thewritingdumpster · 4 years
Dedicated to @bluejayjay, happy birthday
A kid sat on a rocking chair, their grandmother next to them, holding their hand, some cartoon was playing on the old tv.
But the kid grew up, he was a boy now, almost an adult now, fondly watching the framed picture of that moment, so far away from him now.
He picked it up, caressing the glass in a nostalgic way, before putting it down again on his nightstand.
Memories flooded him, making him sigh loudly and lay back on his back.
Closing his eyes, he let those memories lull him.
That rocking chair. His favourite cartoons. Her favourite old, dramatic TV serie, that he really never cared about. The snacks she will make him. Her house.
The house where he grew up, where he felt safe, in that way that only his dear grandma could manage.
A loud, muffled noise was heard in the silence, but the boy kept his eyes closed, a smirk slowly forming on his face.
His grandma house, the place that gave him so many memories, but not only about her.
Summer nights. Drawings and doodles scattered everywhere. Horror stories. The same snacks, but with different people.
The image of his grandma slowly disappeared from his mind, a small boy in an oversized moomin PJ took his place.
Ah, that boy, a living headache.
How they manage to stay together in a room without jumping at each other's throats always was and will be a mystery for everyone who saw them. It was not a secret how much they personality crashed, two hard headed, sharp tongued boy, both specialised in using intelligence as a weapon, spitting venom without a second thought.
Now, don't misunderstand them, they're not devils, I mean, their friends do call them like that, but they just are really honest, straightforward and a little bit tired of the disgusting society they live in.
To resume it all, they were two extra, dramatic and extra dramatic drama queen, one of them with a slight anger issue, and they were not going to lose their title to no one, not even each other.
Especially not to each other.
Hilariously enough, even with their endless squabbles, they cared for each other.
The smirk on the boy grew even more at all those sweet memories, suddenly opening his eyes, jumping out of bed.
Going down the corridor, he reached the kitchen, where the boy of his thoughts was cooking, wearing the same moomin PJ. He was humming a song, too lost in his little world to notice the arms sneaking around his middle and the head dropping in the crook of his neck.
The chinese boy jumped a bit, startled "Hey, do you want me to burn everything down? What the hell goes on your mind, you shithead".
He kept cooking, but when he heard no response, he craned his neck, trying to get a better look on his friend. "Hey, Hyuck, is everything okay?".
After another minute of silence, he turned off the stove, wiggling in Donghyuck's embrace in order to get face to face.
He managed to get a bit of space between them and he gently cupped the taller boy's cheeks, drawing small circles with his thumbs.
Donghyuck leaned on the touch, arms tightening around the waist of his dear friend, eyes lovingly boring on his face with a seriousness too out of character for his loud and extra self.
"Thank you, Renjun" he whispered.
Renjun stilled his movements, confused from his friend's sudden behaviour "Wh-What?".
"Thank you" repeated Donghyuck "for replacing happy moments with even happier ones" he tugged the still confused boy closer to him, nuzzling his face back on Renjun's neck, said boys arms wrapping around Donghyuck's own neck. "always worrying for me, always being here" he took a deep breath "you mean so much to me".
One of Renjun's hand slowly moved, reaching Donghyuck's head and patting his hair down in a soothing matter.
With nothing else being said, they stayed like this. Donghyuck's arms securely wrapped around Renjun thin frame in a protective way. Renjun's hand a gentle reminder on Donghyuck's head.
And maybe, even if they both are known for being extra and loud, Donghyuck didn't need Renjun to talk, in order to know what the older boy thought.
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thewritingdumpster · 4 years
omg mom did i just find ur writing blog?
I don't know what you're talking about
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thewritingdumpster · 4 years
It was not that bad
Oh, the things I would do for you
Heeseung walked around the dorm, aiming to loot the pantry.
But then something in his peripheral view catched his attention.
There was a pink bundle, laying lifelessy on the couch.
Now, this would've probably be normal occurence to Heeseung, given the fact that he share a dorm with the emo hoodie-lover that goes by the name of Nishimura Riki.
