#zuppa inglese
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A chi piace la zuppa inglese?
62 g di tuorli
95 g di albumi
90 g di zucchero semolato
75 g di farina “00”
32 g di fecola di patate
zucchero semolato e zucchero a velo per spolverare
Sbatti i tuorli d’uovo con 50 g dello zucchero totale fin quando non avranno quadruplicato il loro volume;
Monta a neve gli albumi prima da soli e poi, quando saranno diventati bianchi, aggiungendo a pioggia la restante parte di zucchero;
Setaccia la farina e la fecola di patate;
Incorpora una prima parte degli albumi montati a neve ai tuorli in modo da uniformare le consistenze. Fallo sempre mescolando dal basso verso l’alto;
Incorpora, in altre due volte, il resto degli albumi e le farine al composto. Sempre mescolando dal basso verso l’alto;
Metti il composto in una sacca da pasticciere e forma i savoiardi su una teglia foderata con carta da forno, dovranno essere lunghi 10/12 cm e larghi 1 cm;
Cospargi i savoiardi con zucchero semolato e poi con zucchero a velo e cuocili in forno statico preriscaldato a 180°C con la porta lasciata leggermente aperta con una pallina di carta stagnola per circa 10 minuti. I savoiardi dovranno avere, una volta cotti, un bel color nocciola;
Fai raffreddare i savoiardi e poi conservali in un contenitore ermetico.
50 g di zucchero
100 g di acqua
100 g di alchermes
scorza di arancia
scorza di limone
In un pentolino metti acqua, zucchero e scorze di agrumi e porta tutto ad ebollizione;
Non appena il tutto bollirà e lo zucchero sarà sciolto spegni e fai raffreddare. Una volta freddo aggiungi l’alchermes e metti da parte.
300 g di latte intero
2 tuorli
70 g di zucchero semolato
20 g di amido di riso
scorza di arancia
300 g di latte intero
2 tuorli
70 g di zucchero semolato
20 g di amido di riso
2 cucchiaini di cacao amaro
50 g di cioccolato fondente al 70%
scorza di arancia
Aromatizza il latte con la scorza d’arancia e fallo scaldare a fiamma dolce;
Nel frattempo, in una ciotola, unisci tuorli, zucchero e amido (e nel caso della crema al cioccolato anche il cacao amaro);
Aggiungi poco alla volta il latte caldo alle uova, mescola e rimetti tutto in pentola;
Fai cuocere a fiamma bassa fin quando la crema non si addensa;
Togli dal fuoco e, per la crema al cioccolato, aggiungi il cioccolato fondente tritato e fai sciogliere;
Versa poi la crema in un piatto e coprila con pellicola a contatto.
Bagna per pochi istanti i savoiardi nella bagna e disponili in una pirofila;
Metti la crema al cioccolato sul primo strato e poi ricopri con altri savoiardi bagnati;
Completa con la crema gialla, fai riposare in frigorifero per almeno quattro ore e servila con una spolverata di cacao amaro.
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sohannabarberaesque · 17 days
Angolo della poesia (that's Italian for "Poetry Corner")
We can just imagine Huckleberry Hound hosting quite an interesting gathering (and slightly on the intimate side, know) at some half-baked Italian restaurant, maybe a bit of the hole-in-the-wall sort, of many of his Funtastic cronies for a rather interesting dinner.
The rationale, shouldst thou ask? "Braccobaldo." Which is the Italian name for That Oh So Merry, Chuckleberry, Huckleberry Hound (as his theme song otherwise reminds us). The point not lost upon Huckleberry and Clementine, essentially hosts of the dinner as much as the eatery ultimately handling all.
Never mind that the dinner is largely minestrone, spaghetti with Bolognese sauce, breadsticks and garlic toast, blood orange or lemon soda (in the Italian manner, with fruit juices and the local acqua minerale) and, for dessert, zuppa inglese and espresso.
Never mind that while "zuppa inglese" may translate as "English soup," Huck explains that such is more of a rich custard cake. "Amusing," Clementine remarks, "how the Italians come up with amusing dessert names, like 'gelato' for the local ice cream--which sounds like 'gelatin,' but has a smoothness all its own."
Not quite lost for the translation, shall we say?
@warnerbrosentertainment @indigo-corvus @iheartgod175 @jellystone-enjoyer @funtasticworld @archive-archives @screamingtoosoftly @thylordshipofbutts @thebigdingle @themineralyoucrave @warnerbros-blog1 @groovybribri @theweekenddigest @railguner34 @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @warnerbrosent-blog
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warnerdale · 2 months
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European - Zuppa Inglese The luscious colors of this Italian dessert are best displayed in a large glass bowl. Anisette sponge cookies are doused with cherry juice and rum, and layered with vanilla and chocolate pudding, topped with whipped cream and sprinkled with almonds.
