teaandachat · 2 years
July 18, 2022 : Apollo 🥖
Who is Apollo?🥖 Apollon, better known as Apollo is best known as the god of the sun and poetry. He's also the god of music, art, agriculture, plague, prophecy, and medicine. He is a very popular god and appears in a lot of literature, games, and artworks. He's featured in literature like Song of Achilles and Percy Jackson. He's in Hades Game as well. Why would you work with or worship Apollo? 🥖 Apollo is often referenced as a protector of sorts. He's associated with medicine and healing, as well as divination. He is known as the god of oracle and prophecy. He's also known as a protector of the youth. So, it's to be assumed if you're looking for someone to reach out to and you work with both protection, divination, or medicine he's your guy. How do you reach out to Apollo? 🥖 So the most obvious option is prayer! It's simple and free. Meditating outside in the sun could easily be another way to try to reach the sun god. The main thing with meditation is listening and observing without judgment. Divination is also an obvious choice. I mean, he is the god of prophecy and the oracle. I personally due tarot, but there are plenty of divination practices. Everything from reading tea leaves to scrying could work. Then, of course, you have making offerings and lighting candle to reach out to him (this is what I usually do when reaching out to a new diety). What should you offer? 🥖 This of course depends on your altar size, so I'll assume you have an open and larger altar. Apollo typically likes cheeses, fruits, wine, golden things, yellow/white/gold candles, olive oil, milk, tea, honey/honey cakes, musical instruments (especially if they're a string instrument), lamb or goat meat, bread or wheat, laurel or olive branches, olives, orange or lemon pastries, images of dolphins, wolves, the sun, himself, and/or any birds (especially crows, ravens, and swans) (especially if hand painted), poetry, paints, paintbrushes, and things like that. As well as frakencense or myyrh scents. Think warm, sunshine, artsy stuff. I'm sure he also wouldn't mind things like tarot cards but you should ask him yourself before you offer it. What if you have a small/hidden altar? 🥖 Don't worry there's plenty you can offer him on a small/hidden altar! You can give him chocolates with orange or lemon flavors, sunflowers, bandaids, aloe vera, concert tickets, music or poetry you've written, art you've drawn, amber or sunstone (any stone your associate with him really), golden jewelry (especially if it has sun or arrow imagery on it), LGBTQ+ flags (he's liked them in the past), divination items (tarot, pendulums, etc), and/or bird feathers. You can always put the things from a small or hidden altar on a larger altar as well. What if you can't have an altar or want to show devotion differently? 🥖 There are several devotional acts you can perform for him! Supporting musical artists, watching the sunrise, trying archery, trying different types of divination, going for a walk on a sunny day, donating to medical charities and hospitals, throwing dance parties, writing poetry for him and/or reading him poetry, playing music for him, learning first aid things like CPR and how to dress a wound, supporting LGBTQ+ people and charities, going to pride events, wearing yellow or orange, and learning about the history of him, his sister, his mother, and his lovers. He also does like when you pray to him a good bit.
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teaandachat · 2 years
July 18, 2022 : Altars 🥖
What is an altar? 🥖 An altar is a sacred space used as a center for religious practice or worshiping a deity. It is often where you leave offerings, candles, and things of the like. Usually, your altar is dedicated to any deities you worship.
Altars may also be used for ritualistic spell-casting and rituals.
Why would I even use an altar? 🥖
You would use an altar when wishing to worship a deity in a ritualistic way, or when you need to cast a spell in a ritualistic way, and likewise.
What if I'm not in a safe space or still in the broom closet? 🥖
You can make smaller or more hidden alters. You can keep it in a box, a bag, a desk drawer, or a lock box. Anything like that! The same goes for if you're running short on space. If you're scared that someone you live with might find it and kick you out or harm you then you probably shouldn't have an altar right now. I'm sure that the deities will understand. Do I need an altar? 🥖 No. You don't need an altar unless you're doing a ritual. Can I have more than one altar? 🥖 Yes, it's actually common for people to have more than one in their homes if they have the space for it! What do I put on my altar? 🥖 It really depends on how much space you have, who you're making the altar for, and what you're like. But, there is a few basics to altars! You usually have some kind of cloth on your altar, as well as a candle for the diety you're making it for. If it's a spell or ritual alter you're likely to have a symbol of the four elements (earth, water, fire, and air) on your altar. Symbols of your god or goddess are usually carved into their candle, brought out by paints or glitter or anything else of the sort. Offerings are usually placed on the altar as well. Where do I put my altar? 🥖 You can put it wherever you want! It's based on your own intuitive process when it comes to placement. That's all you need to know about altars, at least the basics. Blessed be, and merry met! sources
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teaandachat · 2 years
July 17, 2022 : Emoji Guide
In my blog, I use various emojis that are split into 5 categories!
