themadhatterwhump · 7 months
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themadhatterwhump · 7 months
I think hand trauma is so good in whump tho. Like, burning the palms of the hands, cutting them, going deep enough to hit bone or crush them under a boot. Caning hands, causing permanent nerve damage, removing nails, cutting a tendon or maybe just tying them behind whumpee’s back, forcing them to try to complete tasks without their dexterity, leaving them tied so long that they feel like they’ll never be able to use them again. Being forced to work with bandaged, bruised fingers, dislocating a thumb whenever whumpee isn’t fast or smart enough.
Hand trauma ♥️ you feel?
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themadhatterwhump · 7 months
no no. you don't get it. the reason I injure my blorbos until they can't walk is because that's the only way they'll ever let someone else carry them. the reason I curse them to be sick and feverish is so that they'll finally open up about their emotions while delirious. the reason I force them to overexert themselves to the point of exhaustion is so that when they pass out they can finally rest.
I'm doing this for their own good.
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themadhatterwhump · 7 months
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The Whumps of March
This is a multi-fandom whump event with prompts inspired by literature. For this inaugural event, I decided to take inspiration from the Bard himself. If it goes well I'd love to do it again next year, the universe willing.
Rules and info:
You can make your entries in whatever format you desire (Fanfic, art, Gifs, etc)
You can do as much or as little as you desire.
All entries are to be uploaded during March 2024. Earlier is discouraged but late is fine.
Tag all works #thewhumpsofmarch2024
There will be a completionist and participant badges.
There will be an AO3 collection (Link will be provided closer to the event)
Feel free to send me an asks is you have any questions about the event
The Whumps of March Prompts:
Day 1: These violent delights have violent ends (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)
Day 2: Forbidden Love
Day 3: Tomb
Day 4: Vengeance
Day 5: Love Potion
Day 6: Magic Gone Wrong
Day 7: Suicide
Day 8: Knock Knock! Who's There? (Shakespeare, Macbeth)
Day 9: Twins
Day 10: In Disguise
Day 11: Clangor
Days 12: Thunderstorm
Day 13: Soliloquy
Day 14: “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” (Shakespeare, the Tempest)
Day 15: Stabbed in the Back
Day 16: Madness
Day 17: Intrigue
Day 18: Family Feud
Day 19: Witches
Day 20: Hidden Agenda
Day 21: Curses
Day 22: Skull
Day 23: Not As It Seems
Day 24: "The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief." (Shakespeare, Othello)
Day 25: Shipwreck
Day 26: Betrayal
Day 27: All for Naught
Day 28: Fairies
Day 29: Tongue-tied
Day 30: Woe
Day 31: Bloodstained
Alternative Prompts:
Alt 1:Lonely
Alt 2:Castigate
Alt 3:Ghosts
Alt 4:Drowned
Alt 5:Prophecy
Alt 5:Kings
Alt 6:Dead as a Doornail
Alt 7:Handkerchief
Alt 8:Snakes
Alt 9:Fight Fire With Fire
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themadhatterwhump · 10 months
Whump ABC #23 - Whipped
Based on the results of this poll.
Whumpee's hands shake from pain and exhaustion and henchman rips their shirt apart, revealing their back. Exposed to whumper, whumpee closes their eyes when they hear them walk closer.
Warm hands touch their cold skin, leaving goosebumps on their way. They hear whumper scoff, who bows down so their mouth is right next to whumpee's ear.
"Your old scars will be nothing against what is about to follow," they coo and walk back again, whumpee bracing themself for the pain that comes with the crack of the whip.
The burning sensation makes them grunt, but it's not enough to make them scream. Again and again, the thundering crack rings in whumpee's ears, hot blood running down their back now.
Whumpee's body shakes from pain, their mind racing, wanting it to stop. Barely holding onto consciousness, whumpee coughs and closes their eyes. The whip licks at their skin another time.