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o-kay-la · 6 months
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Zuppa Inglese Recipe This Italian dessert looks best when presented in a sizable glass bowl because of its vibrant colors. Vanilla and chocolate pudding are layered between anisette sponge cookies that have been drenched in cherry juice and rum, whipped cream, and almonds. 1 package instant vanilla pudding mix, 1 pint heavy cream, 1 teaspoon white sugar, 2 packages ladyfinger cookies, 1 package instant chocolate pudding mix, 2 ounces almonds lightly toasted, 1 jar maraschino cherries, 1 teaspoon rum flavored extract
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kurowrites · 17 days
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sciatu · 9 months
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Il Tabellone dei gelati è della mitica gelateria De Luca di Briga Marina
All’interno del bar del sig. Placido regnava il solito caos siciliano dove le regole del buon vivere erano non infrante, ma sicilianamente scavalcate, nel senso che erano accantonate, messe da parte, in quanto fare i furbi e lasciare agli altri leggi e regolamenti, fa parte del codice genetico siciliano . Così essere arrivati prima degli altri non aveva valore se gli altri vi si mettevano davanti richiamando rumorosamente l’attenzione del barista o se chiamavano un barista per nome in quanto suoi cugini, fratelli, compari amici o conoscenti. Per cui, nella bolgia che ne seguiva il sig Placido, proprietario della famosa gelateria, si comportava come un giudice della cassazione ricordandosi chi c’era prima o dopo malgrado i tanti millantatori di permanenze risalenti anche ad un ora prima. Il sig. Placido, serio e preciso indicava un cliente e con il volto freddo e professionale da croupier di casinò chiedeva “Cosa le faccio?” E qui partiva l’elenco di gusti che il sig Placido, rapido e preciso, disponeva ad arte su un cono. D’improvviso qualcuno si fece largo nella calca di golosi. Era un ragazzo alto e robusto che teneva in braccio una bambina che lo stringeva piangendo “No cori i papà non cianciri … scusati, …. la bambina … scusate … non cianciri u papà, chi ora ti cattu u gilatino …” Al suo passaggio la gente prima protestava poi, vedendo la bambina che piangeva si spostava presa a compassione dai lacrimoni che scendevano dai suoi occhi. L’uomo con la bambina in mano arrivò al bancone e il sig. Placido, vedendo il dramma in atto si avvicino chiedendo “Che ha questa bambina? Lo vuole un gelatino? Che gusto vuoi picciridda?” “dicci u papà che gusti vuoi? Senti, senti il signor Placido che gusti ci sono, glielo dica signor Placido” “C’è bacio, gianduia, stracciatella, nocciola, zuppa inglese, caffè, Babà, crema d’arancia, mandorla tostata, pistacchio, setteveli al pistacchio, Rocher, nero fondente, sette veli, fondente all’arancio, amarena, torrone, snickers, parfait di mandorle, caramello salato, nutella, Taormina, fiordilatte, cioccolato bianco, cocco, cedro, fragola, ananas, pesca, bergamotto, melone e gelso. Quale vuoi?” “Quale vuoi u papà, dicillu al signor Placido” La bambina lo guardò spaesata e poi puntò gli occhi annacquati sul sig. Placido. Ebbe un singulto del pianto “Diccillu o signor Placido chi gilatinu voi” Fece il vecchietto sulla destra del padre “prendi il cioccolato che è buonissimo” Suggerì il vecchietto sulla sinistra. Nella gelateria scese un silenzio denso e pieno d’attesa mentre tutti osservavano la bambina come se dovesse dare una terna vincente. Lei guardò il signor Placido e lentamente si strinse al padre e bisbigliò nell’orecchio “Va bene u papà signor Placido pi cortesia, ci pò mettiri un po' di panna su un cono”. Un sospiro di sollievo si allargò nella sala e tutti commentarono felici la scelta della bambina. Con la solita rapidità ed efficienza il signor placido riempi un cono di panna disegnando un riccio sulla punta e lo passo alla bambina. “se lo paghi” Fece il padre allungando cinque euro “lasciassi stare, un pensiero mio alla bambina” Fece il signor Placido rimettendo il coperchio sul pozzetto della panna e guardando la folla davanti a se chiese con la solita professionalità “chi servo?” Si udì un boato di voci e la bolgia nella gelateria incominciò nuovamente.
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Gli unici dolci che mi piacciono sono la panna cotta, la zuppa inglese e tutti gli altri dolci.
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plushieslayer · 1 year
Today I showed a picture of Octavian to my friends who don’t read PJO and told them to say what they think about him
the first thing they said was either “he’s not a heterosexual”or”he’s a twink” LMAOOO
but they also dropped some headcanons :
friend #1
he likes chocolate.A LOT.
he sleeps with plushies at night because he has abandonment issues
he collects knives
he is dirty minded and in the closet
he’s a narcissist
he prefers tea over coffee
“dogs or cats?”snakes
his favorite color is gold,but he also likes purple and sage green
friend #2
he’s a twink (canon/hj)
he has anger issues and hates EVERYONE
his favorite cake is zuppa inglese
if he was an animal he’d be a doberman
they were right on some parts tho lol
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angelap3 · 3 months
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Quella con cuoricini l'ho fatta io con quello che avevo in casa
è una torta zuppa inglese, bagnata con alchermes e farcita con crema al cioccolato, la crostata alla crema l'ha fatta mia sorella.
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 1 year
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Words: 1993 (chapter 24)
You and Matt met in the courtroom. Now, you may think that Matt was a knight in shining armour and defended you in the name of all United States laws, but that was not the case. Matt was totally destroying your client, and you wanted to tear him into pieces right then and right there, because with Murdock as your rival, your head is on the firm's plate with each case. Did Matt care? No, he only cared about bringing justice, he was a human-machine, driven by the need to bring righteousness no matter the cost. Or was he just that? What happens when you get involved in Fisk's business and Daredevil's lies against your will?
UPDATES: anytime during the weekend
Find my other accounts on ao3 and wattpad!
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/1rSoldierSince2012
wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/1rsoldierSince2012
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24. Time is a Fragile Thing
The day was over, but as poets say, the night is still young. And full of surprises. 
Following the last night's ruined plans, the Russians decided to talk to the big guy themselves, instead of poorly cooperating through his puppets like Wesley. And this turned out to be their worst decision yet. 
Fisk shyly looks at Vanessa, and Wesley from the far corner table feels as if someone was twisting his insides. His boss, looking like a weak puppy, begging for attention, was something he had never expected to witness, yet a thing he always suspected to happen. Wesley's been sitting there, spinning a half empty cup of coffee in his hands for a good 40 minutes, from time to time checking up on Fisk. Not his most serious mission so far. Of course, he was used to spending his free time like this, alone with his thoughts, but unfortunately, no thoughts came to his mind now.
Vanessa smiles again, charming Fisk over and over again, until he stumbles on his words once more, "Are you sure about dessert? They have an incredible Zuppa Inglese." He looks down for a second, painfully aware of Wesley's intense stare across the restaurant.
Vanessa slightly furrows her eyebrows, "Don't children have that at birthday parties?" Both chuckle at the same time, and Vanessa studies the sudden wave of seriousness that washes over Fisk.
"Yes. When I was a kid, I loved it. Probably loved it a bit too much." He looks slightly down and Vanessa understands the clue.
"Well, now I have to know what it tastes like. You wanna split one?" She says so nonchalantly, perfectly aware that Fisk was under her spell like a madman. 
"Yes." Fisk immediately gestures for a waiter, making Wesley to look up from his cup, "We'll have a Zuppa."
"Chocolate was always my downfall. Milk chocolate, not the dark stuff they say is better for you." Vanessa smiles slyly, secretly pulling her blouse down, so her cleavage would be more visible.
