#~Mod Amic
writingformeandyou · 1 year
An Amic Recap
The smile that came to my sleepy ass face when Mod Vic posted, tho. I was extremely happy to see Vic pop in for a moment and decided that I should probably provide a recap of life as well. It’s got its highs and lows, but I just want people to know that they cannot gloss over things like abuse and mental health.
Quick TL;DR: College student that does not know what sleep is somehow is doing decent. Also, mental health is a thing and abuse from parents should not be excused. 
Quick P.S: I  am realizing that the stuff I have written for the abuse might be triggering so the paragraphs following 2022 before going into 2022-2023 is the worst of it as that’s what goes over me being disowned. 
So, let’s start from 2020. The year of chaotic madness and me graduating and going to college. This year was rough, I had really bad point of views that I should not have had provided my my Trump cultist parents. I honestly did think that Covid was the “Chinese flu” and that span of thought didn’t undo itself until I got into college. I was just generally a really upset kid stuck around the wrong people 24/7 that was sad that I’d miss out on my senior experiences. 
Heading into college I felt sick as hell. I had doubts and the whole way I was teased about how I legit seemed on the brink of throwing up. I didn’t think I could do it. My whole high school experience was being compared to my younger sibling and being a C and D student. I was terrified... but then again I knew I had to do it. This was probably the only way I could get away from my parents and their year long groundings, physical punishments, thievery, etc. that final semester of high school was my best with me having my first AB streak since my elementary experience. 
Finally came college, I was very reclusive that first year; a habit formed by living with my parents during covid. I did occasionally go out but as soon as my roommate went to move in with her roommate of choice it was just me and finally I could hide. Finally, I could breathe. I was developing such terrible insomnia at this time and had to start taking melatonin supplements to keep my crap together. Also, I finally brought my PS4 with me, and FFXV became a very grounding game as can be expected. And, seemingly terribly my academic advisor starts a discussion about how I might have ADHD. I felt such terrible shame thinking that I could be one of those kids and avoided it. 
Somehow, I survived the 2020-2021 school year and continued on from there.
2021-2022 my parents start getting weird. I stopped going to church years ago after seeing the harm that Christians do to people and start acknowledging my religious status as Agnostic. They start telling me to go to church, that the rough church going experiences I had in the past isn’t an everywhere thing but I simply respond that there’s some things in the bible that I just am not in agreement with and it’s for the best that I don’t go to a religious group setting. Also, I added that evolution would have to be pried from my cold, dead hands because that has been a topic of interest ever since elementary and I basically got jumped at church as a young teen for saying that I thought god triggered evolution. 
Throughout the year I am questioned when I will get married though at the oldest I am 21. I’ve officially come to the conclusion that I will not marry until I am out of college and other things are coming to mind. For example, I have finally accepted that I am bi. It was a relief when that clicked completely and when I finally accepted that I couldn’t just be that good Christian girl anymore. I came out to my parents simply as they were teasing me about a woman from a movie and how I must think that she is hot. It is likely that the teasing came because my adult younger brother ran away shortly after my graduation so they missed being able to tease in this way. They laughed at me but I was really happy, I thought that this was a win and honestly I didn’t want any assurances that I was ok. I thought that they loved me after all. 
This summer, I started a job at a place I grew up going to. Things start getting really weird. My parents try to hook me up with their friends (the youngest of which being 25) and I start getting chewed out for my dad having to see me in “lewd” ways by me wearing the occasional tank top or leggings because I started to occasionally work out. I muted my stepmother because, more often than not I’d be harassed by cussing text messages that I’d rather not revisit. At this point, I have broken down at work multiple times, and my coworkers start becoming extremely concerned for me. My boss pulls me to the side one day and tells me that while I have room to grow she has seen that I am a capable woman and that I need to do whatever I can to survive the summer. She also brings up a discussion about parentification because I was always on standby with my phone for my kid sisters. Also, since I felt safe with her I brought up a discussion about me potentially having ADHD and she pointed out that girls and women present differently and that from what she has seen she thinks I could fit the mold as well.
2022, the school year is on the brink of coming along and I have an ominous feeling. Two days before move in I had a nightmare with zombies and a lot of loss. It seems like it’s something so little but having dreams like that back in high school for me usually meant a hell of a time was to come and that I need to prepare for some literal emotional damage. This time though, I ignored it cause it had been so long since the last one that I had to just be dreaming.
