorted. "It won't be easy, but I fully plan on a happily ever after ending for them."
"Really?" Ben seemed surprised. "That's unusual for star-crossed couples."
"Your words," Rey reminded him, "I said they were soulmates."
"That you did," Ben conceded. "I just assumed since they are fighting for different things that one would fall."
"But they aren't."
"Fighting for different things," Rey clarified. "It seems that way, at first. But really, they are both fighting for a place in the world. For a family. For a balance that they are being told can't exist."
"It sounds like quite a world," Ben noted. "I'm excited to see you build it."
"Yeah," Rey looked away from the screen, staring at the knick knacks that filled up the shelf across from her. "It's a little scary actually, creating a world this complex."
"That's what I'm here for."
"Right," Rey smiled at him. "Well, I'm glad I have you."
Rey thought that maybe Ben was blushing, even though logically she knew that it was more likely just a shadow or reflection from his computer. Either way, she liked the way it made him look.
"So, same time next week?" Ben asked. "I'll go over everything Leia sent me. Now that I know what I'm getting into, I think my notes will be a lot better."
"Yeah, same time next week," Rey glanced down at the notes on her desk. "Should I send you things throughout the week as I'm working? Or save it for next week?"
"For now I say save it for next week. I have a lot of material to get started with."
"Sounds good."
"It was nice meeting you, Rey." Ben held one hand up in an awkward wave.
"Yeah, you too, Ben."
From: Rey Johnson <[email protected]>  To: Benjamin Solo <[email protected]>  Subject: Earlier meeting?
Hi Ben:
I know that we have a meeting scheduled in four days, but I was just wondering if you might be available earlier than that? I’m having a bit of difficulty with the corner I think I’ve written myself into, and I am hoping that a fresh pair of eyes might help me find my way out. I understand if you want to keep the meeting as scheduled, I know you haven’t had a lot of time to go through the materials that had already been submitted, but I’d really appreciate any insight.
I hope you are staying inside and staying healthy!
Rey groaned, rereading the email she had sent Ben. It wasn’t necessarily a bad email, it was actually lightyears better than the first draft she had written at 2 am. Which went something like ‘Hi Ben, as it turns out despite my years of believing otherwise, I need human interaction and your face is the only face I’ve seen in a week and I’m slowly losing my mind. I sang to my plants. I’ve never written this much in my life, I’ve started reading the dialogue out loud because I’m no longer sure what human conversations sound like. So, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, could we move up our meeting? I’m a little worried I’m becoming an insane person. I swear I’m not normally this weird. Quarantine life.’
She, thankfully, pressed the delete button instead of the send button. The other three drafts were slightly more professional, but all with the same undertone of her being slightly desperate for any conversation that didn’t involve her voicing both sides. She had tried facetiming Poe, but he and Finn had been keeping each other plenty busy. Which really, she should have expected.
Logically she knew that she could reach out to either one of them anyways, or Rose, or any of her other friends and just tell them that she was potentially on the verge of a self-isolation mental breakdown and they would be there for her.
But that was a showing of vulnerability that despite years of therapy Rey wasn’t comfortable with demonstrating.  And so she emailed Ben instead.
It wasn’t like it was a complete lie. She had written more than usual and she was at a point in the story that she would appreciate some feedback at this point. 
Kira and Kylo were at a turning point in the story. Their connection had been steadily growing stronger and more frequent, forcing them to face each other. Now was the time for them to come together and join each other or for them to pull away and keep fighting against each other. 
It wasn't a terrible idea for her to get some feedback and opinions before moving forward full speed. Her reaching out to Ben for an earlier meeting had nothing to do with her ever increasing thoughts about how he was rather attractive and his smile was rather enticing and that she wanted to see it again. 
At least, she was fairly confident that wasn’t the main reason.
She glanced at the sent email one last time before closing out of her email tab. Only fifteen minutes had passed since she sent the email and she already felt regret settling over her nerves. 
It was going to be a long day waiting for him to reply.
In hindsight, Ben probably should have found it strange that he had not received a single company email in over 24 hours. Especially since Leia had a habit of sending him personal messages to his work email. Despite him reminding her numerous times that she had his personal email, and his cell phone, and, really, at least four other ways of contacting him.
