take-u-to-the-moon · 5 years
Timing Part 2 - Dick Grayson
Part 1
The sun was already high up the sky and shining through the window when I woke up. The first thing I saw was Dick’s pretty blue eyes staring at me and a lazy smile adorning his features. Waking up next to him brought a smile to me lips too. 
“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered lightly, like he was too afraid to disturbe the peace.
I snickered at his words. “That was so ciché. I hate you for saying it.”
“But you are beautiful,” he said while he absentmindedly ran his fingers along my bare shoulders. 
“So are you, but it doesn’t mean we have to point it out. Especially not in such a cliché way.”
“So you think I’m beautiful?” he asked with mock surprise.
I winked at him. “Among many other things.”
“What things?” he leaned closer to me.
“after last night I think you have a few ideas.”
“More than a few,” he said and kissed me lightly.
I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. “I never want to leave this bed,” I muttered with a sigh.
“We don’t have to,” Dick said andpulled me in for another kiss.
“Yes, we do. It’s already in the afternoon and I was supposed to call my father in to morning so he could come and pick me up.”
Dick lay back down with a disappointed sigh. “I forgot about that.”
“I bet he didn’t”
“But he didn’t send the entire police department to my place so I think we’re good,” he smiled at me mischievously and in one swift motion he pulled me on top of him.
“You think so?” I leaned down to kiss him, ready to accept my defeat but before our lips could meet a loud knocking grabbed both of our attention. It was coming from the front door.
Dick looked up at me, fear clear in his eyes. “Your father has arriced to murder me.”
This entire situation was just simply ridiculous. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling at him. “What if it’s just one of your brothers?”
“My brothers don’t knock, they just show up inside.”
“Of course they do. So what’s the plan?”
Dick didn’t answer my question he just lightly pushed me off of him and ran out of the room. I stared after him in confusion. Why is he so scared of my father? 
He finally returned, with our clothes that we left scattered in the livigroom now in his hands. He tossed me his shirt. “Put this on. Youll have to open the door.”
“I’ll be needing my panties for that too.”
He held it out for me with a blush coloring his cheeks. After I took it from him he showed the rest of our clothes under his bed. I frowned at his actions but said nothing. Instead, I got dressed and walked to the bedroom door. But before I could leave Dick called after me in  a panicked tone. “We need to put a spare blanket on the couch,” and he was already rummaging through his wardrobe.
“You told him I took the couch,” he explained.
“You’re taking this too far,” I said as i stepped next to him.
“You’re father has great perception skills,” he turned to me with a blanket in his hands.
“Yeah, sure,” I took the blanket from him and lightly pecked his cheek in hopes og calming him a bit. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” I smiled at him and lightly pushed him towards the bathroom. “I’ll talk to him and say that you’re having a shower and try and make him leave as qiuckly as possible. So hopefully you won’t have to meet him.”
“Thank you.”
I left the bedroom and threw the blanket onto the couch on my way to the door. It hang down the side of it. Looking like someone really slept there the night before. 
I stared at the front door and took a deep breath. Here comes nothing. 
The door opened and as Dick predicted my father was standing there with a worried expresson on his face. Which eased slightly when he saw me.
“Hey, Dad. What are you doing here?” I asked innocently. He stared back at me, looking a bit surprised. At what, I had no idea.
“I thought you would call me. I was worried something happened.”
Something did happen. “We slept in. So I just literally woke up. Sorry. I’ll go and get dressed so we can leave,” I walked back into Dick’s apartment and he followed me.
“Where’s Dick?” my father asked nonchalantly.
“In the shower. He kinda marched into his room a few seconds ago. That’s what woke me up.”
He hummed in acknowledgement and stood awkwardly in Dick’s livingroom.
I hurriedly entered the bedroom and closed the door behind me. And as the bedroom door closed the bathroom door opened, revealing Dick now fully clothed.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“He’s in the livingroom,” I whispered and pointed at the door behind me. ” You should’ve just stayed in the shower.”
Dick visibly paled at my words.
“But now you have to go out,” I walked up to him. “I need to get dressed.”
“What? No,” he stared at me in terror.
“The shower isn’t running anymore and as far as my father’s concerned we don’t get undressed in front of each other.”