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themadhatterwhump · 10 months
Draw badly. Write nonsensically. Embroider messily. Burn what you bake and cook. Get paint everywhere. Read half a book. Lose your mind for a bit. Plant things. Have faith in the process. Abandon 70 wood-carving projects. Get a kit and do some of it and never return to it. Get comfortable with sucking and losing motivation. Continue to create with reckless abandon.
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themadhatterwhump · 10 months
Whump Prompt #1304
@broken-lycan asked:
Hi I wanted to ask if you have prompts for emotional whump with two characters who saved each other's lives and are close friends? Perhaps with some injury caretaking like changing bandages or something like that? I really want to write something for two specific characters but am lacking ideas (even with whumptober coming up believe it or not) xD
Thanks in advance and I hope you have a good day! Your blog is such a good inspiration :D
Thank you for the kind words! So sorry this was pushed back due to my WT schedule, I hope you have a fun time!
I can give it a go:
"Why do you always do this?" / "Because you're always getting into trouble." - This could be seen in two ways: this could be the caretaker questioning why the whumpee gets into trouble, or the whumpee asking the caretaker why they always patch them up.
"I owe you one." / "You could start by not being so stupid."
"Is this the shirt I got you for your birthday?" / "Yeah... to be fair, I wasn't expecting [this injury] to happen."
"I can't believe you took that hit for me." / "It was your round the next time we're at the bar. Can't pass up that opportunity..."
"Does it hurt?" / "Not as much as my ego." / "[B], Be serious..." / "Of course it hurts, but it's easier to get it over with. I knew what I signed up for."
"I'll keep watch - don't argue - you're just gonna be stuck with me for a while." / "Wouldn't have it any other way."
"Would you sit still?" / "You sound like my mother." / "Hey, show [B's mothers name] some respect!" / "It disturbs me how close the two of you are." / "You don't call her enough. I'll be over for Christmas dinner."
"I should become a nurse with how much I have to do this. I get plenty of practice with you." / "Admit it, you'd miss patching me up." / "Let me get back to you on that one."
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themadhatterwhump · 10 months
Whump Prompt #1306
Anon asked:
Do you have any collars and dehumanization prompts?
I have a couple:
“Hello, pet.”
The whumper removes any instance of the whumpees names/nicknames. They are just ‘pet’ (or whatever else the owner wants to call them.) They’re not even called ‘blue eyes’ or ‘blondie’ etc.
The collar is one of those barbed ones, or a loop leash that tightens if the whumpee strays too far.
Maybe they’re kept at the whumpers side - forever forced to crawl by them/sit on their haunches.
It takes a long time for them to learn the behaviour… and it'll take even longer for them to unlearn it when they’re rescued.
The whumpee could eventually turn feral - taking on characteristics of a pet.
Maybe the whumper has a ‘pack’ of pets - I can imagine the new addition being unwelcome/being forced to fight for their food.
They’re fed in a bowl on the floor.
If they’re good they’re given treats (small biscuits, scraps of meat etc)
Over time, they feel anxious if they don’t have a collar around their neck. At first it’s claustrophobic, but then they feel too exposed without it.
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themadhatterwhump · 10 months
“So this is what you do? You find little broken dolls, fix them up only to break them again?”
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themadhatterwhump · 11 months
tw pet whump, abandonment, rejection
"Please!" Whumpee sobbed, clinging to their master's clothes desperately. "P-please, don't– don't leave me here, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
Whumper looked down at them with nothing but ice cold disdain, all that warmth and fondness Whumpee had gotten used to entirely gone. "Let go of my clothes," they ordered firmly, and Whumpee obeyed, because they were good, they could be good, they could follow orders.
"Please, forgive me, I– I've made mistakes, b-but I won't make one again, please. Please, just give me a chance."
"I've given you many," they said bluntly.
Please please please please I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry–
"Please don't leave me," they choked out. "Please. Please, I'll do anything, please–'
Whumper didn't wait for them to finish. They turned around and left, slamming the front door of the shelter shut behind them; trapping Whumpee inside with all the other abandoned pets and workers who seemed not to care for them at all.