A part of him knew that Leia did it because she genuinely enjoyed reminding herself that he came back to her company, that he came home. He also knew her well enough to know that the larger reason was because she also genuinely enjoyed annoying him. And Leia had to know that he would find knowing that her personal assistant had access to all of her emails about whether or not he was interested in attending a virtual dinner, if he had enough food in his apartment or if he would like her to make an instacart order for him, and that Han had been cleaning out the garage to make more room for his ‘quarantine projects’ and found boxes of his old toys and baby blankets and she was just wondering if he perhaps wanted her to bring the belongings home so that he could come get them, you know, for the future.
So, he should have known that something wasn’t working, but he had been distracted going through Rey’s materials, making notes of his questions and of his proposed edits. She was a fantastic writer. The world she had built was fresh and lively, jumping off of the pages in clear images and descriptions. She had provided extremely detailed character sketches for most of the characters, but he hadn’t found that he had to read through them or refer to them to understand any of the characters or to analyze any of the choices the characters had made simply because she wrote them so well.
It was very impressive.
He had finished going through the materials that Leia had sent him in two days. He was working his way through them again, going slower and providing more detailed notes and able to ask more pointed questions given the knowledge of where the story was heading. Still, he found himself wishing that he had told Rey to send over more work. 
He noticed his phone light up on the corner of his couch. He picked it up, glancing at the message icon showing that he had four messages from his mother and… 48 unread emails.
Mom: Servers are back up at the office.
Mom: Sorry for the onslaught of emails you are probably going to start getting in five minutes.
Mom: I didn’t realize at first that they weren’t going through.
Mom:  It’s possible 75% of them could have been text messages.
Ben: The server was down at the office?
Mom: You didn’t notice that you have received no emails in the last day?
Ben: I guess not. 
Mom: That’s an unusual thing for you to not notice.
Mom: What have you been doing?
Ben: Going through the materials you sent over for Rey’s book. 
Mom: Ah.
Mom: That makes sense then. 
Ben sighed, closing the messaging app to start going through the emails from his mother.
They were exactly what he had expected them to be. A few emails from HR and IT that were sent company wide about how to submit hours when working from home, a reminder to sign up for direct deposit if you hadn’t already, and a few guided walkthroughs on common computer and technology issues. His mother’s emails focused more on whether or not he had all of the ingredients for the Risotto she wanted to make for dinner on Saturday. Followed by an email with the receipt. And another email that went to him, Luke, and Chewie, wondering why it was too much to ask them all to make the same meal as her so that the virtual dinner felt like an actual dinner and not a happenstance of people meeting at the same time.
He almost missed the email from Rey.
From:  Benjamin Solo <[email protected]>  To: Rey Johnson <[email protected]>  Subject: RE: Earlier meeting?
Dear Rey,
I’m truly sorry for my delay in responding to your email. I was just informed that the server at the office went down, which affected our email host and I am just now getting this message.
I would love to go over this with you sooner than we had planned. I have already reviewed the materials you had previously sent, so I believe I will be of much more use in hopefully helping you figure out where you want to go next. I do find it hard to believe that you’ve written yourself into a corner, you seem to have a great grasp on the characters and the story you want to tell.
I’d hate for any future requests to be severely delayed due to technological issues beyond our control. My cell phone number is 917-555-3298. 
I am available whenever. I suppose that’s the upside to a quarantine.
I look forward to receiving the materials and discussing them with you.
Benjamin Solo Editor Rebel Publishing, LLC
Ben: I think it’s abusing your power as owner of a company to go through and change your employee’s email signatures without consent.
Mom: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Mom: Benjamin
929-555-4593: Hi Ben. This is Rey. I just got your email and figured I’d send you a message so you have my number. I sent over what I’ve been working on. I’m also free whenever. So, just tell me when and I’ll be there.
Rey Johnson: Thanks again for agreeing to meet up with me earlier than planned. I appreciate it. 
Rey threw on a blazer over the red tank top she had been wearing for the last two days when she got the Zoom invite from Ben. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror to the side of her desk, double checking to make sure she didn’t have dried mascara on her cheeks and that her hair looked moderately presentable.
