Little Assassin (Mob!Tom)
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A/N: Hey! This is one of my first official imagines/ short stories and i’m super nervous about it lol. It’s utter shit, just saying, but i hope you like it because i was pretty excited to write it. 
Prompt: (i saw this prompt on my instagram feed) “You are an assassin. A little girl has just come up to you, handed you all her pocket money and asked you to kill her abusive relative.” I’ll be keeping the same idea, but switching it up a bit. 
Warnings: abuse, death, swearing, violence, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of prostitution, 
Pasts were like a lost puppy; they followed you everywhere. No matter how much you try to run away, or how much you shoo them off, they find you. It’s almost like a sick game, the way they infest you and try to latch back onto you no matter how much you’ve done to separate yourself from it (that being pasts, not the puppy). I would know, because I’ve been running from mine for as long as i could remember.
It seemed like the mob life followed me around no matter what I did. My destiny was preordained in the stars, and there really was no way to change it. I was born to a family of powerful mobsters, and i was taught to never forget it. My father was high up on the food chain, and he tore people apart left and right. He never had a son, and to him it was a very big loss. He complained to my mother on countless nights that he didn’t have someone to take over for him when he retired, or worse, died. Over a cup of wine one night, my mother rolled her eyes and gulped the whole glass down before saying, “We have a perfectly good daughter who can take your place.” Although my father wasn’t happy about it, he decided it was the only option.
He trained me from the age of six how to fight with knives, and when i was seven he taught me how to fire a gun. I remember hating him for forcing me to grow up too fast; for robbing me of a normal childhood. One day i couldn’t take it anymore, and I finally snapped. 
“Why won’t you just leave me alone? I don’t wanna become like you! I don’t wanna hurt people!” not even a few seconds after i had finished, he struck me across the cheek and screamed back.
“You don’t have a choice! Someone has to do it, and there is no one else! And don’t you ever, ever, speak to me like that again.” With tears in my eyes, i turned on my heels and rushed back to my room, my cheek hurting like crazy, but mostly i was hurt because my father laid his hand on me. Right then and there, i wished him dead, and i wished my mother cared enough to find and comfort me.
I guess i got my wish, because later that year, five days after my eighth birthday, i witnessed his gruesome murder by one of his own men. 
My mother fell into a deep depression, not exactly sure what to do now that her husband was gone. She had a daughter to somehow raise, a mob on her hands, and a huge mansion to herself. She drank a lot more than she normally did, and the mob that had been in my family for generations fell through, scattering men like spiders. After a few years of living in silence, my mother decided to become a prostitute, selling her body for a buck so she could buy drugs to help her feel numb. 
I was barely ever home anymore, because i didn’t want to look at the woman i was supposed to call ‘mother’. The last straw was when she wanted to sell me off to men who wanted me for sex. She was willing to sell her ten year old daughter away to be a sex toy for grown men. So i ran away, and flew between the streets, group homes, and homeless shelters before i found a way to make a living for myself the only way i knew how: being in the mob.
I was a private assassin, meaning i worked alone. I hated doing it, because i was walking down the path my father wanted me to walk down. I was only eighteen. I kept to myself; i was quiet and reserved, barely speaking to anyone more than i had to. No one knew about me unless they needed me, and that was how i met Tom. 
When Tom and i were falling in love, i shamed myself every day for involving myself more with the mob; i wanted nothing to do with it. After all, the Holland’s ruled most of London, but i couldn’t keep away from him, and just had to except it for how it was. I stopped being an assassin, finally able to go to college and get that degree i so desperately wanted.
But all that was in the past, and i reminded myself that i needed to stop thinking about it, because none of it mattered anymore. All that mattered was that i was finally happy; i was with the man i so desperately loved, and the job i wanted for years. So i drove all the bad memories out of my head as i walked down the sidewalk, shopping bags in my hands.
I felt the pocket of my jeans vibrate, and a second later my ringtone began to play. 
“Shit.” i muttered to myself. I swapped the two bags from my right hand to my left, before pulling the cell phone out of my pocket. My eyes flickered to the caller ID, and i snickered, seeing that it was my best friend. 
“Hello?” i answered, quickly blowing a strand of hair out of my eyes. 
“Hey, Y/n.” Carrie said hurriedly, and i could hear rummaging noises in the back round. 
“Hey...Did you, like, not leave your house yet?” I said, rolling my eyes. She huffed on the other end, and i could hear her slapping her thighs in frustration.
“I can’t find the damned keys.” she mumbled into the phone, and i laughed out loud. 
“Well, you better hurry up, because it’s getting cloudier out, and i think it’s gonna-”
“Aha! Found them!” She interrupted, and i pulled the phone away slightly, her voice still audible through the receiver. 
“Yeah, on the way now.” she said.
“Right. Call when you get here, or when another set back happens.” i said, a smirk on my lips. 
“Fuck you.”
“Love ya more! Bye!” I hung up, then stuffed the phone back into my front pocket. I continued walking around the strip mall, stopping at an ice cream shop to get a cup of bubble tea. I glanced up at the sky to see dark clouds spreading out further, and i frowned, knowing with my luck it would pour the second Carrie arrived. I sighed deeply, and decided to sit down at one of the tables outside the ice cream shop. I set the bags down at my feet, and pushed my long y/h/c hair away from my face. I clicked open my phone, and began scrolling through different social media apps. I almost didn’t notice the little girl that was approaching me. 
My head snapped up, scarring the girl who appeared to be seven. My years spent being on the streets heightened my senses, and i was always observant even when i didn’t think i was. The girl gulped and walked the few more steps towards me. I could tell she had something in her hands, and my eyes flickered around the sidewalk, watching out for anyone who was noticing us. 
“Are you Y/n Y/l/n?” she asked, her voice shaky but defiant. Her eyes were hazel, and i could tell they held fear, but she seemed so fearless. 
“I am.” i answered, slightly confused as to how she knew my name. She took a deep breath before emptying the contents in her hands all over the table. Seven dollar bills and around twenty coins spilled onto the plastic table. My eyebrows shot up, staring at the girl in shock. 
“I need you to kill someone.” she stated, not flinching or cringing at her own words. My heart hammered against my chest, and i felt a spell of dizziness. I scanned the area again, looking for anyone who seemed too suspicious. Thunder cracked over our heads, and i knew the clouds were only getting darker. 
“I don’t do that anymore.” i whispered quickly to her, grabbing my bags and getting ready to speed walk back to the car. I stood up and took one step, before her small hand reached out and wrapped around my wrist. 
“But it’s important!” she yelped, desperation in her eyes. I closed my eyes to gain my composure, shaking my head.
“Listen, I’m really sorry, but i don’t do that kind of stuff anymore. I’m retired. Tell your mommy or daddy that i can’t help them.” i said, before turning back around. Her hand tightened around mine, pulling me back. 
“But i have money! And it’s not my parents who need you. It’s me.” she said. I glanced back at the small pile of money still sitting on the table. I picked up the bills and counted them. She had sixteen dollars and fifty-one cents. 
“It was all the money i had in my piggy bank.” she whispered, her eyes now filling with tears. My heart softened, but still, i wanted nothing more to do with being an assassin than i already was. I looked at her more carefully, and i could see that her clothes were lightly disheveled, as if she was sleeping in a dirty place. 
“What do you need me to do?” i asked.
“It’s...It’s my step dad. He hits my mommy, and he hits me sometimes. And sometimes he touches me weirdly. And I...I hate him.” She whimpered, tears spilling over her eyelashes. I thought about my own childhood; how my dad was, how he hit me and raised me, and how my mother was never there. I didn’t need to hear anything else, i was already putting my foot through the door. This once, just this once, fuck retirement. 
I put my hand under the table, and pushed all her money off the table and into my hand. 
“Keep your money, hun.” i said, handing the cash back to her. 
“No, i got you. Here’s what you need to do: I’m going to give you my number. Call me when you get home and tell me your address.” i said, quickly jotting down my phone number onto the back of a napkin. 
“Thank you.” she said, her eyes filling with tears again, and her voice small with relief. She spun around on her heels, and began running away. 
