#taste use almond sponge cookies
o-kay-la · 7 months
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Zuppa Inglese Recipe This Italian dessert looks best when presented in a sizable glass bowl because of its vibrant colors. Vanilla and chocolate pudding are layered between anisette sponge cookies that have been drenched in cherry juice and rum, whipped cream, and almonds. 1 package instant vanilla pudding mix, 1 pint heavy cream, 1 teaspoon white sugar, 2 packages ladyfinger cookies, 1 package instant chocolate pudding mix, 2 ounces almonds lightly toasted, 1 jar maraschino cherries, 1 teaspoon rum flavored extract
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five-miles-over · 2 years
Tom Hiddleston Characters as Desserts
(Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters or images. This is just a fun listicle, not designed to offend anyone. As always, please feel free to leave comments and/or constructive criticism below. Thank you, and without any further ado, please enjoy!)
Characters in this list: Will Ransome, King Henry V, Loki of Asgard and Jotunheim, Bill Hazeldine, Coriolanus, Jonathan Pine, Robert Laing, Magnus Martinsson, Oakley, Thomas Sharpe, and Jaguar Villain! Tom Hiddleston.
Will Ransome from The Essex Serpent - Raspberry Jam and Coconut Cakes
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I chose this dessert for Will because it's mentioned in the original novel The Essex Serpent (which the series is based on). Plus, the titular serpent is considered a very exotic, almost mythical creature to Will, much like how coconuts were considered a very exotic fruit in Victorian England. 
And in addition to that, the delicate nature of these little cakes is stronger than Will's loyalty (seriously, his wife Stella deserved better).
King Henry V from The Hollow Crown - Macarons
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Macarons are delectable, expensive, and definitely fit for royalty. Plus, they tend to be subtle in flavor just like Henry's subtle charm, which he makes good use of when needed.
(What would Hal's favorite macaron flavor be? Something tells me French vanilla or raspberry.)
Loki of Asgard and Jotunheim, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Green Tea Cheesecake
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How can Loki's dessert not have green - his signature color - in it? This is also a very decadent dessert and therefore fitting for a prince (and a rightful king). Plus, consuming green tea is linked to higher energy levels, just like how Loki excites fans all over the world. 
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(Also a good match for Loki? The Swedish princess cake, known as prinsesstårta. It was named as such because princesses were believed to have been fond of the cake. It's layered with custard and jam, and covered in green marzipan. Plus, Sweden is part of Scandanavia, which practiced Norse mythology once upon a time. And as almost everyone knows, Loki is the Norse god of mischief.)
Bill Hazeldine from Suburban Shootout - Battenberg Cake
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For those who haven't heard of it before, a Battenberg cake is made from pink and yellow sponge cakes, linked together with jam and coated in marzipan, which is made from almonds and sugar. It was invented to mark the wedding of Princess Victoria (Queen Victoria's granddaughter) to Louis of Battenberg, hence the name.
The pink and yellow colors reminded me of Bill's sunny, rose-tinted outlook towards life. Plus, the square shape is pretty similar to Bill's square nature as someone who is pretty straightforward and reluctant to break rules.
Coriolanus from the play of the same name - Panna Cotta with Raspberry Sauce
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Honestly, one of the reasons I chose this dessert for Coriolanus is because the raspberry sauce is reminiscent of Coriolanus's bloodthirsty nature as a general of the Roman army. And much like how panna cotta has a somewhat rigid shape that cannot be easily changed, Coriolanus has a tough time changing his own nature when he enters into politics (he doesn't get along with the ordinary citizens) and it's one of the reasons he doesn't do well in his elections.
Jonathan Pine from The Night Manager - Sticky Toffee Pudding
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For a man who declares himself to be English "to the core", a sticky toffee pudding seems appropriate. Not to mention, Jonathan's decision to get involved in the operation to take down a great, international arms dealer puts him in numerous sticky situations that he needs to get out of, using his wits and strength.
Robert Laing from High Rise - Tiramisu
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Tiramisu - lady finger cookies soaked in espresso, layered with ricotta cheese, and dusted with some cocoa powder. Dr. Laing deserves a dessert that caters to his mature tastes. Before the events of the movie, Laing is portrayed as someone who has their life together, down to each detail. Everything is perfectly in its place, just like the layers of tiramisu. Of course, that all changes over the course of the film, just like how none of the layers remain in place while eating a piece of tiramisu.
(And speaking of lady fingers, that sunbathing scene totally made some ladies want to put their fingers…never mind, sorry. Let's move on.)
Magnus Martinsson from Wallander - Lavender Lemon Cupcakes
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Honestly, this is mainly because for some reason, I associate Magnus with the cottagecore aesthetic. Maybe it's because Wallander is set in a small town in Ystad, Sweden, or maybe it's because of Magnus's curls and boyish, innocent looks. But Magnus is anything but innocent sometimes, having sarcastic remarks ready at the drop of a hat. Hence, the hint of sourness with the lemon.
Oakley from Unrelated - Cannoli
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There's a couple of reasons why I chose cannolis for Oakley. Number one, the film Unrelated is set in Tuscany, Italy, and cannolis are Italian. Number two, Oakley as a character keeps a playful, hedonistic, almost arrogant exterior when on the inside, he's sentimental and has deep-seated issues with his father. It's quite like how cannolis are hard on the outside and creamy, with chocolate chips or nuts, on the inside.
(Number three, based on how Oakley talks about sex and how he mentioned having a "hard-on", it's probably true that Oakley has learned to play with his own "cannoli". Sorry, that sounded crass.)
Thomas Sharpe from Crimson Peak - Victoria Sponge Cake
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Soft, beautiful, and elegantly decorated - those adjectives describe a perfect Victoria sponge cake, as well as our first impression of Baron Thomas Sharpe. Plus, strawberries are red, just like the clay surrounding the Sharpe mansion (hence the name Crimson Peak). Though if I could, I'd customize this cake to have a hot chocolate bomb or something in the center. Because while Thomas has an exterior that is immaculate and romantic (it's almost too perfect to be true), he is one dark mess on the inside. 
Jaguar!Tom Hiddleston - Dark Chocolate Brownie Sundae
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Like Hiddleston's character in the Jaguar commercials, a dark chocolate brownie is well, dark, delicious, and probably rich. And the ice cream on top perfectly matches the seemingly cold demeanor of this villain. Like ice cream, some villains' cold exteriors melt under the right conditions.
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lady-of-imladris · 6 months
Heyyy pls could u tell us more about the baking season? What do h guys bake?
hi babe! SO. Baking. In Austria. During December. A HUGE THING!!!
The gist of it: Get your grandma and be prepared to labour in the kitchen for DAYS. Always have softened butter on hand, and more nuts and chocolate than you think you'll ever need!
So basically the goal is to bake a TON of different tiny little treats, throw them all together into a box and it's called "Krapferl" or "Weihnachtskrapferl" (Weihnachten is Christmas in German). Krapferl are apparently also a wedding tradition? I did not know that!
(additional info: The Germans call it "Weihnachtsbäckerei". They. Are. Wrong)
Also the thing with Krapferl is they. Dont. Go. Bad. You have that stuff the WHOLE month as a little afternoon treat!
Lots of pics and descriptions under the cut!
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So this is a generic picture of Krapferl, as you can see there is a lot of chocolate involved! Some classic ingredients are: chocolate, jam (usually apricot), coconut?, and NUTS. A LOT. of nuts. You might be wondering about the pink stuff. PUNSCHKRAPFERL!!
Let's get into some classics.
The first thing one usually thinks of when it comes to Krapferl is Vanillekipferl (Vanilla Crescents??)
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They contain almonds and ...vanilla!! The trick with these is to make them in advance because they are crumbly as fuck when fresh!
Another classic: Linzeraugen (Auge is Eye and Linz is a city in Austria. Weird name)
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The dough is basic and then you just put a cookie, top it with apricot jam and then for the "lid" you have another cookie except you have some holes (or only one hole, or a star or heart...) in the top.
Now the DOUGH. You can make a lot of different Krapferln with this dough by simply adding chocolate or nuts or something, but you might get called lazy by my grandmother because if you only have to make one dough IT DOESNT COUNT!!!
My personal favourite (and also what I made this week): Honigschnitten (Honig is honey and Schnitten is just the shape)
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It's layers of a dough that contains honey and layers of vanilla buttercream topped with chocolate and they are THE TASTIEST LITTLE FUCKERS!!!!! But really hard to make (I have blisters from rolling out the dough!!). Depending on what recipe has been passed down from GENERATIONS in your family, the dough might contain chocolate, the buttercream may contain chocolate. IDK but whatever old lady you ask, if you didn't use HER recipe, you did it wrong.
Punschkrapferl (Punsch is a type of alcohol?)