"I can order something else." Fisk answers, following the movement of the blouse.
"No, no, it's good to try new things. Get out of the comfort zone." Vanessa protests almost immediately, intently waiting for Fisk's reaction.
"Yes, we get caught up in what we're doing...who we think we are." He finally answers, lifting his eyes to meet Vanessa's, and immediately gets embarrassed. 
"So...who are you, Wilson?" Vanessa leans forward on the table, messing her hair.
"Tonight, I'm just a man... enjoying the company of a captivating woman."
Vanessa doesn't get to ask another question when in behind her, Wesley quickly shoots up from his seat, trying to hold off an angry Anatoly on the stairs of the entrance. "I told you, he's indisposed-" Wesley gets pushed away slightly, but manages to keep his balance.
Half of the people in the restaurant stand up, all men dressed in costumes, and stand around Vanessa and Fisk's table. The other half stare at the scene, hoping that the worst won't happen. 
"Sir, I need to speak with you." Anatoly makes his way towards Fisk, when two men stop him.
Vanessa looks around, feeling overwhelmed and confused, "What is this?"
Fisk grimaces, holding inside another anger episode. "We need to go... now. I'm sorry."
Anatoly continues talking, "I want to tell you, my brother and I, we gratefully accept-"
Fisk makes his way towards the exit, where Wesley was watching the scene unfold, and guides Vanessa outside, "Wesley will take care of you." He tells Anatoly, without turning back to look at the man, and quickly whispers to Wesley, "Put him in a car."
"Understood." Wesley answers briefly, pushing glasses up his nose. 
Fisk walks with Vanessa, side by side, both silent, until finally they stop in front of the big dark building. Fisk knows that there is a car on the other side of the street with his men, watching the scene unfold. "Will I see you again?" He finally dares to ask a question since they walked half a block from his car.
Vanessa sighs heavily, looking at her shoes, "I don't usually date customers."
"You came out with me tonight." Fisk pushes more, waiting for a different kind of reaction.
Vanessa finally looks up, yet still avoids his eyes, "And here we are, so..."
The moment of silence is interrupted by the slight shuffling of shoes nearby, and from the shadows of the building you emerge, phone on your ear, and a concerned look on your face, "no, I... I don't know why. You might as well ask her" you argue with someone on the phone in a hushed tone, perfectly aware of strangers eavesdropping habits. Focused on your conversation, you never notice the two of them arguing as well. Fisk takes a notice of your unusual attire - jeans, sneakers, warm hoodie and a coat resting on your shoulders like a cherry on top of a cake. So different from the woman he saw in the court, so different from the pictures he has seen on the internet. 
Fisk never loses his next thought and as you disappear inside the building, followed by four sets of eyes, he says, "I can...return the painting, and then I'd no longer be a-"
"I'm not interested in gestures, Wilson, or your money, or...whatever that was all about at the restaurant. I went out with you because...there's something different about you. Not so sure if it's a good thing now." Vanessa finally looks him in the eyes, noticing the confused expression on his face.
"Like you said...I don't do this much. And I'm sorry that our night, it went sideways. But...I enjoyed our time together very much, Vanessa. If you don't feel the same...even a little bit...just tell me, and I promise you won't see me again."
"I...don't know how I feel" Vanessa turns on her heel and walks into the building, where you just went in minutes ago. 
Wesley finds himself sitting in a backseat of a black SUV, shoulder to shoulder with tonight's start, Anatoly. "And even after all that, you didn't even get a name out of the girl?" Wesley asks annoyed.
"No. The man in black came before our men had finished." Anatoly answers in a thick russian accent, not even imagining how it drives Wesley insane.
"You were right to reach out to us, although...a call would have been more appropriate."
"Look, I...I wanted to speak with him in person. Try to put the past behind us." Anatoly says guiltily, when the car stops abruptly. "Why are we stopping?" 
"They say the past is etched in stone, but it isn't. It's...smoke trapped in a closed room, swirling...changing. Buffeted by the passing of years and wishful thinking. But even though our perception of it changes, one thing remains constant. The past can...never be completely erased. It lingers. Like the scent of burning wood." Wesley says mysteriously, not looking at the man beside him, but somewhere he wishes he could be, until his phone rings, pulling him out of this trance and cutting him off. "Sir? Yes, passenger side." He answers briefly, a shadow of sorrow passes on his face.
Anatoly slightly shuffles in his seat, "Was that him?"
"Hmm." Wesley hums, "He'd like to have a word with you."
Anatoly doesn't get to answer when he gets harshly pulled out of the car and pushed on the ground immediately. Anatoly tries to fight back, pulling out his knife and pushing it into Fisk's stomach, but it does nothing, only making Fisk angrier.
"You embarrassed me. You embarrassed me in front of her!" Fisk pushes Anatoly on the ground and watches how he starts crawling back to the car, begging Wesley for help. Wesley remains in his seat, stone-cold expression on his face, only one thing in his mind - you. Fisk grabs Anatoly's head and starts slamming the car doors repeatedly, until Wesley finally can't take it anymore, the car was shaking too much. James steps out into the cold night and looks at the river for a moment. Such a nice evening for a romantic stroll, unfortunately, there was nothing romantic with the sounds on the other side of the car - grunts of Fisk and Anatoly's blood splashing all over the place. Wesley closes his eyes for a moment, blocking the sounds completely, thinking over his own words that said earlier, the past can never be erased, especially his. Especially yours.
The place becomes silent, and Wesley takes that as a cue that Fisk is done. Turning on his heel, he goes over and offers Fisk a handkerchief, watching how he wipes the blood off of his face. 
"Tell Mr. Potter I'll need a new suit." Fisk rasps out, breathing heavily, noticing a few drops of blood on Wesley's white collared shirt.
Wesley briefly nods, eyes avoiding the horrible sight at his feet, "what about him?"
Fisk takes one last pitiful look at what was left of Anatoly, "Take what's left of him and send it to his brother."
"It'll start a war." Wesley furrows his eyebrows.
Fisk's mouth morphs into a menacing grin, "I'm counting on it."
The morning traffic held you off a little, but you managed to make it to the office on time, right before Karen came in. Foggy and Matt were already there, chatting over their future plans for the firm.
You purposely sat in Karen's chair, opening the email from the auction again. 