She clicked on the link in the email and---
Ben wore glasses. Ben wore glasses and Rey was not at all prepared for how he looked wearing them. Really, it didn’t seem quite fair that something as innocuous as glasses managed to make him go skyrocketing up from ‘fairly attractive’ to ‘how inappropriate would it be to initiate sexting with her new editor that she had maybe spent a grand total of twenty minutes communicating with’ in her mind. 
Rey really, really needed the stay home order lifted. Clearly, she was worse off than she thought.
“Hey,” Ben greeted her. “How are you surviving the stay home order?”
“Oh great. Some might even say I’ve been thriving,” Rey rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she laughed. “At least I’ve been able to get a lot of writing done.”
“I would say,” Ben ran his hand through his hair, and Rey could hear him clicking open something on his computer. “I’m not going to lie, I’ve only skimmed through everything you sent over today. So, depending on what has you stuck, I’m not positive this will be a very productive meeting.”
“The part I think I’m stuck at?” Rey opened the word document on her computer, her eyes narrowing in confusion. “You mean it isn’t obvious?”
“I guess, no?” Ben responded, and Rey can tell from the way he’s focusing on his computer screen that he must be going through the document again. “I just assumed you were stuck on what to do after Kira took Kylo’s hand? But that didn’t make much sense either because you have such a clear plan for the story.”
“Kira doesn’t take Kylo’s hand.”
Ben glanced up to the camera, his mouth slightly open. “What?”
“Kira doesn’t take Kylo’s hand,” Rey repeated, lifting her shoulders in a small shrug. “At least not yet.”
“What do you mean she doesn’t take his hand yet?” Ben asked, and Rey has to bite down on her lip to keep herself from laughing at how insulted he sounded. “You’ve spent the last eight chapters building their relationship for her to take his hand.”
“That doesn’t mean that this is the right moment,” Rey pointed out. “I’m not sure it’s the right moment.”
“Okay,” Ben leaned back in his chair, lifting his hands to rest behind his head. “I guess I’m going to need you to explain to me what you think the right moment will be then.”
“That might take awhile,” Rey admitted. “I don’t know that I even know the answer to that.” 
“That’s okay,” Ben said with an encouraging smile. “I have plenty of time.”
They ended up talking for over two hours. By the end of the call, Rey at least had a better idea of the different paths she could take Kira and Kylo down. Even if she still didn't know which one she would choose.
But they also talked about other things besides the book and Rey's struggles with where the characters should go. Rey discovered that Ben was also sheltering in place by himself. She was pretty amused when Ben didn’t immediately end the video call when she started discussing the finer points of being ordered to stay in, like what Netflix show he was binge watching and whether or not he had enough toilet paper to last.
She was oddly unsurprised when he refused to discuss his toilet paper situation with her and when he said that he didn’t watch a lot of TV and wasn’t planning on binge watching anything. Rey gave him a week before he caved on that.
It was nice. 
Rey’s mood had significantly improved half way through the conversation. She had forgotten just how wonderful it was to talk to someone else. It also didn’t hurt that Ben Solo wasn’t exactly hard to look at for two hours. It wasn't even the obvious physical features that Rey found herself thinking about hours later, although she was certainly going to be thinking about them for a while. But Ben had a certain way of moving and mannerisms that only added to them. 
Getting to know someone over a video call was interesting. Rey kept waiting for the normal wave of must look away to hit her like it would if they had been face to face. Staring at someone the entire time you were together wasn't normal.
If they had been in person, Rey would have felt uncomfortable with the amount of time she had spent just staring at him. Noticing the way his hands dwarfed the size of his coffee cup and the way he talked with his hands when he was particularly passionate about whatever he was saying.
She particularly liked how his face was open when she said something he disagreed with, the way he would narrow his eyes and shake his head, but waited until she was done to raise his counterpoints. There was something about the way that he was just himself that was refreshing. 
He listened intently, scribbling down notes when she talked about the story. Even when she started mentioning shows that he should watch, if he were to get really desperate, and he pretended to be uninterested, Rey was fairly positive she saw him write them down as well. 
They set up another meeting in two days, and Rey was determined to have at least made a decision on whether or not Kira was going to take Kylo’s hand by then.  She had to admit that Ben had made a convincing argument as to why it was the right moment for the characters to move forward together. 
Rey sat down at her writing desk, opening up the current version of her project, and began writing.