One day before move in, I make a life changing choice. I got in contact with my younger brother that ran away and offered to give him our Xbox 360 that was gifted to us specifically by a relative. I didn’t have the space and recently got the most recent Xbox. I then take it to a friend of his and head home to see my parents. A lot of this I’ve blocked out but they accused me of stealing from them, started saying nasty things about me being bi, and even equated me to a pedophile. They sent me out, telling me to not come back until I had the damn console back and threatened to call the police.
This was the most scared that I ever was. My father was never that aggressive to me and my kid sisters were horrified. I knew that I had to contact someone to save my ass quick and called a guy friend from college (specifically my college roomie’s bf) so he started rushing to pick me up asap. I got the console and then threatening messages came. I called my previous academic advisor, terrified and confused about what to do cause my friend would have been another 30 minutes. She talked me through the whole thing as I spoke terrified and sob broken words. What she said next was get a friend from town to save me so I wracked my mind and immediately messaged a friend that I now consider to be a dear sister. At the time she wasn’t 100% a friend but we could talk cause she was the sister of a friend but that friend was out of state for college. She told me to head home because of the threats and that she’d be there soon. So I did, I went to that hellscape.
I was numb as all of the yelling happened. As he threw stuff and accused me of stealing more from him. I didn’t even get everything of mine, but at least I got the most important stuff. I didn’t cry, all I really did was say “uh huh” or “ok.” Now I know from my counselor that this was a trauma response. I remember hearing him yell something about my friend being there, he was probably pissed that I took steps to make sure I wouldn’t just be kicked out or on the brink of being murdered without a witness.
I remember they yelled at each other. He accused her of making me a gay degenerate, etc. but I couldn’t help but to internally laugh because she’s a Catholic that goes to church every week. She’s one of the few religious people that I’ve met that does not immediately hate or ostracize those who are different. He threw my boxes of stuff, damaging one and making all of my books spill onto the lawn in the process. I wonder if the neighbors that already disliked him disliked him more after that day because I was the one member of the family that talked to the “enemies.”
Things zoom by from there. I was terribly sick and couldn’t stomach the ice cream I was given, I got a hug from my now adoptive parents, hugged my now sister, and hugged my college friend before he took me home to my dorm. That night was too damn quiet. I couldn’t stay in my room alone and went to the basement lounge with my Xbox and played Stardew Valley. I remember being terribly annoyed when some drunks came around and watched while making loud and bothersome comments, but with time their presence brought me repose. Eventually they left, and one of my best friends from home, a guy that my parents desperately hoped I would get with, messaged me and we talked for hours as he assured me that I had a place with him and his family if need be.
Before anyone asks, no I did not date him. We dated back in junior high and HS for a time but stopped both times. We both have agreed that we are siblings by heart so dating just feels odd. I think that is one thing that angered them, that I could feel so safe with a man who was not going to become a significant other or something. 
Finally, 2022-2023. Things were hit or miss for a while and I remember people watching me closely and asking if I felt any urge to self harm. No, I did not. I’d come too damn far to let those feckers ruin it all for me so I wouldn’t. I just immersed myself in college more. One day though, I remember seeing a car that looked like my stepmom’s driving in front of the dorm as I was walking with my girls to the car. My knees fell out from under me and I became a blubbering and crying mess with the thought of “I am in danger. They’ve finally come for me.” I remember my two friends clinging onto me, telling me that I was ok and that it wasn’t them. Good news is we had preexisting plans to go out to get me comfort food so perfect timing I guess.
Every week I met with my current academic advisor, making game plans and figuring things out. Eventually, I even found myself kinda enjoying the poetry class that I thought I’d hate because I could use it to vent my frustrations. With time it was almost time to leave for winter break and I was praised by my advisor and told by him that he didn’t think that he would know anyone ever again who could face such adversity and still take on a double major, a minor, and other college related things with a job. Around this point I was also asked by a friend about what I would do about my surname since it is my father’s and I don’t plan to marry anytime soon so I responded honestly, “I am stealing it and making something out of it.” 
Cue winter and I visit the UK for study abroad. By this time I have 100% concluded that I will never extend the olive branch to my father or stepmother. To hell with them! Whenever my brother would do so they would complain about him and joke at his expense, I know my position in things. I am not playing their games. Also, at this point I am reembracing liking fandoms and other stuff like that because I had a mental block to all of those things for a while due to my parents belittling me and telling me that as an adult I shouldn’t like them. 
Now I am 22 years old. I am nearing the end of my junior year of college and am amazed that I have made it this far. Back in junior high I swore that I would drop out of high school and yet here I am even when my parents tried their damnedest to get me to drop out. I have family and I am loved by many and have learned that a long time ago I lost my family member status. I am now learning what it is like to be a true family member and am honestly finally happy though there are hard days. 
