bekkomi · 2 years
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I have more of these around July but tagging them will take a while
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lazy30 · 5 months
Guess who /j
Your opinions on C!Dream 👀?
Obama? /j
I like how self destructive he is lmao, the thing is what he doing or planning is with reasons, even it’s hurt him too like dethroned c!george, burning the community house, etch all of that have a reasons. Maybe for someone else the reasons is ridiculous or something but not for c!dream, he need to do something, something to unite the server again as fast as possible.
Yeah the way he did it was wrong but what choice does he have? Maybe if he still had his friends on his side, maybe if they can share they own opinions how to unite the server again then the path wouldn’t be like this. C!dream is human too after all, he make a mistakes (a lot of it) like what he do in exile it’s too much and he doesn’t intend to end up like that.
So you ask what my opinions on c!dream? I love him
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
hey i think you forgot to tag me in the just olaying the part (i think thats what uts called) taglist 😿
it confirmed it tagged you tho? 😭 someone else had this problem too i think tumblr is just being annoying i’m sorry if it didn’t notify u ☹️💗
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schives · 8 months
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dianapopescu · 2 years
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14 septembrie: Ziua Mâncarea Este Doctorie
Cu ocazia Zilei Mâncarea Este Doctorie din 14 septembrie, celebrate mai ales în SUA, organizațiile de sănătate și nutriție țintesc să crească conștientizarea despre barierele puse în calea alimentației sănătoase. Campania acestei sărbători evidențiază că multe familii cu venituri mici au de a face cu obstacole în obținerea mâncării sănătoase de care au nevoie. https://www.diane.ro/2022/09/14-septembrie-mancarea-e-doctorie.html
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nikkotinamide · 7 months
language use in kiseki
I don't think this has been mentioned before but the kiseki scriptwriters/directors actually use language to reflect the characters' backgrounds/level of education. This is purely from observing the language shown in the drama, I'm unsure if it is reflective of Taiwanese society.
We know that whilst not well to do, Bai Zong Yi is a top student. He's well-educated and learned. Fan Ze Rui, given his privileged background, is also the same. This is reflected in their speech: they use standard mandarin, and I don't remember them having used slangs. This is one of the reasons they click.
Contrast this with Ai Di, Chen Yi, and the soy milk shop owner. The owner mainly uses minnanyu (taiwanese hokkien), interspersed with mandarin. For Ai Di and Chen Yi, they mainly use mandarin but with certain minnanyu words interspersed. Ai Di also uses quite a bit of slang.
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Here Ai Di says "我爸妈毒kiang了啦". Kiang is minnanyu slang for tripping on drugs.
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Here Chen Yi says "an zua 变这样" (how did you become like this).
We know that Ai Di left school, and given how Chen Yi's speech pattern is similar to Ai Di's just with less slang, we can assume Chen Yi also left (and may even have been more educated). This suggests that the use of minnanyu is intentional to show that they are less privileged in terms of education/background.
This lends some insight into the boundary between Fan Ze Rui and Ai Di & Chen Yi. Fan Ze Rui is only affiliated with Yiyun Meng because the 2 of them treat him as a friend and the Fan family has ties to Yiyun Meng. He is called 哥 because he is a friend, not because he is a brother. And this stems from his privileged background. He can't speak the same language/lingo and he finds himself unable to assimilate.
The writers go on to juxtapose the reality of Bai Zong Yi (now affiliated with some Yiyun Meng members) and Ai Di, against the normal lives peers their age lead.
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This scene was quite funny. Fang Zi An thought Fan Ze Rui and Ai Di were undercover policemen, and he thought it was as though he was in a Stephen Chow film, getting into character as a calefare speaking cantonese (“meng ngo ah a-sir. ngo hai ho yan ah. nei hai caai lou. nei hai caai lou!”). Cantonese isn't widely spoken in Taiwan and we can see the faces Fan Ze Rui and Ai Di make at each other showing that they don't really get what Fang Zi An is saying at all.
And Fang Zi An is an example of how kids their age should be - carefree, nerdy, passionate etc., which Bai Zong Yi and Ai Di do not have the privilege of. Bai Zong Yi has to worry about his family/finances, while Ai Di has real danger to contend with at every turn.
