trivolous · 3 years
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trivolous · 3 years
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trivolous · 3 years
Success @ Correct Cost & with Correct Mindset : Aha Moment #4
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Problem: Achieving success at any cost.
Solution: If you think it is alright to achieve success at any cost, then this post is not for you. We all need success in every aspect of our lives, without which, after a certain point of time, it becomes very difficult to move on without any achievement. In our day to day life we aim for various kinds of success like, academic success, personal success, professional success, financial success etc. Sometimes we achieve them and sometimes we don’t. At times we are very passionate, desperate & highly aggressive (charged mindset) about our aimed success and we are indifferent, less motivated & submissive (low mindset) the rest of the time. In both scenarios, the probability of failure is higher. And even if we achieve our desired success with a charged or low mindset, we learn nothing about correct mindset, which we can apply in our future endeavors. We get better results when we adopt the correct mindset.
We know success is not free but, we do not know the correct price of a specific success and as a result we end up paying either a very high or very low price for it (we often sacrifice our health, personal success to achieve professional or financial success). The price tag of success is not visible. It takes a lot of experience and maturity to understand the correct price of a specific success. Ironically, no matter what price we pay, success is never guaranteed (not discussing accidental success). But the probability of success is highest around the correct price zone.
Success is not permanent. No matter, however and whatever we win or how much we accumulate, the value or benefit of success will surely go away some day and surprisingly way too early in some cases.
I admit that there are a plethora of other factors, that are responsible for achieving success. And I hope to discuss, what should be the correct price & mindset for a specific success, in one of my future posts. Until then, spread love, take care & give this post some success :)
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trivolous · 3 years
Correct Question #1
What am I doing on this Planet?
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trivolous · 3 years
Reminder #1
'I' am not happy.
'My mind' is happy.
'I' am not sad.
'My mind' is sad.
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trivolous · 3 years
Please shut up, keep quiet, Leave me alone, O mind.
Just sit there quietly for a while, Don't crave for my attention, O dear mind.
Don't bother me with your sadness, With your happiness, They are not mine. Been listening to you for a long time Trust me, your desires are not mine.
You are very clever, very smart Don't assure any more, I'm you Like the sky is not blue, I'm not you, I'm not you.
Your thoughts are only yours, and, I've got nothing to do... 'cause, I see it through.
Message received via 'Divine Telegram' listen! ...O dear mind Now I really know, who I am.
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trivolous · 3 years
Illusion, Ignorance & Error: Aha Moment#3
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Problem: Illusion not only distorts our senses, it also creates ignorance. And ignorance leads us to error.
Solution: I believe illusion stands between me and reality. I am surrounded by illusion all the time. The universe is an illusion to me and I'm also an illusion to the universe. As after a heavy snowfall I only see snow everywhere, not the actual landscape, as in a gathering, I only see beautiful facial makeup and not the original face. The job of illusion is to conceal the reality.Another job of illusion is to present unreal as real in a very compelling way... in a very pleasant way, in such a way that it is practically difficult to believe it's unreal. Everything that I chase, including the dream job, dream house, dream girl is just an illusion.(when I think like this it saves me from overcompensating for success and burnout. The idea is to give less weightage to the illusion, I don’t hate or disapprove of the illusion, rather I acknowledge its existence and since I know it’s unreal I just transact it with dispassion.) I see only illusions around me, and since illusions lead to error, the only way to avoid illusion is to see through it. This approach takes time. I see the logic behind this approach and got some positive results.
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trivolous · 3 years
Personal Me, Professional Me, Spiritual Me: Aha Moment#2
Problem: Though we all experience a certain amount of Self-Doubt on occasions, if not handled properly Self-Doubt can be fatal. Moreover, when in self doubt we look for answers in the wrong location.
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Solution: Before permanently solving any problem we first need to acknowledge that there is a problem (denial hardly helps in the long run) and then understand the nature of the problem. Interestingly, if someone already know his or her real self, he or she will never experience self-doubt. Now, knowing the ‘Real-Self’ is a lifelong journey. An entirely different kind of approach, study and practice is required to achieve that. Which we are not going to discuss in this post. Instead I’m sharing a simple and practical solution to this problem that worked for me. I believe that I have three aspects of me: Personal Me, Professional Me & Spiritual Me. Whenever I experience self-doubt I ask myself, is it a professional self doubt? personal self doubt? or spiritual self doubt? … let's say it's a personal self doubt, then I only look for the solution in my personal life, and not in my professional or spiritual life. The probability of getting correct answers increases many fold when I look into the correct place. And needless to say I apply the same rule for professional & spiritual self-doubt. This way, I started receiving better results for myself. Maybe in my future posts I’ll discuss each aspect in detail. Until then take care:)
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trivolous · 3 years
Action Vs. Intention: Aha moment #1
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Conflict generally starts when intention is good but action is bad. Temporary good action with permanent ill intention is more dangerous, and capable of doing more damage. Sometimes, we are judged by our actions, and sometimes by our intentions. Since actions are certainly more visible than intentions, most of the time we are judged by our actions and also by wrong interpretation of our actions by others (separate topic). You didn't mean no harm, and have love in your heart but failed to show it by your actions, when needed the most.