I have been praised for the start to my history senior project and have been told that there is a chance that I could possibly publish my findings. I have my fingers crossed because imagine the family disappointment publishing something. Damn, I’d leave a copy at those feckers’ house! 
So yeah, chaos over the years. I have hope for the future no matter how scary it seems. I have not gotten the ADHD diagnosis yet cause I am terrible about going to the doctor and in general have found a way to make this weird spaghetti coding in my brain work with being a student, finally. A small part of me wishes I could brag about my successes to those problematic people, but I just know they’ll take the credit for making me finally grow up by kicking me out and disowning me. Nope, they aren’t getting that credit because I am the one who learned how to function while they tried to steal my ability to do so. They should have noticed that year long groundings in high school weren’t really that efficient in anything but giving me the chance to learn how to be sneaky.
Anyways, that’s about it. Now that I am healing from them and the things that they have told me I might have to consider writing again. I cannot and will not make promises though because I’ve done that many times and it’s just mean to offer something and not provide. Also, I’ve been playing FFXV: War for Eos on my phone so if you’d like to play join me and my guild (Bros) Choco Bros. I am not the leader but we’d be happy to have more people who love FFXV. 
Also, a final thing since I am amused by this. I started watching Trigun and um... I think I have a type. 
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thegeminisage · 11 months
divorced shane and felt REALLY bad about it because Now He's Sad Again but 1. i'm not responsible for another persons mental health 2. all his flavor text was about drinking and i LITERALLY thought he quit AND he still has empty beer cans on my floor. i signed up to marry a depressed person i did NOT know he continued to drink like a fish AFTER we got hitched. if he tries to throw himself off a cliff again it's not my fault
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latestfire · 4 months
Situationship Memories
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This mod contains custom memories related to rejection, affairs, and more. Some are missing memories from the base game, and others are meant to go with interactions created by midgethetree. See the full list below. Updated 6/1/2024 to fix the mesh.
You have to manually add the memories for now, but I'm going to work on making them automatic. I used DiLight's Tattered Diary method. The mesh is Veranka's rose bouquet and can be found in misc > misc.
download: sfs
Pictured above, from left to right:
Got Engaged to $Subject, a Rich Sim (good)
Left $Subject at the Altar (bad)
Rejected $Subject for Going Steady (bad)
Rejected $Subject for Engagement (bad)
Asked $Subject to Leave Partner (good)
$Subject Refused to Leave Partner (bad)
Left Partner for $Subject (good)
Refused to Leave Partner for $Subject (bad)
Ended Affair with $Subject (good)
Amicably Ended Romance with $Subject (good)
Confessed to Cheating on $Subject (good)
$Subject Confessed to Cheating (bad)
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deathbypufferfish · 1 year
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Here's the second list but for story ideas for the sims!
This list is comprised of ideas that have to do with storylines, scenarios, character dynamics, conflicts, character attributes, and more! Of course you can technically do whatever you want in a sims story, but this list is curated to story ideas that can in some way be played out in-game. Whether it's through the game, mods, or imagination. A lot of these are not wholesome lol, if you are looking for more wholesome story ideas I recommend my gameplay list. Please feel free to add to the story soup! Just note in your ask it is for the soup and keep it within the parameters I mentioned above. (To keep the post from getting too long I'll make a contributor list into a compressed image later on for those who send off-anon.)
If you are looking for sims gameplay centered ideas check out the Gameplay Gumbo list here!
🍲 Soup below the cut! ⬇
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Money loss from gambling
A character is addicted to shoplifting
A huge fight at a wedding, funeral, large event etc.
Financial difficulties
Drop out of or fail university
Drop out or fail out of high school
Shit talk a friend/family member
Loss of job
Failed business
Death of family member/friend/love interest
A character is caught cheating on their partner and is blackmailed for it.
