virtual--hug · 8 months
Hey all… sooo it’s been a bit over a year since I’ve been on this account. At first, I kind of got incredibly burnt out with everything going on in my life and decided to take a break from consistently posting & writing. And then I completely lost access to this account. In that time, I also completely lost my hyper fixation for pretty much all anime. This is just a little note to let whoever manages to stumble onto this page know that this account is on a permanent hiatus, and I’ll likely update whatever I can on here to reflect that. Thanks for all the support on the fics/hcs I did post, and I hope people can continue to enjoy them~
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virtual--hug · 2 years
Shoto Todoroki x Reader - Three Facts
A/N: So, if you may be curious why this has taken me about 2 weeks, it wasn't supposed to. Basically, this was originally supposed to be a sort of sequel to the Spiderman Imagines but with different characters in the style of Iron Man. Instead, it became an "I write a 6k word fic about Todoroki that only mildly relates to Iron Man because I didn't feel like watching the movies." I may still do those imagines but for now, here's this.
Characters: Shoto Todoroki x GN Reader
Type: Fluff with a handful of Angst.
Warnings: Mention of guns, descriptions of a hostage situation, and hospitals.
Summary: Marvel AU, the MCU but with BNHA characters and quirks. You're pretty sure you knew enough about Shoto Todoroki when you suddenly became his personal secretary, but you quickly learn that you were (almost) all wrong.
Word Count: 6k
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   There were three facts that you knew about Shoto Todoroki when you applied for the newly opened secretary position at his company: he's an entitled rich boy, a playboy, and a heart-throb. 
When you made it through the initial interview, you were ecstatic. Todoroki Industries was a good paying company and even better on any future job applications. When you returned to the large, city building for your second interview, however, your excitement turned into complete nervousness. "This is actually a position to become my personal secretary." The head of the company Todoroki himself let you know, "We didn't put that specific information on the application in order to decrease the amount of– 'joke' applications." 
"Would you still be willing to interview for this position?" He concluded. And, when you nodded yes, you learned three real facts about Shoto Todoroki. 
1. He's an entitled rich boy.
  Todoroki Industries, since its inception, is a family corporation. As the CEO became too old, the title would be passed on to the most capable son. Needless to say, Todoroki grew up rich, having everything he needed, and likely in the comfort of his father's expensive homes and planes. So, as his personal secretary, you expected to hear some entirely privileged bullshit come from his mouth that was usually hidden from public ears. 
Instead, you were revealed a much bigger secret.
Shoto had a tendency to spend the majority of his day in his office with the door tightly shut. Well, he had informed you that it was unlocked and, "If you need anything, feel free to come in." Although, his stern expression and voice had made it seem like he really did not want you to enter. So, you almost never did.
Until, you got a call from a particularly important business partner. When you called to transfer the man to your boss, there was no response. You may have never worked at such a high-up position before, but you were pretty sure it would be unprofessional to tell the man to call back later. All of that being the rather simple reason you traveled the short distance to your boss' shut office doors with your shaking hand hovering just above the wood. 
"Todoroki, sir?" You knocked on the door, "You have an important call." 
There was no response. 
"Is he dead? They didn't explain what to do if he dies!" You thought.
"Um– I'm going to come in!" You called out. There still was no response.
"He didn't say I couldn't come in. So, he can't get mad! Unless he did say something and I didn't hear him, oh no–" The door had already been pushed open when you reached that train of thought. But, instead of the stern, icy-glare of the CEO,
… there was no one there, "Huh?"
You were sure you watched him enter the room. He had told you too that he would be busy for a bit, hadn't he?
"Todoroki, sir?" You awkwardly stepped inside. It was deafeningly silent and brought strums of nervousness throughout your body as you worried about standing alone in the room. 
"That guy has already been on hold for long enough– maybe I should just say he's busy–" Just as you were making the decision to return to the phone call, an odd thump came from the left side of the room.
Your head snapped to the left wall. It wasn't much different from any other part of the room, there was a set of three bookshelves that were built into the wall with the fourth panel being empty. Although, the longer you stared at the wall, the weirder the fourth panel looked. 
"Is that a sliding door?" You were sure you could see the similarities.
"I didn't even realize there's a door to that room from here. Have I ever been in that room at all?" Your wondering continued as you approached the wall to confirm its door status. You knew there was a large room-like space next to Todoroki's office but had been assuming it was just a connected meeting room. 
As you were simply scanning the area, an electronic voice suddenly sparked to life. "Welcome, (Y/N) (L/N)." The voice triggered a part of the wooden panel to click, turn, and the whole thing to slide away into another room entirely.
It was highly technical which made sense for the company you were in. But, what you hardly expected was two familiar faces: the stoic face of your boss and the neutral mask of the newest hero "Red Shift". The hero had only recently begun to grace the city, but they were easily able to take down any villain (quirked or otherwise) with their amazing fire and ice ability. 
"Did you need something, (Y/N)?" Shoto easily stood from his previous sitting position. Clearly, he was modifying the suit.
"I um– you have a call…" You weren't quite sure what to say about it all. Do you mention the elephant in the room or just act like nothing was happening? He was acting pretty nonchalant about the whole thing. Was this in your contract and you just didn't read it?
"Oh, sorry. I guess I got distracted," he apologized, "feel free to send the call over." 
Even as he stood and began to clear what was previously his workspace, he didn't mention any of it. "Does he expect me to know what's going on here? Is he Red Shift? Or does he just make his equipment?" You tried to work out the mess of thoughts in your head. 
"Uh– you– what is this?" You tried hard to keep even the slightest image of professionalism at work. But, this instance blew that completely out the window. 
"It's just my equipment?" Todoroki himself seemed confused at your question. 
"I don't believe you mentioned any of this before." You took a moment to conjure up the words rather than, what you would rather be doing, completely freaking out.
"Oh," his eyes widened at your words, "sorry, I thought I did." 
Whatever he was organizing was completely abandoned in favor of coming up to stand before you, "I'm the hero Red Shift." 
"Well, I don't prefer the name. But, I suppose there's no point in my identity being secret if I chose a name." He continued on as though this was some normal reveal.
"I didn't– you– um– why?" You cursed your stuttering and even the question you settled on.
"Why?" He repeated the question.
"I just– didn't expect you would be a hero." You hoped he didn't interpret it in the completely negative way you knew it meant. Why would millionaire, Shoto Todoroki, living in luxury his whole life, ever want to be a hero?
"I guess it could seem odd." He started, "I've seen a lot of bad things happen to innocent people from people like– my father and others like him. So, I felt it should be my responsibility to prevent that when I'm completely capable and have more resources than others." 
"Although, I understand that the hero role has generally been held by people within the communities they help. And, there could be some anger seeing that it's someone like myself in that role instead," He looked back towards the polished container the empty suit was currently in, "so, I choose to keep my identity a secret for now." 
"I know that this could be a lot. Um– feel free to ask any questions you have, but I might need to take that call you mentioned." He concluded.
"R-right!" The reminder of the call snapped you out of your focus on his story, "I'll get to that." 
"We can talk more later, then." He said as a final send off while you rushed out of his office. All the while, you were completely unsure how to process the information.
2. He's a playboy
  Despite him not being quite as entitled as you initially thought he was, you were positive that this fact was true.
Sure, tabloids could lie. They showcased your boss fairly often (mostly because he was young, hot, successful, and popular) on the front cover with a model-worthy woman walking right beside him. It was always plausible that the images were exaggerating reality, though. Out of the hundreds of pictures they take or get from other paparazzi, they could easily pick and choose the couple where Todoroki happened to be walking down the street with a woman and usually a different woman from the last.
But, when it was on his personal social media account, it seemed less plausible that it was nearly as fake. His Instagram boasted dozens of high-quality pictures of himself in other countries or just highly expensive vacation homes, beach houses, or event banquets. And, if he wasn't standing beside some equally rich, young, and hot businessman, he was with a woman. Scrolling through his Instagram, you could easily differentiate at least eight different women during his time posting. 
That was enough for you to decide he was a playboy. Todoroki got whichever woman he pleased and then easily moved on to the next when he was done.
"(L/N), you're still here?" Your attention was startled away from your phone by the voice of your boss in question. 
Right, you had been on Instagram for a reason. It was raining, and the bus stop you needed to get to wasn't covered. The bus wouldn't come for at least 30 minutes (assuming it was on time today), so it was easier to just wait inside than wait just the same in the pouring rain.
You explained just that to Todoroki, "That seems reasonable. Since you're here, would you mind if I asked you about something? I was going to wait until tomorrow, but if you have the time now it might be helpful."
"Sure, what is it?" You replied. 
"Would you mind coming with me this upcoming weekend to my family's beach house? All your expenses would be covered, and you could bring whoever you'd like with you. Your organizational skills would be really helpful to me." He explained. 
"Um–" You weren't quite sure what to say at first, "is this for some sort of event or…" 
He flushed red, "Y-yes, it's a– sort of social media PR event. In the past, I've had my assistant come with me just to keep me on track with other work. But, if you aren't comfortable then you don't have to." 
"No, no, I was just curious," You could feel all the blood rushing to your face as well, "I could probably go, but I'll let you know." 
"Of course, take all the time you need." He replied quickly.
The two of you stood together in silence for another moment before Todoroki abruptly announced, "I'll be going, enjoy your night.
"Yeah, I need to go catch my bus. Have a good night!" 
That was the simple version of how you ended up on an almost entirely empty, private beach on a Sunday morning and also with an entirely different view of who Shoto Todoroki (and Enji Todoroki to some extent) was. 
When you arrived the day prior, the intention of this event was clear; Todoroki would get pictures with his "girlfriend" for his social media and some other modeling material. 
One quirk of that description came within the first couple minutes of your arrival. You easily struck up a conversation with the "girlfriend" who you had seen in a couple of Todoroki's previous pictures. She was rather nice, and one of the few people in the room who wasn't currently busy, surprisingly.
"I couldn't imagine doing photoshoots all day. It seems exhausting to sit in front of a camera that long." You commented when she mentioned the long hours she anticipated being on set that day.
 "Yeah, it really just depends on the photographer. Some days can be a bit exhausting while others are super understanding and give a lot of breaks. That's really just what modeling is about." She replied
"Oh, I didn't realize you were a model!" You replied.
"Why else did you think I was here?" She laughed. 
"I mean– I kind of thought you were Todoroki's girlfriend," You regretted answering honestly rather quickly, "sorry, that was probably rude of me to assume." 
"No, it's alright," the awkward laugh in-between did not reassure you that much, "It happens a lot, but I guess that's also the point of these photoshoots…" 
You didn't get a chance to ask what she meant when someone called out her name, "I gotta' go to hair and makeup. I'll see you around!"