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MUST be pink!! I think it's sponge cake?? filled with chocolate, jam and rum
While we're at the topic of rum... RUMKUGELN (Rum balls)
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These are basically chocolate and rum, rolled in either coconut or chocolate sprinkles. They are a TRAP for children!! Because you see the chocolatey goodness and think it will taste good but theres SO MUCH ALCOHOL IN THEM!!! They may also contain a cherry (or a sour cherry?), be careful not to bite down on the pit!
I THINK those are the most basic ones? Pretty sure I could go on for another hour or so (I'm procrastinating on an assignment anyway)
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cremornestreet · 5 months
Baking Wonders: The Magic of 7 Flavours in a Bakery
Welcome to the enchanting world of bakeries, where every bite is a symphony of flavours, and every creation tells a story of indulgence and delight. 
In this delightful exploration, we will venture into the captivating world of seven flavours that define the essence of a truly unforgettable Melbourne bakery experience. From the timeless allure of vanilla to the exotic allure of cardamom, each flavour we encounter adds unique magic to baking.
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Flavours in Bakery: The Heart of the Experience
Flavours are the heart and soul of the bakery experience. They have the power to evoke cherished memories, ignite the senses, and transport us to a place of sheer bliss. Whether it's the comforting warmth of cinnamon or the zesty burst of lemon, each flavour plays a pivotal role in creating a lasting impression on our taste buds and hearts. Join us on this delectable journey as we unravel the magic of seven flavours that elevate bakery creations to extraordinary heights.
1: The Sweet Symphony of Vanilla
The timeless appeal of vanilla in baking is nothing short of legendary. As a foundational flavour, vanilla adds depth and warmth to a wide range of baked goods, from luscious cakes to delicate cookies. Its subtle yet unmistakable aroma and flavour have the remarkable ability to enhance and elevate the essence of any dessert. Whether it's a velvety custard or a fragrant sponge cake, the sweet symphony of vanilla never fails to captivate our senses, making it an indispensable treasure in the baker's arsenal.
2: Embracing the Zest of Lemon
With its vibrant and refreshing qualities, Lemon brings a delightful twist to traditional bakery delights. Its zest and tangy essence uplift classic recipes, infusing them with sunshine and refreshing flavour. From savoury lemon bars to delicate lemon tarts, the versatility of this citrus gem knows no bounds. Embracing the zest of lemon in our baking endeavours adds a layer of brightness and sophistication, turning ordinary treats into extraordinary culinary experiences.
3: Decadent Delights with Chocolate
Ah, chocolate – the epitome of indulgence and decadence in baking. Its rich, velvety allure and versatility make it a beloved companion in creating a wide array of desserts. From dark chocolate's intense depth to milk chocolate's creamy sweetness, each variation adds its own dimension to baked goods. Whether in the form of a molten lava cake or a delicate ganache-filled pastry, the decadent delights of chocolate never fail to mesmerise our taste buds and leave us craving more.
4: Nutty Elegance with Almond
The delicate nuttiness of almonds brings a touch of elegance to both sweet and savoury bakes. Its subtle yet distinct flavour profile adds a layer of sophistication to pastries, tarts, and confections. Whether in delicate almond croissants or fragrant almond macarons, including almonds in bakery Melbourne creations elevates them to a realm of refined indulgence. Embracing the nutty elegance of almonds allows us to infuse our bakes with a luxurious charm that is truly irresistible.
5: Fragrant Fusion with Cinnamon
With its warm and aromatic charm, Cinnamon can transform ordinary baked goods into extraordinary indulgences. Its comforting and fragrant notes add a layer of depth and complexity to a wide range of treats, from spiced cakes to buttery pastries. The fragrant fusion of cinnamon infuses bakery masterpieces with an irresistible allure, creating a comforting and captivating experience. Embracing the warmth of cinnamon in our baking endeavours allows us to create creations that exude a sense of home and heart.
6: Floral Finesse with Lavender
The subtle yet enchanting notes of lavender add a touch of romance and elegance to artisanal bakery creations. Infusing pastries and desserts with the floral finesse of lavender creates a sensory experience that is truly captivating. Whether it's in the form of delicate lavender-infused shortbread or fragrant lavender-infused crème brûlée, lavender adds a layer of sophistication to bakery delights. Embracing the floral finesse of lavender allows us to create creations that are as visually stunning as they are delectable.
Section 7: Exotic Allure of Cardamom
Unveiling the exotic allure of cardamom in baking is a journey that takes our taste buds on a captivating adventure. Its warm, citrusy, and slightly sweet flavour profile transports us to distant lands, infusing bakery creations with an exotic charm. Whether in the form of aromatic cardamom buns or delicate cardamom-infused cookies, cardamom adds a layer of intrigue and allure to our baking endeavours. Embracing the exotic allure of cardamom allows us to create creations that are as bold and adventurous as they are irresistible.
As we reach the end of our magical journey through seven distinct flavours, we are reminded of the boundless creativity and endless possibilities that await us in baking. Each flavour we've encountered has left an indelible mark on our senses, inspiring us to embrace creativity and experimentation in our baking endeavours. Let us carry the enchantment of these remarkable flavours with us as we continue to explore the art of baking of a reputable bakery Melbourne, creating experiences that are as unforgettable as they are delicious.
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ainews · 8 months
A cornerstone may be one of the most delicious treats imaginable to many people, but when it comes to macaroons, the jury is still out. One of the reasons for the confusion is due to the broad definitions of the term “macaroon.” Depending on where you look, macaroons can be quite different.
In the United States, macaroons are generally small, round balls of coconut, meringue or almond paste. But in many parts of Europe, the term “macaroon” is used to refer to a variety of sponge cakes, shortbread cookies and even some kinds of pastries. This wide range of interpretations makes it difficult to pinpoint which version is the “cornerstone” of the treat.
Another complication is that recipes for macaroons vary not only by region, but by family, individual tastes and even preferences for ingredients in different countries. Furthermore, some of the earliest recipes for macaroons may no longer be used, making finding an original recipe or a “cornerstone” recipe nearly impossible.
Ultimately, when it comes to macaroons, the “cornerstone” is largely up to personal preference. Consumers could argue the merits of a coconut macaroon over a pastel de nata or a biscuit Breton over an almond macaroon. But the subject of which variety of macaroon is the cornerstone probably won’t be determined any time soon.
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giftdubaionline · 1 year
Birthday Cake Delivery in Dubai, UAE - Giftdubaionline
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Order cakes for birthday, get express delivery in Dubai, UAE. Free delivery in UAE for orders above 125 AED. Combo of Cakes, Flowers, Perfumes, photo mugs for best price.
Get Best Birthday Cake Delivered all Across, UAE Gift Dubai Online will be the best answer for, Where can I buy the best birthday cakes online in Dubai? GDO has a wide variety of cakes, chocolate cakes, stuffed puffs, stuffed chocolates, and more that you need. Gift Dubai Online specializes in providing unique and customized birthday cakes made from delicious premium ingredients. You can also have cake explosion boxes with a butterfly surprise and much more. We also have same-day cake delivery protocols in place for your last-minute requests. Available in several flavors, shapes, and sizes, our birthday cakes are the best way to convey your wishes to your loved one.
Our birthday cake varieties are extremely popular with children and adults alike. We receive some of the largest orders of cake delivery for this flavor. Here are some sub-varieties of chocolate cakes that we make.
Undoubtedly www.giftdubaionline.com. There is a range of birthday cake choices available online. You must check out their designer cakes. The fondants are molded beautifully into shapes. Customizable birthday cakes are available, and you can also choose midnight deliveries.
Lava Cake The inside of the lava cake is filled with oozing molten and decadent chocolate, which kids absolutely love. On the exterior, it is a sponge cake with a runny center that is warm. Butter, sugar, eggs, and chocolate are put together in the right proportions to prepare this cake. Kids love jazzing up their cake and that is why we add fresh fruits, strawberries, raspberries, or anything that practically goes well with it.
Buy Cake for Birthday and Anniversary Our layered birthday cake is another favorite due to its yummy frosting. The cake is extremely versatile and can carry even ingredients such as fruits or jam. With multiple layers of chocolate birthday cakes stacked one upon the other, they are held together by the frosting or any other kind of preserve. Our cake experts can get extremely creative and even add decorative sides with several frostings and shaves of chocolate.
Black Forest Cake One more cake most favored by children is the Black Forest, which is also called the cherry torte. Extremely alluring and visually appealing, this is also a layered cake with frosting and whipped cream built in between. Decorated with a generous amount of chocolate shaves and red cherries, the cake is a delight for all. This original version of the cake also included loads of whipped cream and blackberries instead of red cherries.
Moist Cake We use various techniques to create the perfect chocolate moist cake. High-quality cocoa and buttercream are obtained, which form the main ingredients of this rich and smooth birthday cake. Some may add mayo or coffee, but they don’t quite taste good. We make you indulge in the cake with the goodness of chocolate.