“Hey!” i called out. She stopped and turned around. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Avery.” she said, before running away. 
On the way to the car, i quickly dialed Carrie’s number. 
“Hello?” she said, right as i flung open the car door. 
“Hey, Carrie, I’m so so sorry, but something came up. I need to go take care of something, i’m really sorry. Maybe we can reschedule for next week, i’m sorry, i love you.” i spoke quickly, not giving her a chance to speak. 
“What-” i hung up before she could finish. 
Nerves ate at me as i drove home. I hadn’t been on the job in over four years. I didn’t know if i could still do what i used to, and how the young girl knew about me. Still though, this sweet little girl needed my help, and i’ll be damned if i didn’t give it to her.
I didn’t have any of my weapons on me, and i was worried i had forgotten where they were placed. When i pulled into the driveway of Tom and I’s shared house, i was out of the car in seconds. Jogging up the front porch stairs, i muttered a quick hello to the security men outside the doors, then burst through the double wooden doors.
“Tom!” i called out, my eyes scanning the living room. 
“He’s out, Mrs. Y/n.” Angela, one of the maids said. I smiled and nodded, then ran up the staircase towards our room. 
The proper attire to wear while out on a job was tricky. I always used to dress appropriately for the occasion. When i first started, i wore a sweatshirt and leggings. When i got money, and made bar calls, i bought nice dresses in order to appear flirtatious and vulnerable. I usually knew more about the people i was supposed to kill or hurt, but this time i knew nothing other than one thing: there was a man hurting women, but most importantly, he was hurting children. 
I flung open the closet doors, flicking on the lights that illuminated the walk in closet. All of Tom’s suits and other clothes took up the left side, my clothes took up the right. I quickly looked over all my clothes, hangers skidding across metal rods. Finally, i ripped a tank top and leather jacket off hangers, and decided to keep on the dark blue jeans. 
‘Call me’, was the text i sent to Tom before slipping on the clothes. Right before i darted back downstairs, my phone rang. Hoping it was Tom -and my nerves calming down at the thought of him- i jumped for the phone on the bed. Unknown caller. My heart sank, but i picked up the phone anyways. 
“Avery?” i asked.
“Y/n? I got the address.” She said, and i fumbled around for a paper and pen. 
“Okay, I’m ready.” i said, setting the phone between my ear and shoulder. I jotted down the address on a scrap piece of paper. 
“You have to hurry though, he’s getting real angry.” she muttered.
“Okay, hun. I’m on my way. What’s his name?” 
“Chris. Chris Jennings.” She hung up abruptly.
Stuffing my phone and the piece of paper into my front pocket, i ran back down the stairs and through the hallways, stopping at Tom’s office. I carefully put my ear against the mahogany doors, straining myself to hear anything. When i couldn’t hear a thing, i gently opened the doors, revealing an empty office. 
Tom kept my knives in a safe in his desk, to use for last minute interrogations. I wasn’t sure which one though, so i opened each of them until i came across the small safe. Typing in the password, the safe opened with a beep, and i took out the knives i hadn’t touched in years. Adrenaline ran through my body, the cool metal familiar against my skin. The knives fit perfectly into my hands, almost as if i never put them away. 
“Hello, old friend.” i muttered, shutting the drawer. When i had knives hidden in my socks, my belt, and strapped to my thigh, i took a deep breath behind the front door. 
“Don’t be a pussy.” i said, before i opened the doors, and made my way to the car. 
Twenty minutes later, i was right outside of west London, where i had spent many nights on the streets as a teenager. I pulled onto the driveway of a questionable trailer in a questionable neighborhood; but i was used to questionable. I opened the car door, and was met with the scent of weed heavy in the air. I walked up the pathway, and looked over my shoulder as i stopped in front of the door. My fingers fumbled around, something i did when i was nervous. I knocked on the door three times, and waited for thirteen seconds before the door was opened.
The big man in front of me wore a dirty tank, and had tattoos covering his skin. He had a beer in his left hand, and he was leaning against the threshold with his right. 
“What?” he asked, taking a deep swig of his beer. I scanned the room behind him, and he seemed to be alone, at least in the living room. Time to get into character.
“I’m sorry,” i giggled, a smile upon my face. “I just really need to use the bathroom. Do you mind if I used yours?” i asked, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. The man licked his lips and took a nice and long gaze over my entire body before stepping aside. 
“Not at all, my dear.” his deep voice grumbled, making my skin crawl. I stepped inside the room, and glanced around, taking in my surroundings. 
“Bathroom’s on the right.” he said, pointing down the hallway. 
“I’m sorry, your Chris Jennings, right?” i asked, my voice still light and airy. 
“Yes I am.” he replied, looking me over again, a deep smile playing on his alcohol soaked lips. 
“That’s good! I’m so glad i came to you, ‘cause, maybe you could...help me out?” i said, running my hand seductively down my shirt. He watched, his eyes mentally undressing me, as i ran my hand down my leg, making sure to touch certain places. My hands stopped right over the strap on my thigh, where the knives were stuck behind my thigh to the piece of material. I grinned at him, right before swiftly reaching behind my thigh to grab one of the knives. 
Before he could react, i flung it at him, and it lodged itself into his shoulder. 
“Ah!” he yelped, blood running down his arm. 
“Fucking bitch!” he screamed, and ran at me, his arms held out as if he were trying to catch me. I dodged out of the way, and he collided with a table next to the wall, sending ceramic bowls flying to the carpeted floor. Out of the corner of my eye, i saw a door swing closed somewhere down the hall. 
I reached for another knife, right as Chris pulled out the one from his shoulder. 
“The fuck do you think you are? Coming into my house and disrespecting me.” He seethed, blood sill trickling down his shoulder. 
“I heard you assault children. I’m only doing you a favor. They tear you alive for that in prison.” i hissed, and braced myself for him to come at me again. He was inches away from me before i sank the second knife into his abdomen, but i guess he was too thick to crumble down. He howled in pain again, and while he was busy throwing his head back, i ripped the first knife out of his hands and stomped down on his knee. 
A sickening crack filled the room, and this time he fell. He was on his good knee, a wound in his shoulder and in his stomach, and a broken knee. I had him right where i needed him, and i smiled, thinking to myself, ‘I still got it’. My phone rang, and with a huff, i took it out of my pocket. The caller ID told me it was Tom, and i answered quickly. 
“Hello?” i asked, and Chris stood up again, his face red and the knife that was in his stomach in his hand. I scolded myself, because i knew better than to leave a weapon in a person; they could and would use it against me. Maybe i didn’t have it, after all. 
“Hi love,” Tom’s voice chirped through the phone as i jumped backwards, dodging the knife. Our grunts filled the air as Tom continue talking. “I’m sorry that i didn’t get your text sooner, Carmichael did something shitty again, and i had to deal with that...what-what’s going on back there?” he asked, as a TV dinner table was knocked over. 
I ripped another knife off my belt, and did a somersault off to the side, and when Chris ran to the place i stood mere seconds ago, i stabbed him in his side. His screams filled the air, and filled Tom’s ear. 
“Goddammit!” Chris screamed, and he grabbed a hold of my foot, causing me to scream along with him. 
“Y/n? What’s wrong?! Step on it!” Tom said, his voice full of concern and hardness, as if he was all ready planning out someones death, and if i knew Tom, he was. I could tell he was talking to the driver of the car, and i realized he thought i was at home. Chris pulled me towards him, and i dropped the phone. 
“Gah!” i screamed, as i felt the knife i hid in my socks slit my skin. With my other foot, i began kicking Chris repeatedly in the face, trying to loosen his hold on me. He didn’t budge, but after a few blows to the face, he released his grip. I pulled myself away from him, and reached into my high top converse to grab the knife, the tip already sunken into my foot. Tears began to swim in my eyes as i yanked it out, and kicked Chris’s face one more time, this time aiming for his temple. 
“Tom! 2407 East Parkway 22134!” i yelped into the phone, hoping he understood. I didn’t get the chance to hear his response, or at least end the call, because i was back on my feet. I twirled two knives between my fingers, and i could practically see red. 