It's just so interesting how kiseki decided to use language to add flavour to their characters. And I love how these characters from vastly different worlds have collided with each other.
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fandomsforpalestine · 24 days
Here is the current list of artists we have for the fundraiser:
Martilyong Abo
Griselda Gimpel
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illumeew · 4 months
north star | beiguang
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Summary: More’s the pity that phoenixes are few. Captain Beu has witnessed enough battles to know what it feels like to win some, and to lose some. But as she watched her North Star fall, the fragileness in her was inescapable, and so did the light in her eyes, fighting to stay alive.
Tags: slight angst, open ending/no fixed ending, cliffhanger, very descriptive words used/in paragraphs
A/N: hey! this one's a short one; a drabble, and the names and terms used here are counterparts of the actual ones from the game itself, so i will be providing a vocab list at the end! (its bc i submitted this for my literature class and had to use other names!) although not knowing the new terms won't affect your reading ;3, enjoy!
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The sounds of the boat paddled to the rhythm of the wind’s howls, and under the abyssal sky did the pale crescent moon glow amongst a blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. The night has yet to cease, though fragments upon fragments of the day began to twinkle in the far east. The sea bore not a single one of the orthopteran crickets, but in a way, that was all that filled Captain Beu’s ears.
The wind nipped at her bare arms and shoulders, skin paling at the icy bites, followed by another zephyr howl from the sky. Since the sun dawned through her window, the captain felt a sense of unfamiliarity with the world once her heel met the wooden boards of the Falcor ship, a loud ‘krrriiiinnggg!’ echoing in the confines of her body, as she took in a whiff of the enigmatic air.
One word from her men saying they were nearing Ilyue’s borders had Beu rushing to the wheel, yelling at those in charge of the pit to crank the speed. The anomaly within her was something she couldn’t ignore any longer; not with both that and Ning circling her mind.
The ship’s passed the vicinity of Guangyao Shoal, and Beu’s sudden spike of nervousness wouldn’t go away any the less. The unexpected change of behavior in the captain shook the Falcor Fleet with an unexplainable fear.
Beu’s hands, dextrous and skilled yet brutish and battered, held onto the wheel like sap. Her ruby eyes were trained forward, sharp and serrated—like the tip of her greatsword—and they glowed like blood red sapphire.
Roughly, she swerved right. 
` The ship’s passed the vicinity of southwest Guizho. The fore of the Falcor raised slightly above the waves, its speed gradually increasing by the minute, all the while Beu’s trepidation has yet to go away. Above them was a blank sheet of dread with an air of despair, yet a scent of resolve was present, wavering and faltering, faint but beating.
She looked down at the wooden floorboards of the deck where she stood and maneuvered the boat, breathing senselessly; harshly; carelessly. She was unmoving, her feet nailed to the ground, head hung low unknowingly of defeat or regret.
Despite the ill-lit sky, she felt as if the night got darker.
She looked up from the ground, her head rising up just in time for her men to warn her about the rising waves pulling them from the front. She yelled for the sails to be pulled as she continuously spun the wheel to avoid conflicting with the raging tides.
Barely but successfully, amidst the wallowing sea, an array of joyful cries were heard. Though what anomaly was behind the relentless attacks couldn’t have been the rainbow after the storm. She thought, ‘Ning’s safe. I know she is.
‘This isn’t happening right now. I must be dreaming.
'Yeah. I’m dreaming.’
But she felt her heart race and hands tremble—something she knew should’ve happened earlier. If not for the overwhelming feeling, she would have noticed her palms sweat and her breathing erratically shaking, and the topaz gem on her ring fading slowly. She would have noticed.
“Not now, Zua—”
“Ning… Ning’s up there, and she’s about to do something she’ll regret.”
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A/N: hey! you may be a little confused with the terms used in this drabble, so here's a vocab list!
beu – beidou ning – ningguang zua – kazuha chamber amethyst – jade chamber guangyao shoal – yaoguang shoal guizho – guili plains falcor – the alcor flagship falcor fleet – the crux
also i just realized that the kazuha character was already in this scene even though this scene was inspired by (and takes place during) turning point in chapter i: act iii - a new star approaches, but oh well..
hehe, thank you sm for reading!