Dark Chocolate Cake Hazelnut cake Containing Nutella, also another kids’ beloved food, get a dark chocolate hazelnut cake delivery that will brighten up their special day. We use rich almond milk, cocoa powder, butter, and a generous helping of hazelnuts along with other ingredients to make the cake delectable. The creamy chocolaty frosting on the cake is also sprinkled with hazelnuts. Oreo Cake GDO makes the best version of the Oreo cakes in UAE. Kids love digging into this birthday cake delight as it is filled with vanilla crème, which is then loaded on top with Oreo biscuits. The layered cake may also be filled with Oreo frosting and cookie bits. Alternatively, get the cheesecake version that has loads of Oreo cookies besides butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla.
You may also want to check out some of our surprise combo birthday cakes that contain a Galaxy chocolate bouquet, a small teddy, and a six red roses bouquet. Check out a range of combo gifts varieties, such as the birthday perfume combo, which acts as a birthday gifts as you order it along with your cake. The combo contains a Cranberry Sorbet Bouquet Victory League By Adidas For Men and One kg Chocolate Cake. Reach out to Gift Dubai Online at the given numbers for best cakes and flower combo gifts for birthday and anniversary
Get Birthday Cakes Delivery in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Sharjah Make birthday's a grand celebration with delicious birthday cakes of custom design available for free delivery in UAE for your orders above 100 AED. Send birthday cakes to Abu Dhabi, Dubai, UAE from gift Dubai online to your loved ones. Planning for your kid's 1st birthday? We delivery special cakes of photo cakes, number birthday cakes, theme cake, heart shape cakes etc.,
Send gifts to Dubai from India, Pakistan, Philippines, or from anywhere around the earth with the latest collections of designer cakes to make the best memories of occasions.
Cakes Delivery in UAE
Gift Dubai Online the best place to order birthday cakes of wide variety of cakes right from chocolate cake, Strawberry cake, Romantic cake, Vanilla cake, Red Velvet Cake, Mango Cake, Rich Chocolate Cake, Caramel Cake, Eggless Cakes, Black Forest cake for birthday celebrations and for all special occasions.
Looking for Online Cake Delivery Near Me?
Get over the top, decadent and show-stopping cakes online from Gift Dubai Online. If you are looking to have a cake instantly delivered to your doorstep, we can do that too, with our express delivery solutions.
Cake cutting and birthday celebrations are synonymous and so are gifts along with them. A birthday is celebrated exactly in the same way across countries and continents, with a cake and gifts. Asian and Middle Eastern countries borrowed the custom from Western countries and today, enjoy every birthday of their friends, family, and loved ones.
Get a cheesecake, chocolate cake, blueberry cake, velvet cake, photo cake, fondant cake, designer cakes, heart-shaped cakes, and much more. Surprise your friends and family with delectable, beautifully made cakes from Gift Dubai Online.
Kids Birthday Cakes Online Delivery Your children’s birthdays are special. Therefore, we have a separate section of featured cakes online, especially for the kids. Get a superhero cake, game cake, or any cake with a combination of gifts to see a smile crack on your little ones’ faces. We provide hassle-free deliveries at the address of your choice as you can order cake online with a single click of a button.
Express Cake & Flower Delivery in Dubai Your spouse or partner’s birthday is special and that is why we accomplish flowers bouquets for free delivery in Dubai, and across the UAE. Along with the online cake delivery choose a bouquet of flowers and cakes online in Dubai, and that too a bunch of red roses and teddy bear.
Get a luscious triple chocolate cake or a strawberry cake combined with a delivery of flowers and you have the perfect gift for your partner. Make your spouse’s birthday unforgettable with some of the best birthday cake delivery of flowers in Dubai.
Make every birthday memorable with combo gifts, flowers, and a range of gifts and toys that can be customized according to your requirements.
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mercato-centrale · 1 year
traditional desserts from Italy Butter cookies from Italy These cookies are probably familiar to you because they appear everywhere around the holidays. These shortbread-sugar hybrid biscuits are ideal for any occasion.
Butter cookies are named for their deliciousness. Because they are so rich, I strongly advise against adding a glaze or icing to allow the buttery flavour of the cookies shine. Italian egg yolk cookies known as canestrelli are considerably more like sugar cookies from that country. They are delicate enough to melt in your tongue, but with a pleasantly mild lemon taste and tasty crunch.
What makes these so distinctive then? Apparently, boiled egg yolk is required in the recipe!
Simple Recipe for Panettone You've probably seen panettone, a holiday classic, standing tall in all the shops. It can be made with dried fruits or plain, chocolate, or both. Lemon Cake with Ricotta and Nuts Ricotta and lemon combine to make a delectable cake that is creamy, tangy, zesty, and ideal with toasted almonds. The Real Tiramisu Recipe! I believe that tiramisu is the best dessert that has ever been created. Consider this: fluffy sponge, robust coffee, sweet cream filling, and copious amounts of chocolate! Oh, and I also like to add alcohol to mine!
Not only is it really simple to create, but the tastes are almost flawless.
Get best Italian desserts in UAE from Mercato Centrale. reach us to know more.
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sew-much-to-do · 4 years
Would you be able to make a list of recipes for baking that are gluten/dairy free? I have a hard time finding recipes from scratch for things like bread, muffins, pies, or cakes.
Hi there! Thank you for submitting an ask!
This one was a fun one to do for me as I scour the internet for recipes...was a bit of a two birds one stone for me since I love baking for my friends and many of them have the same dietary restrictions. 
So, a heavy post incoming. I tried to include both simple and involved recipes for variety. I like minimalist recipes, but I do prefer ‘fancier’ treats for birthdays and holidays. 
🍰 DIY Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Baking 🍪
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DIY SunButter Chocolate Coconut Macaroons
egg whites
honey or maple syrup
unsweetened shredded coconut
No Sugar Added Sunbutter
vanilla extract
fine sea salt
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DIY Strawberry Muffins
almond flour
pecan flour
organic crystalline fructose or coconut sugar
gluten free baking powder
dairy free butter
vegetable milk (eg. almond milk)
vanilla bean paste
dark chocolate chips
fresh strawberries
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DIY Keto Raspberry Lemon Bars
Shortbread crust:
superfine almond flour
coconut flour
coconut oil
llinea monk fruit (sweetener)
vanilla extract
ground cinnamon
Raspberry jelly layer:
fresh raspberries
llinea monk fruit (sweetener)
xanthan gum (or coconut flour)
Lemon filling
lemon zest 
lemon juice
llinea monk fruit
vanilla extract
superfine almond flour
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DIY Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies
old-fashioned rolled oats gluten free
sea salt
dairy-free dark chocolate chips (aim for 75% or higher)
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DIY Banana Cake with Strawberry Sauce
Strawberry sauce:
lemon juice
maple syrup
tapioca starch
Banana cake:
coconut oil
almond milk
vanilla extract
1 package Simple Mills Vanilla Cake Mix
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DIY Peanut Butter Slice
peanut butter (crunchy, unsweetened)
coconut oil 
brown sugar
almond meal/flour
coconut flour
baking powder (gluten-free)
2 squares, 90% Lindt chocolate broken into pieces or dark chocolate buttons
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DIY Vegan Custard Tart
dairy-free milk (cashew or soy) or shaken canned full-fat coconut milk
maple syrup
corn starch
vanilla extract
pie crust (homemade using this recipe or store-bought)
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DIY Gluten-Free Cinnamon Coffee Cake
white vinegar
unsweetened almond milk, cashew, or coconut milk
all-purpose gluten-free flour with xanthan gum (eg. Pillsbury gluten-free) 
baking powder
granulated sugar
light brown sugar
pure vanilla extract
butter, dairy-free (eg. Smart Balance butter)
ground cinnamon
light brown sugar
light brown sugar
granulated sugar
ground cinnamon
butter, dairy-free (eg. Smart Balance butter)
all-purpose gluten-free flour with xanthan gum
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DIY Grain-Free & Gluten-Free Snickerdoodles
blanched almond flour
coconut sugar
coconut flour
cream of tartar
baking soda
fine sea salt
unsalted butter, ghee, or coconut oil
pure vanilla extract
coconut sugar
ground cinnamon
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DIY Healthy Vegan Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins
oat flour
vegan buttermilk
vegan butter or coconut oil
coconut sugar
ground flaxseed 
baking powder
baking soda
vanilla extract
fresh blueberries
Oat crumble:
oat flour
coconut oil
maple syrup
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DIY Pear Custard Pie
coconut oil
almond milk (or any dairy-free milk)
gluten-free all-purpose flour
vanilla extract
finely shredded coconut, for topping
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DIY Vegan Berry Sponge Cake 
For the cake:
ground flaxseed
coconut oil
maple syrup, coconut nectar or agave syrup
applesauce (unsweetened)
almond or coconut milk (unsweetened)
coconut sugar
sea salt
baking soda
ground almonds
brown rice flour
vanilla essence or powder
For the jam:
raspberries (frozen or fresh)
chia seeds
maple syrup, coconut nectar or agave syrup
For the cream:
coconut milk
maple syrup
vanilla essence or powder
mixed berries, to decorate
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DIY Ultimate Healthy Biscotti
gluten-free flour
baking powder
almond extract
coconut sugar
sliced almonds
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DIY Flourless Vegan Pumpkin Cookies
peanut butter, creamy
coconut sugar
vanilla extract
pumpkin puree
pumpkin pie spice
Chocolate drizzle:
dark chocolate chips
coconut oil
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DIY Paleo Caramel Cashew Bars
Shortbread crust:
almond flour
coconut flour
coconut oil
maple syrup
Caramel layer:
cashew butter
maple syrup
coconut oil
unsalted cashews
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DIY Gluten-Free Lemon Poppy Seed Bread
gluten-free baking flour
baking soda
granulated sugar
flax egg (2 tbsp milled flax seed + 4 tbsp water)
poppy seeds
lemon zest
lemon juice
vanilla extract
unsweetened non-dairy milk
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DIY Matcha Frosted Sugar Cookies
Gluten free sugar cookies:
vegan butter 
white sugar
vanilla (seeds from vanilla bean will also do)
gluten-freeflour (eg. Bob’s Redmill 1 to 1)
baking powder
Matcha frosting:
matcha powder 
confectioners sugar
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DIY Healthy Strawberry Crumble Bars
For the topping:
instant oats (gluten-free if necessary and measured like this)
ground cinnamon
pure maple syrup
coconut oil
For the filling:
For the crust:
gluten-free flour
baking powder
coconut oil
unsweetened cashew milk
almond extract
liquid stevia
pure maple syrup
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DIY Gluten-Free Almond Cookies
almond meal 
caster/superfine sugar
almond essence
egg whites
flaked almonds
icing sugar to dust, optional
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DIY Healthy Double Chocolate Biscotti
gluten-free flour
unsweetened cocoa powder
baking powder
vanilla extract
coconut sugar
finely diced dark chocolate
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DIY 1-Bowl Grain-Free Sunbutter Cookies
unsweetened sunbutter (eg. sunflower seed butter)
raw honey
pure vanilla extract
apple cider vinegar
coconut flour
baking soda
coarse salt 1 cup peanut butter, creamy
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DIY Olive Oil and Orange Cake
fruity extra virgin olive oil
caster sugar
ground almonds
baking powder
icing sugar to dust
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DIY Mixed Berry Almond Crumb Bars
Base and crumb:
almond flour
tapioca flour
coconut oil
maple syrup or honey
fresh or frozen berries of choice (I used a blend of frozen berries)
maple syrup, to taste
tapioca flour
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45 of the Best Gluten Free Birthday Cake Recipes
New blog post! One of the first questions I had after my celiac diagnosis was what I could eat on my birthday...and luckily, there are plenty of delicious gluten free birthday cake recipes out there. So today, I thought I would make all gluten free birthdays a little more delicious by sharing 45 recipes for gluten free birthday cakes.
Now, there's nothing wrong with using a gluten free cake mix. If you're on a time limit or just want an easy gluten free birthday cake, I cannot recommend Pamela's chocolate cake mix enough. But if you want to make a gluten free cake from scratch, this round-up has plenty of delicious gluten free cake recipes to use...whether you're craving paleo chocolate cake, a vegan carrot cake or even gluten free donuts. 
So let's dive right in!
1. Coconut Caramel Tres Leches Cake - Barth Bakery
Even the name of this gluten free cake recipe is making me drool.
2. Banana Cake (Dairy Free) - Allergy Free Alaska
If you love banana bread, this cake is your birthday wish come true!
3. Vegan Chocolate Cake (Nut Free Option) - My Pure Plants
Gluten free oats ground into flour play a delicious role in this gluten free and vegan birthday cake.
4. Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting - Small Farm Big Life
Delicious any time of the year...
5. Low-Carb Chocolate Cake with Berries (Keto, Sugar Free) - Refresh My Health
Who would guess that this chocolate cake is low carb and even full of veggies?
6. Keto Birthday Cake Chaffle - Keto Focus 
This keto waffle recipe has three iters and creamy buttercream frosting.
7. Gluten-Free Birthday Cake (Dairy-Free Option) - Mama Knows Gluten Free
If you're looking for a classic birthday cake recipe that's also gluten free, this one is sure to please!
8. Gooey Gluten Free Chocolate Cake - Into the Cookie Jar
A flaky crust + a moist center = the perfect gluten free birthday cake!
9. Mandarin Orange Sponge Cake (Lactose Free) - Foodal
 Fresh mandarin orange juice puts a citrusy twist on a traditional birthday cake.
10. Paleo Death By Chocolate Cake (Vegan) - Oh Snap Let's Eat
Chocoholics...you're welcome!
11. Birthday Donuts - Hunny I'm Home DIY
Shake up the usual birthday cake tradition with these birthday cake donuts instead!
12. Keto Funfetti Bars (Sugar Free, Low Carb) - Kimspired DIY
These keto funfetti bars are sweet enough to enjoy for dessert or healthy enough to eat as a snack!
13. Coconut and Chocolate Cream Cake - The Bear and the Fox
No flour is needed for this creamy and dreamy cake.
14. Mini Paleo Chocolate Cake with Ramekins (Vegan Option) - Oh Snap Let's Eat 
No one will fight over their slice of birthday cake when you bake separate mini cakes instead!
15. Keto Lemon Pound Cake (Low Carb, Sugar Free) - Wholesome Yum
Prepping this keto cake only takes 15 minutes, so why not start now?
16. Easy Gluten-free Carrot Cake - My Gluten-Free Kitchen
This gluten free sheet-cake recipe is as easy to make as it is to eat. 
17. Gluten Free Unicorn (AKA, Strawberry) Cake - Fearless Dining
This unicorn cake is almost too cute to eat, but tastes delicious when you do!
18. Chocolate Chia Cake (Paleo, Egg-Free) - One Clever Chef
This cake is one of the healthiest birthday cake recipes you'll find...but also one of the tastiest. 
19. Perfect Gluten-Free Angel Food Cake - Meaningful Eats
No one will ever guess this light and fluffy cake is gluten free.
20. Caramel Popcorn Cake - Kitchen Frau
A cake? Made of marshmallows and caramel and popcorn?!? Mind. Blown.
21. Lemon Almond Layer Cake with Vegan Vanilla Frosting - Crowded Kitchen
This gluten free cake is loaded with berries and perfect for summer produce.
22. Chocolate Cheesecake - Cooking with Mamma C
And if you love cheesecake, why not make this chocolate cheesecake recipe your new birthday tradition?
23. Paleo Flourless Chocolate Cake - Delicious Meets Healthy
Only four ingredients are required for a paleo cake with a DREAMY texture.
24. 1-Bowl Vegan Carrot Cake (Oil Free, Refined Sugar Free, Nut Free Option) - Zardy Plants
For when you want to eat your veggies AND your cake!
25. No Bake Vegan Raspberry Cheesecake (Paleo) - Tasting Page
For when you want a birthday cake but don't want to turn on the oven to bake it!
26. Funfetti Waffle Cake (Vegan, Allergy-Free) - Strength and Sunshine
Start your birthday celebratory from breakfast time with these funfetti waffles.
27. Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Pizza - Faithfully Gluten Free
A gluten free chocolate chip cookie...the size of a pizza? YES PLEASE!
28. Dulce de Leche Cheesecake - Deliciously Plated
A creamy caramel topping makes this decadent cheesecake gluten free dessert heaven.
29. One-Bowl Gluten Free Chocolate Cake in the Air Fryer - Recipes From a Pantry
Who knew that an air fryer could even whip up a cake?!?
30. Red Velvet Cake (Vegan) - Pink Fortitude
This vegan birthday cake is packed with healthy ingredients AND flavor.
31. Dairy Free Chocolate and Vanilla Checkerboard Cake - A Mummy Too
This gluten free birthday cake has the best of both chocolate and vanilla worlds!
32. Flourless Chocolate Cake - Food N Service
No flour, no problem.
33. Vegan Zucchini Chocolate Cake (Allergy Friendly) - AllergYummy
No one will know this birthday cake has some hidden veggies...
34. Coffee Chocolate Mocha Cheesecake (Low Carb, Keto) - Low Carb Yum
I was sold when I saw a gluten free cookie crust...
35. Keto Chocolate Coconut Flour Pound Cake (Keto, Low Carb, Nut Free) - Fit to Serve Group
Moist. Rich. And keto friendly. What more could you want?!?
36. The Perfect Paleo Chocolate Cake - Raia's Recipes
One word: droooool.