“You are highly annoying.” i said to the man beneath me, who had a bloody and bruised face. He seemed as if he was hanging onto consciousness, but i knew better than to trust that. He was bleeding everywhere, and i was surprised that he fought for that long. I stabbed him one more time in his back, right on his spine, and from the lack of movement and noise, i figured he was dead. 
My foot throbbed, and i was beginning to get a headache. Blood soaked my sock, and i walked with a limp, but i had to find Avery. 
“Avery?” i called out, my voice cracking a bit. I limped over to the hallway, and saw the door that had closed ten minutes ago. I heard voices now, and they were getting louder as i walked closer. 
“You called the police?! You idiot girl! Do you know what they’ll do to us now? They’ll put you in a foster home, and they’ll beat you! I’ll get sent to prison, do you want that? You don’t love your own mother! God, your always so over dramatic! You’ve been nothing but a curse on my life!” I opened the door just as the woman struck Avery on the cheek. 
“Hey!” i yelled, and i was at the mother in seconds. Grabbing her wrist and slinging it behind her back, i pushed her up against the wall, shoving her face into the stucco. 
“You don’t touch her.” i seethed, then my eyes landed on Avery. Her tear stained cheeks were red, and the left side was worse because of the slap. Her hair was sticking to her forehead, and she looked sweaty. Her breathes were coming out ragged as she sobbed, and my heart broke for this little girl i barely knew.
“Come here.” i said, letting go of her mother and taking the girl in my arms. She collided with me hard, her arms hugging me tightly around the middle. I ran my hands through her hair, and pulled the strands loose from her face. 
“You’re alright now.” i said gently. I heard a shriek from the living room, and a few seconds later a picture frame slammed against my head. 
Avery screamed as the shards flew everywhere, cutting the both of us up. I let go of the small girl and grabbed her mothers shoulders. 
“That was for my husband you bitch!” I didn’t want to harm Avery’s mother right in front of her, but something needed to give. No none hurt me and got away with it. I slammed her backwards against the wall again, and held her there at the throat with my arm. I felt the steady trickle of blood run down my head; the glass from the picture frame no doubt cut me up badly.
“That was your last mistake.” i said, then leaned in to whisper against her ear. 
“I do not want to hurt you in front of your little girl. But i swear, if you try anything one more time, i’ll take one of those knives i used on your husband, and with just one jab you won’t be breathing either. Don’t think i won’t just because your a woman. Because from what i saw, your just as bad as he was.” i whispered dangerously. She didn’t say anything as i met her eyes, and carefully let go of her. She ran out of the room, probably to grieve over her dead beat husband, instead of comforting her daughter. I turned back to look at the girl.
She had blood running down her cheek from the glass, and she was hugging herself tightly. 
I didn’t say anything as i took Avery into my arms again, crouching down so that we were at eye level.
“Are you alright, babe?” i asked gently, wiping away her tears and blood. She sobbed in response, and i knew i had to get her out of that house as soon as possible. How much could a seven year old take in just a day?
“I don’t wanna live here!” she sobbed, her voice hoarse and broken.
“It’s gonna be alright. I’ll take care-”
“Ahhh!” Avery screamed, pointing behind me as more tears cascaded down her cheeks. Chris stood there, blood oozing out of him in so many different places. His face was all beat up, and yet somehow he was still alive. I pushed the young girl behind me and pulled two knives out of my belt.
“Ave, look away!” i cried as i flung one of the knives at his chest. Just as the knife pierced through his skin, a bullet was fired. I dropped to the ground, covering Avery, thinking that Chris fired on us. But when i opened my eyes, the man fell to the floor with a bullet embedded into his skull. Tom stood behind him, a gun pointed at the spot Chris stood in just seconds ago.
“Tom!” i cried, and he scooped me into his arms. I could feel his heart beating rapidly against my chest. I wanted to do nothing else besides stay in his arms and cry. Cry about the fact that i was scared, even though i pretended i wasn’t. Cry about how badly my foot was hurting, but most of all, i wanted to cry because Avery didn’t have a father, or a suitable mother. 
“Thank God,” he mumbled, and kissed the top of my head. He pulled away and took my face in his hands. His eyes held so much concern and anger, it was hard to tell which emotion he felt the most. I glanced at the door to see Harrison watching us with a sad smile.
“I was so worried. I thought someone from another mob kidnapped you, I-. I don’t know what i would have done if you died.” he said, his voice cracking. It was one of the times he allowed himself to be this vulnerable; an emotion he saved for me and only me. 
“I’m sorry.” i choked out.
“What the hell happened?” 
“I got a call.” i said, my voice barely above a whisper. 
“I thought you didn’t do that type of stuff anymore.” He replied, his face showing just how confused he was. 
“I don’t,” i said, and wrapped my arm around Avery, who was still beside me. “But her step father was abusing her.” The little girl looked up at Tom with fear in her eyes. Tom looked at her with compassion in his. 
“Let’s get out of here.” Tom said, wrapping his arm around me and taking Avery’s hand. As we stood up. Tom shielded the girls face with his hand, not letting her see her dead step father. Harrison was leaning over the dead body and assessing the damage. 
“You did a hell of a job, Y/n.” The blonde said, giving me a gentle smile, to which i returned. We stepped outside into the cool night air, where Tom’s car was parked right on the street, as if Tom leaped out of the car before Harrison could park it. Avery’s mother was waiting outside, and she timidly let go of Tom’s hand and stepped towards her. I had a strong feeling to pull her back; to shield her from the woman who cared so little about her. Tom held me back, whispering, 
“Let her go, love. We’ll be right here.” He stepped in front of me, and took my hands in his.
“I’m sorry, Tommy.” i said, letting the tears fall down my cheeks. 
“Don’t be sorry, my love. I’m so proud of you, you know? You saved that little girl, and you did a damn well good job of doing it.”
“No I didn’t! I fucked up, i thought he was dead when he wasn’t. I could have gotten us both killed.”
“No, don’t say that. You slipped up a bit, yes, but you had him dead. He was dead before i shot him, because you threw the knife first. But that doesn’t even matter. You gave him a run for his money; you handled yourself so well, of course, i knew you would. You’ve always been my bad ass girl.” he said, stroking my cheek gently. I sniffled, and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.
“I love you, so much. You’re my everything.” he said, pulling back just enough to kiss me. He tasted like heaven, and he poured so much into that kiss, more than words could say. His hands held me tightly around my back, and my hands were tangled up in his hair. I broke away, and stared at him, wondering how on earth i managed to find the most amazing man out there. 
My eyes flickered back to Avery, who’s mother was walking away, down the street. The girl watched as her mother, the person who was supposed to love her more than anyone else, walked away from her. 
“I want her, Tommy.” i said, taking his hand in mine. He stared at the girl, and we watched as she turned back to us, tears running down her cheeks. I stepped foreword and held out my arms, crouching down as she ran into me. I held her as she cried, and i didn’t even try to console her, i just needed to be there for her.
“That can be arranged.” Tom said, as he bent down and hugged the two girls, one who already ruled his life, and the other who was just about to. 
2 notes · View notes
When I was 13 years old and curious about sex and love, I asked my mom if she had had sex before marrying my father (of whom she is still married to, and has been since before I was born). She said that that wasn’t really a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. I said ‘sure it is, you’ve either had sex before him, or you haven’t’. She brought me onto the couch and sat me down and told me about the boy she liked when she was young and how one night she snuck into his house while his parents were gone and they were kissing and he said they should have sex and she said that she wanted to save sex for marriage and he laughed and basically took all her clothes off and he raped her and as my mom was telling the story she cried and this was the second time I had ever seen my mom cry. She was 12 when it happened.