“If he kills me-”
“Stop beeing so dramatic. You’re a superhero, so act like one,” I snapped at him.
Dick walked up to the the without futher excuses, but before he could leave I grabbed his hand and turned him back towards me.
“Talking about superheros... Do you think that Nightwing could maybe stop by my place tonight?”
“I’m sure he can make time for you,” he smirked down at me.
“He better,”I pulled him down for a quick kiss. “Now go.”
He smiled at me and left the bedroom. “Good morning, Mr. Robinson?” I heard him greeting my father.
I quicly pulled out my clothes from under Dick’s bed and put them on. I tried to make myself look somewhat presentable but all of my clothes were wrinkled. Considering that they were laying around the livingroom it’s not that surprising. I ran my fingers through my hair with a sigh. I hope at least that doesn’t look like a complete mess. 
I stepped out of the bedroom and to my surprise I foun  my father and Dick talking to each other. What wasn’t surprising however was the uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding them. My father still looked awkward and out of place and so did Dick. It was clear that neither of them wanted to be in this situation. 
“I’m ready,” I announced, getting both of their attention.
They both jumped to their feet. Eager to get away from their previous convesation. We walked to the door. My father said a quick qoodbye and walked out of the apartment not even waiting for a reply.
Before I left I turned back to Dick. “Thanks for the night.”
“Anytime,” he answered, followed by a cheeky smile and a wink. 
I rolled my eyes at his actions and ran after my father’s retreating figure.
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take-u-to-the-moon · 5 years
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Writer friends, I discovered a fun website today. It’s called “I Write Like” and here’s the description: Check which famous writer you write like with this statistical analysis tool, which analyzes your word choice and writing style and compares them with those of the famous writers.  Let me know which autor you got! 
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take-u-to-the-moon · 5 years
Stay - Jason Todd
Warning: a few swear words.
Being back in Gotham after all this time feels oddly comforting. But that might be because of the familiar feeling of fighting alongside Dick Grayson. Even if neither of us says it out loud I know that we both miss Gotham. We both jump at any chance we get to come back when Bruce needs our help, we barely ever say no.
This time however he didn't wanted is here but in the end he had no other choice. Gotham has been hectic the past few months because of many reasons but someone calling himself the Red Hood stood out. And things just gotten worse after Bruce found out who's behind the mask. Jason Todd. His, well mire like our partner. My best friend. We both fought alongside Batman. We were trained by him. But after Jason's death I just couldn't go on, I wanted out. But life got in the way and things happened so now I'm still here fighting lunatics but in a different city, with different people.
But now I'm home, fighting a group of smugglers with the help of Nightwing. We worked together well, always have been so the fight was over soon. Smugglers knocked out and tied up. Now we waited on a rooftop for the GCPD to arrive to the scene. That's when Bruce called Dick on the comms. Not us, only Dick.
"I'll be there," he said and was ready to leave without am explanation. I'm not having any of that. I stood in front of him with my arms crossed.
"It was about him, wasn't it?" Ever since I arrived back in Gotham a few days ago Bruce and Dick made sure my paths didn't cross Jason's. And honestly I'm sick of it.
Sick sighs before answering. "Yes."
"Just let me talk to him," I almost begged.
"He's not who you remember him to be," he said.
"Of course not. I'm not the same either and I only moved to a different city but he... he died."
"Give us some time. Maybe we can-"
"What? Make him hate us more? Because that's the only thing the two of you achieved so far."
"I know it's hard for you," he smiled at me sadly. "But please stay here. I have to go and help Jason."
"Go," I said maybe a bit to harshly. "But I won't stay here and do nothing. I'll find something to take care of. Maybe go to Penguin's club and make sure he's not doing anything stupid."
"All right," Dick smiled at me, now cheerfully and jumped off the roof. On his way to Jason. And I followed him with a smirk.
Dick trusts me too much sometimes. It's just makes lying to him so much easier. I just want to see my best friedn. Is that so much to ask for?
Nightwing finally reached his destination. A shady alleyway. How original. I fell behind a bit, waiting on a rooftop slowly creeping closer to them. I was close enough to hear the fight and then a few gunshots. I really hope Jason was the one who fired them and not someone else.
After the gunshots it turned quiet. What if he got hurt? Or worse? I slowly crept closer to the edge if the roof and looked down into the alley.