🐝 The bee emoji is used for ingredients like honey, lavender, and thyme. These posts will usually be accompanied by one or more spells that use the ingredient. 🥖 The baguette bread emoji is used for posts that are about altars, offerings, and specific deities. These posts will usually contain commonly asked questions and answers to them. As well as suggested offerings for diety-specific posts. 🍞 The bread loaf emoji is used for recipes and recipe spells. These are spells that require you to cook or bake something. They are usually classified under kitchen magic. 🌸 The cherry blossom emoji is used for tarot and divination posts. These might be how to read tarot cards, tarot readings, and divination spells. 🌻 The sunflower emoji is used for posts about spells. These are often spells I've created myself. You can also find a source on how to make your own spells linked in all of them. 🐞 The ladybird/ladybug emoji is used for miscellaneous posts that don't fit under the other categories. This may be defining labels like kitchen magic and solar magic. Likewise, it could be talking about different types of religion and practice.
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teaandachat · 2 years
July 17, 2022 : Offerings 🥖
What is an offering? 🥖 An offering is something you give to a diety to show loyalty, gratitude, respect, and honor. It can be literally anything, but you must be sure it's something they like or they'll be upset and likely not want to work with you any longer. It's not used to get something from them even remotely. So don't go into this thinking gods and goddesses will grant your every wish as long as you give them a weekly supply of whine and bread. How do you present an offering? 🥖 It really depends on you, or the specific offering sometimes. You can light the candles you have, light an incense, etc. You usually will place it on the altar you've made for them and let them know it's for them by telling them. Once again, it's really up to you how you do this. Just remember to be respectful. How do you dispose of an offering? 🥖 Burying and burning are common and acceptable ways to dispose of an offering. It usually depends on what's more environmentally friendly and which is easier. things like fruits, veggies, herbs, flowers, and other similar things can be composted or buried. For drinks, you would usually pour them out in the yard or sink if it's raining. (never ever drink it. That would be rude. You wouldn't be happy if someone drank your drink.) You can let wildlife eat the food you offer. If you've offered jewelry, trinkets, or anything like that it's typically buried. It usually isn't left on your main altar but I think it's up to you on things that don't decompose.
How do you choose what to offer? 🥖 You can start by researching your deities and finding out what they've liked receiving from others. Give them those things, and you'll eventually figure out what they like getting from you personally. Always be sure to give them things they like. You can also reference what they represent to you.
What's the proper etiquette when it comes to offerings? 🥖
Offerings are used as a thank you and a show of loyalty. That being said you should always offer them respectfully and not make the diety feel lesser than, or more than, you. The relationship with you and your diety is mutual and equal in every way. If you haven't worked with the recently, give them an offering to let them know you still care. If your work with them is infrequent then make sure to offer to them regularly. Finally, never ever offer to them to get them to help you do something malicious. This will cause them to, at best, stop working with you. At worst, this will anger them and cause your intention to backfire unto you. sources
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teaandachat · 2 years
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teaandachat · 2 years
How to Interpret Tarot Literally
Method 1: Use the cards’ names.
What is the modern version of a chariot? A car.
What does death mean for a car? Engine failure.
Therefore, The Chariot + Death predicts your car breaking down — perhaps causing an accident.
Method 2: Use the cards’ meanings.
What does The Tower mean? A disaster. A shock.
What is the Three of Swords all about? Heartbreak. Agony.
Therefore, The Tower + the Three of Swords predicts chest pains that could lead to a heart attack.
Method 3: Use the cards’ imagery.