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kanhapriya · 7 months
hii love how is life ? how is my bangaram doing ? hope you are doing okay my love
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shiguresouma · 10 months
¿Por qué me muerde este $%&@#¬&*} del gato? ¡Si yo lo amo! (un saGATO CATurday de round de amor felino)
Los que tenemos gato hemos pasado por este asunto… todo es sensualidad felina y ronrronear, sobretodo a las cinco de la mañana que el gato se despierta y no entiende porque no está su desayuno servido, hasta que ¡ZUAS! arteramente recibimos un mordisco de grave indignación felina. ¡Pero si yo no he hecho nada más que acariciarte la panzita peluda! pensamos ofendidos. Pero nones. El ronrroneo y…
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lazy30 · 4 months
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Hello! You can call me Zua!
I’m a multifandom and multishipper! I really like drawing or talking about my interest, but mostly about dsmp fandom!
I don’t like drama on this account, we can talk about our interest just fine as long as you not insult my interest then I won’t block you >:3
My tags:
I’m drawing everything I like! :> I’m trying to make some animations too lmao ;-; Watch me rambling stuff :3 My answers asks :D
Fandom I draw:
Dream smp:
Tödliche Weltliebe AU DSMP Star Wars AU Creature Of The Night
Hazbin Hotel
Poppy Playtime
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
Genshin Impact
Moon Knight
‼️‼️ commission open ‼️‼️
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
wait i just realised my tumblrs glitched whoops🙏🏽🙏🏽
HAHA it’s ok
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schives · 8 months
the beauty of it allllll 😭😭💗💗
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estranhagarota · 1 year
E eu, que nunca tive ninguém, te tive. Tu fez nascer em mim uma eu que não existia. Era uma eu feliz, que brinca, que zua, que ri, que abraça (mds, eu te abracei por conta própria), eu até dancei pra ti, logo eu? Ninguém nunca tinha despertado isso em mim antes de você, por isso eu nunca sentia saudade (aquela saudade que dói) de alguém. Tu conheceu o que ninguém mais conhece, tu foi a única pessoa que não teve medo de se molhar no meu mar (talvez no início por conta da minha cara nada muito agradável kk). Descobriu que no meu mar além de profundo e escuro, tem partes bonitas, tem peixes lindos, algas, cavalos marinhos (coloridos de roxo/lilás), corais de diversas cores e que essa sereia aqui só tem cara de Ursula mas é um poço de sentimentalismo e frágil.
Eu te levei ao mais profundo do meu mar e tu não teve medo, logo você que tem medo de uma barata voadora (kkk) e nem nadar sabe, não teve medo de se afogar na minha escuridão, no meu caos e conhecer meus demônios.
Tu me tirou do meu mar e me levou num aquário pra conhecer um pouquinho do mundo lá fora, obrigada por tanto. Obrigada por me deixar lembranças lindas e momentos incríveis, queria voltar um pouquinho no tempo e reviver tudo de novo, porém agora eu te abraçaria mais até você se encher de mim.
Tu foi embora e levou um pedaço de mim e tá tudo bem, deixa eu ser essa pessoa pra ti. Voltei pra minha concha esperando a tua volta, sei que vai dizer que tenho que ser isso tudo com todos mas meu bem, quem me entenderia, quem não me acharia estranha e quem não teria medo de se afogar? você que é louca de aceitar nadar comigo e o mais louco é que você nem sabe nadar.
Tô com tanta saudade.
Obs: escrevendo isso com lágrimas nos olhos ao som de "Sozinho" cover da Luísa Sonsa, lembrando daquela noite em que estávamos refletindo nesta música.
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sasecretanorexic · 1 year
Quando eu for magra, vou tirar um monte de ft do meu corpo, vou postar várias ft de biquíni, vou me sensualizar (sei q n é bom ficar se sensualizando na Internet, mas eu preciso de validação masculina)
Coloquei esse parêntese explicando o motivo ☝, pq aq tá quase um Twitter KKKKKK, zuas
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 015 - Aria, pt. 7
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[ Masterlist ] [ Read on AO3 ] [ Raws ]
Summary: Hollow victory.
♦ 143
sfx: GYUO! [blammo!]
Akuma: !!