They were there. Nightwing an Red Hood. Arguing. He wasn't wearing his helmet but a mask still covered his eyes. But there was no mistaking it even if I could only see half of his face. I know his features. This is Jason Todd.
"I'm not going back to the manor," Jason grumbled.
Duck was ready to protest but I sile.tly dropped down beside him making them both turn towards me ready to attack.
"Jason," I breathed out in disbelief. He was really there. Standing in front of me.
"You said you were going to Penguin's," Dick said with a dumbfounded expression. I glanced at him but kept my attention on Jason. He had his right hand tightly pressed to his left shoulder, blood slowly seeping through. He was the one who got shot.
"I lied, genius. I don't care what the hell is Oswald up to," I said, my attention back in Dick. "What happened?"
"He thought he could take on a group of men but got shot," came the answer. "I offered to take him back to the cave si Alfred but he refuses to go."
"I don't need Batman's help. I can deal with this on my own," Jason muttered.
I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore him. I turned to Dick. "Go back to the cave. I'll deal with him."
Jason scoffed and Dick was about to protest.
"Go," I said firmly and without any more fighting he left us alone.
"Let me help you," I turned to Jason, slowly walking up to him.
"So you care?" He asked with hate lacing g his voice. "Surprising, knowing how fast I was replaced."
"He didn't want to replace you. He wanted me off the streets too. Actually, I wanted to be off the streets too."
"Neither of those things worked out," with this he turned away and started to walk off.
I ran in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. "Firstly, Bruce didn't really have a choice. Tim figured it all out, our identities. So Bruce couldn't keep on ignoring the poor kid," I rambled on. Desperate to tell him everything I wanted before he disappeares to somewhere. "Secondly, I never asked for this but life is shit and bad things happen for no reason. I happened to be in an explosion and ended up in a coma then woke up with superpowers that I couldn't control. So I moved to Central City because the only metahuman I know, who was able to help me lives there."
Jason stood in front of me silently, trying to process everything I just told him.
"I didn't know that you-"
I cut him off. "Just let me help."
"Fine, but I'm not going to the cave."
I sighed. "Just take me to wherever the hell you're staying."
Hell might be a nicer place than the apartment that Jason lives in. It's literally just a room, a hole if I'm honest, with a bed in one corner. Jason sat down on his bed and he took of his mask. Blue eyes were now looking at me in wonder.
"How exactly do you plan on helping?" He asked with a smirk. "If I remember correctly you were never good when it came to patching someone up."
"Magnetic manipulation," I explained. I took off mask top and sat down next to Jason. I gently helped him remove his jacket and helped him out of his shirt.
"This is not how I imagined you removing my clothes," he said with a cheeky grin.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"There's a first-aid-kit in the bathroom," he pointed to a door that I haven't realised was there.
"Oh, so you do have a bathroom?"
"Not all of us can live in castles, princess."
"You're forgetting that I don't like at the manor anymore," I muttered as I went to get the first-aid-kit. I sat back down next to Jason and placed the box between us.
"This is going to hurt like a bitch," I warned him. "But it will be over soon."
"No further explanation on what you're about to do?"
I raised my hand up to his shoulder, my palm inches away from the wound. I glanced at Jason and our eyes met. He gave me a hesitant nod.
I took a deep breath. I can feel the bullet in Jason's shoulder. All it needs is a little tug. Maybe more than a little if we consider the loud 'Fuck' Jason uttered as the bullet started it's way towards my hand. In a matter of seconds it was out of his shoulder and in my palm.
"You weren't lying when you said this is going to hurt like a bitch," he said with a laugh.
I didn't say anything just silently started cleaning his wound and stitching it up. He barely flinched now.
"So what happened to you, Magnet Girl?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at his choice of nickname.
"Very original," I muttered while I picked up gauze from the first-aid-kit. "Never call me that again. It's much more complicated than you think."
"As you wish, princess."
"I'm going to let you to bleed out."
"Fine by me."
I groaned in annoyance and wrapped up his wound with the gauze.
"You didn't answer my question," he said in a much lighter tone.
