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Here’s HSTHETE, the 24 hour comic I drew this year!Β  Thanks to everybody who followed along on twitter this weekend as I posted these pages <3
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I see... so many writing advice posts on Tumblr that can single handedly kill a young/beginning writer’s style that it makes me want to scream sometimes.
Let yourself be messy in writing. If artists are allowed to get paint over everything, including themselves, you’re allowed to have choppy sentences where the rhythm is weird and where you, god forbid, used an adverb.
Be the literary equivalent of an elementary school art class and be wild, innovative, and try new things out. In the end you’ll have created something you had fun doing rather than trying to fit yourself into a set of rules set forth by β€œWho Knows What Their Credentials Are Besides That They’re A Creative Writing Major”.
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Characteristics to make your OC more original without the classic β€œred hair, pale skin, different coloured eyes”
Webbed fingers
One toe/finger missing or adding one
Scars! Give them memories
Body mods - even though it sounds pretentious, it’s seldomly used bc of that reason. Give them piercings, gauges, tattoos, implants etc etc
Make them LGBT+. Not to make them β€œspecial” but to make them normal. Not everyone is cishet on this planet, make your story a realistic mirror of reality.
A small illness that shows at inconvenient times. Anaemia, a slightly crooked spine, you name it.
Naturally dark undereyes
Crooked/yellow teeth - it’s natural for some people no matter how much they brush em. Also healthcare isn’t affordable everywhere
Flat feet
Instead of a resting bitch face - a resting sad face. Or thinking face. β€œWow, what are you thinking about?” β€œUh.. that my lucky charms this morning may have already expired last week.”
Knowledge about really weird things! Architecture in the 20th century, the army, submarines, contemporary art
Little habits: chasing pigeons, greeting the news reporter back when he says β€œgood evening” (these are more for younger characters), having to scratch the other side of their face if theyve scratched one side already
Having pets: bunnies, geckos, spiders, snakes, mice, rats, birds, chinchillas, fish, frogs, turtles
Give them a name with a special meaning, maybe even relevant for the story. But for the love of god leave the spelling as it is. Dont make maikayleighah out of mikayla.
Also, names like, skye, skylynn, raine etc do give off a certain :/ vibe
Make them religious!
Make them break gender rules
Note that you can still do whatever you want to and even if your OC is a ginger named ginger then thats totally fine - its your story. These are just preferences of mine
I hope this helped! Feel free to add on
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NaNo Prep: Outline Your Story Like a Subway Map
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We’re deep into NaNo Prep Season, and this week, we’ve asked participants to share their thoughts on how to craft great plots and build immersive worlds. Today, author and entrepreneur Gabriela PereiraΒ shares her method of mapping out her story:
As a New Yorker born and raised, I think of an outline as being like a subway map. What I love about this approach is that it allows you to see how the various threads of your story work together, but you can also tease those elements apart and look at them individually to see how each thread holds up on its own.
When you make a subway map outline, each line represents a different subplot or story element you want to track. The dots (or stops) represent scenes in your story. Some scenes are like local stops on a subway and apply only to one story thread, while other scenes are like express stops and represent intersections between the story threads and mark key moments in your story. For an example of this technique in action, check out the subway map of Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games.
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Want to learn how to put together a story map like this? Here’s a step-by-step guide.
Keep reading
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When you’re in the middle of procrastinating and suddenly the Will to Workβ„’ hits you
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I've been so productive the last two days. I studied a lot on Rosetta stone and I made some progress trough this. I will finish this Swedish Course first bevor I continue with my workbook.
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I picked up writing again after a long break. Started the 100 Attempt to write a Story but I hope this one doesn't fail πŸ˜‚ The idea for that one came from the Festival Bands I saw on the wrist of one of my classmates, we all know that kind of crazy inspiration
Also thank you to the Writblr Community wich I discovered and wich inspired me that my idea is worth trying.
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Little important update
So two days ago I started my experiment in which I (try) to learn Swedish six hours a day and since day one I've already made a visible progress. Especially in hearing. I used my Rosetta Stone Course (Link for the free version wich I rebloged has to be below), listend one hour to Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone/read and listend to it for another hour. I also used my A1-A2 Swedish for beginners book (Pons) and also reviewed Grammatic and Vocabulary.
Today I procrastinated the whole day because I am lazy and rather spend my whole day to on YouTube to get involved in searching the artist for an unknown song. Yes I know very a very productive day.
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I've started a new challenge I've set for myself for the next following month. It involves six hours of learning Swedish (nearly) every day. That means 2 hours of Grammatic and Language Courses, 1 hour of reviewing and learning new vocabulary, 1 hour of reading, 1 hour listening and 1 hour of speaking. That means I will probably one reblog a few posts from other blogs but I will keep you updated on this and will share my results. So you can see how much you can learn in only one month. (There will be a post every day on what exactly I did)
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Learning Tipps
I use the most of them and I find them really useful. Please note that this strategies may not work for everyone.
1. Listen to music
When you are learning listen to calm music, it really helps with remembering things. Especially when you are always listen to the same track for the same topic (Your brain will automatically connect the music with the information) Also you can listen to different Frequencies or binaural beats on YouTube. They are even better for learning and boost your memory. I will do an extra post about that soon.