Arson (fireworks indoors)
A character steals money from another/asks for a large loan and never pays it back
Betrayal from a friend
Character spirals after a break up
Evicted from home/apartment
House fire
A forgotten anniversary
Meet Cute: two characters meet on a train
Side character is caught cheating
Meet Cute: two characters meet when one of them finds the other’s lost pet
Child out of infidelity (keep it a secret for a long time or get caught)
Divorce (amicable or messy)
A celebrity character falls in love with their bodyguard
A potential love interest is rich kid looking for someone to make their life more “interesting”
Have a couple have a huge fight and makeup
A rejected proposal
Best friends/siblings have feelings for the same person
Character has a fear of commitment
A best friend is moving away and your character has to confess their love to them
Enemies to lovers
Competitive coworkers turned lovers
A couple breaks up over one of them losing all their money
Start a throuple/open relationship (Open Love Life Mod)
Be the other person in someone’s affair
Have an affair
A reluctant partner abandons their partner when they get pregnant (Good with Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Mod)
Runaway bride/groom/partner
Running away together
Meet the parents
Partner lied about who they are
Accidental kiss
Fake relationship
Enemies to lovers
Forbidden love
Give an old relationship a second chance
Unrequited Love
Divorced couple getting back together (possibly secretly/affair)
Secret Admirer
Vegas/Drunk wedding
Secretly in love with partner’s friend/family member
Love triangle leads to throuple
Rocky marriage
Couple that refuses to divorce
Have a one night stand (Simda Dating App)
Friends who are in denial about being in love
Trophy Wife/Husband/Partner
Couple wants different things
Couple from different social class/different worlds
Married because of an unexpected pregnancy
Married too young
A couple married for a long time having intimacy problems
Happy or unhappy couple has separate rooms/beds
A marriage doesn’t last long
Bromance turns into romance
Childhood friends to lovers later in life
Clingy, jealous partner
Someone abandons the family
Annoying/Terrible in-laws
Overbearing/Overprotective parent
Neglectful parent
Having to choose between your partner and your family who dislikes them
Bad sibling relationships
Conflict-avoidant family (buries all their problems)
Disagreeing on how to parent
A child is getting bullied by their peers
Strained Parent/Teen relationship
Teen Pregnancy (Supportive or Unsupportive family. Good with Relationship & Pregnancy Mod)
Found family
Blended family
Multi-generational family
Tension between step-parent and step-children
Tension between step-siblings
Chaos children
Tension between the favorite child and their siblings
Sudden or unexpected baby (possibly from one night stand/fling)
Secret baby from old relationship
Amicable exes who co-parent well together
Dysfunctional family
Breaking the cycle of bad parenting
Cool Uncle/Cool Aunt
Children being raised by family other than their parents (aunt, uncle, sibling, grandparents)
Single parent
Divorced parent who spoils their kids
Disowned child/parent
Embarrassing Parent
Parent prioritizes work over family/partner
Family Curse
Humble parents, spoiled kids
Child wants to be nothing like their parent(s)
Platonic co-parenting
Secret family
Sibling jealousy
My Favorite Mods for Storytelling:
Simda Dating App
Contextual Social Interactions
First Impressions
Open Love Life
Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul
Wicked Whims (18+, mod not linked)
Basemental Drugs (18+, mod not linked)
Resources Used
List is added to when I have new ideas so check in time-to-time for more!
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raeynbowboi · 1 year
Playing a Heroic Necromancer in DnD 5e
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Necromancy is one of the most evil-skewed powers in just about any fantasy setting. However, unless you're running a villain campaign, most DnD parties are made up of heroes who won't like having an evil character in their midst. You want to play a necromancer, but you also realize that DnD is a very collaborative game. So, how do you make your party more amicable towards the thought of you raising a family? Here's some possible backstory ideas that can fuel a heroic necromancer for your next campaign.
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The Scholar
The taboo, illegal, or forbidden nature of studying necromancy drew your interest. Whether you studied with a secret sect, uncovered a grimoire of necromantic magic, or made a deal with a devil for profane knowledge, you were driven by a desire to study magic. The sparse availability of necromancy forces you to remain mobile, making party formation easy. You may be hunted by law enforcement, clerics of Kelemvor, or other necromancers angry at you for stealing their arcane secrets. And now that you know what so many tried to hide from you, it's your choice how to use it.
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The Chronicaller
History is written by the victors, the rich, and the powerful. But every life holds valuable knowledge and secrets. Ancient bones know things lost to time. Knowledge that was never written down. Stories which have not been spoken in centuries. Opinions of the common people during a historical event. Experience with phenomenon that can no longer be encountered. The Chronicaller wishes to unearth the secrets of the past already laid to rest.
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The Physician
The Frankenstein of Necromancers wishes to understand the medical and scientific elements of life and death itself. To understand the body by inspecting it and digging into it. They may study how to cure diseases or how to spread them. Try to find a way to slow or even halt the slow decomposition that turns the body elderly and frail.
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The Thayan Rebel
Once a Red Wizard of Thay, you have left Thay and the Red Wizards, letting your hair grow back slowly as you seek to expand your arcane talents beyond the limitations of Thayan conquest and oppression. The Red Wizards and Szas Tam become personal antagonists for your character and party as a result.