"I was in am explosion," I started to explain. "We don't know who cause it. Could be Scarecrow with one of his freaky experiments or maybe the Joker got bored. Who knows? Anyway, there were no other survivors and I slipped into a coma and no one knows what's wrong with me. Months later I wake up and I have these superpowers that I can't control and Batman has a new Robin. They tried to helped but Bruce have no idea how to handle metahuman powers so we turned to the speedsters for help. Long story short, I moved to Central City and became the new partner of the Flash."
"But you're back in Gotham now."
"For a while. Bruce needed our help but I do miss Gotham," Jason snorted at that. "Yeah, I know it's a hellhole but it's the hellhole I grew up in. And I really miss the complete shock on Ed's face when I know the answer to I e of his riddles," I said with a giggle.
"Then stay."
I looked at him in surprise, waiting for further explanation.
"I need someone to remind me of who I've been and you know me better than anyone else."
I smiled at the thought. "I guess someone does have to keep you out of trouble," he rolled his eyes but a smile was playing on his lips. "But-"
"But what?" He cut me off, slightly annoyed.
"Bit I'm finding us a new apartment."
"I'm not going to let you continue to live here," I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "And it's not like you can make the money for a better place."
"You underestimate me."
"Oh do I?"
"Maybe not. But are you willing to stay in .y shitty apartment just for one night?" He asked with a sincere smile. The first real smile I saw ever since we met in the alley.
My heart skipped a eat at the thought of spending the night with Jason. I missed him so much and now he was back. Sitting in front of me very much alive. I can't walk away from him not even when I have to stay in this hellhole.
"You can get the bed," he offered.
"No. You're injured. It's a small wound but still. We're sharing."
Now Jason was the one who looked surprised.
"What? I'm not letting you to sleep on the floor with shot wound and I am definitely not sleeping there either," I stated and without another word I put the first-aid-kit back in the bathroom. When I came back Jason was already I'm the bed trying to find a position in which he wasn't hurting his shoulder. He ended up laying on his side. I climbed in too laying down facing him.
"Good night, princess," he said in a whisper and closed his eyes.
"Good night, Jaybird," I answered with a smile on my lips.
Things might not be the same as they were before and may never be again but this was still the Jason Todd I grew up with. I could still see that boy in the man who was sleeping beside me in this shitty apartment.
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take-u-to-the-moon · 5 years
Timing - Dick Grayson
Warning: Slightly sexual. Mention of Joffrey Baratheon.
Why do I always insist on doing my work at this cafe? And why does it have to be on the other side of the city? And why can't I just check the time once in a while like every other people? Why is it so hard for me to be on time? Just once in my life. So I wouldn't have to run on the deserted streets of Blüdhaven to catch the last bus that goes on the direction of my home. One day, because of some kind of miracle, I might leave on time but it's not that day.
Just as I turned the corner I saw my bus as it was leaving the bus stop. I froze in my place, trying to catch my breath. All this running was for nothing. I groaned in frustration. Now what? My parents are probably already asleep. Not that they would be happy to drive all the way here at the middle of the night. But my best friend does live around here, it's only a ten minute walk. I could stay at his place for the night I'm sure he wouldn't mind having me over.
I turned around and started my way to Dick Grayson's apartment. I hope he's not out jumping around rooftops yet. I mean I would be able to get into his apartment, I know where he keeps his spare keys. I think half of the apartment building does.
I finally reached his building and nobody tried to attack me on my way but Dick will still freak out that I come here all alone in the middle of the night.
As I started my way up the stairs I fished out my phone from my bag and dialed Dick's number. He answered after the second ring.
"Are you still home or already out saving the city?" I asked without a greeting.
"Hello to you too," he grumbled. "I'm home. Why?" He asked in suspicion.
"Well, I kinda missed my last bus," I explained my situation. "And you live close so can I stay the night?" at this point I reached his floor and I was standing in front of his door.
I heard shuffling from the phone as Dick started to talk again. "Of course," he said with a chuckle. "I'll go and pick you up. Are you still at the cafe?"
The door opened and Dick stumbled back on surprise when he saw me standing there.
"Nope," I said with a smile as I ended the call. "You know it's hard to believe that you're Nightwing when you get scared by a woman who'd literally just standing at your door," I teased and walked past him.
He closed the door with a sigh and turned to me. "Someone could have attacked you," he followed me towards his couch and we sat down beside each other.
"But they didn't," I pointed out but he just rolled his eyes.