"Sorry, I'm late, the traffic is terrible." Karen bursts inside, a pile of paper in her hands, hair covering her eyes, she notices you comfortably sitting in her chair only after she hangs her coat. 
"I know about the traffic." You simply say, turning your head to the right, as if trying to get a better look at the blonde.
"Oh, what's with the change of seats?" Karen tries to joke, but her smile falls when equally disappointed Foggy emerges from the office. 
"What's with the new inventory?" You raise an eyebrow, watching her panic slightly.
"What?" Karen looks for help at Foggy, but the latter just turns his eyes down.
"Where were you yesterday?" Matt asks, holding his side under his jacket. 
"I... Was at the auction. Bought some supplies for the office." Karen says, finally feeling the pressure from the three lawyers in one room.
"I wouldn't call all that junk supplies, Karen." You cross your arms, intently watching her body language. Like a stray cat, approached at its weakest moments, Karen pulls her shoulders forward, afraid that she'll have to turn her defence system on.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what was I thinking." She starts shaking her head.
"Thankfully they got a nice sum after yesterday's win, but I hope that in the future, you won't make such mistakes." You stand up briefly, watching how Foggy and Matt disappear in their offices, without any comments. You stop in front of Karen, looking her in the eyes, that became wider in a matter of seconds, and sligthly lean forward, "I believe that this was no accident, after all, you did work with finances, Mrs Page." You say in a hushed tone and leave her standing in the middle of the room, going to your and Matt's office, loudly closing the doors.
"Weren't you a little harsh?" Matt asks, earning a low chuckle from you.
"If you think that this is harsh, at HC&B they would eat her alive." You plop down on the chair in front of Matt, pulling out your phone, only for it to start ringing. "Hello?" You turn the volume down, as to not disturb Matt, but little did you know that he can hear everything perfectly fine. "Tonight at 8? Yes, of course I'm free." You smile, "not to take my car? Oh, depends on how I'll be getting home later."  Moment passes by, with Matt intently listening to the person on the other side of the phone, and you writing down the address of the place in your workbook. "Okay, I'll see you then, yeah, bye." The phone call ends, with Matt clenching his fists under the table, not even bothering to ask questions, because after all, he knows all the details. 
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lazuli-writes · 11 months
Outtakes - 100 More Headcanons
summary: 100 more headcanons of Ron after being sorted into Slytherin.
estimated word count: 4400 words
a/n: Remember folks, copying other people’s works is plagiarism and that’s illegal. Don’t be that kind of person. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it :)
©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, or translate without permission
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There were 13 students sorted into Slytherin house in 1991: Millicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, Tracey Davis, Gregory Goyle, Daphne Greengrass, Xander Lofthouse, Draco Malfoy, Lily Moon, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Richard Pike, Ronald Weasley and Blaise Zabini.
Percy was the first person in Ron’s immediate family to accept his status as a member of Slytherin house. 
Ron and Daphne first met in the conical crypt. He was hiding in the far off crypt—located in the dungeons—crying because he finally received a reply from his mother about his sorting. 
The first major, magical accident caused by Ron’s use of a faulty, second hand wand, was when he accidentally destroyed his desk. His use of Diffindo nearly took his toes off, along with the right corner of his table.
Draco and his close friends back in first year—Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe—had disabled the alarm charm on Ron’s bed in the first week of school. If it wasn’t for Theo waking Ron up most mornings, Ron would have probably been late to class or breakfast every morning. 
Theo and Daphne are maternal cousins, with their mothers being sisters of an Italian pure-blood family.
Ron still has two slashing scars that travel across the right side of his chest, from when Theo used sectumsempra on Ron. 
When Ron and Tracey met Mr. Bartholomew Greengrass, the duo thought the man was part veela because of his “immense beauty.” When asked by Tracey if such was true, Mr. Greengrass’ response was that he was Welsh.
Nobody noticed, but Draco usually hesitated before making his typical comments about Ron, because he was always hung up on the fact that a Weasley was in Slytherin. 
Ron used to play chess against the older students of his house, in an effort to gamble a few sickles into his hand. This habit of his is what prompted Theo to convince Gemma Farley to challenge Ron to chess. Though Ron lost, Gemma gave him the money and extended an invitation for Ron to join the Hogwarts chess club. 
Gianna Greengrass adored Ron and Tracey from the moment she met them. She was so happy to see her daughter and nephew making friends. She enjoyed stuffing the quartet and Astoria with Zuppa Inglese.
Tabby the house elf, the head elf of the Greengrass family, thought Ron was part giant the first time they met. 
Ron’s crush on Gemma grew into existence during his times sneaking off to Greengrass Manor for Chess club practice. Gemma and he were the only Slytherins in the club. As the two best players, Mr. Greengrass (a former Slytherin) favored spending his time mentoring the two.
Astoria usually spent time with the quartet when they hung out together at the manor. 
The first time Ron lied about his whereabouts over the summer so that he could attend chess club meetings, Theo gave him ice cream as both a reward for lying and to cheer him up.
Ron and Theo once tried making one of the abandoned classrooms in the dungeons their secret hideout… it did not last, courtesy of Professor Snape.
When Percy discovered that the Golden Trio had thrown the firecracker that caused Ron to get hit with boiling solution—and later sent to the Hospital Wing, he was furious. Percy was incensed however when he discovered that the trio obtained the firecracker from his twin brothers Fred and George.
Harry and Ron’s friendship began to dwindle after the Boiling potion incident. It came to a temporary end after Ron caught the trio infiltrating Slytherin. 
Ron became a suspect for being the Heir of Slytherin after Draco made a joke about it to the Slytherin quidditch team. The team then started spreading rumors around the school.
Mr. Greengrass was initially angry with Theo and Ron for going into the Chamber of Secrets, sending them a howler. However, Mrs. Greengrass later revealed via letter how he was simply upset that the two were in danger. She sent the boys a package of cookies as an apology for her husband’s anger.
Because of his part in saving her life in the Chamber of Secrets, Theo was the only one of Ron’s housemates that Ginny liked. She only started getting along with Daphne during the three months in which Ron stayed in St. Mungo’s Hospital.
Bill was the one to write letters to Ron informing him of Cedrella Weasley and Lucretia Prewett. Two relatives of their parents—both of who were from the House of Black and were both sorted into Slytherin. Ron was astounded with the news and took the time to learn about them. This was where his private connection with Cedrella was born.