Display good intention with good action. Be humble. Be careful with your actions. Good intentions alone are not sufficient. Ignore bad actions, intentions of others and focus on your good intentions, actions first. Its tough, but do it anyway:)
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trivolous · 3 years
Who am I not? Who am I? through the lens of Mandukya Upanishad.
A boy & his questions:
Who am I? What is life? What is the world? Who is God? What is religion? These sorts of questions have always bothered me since childhood. Back then, unfortunately I could not find a teacher who could help me find these answers. So I used to try to initiate discussions based on these questions, whenever I could, across my circles with the hope to move closer to the answer. But I was discouraged in every possible way by everyone. The best response I received was “It's too early to discuss all this”. After a while I moved on with my life without the answers. Perhaps I was not desperate enough. Life simply kept on happening there after, I kept on reacting to my situations and my search for those questions became intermittent.
The answers & Credits:
Around July 2015, one day, I stumbled onto a video lecture of revered Swami Sarvapriyanandaji Maharaj of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, and I found answers to all my questions.What a relief! It felt like...(Since I don't have the necessary writing skills to explain, I’ll let you imagine the amount of joy that I experienced that day) I can’t thank Swamiji enough for the lecture. You may also check it out here (I took help from resources that are available in the public domain). So, after finding those answers everything changed for me overnight...no it only happens in fiction (exceptions are there). But I can tell you for sure, after finding those answers, my real journey began. I reached the actual starting point. I became ready to make more effort with zero expectation. I am not in a hurry. I know future events are uncertain, I don't want to predict anything at all. I’m only certain inside. That's all.
Warming up:
I was glad to know that the most profound & direct answers of my questions are hidden in the 7th Mantra of Mandukya Upanishad. But It was completely impossible for me to directly read and understand the answer without any preparation. So, I had to warm up with two things first, Advaita (Non-Dual) Vedanta Approach & Few sanskrit terms.
The Advaita (Non-Dual) Vedanta Approach:
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As stated in Table:1, Gold is the ultimate reality and bangle, necklace & ring are just objects with different names and forms. Gold can continue to exist forever without bangles, necklaces & rings but not the other way around. Different names and forms like bangles, necklaces & rings are temporary appearances.Gold is the permanent, unchanging reality of these objects. Bangles, necklaces & rings are false, Gold is true. The same argument is true for Wood as well. Now with this understanding let's look into Table:2.
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In our everyday life we all wake up from sleep, we all go to sleep, sometimes we sleep and dream, sometimes we only sleep without dreaming. This happens to every human being. As per this approach, in Table:2, when I’m awake I’m known as the Waker (Vishwa) operating in the Waking World(Jagrat Prapancha) in a Waking (Jagrat) state. When I’m sleeping and dreaming, I’m known as the Dreamer (Taijasa)operating in the Dreaming World (Swapnah Prapancha) in a Dreaming (Swapnah) state. And when I’m only sleeping, not dreaming I’m known as the Deep-Sleeper (Pragyana-ghanam) experiencing nothing in a Deep-Sleeping (Sushupti) state. The Waking, Dreaming, Deep-Sleeping are temporary states Turiya is permanent. Advaita Vedanta claims that my real nature is not the Waker, not the Dreamer, Not the Deep-Sleeper. My real nature is Turiya, the pure consciousness that has to be realized.
Sanskrit Terms:
Antah Pragyam = Dreamer, Bahish Pragyam = Waker, Uvayatah Pragyam = In between, Pragyana-ghanam = Deep-sleeper, Pragyam = Omniscient, Apragyam = Lifeless, Drishtyam = Visible, Vyava-harayam = Transactable, Grahyam = Graspable, Lakshanam = Sign/indicator, Chintyam = Thinkable, Vyapadesyam = Expressable, Prapancha = Visible world, Upasamam = Cessation.
The 7th Mantra of Mandukya Upanishad:
नान्तःप्रज्ञं न बहिःप्रज्ञं नोभयतःप्रज्ञं न प्रज्ञानघनं न प्रज्ञं नाप्रज्ञम् | अदृश्यमव्यवहार्यमग्राह्यमलक्षणमचिन्त्यमव्यपदेश्यमेकात्मप्रत्ययसारं प्रपञ्चोपशमं शान्तं शिवमद्वैतं चतुर्थं मन्यन्ते स आत्मा स विज्ञेयः ||
The Audio:
I broke a couple of my teeth while recording this (almost) but it was worth the try.