"So no patrol tonight?" I asked hopefully.
"I planned to leave in an hour or so," he sighed but a smile was tugging at the corners of his lips. "But I guess I can take the night off this once."
"Don't worry, Blüdhaven can survive a night without you. It did for years," I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him innocently.
"Good to know someone appreciates my hard work," he said with a frown.
"It's the truth Pretty Bird and you know it."
"Why am I friends with you?" He asked followed by an over dramatic sigh.
"I'm cute and I have a wonderful personality."
"Yeah, it definitely because of your wonderful personality."
"Are you being sarcastic with me, Richard?" I asked in a stern voice.
"Can we go back to you calling me Pretty Bird?" He asked with a charming smile.
"Nope. You lost that privilege," now it was my turn to roll my eyes.
"How can I gain it back?" He leaned closer to me, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
I smirked at him already having an idea. "Can we watch Game of Thrones? The episode where Joffrey dies?" He abruptly pulled away from me and furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "Not what you were expecting?" I teased and put on an innocent smile.
"It's just oddly specific," he said uncertainly. "Should I be worried?"
"No. It's because my mother finally decided to start watching Game of Thrones" I explained. "And if course, I joined her."
"And?" He looked like a confused puppy. Or Jon Snow when stares into the distance.
"And the first season reminded me of how much I hate Joffrey so now I want to watch him die." Dick looked a bit scared because of my reasoning and I couldn't help but burst out laughing at his expression.
"You worry me sometimes," he said with a sigh and grabbed the remote and searched for the episode I asked.
I made myself comfortable as the opening credits started playing, leaning my head on Dick's shoulder.
"You know," I dtsrted my rambling. "When me and my mom watch Game of Thrones, my father always manages to walk in on a sex scene, or when people are talking about sex or their penis. I don't think he ever saw a normal scene."
He started laughing slightly and smiled at the sound.
"I hope, for the sake of your future boyfriend that your father's timing won't stay this," he paused, looking for the right word. "Precise."
I couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled in my chest at the thought. "My poor father," I said, once i watched my breath. "He would probably get a heart attack"
"Or kill whoever you're with," Dick said with so much certainty that I couldn't help.but laugh at him again.
"My father is incapable of being scary and intimidating and would never be able to kill someone," Dick looked at me, still unconvinced. "Don't tell me that you think my father would be able to hurt someone?"
"Well..." he tried his best to avoid making eye contact with me. I just rolled my eyes at his flustered state.
"The humble librarian who falls face first to the floor when he stumbles over a stack of books he put there a few minutes ago, "I said in a mocking tone. "Very intimidating."
"All I'm saying is that he can be intimidated when he wants to be," Dick explained as light pink tinted his cheeks. ' m starting to understand what's going on.
"And how would you know that?" I inched closer to him. "What reason would he have to scare you?" I softly put a hand on his bicep. He stilled under my touch.
"Uh- Well- I-" I slowly slid my hand up to his shoulder and he stumbled over his words. I had a crush on him for a while now and judging by his reaction it's reciprocated.
"You know," my hand was at his neck now, my thumb stroking his jaw. "I have a theory."
"What theory?" His words were barely above a whisper, his beautiful blue eyes stating at me in anticipation.
"Nope, I'm not telling you," I smirked. "I think its better if I just act on it."
He couldn't finish the rest of his sentence because a sealed his lips with mine in a gentle kiss. He returned the kiss with unexpected passion, pulling me closer to him as if he never wanted to let me go. He pulled me o to his lap, hands on my waist and mine instantly reached for his hair, slowly running through it.
"I guess I was right," I said still out of breath after we parted.
"Mum," Dick hummed in agreement and smiled at me with a goofy grin.
One of his hands he cautiously cupped my cheek like he was afraid I would pull away from him. But when I did the opposite and leaned into his touch he gently pulled me in for another kiss. This one was more urgent, more needy. Neither of us wanted it to end.
His hands slipped under my shirt, his touch sending goosebumps all over my body. I pulled away from him, helping him remove my shirt and throw it on the floor. Dick's was soon to follow.
Without warning he pushed me down on the couch, now towering over me. His blue eyes not leaving mine. I didn't have a chance to stare at them for long because he leaned in and started to leave a trail of kisses down my neck. My heart stopped at the contact.