In grade 8 I got a call from my friend in the middle of the night and she was drunk in the park crying and told me that she went out that night with some other friends and they drank a little and her guy “friend” starting flirting and yes she laughed at first but then he tried to pull her shirt over her head and she pulled away and he ripped her shirt and it was her favourite shirt and then he pushed her to her knees and HIS BEST FRIEND HELD HER JAW OPEN WHILE HE FACE FUCKED HER. And so I went to the park and picked her up and took her home and slept in her bed with her except we didn’t sleep because she just cried and her mouth bled and this was four years ago but I still have to be the one to bring her items to the till it the cashier is a man, and she still has anxiety attacks and she’ll get a rash all over her body and I just want to kill those boys but instead they are still walking around. And I’m in the bathroom with her, dabbing at her skin with a warm cloth until it returns to its regular colour.
And in grade 9 one of my closest friends was kinda seeing this boy and so they hung out one night and then she said that she really had to be getting back home and he said that she wasn’t going anywhere until she gave him what he wanted and he parked the car and took off her clothes and she said no and he ignored her and so she laid in the backseat totally limp and just cried and it wasn’t even sex, he just masterbated by using her body instead of his hand and she came to school the next day with vodka in her water bottle and she drank all day and I had to fight her to get the alcohol away from her and she just cried and threw up and I skipped class while I held her hair back and that same boy texted me a month later, asking if I ever wanted to hangout sometime.
And in that same year my very best friend who has never even kissed a boy, confessed to me that when she was 9 years old, her 12 year old cousin made her give him a hand job and he told her that was what cousins do and he gave her a chocolate bar afterwards and she told me that he probably doesn’t even remember it but that it’s something that she’ll never have the luxury of forgetting.
And in grade 10 I knew a girl who invited her best friend over to watch Disney movies and then he started to put his hands down her pants and she said no but she is 130lbs and he is 220lbs and he called her a tease while she tried to fight him but he used one hand to hold her down, and the other to put inside of her and i was the one to push her inside of a classroom and stand in front of her while calling the police when he showed up at our school looking for her and she was so damn scared.
And a few months later I skipped class and was in the car with a guy who i had had unprotected sex with in the past while under the influence of cocaine but this time I was sober and I insisted we use a condom but he told me he couldn’t feel anything while the condom was on so he ripped it off and I said I refused to have unprotected sex again and so he just grabbed me and forced himself into my mouth and I was crying and he pulled me onto him and I just came saying “stop” over and over like a broken record but he must’ve heard something different because he went until he came and I just sat naked in the backseat while he drove me back to the school and said “we should do this again sometime”. And I had five showers that night and I scratched at my skin so hard to try and rip his fingerprints off of me, I still have the scars.
And I found out soon afterwards that that same guy had raped a classmate of mine, 5 months earlier and she told me about how he brought her McDonald’s first, and how he said they could take things slow and she told me about how he didn’t listen to her either. And he goes to our school and so after she told me about her incident and I told her about mine, we decided to report it to the police and the trial is currently still going on and he told people about it, except in his version we are just “asking for attention” and all his friends talk about how bad they feel for him. As if HE is the one that still wakes up screaming. As if HE felt like his skin no longer was beautiful, no longer belonged to him. And I held her in my arms as she bawled after giving the police her statement. And she did the same for me.
And I met a woman a year ago in a paint store and she had a service dog and I asked what the dog was for and it turns out that she had been so brutally raped and abused in her life, that the dog is literally trained to keep men away from her.
And I’m so FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF THIS WORLD WE ARE LIVING IN. How many rape victims eyes have I already looked into? How many more will I? And how many more friends will I hold while they shake? Because I don’t know how many more I can take. And who the fuck still has the nerve to make rape jokes? And… Something just has to change. Please, someone just start being that change.
-16 year old girl
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Dating Peter Parker would include
·      Being best friends with him since the first day of freshman year of high school
  You were super nervous all day
·      It was a new school and a new town, so you didn’t know anyone
·      You were about to cry at lunch because you had nowhere to sit
·      But then you see a table at the far end of the lunch room with only two boys and a girl who was farther away from the boys
·      So you decide to sit with the loners
·      The second you place your tray a few feet away from the boys, Ned hits Peter’s arm
·      “New kid.” He says, and Peter is immediately swooning
·      He thinks you’re so cute and he’s so surprised a pretty girl is sitting with them
·      “Keep your voice low” peter says to Ned
·      “Hey, I like your shirt” Ned says immediately after Peter
·      You look up and smile, and Peter dies
·      You’re like the prettiest girl he had ever seen, and Ned can practically see the hearts in his eyes
·      You catch your breath bc holy shit the chestnut haired one is gorgeous
·      “Thank you!” you forced out of your throat
·      Ned starts the conversation, and you pull your tray to sit right in front of them
·      You exchange phone numbers and boom your all best friends
·      At first you’re really nervous around Peter
·      And Ned has to do a lot of convincing in order for him to hang out with you bc he’s so scared of making a fool of himself
·      “Pete, you’re a fool anyway, with or without Y/n.”
·      “Oh, thank you, Ned.”
·      But after you realize you have so many things in common, your nervousness melts away and Ned can barely keep the two of you apart
·      Going over to Peter’s apartment almost everyday
·      Peter face timing you all.the.time
·      Like during the worst moments
·      “Peter I’m doing homework” “Perfect! Me too! What’d you get for number seven?”
·      “Peter, I’m watching a movie.” “Flip the camera around, I wanna watch too.”
·      “Peter I’m on the toilet” “Gross.”
·      Playfully insulting him, resulting in him not speaking to you for about ten minutes
·      Until your mom comes in your room to tell you what’s for dinner
·      “Heyheyhey I wanna come”
·      “I thought we weren’t on speaking terms, Parker”
·      Your mom inviting him over anyway
·      Watching Cody Ko together
·      That’s your thing
·      You’re not allowed to watch a new episode of that’s cringe without one another
·      So whenever a new episode comes out you’re the first one to call
·      “Peter Cody posted another that’s cringe episode, get your ass over here”
·      Him running into your room in less than ten minutes
·      When he got that internship at the Stark Tower he was really distant
·      He wasn’t inviting you and Ned over as much, and was constantly ditching plans
·      It left you really sad bc you really missed him
·      But you were also really happy that he was happy
·      Not really understanding why an internship is leaving him tired and unavailable every second of every day
·      Trying to talk to him about it but he just brushes it off
·      Ned running up to you and Peter in the hallway one day looking way too excited
·      “I got it!!” he practically screams
·      “Got what?” you asked
·      Peter and Ned fangirling even though you have no idea what he’s talking about
·      “The Millennium Falcon lego set!” Peter exclaims
·      “It has over three-thousand pieces!”
·      “Dorks.” You said, even though your heart was swelling over how excited they were
·      Peter insisting you build it at his house that afternoon
·      Only to be waiting for Peter for over three hours in his room
·      So you and Ned decide to build it on your own because screw you Peter Parker
·      It took way too long to build it and tbh you were over it after fifteen minutes
·      But Ned was so excited and you just couldn’t disappoint him
·      It actually turning out to be really fun
·      The two of you high fiving in pleasure after it’s built
·      Admiring the thing you could have sworn was stupid five hours ago
·      Then you notice the window lifting up, and Spider-Man crawling on the ceiling
·      You and Ned being in total shock as he shuts the door and drops to the floor
·      He removes his mask and holy fuck your met with the back of Peter’s head
·      He hits the spider emblem on his suit and it deflates off of him, revealing him in just his boxers
·      And woah he is hot
·      Like damn
·      Absolutely gorgeous
·      Molded by God himself
·      Anyway
·      “Holy-“ and then Ned drops the Millennium Falcon that you had been working on for three.hours.
·      It breaks into like a gazillion pieces and you turn into a mother
·      Like “Well how are you supposed to re-build it now that all the pieces are mixed together? Should’ve been more careful.”
·      But anyway
·      Peter is all flustered bc he’s practically naked right in front of you
·      “You’re the spider-man from youtube” Ned said
·      “No, I’m not.” Pete said, trying to make it seem like he didn’t have a suit at his feet
·      “You were on the ceiling.” You said
·      And you can’t really keep your eyes off him
·      But your also really hurt bc you were supposed to be best friends and how could he not tell you something as big as him being a superhero
·       Ned is completely ecstatic
·      You were smiley but still upset
·      You just weren’t gonna let the boys see it
·      Peter made the both of you pinky promise up, down, and sideways that you wouldn’t tell anyone
·      Helping Peter with his missions
·      Him sending you videos while he’s supposed to be on extremely confidential and dangers missions
·      “Y/n, look! These are the same weapons those guys who robbed the bank used! Oh shoot, I think they saw me-“ and the video just cutting right there
·      Being worried all the time bc if anything happened to Peter you might just die
·      Being slightly jealous of him bc he is a genius
·      “I got a 95. What’d you get?”