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The Undead
Be they a Revenant, a Dhampir, a Vampire, a Lich, or something else, they are already imbued with undead power. They simply embrace their anti-life energy already flowing through them, channeling a power most others would avoid. You may be undead, but you desire to staunchly defend the living from other undead who are less compassionate.
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The General
A wizard with a soldier background and optional martial multiclassing, your undead horde is your army of loyal soldiers, putting their lives on the line again and again to serve their general. An Oathbreaker 7/wizard 6 adds your CHA mod to undead within 10 ft, and proficiency bonus to all undead you control. But the steep dip into paladin locks you out from higher level spell slots for stronger undead minions.
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The Noble
Similar to the general, the undead serve you out of loyalty, not fear or force. But where the general commands their soldiers, the Noble may command their staff of servants, their commoner citizens, their knights and soldiers, or their own noble ancestors. The Noble utilizes their horde to fulfil the services and duties of their noble house. They're just as likely to conscript skeletons to pave a road or build a bridge as they are to form a wave of zombies to break up a smuggling ring in their city.
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The Immortal Guardian
You have or want to become immortal not out of power hunger or greed, but to protect the innocent forever as an unwavering guardian against evil. Everyday people can't protect themselves, and even legendary heroes die eventually. Only an immortal protector can be an eternal defender of the people.
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I hope if nothing else, this gave you some ideas for some good and noble necromancers you could bring to your next table. Did I miss any Heroic concepts that you thought of? Let me know, and help make the world a more morbid place.
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imissylou · 22 days
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Did you grow up in the early 2000's? Do you love Barbie? Well this is the legacy for you! Welcome to Y2k Barbie Movies : A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge - Graphics!! (Challenge by @slushbee) Here is the google doc for the challenge! {Each graphic has links for mods underneath}
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Rat Recolors
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Piggy Bank
Pet Dragon
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Ballet Barre
Archery Skill
Dancer Career
Live in Business
A-Dough-Able Cupcake Maker
ONI - More food stuff
Grannies Cookbook
The Feral Containment Unit
Werewolves Game Pack Walkstyle Override
Eye set for werewolves
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Harpsichord Skill
Functional Loom
Arranged Marriages
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Figure Skating Career
Cheapskate Roller & Ice Rink Set
Pegasus Set
Polar Bear
Vampirify (Vampire Creation Spell)
Frozen Heart - Magic
Blacksmithing Skill
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Expanded Mermaids Mod 2.0
The "Down Under" Set
"Sea-nery Stuff" Build/Buy Set
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Regency Romance - Etiquette Skill
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Baby Elefant
Red Panda
Rat (Recolors)
Children Can Cook
Child and Teen can Quit or Rejoin School
Prehistory - Stone Age
Block Phone Dialog While Silenced
Phone Animation Replaced with Listening Animation
Deadly Poisons
Amicably break up (Custody & Permanent Separations)
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Fairies vs. Witches Mod
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Live in Business
Lute Skill
SimCity Loans
Occult: PlantSim Overhaul
Occult: PlantSim Spawner
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grandmother-goblin · 2 months
After I finish Zin’ledi’s playthrough, I’m gonna take a break to work on fics and my reading list (I didn’t forget the people who sent me their fics! Nor did I forgot the giveaway fic or Apotheosis or the Wyll fic!)
Buuuuut once the next patch comes out, I’ll probably start a brand new playthrough because I’m pretty sure my mods will break.
I am doing a Wyll romance for my next playthrough (presuming I can get mods working again), and I’m wanted to get your thoughts on who I should play!
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Meara (left) - Oathbreaker Paladin who broke her Oath of Devotion when she was eventually faced with a “Trolley Problem” that left her with a scar on her face and a connection to Umberlee. Her parents own a successful textile/clothing business that really took off in Waterdeep. Though Meara opposed, her family moved to Baldur’s Gate to expand the business (and definitely not because her mom has beef with Figaro Pennygood and wants to make him lose customers).
Juniper (right) - Beast Master Ranger, with a giant spider companion named Lollipop (named because she’s sweet and sticky). Juniper retired from adventuring after a traumatic experience and joined the Circus of the Last Days. While she enjoyed circus life, part of her does miss the freedom and adventure that she used to have. Also, she dated Dribbles for over a year and they broke up amicably and remained good friends.
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bringthekaos · 9 months
Here is my prediction: Viktor will cut at least one of his arms
I meeeeean. That’s all but a given, at this point, with this cheeky little left arm shot in Bridging the Rift.