He was sliding the strap of my bra down my shoulder when I heard a familiar song. My ringtone. I really wanted to ignore it but while would be calling me in the middle of the night. And why? Curiosity won. I flipped us o we so now I was straddling Dick who looked equally surprised and aroused at my actions.
"This was unexpected," he said. "Not that I'm complaining."
I wasn't paying attention to him, I was focused on my still ringing phone on the coffee table. When he realised that a frustrated sigh fell from his lips. But all of that didn't matter as I read the caller ID and I broke out in a fit of laughter. "He has a sixth sense," I said between laughs.
My words seemed to only confuse Dick even more and just laughed harder at his lost expression. My phone finally went silent but my laughs still rang trough the apartment.
I grabbed my phone and simply showed Dick who was calling me, still trying to calm myself down. His eyes widened I horror as he muttered "He knows."
I hit the call button and put the phone up to my ear, patiently waiting for my father to pick up.
"What are you doing?" Dick asked in terror and sat up swiftly grabbing my wrist, trying to pull the phone away from me.
"Calling him back," I said calmly. "He's probably worried about me."
"Or maybe-"
His sentence was cut short by a loud shout if my name coming from my phone.
"Hi Dad," I said groggily. "Sorry that i didn't pick up but i was already asleep."
"Asleep where?" He demanded. "Are you all right?"
"I'm fine, Dad. Calm down. I missed my bus so I called Dick, you know that he lives near the cafè. And he was kind enough to let me stay the night. So we can both go back to sleep before we wake him up too. Poor guy already has to sleep on his couch because of me."
Dick started to snicker because of how obviously I tried to reassure my father so I covered his mouth with my hand silencing him.
"Call me in the morning then, so I can go and get you," he said much more calmly than at the beginning of our conversation.
"I will," I said quickly. "Good night."
"Good night."
I ended the call and put my phone back on the coffee table.
"He will murder me," Dick said in a serious tone.
"He," I pushed him back down to the couch. "Doesn't," I left a kiss on his neck. "Have to," and one on his jawline. "Know," and another in the corner of his lips. "Everything," and finally one on his lips.
Part 2
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take-u-to-the-moon · 5 years
Trust issues - Oliver Queen
Why does he has to be such a control freak? Why can't he just trust me? It's not like I don't know how to protect myself. I have years of training from the League, I'm more qualified than the rest of the team, but he still makes me watch from the sidelines. Just like right now I'm stuck in the Arrow Cave with Felicity while everyone else is out on the streets. It's not that I don't like her, actually I quite enjoy her company, but I want to do more, I know that I could do more, if only Oliver didn't have trust issues.
"You look like you're about to kill someone." Felicity's words zapped me out of my thoughts.
I looked up at her. She seemed concerned and a bit scared.
"Sorry," I said trying to reassure her.
"Bit don't worry it's not directed at you."
"Let me guess? Oliver?" she turned around in her chair, now facing me.
I nodded.
"Well it would be exciting to watch you two have a go at each other.... I-I mean... I... you know... you and him... fighting?"
I tried to stifle a laugh, unsuccessfully, as Felicity recollected her thoughts.
"I just.... Why exactly do you want to kill him this time?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Would listing the reasons be enough or do you want to see my presentation too?"
"Oh, come on! It can't be that bad." She took one glance at me and quickly backtracked. "Or is it?"
"I've been a so called member of this team for months now and Oliver still won't let me leave the Arrow Cave. I've been training with him, I've proved myself to him. I get that at the beginning he could easily beat my ass, but I was just rusty. I hadn't trained after I left the League, I was simply out of practice. He doesn't have a legit reason to keep me locked up in here."
"It took us a lot of time to convince Oliver to recruit new members to the team," she started to explain. "And you..."
"Were a member of the League of Assassins, therefore can't be trusted," I cut her off.
"Yeah... Wait! No. No no no. That's not what I meant. I was gonna say that you showed up out of nowhere, kind of unexpectedly and Oliver doesn't want to get even more people involved in... this." She gestured towards the various items in the room. "Especially someone we barely know."
"You make it sound like we just met a few days ago. You know it wasn't the first time I met him when I decided to join the vigilante business. He knew me from before... Even you and John knew me from before."