·      “100.” Shit.
·      You being the artsy one though
·      Peter coming over to see you hunched over your desk trying to paint something in watercolor
·      You beaming at him when its done, and his heart flutters bc your so damn cute
·      Not to mention your really good at painting
·      Him going with you to the store at 10 o’clock at night bc you spontaneously decided you wanted to get into embroidery
·      “You can’t walk around Queens by yourself at night, Y/n. There’s too many bad people.”
·      “You’re gonna save me from them, Spider-Boy?”
·      “Spider-Man.” He corrected. But you were so happy he worried and cared for you
·      Going back to the store thirty minutes later when you realized you bought sewing thread instead of embroidery floss
·      “What’s the difference?!” you complained all the way there
·      Turns out there’s a huge difference
·      Peter watching a movie as your trying to embroider things
·      Him rubbing your shoulders when you get frustrated that you’re not doing it right
·      “It takes practice, and you’ll get it super quickly. You’re the most amazing person I know at this kinda stuff.”
·      Dying on the inside bc you really wished he was yours
·      Him running into his closet one day bc his backpack of clothes was stolen again and he needed another pair of paints
·      Ripping a pair of jeans off the hanger only to realize you painted sunsets on the back pockets of his favorite jeans
·      Pretending to be upset but really loving them
·      He wears them every day now and never puts them in his backpack
·      Being great friends with MJ
·      As much as you love the boys, it’s really nice having a girl friend to rant to about girl things
·      Her trying to get you to admit your feelings for Peter
·      “It’s the twenty-first century. You don’t need to wait for him to tell you first. You go out there and tell him how you feel. Woman up!”
·      You still being nervous
·      Peter loves your hair
·      Like he loves it
·      It’s really long and he’s always braiding it
·      Or attempting to braid it
·      It’s really funny too bc you could just be hanging out and he’ll ask you if he can brush your hair
·      “You wanna brush…my hair?”
·      “Uh-huh.”
·      “..ok”
·      Him apologizing profusely when he just rakes through a knot
·      “Oww!! Peter!!”
·      “I’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorry”
·      Him coming to your window every time he gets hurt bc he wants you to fawn over him
·      But he also needs medical attention and he doesn’t know where else to go
·      “Damn it Parker” you mutter to yourself as you bandage his cuts
·      Admitting to him how worried you are for him and how scared you are that one day he won’t come back to you
·      As your rambling you accidentally admit that you love him
·      “I don’t know what I’d do if you died, Pete. I love you way too much for that.”
·      His eyes get wide and on the inside bells are ringing
·      Him getting so happy
·      You realizing and sirens going off in your head bc your 100% sure you just ruined your friendship
·      Him grabbing your face and kissing you
·      “I love you too. And I could never die. I’ll always be showing up at your window”
·      Now that you two are together you literally cannot keep your hands off of one another
·      Him always trying to hold your hand
·      He does that corny thing of pretending to place something in your hand, but instead laces his fingers with yours
·      You know what he’s doing each and every time he does it but loving in anyways
·      He has to give you exactly two kisses whenever you go to a different class
·      If your running late and really need to get to class, you’ll kiss him once really quickly and start to run towards your class
·      But he grabs your hand and pulls you into him so he can kiss you one more time
·      And it’s always longer and more passionate than the first one
·      Sometimes if he’s really craving you in between classes he’ll pull you into an empty classroom, press up against the wall and you’d make out for the five minutes you have before the bell goes off again
·      Omg the winks
·      If your eyes meet his, he’ll give you the sexiest wink ever
·      If your across the room and your watching him do something, he’ll catch your gaze and send you a wink
·      And sometimes he’ll bite his lip a little
·      I know, who gave me the right?
·      He gets all protective when there’s another guy looking you
·     and he’s sooo gentlemanly
·      Always holding the door open for you, and never lets you open the car door
·      “I can handle opening a car door, Parker.”
·      “Princess’s never touch door handles.”
·      He always makes sure you’re not walking on the outside of the sidewalk
·      Spending the night at each others house all the time
·      Sometimes whenever he’s out patrolling late at night you wait for him in his bedroom
·      If he doesn’t show up after 11 your more than likely already passed out either on his desk chair, or sometimes he’ll find you on the floor
·      He’ll try to pick you up bridal style but you wake up instantly
·      Except you never fully wake up
·      “Peter?”
·      “Hey, Love. I’m just gonna move you to the bed, go back to sleep.”
·      “No not the bed. There’s too many spiders.” And then you’ll pass out again
·      The first time you did that Peter literally searched his bed for half an hour trying to find those spiders
·      Ending up just sleeping on the couch bc he didn’t want to risk it
·      One night your passed out on his desk chair while youtube is still playing on his laptop
·      He tries to pick you up but you wake up again and when he asks you why you left the laptop on you said “don’t worry its under water”
·      He loves asking you stupid questions when you’re like that bc you give the stupidest answers
·      But sometimes whenever he picks you up you don’t stir, and instead just cuddle into his chest
·      It drives him crazy
·      May doesn’t really mind when you sleep over bc she loves you so much
·      Which since were on the subject lets dive into that for a sec
·      May loves you
·      Like the moment she met you she knew
·      She knew you and Peter were gonna be a thing
·      She always invites you over for game night, movie night, or whenever they go out to restaurants
·      She invites Ned too of course
·      But for you it’s a little different bc you’re the first girl friend Peter has had
·      And first girlfriend
·      She’s like a second mother to you
·      Wow love that
·      Anywho
·      Calling you the oddest nicknames
·      “My sweet bubba bar, come here.”
·      “Oh lemon goose!”
·      “Dear God, Peter, what are you on?”
·      He’s sooo dorky
·      He’s always telling you some science pun that he later has to explain bc you don’t get it
·      “What did Gregor Mendel say when he founded genetics?”
·      “I don’t know.”
·      “Woopea! Get it? Cause he did experiments on pea plants to figure out genetics?”
·      “That one was truly terrible. I need to flush my brain out with water.”
·      You secretly love his jokes though bc he’s so god damn cute
·      He’s Spider-Man (duh)
·      But let’s just think about the fact that he just gains muscle
·      Ok?
·      It’s your sworn duty to tease him about it
·      “Hey, Pete? Can you maybe lift up the apartment building? I think I hid my diary under it.”
·      “Peter! I’m entering you into the Olympics heavy weight contest. How much do you weigh?”
·      “Do you think you could make a statue just by punching marble? Like, most artists use a chisel, but with your strength I think you could just touch the stone and pieces would fall off.”
·      “…I hate you.”
·      But it’s also your sworn duty to fawn over him
·      Running your fingers across his arms whenever your studying in the library
·      Your hands on his abs whenever you make out
·      Not being able to keep your eyes off him whenever his shirt is off
·      Being Spider-Man means something new to him now bc now he’s saving you
·      Of course he’s worried about his aunt and his friends but with you it just feels different
·      So when you get in a car accident and go off the side of the highway its like his mind went completely blank
·      He was just swinging by and happened to witness a car slam into yours
·      Except he doesn’t know you’re in the car right away
·      The car spins across the road and slams into the concrete walls, completely smashing through it
·      The car teeters on the very edge, and in that split second his spider eyes on the mask zoom into the window and he can see you in the backseat with a friend
·      He just sees your face and immediately he goes on auto pilot
·      He can’t react bc he’s too focused on stopping that car from slamming into the ground fifty feet down
·      The car falls off, but Peter already has webs attaching to it.