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But I do think the real question is: will he amputate both arms? Cuz his whole schtick with modding himself is seizing back control of his body, seizing back his autonomy from this terminal illness. And the Hexcore being able to manipulate him by causing pain in the limbs it augmented? I foresee that being an issue for him. Unless he finds a way to come to a more amicable arrangement with the Hexcore, then I can see him amputating the purple core-augmented limbs too (which are his right hand and right leg). So maybe not his whole right arm, but possibly that hand.
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p3reflect · 2 months
Message from the Mod Team Concerning Use of Fan-made Assets:
As some may have noticed, we have modified our announcement post for contributor apps, in addition to some of our other posts in recent days.
To summarize, the other day it was brought to our attention that we had wrongfully used assets from AMudkip's FEMC mod in our graphics, and we have taken steps to correct this.
Our team was unaware that the mod was licensed and specified against the use of its assets in promotional material. AMudkip, the creator behind the FEMC mod, kindly contacted us privately and we have since resolved things amicably.
As a small gesture of apology, our graphics moderator has also donated to the creator's ko-fi, and we also encourage fellow fans to support the hard and oft-underappreciated work of the Persona modding community. We respect their contributions to this fandom, and never intended to profit from it.
We take full responsibility for this oversight and promise to be more diligent in the future to ensure things like this do not happen again. Once again, we deeply apologize to AMudkip and any disappointed fans and creators, and we thank those who made us aware of our mistake.
P3RE:flect Mod Team
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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Joseph "Joey" Harris-Ruiz Submission for @wrixie's Juliana!
The Basics: -> Human; He/Him (and Trans!) -> Bisexual Disaster -> Born in Moonwood Mill, but his parents divorced when he was like 5, so he floated between there and Selvadorada. Currently he's just vibing, not settled to any one place. -> Young Adult (irl probably like 28 y.o.)
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Details below the cut! ↓
Joey's traits are: Loves the Outdoors, Loner, and Hotheaded. He has also has two additional traits (from self-discovery): Good + Maker.
I used CC pretty sparingly; most of the stuff he wears is from the horse pack. I have the Wonderful Whims mod as well, and his preferences have been set with that! Just clarifying, for funsies: his mom lives in Selvadorada and his dad is from Moonwood Mill.
-> His current aspiration is: Outdoor Enthusiast. He has completed the Master Maker aspiration already and currently works as a freelance crafter.
-> Education: He dropped out of high school and has yet to finish... he might never go back. Who knows!
-> His likes include: Alternative and Retro music (he has the music taste of a middle-aged dad). His favorite color is orange. His hobbies include handiness, cooking, fishing, gardening, singing, and playing guitar. He likes hearing people's deep thoughts, complaints, and joking around (he is a huuuuuge smartass who copes and deflects with humor and sarcasm, unfortunately). His favorite kind of sims are argumentative, cerebral, nature enthusiasts.
-> His dislikes include: DJ Booth, Electronica, and Disco music. If it's related to school or academics, you can guarantee that he hates it lmao: i.e. writing or research and debate. Small talk makes his skin crawl. He doesn't like deception, gossip, or long-ass stories. Super spirited or high energy sims stress him out.
-> Some fun facts include: Joey is an only child. He's a really good cook, which surprises people! He hates his smile (his mom used to call him "Bunny" because of his front teeth, so closed-mouth smiles only unless he's super comfortable around you). The real story behind how he lost his eye and got some pretty heinous scars is that he had a bad run-in with a wild fox when he was a kid working on his dad's farm - he gets annoyed when people ask unsolicited though, so he usually makes up stupid stories before telling them the truth. He started transitioning when he was 13: his mom was very supportive but his dad...not so much (they're still amicable though). Despite growing up in Moonwood Mill, he barely knows anything about occults lmao. He's very observant and has been told he's a good kisser!
Note: He has some bonus traits from gameplay and an array of skills. His current desire for having a child is set to "Neutral." If Lumpinou's LGBTQ+ mod is being used his settings are bisexual/biromantic, alloromantic/allosexual, and transgender: did voice therapy, did hormone replacement therapy, had top surgery (has not elected to have bottom surgery).
Private DL if chosen!
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tokomarugadzine · 7 months
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Our mod team is sorry for the inconvenience but the preorder period will be pushed back by one more week, and will now be the 17th of March. Our cover artist has had to step down amicably due to some private concerns, and we will now be working on a replacement cover for the zine. Please look forward to seeing the final piece, and Thank you for your patience as we prepare to open preorders.
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honeynclove · 6 months
subject: Notice of Lawsuit from Styx Health and Safety
Dear you,
I am writing to inform you that our company, Styx Health and Safety, has initiated a lawsuit against you for the alleged theft of our product, the 'hot mods' body pillow with detachable feet (realistic smell).
