thecheshireninja · 15 days
okay but (young) amanda seyfried as apple...
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thecheshireninja · 3 months
Fav characters from both genders and sides: Briar & Dexter, Darling & Hunter
Character that I look most like: likely Duchess?? idk??
Character whose personality I'm most like: probably a combination between Cerise and Holly.
Favorite ship: Ashlynn x Hunter, my first-ever OTP.
Favorite special edition: Thronecoming all the way, though the character designs for Way Too Wonderland and Epic Winter are some of my favorites.
Favorite Webisode: "Briar's Study Party," "Apple's Princess Practice," and "Save Me Darling!"... if I had to choose.
Any EAH merch I have: I have the Shannon Hale trilogy, and I used to have several of the dolls but I can't remember where they went (Cupid's, DG Raven's, and WtW Apple's, I believe).
Whose dorm I want: I cannot lie; I would love Apple's room.
What class I would take: Creative Storytelling or Beast Care and Magicment!
Whose pet I'd rather have: Raven's. I would very much like a Nevermore.
EAH questionnaire to get to know each EAH fan better
Fav character from both genders and side, mine is Briar, Dexter, Cerise and Hunter
Character that you look most like, mine is a cross between Briar and Cerise (coincidence?)
Character whose personality you’re most like, mine is Lizzie
Favourite ship, mine is Daring X Cerise
Favourite Special Edition, mine is Dragon Games or Way Too Wonderland
Favourite Webisode, mine is Cerise’s Picnic Panic
Any EAH merch you have, I only have the diary
Whose dorm you want, I want Ramona’s or Maddie’s
What class you would take, I would take Creative Stoytelling
Whose pet you’d rather have, I would have Nevermore
Tag someone?🥺
@eahravenmh, @everafterwhat, @folksyfairy, @zvmz, @mirrornetsblog, @athena-xox, @everafterhighliveaction, @stealeroflemons
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thecheshireninja · 3 months
was just trying to research something in sylvain's backstory and
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thecheshireninja · 4 months
Pardon me but Meeshell Mermaid should have been a Rebel. I don't remember the details about her mom's story but it would have been so interesting if it had followed the actual Andersen story.
I get we already have one princess who's doomed to tragedy, but Swan Lake and "The Little Mermaid" are nothing alike. Also... Duchess is a Royal. They could have been magnificent foils for each other.
We were robbed, ladies and gentlecreatures
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thecheshireninja · 7 months
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thecheshireninja · 7 months
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thecheshireninja · 7 months
if neuvillette, yanfei, heizou, and cyno met...
I mean just think about it.
Interesting that despite how justice/law is the ideal of only one nation, it has representatives in multiple nations (whereas you don't have Mondstadt characters going on about contracts or Inazumans with a fiery passion for wisdom).
Each one of these guys would have a different answer to the question "What is justice?"
And considering how different they all are, their dynamic as a group would be very entertaining. A half-adeptus lawyer, a leader of law enforcement who embodies some ancient monster spirit, a prodigy detective with his own motives for exposing criminals, and the literal freaking Dragon Sovereign of Water. Yanfei and Neuvi would go on a million tangential discussions about obscure legal codices. Cyno would confuse them with his puns but Heizou would find them hilarious. And they all have horn/ear thingies!! (Except Heizou. Boring old human.)
They'd also be terrifying to encounter if you happened to be a criminal.
I can't be the only person who thinks this would be really fun.
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thecheshireninja · 7 months
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i am. so normal about this moment actually (<- is lying)
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thecheshireninja · 7 months
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is this fandom still alive…? if not, can it be?
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thecheshireninja · 7 months
i finally read a wonderlandiful world
I read the first two books as a little kid when they first came out 10 years ago, and I am not kidding when I say this series (and the rest of the franchise, I guess) spawned my never-ending obsession with fairytales, books, and writing. Yesterday I finally let myself read the conclusion to the original trilogy by Shannon Hale. I didn't expect anything that happened in this book, but I absolutely loved every part of it.
It feels like coming home after a long journey, or as Lizzie Hearts put it, as if "Wonderland found me."
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thecheshireninja · 7 months
has someone written a fic for this yet
headcanon that when ashlynn and hunter get married, ashlynn would have briar, apple, and farrah as her bridesmaids. but hear me out- she would make raven her maid of honor, since it was ravens courage to defy destiny that made their marriage possible, and ashlynn and hunter will forever be grateful for it. hunter would also probably give a beautiful and heartfelt toast thanking raven and all those who supported them. raven would cry.
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thecheshireninja · 7 months
briar beauty who has eldest daughter syndrome™ from having to raise her 8 baby brothers because her mom suffers from chronic narcolepsy and her dad is out slaying beasts and dragons, yknow like heroes do.
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