tonguetwisterrs · 26 days
Hello my conscious being - let them who hears, hear this transmission!
I am here to tell you to prepare to be awakened and rise to meet your own truth. This is a time when the veil lifts and many are found with their own reflections in the mirror of the Matrix.
Please be patient with yourself as you adapt to a new design, and be conscious of your energy! Where is it going? How is it being spent? This isn’t self-improvement, this is energy efficiency, protection, and maintenance. We have gone without self-*insurance* for long enough.
Be gentle with yourself as you unveil your shadows and rise to meet the truth. I’m on a journey to reveal more of these messages to the public and ask for your gentleness and support as I unveil, discover, and spread these incoming messages. 🤲🏾
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tonguetwisterrs · 2 months
Dream “it” so that “it” can be.
The 3D world has told you to look outside for inspiration for your creations.
However, Tesla, Einstein, and Da Vinci … can attest to the power of dreaming, imagining, and envision as a quintessential component of creating ANYTHING. whether theories, art, or conceptual wisdom…
Actualization is the process of transforming a thought into an idea and an idea into a plan, and from there, the transference of energy from the internal realm to the external reality. All that you see and know is a thought actualized, therefore, why actualize what has already been created when you could actualize what has not yet been thought of?
Dream! Dream! You will not find new creations outside of you. It is impossible to seek something not yet created outside, you must dream and imagine! Let your imagination soar!
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tonguetwisterrs · 3 months
I tell you…
The fantasy of your dreams is near, it is here.
The fantasy within your heart, the one you hide and yet replenish yourself in, is the key to the question you continue to ask … I hear your doubt, yet you do not know that the fantasy of your dreams is also the dream of your reality.
Continue dreaming until all is written and all is one. We stand up through the clouds to reveal the fantasy we have cultivate and yielded in the High Realms of our Souls. We stand up to single-handedly ascend our communities and lead them into paradise. Awaken - awaken to the inner fantasy of your Soul and connect to the divine Creator!
I wish you the best as you get lost in your fantasy and embrace the momentous possibilities ahead of you.
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tonguetwisterrs · 3 months
You don’t know anything about anything because you are it and I AM does not experience itself because IT IS! All you see and feel and “know” is you because everything is consciousness experiencing itself and you are but a piece of the collective galactic inter dimensional consciousness that formulates every thing and creates all. BE PRESENT!
You are experiencing “yourself” through the formulation of a reality within the consciousness that is limitless and expansive, one that is infinite. In other words, your consciousness, as in the seat of your Soul, as in the impenetrable source of all the light and life that makes your “human experience ”, is actively creating reality for you.
I urge you to consider how much you think you know about life and know that really, because you are within the limitless and infinite cycle of consciousness, the possibilities of reality are unfathomable to your human brain. You really know nothing because you are everything and everything just is, it does not know, it just exists. Breathe.
Take power in knowing that you can do something about your life situation by immediately changing your current perspective. Zoom out and see that you are and never have been alone. You are everything.
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tonguetwisterrs · 3 months
Return to the HEART OF THE CHILD ✨
I always wanted to be older when I was young. The wish led to not having enough present time with my inner child, neglecting the childhood needs in hopes of getting to be free in my future adulthood.
Now, I free myself from the misconception that to grow up means to leave the playful, magical, and miraculous universe I am, behind. I free myself from the myth that to be accepted is a real indication of my worth, for the Spirit within is not of this world, and thus will never fit in.
I give myself permission to be free in mind, heart, and spirit because I was born free and to that state I can return at any time I desire. I choose to come back to the Heart of the Golden Child, a Child of Love and Light, a seed birthed from the Destiny of Creation, embodying the fate of Galactic Cosmic Love.
Only the heart of the child can feel the gentle intensity of such an energetic wrath, and so to that heart I return…
Free me from the reigns this world has placed upon my heart and help fly to you, guide me so that I may find the liberation I’ve been yearning for in your arms.
