#spirituality for beginners
leaflets-11 · 6 months
Feeling super positive today, even though nothing big has happened. It's like God's getting ready to work some magic with His wand. Can't wait to see what unfolds!
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godspraymessage · 3 months
God Of All creation...we now come before your throne... may your holy spirit deliver | God's Message
Kindly watch, like share ✝️🙏❤️ declare Amen
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The Difference Between Spirituality and Magick
This is going to be controversial, but all my personal experience has led me to believe that other spiritual paths are far better than magick / witchcraft / the occult. This is mainly due to the impurity of the energy used. Spirituality for beginners should be about picking the best path & getting the best results - & that's better done with psychic development, healing your own energy, & soul communication.
If you like this clear approach to spirituality, you can see other spiritual information and spiritual techniques I've posted through this link
Including: magick explained, spirituality explained, spirituality and magick compared, which is better for spiritual growth, the dangers of magick / witchcraft.
Note that there is ONE exception: a very few people are naturally talented at magick, & is might genuinely be their purpose to do it. For 99% of spiritual seekers, however, this argument applies.
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seductive-whisperss · 16 days
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surabalabhajan · 4 months
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thecupidwitch · 2 months
Simple Ways to Practice Magick Everyday
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Say a small prayer or do a short meditation before you get out of bed in the morning.
Write down dreams or visions you had.
Stir your first cup of coffee or tea counterclockwise to banish negativity and bad luck or clockwise to bring positive energy.
Draw daily tarot or oracle cards (you can also use a pendulum) for guidance.
Cleansing yourself and home using sound or smoke.
Ancestor or spirit offerings
Pick out your clothes, shoes, jewelry... ect with intention.
Write a sigil or petition paper and burn it.
Take a ritual shower. You can spice it up with candles, herbs, and crystals, or you can simply step under the water and imagine all the negativity and bad energy washing off you. You can also recite a chant.
Every time you look into the mirror, say an affirmation
Take a walk outside and ground yourself to Mother Earth.
Dance!! Dancing is an excellent way to rise the energy, and it helps with opening the sacral and solar plexus chakra and getting in touch with the inner child.
tip jar
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air-atman-in-ravi · 7 months
What is the purpose of life? Life is the journey between birth and death. Neither can we control birth nor can we control death. But we are in charge of everything that happens in between. If we don’t discover the purpose of life, then we will just come back to planet earth again and again. We would have a new body, but as per Karma, we would experience the triple suffering — the pain of the body, misery of the mind and agony of the ego as we visit this planet again and again.
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ts-witchy-archive · 11 months
Low Energy Devotional Activities and Ways to Connect with the Gods
Let's be honest, religion and consistent practice can be HARD, especially when you're chronically ill, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent. This is a list of lower energy practices you can do to connect with your Gods when you're having a rough day.
Pray. You don't have to say the prayer. You don't have to do the full cleansing and offering. Just think about the prayer. It could be as simple as "'Deity Name', thank you. I'm thinking of you and appreciate you."
Dedicate any self care you do to the Gods. You've got to take meds? awesome. it's now a devotional activity.
If you can, light a tea light candle. You can think about who you're dedicating it to as you're lighting it.
Tell them about your day. Have a simple conversation with them (again, this can be in your head if needed).
Offer some water! Water is a great offering if you don’t have the energy to cook, collect or buy something.
Incense is also a great offering because you can light it then forget about it and your house won’t burn down (if you follow regular safety measures). 
Resting. Your deities want you to be okay. Dedicating your rest to your deities is especially great if you feel guilty for allowing yourself time to heal.
Turn on a video of someone reading mythos! 
Put on a deity playlist. There are plenty of pre-made ones on Spotify. 
Veil or bind your hair! Whenever I’m low energy I’ll throw my hair in a ponytail and bind it that way. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. 
Make a Pinterest board for them!
Post on a digital altar! There are plenty of discord servers that have digital altars and temples. You could also make a devotional Tumblr blog. 
Change your phone lock/home screen to something that reminds you of your Deity.
I hope this is helpful to anyone who needs it! Take care of yourself first and foremost. If you don't think you can manage something on this list then thats perfectly fine too! you're not a bad person for not being able to do something spiritual or religious. Ultimately, these things are not a necessity. Don't stress :)
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theevenusianwitch · 1 year
a gentle reminder:
eat something. take your medicine. you are not a burden to others. your emotions are just as real as theirs and deserve to be listened to. relax your jaw and shoulders. it’s okay to take a break sometimes you deserve rest. it’s okay to be yourself. you’re not hard to love and anyone who opposes that does not deserve your time. you’re going to be okay.