"Yeah, good luck!" 
As much as you wanted to forget that conversation, especially how it awkwardly ended, you couldn't help but question what she had said, "That's the point of these photoshoots." It hadn't been hard to lose focus of it either; you had practically no work. Other than sending him a file the previous evening, you were free to do whatever you pleased and got paid for it.
It was no wonder that he suggested you bring someone along with you, and, of course, you hadn't since you assumed it would be a work event. With the photoshoot yesterday, you'd been practically barred from going on the beach. So, with uncertainty of the schedule today, you got up early to take a moment to sit on the calm waves of the completely empty beach. 
It was rather nice: the cool ocean breeze, the light waves, lack of seagulls, of the sound of the water–
"You're up early." You gasped as a voice suddenly came from your left. To your immediate relief, it was just Todoroki.
"You scared me," You clarified as he sent you a worried look, "I didn't know you could be so silent." 
"Sorry, it must be the hero-work." He took a seat beside you in the sand.
"I'd be fucked if I was any sort of criminal," You laughed but paused when you thought through your words, "I guess I shouldn't swear infront of my boss " 
Luckily, Todoroki also found it amusing. A small smile graced his face as he replied, "I don't mind. You aren't technically working yet, either, if it helps." 
"That's good to know. I got fired once for something like that, y'know." You mentioned.
"Really?" He asked. 
"Yeah, it was a really stuck up place. I was making a joke to a coworker too, and my manager heard me and got me fired that same day. I almost went to key that guy's car when I left." You explained. "Maybe pretend you didn't hear that last part either." 
He laughed at your last comment. You'd only heard him laugh a few times, but it was exactly fitting for him. A sort of breathy, quiet laugh that you would miss if you weren't looking at the smile on his face or the slight shake of his shoulders. "Hopefully I won't need to fire you for any reason." 
"Hey, I didn't actually key his car." You joined in with his laughter.
When the conversation between the two of you calmed enough, the waves being the only sound filling the space, you decided to move on, "Why did you come over here?" 
"I haven't had a chance to enjoy the beach yet. I've always loved this area, but it seems I'm always here for work." He explained, "What about you?" 
"Sort of the same reason. I couldn't really come out here yesterday because of the photoshoot, so I thought I would be here today before they started." You responded. 
Todoroki hummed in agreement, "Hopefully they won't ask to do any more today. They always find something wrong at the worst times." 
You considered his words for a moment before asking, "Just out of curiosity, why do you do these photoshoots if you don't really enjoy them? That's the impression I get, at least." 
He was rather quick to respond, "It's my father's decision." 
Todoroki had only brought up his father, Enji Todoroki, a few times. But, it was generally associated with a sort of malice you'd never heard from him otherwise. 
"Well, it's my PR team who chooses to– manage my social media and handle all the modeling aspects. But, he continues to keep them employed, so I don't have much of a say in it." He explained further.
"Oh," You weren't sure what else to say at first, "So, did you have any input on this?" 
"They usually let me choose the model I'm with for the month, but that's all." He laughed bitterly. 
"You can't fire the team at all? I mean, your father retired a while ago now." You continued your questions. 
"The company has a certain image that needs to be kept. I wouldn't really know how to maintain that on my. So, it's better if I don't argue about it." He replied.
"Well, wouldn't the image be up to you?" You asked.
"What do you mean?" Todoroki asked in response. His eyes had moved to stare right into yours, was the left one always that blue?
"I mean, you aren't your dad, right? So, you can do what you want to do and how you feel the company should look like. If I'm not wrong, I thought every time Todoroki Industries changed management that the image changed a little bit with it." You explained.
"I really wish it were that simple," Todoroki replied solemnly, "My father still has a lot of control behind the scenes. And, most of the higher-ups would prefer to listen to him over me. So, there's not much I can really do on my own without risking significant damage." 
"Well, you could just start on yourself," You noted his confused expression and decided to continue, "Like, control your personal image. Even if it's small things like doing less photoshoots or getting even a bit more of your own input into where to go or what you want to do, just doing more things that you want on that front." 
There was a long pause after you explained your advice. Todoroki was looking across the rippling water before the two of you as he seemed to be thinking. It went on for long enough that you almost thought he wasn't going to respond at all until, "I– appreciate the advice, (Y/N). I appreciate you actually. You never worked for my father, but it's still nice how you see me as– me. Rather than an extension of him." 
"I guess I don't really know much about your dad other than what's in the news about him and what you've told me. But, I think you try really hard to be a much better person than him and have your own values and identity– it's their own fault if other people don't try to see that." You replied. 
Todoroki stood up quickly after you spoke, but you were sure you could see a bright tint of red over his ears before he could stand. "That– really means a lot to me. I should go get ready. Enjoy your time on the beach today." 
"You too!" You called back as he quickly returned towards his beach house. 
3. He's a heart-throb.
  "I don't know how you can do it all day." You remembered Mina having said as she stirred her coffee with a plastic stopper. 
"Do what?" You asked as you took a sip of your own drink.
"Just– sit so close to Todoroki all day! Like, I'd be spending the whole time staring at his face… that's probably why I wasn't promoted to his personal secretary." She mentioned the last part mostly to herself. 
Mina was in another secretary position at Todoroki Industries; she'd been working there for a couple of years now. You didn't really mingle much with others at your workplace since the people who occupied the upper floors of Todoroki Industries were largely engineers and other business people that almost never took long breaks from their jobs. During one of the few times you had been around the large building, you met Mina. She was very enthusiastic to get to know you, and her other co-workers confirmed she was like that for every new person working in the building. 
"Well, he's kind of in his office all day. There's not much to stare at but the door." You shrugged.
"But you would stare if he were just around, right!" Mina insisted. You shrugged once again.
You hadn't been quite sure how to feel about Todoroki in the nearly half a year you had been working with the man now. The frequent trips (the PR ones had notably decreased compared to normal business trips, much to your joy) you took with him didn't exactly help, either. Half the time, you were in his personal vacation homes too, and (on top of that) he would ask if you wanted to stay in one of the guest rooms there with him. "The nearest hotel is a bit far. It might be easier if you were closer." Even the wording of his reasoning didn't help you much either. You know you should keep things professional with him, and it would certainly be scandalous for the CEO of Todoroki Industries to be dating his secretary. But, your mind always went to the what if. 
"I guess it's kind of hard to see him that way when he's my direct boss." You lied.
"True," Mina didn't seem to notice, "I've seen him glare at my department manager. I'd drop dead if he did the same to me." 
You continued talking with Mina until the two of you returned to your workplace at the perfect end of your break. The pink haired woman took her leave to her office on the first floor while you swiped your ID badge to the highest floors of the building where you worked. When you exited the large elevator, you were met by the usual chime, a kind "Welcome back, (Y/N)" from the elevator's AI, and a gun to the face. The last one was, obviously, unfamiliar to you. 
"Where's your boss?" The guy directly in front of you asked. As you looked at him longer, you realized that the "gun" seemed to actually just be his fingers. He had a quirk. 
"I– he's…" You looked frantically around the office. There were five others; all of them were in similar black and red clothing while trashing the office. You could see your cracked laptop on the ground just around the corner, but it was clearly the least of your concerns right now.
"He's out of office," It wasn't a lie, per say. Todoroki had adorned his hero outfit just before you left for your break and said he would be out for obvious reasons, "But, I can take a message for you." 
You really cursed the snarky comeback as you were now inches from the edge of Todoroki Industries' very very high roof. Your feet were just barely scraping the metal edge, and the gun-hand guy seemed to be the only thing keeping you from falling.
To only add to your stress and fear were the multiple news helicopters that had cut between the clouds to seemingly get some footage of your precarious situation. Not to help you, mind you. The guys, holding you hostage now, didn't appear too upset about the helicopters. Actually, they seemed to be playing their actions up for the cameras: pulling you closer to the edge of the building, firing warning shots and explosives that were intended to miss –some even aimed at you with the sole purpose of getting some verbal reaction from you.
"Is he gonna' show up soon?" You gasped just slightly as gun-hands once again pushed you backwards slightly. When you stepped back to balance yourself, your foot fully went off the edge behind you. At the least, you were facing away from the large, plummeting drop beneath you. 
"He's coming." One of the other guys responded. You'd been mentally referring to him as the computer guy since he was actively holding and monitoring some sort of footage on a computer. You could only assume it had some sort of way of showing Todoroki or "Red Shift" as he would be currently. 
Only moments later, you saw the subtle crawl of ice on the opposite side of the roof, and a body shot out past it only a second after: Todoroki was here. He was fully masked, yet he still managed to make a graceful landing at the perfect center of the building.
"What do you want, Cryos?" Red Shift spoke instantly. Despite it still being Todoroki, his voice was distinctly different. There was more aggression in it, and the tone was obviously muffled by the full face mask (no matter how technical it may be underneath).
"Glad to see you finally joined us." Cryos, as you could now identify the gun-hand criminal, replied. Maybe, if you had paid more attention to hero media, you would have recognized him sooner or perhaps known how to get yourself out of this predicament. 
"What do you want?" Red Shift repeated with a greater space between each word. 
"Just for you to show your face," he gestured towards the news cameras, "show who you really are."
"Drop (Y– them, first." You didn't miss his initial slip-up. 
"Drop them?" Cryos spoke tauntingly as your body easily moved from your small leverage at the side of the roof to completely dangling off the side. You wanted to scream.
"Hey, I don't care what shit you guys have but that doesn't–" He didn't care what you had to say as you could feel your body slightly slip from his grip. Your protest ended in a yelp from the action.
"Keep struggling and I'll fuckin' drop you." He threatened.
"Or," his attention turned back to Todoroki, "Take off the mask and they just might not die." 
There was another pause from Todoroki. Clearly, he was weighing the situation around him which, honestly, wasn't ideal. Cryos could shoot at any moment, and he was at such a far distance that any sort of attack would have to come from the front and be easily noticed. Not to mention, the other five must have had some sort of more hidden quirk considering Todoroki hadn't even attempted to attack them yet. Unless, that was because of you. If he attacked the others, Cryos could easily drop you in the mix. Or, if he attempted to save you, one of the others would get an attack on Todoroki. Despite your limited knowledge, it was a clear ambush which made all the more sense as Todoroki's hands lifted towards his face in an action to remove the mask.
"No!" You suddenly protested. 
You weren't sure yourself what you were doing. Was it stupid? Yes, you were dangling several hundred feet off the ground. But, who would think realistically as they're being held hostage, dangling off a building.
"D-don't do it. Just– I'll be fiN–" You didn't quite get to finish your sentence nor see what happened next as you were rather quickly free falling towards the ground. 