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a few fic recs for @travellerintime - all written between 2018-2021, all from about 8,000-90,000+ words- some wincest, some j2 au, some gen/platonic.
because you want to die for love by @hathfrozen wincest, post 15x20 heaven
it's not living (if it's not with you) by @nyxocity J2 au "and they were zoommates
same colour and type by pathossam (orphaned account) post red meat, first time
bad reputation by @starrose17 epic length (that's what she said) J2 au romance, not finished yet
we could dream this night away by @prince-of-elsinore post 15x20 heaven, platonic soulmates, fluff!
worth the wait by @jillmariej J2 au, fluff, found family
sounds like truth and feels like courage by sprinkles888 platonic soulmates, cuddling brothers!
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raayllum · 4 years
Hi! I'm new in the fandom and I've been consuming some of the more famous rayllum fics in the AO3 tag for a while, but i wanted to ask someone who's been in the fandom for longer: is there are any authors or fanfiction in the fandom you'd think deserve more recognition?
i am definitely not the best person to ask cause i don’t read nearly the amount of fic that i should to give accurate recs (i haven’t even read “and they were zoommates” by @zuppizup, i know), but these are some of my favourite authors who’s stuff definitely deserves more viewing
@blutopaz15: the entire first series is incredibly cute and so is “love like you” set during the 2 weeks during ‘through the moon,’ can’t recommend all her fics enough!
and if you’re gone tomorrow (what was ours still will be): modern au i think everyone needs to read, it’s a 22.5k oneshot and so incredibly perfect. one of my favourite rayllum fics ever
i haven’t read them, but i did have a lovely anon rec “primal sources” and “the swan’s flight” so i’ll toss those up too, cause every author deserves some love
Moonberries and Ghosts: with rayla going back to the silvergrove for the first time and i didn’t even realize the author had finished it (five chapters total) until right now, the first chapter was so good and promising i’m so excited
@jellyjay‘s amazing multichaps get a lot of love but her considerably large collection of oneshots like “the hesitation waltz,” “the wire,” “gifts,” “parental guidance,” and “mine to hold” are equally amazing and underrated, imo
butterflies: 5.6k, edging into more decidedly t+ territory, nice descriptive oneshot about rayllum kisses over the years
First Step to the Future: 2 chapters, 8k, complete. rayla and callum go to janai and amaya’s wedding, rayla calls him sunshine and i still think about it constantly
growing pains: 2k, rayla experiences some growing pains with her horns. orphan account now but still a fandom oldie that’s gold
i still hold such a special place in my heart for @little-red-alchemist-of-doom‘s “all about us” it is an adorable (and complete) modern au
for the amount of work that goes into @tenspontaneite‘s “peace is a journey” a hundred reviews per chapter still wouldn’t be enough. the worldbuilding and characterization is immaculate and the first hints of rayllum started a little while ago <3
the word by @deetheteadrinkingdragon is a super short and sweet oneshot
happy reading and i hope you enjoy! and everyone is free to add recommendations or to promote their own fics in the reblogs and replies <3 we all need some new content to read, after all!
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zuppizup · 4 years
And They Were Zoom-mates... Chapter 24
Tumblr media
Summary: Callum thought being a graphic designer for a large, multi-national company would be a boring, if safe, career choice
Callum thought wrong.
Threatened with a lawsuit over copyright infringement, he has no choice but to rely on renowned ‘Ice Queen’ Rayla from legal to get him out of a nightmare scenario.
This is really the last thing he needs in isolation…
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Rating: Mature
AO3 Link: And They Were Zoom-mates…
He smiled at her briefly as he went about organising their meal and Rayla felt the familiar flutter of butterflies in her stomach. It really did feel like things were okay between them. Maybe still a little weird, but it was a new kind of normal. Like this whole thing with them really. Almost since the beginning of their friendship, Callum had been changing her life. Making her think about what she really wanted and where she wanted to go. Opening up to him today had been terrifying but also strangely comforting. Callum had accepted her unusual relationship with Runaan, and her weird insecurities. He made her feel better about the madness and instability that was her life right now. He really was something else.
Something special.