It has come to our attention that you have been in possession of this unique and proprietary item without authorization. This action constitutes a violation of our intellectual property rights and we are taking this matter very seriously.
We kindly request that you cease and desist from using or distributing the aforementioned product immediately. Failure to comply may result in further legal action being taken against you. We urge you to contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss a resolution to this matter.
We take pride in our products and their integrity, and we expect our customers to respect and uphold our company values. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We hope to resolve this issue amicably and swiftly.
Legal Team Styx Health and Safety
dear legal team Styx health and safety
i would never steal why wld u accuse me of that 😔😔😔 it was probably any of my other mutuals
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papermint-airplane · 11 months
About me - Simblr Edition
I was tagged by @weisskralle and @silwermoon-sims and probably someone else too but I can't find it in my mentions. When I say I'm the worst Simblr...
rules: you can use any sims game to answer these questions!
your three traits: Only three? What is this Sims 4 nonsense? 😭 Um, if I had to limit myself to three, I'd go with loner, cat person, and neurotic. Those are the three that inform my character the most, I'd say.
your aspiration: Professional Author.
in-game world you'd live in: That one is actually hard. Sunset Valley feels the most like home just because of the nostalgia but I think I'd also like to live in Sunlit Tides. Then again, I've been loving Hidden Springs a lot lately...ok hypothetically, if I were a Sim, I'd have NRAAS Traveler installed so I could live in all of the worlds at different stages in my life.
favorite townie(s): Probably Pearl Yang. She's a hot mess but she's our hot mess, you know?
most used pack(s): Ambitions, no question about it.
favorite decor object (no cc): No CC, but you didn't say no Store items, so I pick the Haute Hip Panther sculpture. I just love this lil guy to bits. I'm always trying to find ways to shoehorn him into every house I decorate and he never fits but I always keep trying because I'm going to find a way to get him in there one of these days MARK MY WORDS!
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something you want in the game: Oh look, a dead horse! Don't mind if I do! *beats it* If you've been following me for a while or seen any of my hundreds of rants on r/sims3, you'll know the only thing I have ever wanted so desperately I won't shut up about it is an amicable divorce mod. At this point, I can't even explain why I want it so much, I just do.
what color is your plumbob right now: Yellow. My back hurts and it's seriously -20 mood. 😔
Let's see...I'm tardy to the party as usual so Idk if everyone in creation has done it already but...@brannewjoint, @cupidia, @ticklemerainbows, @happy-lemon (I'm sure you've done this already, I just gotta tag you in everything anyway bc Ilu 😊), @thistleandwoods, and @yourinishi. And everyone else who wants to do it.
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wistoyo · 5 months
Hi i just saw your t4t gumbeat art and i love it,, you are so correct, do you have any hcs about these two? I'd love to hear it
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I love u have some art and then I also just spat out some stuff. these are more low effort than I wanted but here u go. loving doodle and early high school babies
gum & tab were childhood acquaintances - tab being the sole son to a working class father with anger issues and the pair grew closer in late middle school after gum began exploring her gender identity. growing out her hair, bleaching it to all hell. the pair of them formally ran away when gum was 16 and tab was 15, spending their first formative year in tokyo-to with light tagging and scouting bases.
by the time beat ran away from home due to similar parental issues w gum, they had solidified a smaller spot in gangs in tokyo-to. for the first few weeks of beat sleeping on the streets and struggling to find his place, gum hears about his existence and things take a turn from there !!
gum & beat find a lot of solace in meeting another trans person. the two form a pretty amicable relationship but don’t actually start “dating” until they’re around 18 because they just never cared abt labels
- beat is incredibly reckless and stuck in the phase in thinking him getting injured only truly hurts him - he’s the rough and tumble type and gum has gotten onto him multiple times about it. dude hates wearing protective gear and likes getting way too close to cops just to prove his point
- gum and beat have matching trans stick and pokes from when they turned 18. they just pretty consistently body mod each other for gender purposes
- they both start basically black market hormone therapy almost immediately after meeting each other. gum typically helps him inject just because it’s one of their favorite bonding activities
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honeyjars-sims · 6 months
Time for some outtakes! So I actually had Lexie break up with Johnny in game and chose "incompatible sexual orientation" as the reason (I use Lumpinou's mods).
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I chose for them to have an amicable breakup and at first Johnny seemed ok, but then...
