#zukka avatar the last airbender
dogeboidle · 2 months
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ZUKO AND SOKKA (sokka is unfinished oopsies💔💔)
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biboomerangboi · 6 months
More reasons why Zuko being the Firelord is objectively the funniest thing on earth:
He hasn’t been civilised in 4 years, his entire teenage experience consists of living on a boat and sleeping rough. The most stable bed he has was probably in Ba Sing Se he probably will just nap anywhere.
He has customer service experience which means he probably uses his customer service voice on his minsters.
Additionally he probably just wanders into to kitchen to get his own snacks and tea because he forgets what servants do.
He probably has no idea why he can’t just chase after an assassin he used to hunt the avatar for Agnis sake why is the captain of the guard demanding he stay in his room he’ll find the guy first (he’s probably right)
Katara probably has a free pass on Eco terrorism because what’s he going to do challenge her, she’ll beat his ass.
If he saw a minster doing something shady he will either invite lady Beifong to detect their BS or commit B&E and look for evidence himself.
He somehow found a baby dragon and raises it.
He will be far to willing to give Kyoshi island anything they want cause he feels bad and Suki scares him.
He randomly insisted on giving some earth kingdom village 100 ostrich horses.
The Avatar will just show up call him Hotman and demand the go on adventures and the Firelord will just dip because he’s been confined to long and has the Zoomies.
He takes far to much advice from Sokka and will genuinely believe if someone doesn’t get Sokkas plans they must be an idiot because Sokka is 16.
Sokka and Zuko also get into a lot of teenage rebellion phases by accident.
Toph just walks in breaks a wall of his palace and demands a field trip that always involves the Firelord having to explain himself to the cops.
He somehow knows every dangerous teen in the world and they all come for tea uninvited.
He has broken into both the NWT and Ba Sing Se.
He has a really well documented facial scar and official portraits but still disappears to be Lee the tea guy like no one knows.
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petricorah · 3 months
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why wear a huge ass overcoat when you can just hold your crush's hand? [ids in alt]
kinda wanna make the last panel a standee lol
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beelze0-0 · 26 days
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"You've changed"
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katanasonata · 10 months
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"please just order, I don't need to hear the backstory of your cactus allergy"
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timeofdeathnote · 1 year
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there’s avatar and then there’s the blue people movie
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nemkero · 2 months
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atla au but nothing changes except sokka is taller and zuko is shorter
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aakiwa · 2 months
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So embarrassing but I’m having a zukka moment rn
Also Azula + Sokka bffs bcs if she got the therapy she deserves I’m telling u their brains together wud be unbeatable
(Ugh I keep flipping Sokka’s scars forgive me)
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mountainshroom · 2 months
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Dumb zukka content for my heart
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mothmanavenue · 3 months
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went looking for a creation myth, ended up with a pair of cracked lips
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loveee the thought of zuko as fire lord making his first diplomatic visit to the SWT and sokka taking FULL advantage of his and zuko’s friendship status to mortify his fellow council members and the general population of the south pole, as well as the fire lord himself.
like zuko will be chatting with some council members and sokka comes up and just starts roasting the fuck out of him. just saying shit like “who let you off the boat in THOSE shoes” to get a reaction out of the council members, who are making giant eyes at him like this is a professional visit where the fuck is your father to restrain you?!!!?
bato would be having an awkward conversation with zuko about resource allotments for the rebuilding effort and sokka needlessly throws in “did you know zuko sings to himself when he’s alone? he’s pretty good. give him a demo, zuko, come on,” and zuko’s grimacing because it was one fucking time sweet spirits sokka and bato is giving sokka the most embarrassed look of his life
sokka throws snowballs at zuko in the middle of the village and zuko falls over four consecutive times as a result.
for all his outward expressions of aggravation, it eventually becomes apparent to everyone that zuko isn’t too bothered by the teasing and sokka doesn’t mean anything by it, because every night they sit at the water’s edge and joke for hours.
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mugentakeda · 3 months
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in my opinion the best "zuko joins the gaang early" fics are the ones that take place in book 1. the comedic potential is unparalleled
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feathered-serpents · 3 months
Zukka is a ship that I'm ultimately indifferent to but its existence gives me more glee than any other ship. As someone who obnoxiously spent the majority of my pre-teen years going to forum war for Kataang against Zutara, and watching as that war went on strong for years after I'd left my station, the rise of Zukka basically felt like this
"After ten long years the fight shows no sign of stopping. Kataang is once again bringing its ultimate attack of canon-compliance, while Zutara has released another essay on how it better suits the show's themes of balance- wait. What's this? Why it's-it's- IT'S ZUKKA WITH A STEEL CHAIR!!!!"
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petricorah · 5 months
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continuing my trend of drawing sleeping zuko for my birthday [ids in alt]
bonus sketches below the cut bc i thought they were funny--
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bluecoffeebeanz · 3 months
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post-lecture noodles with the boys ✌️
Prints <3
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
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Never forgive, never forget
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