maybe i, like the sea,
am impossible to hold;
one cannot keep
that which recedes.
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there’s big waves coming
and i’m putting on my finest silks,
readying myself for baptism.
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my body is so gentle
it hurts
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and we will slow dance
in the kitchen
on a tuesday night
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vermont maple syrup, sweet,
golden honey…don’t
look at me like that,
with that soft distrust, silent and
searching my face, wondering if
i’ll scrub salt into your open wounds…
don’t worry, darling.
i won’t.
but i won’t kiss them closed either,
for my tired tongue has known the taste of metal for far too long;
my lips no longer crave the thick slip of liquid iron.
my rust-caked teeth are desperate
to be scraped clean, freed
from their alloyed caskets
of flesh
and ore.
so watch me,
with your coppered gaze,
as i swallow your saliva
instead of your blood.
—there have been enough sacrifices
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i am blackberry brambles tangling
between your ribs, the slow
drip of honey down
the walls of your lungs.
if you prick your finger
looking for me
inside you,
won’t you at least stop to
lick the sweetness
from your fingertips?
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i will ache
and so will you
but we will be okay
—time comes in roses
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we are sins
shrink-wrapped in silence and
splashed across cherry-flushed cheeks.
we are unholy tongues sliced
at their roots: offerings
smeared across foreheads
in upside down crosses.
we are the children of judas,
and we are not to be trusted -
or so we’ve been told.
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our love was a desperate hunger,
sat heavy
in the back of our throats: wet
and masticated,
like the seeds of a bloody pomegranate.
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i can no longer contain the retching within.
desperation stings, sits
heavy in the back of my throat:
a fishhook lodged between
two shredded tonsils.
all at once, crimson
flesh erupts from my mouth:
ruddy and mealy and
masticated like the
seeds of a rotten pomegranate,
a river of styx cascading
over open palms.
all at once,
i am empty - nothing
but a trembling bubble of saliva
spreading across wet,
wine-stained lips.
—the ache
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i’m terrified that my life will be over
before i realize
it’s happening
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love is allowing people to let go
thank you for this reality check
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i understand now
that you can want love and
not be ready for it
at the same time
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let us slow down together.
mountains swallowing the sun,
branches extending across
purple-orange twilight:
magnificent skeletons.
let us sit quietly
in this silver-cold,
and listen to the electric hum
of our burning bodies.
slow down.
won’t you
let me show you
how to be still?
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it’s on mornings like this
when i wake up angry and aching
and keenly aware
of the vast emptiness between my ribs
where your fingers used to be,
that i have to remind myself:
if you were the right person,
it would have been the right time.
it’s both or neither;
you either get all of me
or none of me.
—mutual exclusivity
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i am trying to learn
that just because
i find someone beautiful
doesn’t mean
i get to make them mine
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you cannot accept
that you might never see me again
because that means accepting
that you made a mistake
by letting me go in the first place
—you can’t have your cake and eat it too
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