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Now they're no longer friends and they've both been sad all the time 😭 A couple days later I got this notification
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I have no idea who was trying to propose to Lexie! It might've been Cece for all I know because despite being straight and demisexual, Cece autonomously flirted with Lexie a long time ago:
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But when Lexie flirted back, she got a notification saying Cece isn't interested due to her sexual orientation? (The Wicked Whims notif is from Lexie & Johnny btw). Also sometime after I finished the scene from yesterday's post with Lexie and Liz, Cece and Liz apparently flirted with each other because Liz is now her love interest 😳 This is why I can't be one of those people who let their Sims' autonomous actions influence their story, because these Sims would ruin all of my carefully laid plans.
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theoneandonlysun · 8 months
Sun and Dusk are consistently referred to as “Goddess”. While being a deity or close to one isn’t that huge of a deal in a digital-fictional universe like this one, it’s still notable. We have many characters who could be argued to be a deity/god of some kind, like Bob or Verie (I only mention Verie because Icia considered calling her one) or Nightmare (she was enough of one to qualify for the Pythagorean Theorem achievement) or even Jessy post-ascension.
But only Dusk and Sun are OUTRIGHT called Goddess. So that gives them some implied powers and default authority. And yet, despite being given the same title, they act and are treated very differently by both the narrative and the characters in the narrative.
Because they’re two completely different kinds of Goddess.
Sun is a classical Goddess. Think of the Greco-Roman pantheon. As any fellow Percy Jackson fan can attest, the Greco-Roman gods and goddesses were very human, even too human. They were flawed as humans are flawed, and were not treated as perfect. Sun would be considered more amicable and personal than most Classical Pantheon members, seeing as she doesn’t smite people on a dime. Thus, the narrative and characters treat Sun as one of them, as a flawed, human goddess. As a reflection of the best and worst a human is capable. When given this kind of power and this kind of responsibility, Sun reacts how a human would react. Sun is loving and personal and human, but that comes at a steep cost, because no human was meant to bear the burden of a goddess. The consequences of Sun’s actions, spreading from the infinite human potential for harm, carry even more weight than a normal human’s.
Now look at Dusk.
I’ll be honest, she is just as flawed as Sun is. She has just as many shortcomings, just as many fatal mistakes. But the narrative and characters treat her very differently. At first it was just because I put effort into using specific titles, language, and rhetoric in reference to Dusk. But over time people have done that independent of me. Dusk is a Lovecraftian, modern goddess. She is deliberately written to be at least partially beyond the comprehension of the average character. She breaks the fourth wall and can function as a minor mod if need be. She’s an Eldritch goddess, and she acts like it. She’s a Bloodborne goddess, and her dominion specifically being emotion is a very key element of this part of her character. She has control over a major element of everyday life here, and the level of insanity and emotional turmoil these guys go through only goes to amplify how much sheer power the ability to control and manipulate emotions has here. But consider this. If it weren’t for her status as “Agape”, she would probably be very impersonal and ethereal, the kind of detached, distant goddess who cares not for mortal minds or lives. She is as personal as Sun, able to love and live like anyone else, just with a lot more power at her disposal when she needs it, just like sun.
Both are personal, but Sun is personal by default. Her title as “Goddess” intrinsically has that built it. Dusk doesn’t. Dusk’s title as “Goddess” belongs to those who must become impersonal and incomprehensible to deal with their knowledge and responsibilities. Thankfully, Dusk has that personal nature built in as a function of being DUSK, not being a “Goddess”. The narrative, though, understands the difference between the two seemingly similar titles, and it shows in descriptions and such, even if the titles and power levels are equally matched.
Funnily enough, they treat themselves as if they had the opposite titles. Sun throws around her power and perceived deityhood consistently and deliberately, placing herself in positions of authority. Dusk does not often “throw around” her power, instead showing it mostly in her appearance. She also deliberately makes herself equals with those she cares about, like shrinking herself down to Jessy’s size when they have an important conversation.
This is somewhat reflected in the people and dynamics they surround themselves with. Sun’s family is made of spouse and children, with her as head of a family with many under her. Dusk’s “family” is made of spouse and siblings, of many by her side. Both of the units function, and generally adhere to the titles and function of their roles. Sun disowns bob, and it has actual meaning, for example.
…Idk, there’s your rant.
this analysis is AMAZING elsie lemme tell you why
"As a reflection of the best and worst a human is capable. When given this kind of power and this kind of responsibility, Sun reacts how a human would react. Sun is loving and personal and human, but that comes at a steep cost, because no human was meant to bear the burden of a goddess. The consequences of Sun’s actions, spreading from the infinite human potential for harm, carry even more weight than a normal human’s."
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