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coven-of-genesis · 8 months
Types of meditation
1. Mindfulness meditation: Focus on your breath or a specific sensation, bringing your attention to the present moment.
2. Loving-kindness meditation: Cultivate feelings of love and compassion towards yourself and others.
3. Transcendental Meditation: Repeat a mantra to achieve a state of relaxed awareness.
4. Body scan meditation: Direct attention to different parts of your body, releasing tension and promoting relaxation.
5. Zen meditation (Zazen): Sit in a specific posture, focus on your breath, and observe thoughts without attachment.
6. Guided meditation: Follow a recorded or live guide's instructions for visualization and relaxation.
7. Vipassana meditation: Develop insight by observing bodily sensations and thoughts with non-reactive awareness.
8. Yoga nidra: A state of conscious relaxation achieved through guided meditation while lying down.
9. Chakra meditation: Focus on energy centers in the body, visualizing and balancing them.
10. Mantra meditation: Repeat a word, phrase, or sound to quiet the mind and enhance concentration.
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙
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ℌ𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔠 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔪𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔢
Daily Affirmations: Start your day with positive affirmations or spells to set your intention.
Morning Ritual: Incorporate meditation or a grounding exercise into your morning routine.
Herbal Tea: Brew herbal teas with magical correspondences for specific needs (e.g., chamomile for calm).
Crystal Carry: Keep a small crystal in your pocket or bag for daily energy boosts.
Incense and Smudging: Light incense or smudge your space to cleanse and energize it.
Moon Water: Use moon water (water charged under the moon) for washing, drinking, or watering plants.
Sigils: Draw or carry sigils for protection, luck, or other intentions.
Altar Space: Create a small altar or sacred space in your home.
Candles: Light candles with intention, choosing colors that correspond to your needs.
Tarot or Oracle Cards: Pull a daily card for guidance.
Journaling: Keep a magical journal for spells, dreams, and reflections.
Nature Walks: Spend time in nature, collecting items like stones, leaves, or feathers for your practice.
Kitchen Witchery: Infuse your cooking with intention and use magical herbs and spices.
Charmed Jewelry: Wear jewelry that has been enchanted or charged with specific intentions.
Lunar Phases: Plan activities and spells according to the lunar phases.
Weather Magic: Use the energy of different weather conditions in your spells and rituals.
Mindful Cleaning: Clean your space with intention, using magical cleaning solutions.
Bath Rituals: Take ritual baths with herbs, salts, and oils for cleansing and manifestation.
Gratitude Practice: End your day with a gratitude practice or prayer.
Sacred Music: Listen to music that uplifts your spirit or has magical significance.
Writing Spells: Incorporate spellwork into your daily writing, such as emails or notes.
Daily Offerings: Make small offerings to your deities or spirit guides.
Visualization: Use visualization techniques throughout the day to manifest your desires.
Plant Magic: Care for plants and infuse them with your magical intentions.
Energy Shielding: Practice energy shielding techniques to protect your aura.
Creative Art: Use art and creativity as a form of magic and expression.
Spiritual Reading: Read books, articles, or blogs on witchcraft to expand your knowledge.
Community Connection: Connect with other witches online or in-person for support and inspiration.
Crafting: Make your own magical tools, such as wands, sachets, or charms.
Ritual Dress: Wear clothing or accessories that have been enchanted for specific purposes.
Daily Devotions: Spend time each day in devotion or meditation with your chosen deities.
Intentional Breathing: Use breathing exercises to center and ground yourself.
Astrology: Incorporate astrology into your daily planning and decision-making.
Digital Magic: Use apps or digital tools designed for witches to keep track of moon phases, spells, and more.
Rune Work: Draw a daily rune for guidance and reflection.
Harmonize with Elements: Incorporate the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) into your daily life.
Affirmative Speaking: Speak with intention and awareness, using positive and empowering language.
Gardening: Create a magical garden with plants that have specific correspondences.
Mindful Eating: Bless and infuse your food with positive energy before eating.
Dream Work: Keep a dream journal and work with your dreams for insight and guidance.
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leaflets-11 · 4 months
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao Tzu
Happy Buddha Purnima🌕✨️
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godspraymessage · 3 months
Why the Elite HATE Your Spiritual Development
I had no idea how dangerous this would be...
Ever since I was young, consciousness has fascinated me like nothing else. But still, let’s get real…
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Actually using meditative states to invite love, health, AND wealth into your life?
That’s gotta be a stretch too far...
My first adventure with meditation was all about the pursuit of one goal:
I know, I know -- it sounds a little cringeworthy. But I’ll let you in on a secret...
The crazy spiritual journey I’ve been on nearly cost me my life.