Read More on AO3 - And they were Zoom-mates… Chapter 24
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julek · 4 years
thirsty thursday 🌊
i haven’t done one of these in a while and i’m just. so excited. in no particular order, some stories i read that decided to take up residence inside my heart:
The Chamaleon by Elizabeth (@agentlewomanandascholar) - 19K - E - geralt/jaskier - a lovely six part story, in which jaskier owns a coffee shop in novigrad, and geralt’s never had coffee before. it’s sweet and lighthearted and makes you crave good coffee, which, in my opinion, is the best kind of story. 
Love in the Time of Video Conferencing by Elizabeth (@agentlewomanandascholar) - 18K - E - geralt/jaskier - i’ve talked about this one before (shoutout to that anon who recommended it to me - bless you!) but i think it deserves to be on the list. oh my god, they were zoommates. jaskier is a systems admin and geralt’s a professor who really, really needs help with zoom. and the internet, in general. it’s just so sweet and comforting and captures the experience of quarantine so well, i really can’t recommend it enough. it’s worth saying that the author’s writing lights something up inside of me, and makes me feel so much - i’d encourage everyone to read everything she’s ever written, really. 
New Monster Stories by kathkin (@penny-anna) - 20K - E - geralt/jaskier - modern au in which geralt saves jaskier from a werewolf, uses his shower, and disappears. and then comes back — guys, my summaries are never good. go read this immediately, if you haven’t. it’s so intriguing and wonderful and kind of makes me want to cry, and. it’s beautiful. 
ever tried; ever failed by inber (@inber)- 4.5K - M - geralt/jaskier - jaskier wants to give ‘no nut november’ a go, geralt doesn’t think he’ll last, they make a bet. goes about how you’d imagine. so so sweet and domestic and lovely, reading it felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. also, modern au shenanigans and snippets of their shared life which made me giggle and sigh very dreamily. super recommended!
Friend Like Me by MissDinahDarling (@dinahdarling) - 12K - E - geralt/jaskier - geralt finds a djinn and he definitely doesn’t keep it, and he definitely doesn’t become attached to it. nah. this was so so lovely and such a wonderful change of scenery, i was truly taken aback the first time i read it! the author’s prose is so breathtakingly beautiful, it’s definitely worth a read. 
I’ll Wish Upon Embers by DrowningByDegrees (@drowningbydegrees)- 9K - E - geralt/jaskier - jaskier convinces geralt to stay in town for a midsummer festival. feelings and flowercrowns are involved. the author’s prose is stunning, and the story itself is so lovely and sweet and deep in a way that really took my breath away. fair warning, though: once you read it, you won’t stop thinking about it. (also, please give For the Space of a Heartbeat a read. please. it’s full of pining and idiocy and love).
and for october writing fests! i wasn’t able to read much, but i really wanna thank everyone who partook in it, you really made october much more bearable <3. here are my favorite collections: 
Octoberfest fics by valdomarx (@valdomarx) - george’s writing. that’s it, that’s the tweet. all these fics are so wonderful and funny and heartbreaking in a way that’ll leave you wanting more.
October prompts 2020 by xxenjoy (@witcher-and-his-bard) - these are all gems! there’s a really nice variety of prompts and lex’s writing is beyond words <3
Romtober 2020 by lesdemonium (@lesdemonium) - zoe’s prompts and takes were so good, oh my god. there were a lot of modern au fics —which i’m extra fond of— and just the perfect amount of fluff and angst. 
if you enjoyed these — support their creators! <3
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artnstuffkat · 4 years
a masterpost of all my art
(latest - oldest)
yellow and blue, steve coogan
envy adams
carrie white
will graham crown of thorns
luke skywalker sketch
imp tweek and pastor craig what makes you human?