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @whump-em @cyborg0109 @morning-star-whump @justanotherlokifan @2in1whump @lthrboy @justletmereadmywhump @florissimps @anonymous-tiangou @whump-kitty
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themadhatterwhump · 11 months
Not gonna draw attention to the post because I suspect the person might blow a gasket, but it's always so funny to me when you see someone picking apart fanart, in this case, a popular fan Ot3 pairing, and they're like, "y'all have brainrot, this'll never be canon, you realize that?"
And maybe I'm just ancient, but since when has fandom ever been about validating canon? Canon is incidental to fandom output. It is, at best, a guideline. You can stick to it, or you can go so far off the beaten path that you fall off the edge of the world and wind up in a new one where the map has words like "here be dragons" stamped in the upper corner.
Fandom is about exploration beyond the canon. It can look like canon, talk like canon, and sometimes even emulate it so perfectly you'd swear you've found the author's secret account, but it doesn't have to.
Ultimately, however, it's about having fun. And if you can't understand that, I have no idea what you're doing here.
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themadhatterwhump · 11 months
a rather specific prompt for you :)
whumpee is/ was trained and used a a guard dog. during their time with their master they sustained an injury that causes them to not be able to fulfill their job properly anymore. still wounded, they get thrown out, chained in some allay. whumpee expects to die alone and cold, when caretaker comes along and accidentally stumbles across the abandoned whumpee. they (caretaker) think whumpee is just a regular pet and don’t realize they have a still dangerous guard dog at their feet and decide to rescue them and help them recover. whumpee has never experienced anything like this kindness, especially after becoming so useless, so (after having lost their old master) they immediately bond to caretaker as their new master, and would do anything to protect and please them
tw pet whump, amputation, abandonment, past trauma, broken bones, medical setting, caretaker new master, murder, gore, dehumanisation
"Oh, dear..." Caretaker crouched down by the shivering figure, putting the back of their hand against their forehead. They looked... half-dead, honestly, so the feverish warmth eminating from them was almost a relief. "Who did this to you...?"
The poor thing whined, and they reminded Caretaker of a wounded dog; but maybe that was just from how they were chained up. This was all so horrible.
"Okay, don't be scared. I'm gonna get you out of the alley and to a vet, alright? We'll get you all fixed up."
Another whine, and Caretaker suddenly realised there were other issues apart from the visible sickness. The pet's ankle... it was twisted in a way they'd never seen before. It was swollen, a mix of deep red and purple, bent in a way no healthy foot was supposed to.
"Oh... Oh, this is way worse than I thought, isn't it?" They immediately regretted the comment when the thing looked up at them with those wide, fearful eyes, probably expecting them to just give up now and leave them. "That's okay!" they added hastily. "It's okay. Nothing that can't be fixed! I... I hope... I'll call someone for help."
So they'd been wrong. Some things were in fact beyond saving, and Whumpee's foot turned out to be one of them. Amputation, prosthetics... Whumpee was handling it badly.
"I know," Caretaker soothed. "I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But it'll be better later on, I promise, the doctors know what they're doing."
Whumpee let out a soft whimper, a scared one, and Caretaker thought their heart was going to shatter even further. The pet hadn't uttered a single word yet, — maybe they couldn't? — but their face was expressive enough to make Caretaker tear up.
"I'll be here," they said gently. "Every step of the way, yeah? I'll be here for you. I'll help. We'll figure it out."
How? Caretaker didn't know. They weren't planning on adopting a pet, but... they couldn't just leave Whumpee alone after all this. They had an obligation, a responsibility.
If anything, Whumpee's awe-filled eyes just made them more determined.
"One foot in front of the other. Slowly. There you go."
Physical therapy was a lot, but Whumpee seemed dead set on achieving every goal weeks earlier than planned. The staff had said it would take four to eight weeks for Whumpee to be able to walk again... and many more before they fully got used to their artificial foot. They were out and about within two weeks, much to the dismay of said staff.
"They'll hurt themself," they'd said. "They should be resting."
"They're very eager to come home, I guess," Caretaker had replied awkwardly, but Whumpee had nodded along, completely serious.