He would never admit this, but Professor Snape’s favorite in the Silver Quartet was always Tracey. Tracey was the best out of the four at potions. And when he used light legilimency, she never held negative thoughts in her head about him. 
Both Fred and George were upset for the first few days after Ron had locked them in that vault. They didn’t like being upstaged by their younger brother. They felt bad however, when Ron was told he couldn’t go to Diagon Alley with the rest of the family. In hopes of cheering him up, they snuck him back some chocolate frogs.
For his third year, Ron decided to take three elective classes and one extra-curricular class: Ancient Runes, Divination, Muggle Studies & Magical Theory Class.
Ron didn’t take Arithmancy like the rest of the quartet because he had a difficult time handling numbers. Though he could do calculations with ease. He struggled associating numbers with magical nuance.
When Molly found out Arthur allowed Ron to travel to America for a Chess tournament, despite him being on punishment, she cooked dinners Arthur disliked for a week. She only found out after she realized Ron’s clock hand was on traveling rather than school, a day after Christmas.
George was the first to realize Ron had gotten a new wand. He, Fred and Ginny were all amazed at the lore behind the wand. The twins even tried to persuade Ron into allowing them to try the wand out, but were staunchly refused. 
When Sirius Black attacked the entrance of Slytherin House, Professor Snape was said to be in a “fury unlike any other” many of his own students remained cautious and weary of the angry potions master for a fortnight.
When Ron and Draco got into an argument over Buckbeak, Sirius Black attacked the two out by Hagrid’s Hut. Black transformed into a human and threatened them both. Despite Black injuring his leg, Ron threw himself in front of Draco. Black only left after realizing that Ron’s pet rat was not with him.
Daphne and Theo intended to hurt Draco when Ron ended up in the hospital wing. This was due to Ron throwing himself in front of Draco before Sirius Black. However, Tracey threatened to hex them when the two cousins had cornered Draco.
For his end of term project for Magical Theory, instead of presenting his findings on attempting Telepathy through Legilimency, Ron presented his information on crafting an original healing spell. These findings would eventually evolve to create his original spell, Dolorem Absolvo: a spell aimed at transferring one’s pain unto the caster.
Narcissa Malfoy was enraged when she learned that her cousin, Sirius Black, had intimidated Draco. She wished to go after him, but Lucius refused to allow her to leave their manor. 
The argument between Arthur and Ron at the Quidditch World Cup was the first time Bill and Charlie witnessed their father and youngest brother yell at one another.
Mr. Greengrass was approached numerous times with bribes to restrict Ron from competing in local chess tournaments. He refused, however.
Daphne felt insulted when Tracey told her that Ron had been asked out to the Yule ball by a Beauxbaton girl. Hence why she was adamant in accepting Ron’s offer, when he asked for her help in buying new robes.
Theo was the seventh person to ask Tracey to the Yule ball and the only Slytherin to ask her.
Ron and Daphne were originally going to wear blue to the Yule Ball. But Tracey had stated that “blue clothes on Ron diminishes the blue of his eyes.” So instead, the couple defaulted to wearing silver and green. 
Daphne once kissed Ron in front of his siblings in an effort to get them to stop teasing him.
When Theo found out Ron and Daphne had started dating, he gave Ron a hard time in classes for around a month. His attitude only changed when Daphne threatened to tell Tracey he checks her out sometimes.
By the end of his fourth year, Ron had lost his passion for Chess, instead wanting to focus on other matters in his life: mostly his friends and private studies.
When the Silver Quartet snuck out to Diagon Alley in the spring term of their fourth year—to deposit their looted items from the Room of Hidden Things—they nearly got away, but Ron’s brother Bill had caught them sneaking out. Ron got a lecture from Bill, an angry letter from his parents and detention with the quartet from Professor Snape. 
Slytherin House was said to have been thick with tension following the announcement that Voldemort had returned. Many refused to acknowledge the possibility while others indulged in the pure-blood mania.
The duel between Draco Malfoy and Gregory Goyle is what solidified the divide in the Slytherin fifth years. Those who challenged High Inquisitor Umbridge’s reign: the quartet (Tracey, Daphne, Theo & Ron) and Draco’s Gang (Draco, Blaise & Pansy). And the rest of their housemates who joined the Inquisitorial Squad and aided in the tormenting of other houses at Umbridge’s request.
Theo is the only person of the Silver quartet to not have crafted his own original spell. 
George initially wished to approach Ron in joining Dumbledore’s Army. But Fred, Ginny and the Golden Trio convinced him otherwise. Ginny suggested Theo, but in the end, the Trio and Fred chose to approach Tracey Davis. She refused to join however after they told her she couldn’t tell anyone. After subverting the jinxes Hermione Granger casted on her to prevent her from telling, Tracey told the Silver Quartet of Dumbledore’s Army. Ron was hurt that his own siblings lied to his face when approached about the subject.
In exchange for Daphne’s aid in avoiding the Inquisitorial Squad, Pansy Parkinson taught Tracey and Daphne how to apparate. Ron and Theo would later learn from the girls. Daphne also got Pansy to translate Aramaic & Sanskrit scripts—this played a part in Daphne’s eventual translation of Parseltongue script.
Throughout all five years of which he attended Hogwarts, Ron found a way to accumulate money. In his first year, he played chess against his fellow Slytherins, winning a couple sickles with every win. In his second year, he won 100 galleons at the national chess tournament. During his third year, he won 500 galleons at an international chess tournament. His fourth year, Ron played two domestic chess tournaments, winning another 100 galleons. Also, the Silver Quartet emptied the Room of Hidden Things, where Ron generated a profit of approximately 70000 galleons. And lastly, when the silver quartet started exploring the Chamber of Secrets in their fifth year, Ron and Theo harvested and sold the remains of the dead basilisk, garnering around 98000 galleons.
After kidnapping them, Voldemort made Ron duel Antonin Dolohov. Waging that should Ron defeat Dolohov, Daphne’s parents would be spared. Ron used sanguisuga on Dolohov, nearly winning the duel. However, Nagini jumped after Ron, distracting him enough for Dolohov to use the cruiciatus curse, incapacitating Ron. Voldemort then proceeded to kill Daphne’s parents in front of the two teens. It was then that Ron took Daphne’s place of receiving the dark mark, after Voldemort made it clear he wished for the Greengrass wealth to aid his cause.