You could see the sky growing bigger, the other tall skyscrapers coming into view as you reached further and further towards the hard pavement below, and your falling reflection in the large windows of Todoroki Industries. It was hard to believe only a moment ago you'd really just been talking to Mina about how hot your boss was. Noise reached your ears next, it was mostly the roaring wind as your body cut hard through the air interspersed with what sounded like sirens from the ground below, and then–
You awoke to distant sounds of beeping and multiple people talking. Following that, you were hit by the harsh– hospital smell was the only way to describe it: alcohol wipes and just general hospital cleaning products. 
Opening your eyes confirmed the fact, you were in a hospital bed, an IV and other monitoring equipment at your side, and a TV hanging from the corner was playing from above you. The distant voices you could hear were coming from that. The volume of the TV had been set very low in exchange for subtitles that scrolled across the bottom. The subtitles weren't really needed all too much when the footage spoke for itself. 
It began by showing far away footage of Todoroki Industries. The cameraman quickly zoomed in to the point of attention a dot aka your body falling down the multiple stories. Only seconds later, it cut to regular pictures of you. Whoever submitted or found those pictures of you would definitely hear some choice words from you when you found them. The anchors seemed to discuss who you were before returning to the same footage as before. 
This time, it showed cascades of ice coming from a second, quick approaching dot. The following clip made it clear that this was Shoto Todoroki. Not Red Shift or a new hero, just Shoto Todoroki. Much as the report had done for you, it followed up by showing several pictures of the half and half millionaire. Of course, he was the main focus of the story.
"I guess he revealed his identity anyways." You thought, "Maybe I should just be thankful that I didn't die." 
Once you gathered that the news channel was beginning to just become speculation about Todoroki, you decided to try and change to something else. If you could find the remote that is. 
Your quick visual scan of the room left you more shocked than informed, however, as to your left was the same half-red and half-white haired man that was still being shown on the TV. You gasped loudly and nearly fell out of the bed at the sight, "To-Todoroki?" 
His response was an irritated sort of mumble, and his head turned the opposite way. It was oddly hard to tell that the man was asleep. His bangs and tilted forward head completely obscured his eyes, and he somehow managed to fall asleep with completely stiff shoulders. Maybe if you returned to work you could schedule a massage for him someday. 
"Should I wake him up?" You wondered, "He doesn't look too comfortable."
As you were weighing your options, you looked back towards the TV. The news report was still playing, this time it showcased a much closer version of the footage you'd been looking at before. Todoroki had caught you with ice pillars cascading from his shoes to give the effect of flight. He gracefully took a step onto the pavement with you in his arms all the while: like a true Hollywood heartthrob. 
"(Y/N)?" You were, once again, startled by the presence of Shoto Todoroki as his voice came from beside you. It might have helped to remember how he mentioned that he was a light sleeper in the past.
"Hey, how–" You began your greeting to him only for it to become muffled in the fabric of his shirt. He was hugging you.
"You're alright." He spoke quietly, but it was loud and clear from your close proximity. Still, you couldn't quite tell if he was addressing you or reassuring himself.
"I'm so sorry." He was quick to move on, though. This time, he spoke much louder with a clear intent of speaking to you. "I should have kept the place more secure or warned you that they were coming– God, I knew they were coming, but I didn't think they would come for you– this was my fault, and I'm so– stupid for not having done anything."
The words spilled out of him all at once. You had trouble tracking what he was trying to say as he seemed to get more and more upset as he spoke. "Todoroki." You tried to break his downward spiral.
Instead, he pulled away instantly, his hand came up to wipe what must have been tears forming at the corner of his eyes. "I apologize if I made you uncomfortable." His voice returned to his usual monotone.
"No, you didn't." You took a moment to think through what to say next, "I– Thank you. Even if it's your duty as a hero or whatever to not let me die, I still want to thank you. You didn't have to do all of that just for me." 
You both glanced towards the TV as you spoke. The channel seemed to be showing previews for the stories after the upcoming ads, most were about Todoroki, Red Shift, and whichever criminal group "Cryos" was a part of.
"It's not just a hero duty. I wouldn't have let you die even if I didn't have a quirk." He replied quickly.
"I care a lot about you. I couldn't– I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything bad happened to you there. And I just," Todoroki paused, "your life is far more important than my secret identity or the idea that I won't be accepted by whoever is out there. It doesn't matter to me anymore. The people I have close to me are more important than whatever the media has to say or what my father's opinion is." 
"I love you, (Y/N)." The words seemed to surprise both of you. It made your stomach flip, and Todoroki's eyes clearly widened at the admission.
"I apologize if that's forward or if you don't feel the same. I feared that if I didn't share it with you then there may be a time where I– wouldn't." He added.
You took a moment to sit in wonder at the words. Clearly, it was a lot for you to process. But, too long for Todoroki as he began to stand, "I'll give you time to– think. Let me know when you're feeling better–" 
"No!" You called out a bit louder than you intended to with a strong grip on his hand to match, "Sorry."
"It's alright." He took his seat again.
"Todo– Shoto, I did a whole bunch of reckless shit out there. Like that whole yelling thing at the end, I don't know if you even heard that, but it wasn't definitely why that guy dropped me– anyways. It wasn't your fault, okay. You don't control Cry-boy's mind or whatever he was called." A small smile came over his face at your mention of the villain, "the point is, this wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault that that guy was sick and needed to defend himself behind a hostage to even go against you. And, it's not your fault either that it worked on you because that's what villains like that guy do." 
"I love you too, Shoto. I was worried out there that you would give up too much just because I was in the way. I know how hard you've worked to be better than your shitty dad and help others, and I didn't want you to ruin the things you've worked for just for me." You continued.
He took a breath to start speaking again, but you interrupted, "It's not about that though. We both made our own decisions and wherever that takes us can't be changed. So, stop saying sad things like you might never get to tell me you love me again, okay?" 
Your hand moved from on top of his to rest on his check. You gently moved some long strands of red hair away from his eyes while he contemplated what to say next. Whatever was going through his head, he settled on the simple question, "Can I kiss you?" 
Sue you if you didn't really think about the immediate, "Yes" you gave in response or the several you repeated quietly until your lips met. 
Now, there were three facts you knew about Shoto Todoroki as his secretary and his partner: he's a hero who cares deeply about other people, a poor flirt who somehow managed to make you fall in love with him anyway, and, for sure, a heart-throb. 
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virtual--hug · 2 years
BNHA Imagine - Spiderman
A/N: So... Marvel huh? There was literally nothing specific that inspired this other than me just suddenly feeling like writing this AU. Also, this would have totally been posted yesterday, but I decided I was going to add Sero because what's a Spiderman reference in BNHA without Sero.
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Hitoshi Shinsou, Hanta Sero, and Shouta Aizawa x GN Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of harassment in Sero's (reader and other characters get followed by someone) & robbery in Aizawa's.
Summary: Either imagine the MCU or the BNHA universe, but the majority is quirkless so heroes are much more rare. Where, these heroes hear their crush mention or talk about their secret hero identity.
Word Count: 3.5K
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Izuku Midoriya
  "Have you heard about that new hero yet?" Midoriya had heard the words more than once in his school. But, it still shocked him to the core when he heard your friend ask you about it.
"Huh? I don't think I have." You replied.
Midoriya attempted to be just slightly more subtle in his eavesdropping. He looked back to the books before him; afterall, he'd been studying just moments before you and your friend entered the library. It wasn't like it was uncommon for the two of you to come to the library; Midoriya was just really bad at not eavesdropping. 
"Seriously!" They exclaimed, "C'mon, look at this!" 
Midoriya did everything in his power to not look back up to see what your friend was showing you. He had a likely guess, though. The green haired boy wasn't inept on social media; he kept close tabs on any public information that was spreading about him. Admittedly, it was relatively isolated right now: local news and posts from people mostly located within this town. In this instance, he'd already seen the video on his own and had been shown it by Uraraka. It was a video of him, (well, the masked hero "Veridian") jumping across the tops of buildings and sliding down a fire escape before promptly looking at the camera after the person behind it yelled. 
"So," Your friend prompted once the video presumably ended, "isn't he hot?" 
Izuku instantly flushed.
"Kind of, but you can't just say that after seeing one video of him." You countered. 
"Well you haven't seen the other videos. Hold on, there's one where he saves a cat, and he's so cute! Let me find it." Your friend began scrolling through her phone while Izuku was absolutely burning in his seat.
"Kind of? What do they mean by kind off? Do they mean I'm hot? No one's ever called me that before!" Izuku repeated mentally. He really hoped he wasn't muttering those words.
"Oh, hey Midoriya. 'Didn't notice you there!" Once your attention was away from your friend's phone, it seemed you finally took notice of your surroundings. Izuku wasn't too far from the two of you, just a table away.
"H-hey (L/N)!" He returned the greeting. He failed miserably to hide the stutter, blush, or the small giddy smile overtaking his face. Midoriya wasn't a completely hopeless romantic, at least. He'd made multiple efforts to talk to you (with varying levels of success), and you sat next to him in one of the several classes you two shared. Although, he wouldn't boast his ability too much; Midoriya and you were acquaintances at most. 
"Look, found it!" You seemed ready to say more, but you were quickly distracted by your friend shoving another video towards you. 
His next words died on his tongue, but he could still feel a tiny smile on his face as he tried to make his brain focus back on his notes before him. Although, his attention was really on you. 
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Hitoshi Shinsou 
   "Shinsou loves heroes– actually, he knows a couple heroes!" Kaminari loudly declared while Shinsou paled at the accusation. He regretted this interaction instantly. 
Denki Kaminari was undeniably the school flirt– when they graduated in a year the title will be under his name in the yearbook. Kaminari went to every social event he had access to, talked to anyone who would listen, and was more or less the class clown. And, he was Hitoshi Shinsou's best friend since middle school. The relationship was very obviously odd. Shinsou sort of disappeared in the crowds with his dark clothing and frequent silence, meanwhile Kaminari was visibly bright and could fill a room with just his voice.
Despite their differences, Shinsou wouldn't really have it any other way. Kaminari was a good friend, and, no matter how popular he got, he never skipped out on Shinsou. But, at times like these, the purple haired boy really wished he could go back and just strangle the blonde before they could have even met.
Today, Kaminari had tugged Shinsou from their usual library spot to the much busier high school cafeteria. All the while, he rambled on and on with a mix of some much needed context for Shinsou. 
"So– y'know your crush, right?" Kaminari began.
"I don't have a–" the blonde didn't even let Shinsou speak as he continued, "Well, I just got sat next to one of their friends in Algebra, they're cute by the way. And, they said I could sit with them at lunch. So, as your great best friend who won't let you keep pining for (Y/N) for the rest of high school, I'm bringing you with me!"