"That's why he's worried about you." Felicity offered a weak smile.
I sighed loudly.
"I can protect myself," I stated firmly.
"Try telling him that."
"I've been telling him for weeks, but it's like I'm talking to a brick wall. I can't change his mind. If he doesn't want me out there with him then I'll just do it on my own."
I stood up and was about to go get my suit but Felicity managed to get in my way.
"No no no no no no no. I don't think that's a good idea." She put her hands on my shoulders.
I gave her one of my best deathglares but she didn't move.
"Talk to him," she pleaded.
"We both know it's pointless."
"Let's make a deal." Felicity stopped talking and glanced at me. When she didn't see any sign of resistance she continued. "You talk to him and if you still can't change his mind then I'll personally help you with the vigilante stuff, no matter what Oliver has to say about it. We could be a duo." she smiled widely.
I smiled back at her. It was really good to have her around.
We shook hands geinnong at each other like two children who just conspired against their parents.
We sat back down at the computer and I actually made an effort to help Felicity, but who am I kidding it's not me strong suit.
A few hours later Team Arrow showed up, they came back from patrol. Oliver was arguing with Renè about something he shouldn't have done. So just the usual. They went to change back to their normal clothes and then everyone started disappearing to their homes. Felicity followed after Curtis.
"Remember our deal," she shouted back from the elevator before it closed.
"What was that about?"
Suddenly Oliver was standing next to me furrowing his eyebrows.
"Oh, nothing. It's just... you know Felicity being Felicity. But I need to talk to you."
Before he could say anything I continued. I'm not gonna let him interrupt me.
"I want to go out there. I want to be an actual member of the team. Stop making up reasons to keep me here we all know you don't actually have one. I can protect myself, I was trained by the League. You of all people should know what that means. And if you don't trust me because I was a member then tell it to my face now then I'll get out of your hair and none of us has to deal with these problems anymore."
We stared at each other for a few seconds. I guess he needed time to process my rant. Bit finally he started speaking.
"I trust you. I know why you joined the League and why you left them, and I know why you want to be here now, why you want to do this. But I just... I don't want you to suffer even more because of something that I started."
"It's my decision Oliver. You can't keep me away from harm forever."
"I trained with you. I trained you. If you get hurt... if you die, that's on me." he stepped closer to me.
"No it's not. It's on my dumb ass making dumbass decisions. That's nothing you haven't done before."
"I don't want you to do through anything similar to what I had to."
"I already did Oliver. That's why I'm here. I want to make a difference. To save people... To save myself," I was whispering the last part but I know he heard me I can see it on his face.
He knows exactly what I'm feeling and that's why he tries so hard to protect me but he didn't realise it was too late, until this moment. I'm more damaged than I get on and now he saw a glimpse of what's really inside.
"All right," he sighed. "You can joins us. But I..."
I didn't let him finish. I attacked him with a hug. He stiffened at first but he quickly eased up and hugged me back. I was surprised at my actions too but considering that I just opened up to someone after bottling up my feelings for too long the least thing I deserved was a hug. 
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take-u-to-the-moon · 5 years
Playing with electricity - Bucky Barnes
Having electricity powers might sound cool but it can quickly loose it's appeal when you realise you can't control it.
Creating a big ass lightning bolt? Sure I can do that. Problems arise when I they to knock someone out. My powers tend to get out of control quite often and a slightly powerful blast can easily kill my opponents. That's not what I normally aim for. If it's a long range fight I can be useful but when someone wants to get up close and personal things can do sideways real fast. Mostly because my only defense mechanism is electrocuting anyone close to me, so basically I turn into Pikachu. Problem is that it's highly unpredictable and I could harm my teammates in the process. That's why they thought that teaching me self-defense and hand to hand combat was a good idea.
I got the hang of it quite easily but I can't turn off my powers and they tend to work reflexively. One time I accidentally knocked out Clint and he had to spend a few days in bed because of it. Tony found it hilarious, the rest of us not so much. Clint didn't gave up after that, he still showed up to teach me. However he became wary in everyday life, tries to avoid unnecessary physical contact with me and such things. Not that I blame him for it.
Thor tried to help me understand and control my powers. Emphasis on tried. It didn't end well either. We almost burned down a forest in the process. We figured it would be better for everyone, especially Mother Nature, if we took a break. Along one. He has other problems to worry about anyways.