So now they were walking along the corridors, Caretaker supporting Whumpee's weight less and less as they learned the ways and limits of their new life.
"I know it's not super fancy..." Caretaker opened the door and stood aside, motioning Whumpee inside. "But I guess it's... homey."
The pet surveyed their surroundings curiously, then turned back towards Caretaker with a bright smile. If they'd had a tail, Caretaker wagered they would've been wagging it.
It made them smile, too. "You like it?"
Whumpee nodded enthusiastically, walking over to the new pet bed Caretaker had bought just a week prior. They carefully set their belongings down next to it, — a shirt, a pair of pants, a pair of socks, and a collar — then made themself comfortable. Testing it out.
"I think we'll get along nicely," Caretaker commented absently. "I mean, I like you a lot. And you seem to like me. I don't see how this could go wrong."
Caretaker couldn't believe their eyes.
This couldn't be real.
Was that blood? Was that blood on Whumpee's clothes, and hands, and... face?
When the pet spotted them they immediately fell to their knees, whimpering in terror. They tried to wipe their hands on their victim's shirt, to no avail.
"Whumpee, what– what's– what's going on...?"
Whumpee was crying now, getting more and more desperate about ridding themself of the blood, as though that was the only evidence as to what they'd done. As though they could erase it all, if only they managed to erase the stains.
Caretaker walked closer, eyes wide with shock and horror. So much blood. So much gore.
Their sweet pet had done this?
Whumpee scrambled to pick up some sort of equipment, struggling to hold it between bloody fingers. A lockpick, Caretaker noted distantly. They put it down on the floor in front of their feet, then quickly grabbed something else: a knife, this time. They put it next to the lockpick. Then they crawled back, flattening themself against the floor like a dog who knew it'd done something bad, whining as they waited for the verdict.
The stranger had been a burglar. Was it... self-defence? No, this had been a brutal murder.
"You're– you're a guard dog," Caretaker said softly, because they didn't think their voice could handle anything more. They got but a whimper in response. "This... Oh, dear. This is not... This is not good."
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @whump-em @cyborg0109 @morning-star-whump @justanotherlokifan @2in1whump @lthrboy @justletmereadmywhump @florissimps @anonymous-tiangou @whump-kitty
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themadhatterwhump · 11 months
Current aesthetic of my brain is a whumpee who seems powerful and dangerous to outsiders, but in reality is under the thumb of someone who both treats them cruelly and controls their every move 💖
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themadhatterwhump · 1 year
Mindless thrashing against cold metal restraints. Desperate, screaming, but the agony doesn't stop. The whumper keeps going.
Just to see the tension. Just to watch the despair. Just to inflict as much suffering as possible.
Just to prove that they can.
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themadhatterwhump · 1 year
yeah impaling a character to pin them to the wall is good but you know what makes it better? having to pull out the thing impaling them to save them
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themadhatterwhump · 1 year
I’m a sucker for whumpees with scarred backs.
The criss-crossing lines, evidence of torn flesh and burns, layer upon layer of scar tissue built up until the original skin is essentially gone. The reveal when they take their shirt off. How it stands as a testament to their suffering. Mmmm.
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themadhatterwhump · 1 year
My touch burns? Oh, no, Father, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to stop...? No? Of course you don't. Shh, shh. It's alright. Does it hurt when I press myself against your back? No? Oh, don't squirm like that, Father, don't be afraid.
I'm cleansing you of your sin. My hand around your cock is helping relieve you of everything pent up inside of you. See how you're already spilling into my hand, and how your hips shake? Of course it burns, it's like putting alcohol on a wound. It's only to purify. No more build up, no more desires, just let go and let me help you.
Your voice is so sweet, Father. You sing your hymnals so beautifully during service, of course your moans carry as well. Shh, shh, let me draw your desperation out of you. That's it. That's it.
Cry for God all you want. He can hear you. He knows you're on the path to righteousness. All it takes is you cumming in my hand and your vision going white. Really, quite easy if you asked me. Then my touch won't burn anymore. You'll be clean.
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