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tonguetwisterrs · 3 months
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The power of wearing colors is so underrated. Wear any non-basic color and you’ll see what I mean. The colors you wear have the potential to make your day better! Colors have the potential to make that person notice you! Colors have the ability to express different auric non-visible and verbal messages!
Color awareness is asking yourself about the colors you surround your space and your vessel with. Do you usually wear dark colors? How do you feel when you wear these items vs when you wear more vibrant colors? Is your home filled with lifeless colors? What about your partner or your friends, what colors do they feature?
Colors make all the difference in the world.
Red: Passion, Love, Anger.
Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality.
Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit.
Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Nature.
Blue: Calm, Responsible, Sadness.
Purple: Creativity, Royalty, Wealth.
Black: Mystery, Elegance, Evil.
Gray: Moody, Conservative, Formality.
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tonguetwisterrs · 3 months
RADICAL LOVE is a rebellious act of LIGHT! Radically loving yourself is the best medicine to the Soul. Love radically! Forget about everything else. Everything else is fake anyway, love never dies, love is the only real part of being human that’s worth fighting for! Love radically, not for any reason other than it’s the only purpose of being alive and being human! LOVE! LOVE TO THE POINT OF BEING LOVE!
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tonguetwisterrs · 4 months
Dream! Dream big and expansively! Dream often! Dream yourself out negative situations and embrace love! I understand to many such radical positivity may be irrelevant and inexplicable, but forget about what people think! You have nothing to lose in dreaming from the core of your being! Don’t let non-dreamers tell you it’s unrealistic, because they wouldn’t know! Just dream until it’s your reality! Dream while awake! Dream a better world! Dream about beauty, miracles, and love! Dream the impossible and adventure into dimensional portals! Dream of smiles and butterflies! Dream of fresh honey and ocean waves! Dream and create! Dream and cultivate!
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tonguetwisterrs · 6 months
Divine feminine is the emergence of the raw and undiscovered parts of the Self. It is with the divine feminine that we plant the seed of master and supreme Creation.
Divine feminine is the gentleness with which we approach our spirit, knowing it is the seed the Creator has planted in us. It is with pure and loving hands that we plant alongside Tierra Mater.
Divine feminine is the very soil that fertilizes our Souls, the nourishment of our Spirit, the ultimate homecoming.
To embrace ourselves as divine feminine incarnations is to embrace the long-lost forgotten love of our divine mother, to revive love in the void we hold within, to come back to LIFE. 🦋
- Heilin Nikaury, 10/10/23
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tonguetwisterrs · 6 months
Dream Interpretation 101:
The truth is our dream state is a portal in which messages can be delivered. Not all dreams are messages, but there are many messages in dreams. The more we refine our dream attention, the more we can pay attention to symbols, dialogue, and finer details.
1. Record every dream you have by writing or by typed notes, every single day for 1 week.
This will allow you to develop neural pathways in relation to your dreams, which will make dreaming more controlled and connected. Additionally, it will you remember the content of your dreams upon waking up.
2. Note down the feelings you had during the dream.
Oftentimes, the feelings we or others felt inside the dream can tell us a lot about what the dream might be telling us. For example, you might note that a character in your dreams feels spiteful, and that might be a message in of itself. If you can’t pin the symbols, try to understand the feelings that were involved, and see if they make sense in your life.
3. The dream world is a real world where the imagination goes to play.
Giving dreams importance internally is the first step to opening yourself up to receive messages while your body rests. If you feel dreams are not important and can’t possibly add anything to your life, that’s exactly the experience you will have. However, if you open yourself up to the possibility that dreaming is a cosmic tool to help understand and manage your spiritual and physical life, you might begin to receive serious transmissions.
Dreaming has always been an ancient way of communicating with Spirit, our inner psyche, and the world around us. In fact, many prophecies have come from dreams. As a culture, I believe we’ve brainwashed to belittle our dreams so we could not receive message from the higher above. As we ascend and free our spirits from this system, we must take back the powers that have been taken from us. That includes dreaming.