"I have homework to do, though." Shinsou tried to avoid the event he was being "invited" to. 
"Nope, now you don't. Did you miss the part where I said you won't be pining anymore?" Kaminari repeated.
"I didn't tell you about this just for you to drag me around school and play matchmaker." The purple haired boy attempted to dissuade the blonde with his cynical comment. 
"Must suck because we're here." As usual, it didn't work, and they were standing at the entryway of the cafeteria
The blonde rather easily found the group, and Shinsou was just as easily ditched by the blonde to sit beside you. He could, maybe, forgive Kaminari for this just a little bit. It was pretty easy to strike up a conversation with you; the two of you shared a couple of classes, afterall. But, that goodwill ended instantly when Shinsou and you were brought back to the conversation of the rest of the table. "Hey, Shinsou, what do you think about heroes?" 
He wasn't quite sure what led up to the conversation, but he answered normally, "They're cool, I guess." 
"Oh come on– Shinsou loves heroes! Actually, he knows a couple heroes!" The only indication of what Kaminari was about to say was a seconds-long, telling stare.
Shinsou had to channel all his willpower in that moment to not get up and drag the blonde out of the cafeteria right at that second. He'd told Kaminari when the blonde found out about him being a hero, "I don't want this to be a public thing, alright. It's for my safety and everyone else that this stays secret." What was he even trying to do by mentioning it? Make himself more popular? He promised in that same conversation he would never do something like that– no matter how awful he is at keeping secrets. 
"What heroes do you know?" Was asked on top of, "Do you really?" 
"He's lying. I've talked to a hero that comes near my apartment, but that's about it." Shinsou countered. He could back that up, right? He'd talked to a couple of older, underground heroes, but he'd have to twist the story just a bit about why they were talking.
"No, you're lying," if looks could kill, Kaminari was six feet under, "He makes equipment and stuff for this new hero!" 
"Who!" The questioning shouts of your friends persisted. 
"Um– Mindjack…" Shinsou didn't know what else to add about him– well, himself. This wasn't what he planned for at all today, and Kaminari will be paying for it.
"Huh– never heard of him." Relief flooded over him at the words of the first response.
"I guess if they're new then there isn't much out about them yet." Another friend spoke. They were technically right, but it was more like Shinsou actively avoided any sort of public attention in the past two years he'd been officially doing hero-work now. 
"No wait, we had a real question to ask first," Someone else said before holding a phone towards Shinsou, "Which hero is hotter?"
Shinsou had to stop his complete deadpan expression at the words just uttered. It was the person sitting next to Kaminari too– no wonder the blonde liked them, that was exactly something he would ask. 
"Uh– the left one, I guess." He answered bluntly. Thankfully, it was enough for everyone else to head back to their conversations even as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
Instantly, his eyes were on Kaminari. He was trying to corral the group, more specifically the one person he had interest in, out the door as soon as possible. Kaminari had been friends with Shinsou for long enough to know the "your days are numbered" look, and he was wisely trying to escape. 
"Hey, um–" Luckily for Kaminari, a voice interrupted his war path towards the blonde.  You, who had been silent most of the previous interaction, finally began talking again.
"Do you actually work with Mindjack?" You asked.
"Yeah, I kinda do. I help– him make equipment and those sorts of things." It felt odd talking about himself in the third person.
"That's so cool!" You exclaimed, "I've been wondering for a while how things like that voice modulator work– oh, and the capture scarf too! Did you, or him, based it off Eraserhead? They seem really similar, but I've never really seen them work." 
The more you talked, the bright red Shinsou's face flushed and his heart raced, "You know who Mindjack is? And Eraserhead?" He voiced his thoughts exactly. Well, more exactly would be the wonders of how you knew about his equipment. Had people managed to take pictures of him? When? 
"Well um– yeah, kind of. There's a lot more interesting communities about the less– mainstream heroes, you could say. Sorry if the questions were weird, though! I get it if it's private information and stuff." You rambled your explanation. 
Heroes had been brought up only a couple of times the two of you talked, but he had no clue you were such a big hero fan. Much less that you knew a lot about underground heroes of all things.
"It's not weird," he quickly corrected, "Um– I have some of the basic designs I could show you tomorrow for the artificial vocal chords, that's what the voice modulator is called. I'm sure Mindjack wouldn't mind if you saw them." 
"Really? That'd be great, thank you so much!" You smiled brightly. Maybe, some of that forgiveness for Kaminari returned…
But only a little. 
"Seriously? I work with heroes?" Shinsou asked Kaminari, who was currently dangling from the ledge of their apartment building with Shinsou's binding cloth as the only thing keeping him from falling the multiple stories. Was it cruel? Yeah. But, would he drop the blonde? Probably not. 
"C'mon, I didn't say you are one! And, it worked didn't it? (Y/N)'s super into heroes, and I saw you two talking after!" Kaminari explained. 
"So you were trying to set me up?" Shinsou spoke evenly. Neither continued rage or a new calm was particularly clear in his voice.
"Does that make it better or worse?" The other timidly asked. 
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Hanta Sero 
   Sero's rooftop swinging halted as a shout came from somewhere below him. It was a couple people shouting things along the lines of, "Leave us alone" and "Stop following us!" Neither of those phrases were usually a good sign. He scanned the area quickly before making his way over to the group he could see in the distance: it was a group of six huddled together with the perpetrators clearly being three guys following behind.
"C'mon, I didn't mean to scare you away. It was just a joke." One of the guys insisted. 
"No, it wasn't just a joke." One of the people in the group shouted back.
The guy previously speaking stepped forward, "Babe, I really didn't mean it. Just come back to the party and–" 
He was interrupted by someone else, "Just go away. She's not going back–" 
"I didn't ask you!" The guy snapped and shoved whoever had interrupted him to the ground.
"Okay, now seems like a good time to do something." Sero determined. From his previous spot, he jumped to the sidewalk– perfectly landing between whoever this guy was and the other group. Lucky for him (and his dignity) he didn't mess up the landing as he did many times before.
"You alright?" He addressed the person who had been pushed first and– oh shit.  Sero recognized you instantly. You were dressed slightly differently from earlier, but it made sense; you had just been at a party after all. 
"Yeah, we're all going," You had mentioned during lunch, "(Name)'s going with her boyfriend, but I get really bad vibes from him, y'know. So none of us really wanted her to be alone." 
Remembering that information, he easily recognized everyone standing around him now. Your friend group was the five others behind him, and your one friend's boyfriend was standing inches before him. 
"Thanks." You accepted the hand he had reached out to help pull you up. 
"Everything alright here?" Sero turned his attention back towards the upperclassmen before him.
"Yeah, we're fine." The guy responded.
"Um– yeah, I'm pretty sure fine doesn't mean pushing people to the ground," Sero said, "Why don't you go back to your party over there and leave these people alone." 
"This is none of your business, tape boy." He sneered. 
"Cellophane." Sero corrected. 
"Whatever," he scoffed, "just fuck off already." 
He reached a hand up to push Sero, much as he had done to you, only for his fist to be wrapped in a heavy layer of tape. "What?" Seconds later, he was stumbling backwards towards his friends– Sero having kicked him square in the stomach.
"Let's just get out of here, it's not worth it." One of his smarter friends suggested. 
The main guy muttered something before calling out to, presumably, his girlfriend, "You better call me later!" 
Sero had to hold back a laugh as one of your friend behind him whispered, "Don't fucking call him." 
"Asshole," You muttered as you watched the three guys retreat, "Thank you so much. Cellophane, right?" 
"Y-yeah," he stuttered, "No problem! Just get back home safe, got it?" 
God, he sounded like someone's Dad. He was so thankful for the decision to wear a mask and keep his identity secret.
"Sure thing!" You called back with a wave while a couple of other friends added, "Thank you!" 
He easily caught the ledge of the closest roof with his tape and pulled himself back up to return to his previous patrolling route. 
"Then he went like," You demonstrated a kick as well as you could from your seat at the cafeteria, "and he ran away! I can't believe he helped us, though. I don't know what we would have done if that asshole kept following us." 
"Yeah, that is lucky. I'm glad you guys were safe." Sero wasn't the best actor, but he seemed to be pretty good at convincing you that this was his first time hearing of this. 
"Yeah, I'm glad too… oh, and the hero was nice too! Like, he helped me up and everything." You continued talking about the hero.
"Wow, sounds like you have a crush on this hero." Sero teased. 
"Hm– wouldn't be the first time I fell in love with someone after talking once," You replied jokingly, "I'm sure he's cute under his mask, though.. Maybe I should try and get in more danger to get his number?" 
No matter if you were serious or not, a deep blush covered Sero's face. Did that mean you think he's cute? "Y-you could become his uh– archenemy or something, start robbing banks."
Whether you noticed or not, you didn't mention it, "Ooh an enemies to lovers thing, I like it." 
He awkwardly laughed, "Y-yeah…"
He was so bad at this. 
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Shouta Aizawa 
   "Welcome in!" You called out as Aizawa slowly pushed the door open to the brightly illuminated Cafe. It was one of the few places that was open so late and served coffee good enough to get Aizawa to power through the night.
"I haven't seen you around in awhile, 'zawa." The wait staff was nice too. Well, you're the only person ever working at such a late hour. Also considering he was often the only person occupying the building at his very specific time, it was inevitable he ended up talking to you a bit.
"Been busy." He took a seat down at the exact spot across from you.
"With…" You prompted him to continue as you poured his usual. It wasn't too complicated of an order: plain, black coffee. 
"Finals week," he sighed deeply, "Lots of grading." 
Aizawa, unfortunately, found himself settled as a highschool teacher. He would really rather be teaching college level courses, but he began his hero work at the same time he got hired for a part-time teacher position. So, now he was just a full time teacher coupled with nightly hero work, and he did not have the time to switch up his routine. 
"I feel you," You nodded in agreement, "Well, as a student more than a teacher." 
You held up a messy notebook from behind the counter to indicate the studying you were doing prior. In the time you two talked, Aizawa learned that you had just recently returned to college after a many year break to finish the degree you dropped. The night job at the Cafe seemed to be your best bet for paying the simpler college expenses. 
"Don't let me distract you, studying is important." The man took a sip of his coffee. 
"Sure thing, sensei." You teased, "But seriously, I needed a break anyway. I've been working on it since my shift started –no one's really come in anyway, probably 'cause of the robberies and stuff." 
"Right, you told me about those. How's everything been lately?" He asked. 
"Fine, apparently there's been some sort of hero hanging around here and scaring guys off. So, maybe business will pick up again." You replied. 
The question was really only a formality. Aizawa was the said "hero" hanging around, and he was, in fact, "scaring away" any possible criminals after you'd informed him of the robberies. 