 37. Vanilla Buttermilk Cake with Strawberry Buttercream Frosting - The Organic Kitchen
Follow the gluten free version of this cake and you'll have a berry delicious dessert.
38. Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes - BREA Getting Fit
In case you're more of a cupcake lover than a cake person...
39. Super Fudgy Vegan Chocolate Cake - Texanerin
Whipped chocolate ganache is literally the frosting on the cake.
40. Funfetti Cake (Grain Free, Keto and Dairy Free Options) - Lau's Healthy Life
These gluten free birthday cake is easily customizable so you can bake a treat everyone can enjoy!
41. Raspberry Almond Cake with Coconut Cream (Paleo, Refined Sugar Free, Vegetarian) - Emma Eats and Explores
Are you a raspberry lover? Then this raspberry almond cake is the gluten free dessert you need.
42. Easy Gluten Free Sugar Cookies Recipe - Well If She Can Do It
These gluten free cookies are soft, chewy and cut into delicious squares for a cake-meets-cookie treat!
43. Wacky Cake Recipe (Egg Free, Dairy Free) - Skip to the Lou
Another vegan birthday cake that looks almost too pretty to eat!
44. Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake (Refined Sugar Free) - Nourish Plate
Creamy and dreamy...
45. From Scratch Gluten Free Trifle Recipe - Mama Smiles
This recipe is the perfect opportunity to use fresh summer berries!
Gluten Free Birthday Cake Recipes: The Bottom Line
Whatever you're doing or eating for your birthday, I hope it's a delicious day full of family, friends and food. And if this is your first birthday eating gluten free, know it is entirely possible to enjoy a gluten free birthday cake...and I hope these gluten free birthday cake recipes give you a yummy place to start! Which of these recipes would you try first? Or what is your go-to gluten free birthday cake recipe? Let me know in the comments!
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2DwCKHL
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corashadow-blog · 5 years
Vegan PSA
So I’ve only been vegan for 3 weeks, so I am by no means an expert on this sort of thing, but I have discovered a few little tricks which make veganism better for me.
First off (and hear me out) Marmite. Marmite is incredible. I know loads of people hate it (they’re wrong by the way), but even if you don’t like it, that doesn’t stop it from being incredible. You know all those vegan recipes which tell you to add nutritional yeast? You know what I’m talking about, and every time you see it you want to kill the person who wrote it because WHY would I have nutritional yeast lying around?! Well this is where Marmite comes in... Marmite is yeast extract, so it has all the benefits of nutritional yeast (get those vitamins kids), but a lot easier to find and also really tasty on toast! I add Marmite to all sorts of things - soup, stew, bolognese, chilli, you name it, if it’s saucy I’ve already put Marmite in there. It also works as a seasoning because it tastes very salty, so if you add a teaspoon of Marmite to all your tasty vegan meals you won’t have to add as much salt either. I personally have no problem with salt - I love it and add it to everything, but I know a lot of people try to avoid it so there are bonus points for you guys here. Right, thats probably enough about Marmite (or Vegemite, or yeast extract, whatever you want to call it) - I promise I’m not sponsored!!
Next up we need to talk about baking. I haven’t delved into vegan cakes yet, so that can be a post for another day, but cookies I have done. SO... I have a family recipe for chocolate chip cookies. These cookies are phenomenal, but not vegan so I decided to veganise them. Its super easy to make most cookie recipes vegan and here’s how: 
Butter - this ones pretty self-explanatory, just replace butter with vegan butter
Oil - we’re rolling here, you can replace butter with a flavourless oil (sunflower, vegetable, rapeseed, etc) if you want, but if you have vegan butter I’d stick to that
Eggs - there are a lot of vegan egg replacements, but the easiest two are apple sauce and bananas. Just replace one egg with 4tbsp of apple sauce, or mashed banana. This is especially good if you have some bruised or black bananas that you don’t want to eat. Apple sauce doesn’t change the flavour of the cookies at all so if you’ve got some funky flavours going on I’d use that. Bananas do lend some of their taste to the cookies, so they’re perfect for chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies - it ends up like a banana bread cookie.
Honey - you’ve got quite a few options when it comes to honey depending on the flavour you want. Agave syrup is always good and has a slightly floral taste like a lot of honey, but you could also use golden syrup if you just want the sweetness, maple syrup if you want something with a little edge, or treacle (molasses) if you want a dark, fruity flavour.
Milk - again self-explanatory, use your favourite vegan milk - cashew milk is my favourite, but you could use any - soya, rice, oat, almond, hazlenut, whatever - just remember that each may have a slightly different taste which might impact the flavour of the cookies.
I think that’s about it for making cookies vegan, but if I’ve missed anything feel free to ask!
General vegan cooking isn’t too bad either once you get the hang of it. I made vegan mac’n’cheese the other week just using vegan substitutes for all your usual mac’n’cheese ingredients and it was really tasty and creamy. If you do have nutritional yeast (I use this one) then add a bit of that to the cheese sauce and it will taste more like the real deal. Coconut milk is a staple for curries, and you can also get blocks of compressed coconut which you add water to and it creates coconut milk, or coconut cream if you add a little less water. If you don’t have vegan butter you can use any oil to make a roux for sauces or gravy. I don’t think I could live with myself if I didn’t tell you about Quorn fishless fingers, becaus honestly they are the love of my life. I have been vegetarian for 5 years, but before that I loved fish fingers, and I only recently found Quorn fishless fingers and they are incredible. They taste pretty much exactly like normal fish fingers, and I never liked fish, but fish fingers don’t really ever taste like real fish unless you buy really fancy ones. Just try them, they’re amazing and I promise you wont regret it. I don’t know if you can get any other fishless fingers, but I would definitely try them if I could find them!
Meat substitutes aren’t really my thing - Quorn mince can go away, or any other type of fake mince - I’m really not interested. I use mushrooms (which I hate by the way) to bulk out chilli and bolognese, because if you chop it small enough you won’t notice or taste it. The only vegan mince I’ve found that I like is soya mince. It looks like cardboard and you buy it dry like pasta. I don’t follow the instructions on the packet because honestly I didn’t realise they were there the first time I used it, and now I’ve seen them I think my way is better. Just chuck it into you bolognese or chilli or whatever and it absorbs the liquid and takes on the flavour of whatever sauce you put it in. It’s basically just a flavour sponge, but it has nutritional value so if you’re lacking in protein I highly recommend. Lentils also exist, and I add red lentils to a lot of pasta sauces if I feel like I need the extra protein.
Lets talk soup... I love soup, and vegan soup is really easy to make, if there’s honey or cream or anything just use the substitutes I’ve listed above. I’m gonna go ahead and say it - thick soup is better - this is a fact. You might disagree, but honestly you’re just wrong at this point. If you want to thicken up your soup there are a couple of things you can do. First off you could make a roux, then add the soup to the roux slowly, then as you boil the soup it will thicken up. This is an okay idea, and I like using it for dahl and other curries as well as soup. Next thing you could do it crack open a can of chickpeas, drain and rince them, then add them to your pot. This is my favourite. If they’re in there for long enough you can’t taste them, they are a great source of protein, and as soon as you blend your soup it’s as if they weren’t there, but you have a lovely, thick, hearty soup. 
Pies. Right so you could make your own vegan pie from scratch, or you could just buy one from Pieminister as a treat, because let me tell you; those things are delicious.
I think thats all I’ve got on veganism at the moment, but if you want any more tips or advice, just let me know. I will obviously keep you updated with my vegan ventures and let you know of any cool new things I find! Lots of love
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thebrookblog · 3 years
Britain’s Best Christmas Desserts
There is a great variety of traditional desserts to try during the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Certain preparations start as early as September for the Traditional Christmas cake in Britain. Check out various options try  bring up your holiday cheers  the British way !
Best Christmas Desserts:
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Christmas Cake:
On Christmas Eve, it's the tradition in Britain to have a slice of Christmas cake, which was called plum pudding in olden times. Its origins supposedly go back to Medieval Italy . When in the Twelfth Century Charles the Great in Germany took over the city Palermo, which had similar traditions. The cake or pudding contains dried fruits marinated in brandy or rum, spices, raisins, almonds, oranges and apples. It is very rich with candied peel and whole spices, which gives it a wonderful flavour.
Looking for an alternative cake then a Scottish Dundee cake would be great. It is packed with fruits and nuts and is less heavily flavoured with spices. It's not as heavily spiced as a classic British Christmas cake. So if you're looking for a more subtle Christmas cake, try a Dundee.
Mince Pie:
Traditionally eaten after Christmas dinner, mince pie remains the second most popular treat to serve during the Christmas holiday in Britain. Fruits and spices, are used together with suet and wrapped in light, melting pastry.
For a festive twist on a traditional mince pie, try a frangipane mince pie. It is similar like the traditional mince pie and has a welcoming cover of almond-flavoured cake. It's  topping provides a unique flavour combination.