The Meaning:
This is my interpretation of the mantra, and it may be partially or fully wrong :)
Who am I not?
नान्तःप्रज्ञं (Na Antah Pragyam) = I’m not the Dreamer.
न बहिःप्रज्ञं (Na Bahish Pragyam) = I’m not the Waker.
नोभयतःप्रज्ञं (Na Uvayatah Pragyam) = I’m nothing in between.
न प्रज्ञानघनं (Na Pragyana-ghanam) = I’m not the Deep-Sleeper.
न प्रज्ञं (Na Pragyam) = I’m not the Omniscient.
नाप्रज्ञम् (Na Apragyam) = I’m not the Lifeless.
Who am I?
अदृष्टमव्यवहार्यमग्राह्यमलक्षणमचिन्त्यमव्यपदेश्यमेकात्मप्रत्ययसारं (Adrishtyam+Avyava-harayam+A grahyam+Alakshanam+Achintyam+Avyapadesyam+Ekatma-Pratya-Saram)=
I’m invisible. I’m non-transactable. I’m ungraspable. I’m unguessable. I’m unthinkable.
I’m ineffable. I’m the essence of ‘One I’ feeling.
प्रपञ्चोपशमं (Prapancha Upasamam) = I’m the cessation of Waking, Dreaming & Deep-Sleeping states.
शान्तं (Shantam) = I’m absolutely peaceful, ever undisturbed.
शिवमद्वैतं (Shivam + Advaitam) = I’m full of joy. I’m non dual.
चतुर्थं मन्यन्ते (Chaturtham Man-nyante) = I’m considered as the 4th.
स आत्मा (Sa Atmah) = That the self I’m.
स विज्ञेयः (Sa Vigyaeh) = That has to be realized.
Everyone seeks liberation. In different ways and different times. This is my way of liberation. I’ve discovered it in my own time. I’m more peaceful now. And I still have a long way to go :)
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trivolous · 3 years
21 'Retail-Ways' to Fail in the Market.
Honestly, as a retail investor & trader I don’t know how to succeed in the share market, yet. However, after 10+ years of trading the market (not in a row) I certainly know how to fail in the market. So I thought to summarize the same in this post. Again, these are strictly my personal views and do not claim to be an account of facts.
1. Fall in love with the Market.
It attracts you. It scares you. Slowly, it casts a spell on you first. And then...you fall for it. The scrolling stock ticker, the green, the red, the bull, the bear beckon to you. Something inside you tells you that you can solve the mystery of the market. So, allow the uncertainty of the market makes you day dream. It's captivating after all. Go ahead, take the plunge and your passion for the market will take care of everything else. Be the true lover of the market. Allow the movements of a Stock or Index to keep you excited, engaged & entertained.
2. Search for Trading & Investment Tips.
'A friend in need is a friend indeed'
Don't do your own research before investing or trading. Ask your friends or broker for trading & investment tips. They are happy to do the heavy liftings for you. Blindly follow their guidance.
3. Be addicted to the Market & Trading.
Never miss a single opportunity. Always trade the market. Either over or under estimate your actual need. Forget your personal life. Work hard. Always consume market updates, news, Youtube videos, blogs intravenously, including this one :) Judge the market. Measure the market. Gather all the necessary data. Don't ever worry about knowledge or understanding for that matter. Glue yourself to the screen all the time.
4. Ignore your Weaknesses.
'Ignorance is bliss'
Ignore your trading weaknesses. Focus on your profits and go with the flow. Don't carry the world upon your shoulder. Take it easy. Be aware of your weakness but don’t do anything about it. Only think and talk about the profits you already made and ignore your losses.
5. Be obsessed with your Market view.
Spend long hours in post & pre-market analysis to form your view for tomorrow. Trust your view. You have taken all the factors into consideration to form this view along with critical support and resistances. Work hard, either over analyse or under analyse the market. Don't trouble yourself to analyse in a balanced manner. Tomorrow, come what may, confidently depend on your speculation and neglect all the indications that are against your speculation and sit tight. Just imagine how much you can make once your view is right. No need to think the opposite situation. Never exit the trade or change your view until you see a big loss.
6. Be obsessed with your Chart patterns, Indicators, Data Points, Tools etc.
Solve the puzzle, solve the reasoning. Find patterns in everything around you. Find that lovely candlestick pattern in your chart. Let your favorite indicators, real-time data analysis & tools confirm your view and tell you the next price movement. Believe in that pattern because it is tried and tested over a long period of time to render a specific result and nothing else. Hence, stay in the trade until you see a big loss.
7. Marry your ‘Trade’.
Do not panic. Show some commitment. Be loyal to your trade. Be with your trade in difficult times and it’ll reap more than your expectations in the end. Take an oath, sign an agreement not to break up with your losing trade. Just continue to pray and your prayers will be answered soon... very soon.