"They're probably hitting all the stores around. I hope there's at least someone else working with me whenever they come by here." You solemnly said.
"You can't call the police?" Aizawa mildly expected the answer you would give. 
"No, they won't really stick around unless they have some reason to believe it's soon. But, it seems like the group waits a couple before robbing another place. That's why they've just been hitting every store down the block in a row." You explained.
With the renewed resentment he had for the local police force (that same resentment had pushed him to become a hero in the first place), he changed up his patrol area to hang around the Cafe. He wasn't quite sure what the criminal group looked like, but he was successful in scaring off some suspicious groups so far. He kept a close eye on the Cafe too. If he saw anyone go in, Aizawa was on guard until they left. 
Was it a bit over the top? Yeah, Aizawa would admit to that. 
"At least someone is doing something around here." He responded to your explanation.
"Yeah, it's nice to feel a bit safer around here." You smiled.
Aizawa went to take another sip of his coffee –only to notice that he'd finished the cup in the rather short time you two had been talking. Awkwardly, he placed the mug back down after pretending to take a final sip. 
"Want any more?" You seemed to notice while holding up the coffee pot.
"No," his voice held evident disappointment at the denial, "I've had a lot today anyways, just thought I'd stop by."
Yamada had become very serious recently with getting Aizawa to stop drinking as much coffee. "Only 3 cups at most," the blonde English teacher declared, "Otherwise, I'm sending you home and you're sleeping for the day."
It was unfortunate the man was so good at talking to others, especially their boss, to actually make the threat a reality. He'd demonstrated so just last week. 
"Aww, thanks! I enjoy it when you come by, too." You smiled. 
"Oh uh– I've been meaning to ask. Can I get your number– i-if you're alright with that. We've been talking a lot here, so I thought that maybe it'd be nice to see you when I'm not on the clock for once." You nervously added. 
Aizawa paused for a moment in contemplation. He hadn't really given his number out in a long time, much less to someone he found himself interested in, and it was mostly because of his secretive hero career. The moment Yamada got close to him, it was only weeks later the blonde found out about the hero stuff. 
"This is different." He concluded the train of thought before verbally responding, "Sure, here." 
You beamed as you pulled your phone out and put your numbers in each other's phones. "See you around soon, 'zawa." You called out as the dark haired man left after paying. 
A small smile came across his face when he received your first text only moments after he had resumed his perched spot near the Cafe, "good luck getting me to stop bothering you now >:)" 
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virtual--hug · 2 years
BNHA Imagine - How They Are as a Boyfriend [ 3 ]
A/N: I finally finished it! Usually these take me a while, but school has been a little bit of a 💫 bitch 💫 It's just two characters this time since I wanted to fit them in before, but I wanted to stick to only 3 characters.
Characters: Hitoshi Shinsou & Iida Tenya x GN Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Quick mentions of insecurity in Iida's (in the jealousy section).
Word Count: 2.8k
Part 1 | Part 2
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Hitoshi Shinsou
Jealousy - He's not a frequently jealous person by any means. The important word is frequently. It's not a common sight, but it's very obvious when he is jealous. If you're talking to a person directly, he will come up beside you and give the person the worst glare he can manage. It's highly effective in quickly scaring them off. But, there are some cases where you don't have to be interacting with someone for him to be jealous. Sometimes, he'll get jealous that you're going out so often or hanging out with people when he really wants to spend the day/evening with you. When that happens, he becomes dead weight on you until the last possible moment before you need to leave. It's cuter when your cats do it then your muscular, pro-hero boyfriend.
   "Hey, these pants don't look weird with this shirt, right?" You stepped into the living room where your boyfriend was reading on the couch.
He looked at you for a moment before replying, "No, you look fine. Where are you going?" 
"I told you a couple days ago, remember? It's a friend's birthday." You returned back to the bedroom to find a suitable jacket before making your way to the couch. 
"Do you have to?" The purple haired hero was already stretching his way towards you; his book was discarded on the messy coffee table.
"I'm not missing their birthday!" You insisted. 
He was practically approaching you like a zombie: a slow crawl with his hands grasping forward. Despite your best efforts to deter him, his arms had slinked their way around you, and, with that, his body weight slowly pushed you to a lying position on the couch.
"It's more comfortable here, though." His voice was muffled by the fabric of your clothes.
"Toshi, I told you! I'm not missing this!" Despite your protests, you weren't really pushing him off. 
"When do you need to leave?" He asked instead. 
You sighed, "15 minutes." 
"M'kay." His voice went quiet and his movement stopped as he seemed to find a comfortable spot on top of you.
"You could come too, if you want to spend time with me." 
"20 minutes…" 
"Hitoshi, no!" 
Cuddles - Despite what the above scenario might indicate… he loves cuddling. Physical affection isn't always his favorite, but he's most comfortable with cuddling. Who would pass up the opportunity to have a warm sleeping spot with the possible bonus of someone playing with your hair? I'm not being subtle here, I characterize Shinsou as a cat. But seriously, he often has a lot of trouble sleeping and even when he does he wakes up really easily. Playing with his hair really helps him fall asleep and something about another person being there gives him a sense of security to stay asleep. He also doesn't really care what position the two of you are in or even where you are. He'll be just as comfortable falling asleep on the floor as he will on a proper bed. 
  "Hey," You felt something nudge your body, "Hey!" 
"Get off the floor. It's fuckin' gross." You heard the same voice speak for a second time. 
"What?" The incessant sound and touch annoyed you enough to finally wake you up. 
"Get up. I don't wanna keep looking at you two." You finally woke up enough to recognize the voice as Bakugou's.
"Huh?" You muttered, mostly to yourself, as you sat up. 
After a moment of adjustment, you finally acknowledged where you were: the bright green UA carpets. A simple yellow blanket had been draped over your body as well as Shinsou –who was still fast asleep on the floor.
"It's too early for this…" You attempted to flop back to the ground. You hadn't really noticed any discomfort, but you quickly noted you had been fully asleep on Shinsou's body. The purple haired hero in training was sprawled across the ground on his back with one arm lazily around you.  
You could remember now; you'd fallen asleep watching a couple movies with the rest of Shinsou's friends. He'd fallen asleep on your shoulder, and you likely followed him at some point. Clearly, no one else had decided to wake you two up before other Class A students woke up that morning. 
"No, get up! Get a room!" Bakugou continued to shout; his nudges quickly became more like kicks. 
"Hey– ow, don't kick me!"
Kisses - His kisses aren't really sporadic, but they don't occur at specific times either. No matter what, he'll really only kiss you when you two are alone, and he knows you two are alone. He doesn't normally make his boundaries very clear, but he will on this matter. Kissing feels like something really personal and intimate to him, so, even if it's something as quick as a peck on the cheek, he prefers to keep it in a private setting. Despite that, his most frequent kisses are rushed kisses on the cheek or forehead: whichever he can really reach the easiest. His kisses are usually a goodbye, rather than actually saying the words himself. As for him, his favorite are kisses to the nose. There's something just very soft about them that makes the butterflies in his stomach come to life.  
   "How's the English homework look?" You looked across your bed to address Shinsou. 
His chin rested on his palm, features scrunched every so slightly in concentration, and dominant hand scribbling down whatever English phrases the homework asked for. The perks of having a smart boyfriend didn't just fall to getting homework answers, he was cute too.
"It's pretty easy," He shrugged, "it's everything we went over in class." 
You hummed, "Okay." 
The purple haired boy never looked up from his work. Otherwise, he would have noticed your eyes fixated on him for the next couple seconds. 
"Hey, 'toshi." You addressed him.
"Hm?" He finally looked up: meeting your eyes. 
"You're cute." You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose.
"Wha– uh– I…" He spluttered. It took only a second before red coated every inch of his face.
"Th– it's um– that's my line." Shinsou's recovery failed spectacularly. 
PDA - As the two sections above showed, there's a bit of a basis for what he decides to be okay affection in public and not-okay affection. Any forms of kisses are off the board for PDA. But, hand holding, hugging, and even cuddling are a possibility. It's still very rare. He accepts it if you're one to immediately take his hand or hold his body in a hug. Although, Shinsou will really only initiate on specific occasions: he won't see you for awhile, something intense happened with hero work or training, or he's particularly happy about some sort of progress. Other than that, he'll keep the affection to private settings. 
   Your boyfriend had been gone all day for some sort of hero course event. He hadn't really explained it, but you'd heard more than one loud explosion from some seperate part of campus. So, it had to be something training related. 
"(Y/N)!" You assumed that the call was meant to be some sort of warning. But, it miraculously failed as the full impact of the person running at you hit you with full force. 
You shrieked loudly –only just recognizing the purple haired blur now below you. Below you? For only a couple of minutes you were lifted into the air before hands at your waist lowered you until your feet returned to the ground. 
"Shinsou?" You asked when you recovered from the brief moment in the air.
"I did it!" Shinsou responded unusually enthusiastically. You could see other UA students looking at you two oddly as they filed towards the dorms. 
"Did what?" You used a hand to steady yourself against his arm. 
"I got into the hero course!" He exclaimed. Shinsou pulled away just long enough for you to see his purple eyes wide with excitement.
"Really? That's great!" You finally returned the hug –being met with the same force as Shinsou. 
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Tenya Iida 
Jealousy - Iida is a rather self-conscious person; he holds himself to a high standard and is highly critical of himself. When he sees people who he perceives as better than him in a certain aspect, he gets jealous. So, his jealousy isn't necessarily a lack of trust in you, but it's more of a fear of his own worth and abilities. As for that, his "tells" of jealousy are pretty unclear. He'll go quiet and maybe avoid you as long as the person is with you.
Cuddling - This man is large. Like, he's one of the tallest in the class –on the level of characters with actual physical mutations (whatever Koda's body is made of, Sato's has a strength enhancement quirk, and Shoji is shoji). Soooo, he fits the exact point on the graph for intimidating, but the human version of a teddy bear. Iida doesn't necessarily initiate cuddling, but he (almost) never denies them. The "almost" really only applies to times when he deems cuddling to go against UA's PDA rules. He needs to be on his best behavior as the representative of Class 1-A! But, who's really paying attention if you fall asleep on his lap during a movie night? Also, Iida definitely seems like someone who gets cold really often (ignore the engines in his legs, just follow along), so he'd have a bunch of blankets. If he leaves before you wake up, you will find yourself wrapped in a blanket that's some shade of blue. 
   It had been a tiring day for you: hero work was just a lot of effort. So, you'd managed to make your way to your boyfriend's room.
"Come in!" You heard loud and clear from behind the closed door. 