·      The car is halfway down when he attaches all the webs to a beam holding up the highway
·      The car stops falling and is just hanging by a few threads
·      He knows he has about ten seconds to get everyone out before it starts falling again
·      He’s at the car door in .5 seconds and in .7 he ripped your seatbelt off and pulled you out
·      He can’t fuss over you or even pay attention to you that much bc he has two other people to save
·      And he knows that if he sees your petrified face streaked with tears or worse, injuries, he wouldn’t be able to leave your side
·      He sets you down on the ground before he’s back at the car pulling your friend out
·      When he pulls out the lyft driver the car creaks dangerously and breaks away from the webs
·      The car crashes down the street, but Spider-Man put you and your friend far enough away from the car so no one gets hit
·      Police cars, ambulances, and news vans are already on site
·      Peter can finally let himself be worried and he’s at your side immediately
·      Paramedics are trying to examine you but he won’t let them just yet
·      He has your face in his hands and he’s telling you everything’s gonna be ok
·      You’re so utterly terrified that you can’t really think
·      But you know that your boyfriend is under that mask and you just wanted him to hold you
·      You hug him tightly and sob into his suit
·      The paramedics just leave you alone cause they have two other people to attend to
·      Anyway that day was just wild lol
·      Your terrified of cars now
·      And heights
·      Peter is terrified of not being there to save you
·      Your parents don’t really care when he stays the night anymore
·      Which he does almost every single night now
·      He has his own drawer full of his things
·      It takes a while for you two to get back to normal
·      Homecoming being super fun
·      Dancing with all your friends was great
·      He looked incredibly handsome
·      You looked absolutely gorgeous
·      Peter’s just so happy you’re his
·      I think that’s all I have bc I just wrote wayyyy to much
·      Oh one more thing
·      Where can I get a Peter Parker?
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That moment you’ve read all fanfiction and have to scroll for over an hour to find something new
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“what are you reading?”
“its a…online book.”
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The Astronomy Tower
Hi! This is my first posted fanfiction and I’m really nervous about it. I’ve edited it a few times, and will most likely edit it a few more times. If you have any suggestions, or constructive criticism, or just want to say something regarding the story, please let me know. I really hope you enjoy  ❤❤❤
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: slight cursing
       At Hogwarts, there were certain rules amongst the students. Rules that were so stereotypical it was suffocating. There were so many of them that it was impossible to keep track of them all. Rules like Gryffindors were socially forbidden to date a Slytherin, or that Slytherin’s were the very definition of the word evil. Some rules were about friend groups, whether you had to have a special something to be a part of a specific one, or couldn’t do some things to be a part of one. Some stereotypes were more popular than others. A huge one was that Ravenclaw’s are stuck up people who don’t care about anything other than themselves and grades. Another big one was that Draco Malfoy cared about no one other than himself, and that no one was worthy of him, much less someone who wasn’t in Slytherin. I believed the first part of that lie for a long time. Even so, I’ve always despised most of these rules, so I never followed them. And today, I thank God for giving me the power to not care about what anyone else thinks.
       I remember my first day of my first year like it was yesterday. I was walking to my transfiguration class when I saw the infamous Draco Malfoy at the end of the corridor, surrounded by Slytherin’s who were much bigger than him, however, they looked as if they had the brain power of a rock. My heart skipped a beat as I stared at him. And then I witnessed him knock a boy’s books out of his hands, and when the boy went flying down to pick them up, Draco kicked them away from him. I was disgusted, but whenever I saw Draco my stomach wouldn’t stop lurching. He was incredibly good looking even if his personality was rubbish. Ever since then I’ve thought he was a vile person who didn’t care about anyone other than himself. That mentality changed in my fifth year.
       I was wandering around the corridors late at night just as I did every other night since I was twelve. I was coming from the kitchens, a cup of hot tea and a croissant in my hands, and was making my way to the top of the astronomy tower just as I always did. These late night excursions were so routine that the house elves knew me by name, and made sure to fix my midnight snack before I even arrived at the kitchens.
       When I got to the top of the astronomy tower, there was a platinum haired boy sitting on the cold hard stone, his knees pulled up to his chest. The gentle breeze occasionally blew locks of his hair out of his eyes, and he was staring at the sky with such ferocity, and I quickly realized he wasn’t blinking because tears were shining in his pale grey eyes.
       “Uhm, what are you doing here?” I asked, and at the sound of my voice Draco jerked up. He swiftly wiped at his eyes with the sleeves of his Slytherin sweatshirt, and they went hard and dry in a matter of seconds.
       “Y/l/n. What are you doing here?” He asked, his voice turning cold. He was a completely different person from the one I witnessed mere seconds ago.
       “I asked you first.” I said.
       “Fine. I couldn’t sleep so I came up here to get some air. Any more questions?”  He sneered. I shook my head no, so he kept going. “Perfect, now leave me alone.” He glared daggers at me, then turned away to lean on the golden railing.
       “Actually, Draco, this is my place. I come here practically every night, so if anyone should be leaving it should be you.” I stated coolly as I sat on the stone floor on the opposite side of the railing.
       “Exactly, you come here every night, therefore you should give it up for a night.” He retaliated without looking away from the sky. I tore a piece off the croissant and dipped it in the cup of tea.
       “Hell no.” Draco rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, muttering, “Childish”.
       “Go run to daddy.” I muttered back. This made him turn towards me, a look of utter hatred etched on his facial features.
       “You know what, Y/l/n, you know nothing about me. I was perfectly fine until you got here, and then you had to open your worthless mouth and start talking when I couldn’t care less about what you have to say, so do me a favor and leave me alone before I turn suicidal.”
       “You were the one who suggested I should leave first. If you wouldn’t have, I would’ve gladly shared the tower with you, but no, you just had to be a git about it.” I spat back, glaring at him.
       He stayed quiet for a few seconds, biting the inside of his cheek. “Fine. I’ll stay right here, you stay right there.” He looked back out to the night sky and exhaled heavily.
       “Fine.” I said, just to say something. I finished my croissant and gingerly sipped at my tea, but my eyes wouldn’t stop darting to Draco. The only time he moved was to sit down, and even then it was as quiet and barely noticeable as possible. We sat in silence for about an hour before he spoke up.
       “Why do you come here every night?” I leaned my head against the bottom of the railing.
       “I can never get to sleep.” I answered simply. He was quiet after that, so I decided it was my turn to ask a question.
       “Why were you crying earlier?” I asked softly. He scoffed.
       “I wasn’t crying.” I rolled my eyes and sighed.
       “Draco, I have a feeling we’re going to be sharing the Astronomy Tower a lot more. You might as well tell me now that we’re such good friends. I know for a fact you were crying.” He glanced at me with his eyebrow raised.
       “We are not friends, Y/l/n.” He said in a cold tone.
       “Ouch. And we really were getting along just fine.” I said playfully. “But seriously, Malfoy. What’s up?” He scoffed and shook his head.
       “Why on earth would I want to tell you about my life when I know nothing about you?”
       I paused a second to look at him.
       “Then get to know me.” I whispered, not exactly intending for him to hear me. Chills ran down my spine, and I suddenly got really cold. I pulled my hands deeper into the sleeves of my sweatshirt and shivered. Draco watched me out of the corner of his eye.
       “You’re not exactly the person I had in mind to get to know.” My eyes met his and my throat went completely dry. I sniggered to cover my hurt and rubbed my lips with my sweatshirt sleeve. We were silent for the rest of the night, until I stood up to leave.
       “Goodnight, Draco.” He tore his eyes from the sky and looked at me.
       “Night.” I walked down the spiral staircase of the astronomy tower, silently hoping he would follow me down, or at least say something else. At the same time though, I was terrified, because for the first time in four years, I had feelings for him.
       We acted as if we didn’t know each other the next day, and every day after that, because I didn’t go back to the astronomy tower for three days. Instead I sat in the common room and read books. After the fourth day, when I couldn’t take it anymore I snuck out of Ravenclaw Tower and ventured to the kitchens.
       “Miss Y/n! We’ve been worried, we haven’t seen you for so long!” I giggled and sat down at the nearest table.
       “Sorry guys, some stuff came up.” The house elves scurried to prepare my usual snack.