The first person Ron, Daphne and Astoria went to for help was Theo, who had been stuck with his father at Nott Manor and Tracey, who spent Christmas with her parents. Theo and later Tracey, both tried to come up with ideas on where the Greengrass sisters could stay once the school year ended. Ron chose to eventually house them in a muggle inn at Ottery St. Catchpole, deeming Hogwarts and Nott Manor as too risky.
Draco, Blaise and Pansy saved Graham Montague after he was locked away in a Vanishing Cabinet. In exchange for saving him, Montague left the Inquisitorial Squad and owed them a favor.
The Battle at the Department of Mysteries—which led to Voldemort’s reveal and the incarceration of much of his forces—granted Ron and Daphne the time they needed to formulate a plan to evade and defect from being death eaters & sympathizers. In that time, though his status as a death eater was revealed to his family, Ron later denounced his status when he amputated his left arm. He and later the quartet would work together to go on missions, saving muggles and muggle-borns.
Bill and Charlie were the last to learn about Ron’s disownment. Charlie because it took a while for Ginny’s letter to reach him. And Bill because he hadn’t yet read Ginny’s letter when he got a floo call from George about Ron’s disownment and Fred throwing him out of their shop.
Following Ron’s disownment, Ginny sent out letters to the family, hoping for anyone to help Ron should they find him. It’s because of her letter that Aunt Muriel was alerted to Ron having the dark mark. Muriel’s willingness to aid Ron was born from Ginny’s words in her letter.
Voldemort never learned of Ron and Daphne’s active defiance in the war, instead believing that the two were simply hiding from him. He didn’t discover that Ron had moved against his cause until the eventual Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, where Ron and the quartet killed the Lestrange brothers and Bellatrix’s unborn child.
In the Attack of the Bones Family Home, Tracey single handedly saved Madam Amelia Bones, when she dueled Theo’s father for the first time. Sending the death eater flying back into a wall before apparating away with an unconscious Madam Bones.
The Silver Quartet’s saving of Emmeline Vance was an accident. The quartet were aiding Theo in his escape from his father, who intended for Theo to take the dark mark. On their way flying from Nottingham, they witnessed a group of snatchers ambushing Emmeline in the fields of Owler Tor. Rushing to her aid, the seven snatchers were quickly overwhelmed. The event saw Ron kill another living being for the first time.
Emmeline and Madam Bones, presumed dead by the Wizarding public, were initially upset at the assumptions. It was Theo and Tracey that convinced the two witches to use this as an advantage in the war. With this opportunity, the two witches began the operation in creating safe houses for muggles and muggle-borns. 
Molly didn’t talk to Arthur for three weeks after Ron’s disownment. When she finally did, she screamed at him and even threw hexes at him. It took Bill, Fleur and the Twins intervening to halt Molly’s rage.
Molly made a promise the day after she screamed at Arthur, “If I have to bury my son Arthur… I will never forgive you. I promise you that.”
Madam Bones used her political connections to open up port key access out of the isles. Basing herself out of the Isle of Wight, she awaited the quartet to bring refugees. Whom she would then send them off to safety in muggle France, Italy and Germany.
The kidnapping of Percy Weasley and Audrey Honywood occurred after Percy refused to aid his brother Ron in fear of death eaters watching him in the ministry. Saving both his brother and his not-yet girlfriend, Ron with the Silver Quartet took them to aunt Muriel’s house where they remained hidden for a time. The two would later join the Silver quartet in their numerous adventures and missions.
The Silver Quartet’s first mission, assigned by Emmeline, was to halt a possible death eater attack in or around muggle Manchester. The mission was a success, with Emmeline and Tracey dueling known death eater Jugson. Halting his gang’s assault on a muggle park. 
Ron had two boggarts. His first known boggart being Professor Gilderoy Lockhart attempting to obliviate him; the result of Ron’s duel with the fraud in his second year. His second and current boggart, taking the form of his father, Arthur Weasley, with his wand raised and ready to curse him.
On his 17th birthday—in accordance with wizarding tradition—Muriel gifted Ron a sapphire-encrusted pocket watch. The pocket watch once belonged to her brother, Ron’s great-grandfather. Along with the watch, she also commissioned a magical prosthetic arm made of bronze, to replace his amputated left arm.
When asked, Muriel told Ron many stories of her niece-in-law, Lucretia Prewett, née Black. Ron learned that Lucretia and Cedrella were as close as sisters. They were essentially the Sirius Blacks of their generation. The only difference being that Lucretia was never disowned while Cedrella was. The two women were both anti-blood purists, both were Slytherins, both married a wizard less wealthy then they, and wizards who defied blood purity. 
Tracey and Daphne’s first kill was a shared event. They killed Gregory Goyle’s father, who led a massive assault on muggle Edinburgh. The Skirmish at Edinburgh Castle occurred concurrently with the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. 
The Order of the Phoenix was divided after the death of its leader, Albus Dumbledore. Minerva McGonagall and Alastor Moody led the main faction. Severus Snape, alongside Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini all remained secret spies in support of the main Order. And Emmeline’s faction, who remained unknown and unacknowledged until after the war.
Emmeline Vance inducted the Silver Quartet into the Order of the Phoenix, following the funeral of Albus Dumbledore. 
The quartet fought in the Battle of the Seven Potters after Theo, who was undercover in Diagon Alley, witnessed Severus Snape confund Mundungus Fletcher. Aunt Muriel confirmed this after she revealed her home was set to become a safe house. The quartet, alongside Percy Weasley, Audrey Honywood and Emmeline Vance, awaited on brooms in the outskirts of Surrey. Each of the seven were tasked with protecting a decoy and splitting up to grant coverage. It was Daphne who acted as a second shield for Harry Potter. However, she was shot out of the sky by Voldemort, barely apparating herself to safety in time. Percy and Ron both dueled Severus Snape, after he was seen tailing their brother George and Remus Lupin. Percy stepped in the way of a sectumsempra, causing the spell to simply slash the arms of both Percy and George. Following this, the quartet and allies fled north to Audrey’s flat in Coventry as most of the decoys had presumed to have escaped.