British Christmas Pudding:
There is no better way to kick off your holiday season than with a traditional English Christmas Pudding. American puddings  are dark, sticky, and dense sponge. It looks like a fruitcake, with mixed dried fruit, candied fruit peel, apple and citrus zest. The use of Brandy and spices provide a deep, complex flavour and signature dark colour.
Although the number of ingredients may seem daunting, the recipe will come together easily if you prep everything ahead of time. Christmas pudding is best enjoyed after it sits for a few weeks so the flavours can mingle and mature.
A British dessert of a 'trifle' is a quintessential treat that has graced British tables for hundreds of years. It is simply luscious and usually includes alcohol, while the fruit can be an acquired taste for some.
An English trifle is made with Sponge fingers or pound cake, soaked in sherry, jelly, a thick layer of creamy custard, and lightly whipped fresh cream. The rest is all about personal preference. A delicious trifle is made with jelly, so that children can enjoy it as well as the adults because it gives the cake more texture. If you prefer a trifle without jelly, proceed without it—this will be quicker to make because it doesn't need to be set up in the fridge. Both are equally delicious.
Scottish Shortbread:
Butter was a luxury item before the invention of margarine, which allows us to make shortbreads more often. Scottish Shortbread is eaten around Christmas and an essential part of Hogmanay. Shortbread is made using a lot of butter,so it was considered a special treat.
Scottish shortbread cookies are made for snacks any time of the day. The success depends on handling the dough with care and working it as little as possible. For storing the shortbread, choose an airtight container and keep it in a cold place for a week or ten days in the fridge.
Yule Log Cake:
A classic Yule Log Cake is served throughout the Christmas in Europe as a traditional cake. This recipe is a classic version using a chocolate sponge cake and Italian buttercream. It can be made with sponge cake, and flavoured and filled with ice cream, whipped cream, mousses, ganaches, fruit, and more. The variation might change, the technique is the same. A simple filling that is rolled as a swirl and decorated with buttercream.
Stollen Cake:
Stollen cakes are quite popular around the Christmas holidays. We should eat it at other times as it is utterly delicious. It's filled with almonds, dried fruit, and citrus peel inside a rich pastry dough.
These are some of the best desserts that are served during Christmas time. This special occasion is filled with love, family, friends, drinks and food. Let's check out the dessert list Brook pub in Cambridge has to offer during this Christmas season. We have come up with a special Christmas menu with new recipes to make your holidays even more special. It will be available from the 25th of November to the 30th of December. So don't wait till the festival is here enjoy our food and keep coming again !!
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imitranslates · 6 years
Honjitsu no Kami Oroshi Ch. 1
New series I’ve decided to translate on a whim. I’ll be playing catch-up as the 3rd chapter comes out tomorrow, but this series will be translated on a more relaxed schedule when I do get caught up, prob within 1-2 weeks of the release. This won’t affect my Mononokean translations, so no worries.
Honjitsu no Kami Oroshi (or, “Today’s Divine Revelation,” as I’ve decided to translate it) is a slice of life-y/cooking manga by Yata Midori that just started serialization in Gangan Online last month. In it, established author Takatsuki Ryuunosuke hires his younger brother, Rintarou, to cook menus inspired by literary works in order to spark his ideas!
You can read the first chapter at http://www.ganganonline.com/contents/honzitsu/ by clicking “[1話] 赤毛のアン“  in the chapter listing!
Today's Divine Revelation Chapter 1 – Anne of Green Gables
Page 1
[Raspberry cordial, two types of cookies, fruit and nut pound cake,]
[A layer cake, and cherry pie.]
[This is
The divine revelation menu for entering the world of "Anne of Green Gables."]
Page 4
Ryuunosuke: Haa...
No ideas are coming to me...
Ryuu: How...
Ryuu: Many days ago did I last leave the house, again...?
Page 5
Woman: Eh?
You ended up firing that kid?
Man: No...
When I told him, "You should serve customers with more of a smile," he told me he couldn't...
Man: He said, "If it's going to be an issue, I'll quit."
Woman2: How inflexible!!!
Woman: He always had a sour look on his face, didn't he.
High school students should act more carefree.
Woman2: But, he was such a diligent worker. It's a shame.
What was his name again... Takasugi-kun?
Man: Takatsuki.
Page 6
Man: Takatsuki Rintarou-kun.
[This job wasn't any good either...]
Rintarou: (I thought I'd be able to manage if it was a bookstore...
Rin: (The bookstore worker...
Said it was part of customer service. [But it's impossible])
Ryuu: Wha?
Page 7
Ryuu: What, now?
You ended up fired at another job!?
Rin: That's bad manners, Ryuunosuke.
Don't stand up while we're having a meal.
And don't point your chopsticks at people.
Rin: Lastly, a grain of rice! It's stuck to your face.
Ryuu: Ah, sorry.
Ryuu: ...That said, you shouldn't just call me by my name like that. I'm still your big brother, you know.
Rin: I didn't technically get fired.
Rin: I wasn't able to fulfill my employer's demands, so I quit.
Ryuu: Demands?
Rin: .......
Rin: A smile.
Page 8
Ryuu: (Bahaha!) That...
Ryuu: That was the demand...!?
Rin: ...
Ryuu: You can at least smile, can't you!?
Rin: Impossible.
I can't give one of those fake smiles.
But... Selfishly saying "I can't" at work is also unforgivable.
Rin: Therefore, I quit.
It was totally logical!!
Ryuu: How strict!!!
Ryuu: You're so strict, or should I say stubborn!
Ryuu: Are you really my younger brother...?
Ryuu: In the first place, why did you suddenly start looking for a part-time job?
Page 9
No real reason.
Rin: I just thought I should earn my own spending money since I'm a high school student, now.
Rin: Unlike my older bro, who's a shut-in with no talent for normal work.
Ryuu: !
Ryuu: Hey, hold up.
Ryuu: You know I'm a novelist!
Since my workplace is at home, it's not like I'm shutting myself in!
Rin: How many days has it been since you left the house?
Ryuu: If you're gonna say it like that...
Ryuu: Two weeks...?
Rin: Then you're a real shut-in, aren't you!?
Go outside a little! Don't you know your legs are gonna degenerate!?
Ryuu: No way!!
If there's nothing I have to do, there's no way I'm leaving the house!
Page 10
Ryuu: I hate the cold and stifling feeling of the outside world.
Society is overflowing with facades and fabrications.
Ryuu: Unending desires in transient abundance, false love...
The state of all those things wounds my heart.
Ryuu: That's why I've decided...
"I'll do my best not to leave the house."
Rin: Are you a hermit?
Ryuu: I have no discomfort. For I have the wings called "imagination"!
With these wings, I can go anywhere.
Rin: There's no helping you, huh.
Page 11
Rin: (Sigh...) Hey, bro...
It's a really good thing you found your current work as an author.
Ryuu: It's my calling!
I think... it's my calling, but...
Ryuu: ........
Recently, I've been in a little slump...
Ryuu: "A short story commemorating the 10 years since my debut."
Ryuu: Is the story I'm doing, but...
I'm not getting any good ideas.
Rin: They've dried up, huh? (All of them).
Ryuu: Haa... How nice...
Unlike me, the apple blossoms are in full bloom...
Rin: Don't get jealous of a tree.
Ryuu: Whenever the apple tree blooms, it reminds me of Anne of Green Gables...
Rin: Green Gables? What's that?
Page 12
Ryuu: "Anne of Green Gables" is a Canadian coming-of-age story about an orphan with red hair named Anne Shirley.
Ryuu: The highly imaginative protagonist Anne causes a stir with all sorts of incidents.
Ryuu: Friendship, family, and the old-fashioned daily life are all vibrantly written about in that masterpiece.
Ryuu: In the start of the series, before Anne is adopted, when she heads toward the "Green Gables"...
Ryuu: She passes through the rows of dreamily beautiful apple trees...
Ryuu: I really love that scene...
Ryuu: Ahh...
Ryuu: I want to visit Anne's world.
Page 13
Ryuu: If I could visit that world, if I could meet with Anne and happily chat with her...
Ryuu: I might get a revelation from god...
Rin: Why don't you go?
Ryuu: Eh...?
Rin: You have wings called imagination, don't you?
Then, why not go visit? Canada.
Why not visit that world?
Rin: In your head.
Ryuu: !
Page 14
Ryuu: That's right! You're totally right, Rintarou!
Hey, why don't you do some work here at my place?
Rin: Wha? Work here?!
Ryuu: Yeah! See, your cooking's good, right?
Rin: Cooking...?
I mean, I can do a certain amount, but...
Ryuu: In Anne's story, all sorts of delicious food shows up.
Please let me have a taste of that moment's joy! While sitting in the comfort of my own home.
Rin: ...?
In your own home?
Ryuu: Yes! The title is!!