What is depicted in the Five of Pentacles? A cold, snowy day.
What is depicted in the Ace of Cups? Water that overflows.
Therefore, the Five of Pentacles + the Ace of Cups predicts bad weather that could result in a flood.
Here are more examples.
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teaandachat · 2 years
July 17, 2022 : Honey
Honey is one of my favorite things. That could be in food, as an offering, in magic! I love love love honey. So I thought I'd make a post about honey. 🐝Honey as an offering: who likes it and how do we offer it?
The list of deities to like it is rather long: Athena, Hades, Apollo (he also likes honey cakes), Dionysus, Aphrodite, Loki, Odin (he also likes mead, which is made from honey), and there's more than just that. How do we offer it though? If you don't want to put your whole bottle of honey on your alter you can put it into a small bowl, pour it into the earth with the intention of giving it to the diety you're offering it to, putting it on bread, and setting it on your altar, making things with honey in them and leaving it on your altar. There are a lot of ways to offer anything, even honey. So, it's really up to your comfort with doing certain things. 🐝Honey magic: How (and why) is honey used in magic? Honey is sticky, and it's often used in binding spells and rituals due to that property. You can easily bind a couple or friends by sticking two poppets together with honey and wrapping them in a cord. Due to the substance's sweetness, you can use it in something called a sweetening jar. (A sweetening jar is a type of witch jar used to sweeten one's feelings towards you) Honey is also commonly used in kitchen magic. You can add some to a bath scrub for a ritual bath, you can anoint a candle with it when using candle magic. Honey can be used to heal by adding it to tea, warm water, and foods. Honey is symbolic of fertility, community, prosperity, diligence, and work ethic. 🐝Honey Spells: how to perform magic using honey Here's an easy honey jar spell I found!
The spell is used to ease tension between yourself and others When counting the grains of rice don't forget to count yourself! You'll need
a jar of honey
two or more grains of rice
a blue or pink candle
How to perform it!
During a waning moon night, lay out as many grains of rice as there are people that you want to make peace with.
Light the candle and eat a spoonful of honey. Imagine yourself speaking kind words and lessening the tension of the situation. Remember to keep the people you're trying to sweeten up in mind while you do this.
Place the rice in the jar of honey. Leave them in the jar. Whenever you feel the tension between yourself and the people you have cast the spell for repeat the ritual.
---- 🐝
And here's one I've written myself This is a money jar spell using honey! Money jars help bring money into your life. Remember that it won't work if you don't put in your own work. I suggest you work this spell on a full or new moon. What you'll need:
A glass jar
a gold or silver candle
orange essential oil
bay leaf
ground ginger
ground nutmeg
Optional: clear quartz, pyrite, citrine, amazonite, and/or tigers eye
Optional: Gold flakes, glitter, ect
How to perform it
On a full moon or new moon night take your glass jar and set it in front of you, facing a window with the curtains drawn.
Place your candle in front of the jar and light it, allowing the wax to begin melting
If you're using crystals now would be the time to place them in the jar. If you do not want to seal them in a jar place them around the jar in a semi-circle.
Pour the honey into the jar. Remember the intention of this spell is to make money and prosperity stick to you like honey.
If you're using gold flakes, glitter, or otherwise now is the time to sprinkle it on top along with the ground ginger and nutmeg.
Drip 5-8 drops of the orange essential oil into the honey.
Add the bay leaf and basil, finely diced.
Screw on the lid of the jar and seal it with the wax of your gold or silver candle.
Take your jar to the window and place it on the sill under the moon overnight.
The next day place it on your bedside table, in a drawer, or whoever else you'd like. I would avoid placing it on my altar but that's just me.
🐝 Conclusion: Honey
Honey in magic is quite useful to bring things to you, sweeten up people, or a deal. It can bind you and a friend together, and I've found it's also a really appreciated offering.
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teaandachat · 2 years
July 17, 2022 : Hello World
Hey there guys, I'm Astro. You can also call me Fasel, Blythe, or Quinn. I'm a witch who's still going on my journey. I think I'd classify as a kitchen wich but I personally don't really care for those labels on myself. I guess I'll start this blog like this, just introducing myself. i don't have much else to say at the moment.
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