No kidding -- things were going smoothly enough until a chance discovery in an old bookstore…
Which revealed a 2,300 year-old “manifestation manuscript” -- concealed in ancient freakin’ Egypt of all places!
But before I continue with the story, I first want to ask…
What are your thoughts on meditation??
Have you found yourself on a similar path to me -- looking for moments of insight, only to get frustrated by how often your mind gives up...
A lot of these spirituality “experts” seem to avoid admitting it, don’t they?
The standard forms of meditation are as BORING as watching paint dry!
For me, the call for something deeper came at the right time…
16 months ago[1]  now, an archaeologist contact of mine asked if I wanted to join him at a cultural research conference in Cairo, Egypt.
I agreed and we spent some time after the conference exploring the city.
We did the typical tourist thing and got completely. damn. lost.
Usually, Google Maps would come to the rescue, but it didn’t give us a clear enough view of the area...
We stumbled around the backstreets and ended up finding a shabby-looking bookstore.
Of course, we had to go inside and take a look...
Everything seemed to happen so fast from there.
Within five minutes of nosing around, I’d opened a dusty book with a ton of weird drawings.
They all featured Egyptian gods…
Deities like Ra (the Sun God) and Thath (the God of Magic & Science).
Within five hours, I was back at the hotel tearing through the manuscript in the book…
Which I soon discovered was from the lost vaults in the Great Library of Alexandria!
And then, five days later, the dots began to connect. I noticed themes...
Consciousness expansion, sacred chakra power, and the mysterious “Akashic” records...
They kept appearing AGAIN and AGAIN.
Adrenaline had never pounded so hard through my veins...
Here -- in ancient text -- were manifestation techniques that had been kept hidden from mainstream society for over 2,000 years!
Not only could I apply these techniques to improve my life and reach deeper levels of consciousness...
I could help potentially hundreds, thousands, or millions of others too!
Well, I must have been a fool.
Although I’ve been a linguist for most of my career, I was naive and unprepared for the consequences of this discovery...
For a start, I didn’t realize just how pissed the authorities were going to be.
And I DEFINITELY didn’t think a protector of the elite would get involved…
The question is, WHY did the manuscript pose such a risk to the richest people in society??
Over time, the key pieces of the puzzle have been put together.
But in truth, right now I’m just grateful to be alive…
Thanking fate that I wasn’t in my office the night somebody drenched it with gasoline and burned it to a crisp.
Now, I don’t mean to leave you hanging, but I have to end things here for now…
This email would get out of control otherwise!
The full story is available to watch below, where you’ll also find out:
➔  Why My Office Burned Down After the Ancient Egypt Discovery
➔  Where TRUE Consciousness Resides (and How to Access It)
➔  Which Vibrational Frequencies are PROVEN to Make Chakra Shifts
➔  How to Use the Crown, Root & Heart Chakras for Wealth Building
➔  … and Who Might Get in Your Way (If You’re Not SUPER Careful)
Want to go straight to the video? Here’s the link:
Discover the 5 Ways to EXPAND Your Consciousness for Manifesting Wealth AND Happiness...
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Get Your Spiritual Energy Flowing With This Simple Technique
Energy flow is vital for your wellbeing. This easy spiritual technique will bring huge benefits:
Improves your motivation
Boosts energy levels
Lifts your emotional state
Also helps with your general spiritual health
All in 10 minutes!
It works for complete beginners, & every step is explained in detail. Also note that this is from no particular tradition (not chi / qi / prana / chakras etc), so you can use it whatever you believe.
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wandoffire · 10 months
Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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hallow-witxh · 1 year
Kitchen Staples and Their Properties
If you're any kind of kitchen user, there are a few things that are usually present. Things like bread, cheese, beans, and vinegar are all things that many kitchens keep in stock. So, here is a list of some staples you may have in your kitchen, and what they mean.
Bread: health, abundance, the hearth, kindship
Beans: wisdom in choices, luck, money, divination, prosperity
Butter: peace, friendships/relationships, spirituality
Cheese: goal completion, happiness, moon magic, health
Eggs: feminine/goddess magic, fertility, mysticism
Honey: joy, love, sex, wisdom, lust, purification, health
Milk (Cow's): feminine parenthood/guidance, love, sustenance, spirituality,
Rice: fertility, protection, luck, money, growth
Salt: purification, protection, grounding, cleansing
Sugar: banishing negativity, love, affection, invoking kindness/sweetness
White Vinegar: cleansing, purification, protection
Adding some things together melds their properties! Cooking in butter for your friends can strengthen your relationships with them, and baking bread can bring abundance into your home.
As always, do your research, practice safely, and blessed be!
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