       “Mister Draco Malfoy came by last night to get warm milk and a cookie. Before he left, he asked if we knew where you was.” I almost choked on saliva.
       “That boy is quite odd.” I thanked them as they handed me my tea and croissant, as well as reassured them I’d be back the next evening. As I walked to the astronomy tower, I couldn’t stop thinking about why Draco would ask about me, especially since he avoided my existence before the night at the tower. I thought so much about it that I was surprised when I stood at the foot of the spiral staircase. I held my breath as I climbed the staircase soundlessly. When I made it to the top, Draco Malfoy was sitting in the exact same place and position as he was in the first night I found him, and it gave me déjà vu.
       “Fancy seeing you here.” I said, walking to the same place I sat in last time. Draco watched me as I sat down, and he kept his gaze on me until my eyes met his.
       “Where’ve you been?” his tone was almost accusatory.
       “Around. Why have you been asking about me?” I retorted, my eyebrows raised. He shook his head and looked back to the sky.
       “I’m starting to understand why you come here every night.” He deadpanned.
       “Peaceful, isn’t it?” He nodded and took a deep breath.
       “In my house I learned at a young age about the stars. I learned most of everything at a young age, mind you. Manners and intelligence. There was one time when my mother and I were looking out my bedroom window and she said, ‘Draco, did you know you have stardust in your veins?’ I was astounded, and she held my wrist and ran her thumb over my veins and said ‘Everyone needs iron to survive. It flows in your veins to keep you alive. Iron is found naturally in the core of dying stars.’ That was the most magical thing I have ever heard anyone say, and I felt so special. It seemed like the stars chose who was to live, and the stars had given me my life.” I couldn’t keep my eyes off him as he spoke about the star dust, and once again my stomach lurched, and my heart skipped a few beats.
       “That’s my favorite thing about the stars. We’re apart of them. They tell countless stories of millions of generations of people. They’ve seen the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids, Galileo fawn over them, Anne Frank hide in the secret annex. They’ve seen everything.” I said in a soft voice. By the look of his face, he seemed to be contemplating something. He caught be my surprise by turning his entire body towards me, and it seemed a bit odd because of how much space was in between us.
       “How about this can be our place. Our special place that we tell no one about. The place where we can come and tell each other everything and anything without fear of being judged. And we can’t tell a soul about anything that happens in here.” He proposed.
       I smirked and took a sip of my tea. “You have a deal, Malfoy.”
       And that was exactly what we did for three months. I quickly learned that he wasn’t just a prejudiced, arrogant rich boy, but he was so much more than that. I learned everything about him. About how sensitive he is, how he’s not the bad boy everyone labels him as. I found out just how funny he is, how his favorite color is green, how much house pride he has, that he loves his mother to pieces but can barely stand his father, and everything in between. He learned everything there possibly is to know about me. How I love collecting vinyl records, how much I love reading and tea, my cat Tib, my paintings, my family life, my mentality, and everything in between. It really didn’t take a full three months to fall utterly in love with him. It took about three days. Which is why I did what I did.
       It was December 23rd, the Christmas holidays. We both decided to stay at Hogwarts because our friends were, but also because secretly, I think, we couldn’t stand the thought of not being able to see each other for two weeks. He was sitting right in front of me, our legs stretched out so our feet were almost touching. He was telling me about some stupid thing Crabbe had said, and I couldn’t stop staring at his lips. It was getting harder and harder to suppress the urge to kiss him, and it hurt my chest every second I didn’t.
       “Y/n, are you even listening?” he asked, a grin on his lips. My eyes flickered to meet his.
       “I’m trying my best to, Draco, but your story of Crabbe not being able to pronounce the word asparagus is not entertaining. I’m falling asleep just thinking about it.” I said, yawning and touching my lips to show. He rolled his eyes and threw a candy wrapper at me, which made about half the distance, making me laugh.
       “Fine then you tell me something worth hearing. And make it good, or else I’ll tell you about Goyle missing a trip step.”
       “Everything I tell you is worth hearing.” I stated cockily. I started thinking about an interesting story, but all I really wanted to do was show him that I loved him. And anything I could do of that topic would more than likely tear apart our friendship. I closed my eyes and exhaled. Fuck it.
       “There’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.” I started.
       “And that is?” Asked Draco, waving his hand for me to keep going. I changed my sitting position from being with my legs spread out, to sitting on my knees.
       “Wow, that must’ve been so hard for you to do. I admire your bravery, really, Y/l/n.” He mocked.
       “Oh shut it.” My heart was beating at an exceptionally fast rate. I slowly yet swiftly crawled towards him, over his spread legs. His eyes never broke contact with mine, but I could tell that his breathing had gotten faster. I stopped moving when my face was inches from his, my hands at either side of his hips, legs at different spots next to his. I gulped and took a shaky breath, then kissed him. It was the softest kiss I had ever given anyone, because I wanted him to know that if he didn’t like it, he could move away. Our lips stayed like that for a few seconds before I broke it, but I didn’t pull away. We lingered in that same spot, my eyes glued to his, his eyes glued to my lips. He swiftly positioned his hands on my hips before leaning up and kissed me deeper than I kissed him. My hands lifted from the floor and held his face, and he wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer, so I was no longer in that awkward crawling position, but I was straddling him. Our lips danced together for what felt like a lifetime, but it still felt too short. When he broke away, we were breathing heavily.
       “I really wish I had the balls to do that sooner.” He whispered, smiling at me. I giggled and hid my face in the crook of his neck as he trailed his fingers along my spine.
       “I’m just really happy I stayed here for the holidays.” I whispered, making him laugh. He pulled me from hiding and kissed me again, his thumbs rubbing my cheeks. When we broke away we flew into fits of giggles, trying our best to silence one another, which only made us laugh harder. Once we finally calmed down, he kissed each of my cheeks and pulled me down with him. I laid on his chest while his arms held me, and he began pointing out the constellations visible in the night sky.
       That night, and every other night after that, he walked me back to Ravenclaw Tower, hand in hand, and kissed me deeply when we arrived at the entryway.
       When people found out, it took a while for the “stereotypers” to quiet down. Most people couldn’t understand why the Slytherin bad boy randomly started dating the good girl from Ravenclaw. But Draco and I knew the only one we had to thank for that, was the astronomy tower.
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I volunteer
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If The Marauders were Still Alive (headcannons)
(In response to an ask)
-If they were still alive…
•When Harry got his Hogwarts letter James immediately ripped it open without even showing it to Harry because he was just so excited for his son. Without even acknowledging Harry’s presence or Lily’s laughter, he just sits cris-crossed on the floor making little comments about Harry’s school supply list.
“What? You don’t have to read {insert book title}. It was the best! Don’t worry Harry, you can borrow my old copy, though it may have some old doodles in it from Sirius-”
•When Harry is really young he thinks that they have a dog because whenever Sirius is over he turns into his Animagus form and he’s over at the Potters’ so much that it’s kinda hard not to think that.
And James, Lily, Remus and Peter go along with it and one dayJames brings home a bright pink glittery dog collar and asks little Harry to put it on ‘Snuffles’. Harry does it and even though Sirius hates it, he keeps it on because he loves Harry so much (Remus like it too, but for *coughs* other reasons).
•When Harry turns eleven and has to go to Diagon Alley, It’s not just James and Lily that take him shopping, it’s the whole damn Marauders squad. They’re just casually walking through the streets and suddenly someone starts clapping for them, and then more people join in and it turns into just the whole street clapping for the Marauders because most of them remember hearing tales about what the group did, and many parents were friends of theirs.
Needlessly to say James and Sirius take a dramatic bow while Remus and Lily are looking at each other like
“These are the people we chose to marry”
And Peter is just laughing along and buying Harry a chocolate frog off of a street witch while Harry asks him why all those people are clapping for them. Peter just chuckles and goes “We had a bit of a reputation at school”
•When Harry goes into Madam Malkin’s and sees Draco, James immediately steps in front of his son as if to protect him.
“What’s wrong, Dad?”