That's when Cap had the fantastic idea that it's his and Bucky's turn. The rest of the Avengers agreed so they took over Clint and Natasha's lessons and now I had to face supersoldiers.
Overall nothing really changed. I still got my ass handed to me most of the time, but the moves Not taught me certainly came in handy because they don't know them as well as Clint does. Also I don't have to stress over my powers getrong too out of hand because they can withstand a stronger surge of electricity than the average human beings. The Clint fiasco can't repeat itself... I hope.
Today I was training with Bucky. He didn't go easy on me as per usual. My back hit the floor for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He walked up to me holding his hand out to help me stand up. I scoffed at him.
"Bold of you to assume that I have the energy to move."
"I wasn't that hard on you," he said a he smirked at me. "Now get up we're not finished yet."
"Nope. Now leave me be. You already pretty much destroyed my self-esteem."
"You'll get the hang of it," he tried to reassure me. "But if you don't practice..."
"Practice what?" I cut in. "Falling to the ground? Feels like I already mastered that. My aching bottom agrees. I say we should take a break."
"Nope," he said mocking me.
Bucky didn't wait for my answer he just simply wrapped my hand and pulled me up. I didn't have a choice. We were back at it in no time.
Finally I was able to overpower him a few times. There's something oddly satisfying in knocking a highly trained assassin of his feet. I just kick his legs out and he fell to the floor. Payback. While he was laying on the ground I did a little happy dance.
"Seems like your mood changed about training. Your bottom doesn't hurt anymore or you're just happy about winning?"
I stopped abruptly and stared at him wide eyed and slightly blushing. Bucky just smirked at me. He was still on the ground propped up on his elbows. He was definitely watching my victory dance. Great. Just great.
"Now I'm starting to think you let me win just to make me feel better."
"No I didn't. I just didn't let you give up."
I walked up to him smiling from ear to ear holding my hand out for him to take. He gladly took it. As we touched he fell right back because I sent a surge of electricity right trough him. He seemed more surprise than hurt but I was still worried. I kneeled down next to him. I was about to put my hands on his arm but I quickly pulled them back when it came to me that it probably wasn't the best idea right now.
"Oh my God, Bucky. I'm so sorry. I didn't meant to," I rushed out panicking.
"It's all right, Doll. It only stings a little. I just... wasn't expecting it.
He held my hand I didn't pull it away this time, neither did I electrify him. I never gained back control over my powers this quickly.
"When they said that sometimes there are sparks between two people I never thought they might've meant it literally." he laughed and I smiled at him.
"You should ask Clint about this topic then. He has a lot of experience with these kind of sparks... or lightning bolts." a wiggled my fingers creating small sparks between them.
We burst out laughing at that. No one ever could make me feel good about my powers in any sense but here we are. I'm joking about them with Bucky.
"Thanks," I blurted out without thinking.
"For what?" he seemed genuenly curious.
"For not making me feel like a walking disaster."
"You're not a walking disaster," his voice was gentle and his eyes were softer than what you would expect from an assassin. "You're a walking lightning bolt."
"That was evil!" I hit his shoulder but he just laughed.
That's when Steve walked in.
"I need you two for a mission."
He wasn't even commenting on why we were sitting on the floor. Wait. Did he just say that he wanted me on a mission? Did he loose his mind?
"Me? You sure?" I stood up still feeling unsure about this.
"Yes. You proved yourself. There have been less... incidents lately. It seems like you're gaining control. It's time we test what you are capable of out in the field," he said sounding so sure of himself, so confident.
I wish I had as much fate in myself as he has in me.
"Now we'll get to see if all those hours of training was actually worth it." Bucky got up and stood next to me putting a reassuring hand around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him. "But don't worry, Doll. With my amazing teaching skills you surely won't have any problems."
"Oh, I'm not worried. I feel pretty good about this." I smirked at him. "But you know, if I die that will be your fault."
"I'm not taking full responsibility for that. Steve was training you too. So let's say that it's his fault."
"Say wathever you want to make yourself feel better," I said in a sin-song voice.
He just rolled.his eyes at us and walked out of the training room. We followed him still laughing and too lost in our conversation to acknowledge the knowing smile playing on Steve's lips.
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