But he was more than sure that he heard the Japanese yelling in the top 3 room, probably too invested in his game.
The unofficial leader slowly approached the laying figure, step filled with wariness, you never know when they will try to pull a prank on you again.
He kept getting closer with no reaction from the unidentified pink bundle (he was more than sure that it was too small to be either Daniel or K and he could also tell that he wasn't Niki).
All doubts are vanished when he's finally in front of the sofa, coming face to face (or knees to face?) with shameless happy virus Sunoo.
Heeseung's perfect eyebrows shoot up.
The younger was lying in fetal position on the sofa, hoodie covering half of his face but not able to hide the tiredness evident in his eyes (or what Heeseung was able to see of them).
To say that he was surprised was an understatement, worry kicking in right after.
The younger was knew since the beginning as a true mood maker, a ball of sunshine, always ready to smile, laugh, joke and practice with his fellow trainees.
But any trace of his usual and natural bubbly self was gone, blank face and eyes void of that playful (and in Heeseung's point of view dangerous) glint.
"Sunoo-ah? Is everything okay?"
Heeseung gently shook the boy's shoulder, trying to get him back from his zoning out.
Said boy slowly raised his eyes, meeting the ones of his (almost) bandmate.
"Oh, hyung, yes, I was just thinking"
Chuckled Sunoo, sitting up, a hand going to rub his eyes,even if it looked more like wiping a tear, but if Heeseung noticed, he just kept his mouth shut.
"Did you need anything from me?"
At this the ace pursed his lips.
His friend clearly didn't want to talk about it, whatever it was and Heeseung couldn't blame him, with all the cameras around the house, they'll never know what Mnet will use for the program or how they will use it.
Talking about personal problems in this situation was kinda difficult, having to hide yourself in the most hidden corner, hoping that the microphones won't catch your conversation.
But Mr. Shiny teeth's heart shattered seeing his dear dongsaeng blotchy face and glossy eyes.
Hell, he looked adorable even like this, but this wasn't the ti-
This is where it hit him.
Maybe Sunoo won't talk about it, but Heeseung know what will surely at least make him smile again.
Yeah, it wouldn't make the problem disappear, but it will make the sad and gloomy expression disappear from his beautiful face.
Okay Heeseung, you can do it, is not so hard.
Inhale, exhale.
"Sunoo-ahhhh~ why did Jay ignore me when I asked him if I was cool too?~"
He did it.
He actually did it.
He talked to Sunoo in the best aegyo-cringe-worthy voice that he could muster, face contorting in what he hope was a pout, big doe eyes staring at the younger one.
Said boy instinctively flinched, back hitting the back of the sofa, eyes and mouth widening and hands flying to his mouth in his iconic adorably dramatic reaction.
"Sunoo-ah, you think that Heeseungie hyung is cool too, right?"
The leader added, still talking in that cringey voice, trying his best to remember all of Sunoo's lesson on "how to act cute, guide by the cutest cutie".
A loud laughter erupted in the silent room (if you exclude Niki and Sunghoon's yelling from the purple room because they would probably ruin the mood) and Heeseung could finally breathe again.
"Obviously, Heeseungie hyung is the coolest of them all"
Was the younger response, fully aware of what Heeseungie hyung did, fondness not so hidden behind his playful tone.
Now, Sunoo is not dumb, he is fully aware of what his (unofficial) leader just did, acting all cute just to make him smile again.
That's totally why he gripped his arm, pulled it until Heeseung was kneeling on the sofa and then hugged his torso.
Not because he just wanted to hug his dear hyung, nah, he just wanted to show his gratitude.
How from that "thank you" hug they ended up cuddling and sleeping on the couch was a mystery.
And so was the number of photos and videos that the others took of them.
But, well, if this is what Heeseung can gain in exchange of totally destroying his own pride...
It was not THAT bad.