maid dinluke
skymandolo mafia au
sunflower/sunshine boy luke
luke seducing din in chanel boots, based off a prompt by vanishedangels
indie dinluke
medieval beekeeper!luke x plague doc! din
luke skywalker 
robin tweek and maid marian craig outfit design
momo yaoyorozu dark academia fashion designs
valentine’s card for followers - 2021
vampire au creek
reedy fic fanart - maid tweek and pastor craig
craig and tweek lounging craig is in a smexy outfit
promo art for yandere au
sun and moon, tweek and craig
eboy gamer catboy maid tweek
tweek vs craig comic of the look they gave each other
sam o nella sp mystical au
vintage postcard from hell w/ imp!tweek
lineless art of creek in a boat at sunset and the snow queen from hans christian andersen’s ‘a story in seven parts’
tweek w/ an umbrella, yandere!craig au
creek server secret santa for ambercreek95 
yandere!craig poster
yandere!craig comic
catboy maid creek
cottagecore mushroom creek - mini
witch’s cauldron
bubble bath creek
imp nun tweek
tricia tucker 
child craig with stripe
imp tweek series about privacy/the true self: 1, 2, 3,
creek anniversary 
possibly in michigan 
anna’s eyes from the art of self-defense
beezelbub good omens
mushroom house w/o creek
princess marya bolkonskaya side profile
colored sketch of happy tweek
sayori from doki doki literature club
another colored sketch of tweek
omg, they were zoommates fanart
tricia and karen fanart
colored sketch self portrait
inked happy birthday tweek
gas station tired tweek
song inspired creek comic
song inspired tweek drawing
natasha rostova portrait
promo art for an abandoned imp tweek fic
metrosexual creek
fem tweek
ferris buellers day off x south park
fem creek outfit ideas, 4 seasons
princess marya portrait
craig doodle - royalty au
tweek doodle - royalty au
genderbent craig and those guys
imp tweek full body
strong woman and mrs testaburger
imp tweek and pastor craig
creek silhouettes
craig character design - royalty au
tweek character design - royalty au
catherine of aragon body and head
mrs tweak 
heather chandler
imp tweek nun
tweek in a sweater
colored sketches
sexualities south park comic
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
do you have any favorite chatfics or more lighthearted s1 fics? (love ur work btw)
Thank you! Would you believe I went through my saved fics and almost all of them were angst? Ridiculous! BUT I did find some that might fit the ticket!
Regarding chat fics- I don’t read a ton, as I have really bad ADHD and my mind has a very hard time keeping track of who’s who. But I am currently following this one:
I am healthy, I am whole, I have poor impulse control by David_Dave_Davey
9:45am sashmaster -> bifurious sashmaster: Did I just hear a dog?
bifurious: ahahahaha bifurious: dog?? bifurious: whats a dog???
[Read by sashmaster, User15549162119 ]
This is an AU where Sasha is the Archivist and they have a groupchat, but this random user is also in it (oooh mysterious who could it be?) and it’s a whole lot of fun so far.
Some Season One/Lighthearted Fics (Some of these are AUs, hope that’s fine)
the advent archives by ivelostmyspectacles 
“Is it that time already?”
“December 1st.”
Jon frowned. “Is it?”
[Christmas at the archives, set during s1]
Pretty much exactly what it says on the summary- holidays at the archives with a bit of mistletoe, some drinks, and some shenanigans all around. 
Two Drink Jon by kristsune/ tumblr @kristsune
Tim finds out Jon's favorite song, and goads him into singing it.
Mechanisms!Jon and karaoke, two of my favorite things
A Proper Movie Night Smorgasbord by smallhorizons
Movie night in the Archives, feat. a dubiously acquired television, Tim Stoker being a good friend, and a deeply exasperated Archivist who cares more than he lets on.
Written for the Magnus Archives Patreon Fluff Competition.
This is a really nice piece in script-format, set towards the end of Season One with fluff and hurt/comfort.
And They Were Zoommates by imbekkable/ tumblr @imbekkable
Martin felt nervous. It really was his luck to be starting his new job in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. He was very familiar with the institute, he had been working there for six years but still, becoming an archival assistant under Jonathan Sims was reason enough to be nervous on any given day. He had never officially been introduced to him, but had definitely noticed him, nonetheless. There was something about him that attracted Martin, and the thought of working with him had driven any thoughts about the current situation in his country out of his mind. Although he would have preferred to meet him under other circumstances and not through zoom.
This is an INCREDIBLY fun and well-written complete fic about the Archives going work-from-home, with a beautiful Jon/Martin romance. I highly recommend.
found this cute guy on the merry go round? by abeebumbling
Martin Blackwood hadn’t meant to stick to the merry-go-round job for so long. It was boring, very boring, the music whiny once you’ve listened to it a hundred times, so anything even mildly interesting stood out like a sore thumb. Jonathan Sims being on the verge of a mental breakdown turned out to be one of those things.
This has made my day a thousand times over. Just a very sweet no powers AU with Jon/Martin.
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