At Muriel’s behest, and under disguise, Ron and Daphne attended Bill and Fleur’s wedding. There they met Barney Weasley and later fought in the death eater attack on the reception. Daphne saved Charlie Weasley’s life when she shoved him out of the way of the killing curse. The chaos of the situation caused their disguises to fail, revealing Ron and Daphne to the Weasley Family, who hadn’t seen Ron in over a year. The duo quickly apparated away to Emmeline’s safe-house in Poole.
Lady Augusta Longbottom went on the run after her grandson, Neville, didn’t show up for his seventh year at Hogwarts. She would later be confronted by Auror John Dawlish who failed at apprehending her.
Ginny Weasley and later the Gryffindor House as a whole led the Hogwarts students in defying the Death Eater regime that had taken hold of the castle. Pansy Parkinson played the role as a spy for Dumbledore’s Army, in exchange for Ginny’s aid in protecting the younger Slytherins who were subjected to the same torture as the other houses.
Blaise Zabini worked in contacting Slytherin alumni in potentially defying Voldemort’s regime. He did so under a pseudonym and was successful in securing the likes of Gemma Farley, Graham Montague and Merula Snyde. Together, the Slytherin Alumni worked to give warnings of potential attacks or to smuggle muggles and muggle-borns out of the country. Merula Snyde died fighting off snatchers who chased Dean Thomas and Edward Tonks. 
The Skirmish at Malfoy Manor only occurred after Winky alerted Ron that Death eaters had captured Harry Potter. Believing his sister to be a part of Potter’s runaway gang, Ron led the Silver Quartet to assault the manor. They arrived before Potter’s gang however, and succeeded in persuading Draco Malfoy to defect to their side.
Following Draco’s desertion, Narcissa Malfoy and her husband Lucius fled Voldemort’s side. The first place they went to was to the home of Andromeda Tonks. The two sisters had argued, with Narcissa blaming Andromeda's husband for costing Draco’s life. 
When the Weasleys went into hiding after Ron’s discovery at Malfoy Manor and Ginny’s “disappearance” from Hogwarts, Molly, Arthur, Fred and George all took refuge at Aunt Muriel’s house. There they reunited with Percy, who chastised his family for their role in Ron’s disownment. From Percy and later Tracey, Draco, Neville and Edward Tonks, Molly, Arthur and the Twins learned the story of how Ron received the dark mark. Aunt Muriel also casually mentioned how Ron amputated his defiled arm. Molly cried for three days straight, stopping only because Muriel threatened to slap her with Ron’s amputated arm.
Following the escape and separation from Malfoy Manor, Ron, Daphne, Theo, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Dobby, Winky, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Garrick Olivander and Griphook took refuge at the abandoned Davis Family flat located in Eastbourne. The majority of them fought together in a few more missions together before the Battle of Hogwarts.
Ron, Daphne and Theo were taught the Patronus charm by Harry Potter, while they hid in Eastbourne. Ron’s Patronus was a bat, Daphne’s a butterfly and Theo’s a fox.
After recovering Ravenclaw’s Diadem and using it to uncover portraiture magic, Tracey had left the artifact in the Chamber of Secrets. This forced the joint forces of the Silver Quartet, the Golden Trio, Draco Malfoy and the Order of the Phoenix to head to Hogwarts to get the horcrux before Voldemort. 
Despite once bearing the dark mark, Ron could cast a fully corporeal Patronus. His bat Patronus was used to alert Neville, Draco and Tracey of Harry’s plan to head for Hogwarts to retrieve Ravenclaw’s Diadem.
Daphne was the only member of the Silver Quartet to fight to the very end of the Battle of Hogwarts. With Theo and Tracey both dying after their duel with Theo’s father and Ron’s incapacitation, Daphne remained awake and alive to see Voldemort’s defeat and the triumph of the light.
Of the 13 Slytherins sorted in the year of 1991, only six survived the Second Wizarding War: Millicent Bulstrode, Daphne Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Ronald Weasley & Blaise Zabini.
Daphne was the one to find all the bodies of those she loved. She carried Ron to a cot to sleep, unknowing if he would survive from the injuries he sustained. She found Theo’s body, embraced by Tracey’s body, both having died from bleeding out. She also found Astoria’s mangled body in the Great hall, which she quickly had Winky and Tabby move, to the privacy of the Slytherin commons.
While Ron healed in St. Mungo’s, Daphne had repaired and strengthened her relationship with Ron’s family. It was made easier with the friendship she already had with Percy and Audrey. And Molly’s revelation that Daphne saved Ron was enough for Molly to unofficially adopt Daphne.
Audrey and Daphne usually hung out together at Weasley family gatherings. They became friends after the silver quartet kidnapped/rescued Audrey and Percy. Audrey enjoys Daphne’s company while Daphne loves how kind and thoughtful Audrey is.
Before moving into the Prewett Family Home, Daphne and Ron stayed at the abandoned Davis Family Flat in Eastbourne. This was mainly because Daphne’s home—the Greengrass Manor—had been destroyed during the war, and Ron never felt comfortable staying in the Burrow after his disownment. He also couldn’t travel to his room easily with his limp.
Ron and Daphne collectively have three godchildren: Garrett Weasley (son of Fred & Hermione), Trent Davis (Tracey Davis’ younger brother) and Mira Malfoy (daughter of Draco & Pansy).
Ron’s charisma and Daphne’s assertiveness made them a good duo during their time running the Greengrass family business of magical real estate. 
For one of her birthdays, Molly received a snuff box filled with vials and a pensieve from Ron and Daphne. They got it so that she could one day hold all of her favorite memories close to her. One of the vials was already filled with a memory, when Molly watched it, she realized it was the memory of Ron and Daphne’s wedding—an event Molly always wished she was present for.
Other names that Ron and Daphne came up with for their potential children included: Cedrella, Barton, Ally, Tracey, Theon, Astraea, Castor & Emma.
The Silver Grimoire eventually became a Greengrass family heirloom. The only people other than the quartet to read the grimoire were Ron’s siblings.
One of the first things Ron and Daphne said to Molly and Arthur after the surprise birth of their daughter, Astoria II, was “Hey! We beat Bill and Fleur at something!” The young couple then proceeded to high five and laugh as they introduced the Weasley parents to their first grandchild.