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tonguetwisterrs · 6 months
Energy awareness tips for study, work, and execution of goals: 🎖️
express gratitude before studying 🥂Just a moment of silence in front of your work materials, and I say, “ I am grateful for the opportunity to channel my highest self through my work.” Expressing gratitude before doing any kind of work, whatever that may be, welcomes a healthy productive energy, rather than the forced motivation we often try to awaken within ourselves. If we bless our ability to work the same way we bless our food, work becomes a blessing rather than a chore.
Intention-setting🪐: intentions are goals. Rather than looking at our goals as these rigid and directionless item, we can instead categorize it into an intention. Instead of “I have to reply to this email”, think “I communicate effectively and consistently with my network.” Intentions can help us see the bigger picture of our actions as we fulfill menial tasks that may seem to be senseless, but that really are very important to the completion of our dreams, visions, and wishes.
Breath awareness🦋: I find that we are least aware of our breath when we are working, yet our breathing has the potential to take our work ethic to the next level, especially in the present moment of action. As you are working on a task, start to become aware of how you are breathing, and try to manage your breath to a capacity that makes you feel relaxed and present. This may be a better way to get to a focus state rather than forcing yourself to pay attention only to read the same sentence over and over again because you can’t get your head together!
You must be confident that you are capable of handling your own responsibilities. In other words, be confidently accountable for your actions. You are a blessed individual who has been granted the ability to contribute to society, be of service to others, and learn something new. This can feel like a daunting responsibility, true, but you must be confident that you are given responsibilities because you are important. Important people don’t just have important responsibilities, they handle them with swiftness, fierceness, and consciousness. That assertive level of doing becomes their level of being! Why? Because they truly have confidence in their ability to succeed in anything that Life may set before them, even if that means altering, switching things around, or taking a more gentle approach. Whatever the case may be take accountability for your habits, where they place you, and where you are presently. Learn to be confident in the way you handle your workload, and you will slowly get to a more confident level day by day.
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tonguetwisterrs · 11 months
She is compassion. She is kindness. She is patience.
It is with compassion that we can look at our neighbor in the eye and forgive them for their mistakes. It is with kindness that we can be gentle and forgive ourselves for the opportunities missed. It is with patience that we understand that mistakes take time to heal, and more time to learn from. Embrace compassion so that you may help your neighbor heal. Embrace kindness so you may help yourself heal. Embrace patience so you won’t be knocked by the world while you are searching for yourself.
Xo, Heils
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tonguetwisterrs · 11 months
I had to meet myself at my highest potential.
Perhaps that meant not fulfilling the expectations my past self had of me, or letting down the perceptions others had of me that were not me.
What I knew was that I owed it to myself to meet me at my highest potential, at my highest capacity, at my most wildly authentic Self. I owed it to myself to meet her.
There was nothing in the way now. Just me. I won’t let anyone or anything get in the way of this Union I’ve got with myself. This time, just step aside and let God do the work.
Xo, Heils
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tonguetwisterrs · 1 year
I only know of the beauty of my feelings because I’m willing to listen to myself in my darkest moments. In my darkness, I have found solitude. Solitude has allowed me to develop strength and mental clarity, and from there, I am consistently developing my character.
I only know of the beauty of what I feel because the seeds I sow now are beautiful flowers. This is what happens when you come from Love, because when you come from Love , you get Love. In your light, in your darkness, remember that you are beautiful no matter where you stand.
Xo, Heils
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tonguetwisterrs · 1 year
I remember the days when I felt like the world was against me. That was before I realized the Universe is always conspiring in my favor, even my worst days are some of my best.
Whenever you have a bad day, remember perspective makes a good day and it also makes a bad day. Change your perspective, embrace how blessed you are, no matter how much you have.
Xo, Heils
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