Inspired and dedicated to @prikicarat
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Also, please, if you find weird comments, I am sorry, but I had to put some reference to my friends, good luck finding them and sorry for the cringe
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thewritingdumpster · 4 years
will you be writing again? you writing is so good🥺
Omg sjsbshhshsbsh I'm probably acting a bit extra but I'm so moved??? Like thank you???? And yes, I theoretically have some works in mind but I just...I never get the actual will to write them down.
But something should come out really soon (start of school be damned)
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thewritingdumpster · 4 years
The boy sighed for the nth time, watching his friends wrestling with pillows and blankets and were those his sister's heart shaped pink fairy lights?
"Care to tell me why it always has to be MY house?"
Three heads peeked up from under that mess, staring and the younger who was graciously sitting on his bed, in contrast with the way they were kneeling on the ground, trying, I repeat, TRYING to make a pillow fort.
Jay was the first to answer, followed by Jake.
"It's closer to the school?"
"We love your mom's cookies and she can't say no to me?"
Nicholas watched his friends for some second before giving his answer, smirking.
"They don't let me have sleepovers in the dorms anymore after that time Jay screamed so hard because he thought there was a ghost touching his feet, scaring and waking up all the students and guardians of the dorms"
Loud laughter interrupted the moment and the boys shared a look for some seconds, before Jake opened his mouth.
"Wasn't that Yeji?"
"Dude, a thirteen years old just laughed at you"
Nicholas stated, smirking even more at his friend, that replied after a big sigh.
"As if it's the first time that little lovely demon laughed at me, and it's abOUT TIME YOU LEARN TO STOP TALKING SO LOUD, YOU GIANT BEANPOLE"
At this Sunghoon sighed, his sister laughing again, since the walls weren't exactly soundproof and those two dumbasses just kept shouting the whole time.
He turned his head to watch Jake, who was laughing his ass off while hugging a pillow and the fairy lights, not wanting those two dumb giants to trip into them and hurting themself or to destroy them.
The two boys were not actually that tall, but tall enough to be intimidating if you don't actually know them, or if you're not seeing them fighting with a moomin shaped pillow in hand and some pretty cure's blankets throws over their shoulders.
They really should stop borrowing Yeji's things.
A knock to the door stopped the fight, followed by Sunghoon's mother entering the room with a big tray holding some cookies, chips and drinks for the boys.
As soon as the woman entered the room, Jake stood up from his place on the ground (being actually the closest to the door) and took the tray from her, settling it on Sunghoon's desk.
Believe it or not he managed to not trip on the scary amount of pillows and blankets throwed on the ground and it was definitely impressive.
The poor mother just laughed and ruffled Jake's hair (the boy was not joking when he said that she has a soft spot for him who doesn't).
"I thought of bringing you something to snack on, guys, have fun but try to not destroy the room, or to make the neighbours fill a noise complain, okay?"
Was all she told them before leaving the room while humming a sweet, familiar tune.
"You heard my mother, you two dumb bears, be quiet"
Sunghoon comment was fastly followed by Jay and Nicholas' whining and, yet again, Jake's laughter.
Said boy stilled his laugh, talking to the two whining boys.
"So? Weren't we supposed to do the biggest, fabulous pillow fort to ever exist?
"Yeah, with pretty cure's blankets, moomin pillows and heart shaped pink fairy lights"
Sassed Sunghoon, as if half of that stuff wasn't actually his.
Yelled Jay, almost offended, wiggling the rainbow one in the air.
"And the pink cute lights totally fit the vibe, don't be a bitch Sunghoonie"
Was Jake's reply, Nicholas being the one laughing this time, amused by the boy's seriousness.
Bickering, laughter and some wrestling with all those objects went on for some hours and Sunghoon is almost sure that his neighbours must be saints to not have filled a noise complain yet.
But he doesn't really care.
His gaze shifted from the ceiling to the sleeping boy who was lying more on him than on the mattress.
Not that he could've slept in a different way, since they were two eighteen years old sharing a bed that was meant for only one person.
He just kept staring for a bit at Jake, while carding a hand through his hair, just letting himself enjoy the relaxed features of his face.
Then his gaze shifted to his other two friends, lying on the ground.