You slipped into the dorm easily. Iida was seated at his desk and doing homework as always. A couple of books were disturbed from their usual position beside his bed or in their neat rows at the bookshelf and spread across his desk instead. 
"Hey Tenya." You greeted him.  
"Hello (Y/N)! You seem tired. Have you slept enough?" Was his immediate response. For a moment, he turned his spinny chair away from his pile of work towards you.
"Yeah, just had a long day." You took one final stretch before making your way towards Iida. It was a bit of an awkward position –trying to fit yourself on top of Iida on his UA desk chair that already just about fit him. Although, you didn't have many worries about falling as your boyfriend's arm had already made its way around your body to stabilize you.
"I have some work to finish first, so you may want to return to your own dorm room until then." He responded only after you'd let out a sigh in comfort.
"Why'd you let me sit down then?" You called out his bluff.
He stayed silent for a moment before the chair turned back to the desk, and his free hand went to grab his previously discarded pencil. "I should be done shortly. Feel free to move if you're uncomfortable!" He spoke in a slightly quieter tone than normal. You only let out an "mhm" before shutting your eyes. 
You were sure you only closed your eyes with the intention of waiting for Iida to finish in a couple minutes. Instead, you were disoriented: confused why you were no longer in the world of your dream and about your location in general. It took only a couple seconds to recognize Iida's desk across from you; you were on his bed. Iida's normal covers were draped over you with the addition of a white blanket with lighting patterns on it in a mix of light and dark blues. The bathroom sink was running not too far away; Iida must have been there.
"I could get used to this." You smiled before laying back down to drift into sleep. 
Kisses - Iida is a little bit more averse to kisses than cuddles… hey isn't this like Shinsou– Much like a cuddle, he won't necessarily deny a kiss. Even if you've given full, clear warnings that you're about to kiss him, he won't stop you with any sort of physical force/gestures. That being said, if you verbally ask, he will deny it. And, usually, you'll receive some sort of reprimand afterwards if you kiss him in public. Kissing is the number one definition of PDA, afterall! In private, though, next to everything is possible once he's become more comfortable in the relationship. 
He loves giving you kisses to the back of your hand, and it's usually followed by being spoiled with gifts, flowers, or food you like. He said it was something about making you feel like royalty– sure, rich boy. Iida's favorite kisses aren't far off, too. He loves cheek kisses. Especially if you have to cover some distance to get there: asking him to bend down or look up or just watching you stretch up on your toes or slowly bend down to meet him. He still loves them if you two are around the same height, but Iida does like a height difference. 
   Iida had been gone for a couple days for his work studies, much to your disappointment. It was always a bit more dull in Class 1-A when students were gone even though it was becoming increasingly more common. Luckily, it hadn't been anything dangerous, so he returned quickly and unharmed. 
"Iida, you're back! How'd it go?" You heard as you exited the elevator to the common room. Uraraka had found him quickly; hadn't she gone upstairs at the same time as you? 
"It was great! Any time with an experienced pro-hero is highly valuable, and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to…" Iida continued on in the background, but, at that point, you were no longer paying attention to the words he was saying.
You peaked around the corner to try and spot where the blue haired, speed boy was and exactly how well you could surprise him. There was something about trying to outrun the person with the speed-quirk that was just very amusing to you. Luckily for your specific goal, Iida was seated on the couch. His head peaked far over the back cushion, and you could note the top of Uraraka's brown hair beside him. 
"Tenya!" You began your yell as you ran towards the couch. But, he didn't look behind until your full momentum hit the couch and you were easily able to lean down to press a kiss to his cheek, "Welcome back!" 
"(Y-Y/N), this is inappropriate behavior! You can not just be displaying these sorts of affections in a public space like this! It's against the rules, and…" He continued on loudly; the bright red blush across his face and ears not aiding his point in the slightest. 
PDA - Do I even need to describe this one? Well, kind of. Outwardly, he's very against PDA. Again, Iida has his whole class president thing going on. He wouldn't necessarily be angry at you for displaying something he decided to be PDA, but he might sit you down for a serious conversation about how he'd prefer you keep most affectionate gestures private. But, that's just when he's a UA student. As a pro-hero, he'd still be against a lot of public affection. As an Iida and taking over his brother's well known position as Ingenium, he really quickly has a lot of media on him, and he wants said media to focus more on his accomplishment than whoever his partner is. Although, he'll always accept a kiss or hug when you give them.  
   "So, you and your partner, (Y/N), have been a hot topic in the news recently?" The interviewer spoke. 
"Well, I suppose. We work rather closely together, so it's inevitable that we run into each other at work sometimes." Iida attempted to smoothly answer the question.
"Run into each other, right?" The last part of the sentence sounded highly sarcastic.
"Yes, run into each other. I don't know what else you could possibly insinuate." The speed hero attempted to play off the interviewer. Although, he was already worried about what was to come next.
"Why don't we show some recent clips?" The interviewer looked off the stage towards a producer who was about to show just that. 
He recognized the scene instantly as the shaky phone video began to play. It was the screenshot of every tabloid's and stan account's dream. You had run into him some time after a minor villain attack. He had long since filled out any reports and was getting ready to leave when the video began. You came up, hand on his arm, and the normally composed hero easily leaned towards you to accept a kiss. The video ended moments later with an aggressive pan away by the person holding the phone. 
Iida didn't know what he was thinking when he let that happen. He'd had a tiring and long shift, but, even in a tired state, he was more composed than that. 
"What was that about running into each other again?" The camera likely cut back to the two and showcased a very flustered Ingenium for all viewers to see. 
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virtual--hug · 2 years
°•☆ Masterlist ☆•°
He's Scared of Thunder
How They Are as a Boyfriend
You Meet His Family
Soft Spot
Description: Bakugou finally asks you on a date after a year of growing to like him more and more, but the outift you're wearing slowly becomes an issue for your night.
Gentle Touch
Description: Bakugou's friends slowly find out about his soft side through you.
Reader w/ a Bird Quirk
He's Scared of Thunder
How They Are as a Boyfriend
You Meet His Family
Three Facts
Description: You're pretty sure you knew enough about Shoto Todoroki when you suddenly became his personal secretary, but you quickly learn that you were (almost) all wrong.
He's Scared of Thunder
How They Are as a Boyfriend
You Meet His Family
You Meet His Family
How They Are as a Boyfriend
He's Scared of Thunder
How They Are as a Boyfriend
How They Are as a Boyfriend
How They Are as a Boyfriend
Reader w/ a Bird Quirk
How They Are as a Boyfriend
Star Crossed [ 1 ]
Description: You were just a regular, overworked pro hero and UA teacher when you met your soulmate on a late night patrol... and he's a wanted criminal, Soulmate AU.
Description: Dabi finds himself watching a performance at some hole in the wall Cafe (literally) and, when he comes back to see it again, he meets the singer.
Old Friends
Description: A series of unfortunate events leads you to meeting who you thought was your long-dead best friend, but you didn't die atleast!
Love is Pain
Description: "What kind of soulmate slaps you on the ass when you first meet?"
65 notes · View notes
virtual--hug · 2 years
BNHA Imagine - How They Are as a Boyfriend [ 2 ]
A/N: I always forget that it takes forever for me to write these and come up with the scenarios even though the only one I had to fully write was Sero's. Also, keep an eye out because I'm going to post stuff about requests soon!
Characters: Denki Kaminari, Eijirou Kirishima, & Hanta Sero x GN Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of some unhealthy jealous behaviors in Kaminari's scenario and some generally gross/predatory behavior from a random male character in Kirishima's.
Word Count: 4.5K
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Denki Kaminari
Jealousy - I've definitely given the other characters a bit of maturity here in how they react to jealousy, but I can not say the same for Kaminari. He'd totally be the guy who doesn't want you to be friends with certain people, follow certain people on whatever social media you use, and will get upset if you like another person's pictures. If you want that to change, you've got to talk to him about it. Otherwise, you'll be enduring a lot of stupid arguments. As an adult, he definitely becomes a bit better about those reactions, but the jealousy is still there. 
   It had been a couple of years into your hero career, and you got the chance to work with some work studies students that your agency had taken on. Admittedly, it was a bit weird working with people only a couple years younger than you at the most. But, it was still sweet to see kids with such passion, and they basically worshipped the ground you walked on which was nice as a young (often disrespected) hero. Well, all except one kid.
"Hey hot stuff, are you busy after work today?" The kid in question was, undeniably, a good hero. But, he was annoyingly flirtatious.
"Why? Do you need help crossing the street?" You replied.
"Maybe, I wouldn't mind you holding my hand to walk to the station." You rolled your eyes at the response, "No chance, kid. Get going unless you want me to call Aizawa on you." 
"Please, just once! C'mon you won't regret it!" The kid whined. Before you could go on your long, very irritated, rant to him about why he needed to leave you alone, a new voice entered the conversation.
"Hey, I thought your patrol was done by now!" Your boyfriend, Kaminari Denki, rested his arm across your shoulder.
"Yeah, it is, I was just talking to some of the work study kids." You replied, glancing towards the boy who had since gone silent. Kaminari took a quick glance towards the kid before pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
"Hey, I remember when we did those! You should probably start heading home, kid. There's a curfew in this area." Kaminari turned his attention towards the student. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, ma'am." The boy ran out past you two. 
"Ma'am." You repeated the word in some disbelief. 
"What a brat." Kaminari muttered.
"Hey," You flicked his forehead, "Don't act like you weren't like that in high school." 
Cuddles - He's actually not the biggest fan of cuddling. He feels a constant need to do something, but he doesn't usually see any ways around cuddling that would make it more productive for him. So, most of the time, he'll avoid it. On some occasions, Kaminari will come around to it, and he'll tolerate it for at least a little bit if you enjoy cuddling. The best you can do to keep in one place is to play with his hair for a bit; it calms him and makes him very tired. But the moment you stop, he's gone again. 
  You weren't sure exactly when you had fallen asleep. At one point, you were watching a movie with your boyfriend after a long school week. Now, you were being woken up by the thing you were sleeping on having shifted one too many times for your liking.
"Hey, you're awake!" A voice greeted you.
"Huh?" You tiredly looked up at the person who began speaking: your electric boyfriend.
"You fell asleep a while ago, and you looked too peaceful for me to wake you up. But, uh– I'm kinda' getting bored here. Do you mind if I leave to do stuff for a bit?" Kaminari explained. He continued to shift around as he had before when you'd be woken.
"Seriously?" You rested your head back onto his chest as it had been when you woke up.
"I'm serious! It's boring waiting here, and the movie ended forever ago!" He whined.
"Fine." You rolled off of him.
"Thanks, babe!" He hardly stuck around for long afterwards.  