Ryuu: Under the Apple Tree!
Rin: !
Ryuu: A wonderful picnic that will take us to the world of Anne of Green Gables!!
Page 15
Rin: ....
Rin: Ehh...?!
Rin: Eh?
(An unforeseen development)
Ryuu: How about it?
Ryuu: One thousand yen an hour!!
Rin: ........
Rin: Are...
Rin: Are you serious...
Girl1: Hey...
Takatsuki-kun is acting weird today, isn't he?
Girl2: Weird?
...He's eating lunch alone while reading, just like always.
Girl1: No, not that.
The book he's reading is what's weird! Look!
Page 16
Girls: A..
Anne of Green Gables...!!!
(Girl1: And with such a scary expression...)
Rin: (It's not like...)
Rin: (I want money so bad I need it from Aniki...)
(But, if I say "I can't" to everything...
I'll become a person that can't do anything.)
Rin: (Above all...)
Page 17
(When he was my age,)
(Aniki had already become an author.)
Rin: (I have to do something, too!!!)
Rin: Uhhh...
Two kinds of cookies, a fruit and nut pound cake, a layer cake...
Raspberry cordial, and a cherry pie. All together, six dishes.
Rin: If it's like that, any idiot should be satisfied.
Rin: The beginning of the tea party is at one o'oclock.
So, in five hours... Okay.
Page 18
Rin: (I'll make this order a success!!)
Rin: Uh, first off...
I'll cut the dough I made and refrigerated last night into cookies and bake them.
Rin: The classic cookies need a little assembly.
Place some jam in the middle of the plain cookies...
Rin: While they're baking, the raspberry cordial.
It seems a lot like raspberry juice...
Rin: The berries are mixed with sugar and put over heat,
And lemon juice and water are added. Once it reaches a boil, the mixture is strained.
(Rin: Incidentally, there's equal parts berries and sugar..)
[Sugar, 500g]
(Rin: The calories must be crazy...)
Rin: I did that part last night, so I just have to add water and soda to taste and it's ready.
Page 19
Rin: Next, the pound cake.
Rin: Beat together room temperature butter and sugar until it turns pale,
Then incorporate beaten eggs a little bit at a time.
(Rin: Looks like it's coming together...)
Rin: Then the flour,
Raisins, walnuts, orange zest, and almonds go in.
Rin: Stir to distribute evenly.
[All right? This cake tastes horrible! Is this the fault of the baking powder?]
[(Oh, Marilla!)]
Rin: (...Is how that scene went in the story, I think.)
Rin: (I guess things would really go wrong if the baking powder was bad back then.)
Rin: (But I'll be fine. I used good baking powder...)
[170C for 40-50 minutes.]
Rin: Oops, onto the next! (The cherry pie!)
Rin: I mean, I should clean up a little.
Uwah! It's already this late!?
Rin: Ow!
Page 20
Rin: !
Rin: Uwah...
It's a success!!
Rin: (It rose nicely,
Has a golden brown color, and it smells great!!)
Rin: (It's going well!!!)
Rin: (Alright, let's keep this mood up!
The last obstacle for today!
The layer cake!!)
[Slice the sponge cake into layers and fill with jam and cream.]
(Basically, a shortcake.)
Page 21
Rin: Beat the eggs and sugar over heat over heat for 5 minutes until frothy.
Keep going until fluffy and airy.
Rin: You can tell when it's finished when the mixture leaves tracks behind... (Or so it says...)
Rin: Huh?
This isn't any good...
Rin: Ehhhh~~?
The egg isn't whipping up at all...
Ryuu: (I thought it'd be any moment now, so I came to check...
But it looks like making sweets is pretty rough...)
Page 22
[20 minutes later.]
Rin: I...
Rin: I did it somehow...?
Rin: Haa... haa....
Rin: Gently mix flour into the whipped eggs using a sifter...
Then add milk to the finished batter and mix again.
Rin: When you put it in the dish, gently hit the bottom of the pan to get out any air bubbles, and put it in the oven.
Rin: Now I'll pour the custard onto the cherry pie I baked earlier,
And line it with cherries.
Page 23
Rin: Once the sponge cake is cooled, decorate it.
Rin: Okay...
Rin: Done!
Ryuu: Rin!!
Rintarou! Over here, in the garden!
Page 24
Ryuu: Let's eat over here!!!
[This is...]
[The picnic menu for traveling to the world of Anne of Green Gables.]
Page 25
[1. Raspberry cordial]
[2. Jam cookie
3. Chocolate cookie]
[4. Dried fruit and nut pound cake]
[5. Layer cake]
[6. Cherry pie]
Ryuu: It...
Ryuu: It's so high quality!! (Amazing!!)
Ryuu: Rintarou...
You really are impressive, huh... (Was this really your first time making these sweets...?)
Rin: Yeah.
Now, what to start with?
Ryuu: Hmm... Anything's fine.
Rin: !
What's that mean, just pick one!
Ryuu: I don't mean it like that.
Page 26
Ryuu: These are the confections you worked hard to make, right?
I'm sure all of them are delicious.
Rin: Then...
The layer cake.
Rin: Here.
Page 27
Rin: Why don't you call it down.
Your revelation or whatever.
Ryuu: Yeah.
Thanks for the food.
Page 29
Ryuu: ......
Ryuu: Rows...
Of apple trees?
[Just when did I get here...]
[Is this exit...
This way?]
Page 30
[An apple tree.]
(That's right.)
(The apple tree in the garden... I planted it when I'd just become an author.)
(A charm)
[To bear fruit]
Page 31
[To all sorts of creative ideas, just like that girl.]
Page 32
Rin: ....?
Rin: (Was it bad...?)
Rin: Ryuunosuke?
Page 33
Ryuu: Mm!
Ryuu: Delicious...!
Rin: Eh?
Ryuu: It's delicious!
All of it's amazingly good!
Rin: R-
Ryuu: Really, really!
Ryuu: I just remembered
How I felt when I was just starting as an author...
Page 34
Ryuu: It's all thanks to you, Rintarou!!
Ryuu: It's really wonderful! Thank you!!
Rin: (Huh?)
Rin: Eh...
Rin: Uh...
Rin: (Huh, what's with that...)
Page 35
Rin: The... job...
Ryuu: ?
Rin: (Just now, he told me "thank you"...
Big bro's gratitude...)
Rin: Well, that job... my work...
Uh, that is...
Rin: (What...
What should I do?!!)
[Man: Takatsuki-kun.
Can't you try serving the customers with more of a smile?]
[Rin: ...
I can't.]
(This is the first time anyone's been pleased with my work, isn't it....)
Rin: Th...
Rin: ......
Page 36
Rin: !!
Rin: Uwa!
Rin: The wind's picked up, huh.
Should we move back inside? Ryuunosuke.
Page 37
It switched on.]
Page 38
Dad: Isn't that amazing, Rintarou?
Ryuunosuke won a big award for his novel.
Dad: Amazing...
[A 16 year old's break-out work!]
Rin: (Ryuunosuke is...)
(A shut-in with way too much imagination, and he can't acclimate to society...)
(Even so, he's made an incredible amount of people happy.)
(I really...
Wanted to know what I could do, and started doing part-time jobs...)
Page 39
Rin: ...Is it good?
Rin: (I'm still no match for him...
Ryuu: Hmm?
Ryuu: Oh, yeah...
Rin: (What an absent-minded reply.)
(Making others happy isn't so bad.)
Rin: ...
Page 40
[The next day]
Rin: Eh...
What's this "Divine Revelation" on the 27th?!
Ryuu: It's an appointment...
I realized it this time. I need your power.
Rin: You liar!
Don't just decide that on your own, it's a huge pain!
Ryuu: For a writer, you know...
You should realize that I need a new revelation one after the other...
[<-A day before the deadline.]
Rin: Wh--
Ryuu: Don't you get it?!
Rin: ......
Rin: I...
Rin: I get it....
Ryuu: (Alright!) I made my appointment. That's one thing off my mind.
Ah, but I'll probably have morning and night switched around by then, so it should be in the evening!
Ryuu: Oh, if I eat too much I'll get tired, so make something light.
Even so, I want something nutritious.
Rin: ......
Ryuu: But if it's hard to digest, my concentration will....
[That was the start of a pain-in-ass event in my regular life.]
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flairmagazineblog · 3 years
Dolato: Your New Comfort Cone
Italy has a great reputation for tasty food and flavors, so when it comes to ice cream, we know what to expect. You simply can’t turn down a Dolato scoop with 100% Italian gelato ingredients. In a queue of cravings while the sun was out on a winter day, we had to stop at The Drive By The Waterway for a wave of Dolato happiness. Cozy rattan swing chairs were calling for us to sit and enjoy a couple of scoops as great music played in the background. Convenience is Dolato’s priority; it is only one step away from the parking lot and a short distance to walk if you want to order some yummy take-away as you’re about to leave.
