tonyherz69 · 2 years
“The ones who notice the storm in your eyes, the silence in your voice and the heaviness in your heart are the ones you need to let in.”
— Steve Maraboli
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tonyherz69 · 2 years
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tonyherz69 · 2 years
“Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing, that we see too late the one that is open.”
— Alexander Graham Bell
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tonyherz69 · 2 years
Не прощавам, а се смилявам
Не обичам, а се пленявам
Не се развивам, а се усложнявам
Не се ядосвам, а се разачоровам
Не уча, а се поучавам
Не греша, а се заблуждавам
Не живея, а просто съществувам
-Т. Петров
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tonyherz69 · 2 years
If your absence doesn't bother them
then your presence never mattered to them in the first place
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tonyherz69 · 2 years
I have brown eyes, but they aren't the kind of brown that people write poems about.
They are dark and sable like the bottom of a well.
They look black in most lights, there's no hint of yellow or green
It's all the same
Maybe I'm just complaining and if I had green eyes or blue eyes, I'd be complaining too
Maybe we just want to be someone new.
We all want to be everything but what we are
-T. Petrov
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tonyherz69 · 2 years
And when the diamonds leave their bones
You can see their sins starting to show
And just like the moon at dawn,
they can't shine, they can just craw
What they don't want you to know
Is that they are trying to steal your lives' control
They will leave you all alone,
as soon as they start to get bored
And you are wondering why, when life feels so good
It can collapse like a broken rosewood
But now you can see that their souls,
are empty with no emotions at all
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tonyherz69 · 4 years
Trapped in my own Body.
i started placing myself in this "cage", in this "safe place", telling myself everything is okay, i am okay.
but my body knows that i'm not okay.
my body hits me with anxiety, panic attacks and fear, telling me that i need to get out from this shell i made for myself.
the feeling that you can't breath,that you will get a heart attack, that you will loose your mind, it''s like a demon crawling to my heart spreading fear among my mind, whispering
- you're going to die, you''re helples.
I need to let my emotions flow, stop figting them and just for a moment to listen to them.
I want to cry, i want to scream and let the pain go through me, just letting go of everything that i kept in me, but i can't.
I've build a ,"wall", a" cage" for my emotions, but with time and patience,with help from my loved ones, with the help of psychologist and most importanly , with my help, i started feeling better, i started to cry and cry , even when my thoughts yeled in my mind ,, dont cry, stand up , nothing happened'' i just cried, and i started feeling the pain flooding my body .
Feeling this chock in my throat , but in the end, that was what helped me- letting go of the pain ,letting go of this tramatic event that happened in my life, just letting gо.
I will tame this Demon as well.
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tonyherz69 · 4 years
From childhood’s hour I have not been
As others were—I have not seen
As others saw—I could not bring
My passions from a common spring—
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow—I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone—
And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone—
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tonyherz69 · 5 years
And I can tell that you didn't have
To face your mother losing her lover.
Without saying goodbye.
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tonyherz69 · 5 years
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tonyherz69 · 5 years
"Why do we close our eyes when we pray,when we cry,when we kiss,when we dream,because the most beautiful things in our life are not seen,but felt only by the heart"
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tonyherz69 · 5 years
It gets easier.Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.
Bojack horseman
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tonyherz69 · 5 years
What do you feel after all that pain, after the betrayal,after the hate, after the depression and anxiety, how do you feel after all those days thinking and overthinking everything. How do you feel after your whole world became hell. How and what are you feeling.
You don't feel anything , every day is the same now. You get drunk every night just to feel alive, but even that doesn't work anymore , but after all , you know that you're getting better.
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tonyherz69 · 5 years
Those who can't lie, believe that everyone is telling the truth.
Franz Kafka
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tonyherz69 · 5 years
Same thing that always happens. You didn't know me and then you fell in love with me. And now you know me.
Bojack horseman
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tonyherz69 · 5 years
Never forget 3 types of people in your life:
Who helped you in your difficult times.
Who left you in your difficult times.
Who put you in difficult times.
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