Kisses - Above all forms of affection, this is it this is the one. He kisses you for almost anything. If you're sad, happy, annoyed, any emotion, he'll kiss you in response. The main motivator is usually his own wandering brain. He'll often look towards your lips, remember that you're his partner, then kiss you. He's not really one to ask beforehand, so, if you need that, you should let him know. Kisses on the lips are his go to, but he'll give you a kiss on the cheek every so often. 
  "Seriously? I heard the final was going to be on conjunctions!" Mina exclaimed. As finals approached, your friends and you already began speculating on what the upcoming exams would be.
"No way, Mic-Sensei is going to do it about verb tenses! He always does the final on the topic we had the most trouble on, and almost everyone did badly on that one." You insisted.
"I don't know, he's been a bit nicer lately. Maybe he'll just make it on more of the easier topics." Kirishima added. Bakugou, next to him, scoffed at the comment.
"That's how he gets you! He acts all nice then springs some mega-hard test on us!" Mina replied. "What do you think, Kami?" 
Kaminari was clearly zoned out when the group turned to look at him. He was staring straight at you as if the world around was completely silent.
"Denki?" You waved a hand in front of his face to get his attention.
Suddenly, the blonde leaned forward and a haste kiss was pressed directly onto your lips. Your eyes widened, and your face heated at the action. Meanwhile, the other teenager went on to answer the question, "I don't know what the test is about, but Aizawa-sensei is definitely behind it if it's hard. I swear I heard them talking about it yesterday!" 
The test quickly moved away from the conversation's focus. 
PDA - All of the previous scenarios have made it pretty clear that Kaminari isn't opposed to PDA… and he isn't. Kaminari doesn't really care where he gives you affection and there's truthfully very little difference between what he'll do in private and public. He holds some modesty around authority figures, though. The last thing he'd want is for a teacher or pro-hero he's working under to catch him with his partner in any way. 
  "Pretty, pretty please, babe!" Kaminari insisted. The teen was definitely seconds from flailing on the ground like a baby.
"Denki, I'll hold your hand," you sighed, "But why do you specifically need me to hold your hand to cross the street?"
"Because." The certainty of the statement made it clear he wasn't going to add anymore.
"We're going to be graduating this year, Kaminari. And, you want me to hold your hand like a toddler across the street." You reiterated his previous requests.
"Well, yeah." At this point, the cross light would turn green at any moment. 
"Fine." With an exasperated sigh, you opened your hand up for him to take it at your side.
"I love you." He declared at that moment, pressing a kiss to your cheek before proceeding across the street. 
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Eijirou Kirishima
Jealousy - As much as I hate to further these sorts of stereotypes… I will. Kirishima is mostly oblivious to signs that a person is coming onto you, so he never appears jealous of anyone regarding your relationship. Sometimes that's a blessing, he doesn't care who you hang out with (the bare minimum). But, it can be a bit of an issue if the situation is uncomfortable for you, and he just doesn't notice.
   "Hey, I haven't seen you around here before." A voice spoke up beside you.
Kirishima and you finally found a moment in your busy schedules to meet up. And, the redhead planned the most extravagant outing he could conjure up with his sidekick salary. Naturally, the two of you began by ordering coffees. You had ordered for Kirishima while he ran off to take a call. "It's from Bakugou, it's gotta' be serious!" He said before running out of the store.
"Oh– uh, yeah. I don't come here often, I guess." You looked towards the man who had made his way uncomfortably close to your side.
"Hm– y'know the best drink here is their house roast. The pretty girls in the back make it well." He commented. You inwardly cringed at the comment about the baristas especially considering the person who served you looked no older than a college student and this man was… far past that age. 
"Um– yeah, maybe I'll try it next time." You glanced towards the door and hoped that Kirishima would come back soon. 
"So, what're you doing today?" He continued his questioning.
"Nothing much just…" Luckily, as you spoke, the front door jingled and Kirishima re-entered the shop.
"Hey, (Y/N). Did you already order?" He rested his arm around your waist as he usually did. The man clearly noticed the action and looked a bit upset at the realization that you had a boyfriend.
"Yeah, it should be done soon." You responded.
"Oh, sorry, did I interrupt your conversation?" Your heart dropped at Kirishima's comment. You tried to give him a look that suggested you did not want to continue the "conversation". 
"No, I was just leaving." The man grumbled and walked out of the shop not long after.
"Did he even order anything? Who just stands around a coffee shop!" You thought.
"Did I say something wrong? He left pretty quickly." Kirishima asked.
"That dude was a creep! He probably only left because you got here!" You replied.
"Oh," your boyfriend seemed shocked at your words, "I didn't realize." 
Cuddles - Maybe I just like projecting onto characters, or maybe Kirishima really is just one cuddly boy. He jumps at any opportunity to cuddle you, but that's really not all too special when he jumps at pretty much any form of affection you favor. Kirishima's open to any way you want to cuddle, but he prefers to have his head resting on some part of your body (chest, stomach, your own head, etc..). He does have a habit of literally picking you up and moving you in his sleep if he decides to roll over. 
  Falling asleep on the dorm room couches wasn't a common occurrence especially with Iida being such a stickler for rules in the 1-A dorms. Kirishima seemed especially tired though: increased training, upcoming exams, and (more importantly) the increasing threat of the League. You could see dark circles that had formed under his eyes as the two of you walked back to the dorms after class. So, you hardly stopped him when he fell asleep with you in his arms on the couch. 
"How do you even get all this gel in your hair everyday?" You tried to run a hand through his, now falling, spiked hair. It wasn't very successful as you were stopped by frequent knots and hard parts of gel that just got all mixed together.
The redhead had his arms around your waist and was basically holding you in place for his face to rest on your chest. So, when the boy began to move, it wasn't a surprise you moved with him. You were decently surprised, however, when his movement resulted in you almost dangling off the side of the couch. Your upper body was hardly on the couch anymore but, thankfully, held up by Kirishima while you struggled to keep your legs from hitting the carpet.
"Please don't drop me." You hoped. It wasn't a tremendous drop to the carpeted floor beneath the couch, but it wouldn't be enjoyable.
"That's so manly…" Kirishima vaguely mumbled in his sleep before he shifted his body towards the back of the couch. The action allowed for your whole body to rest on the cushions again. You sighed in relief. 
Kisses - Again, any and all forms of affection for him. He kisses you for a whole host of emotions and any place he had access to really but some patterns eventually become clear: happy kisses are on the cheek, adoration or any especially love-filled kisses are on the lips, apologetic kisses are on the back of the hand, worried kisses are on your forehead or the top of your head, and sad kisses are on your eyelids or over any tear marks if you were crying. The other kisses aren't quite nearly as common for him in comparison to the cheek kisses; you'll probably have an imprint of his lips there with how many times you receive them on a daily basis. For him, he loves it if you kiss him somewhere on the face, preferably close to his lips so he has an excuse to "finish it" as he calls it. But, he'll absolutely melt if you kiss the back of his hand like he's a prince. 
  You didn't want to be as upset as you were over the poor test grade. It was only a C which was far from a failing grade. Although, seeing the low percent and large red letter circled at the top of the paper continued to bring tears to your eyes. You weren't even in the class anymore and it continued to upset you.
"Everything alright?" Kirishima asked from across the table. You two were working on homework together when the paper slipped from your other schoolwork.
"Yeah, just," You took a deep breath to stop your voice from cracking, " a bad test grade. I'll probably need to retake it."
"Hey, I get bad grades on tests all the time! It's nothing to be upset about, especially since you can retake it." Kirishima tried to reassure you.
"Yeah." You remained in an awkward silence for a moment. You weren't quite sure what else to add to the conversation, and Kirishima was aware of it as well.
He stood and sat down on your side of the table before pressing a soft kiss to the corner of your eye, "Do you want to work on something else? There's this pretty great movie that Crimson Riot was in!"
You chuckled at the prospect of one of the many cheesy movies Kirishima knew that included his idol hero, "Yeah, we could watch that." 
PDA - It's mandatory, basically. As you two get further in your relationship, it's basically second nature for him to rest an arm on you in some way (around the waist/hips, over the shoulder, on your head if you're that much shorter) or reach to hold your hand. He won't mind kissing or cuddling you in more public spaces, but if you aren't comfortable with it he'll compromise on that. If you're entirely uncomfortable with PDA or just sudden physical touch, it's going to take him a lot of reminding at first. But, he won't disrespect your boundaries. 
  "Look, I found this picture of us when we visited the beach!" Mina shoved her phone towards you at the discovery of the picture.
The end of your guys' third years was fast approaching, and to some of your (really Kirishima's friends who forcibly adopted you to the friend group) friends, the most pressing matter was compiling all the pictures your group took together.
"Oh yeah! Wow, that had to have been like our second year. That felt so long ago!" You commented. The picture showed Kirishima, Bakugou, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and you with the beach as a backdrop. Jirou must have taken the picture. 
"I know! Oh, and here's this one with Bakugou!" Mina laughed. The next picture was of Bakugou clearly yelling at someone while Kirishima and you stood to the side. Your expressions were the funniest part. Although, in reality, the blonde was yelling at the guy for attempting to charge him more than the price should have been. Nevertheless, it was a funny moment that you all laughed about later.
"Hey, does Kiri always do that?" Kaminari asked. He was sitting beside you while also looking at the pictures.
"Do what?" Mina and you asked.
"That thing with his arm." Kaminari pointed at the picture. In the current picture, Kirishima had an arm around your waist as you two looked at Bakugou like disappointed parents. And, when he swiped back to the first picture, Kirishima was posed in a similar way next to you. 
"Does he?" Mina asked as she scrolled through her camera roll to find more.
"He's doing it here." Kaminari held up another picture to show last year's Spring Festival. The class threw a different concert for that festival with a bit of a dark theme. The picture showed Jirou and Yaoyorozu, surprisingly, attempting to mimic Bakugou who was yelling in the background. Kirishima and you were in the picture as well, laughing at the scene. But, once again, his arm was around your waist.
"Yeah, he totally does that super often." Mina scrolled through a handful of more pictures that showed the habit.
"Huh, I guess I never noticed." 
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Hanta Sero
Jealousy - He's a pretty laid back guy. As I've made clear with some of the others, he doesn't really care who you talk to you, hang out with, or any of those things. None of it is his problem unless it interferes with plans you two already made. But, he's not entirely excluded from jealousy. He still experiences it, even if he doesn't act on it, and does a pretty good job at hiding it from you. Common signs are usually that the amount of affection he shows you increases, although he's always really affectionate, followed by some showing off; he finds some way to use his quirk in these situations. 