They insisted so much on just sleeping on the ground, not wanting to use the living room's sofa because "what's the point of a sleepover if we don't sleep all together", adding that there were enough pillows and blankets to get both of them comfortable, while Jake could just share the bed with Sunghoon, "the pros of being a midget".
This might've started a little fight between Nicholas, who was laughing his ass off, and Jake, that just wanted to strangle the boy.
But even with those jokes being thrown, he knows that Jay and Nicholas just wanted Jake an Sunghoon to sleep comfortably, while they just opted to sleep on an handmade mattress made by an insane amount of pillows and many layers of soft blankets.
This is how they ended up with their long limbs tangled together, cuddling under a rainbow blanket.
And to think that those two are considered the scariest duo by the whole school...
Staring at his friends peacefully sleeping without a worry in the world, a fond smile made his way on Sunghoon's face.
And like this he fell asleep, heart full and head empty.
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thewritingdumpster · 4 years
Mr. Park
The CEO was standing tall and straight, ice cold stare burning the employees in front of him, all of them standing not so far from his office's door.
Those poor workers were terrified by their boss, his formal attire (that probably must cost more than all of their clothes put together) making him look even more serious and powerful than he must be wearing casual clothes.
They were just newbies, being slightly scolded by the man for their not being punctual, but it still was totally scary for them.
This was, until the elevator dinged.
Obviously not, they didn't heard it, nor did the CEO, this is a fic but I am trying to be at least a bit realistic.
What was I saying?
Yeah, the elevator doors opened, and there is going to start the fun.
At first no one noticed nothing, it was normal for people to walk in the various offices to do task, but this time, there was clearly something different in the eyes of the newbies that were being nagged.
Okay, so, now just let's try to understand what they're thinking right now, okay?
They're in front of their boss, being intimidating and shit while slightly scolding them over a small thing and then they come.
A weird mix between a fuckboy and an emo, wearing all black consisted in bucket hat, random shirt, black baggy trousers and a bag that was so going to fall off his arm if he wouldn't reposition it.
Next to him there was a fine looking boy, casual but ethereal looking, just like a prince that came out from a cheesy drama, holding some books to his chest and a postman bag dangling from his shoulder.
In the end there was another sort of fuckboy wannabe with a snapback pulled backwards and a smiling face that totally crush with his aforementioned fuckboy wannabe style, he had a backpack on his shoulder, presumably meaning that all three of them just got out of school.
Yeah, those three young boys totally wasn't what they were expecting to see.
But the most shocking part definitely was what come next.
"Oh, c'mon man, you put this suit again? I already told you that you look like a penguin, who would took their boss seriously when he looks like a penguin?"
Said the emo fuckboy to the boss, totally uncaring of those employees watching him dumbfounded, or probably just used to it.
His statement made the prince looking boy nod, while holding his books tighter against his chest.
"Yeah, totally old style in the not-fashion way, I expected better from you, Mr. Park"
Was what he added, as if stating obvious facts.
"Well, good afternoon Sir, I really like your tie"
Snapback guy bowed down while greeting the man and complimenting him, totally oblivious of his friends' disgusted stares, only giving a blinding smile to the CEO.
Then Jay, the emo fuckboy took the floor again, still side eyeing snapback.
"Yeah, sure, dad, we're gonna stay in the office until you're ready to leave, okay?"
And then finally was the CEO's turn to talk, fondly smiling and shaking his head seeing his son and friends' behaviour.
"Yeah, sure, try to not make a mess, there's some soda in the mini fridge"
And with some little cheering done by snapback guy and some "quit it, Jake" done by Jay, they took their leave, shutting the door of the office behind them and leaving the newbies behind, back to the scolding.
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thewritingdumpster · 4 years
He didn't want it, he really didn't want it.
Was what he kept telling himself while he was dodging student after student, ignoring who tried to greet him, clearly not in the mood for being polite.
He finally arrived at his destination, slamming the door open, not caring if this wasn't fitting for the image of the "delicate prince" that everyone put on him.