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If you don’t have time to sit and enjoy the charming surrounding graffiti setting or play a round of baby foot with your friends, you can definitely opt for the drive-through if you’re in a hurry. However, if you’re there to stay, it gets even better. The second floor overlooks the whole drive by area, and even has a space for PlayStation 5 gaming, two air hockey and pool tables that you don’t want to miss. Not to mention, you will also be met with a friendly staff who greet you with smiles and make sure you find the flavor that will meet your needs.
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One look at the menu and we knew it was going to be a hard decision already. The prices were affordable and there was a delightful variety of options to pick from, ranging from gelato, iced cakes, waffles, cookies and brownies to hot and cold beverages, mini sponge cakes and mini sticks. We can surely see why the Dolato mini sticks have captured people’s hearts and gained the title of most unique item on the menu; it comes with a magical layer that breaks in your mouth and lets you in on the delicious core of gelato. Another thing we noticed about them is how they package the delivery orders for ice cream scoops – putting each scoop in a separate square-section box to maintain the original flavours and ensure you get the best out of your order. Dolato notably cares about their customers; most, if not all, of their products are gluten free and you can find vegan items, as well.
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Now, as for our first impression, the gelato flavors were rather memorable and one-of-a-kind, to say the least. Vanilla was our first stop; it’s a basic flavour but Dolato completely destroyed this stereotype, as it tasted very rich and unique, yet not too sugary, like no other Vanilla we tasted before. Mango was quite the popstar, as it was the only flavour with Egyptian ingredients (Owais mango, apparently). After that, we were taken away on a journey to the land of unicorn, as we tasted Dolato’s Violet Magic featuring cotton candy and bubblegum flavors. While it sounds like an order for a girl in middle school, it was actually one of our personal favourites. Another flavour definitely stood out – ‘Dolato Dream’, featuring pistachio, hazelnuts and chocolate. And a dream it was. A special combo that screamed the brand identity.
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We were lucky enough to also experience the winter collection, titled ‘La Renna Morena’, coming out with six new flavours, including Classic, Wafer, Nero, Pistachio, Lemon, and Almond and Hazelnut. It would’ve been such a loss if we didn’t because it was out of this world. This realization hit me as quick as lightning when I tasted the Lemon flavour with a twist of coconut – actual coconut pieces – and crumbled biscuits on top. While I am normally not the biggest fan of lemon ice cream, I absolutely loved it from Dolato as I noticed the texture was also perfectly creamy. No praise would do the lovely experience we had at Dolato justice; that’s why you should pay them a visit as soon as possible and see for yourself. Pamper yourself with a perfect treat, an unforgettable comfort cone.
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IG: @dolateeg
FB: @Dolatoeg
By Nouran Hassan
Dolato: Your New Comfort Cone was originally published on FLAIR MAGAZINE
0 notes
Return of condensed milk: week of 2/1/21
Sourdough osmanthus milk bread
Grade: B+
This recipe is the perfect size for the Pullman cube pan. I think the dough could’ve been better kneaded, but I had a nice smooth bread dough by the end, and the proofing went well.
I’m still not happy with the texture, not sure if it’s the baking or the Pullman pan pressing the bread down or the (not bread) knife destroying the bread. It also tasted a bit more sour than I would like, so next time I’d like to try adding sugar into the stiff starter.
Recipe: Hokkaido milk sandwich loaf from This Old Gal
Modification: steep dried osmanthus flowers in Silk unsweetened coconut milk, 55g whole egg instead of 60g egg whites
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Lotus paste rice muffins
Grade: A-
Still too dry despite me adding more water (and not using coconut milk). I used the leftover rice and mochiko flour to make more mochi in the microwave. But it did taste nice and used up the last of my lotus paste.
Recipe: cranberry rice muffins from Yan Pan’s little kitchen
Sourdough applesauce mochi brownie
Grade: B+
Wanted to use up Puffy (which was a bit soupy as I haven’t been great at feeding on time this week) and applesauce. Had a nice gooey texture, weird aftertaste from the sourdough and applesauce combo. Mochi was probably not a great idea because I realized after the fact that even if it softened during baking, it becomes hard to chew after refrigeration.
Recipe: sourdough brownies from Baked the Blog
Substitution made: half the butter for applesauce, chopped mochi pieces on top
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Flourless soufflé cheesecake
Grade: B
Collapsed despite a nice rise in the oven - maybe I should’ve greased the sides because the cake stuck. Not sweet enough and bro said that it tasted like a sponge cake. What is a steam bath anyway?
I think I’ll go back to the previous recipes for cotton cheesecake as the instructions are at least clearer, even though the usage of potato starch is intriguing (but I think cake flour would’ve been just fine).
Recipe: melt-in-mouth flourless cheesecake from Baking into the Ether
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Condensed milk mantou
Grade: B+
I’ve seen mantou recipe that involved dipping in condensed milk, but using condensed milk in the dough is intriguing so I wanted to try it. The texture is a bit gummy, not sure if it’s from the dough or the proving or the condensed milk. The taste of condensed milk with sourdough is nice, a bit yogurty, but I sort of wish I used the dough to make filled buns instead. 
Recipe: air fryer fried condensed milk mantou from What to Cook Today
Modification: omitted the sugar and used sourdough instead of yeast
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Condensed milk sourdough macaroons
Grade: A-
Wanted to try using condensed milk and sourdough in macaroons. To be honest, it didn’t taste much different from using egg whites. I also used Bob’s Red Mills’ macaroon coconut flakes for some of the coconut flakes and it was very fine. Too bad it’s discontinued. Anyway, simple recipe, overbaked a little, but hard to go wrong.
Recipe: bakery style coconut macaroons from Crazy for Crust 
Substitution: 11 grams of sourdough for some of the flour and condensed milk in a half recipe (although added too much condensed milk anyway)
Chinese duck fat almond cookies
Grade: A-
I like almond cookies and finally used up my almond flour. I think I would’ve liked these cookies to be more savory though, so maybe next time I would add more salt. Excited to share with family.
Recipe: easy Chinese almond cookies from What to Cook Today
Substitutions: added almond extract and used duck fat instead of vegetable oil
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0 notes
yourchosenflavour · 4 years
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ThE dEliCioUs fReNcH pAsTRy 🤤 OpERa pAsTRy . . Opera cake is a French cake. It is made with layers of almond sponge cake soaked in coffee syrup, layered with ganache and coffee French buttercream, and covered in a chocolate glaze. According to Larousse Gastronomique, "Opéra gâteau is an elaborate almond sponge cake with a coffee and chocolate filling and icing. . . . In frame :- #operapastry Location :- Novotel lucknow Taste :- mai kyu bataun 🤤🤤 . . Follow @your_chosen_flavour Pc:- @sharma_jeeeeeeeee Use #your_chosen_flavour क्योंकि pyar se bol rha hu kar v lo yaar . . #gâteau #frenchpastry #chocolatecake #chocó #chocolatechipcookies #vanilla #cookie #cookiesofinstagram #patisseriefrancaise #patisserie (at Location Jaan Ke Kya Karoge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDGof4BFcXx/?igshid=uzp20azvf8kb
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thebibliosphere · 7 years
My dad is becoming allergic to chocolate and I'm starting to bake more, especially sweet things. He also doesn't like cinnamon, which is my go-to not chocolate or vanilla flavor, and no one in my house likes coffee. Are there any other flavors/ingredients you recommend for sweet baking with a chocolate allergy?
I sympathize with him, I don’t much like cinnamon either.
Is your dad also allergic to carob? I know some people who have to give up chocolate say it tastes...not similar, but you get the same depth and richness of flavor associated with chocolate. You didn’t mention what exactly about chocolate he is reacting to, so I’m trying to think of all the common triggers for chocolate and how to avoid them. If it’s just plain/dark/milk he might be okay with white chocolate because it doesn’t normally have actual cocoa powder in it. Back when I could still eat chocolate, dark chocolate was awful for migraines, but I could eat the white chocolate just fine.
Personally I’ve started adding lemon into everything. whether it’s lemon peel in cookies in place of chocolate chips or lemon drizzle over the top of a cake. It’s not got the same richness of chocolate obviously, but if you have a good blend (or make your own) you can get a really nice sweet flavor from it. Almond might also be an option for you, though I personally am not a fan of almond things.
I also flavor a lot of things with honey or maple syrup—or I used to. Now I use golden syrup for everything, which you can also use to make a good butterscotch sauce provided the thing he’s not reacting to in the chocolate is the dairy.
Not everyone likes the taste of anise but that works well in a lot of cakes too. Adding dried fruit into a basic vanilla mix is also always good...fresh you need to alter your moisture content. A staple in most British homes is a Victoria sponge which is yellow sponge, whipped cream and jam/fresh strawberries with the top dusted in powder sugar. That’s a good one too :) 
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