Kanda: It fired—!?
sfx: dododododo [long rods of light thud into the Akuma and the ground around it]
Akuma: GYAA
♦ 144
sfx: dodododo [LAZER: FIRIN] sfx: dododo [STILL FIRIN] sfx: DON [conclusive final shot] sfx: do [Allen lands lightly on a rod, which tops a whole game of magic glowy pick-up sticks] sfx: hyuoooo [wind blows through the sudden silence]
♦ 145
sfx: gin [Allen's cursed eye detects the presence of the Akuma behind him] sfx: zazazazaza [Akuma scuttles around under the sand] sfx: zazaza [scuttle scuttle]
Akuma: Guess you can't destroy me if I turn into sand~!
♦ 146
sfx: jaki [Allen takes aim with the cannon again] sfx: dotsu [Akuma's copy of Allen's arm stabs up out of the sand toward him] sfx: gyan [whiffed it; Allen jumps up and the spear-hand passes beneath him] sfx: DOGAAAA [the wall or floor where the spear makes impact explodes into rubble] sfx: gun [a face made of sand suddenly zooms right up into Allen's space]
Allen: !!
♦ 147
sfx: zua [the sand-body engulfs Allen entirely] sfx: zu zu zu zu [the sand moves around in currents as it drags Allen in and down]
Akuma: Hee hee, gotcha! sfx: BAN [Akuma pats its giant sand belly] Akuma: You're done for, kid, done for!
sfx: shi—-n [absolute darkness] Allen: Too dark to see in here.
sfx: vun [Akuma's fake hand turns into a trident] Akuma: If I stab you a whole bunch, will you die~? sfx: dosu [Akuma stabs its own sandy belly with the trident] sfx: dosu dosu dosu dosu [again again again again, at different angles]
♦ 148
sfx: dosu dosu dosu dosu [stabbity stabbity] Akuma: Gyahyahyahya!!
Toma: Sir Walker!!
Kanda: It's all right. Kanda: I can still feel Kanda: his bloodthirst.
sfx: gakiiin! [a sudden burst of... something]
Akuma: What's th—?
♦ 149
sfx: bakinh [when Allen blocks the Akuma's false hand, its fingers shatter]
Akuma: My spear—
Allen: The cross is telling my brain through my nerves, Allen: and my brain is telling my body Allen: how to use this new weapon.
sfx: vuon [wide mouth of the cannon suddenly contracts around a single protruding rod of light, like a gauntlet/lightsaber mashup]
♦ 150
sfx: ZUBA [without hestitation, he splits the Akuma in half like a block of firewood, top to bottom... again] sfx: piri [the sand splits like skin, because it is] sfx: paka [the sand armour pops open into halves, revealing the Akuma within]
Akuma: Ack! My sand-skin!!
sfx: zarara [the sand-skin continues to slough away]
Allen: There's the real you.
♦ 151
sfx: zah [Allen makes a neat three-point landing the sand]
sfx: doshaaaa [the sand of the Akuma's skin, unbound, falls to the ground like a swift rain]
sfx: batsu [the mouth of Allen's weapon opens into a cannon again, narrower this time] Allen: Not giving you time to copy this. Allen: I'll blast you out of existence.
Akuma: I still have your arm, stupid! sfx: gotsu [makes a hard thrust at Allen]
sfx: DO [Allen's cannon fires another batch of lightsabers]
♦ 152 & 153
sfx: GOA [the bundle of light slams the Akuma into a wall even as it holds it off with the fake hand]
Akuma: !!
Guzol: I am... an ugly person. Guzol: I didn't want to see Lala destroyed at the hands of strangers. Guzol: Lala... Guzol: When my time comes, let mine be the hands that break you.
Allen: Guzol... Allen: truly loved Lala.
sfx: ooooo [wind and sand]
Allen: You'll pay for this!!
♦ 154
sfx: boro boro boro [the fake arm begins to corrode as if splashed with acid] Akuma: C-Crap— Akuma: Why!? It's the same dang arm— Akuma: How am I losing...!?
Kanda: Because you've hit your limit. Kanda: Same weapon, sure, but different wielders. Kanda: Only an Exorcist1 can properly handle an anti-Akuma weapon. Kanda: Fuller synchronization with our Innocence can give us more power.