2. Explain it
This helps me the most. Simply explain the Information/ the topic you want to learn to someone. At first you can read it from a book/piece of paper. Then start to explain it more freely until you can do it without any help. Do it like you are holding a presentation.
3. Write it down
Write it down as often as you can. Change the order of the words in your sentence. Write it down all over the paper. Main thing is you write it down.
4. Search for Videos
Often on YouTube there are videos wich explain your Topic with little Animations and such. I use this method to keep the learned informations in my mind. It is helpful because you can listen and watch at the same time.
5. Sticky Notes
Write down short key points on sticky notes and place them all over your Room or for example on your fridge, Doors or whatever. With that method you pick up informations fast and without much work.
6. Take a break
Breaks are important for the learn process too. Your brain conunties learning in your break for seven minutes, that's why they are important your brain. Sometimes it needs a little time to save everything you learned. Go for a walk, take a short nap or something like this. Just avoid your Phone because it is important that your brain does not get new input while you're trying to relax.
7. Walk through your Room
For some people it is helpful to learn while they are slowly walking through your Room. You can also gesticulate or do any other sort of motion while learning.
8. Let somone explain
Let someone who has understood the topic you are learning about explain it.
There are also a lot of different videos on YouTube who explain this learn methods more accurate.
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I need some accounts to follow!
If you are a studyblr, langblr, post bujo stuff... anything of that nature reblog this. My feed is dry!
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I'm German so if someone needs my help or has any questions you can just ask me. I would also love to have study buddies (I am learning Swedish and I will start with hungerian soo, but English would be fine as well)
This post is to remind you that
if we are studying the same languages, we can be study buddies
if you’re studying my native language, you can ask me questions regarding vocab and grammar, ask me to proof-read something you wrote, ask me to translate something or just write me if you want to practise writing
just let me know :)
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I was very productive today I went to school from 9:35 to 17:00 and then learned a bit Swedish at Home. I finished the first part of my workbook (after what feels like years) and repeated my vocabulary from the last few days. I also practiced a bit on Duolingo, drops and LingQ. My Swedish is still at a very low level and I would appreciate every help I get. I hope everyones day was productive as well.
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A few Resources for people who want to learn Swedish.
~~~ Apps ~~~
- Drops (not completely free but you get five minutes a day, great for learning Vocabulary)
- Duolingo (Well known, make sure you use the grammatic lessons in the Browser version too)
- LingQ (for you too practice reading and hearing. It has different books about a lot off topics. It also has Podcasts.)
- Radio Garden (Not specific Swedish but you can listen to Swedish radio)
- 50 Languages (Great to learn more vocabulary)
- AnkiDroid (You can download free Flashcards to learn a lot Vocabulary. One of the usefulst Apps)
~~~ Websites ~~~
- Sprichmalschwedisch.de (Only if you know German but if you do it is highly recommended. He even has a YouTube Channel etc.)
- BABADADA (Vocabulary)
- InterPals (Language Exchange)
- 101 Languages (Again Vocabulary with audio)
*Will be Expended*
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~~~ Pomodoro Timer ~~~
"The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks" - Wikipedia, Pomodoro Technique
This ist a very easy app to help you Study. It works like a timer or clock but after four 25 minut intervals it tells you to take a long break so you don't have to count yourself how many breaks you've already made. You can finde it on the App Store.
~~~ Elisi ~~~
Basically Elisi ist a Bullet-Journal App. It helps you to plan your Tasks, keep track of your Habits and Appointments . It also let you create lists ( for example To - do - Lists), you can make notes + it helps you to keep track when you do Project's and motivates you to complete them. It's completely free (You just have to create lists and habits to unlock the other functions). You can find the App on the App Store.
~~~ PenCake ~~~
This is a Journal, Diary and Note app. I use it to write down ideas when I'm not at home but you can also use it as a dairy. I like this app because it has a very beautiful design which most note and dairy apps do not have. You can also find it on the App Store.
~~~ Looping ~~~
This is a simple calendar app where you can enter your appointments. You can create groups with, for example, friends and families to schedule appointments and share information. There is a chat at each appointment so that can be communicated directly. The app is very clear and has many more features such as predefined dates (holidays and sports ) It is definitely worth it to check out, also available in the App Store.
~~~ Khan Academy ~~~
A very well known App but it is great if you like to learn about a topic by yourself. There are many courses you can completely take for free and it also have different languages (but some courses are only available in one language). So basically if you understand a language very well and want to learn more you can also use it to for language learning. And it has so many different courses it is basically a treasure because nowhere you can find this much information for free. Also you can download the videos and watch them when you are offline. It is very worth it and you can download it in the App Store.
~~~ AnkiDroid ~~~
A Flashcard App. You can create your own flash cards to learn them when you are, for example, on the way to school. Also it is great to organize them. It is much more convenient than creating flash cards out of paper wich are easily messed up. There is also a big public Database with different Flashcard stacks (you can easily download them) I will use it for language learning because there a a lot of vocabulary stacks.
Also available in the App Store.
~~~ Timetable ~~~
How the name already says it a Timetable app where you can enter your school lessons. It is a simple app but also recommended especially because it has a nice rainbow design. You can find it in the App Store.
I will soon do a post about the language learning apps I use too.
My first week of work was a bit rough because I'm not used to work for that long. I also got my Timetable and so far it is okay I guess. I will start school after the next week.
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