"-an put four cookies in my mouth at onc-HEY SUNGIE".
...he really didn't want it.
Sunghoon just stared at his supposedly older friends (even if he was pretty sure that mentally talking they were the equivalent of newborns), while letting the door close behind him.
"Awww, c'mon princess, stop glaring at us like that, you'll get wrinkles"
This time was Jay the one talking, thinking that annoying even more his already annoyed bestfriend would be the best idea.
"Wrinkles my ass. What the hell did the dumb midget do this time?"
"Owww, that was mean, bro"
Whined Jake, sporting a full package of puppy eyes and pout, as if it would distract Sunghoon from whatever took him away from going straight home just to check up on his idiotic friend, clearly already patched up, since the nurse left them alone in the infirmary, knowing that there wouldn't be any other kids needing assistance when the last period already ended some minutes ago.
"And I can be even meaner if you don't tell me what happened"
Replied Sunghoon pulling a chair next to the one where Jay was seated, facing the infirmary bed with Jake sitting on it, bandaged ankles propped up in the older's lap, together with a pair of (probably his) socks in the latter's hands.
The American was presumably going to put those socks on the injuried boy, trying to not cause him even more pain.
Hearing the ice skater's threats Jake's pout only deepens, sheepishly looking at the ground.
Upon seeing this, Jay took pity of him, explaining the story with a look between extremely fond and extremely amused.
"We had P.E. after lunch, we were playing basketball and after a dunk-"
"A really awesome dunk"
"Yeah, whatever, after a really awesome dunk he had a not-so-awesome fall"
This made Jake erupt in a cluster of whines, trying to defend himself.
"I didn't fall, I just put my feet in the wrong way"
"And then fell to the ground, forcing me to take you all the way from the gym to the infirmary"
A smug grin appeared on Jay's face while saying this, clearly enjoying the flustered and embarrassed mess that normally goes by the name Jake Shim.
In the middle of a smirking Jay with love-filled eyes and a tomato Jake, too occupied with his staring contest with the ground to notice what he was doing to the other two boys' hearts, Sunghoon grew even more annoyed.
"Care to tell me why I got informed only now? You was here for hours and didn't even had the time to send me a message until the last bell? Really?"
Sensing the slight hurt in the younger voice Jake's head shoot up, staring at the younger with big innocent doe eyes, face contorting in a sheepish smile.
"I didn't want to annoy you"
The world stopped for a moment while Sunghoon zeroed in the softness of Jake's voice and gaze.
But that moment was cut short when Jay slapped the back of the Australian boy.
"Hey, what the hell hyung, why did you hit me?"
Whined jet again Jake, rubbing his head while Sunghoon mentally thanked Jay for the distraction.
Being near those two dumbasses really took a toll on his brain and poor heart.
"Because you were looking like an ugly troll trying to act cute, c'mon, stop talking nonsense and let me help you"
Was Jay's only reply, that resumed his attempts with those damn socks.
Sunghoon watched the two bicker for a bit, or better, Jake muttering and Jay fiddling with the socks, that lovely fond look back on the older's face (even if Sunghoon is pretty sure that it never went away), before a little smile took place on the ice skater's face, carefully replacing one of Jake's foot from Jay's lap to his, taking the other sock and mirroring the former boy's actions.
Suddenly Jake's mumbling stopped probably together with his heart.
The unexpected silence made bot of the not-injuried boys look up, staring at a gradually reddening Jake looking back at them.
Jay was the one to break the silence.
"Hey, what are you thinking about now? Auditioning for m&m's Red? I mean, you're short enough and the colour is just ri-"
With their bickering (this time it was reciprocate) as a background Sunghoon started talking to himself again, sock halfway up Jake's foot and eyes glued to those two clowns in front of him.
He didn't want it, he really didn't want it.
Another smile took over his features, making his eyes disappear in little crescent.
But hell, if he's grate to have this.
Unbeknownst to him two lovely idiots stopped their argument just to stare at him like the purest of the arts, but yeah, let this be a secret between us, okay?
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