Percy and Audrey are the Godparents for Astoria II. Fred and Ginny are the godparents for Nico.
Mafalda Prewett is commonly referred to as Ron and Daphne’s “eldest child” because of their part in raising her.
Ron and Daphne took their kids every year to spend Christmas at the Greengrass Botanical Gardens & Mausoleum. The couple didn’t like Christmas because it was the anniversary of Daphne’s parents’ murder. They would spend the morning and early afternoon paying their respects to their fallen family and friends, then later visit the Burrow for Christmas dinner.
Though Ron eventually forgave Arthur for his disownment, Arthur had never truly forgiven himself.
Molly’s favorite pastime with her granddaughter Astoria II was singing and dancing to Celestina Warbeck songs on the wireless.
Other than his sister and parents, Nico usually spent most of his time with his uncles Fred and George. Despite his extremely introverted, shy, and timid nature, Nico enjoyed just being around his uncles and their shop. He considered the chaos as the perfect environment for him to be by himself.
Luckily, Daphne, her children, and their children would not be affected by the Greengrass family blood curse.
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petalididonna · 1 year
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Da me in Toscana la zuppa inglese si fa così crema e cioccolato e arkermens e Pan di spagna😁
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dwarfanonymice · 2 months
Wikipedia in inglese insiste sul fatto che Nicholas Galitzine sia assolutamente britannico da parte di padre. Quello che mi chiedo è perché debbano sempre elencare le origini di un attore e della sua famiglia. Sarà che in Italia siamo zuppa genetica e quello che mettono di solito sono solo le città di provenienza. Boh.
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der-papero · 1 year
Lui: gradisce un dessert, Sig. Papero?
Io:, sì, La ringrazio, prendo la zuppa inglese
Lui: ecco a Lei
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sciatu · 10 months
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Caldo sudario sciropposo che copre ogni angolo della pelle, sauna a cielo aperto strade sciroccose, soffocose, stordenti allucinate e afose. animali nascosti sotto ogni ombra aria calda che danza sull’asfalto bollente, creando a mezz’aria miraggi sahariani. Il sole è un martello infuocato il canto ossessivo delle cicale i suoi colpi impietosi. Estate siciliana: aria di fuoco deserto nei campi e nelle strade, follia nella testa Cielo come volta di un forno cardi rinsecchiti, felci arrugginite erba gialla come l’invidia limoni di cupo verde ulivi impassibili di glauco verde finchè non reagisco per disperazione: granita di caffè con montagna di panna granita salvifica al limone, granita dolcissima alle mandorle all’amato pistacchio alle more, al sublime gelso alle fragole, alla pesca, al cioccolato ma non alla menta, gusto volgare, continentale. Oppure gelato alla crema, nocciola, limone, zuppa inglese cioccolato, crema, liquirizia, gusto santo e dovuto di cassata mandorla, fragola, pesca, fiordilatte regale stracciatella, sensuale mango ma non menta, banale, continentale. Magari seltz, limone e sale o acqua tonica e granita al limone caffè caldo con granita al caffè, lasciva panna! Gelo al limone, al melone vino freddo gelato, grillo, inzolia, malvasia in un bicchiere appannato dall’afa e affanculo prosecco e daiquiri affanculo l’estate, l’afa, il caldo mi basta una birra Messina gelata un bagnasciuga infinito e tutto il resto, i l mondo, l’universo è solo il sogno di un folle una fiaba ridicola scritta su un rotolo di carta igienica.
Warm, syrupy shroud that covers every corner of the skin, open-air sauna, sirocco roads, suffocating, hallucinated and sultry stuns, animals hidden under every shadow, hot air dancing on the boiling asphalt, creating Saharan mirages in mid-air. The sun is a fiery hammer, the obsessive song of the cicadas its pitiless blows. Sicilian summer: air of fire, desert in the fields and streets, madness in the head. Sky like the vault of an oven, withered thistles, rusty ferns, yellow grass like envy, dark green lemons, impassive sea-green olive trees. until I don't react out of desperation: coffee granita with mountain of cream, saving lemon granita, very sweet almond granita to the beloved pistachio with blackberries, to the sublime mulberry with strawberries, peach, chocolate, but not mint, vulgar, continental taste. Or cream ice cream, hazelnut, lemon, trifle, chocolate, cream, licorice, holy and due taste of cassata, almond, strawberry, peach, fiordilatte, royal stracciatella, sensual mango, but not mint, banal, continental. Maybe seltzer, lemon and salt, or tonic water and lemon granita, hot coffee with coffee granita, lascivious cream! Gelo with lemon, melon, ice cold wine, grillo, inzolia, malvasia in a glass misted by the heat, and fuck prosecco and daiquiri, fuck the summer, the heat, the heat, a frozen Messina beer is enough for me an infinite shoreline, and all the rest, the world, the universe, is just a madman's dream, a ridiculous fairy tale, written on a roll of toilet paper
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landoom · 4 months
I received these questions from @ohblimeygeorge who wanted to learn more about some people here! So here we go!
What’s your fave ice cream flavour?
Zuppa Inglese, an Italian flavour!
Who’s your fave driver?
Lando Norris of course <3
What is it about your fave driver that makes them your fave?
That's complicated because it's a mix of many things! First, he's clearly good behind a wheel! I also love his bubbly and fun personality and how he's not only focusing on F1 but has other interests!
Fave holiday destination you’d like to visit?
Many! But it's would probably be between Japan and Finland!
Fave driver pairing?
In a shipping way I suppose? At the moment, Landoscar! But I'm a multi-shipper at heart!
Dream job when you were a child? Is it your job now?
I've wanted to be a florist, a writer and an archeologist! And I'm a secretary and communication officer!
Dream f1 team driver pairing?
Lando and Oscar at Mclaren is already really great! But if I need to go with something that is not real, I'd say Max and Lando at Ferrari!
Do you have a special talent?
I don't think so... Perhaps my ability to provide spreadsheets for nearly every reason?
If you could decide an f1 track anywhere in the world, where would it be?
A new one : I'd say a track like Spa or Red Bull Ring in New Zealand! An existing one : let's go back to Kyalami!
Fave animal?
Puppies and kittens!
Top prediction for the 2024 season?
Max WDC again, Lando and Oscar both will win their first races, Williams being better than anyone expected.
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