“There’s a Malfoy there… can’t mistake him. I remember his father-”
But then Lily comes over and whispers in his ear
“Remember Sirius’s parents? They were awful people but look how Sirius turned out?” They look out the shop window to see Sirius with his arm around Remus’s shoulders sitting on a bench in conversation with Peter.
“You’re right”
And James himself introduces Harry to Draco, and the two immediately hit it off.
•Just before Harry is about to leave for Hogwarts, the Marauders get together (without Lily, because she’d definitely disapprove) and tell Harry all the stories they can. Harry just sits there in wonder like
‘How will I ever live up to that’
But at the end of the night, James goes and gets a box out of his room and puts it in Harry’s hands.
“This is yours now. Use it well.”
Harry opens the box and it’s the invisibility cloak. Remus then takes the Marauder’s Map out and shows Harry how to use it, then hands it over (“use it responsibly”)
•When Harry comes home for winter break he talks about how great Gryffindor is and his best friends Ron and Hermione, but also about Draco from Slytherin and how he has “the prettiest hair and his eyes sparkle-” and Remus and Sirius just give each other knowing looks.
And he’s about to say something else after talking about his classes but hesitates; everyone asks him about it, but he denies everything.
•He goes back to school after winter break and some time after his second Quidditch match as the youngest seeker in a century, one morning at breakfast he gets a howler.
He knows fully well what it is because he grew up in a house with the Marauders who liked to send them back and forth for fun-
But anyway, he gets one and looks at his friends and then at Draco across the hall because he’s absolutely terrified an doesn’t know what he did. Eventually (with much convincing) he opens it.
YOUR MOTHER AND I ARE SO PROUD OF YOU HOLY SHI-” and then it’s Lily’s voice.
“Harry, sweetie we’re so proud of you! You must’ve gotten some of James’s talent-” (you can hear James going crazy in the background; knocking stuff over and generally screaming like a psychopath) “where James got his, I have no idea”
And then it’s just Remus, Sirius and Peter going crazy (yes, even Moony).
When it finally ends, the great hall just sits stunned for a moment, before Dumbledore starts slow clapping and everyone joins in. All the teachers are just rolling their eyes because they definitely remember the Marauders. About 5 seconds later the Potters’ owl flies in with a new Nimbus 2000 and a note that says ‘Don’t tell your mother’
•Harry bringing Draco home in their 5th year to meet his parents over Christmas break, and when he goes home Harry has to remind his parents and uncles that “No, we aren’t dating! That’s absolutely absurd!” And everyone just looking at each other like ‘yeah, sure kid’
•Harry choosing to be a pro Quidditch player as his profession after admitting to his parents that he snuck out one night with Ron, Hermione and Draco to go try out for Puddlemore United because they had just lost their seeker and he made the team.
And James and Sirius crying with pride because their little Harry is going to be a world famous Quidditch player.
“There won’t be a person alive who doesn’t know his name” James said while ruffling his son’s hair.
•Harry in his 6th year asking Remus when he knew he was gay and coming out to Moony and Padfoot as Bi and both of them going
“Yeah, we know”
And Harry just looking so surprised and then telling them that he and Draco started dating in October and that he wanted to have him for Christmas but didn’t want to tell his dad why, and James (who was under the invisibility cloak)
“Yeah, sure he can come. But no sex after 11 pm.”
And Harry screaming like a girl from surprise and then sputtering like an idiot in response to the sex comment.
•Peter taking Harry to honeydukes before he was allowed to go with his school and Peter just completely spoiling him and buying so much that they can hardly get it home.
They sneak through the house to get to Harry’s room but meet James in the middle, who of course joins them.
They open the door to Harry’s room just to find Remus and Lily sitting on the bed with the most bored expressions on their faces. Harry looks down in shame and drops all the candy on the floor, but Lily just raises an eyebrow and goes
“Well? Aren’t you going to share?” An everyone eating their fill of candy just on Harry’s bed, and Sirius taking all the good stuff and running from the room and everyone chasing him around the house.
•When Harry turns seventeen the Marauder’s teach him to become an Animagus (and get registered). James is incredibly proud when he turns out to have a stag Animagus form as well.
Draco being terrified because he walks into Harry’s room over summer break and there’s a fucking deer casually chilling on his boyfriend’s bed like what
And Ron riding on Harry’s back to make a stupidly grand entrance picking Hermione up from her house in the middle of a muggle neighborhood
•Just the Marauders being alive please and thank you
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Vine references: Harry Potter Characters
Harry: Well I’m doing just fine…I lied I’m dying inside
Ron: i don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets
Hermione: that is not correct. Because according to the encyclopaedia of pl-pl-pl-pl-pl-
Neville: Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane tortilla
Luna: he needs some milk
Ginny: Go back to sleep, and starve.
Draco: hey loser, say kid backwards! [dik?] Ha ha, that’s gay…
Dumbledore: [HoW dO yOu kNoW wHaT’s gOoD fOr mE?] THAT’S MY OPINIONNN!!!..
Snape: *to the ghostbusters theme song* I’m an adult virgin
Lily: oh my god why can’t you just take the freaking compliMEEEENTT
James: People constantly ask me what’s it like to be a sexy-
Sirius: All I wanna tell you is school’s not important… Be whatever you wanna be. If you wanna be a dog…RUFF. You know?
Remus: [dad, look! it’s the good kush…] This is the dollar store how good can it be?
Peter: I brought you Myrrh [thank you] Mur-dur! [huh…Judas..no]
McGonagall: smack that bitch
Flitwick: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a hoe!
Hagrid: look at all those chickens
Arthur: road work ahead? Yeah I sure hope it does
Molly: every time you don’t yell at your kids, put a quarter in your sock and soon you’ll have a weapon to beat-
Bill: wOw
Charlie: So no head?
Percy: Hey everybody, today my brother pushed me, so I’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. The benefits of killing him would be: I would get pushed way less.
Fred: can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?
George: I’m John Cena!
Tonks: This bitch empty, YEET!
Moody: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Colin: That was legitness
Cho: Chris is that a weed?
Cedric: Oh my god they were roommates
Fleur: hi, I’m Renata Bliss and I’m your freestyle dance teacher
Victor: *slides in* Good evening
Dudley: Whaddup my name is Jared, I’m 19, and I never fucking learnt how to read
Petunia: I saw you hanging out with caitlin yesterday!! [r-rebecca, it’s not what you think!] i won’t hesitate, bitch! * pew pew *
Vernon: the cheese of truth *puts cheese on newspaper* immigrants cause cancer
Dobby: Hi welcome to chilli’s
Hedwig: Bitch I hope the fuck you do! You’ll be a dead son of a bitch I tell you
Narcissa: two shots of vodka *pours in half a bottle of vodka*
Bellatrix: I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you….bitch.
Voldemort: I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me
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Me painting my boyfriends Christmas present
"Alrighty were gonna make this quick, I've got two tests to study for. He likes the flash, so boom there we go. This should be quick...just like....just like the flash."
*10 mins later I'm still on my phone looking through twitter*
"Oh yeah right. Painting. Ok colors...colors....orange...darker orange....and the three shades of red I have."
*sketches out a lightning bolt*
*gets out favorite brush*
"Perfect. He is going to love this."
*ten minutes later*
"You know....this looks a bit...like..hmm...shit. Maybe if I paint another coat onto the stripes they'll look better."
*paints another coat over the stripes*
"No....maybe if I just mix all the colors of red to make a deeper and better red I could paint that into all of the white stripes..."
*tries that*
"No! That just made it worse!"
*death glares the canvas*
"You know what? I love it. He'll love it. It looks great. I'm done."
In the end, this is how it turned out:
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I want Finn Wolfhard to play James in a marauders movie
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Reblog if you support equal rights because I do 💕
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ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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what i call my friends: motherfuckers
what i call my enemies: motherfuckers
what i call hot celebrities: motherfuckers
what i call myself: ...motherfucker
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dashboard is empty again so reblog if you’re into:
- phan
- 5sos
- muke
- pewdiepie
- riverdale
- pastel edits
- stranger things
- bands like atl, tøp, p!atd, green day etc.
and i’ll check out your blog (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Reblog if you support equal rights because I do 💕
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