♦ 155
sfx: dokun [Allen's heart palpitates] sfx: goh [he pukes blood] Allen: !? sfx: bubutsu [his arm suddenly reverts to its resting state in staggered stages] sfx: dokun dokun dokun [his heart is hammering] Allen: Oh damn.... Allen: Rebound! Allen: My body can't keep up with the stronger weapon?
Akuma: Got you now!!
♦ 156
sfx: kii [Kanda, suddenly appearing in front of Allen, deflects the Akuma's attack with Mugen]
Allen: !? Allen: Kanda!
sfx: giri [Kanda sweats and trembles and holds it off, teeth clenched] sfx: Tch. sfx: jiwa [blood stains the bandages over his newly reopened wound]
Kanda: Don't faceplant at the finish line, you gutless wimp!! sfx: kuwa!! [snarl] Kanda: You're the one who went on and on about helping them!!!
sfx: hii [Allen flinching back from Kanda's righteous wrath]
♦ 157
sfx: giri giri giri [the fingers of the fake hand flexing, unable to get past Mugen]
Kanda: I can't stand high-minded know-nothings like you, Kanda: but I hate people who flake on their word even worse!2
Allen: Ha... ha. Allen: So either way, you hate me...?
sfx: dokuh dokuh dokuh [Allen's heartbeat steadies] sfx: goshi [he regains his feet] Allen: I haven’t faceplanted, you know. Allen: I've just... taken a little breather.
Kanda: ......You drive me up the goddamn wall.
♦ 158
sfx: gishaaa [Mugen slices through the fake hand, amputating it]
Akuma: !!
Allen: Please, just one more shot. Allen: Innocence: initialize!!
Kanda & Allen: Bite the dust!!3
♦ 159
sfx: go [Allen riddles the Akuma's upper half with lightsabers]
Akuma: F— Akuma: Fuck yooou, Exorciiiists!!
sfx: DON [Allen's final attack blows out an entire section of the city from below]
♦ 160
{This page is just an invitation for readers to submit their own designs for the Earl of Millennium's costume, even if it's just a new idea for what to put on his hat-brim.}
Mismatch. Kanji: 適合者 tekigousha “Accommodator” Furigana: エクソシスト ekusoshisuto “Exorcist”
It’s actually remarkable how well the Akuma has done, considering it was pretty literally born yesterday. Its version of Allen’s arm doesn’t have Innocence powering it, so it must be powered by its own Dark Matter core, which is far more integrated – one could say “synced” – into its being than the Innocence is to Allen. It also clearly doesn’t lack for ingenuity or flexibility. I suspect the real problem here is less that the Akuma isn’t up to the task and more that Dark Matter cores are mass-produced and start out considerably weaker, individually, than Innocence. A quality vs. quantity issue, essentially. They can get stronger, obviously, as the Akuma obeys its prerogative and takes life, but again: born yesterday. This one didn’t have time to reach its full potential, which would, I think, I have been very scary. [ ♠ ]
Haha okay what Kanda actually said here: お前みたいな甘いやり方は大嫌いだが...口にしたことを守らないやつはもっと嫌いだ! Omae mitai na amai yarikata wa daikirai da ga... kuchi ni shita koto wo mamoranai yatsu wa motto kirai da!
This is just a case of a lot of things that don’t translate well into English lining up, so I leaned heavily on conveying the spirit of things rather than the letter. A more literal translation would be “I hate people like you’s naive way of doing things, but I hate people who don’t protect what their mouth has done even more.”
Or, colloquially put: “Don’t let your mouth write cheques your ass can’t cash.”
If you’ll recall what I said last chapter about that word 守る mamoru, usually translated as “protect”, you’ll see that in this context it means to "keep" (one’s word). It forms a narrative chord with the earlier line “You were the one who went on and on about helping them”, because “help” here is once again that same word, 守る mamoru. [ ♠ ]
Untranslateable: 消し飛べ keshitobe, a compound composed of “erase/delete/extinguish” and “jump/fly” that basically implies “fly [apart] and cease existing”, basically “become dust”. Really can’t think of any succinct, shoutable way to say that in English, and they’re in a literal ruin full of dust and sand, so. [ ♠ ]
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