8. Develop some bad Trading Habits.
'Old habits die hard. Bad habits die even harder'
Trade with an unwell body, mind & environment: Don't take care of yourself when you are sick (mentally/physically/both). And also when you are not sick. Don't dare to take rest, break, medicine etc. Over-eat, under-eat, over-sleep, under-sleep. Never take a shower, never exercise, never meditate. Allow your personal life’s situations to dictate your trading decisions. Avoid trading in a clean & conductive environment. When the market opens forget all your previous learning and act like a possessed man.
Trade under the influence of drugs: Drink and trade. Why so serious? Muster the courage, increase that position size. Be brave, modify that stop-loss with 10 more points, be stronger, and 10 more points after a while! Fortune favors the brave, you know?
All or nothing: Refuse to book small loss, small profit & big profit. Always accept either bigger profit or big losses.
Big Action: Don't try to understand realistic return capability of each trade. Always expect explosive price action in every single trade. Strongly hold your positions until you see a big loss.
Regret: Always regret for booking small loss, small profit, big profit & missing bigger profit. Never regret for big loss, bigger loss, account blowups.
Hope for Miracles:
'Never lose hope. Just when you think it is over, God sends you a miracle.'
Hope, good things happen to a bad trade and don’t exit. When price moves into a negative territory, don't cut your losses quickly, average down as per your capacity and then wait for a miracle.
9. Be desperate to Win.
Success at any cost. You are here to win. Do whatever it takes to win. Make huge profit in a single trade. Go out and fight with the market. Be aggressive, increase position size. Take back from the market what was originally yours.
10. Be obsessed with a Specific Strategy.
You can peacefully rely on this strategy. Have faith in your well researched strategy. It is very popular, back-tested, has a high profit-probability... and what not? It's a rock-star strategy. It can’t fail. Deploy bigger funds with this strategy. You can thank it later.
11. Trade with your Emergency/Savings/Backup fund.
Why not? It's your money. You are not answerable to anyone. There is no upper limit of ROI in trading. Furthermore, you know your risk tolerance and can mange risk like a pro. So go ahead.
12. Don’t solve your Lifestyle Problems.
Your life is your life. We all have ups and downs in our lives. The market doesn't know you as an individual, so it doesn't care about your lifestyle problems. So, don't get organized. You can remain the mess you are and go on like this. Don't waste time fixing your personal issues. Forget your previous liabilities, debts & failures for now. Don't think too much about the risk. Depend on your trading profits to meet your obligations. Try again, think this time it’d be different, this time you’ll win.
13. Never set clear Financial Goals.
Life is short. Enjoy it. Setting any kind of goal is a boring and lengthy process. Live on the edge. Just go with the flow. Setting goals does not guarantee anything!
14. Never write a Trading Journal.
Do not register your daily trading experiences in a journal. Do not write down answers of the following questions: What went right today? What went wrong today? Did I break any of my trading rules? Did I repeat any of my old mistakes? How many times? Why did I repeat my old mistakes? When did I repeat my old mistakes? Is there a specific pattern in my mistakes? Did I make any new mistakes today? Use your brain and depend on your sharp memory instead.
15. Don't ask these Questions.
Why am I entering into this trade?
What is the life expectancy of this trade?
What is the profit & loss probability of this trade?
What is the profit & loss potential of this trade?
16. Tell Yourself.
When you are winning tell yourself:
A) Now it is going to move explosively in my favor. So, I’ll book bigger profits and not exit at my predefined target levels.
B) Along with the profit of this trade I need to recover previous losses.
C) I need to trail my stop loss (and trail it mentally)
When you are losing tell yourself:
A) I still have enough time, let's be patient and wait.
B) As per my analysis it has to move towards my predicted direction any time by today.
c) It is foolish to book loss at this level. I’ll exit after retracement at some decent levels.
D) Let this candle close, then I’ll place a stop loss order.
17. Never write Daily Trading Plans.
'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'
Whatever is going to happen tomorrow, will happen anyway. Chances are always high that you won't be able to execute tomorrow exactly as planned today. Refrain from this tedious activity.
18. Never write your own Trading Rules.
There are no rules. There is no holy grail. Besides, the market changes every moment. So, there is no point writing your own trading rules.
19. Never bother about Trading Psychology.
No need to believe in any kind of psycho mumbo-jumbo. Just believe in your mental toughness. Let your mind play with you. Believe in your gut feeling to make day to day trading decisions.
20. Break your own Trading Rules & Plans.
Be flexible. After a few defeats, if you’ve accidentally written down a set of trading rules & plans of your own, don't hesitate to break those rules whenever you feel.
21. Never bother to know yourself.
Never enquire about yourself, your true self. Don't waste your valuable time for self improvement or to learn self-management. Knowing yourself doesn't help in trading the market in any way. Never ask the right question(s). Get busy only finding correct answers.
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