You had been talking to Kirishima for the last 30 minutes. Sero couldn't even really stop the harsh, lingering glare he sent the two of you every couple of minutes: not like either of you saw it, though. He knew he couldn't really blame either of you for the continuous conversation. Sero himself had been talking to his friends for a while in the common room before he decided he felt a bit tired and would find you to head off to his room. Before he could even stand, Kirishima had sat beside you and started a conversation.
Sero wasn't one to interrupt, so he waited. And waited. And, much to his annoyance, the conversation continued. Eventually, he got fed up.
"(Y/N)," a voice entered your ears, but the real tell that it was your boyfriend was the weight that gently fell on to you, "How're you doing?" 
"Fine, Kiri and I were just talking about this new show we both like!" You turned to the red head.
"Yeah," he awkwardly laughed, "Well, I should probably go. I have so much homework to do!" 
"See ya' tomorrow!" You waved. All too quickly, Kirishima was off. No doubt, it was due to the fact that Sero was literally all over you now: arms wrapped around your waist, head resting on your chest, and the rest of his body attempting to weave itself with yours in some way. It was awkward but highly effective.
"Did you need something, Hanta?" Your hand ran through his hair. 
"Wanna' head to my dorm?" The action only proved to make him sleepier.
"Sure, if you can still walk on your own." You teased. 
Cuddles - His cuddles are a trap for more than one reason. First of all, he wears a lot of baggy and, usually, warm clothes. But, his body is deceptively cold. Any slightly exposed skin pretty much feels like ice being pressed to your own. Luckily, that can change after just a little bit of being under a warm blanket, and it's rather useful in the summer. The second trap, though, is really only an issue if you wake up before him or in the middle of the night. You could fall asleep on the other side of the bed from him, but you will wake up in some sort of tangled mess of long limbs. And, he won't let you get up. If you move, he's somehow perfectly maneuvered his body to keep you in place and pull you back to his body. You'd have to wake him up if you want any chance of getting up when he's asleep like that. 
   You woke up with the disorienting feeling of being thirsty but being completely unaware of what time it is. "I better have brought water." You thought as you stretched your body towards the edge of the bed to check.
A voice muttered something from behind you before you were slowly pulled away from the edge of the mattress. "Huh?" 
You rolled over, which brought up another small spew of mutters. It was Sero, obviously. You completely forgot you two had fallen asleep together. Although, as you woke up just a little bit more, you could recognize your predicament here. His arm wasn't super securely around you, but his legs? It was a mess of the blanket weaved equally through your legs alongside his own. 
"Hanta," You pushed him lightly. As the heavy sleeper he was, it did nothing to wake him up, "Hanta, I need to get water!" 
"Do you have to?" You almost missed what he said with how muffled and slurred together the words were.
"It'll just be a second." You replied. He mumbled something even less intelligible as he made a point of rolling away from you… with a bit of struggle. 
You rolled your eyes before making it to the side of the bed to spot the water you did in fact leave for yourself. After taking a sip, you moved back over. 
"See," you tapped his shoulder, "Only a second." 
Sero didn't respond, a small, cut-off snore suggesting he returned to sleep. He made a point to tightly hold one of his pillows before he fell asleep too. "Suit yourself." You added before falling back onto the bed yourself and drifting back to sleep.
You woke up the next morning in the exact same position as you'd woken up earlier; pillow long discarded on the floor in favor of your own, much warmer body. 
Kisses - Forehead kisses. That's it, that's the tweet. It doesn't matter what the height difference is; he will kiss your forehead by any means necessary: jumping, crouching, flying in like Tarzan on his tape, breaking his back, etc. There's something about it that just feels very soft to him compared to kissing you on the lips. He does that too, usually followed by muttering some cute compliment or song lyrics, but the forehead kisses far outweigh it. For him, he loves any sort of kiss to his face and the dispenser parts of his elbows. He doesn't really mention the second one as much –actually, he wouldn't even know he enjoys that until you do it. Like many people with quirks that cause some sort of mutation, Sero feels a bit insecure about it. Something about you kissing them kind of makes them feel accepted in a way Sero didn't even really notice before. 
   "Man, I hate when Aizawa-sensei does hero training!" Sero threw himself onto his bed beside you. 
"I thought you liked Aizawa-sensei better?" You asked.
"Yeah, well he can teach better than All Might," Sero explained, "But his training is brutal!" 
He rubbed his elbows to punctuate the statement. As you took one look at them, you could see why.
"Geez, they're really red. And cracked! Do you have stuff to put on it?" You grabbed his arm gently to take a look at the small part of his elbows that dispensed tape. The skin was practically bone dry and it looked much more painful than Sero seemed to be letting on.
"Uh– yeah, but I can do that later. I'm just tired now." He pulled his arm out of your hand while deflecting your comment.
"I can do it then," You insisted, "Where do you keep it?"
"In the bathroom," He didn't continue to protest the suggestion, so you happily went along with your plan, "It's a white tube."
"This one?" You held out for Sero to see. 
It was a bit of a weird moment: putting lotion on your boyfriend's elbows. Even if it was quirk-related, the sentence alone felt weird to say.
"There you go," You lifted his arm closer to your face to kiss the side, where you hadn't put the lotion, "All done!"
When you looked back up, his face was beet red.  His usual, wide, grin remained on his face, but he quickly covered it once you let go of his arm again. "Th-thanks." The words were a bit muffled behind his hands, but you heard them loud and clear in the quiet room.
"Anytime." You pressed a second kiss to the back of his hand that was covering his cheek. 
PDA - He has a love-hate relationship with PDA. Sometimes, he really enjoys the feeling of sitting or walking around with his friends with an arm around your waist, hand in hand, or even feeling a kiss pressed to his cheek. Other times, he just feels a need to save it all until the day is over. Once the door closes behind the two of you, he prefers to release all the kisses, gentle touches, and compliments he saved for you the whole day. It's not that he necessarily didn't want to share those things with you; it just didn't feel right in the moment. Sero doesn't quite know how to express it, but you should just know that he will lay all the physical affection he can possibly give at some point in the day. 
   You were minding your own business on your walk back to your class dorms. And, really, it should have stayed that way. You had been a little lost in thought about your school day, homework, and your upcoming break.
"Maybe they'll lift the dorm restrictions for break," You wondered, "as if." 
That distraction was probably why you didn't notice the small pressure form around your waist until you felt a harsh tug. "Harsh" was even an understatement, you flew what felt like halfway across the campus before falling.
"Hey, what were you thinking about?" Looking up, you were in the arms of your boyfriend. The tape that likely pulled you to him slithering back into his arms.
"Sero," You shrieked, "don't do that!" 
"You didn't notice me, though! I just wanted to talk." He replied.
"I thought I was being kidnapped!" You smacked his chest to highlight your anger. 
"Sorry," his smile dropped just a little bit, "Will a kiss make it up?" 
"May–" You didn't get to finish as someone cleared their throat very loudly nearby. Both of you went pale as you noticed the person who had done so: Shouta Aizawa. 
"H-hey Sensei." Sero awkwardly greeted. You weren't quite sure what to do from your position, Sero was still holding you bridal style.
"PDA isn't allowed on campus," Aizawa looked equally uncomfortable being in this position, "Save it until you get to the dorms, atleast." 
"Right." Sero said as you also spoke, "Sorry!" 
The teacher was quick to shuffle away from the interaction without another word as were the two of you. .
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virtual--hug · 2 years
BNHA Imagine - How They Are as a Boyfriend [ 1 ]
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day, I hope you're all having a great day! This is the closest I have to a Valentine's special because I did not plan ahead of time lol.
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, & Shoto Todoroki x GN Reader
Genre: 10,000% Fluff
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 3k
Part 2 | Part 3
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Izuku Midoriya
Jealousy - Izuku never really gets jealous. Overall, he trusts you and is sure that you wouldn't cheat on him or fall for another person just because they spend a lot of time around you. What he can get jealous over is the time you spend with other people. As a hero in training or as an adult pro-hero, he has a lot of internal responsibilities to All Might and the other former One for All users as well as his own aspirations to be a top hero. So, if you don't necessarily have the same time constraints he does, he'll get a bit jealous when you spend time with your friends since he wishes he has that time with you.
Cuddles - He loves cuddling especially when he's about to go to bed. After all, he adores spending time with you and showing his love for you in as many forms of physical affection as he can manage. However, he also grew up falling asleep with an All Might plushie and basically conditioned himself to fall asleep with something in his arms. So, you being there really helps. With that note, he's usually the big spoon with an arm or both arms around you to some capacity. However, he's never opposed to being the little spoon as long as holding you (or an All Might plushie) is also possible. 
  You watched for the third time now as your green haired boyfriend dozed off with his head on his palm. You two had been silently doing homework together until you had gone to ask a quick question about a math problem. He was completely out. His eyes were closed, cheek squished into the palm of his left hand while his right hand was still poised where it would usually be when he was writing. Moments later he had startled himself awake slightly and returned to work.
That process repeated until he finally spoke up, "Hey (Y/N), are you tired?" 
"Yeah, do you want to take a nap?" You asked. Truthfully, you weren't tired at all, but Midoriya would probably deny being tired as well if you didn't agree.
"Mhm." He lazily nodded. He barely made it onto his bed and just let you come into his arms after laying down.
"Goodnight, Izu." You said.
"G'night." He muttered in response.
Kisses - Most of the time, his kisses are very quick as he often gets suddenly shy when he goes for one. So, you may not get a kiss very often, but you know it's special when you get one: Right before he leaves on a long trip or the moment he sees you when he comes back (and vice-versa), if you feel really proud about something you did, etc. He regularly kisses you on the forehead and reserves cheek kisses for when he's running late and needs to be somewhere fast. Very rarely, he'll kiss you on the lips and there's no real rhyme or reason as to why. 
   You begrudgingly woke up early on a Saturday morning. The sun wasn't even up yet, but you couldn't find yourself falling back to sleep. So, you opted instead to do whatever mindless things you could find on your phone until you felt it was time to get up. But, what soured your morning even more was a soft knock from your door. 
"Seriously, who could be here this early?" Despite your better judgment, you decided to get up and answer the door. If someone was really going to bother you at this time, it was probably for a good reason. And, luckily for you, it was for a good reason: your boyfriend.
"Oh, (Y/N)! I didn't think you'd actually be awake by now!" Midoriya greeted you. He already had his school uniform on (with his disturbingly bright yellow scarf) and the box holding his hero costume sitting beside him. 
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep. Did you need something?" You asked.
"I uh– well, I'll be gone today for work studies, y'know. I wanted to say goodbye, but I knew we had to leave earlier so I didn't think you'd be awake. Um– but you are!" He rambled on while knitting his fingers together and looking down at his shoes.
"You wanted to say goodbye?" You tried to prompt him back on track.
"Right! Can– can I kiss you?" He asked. It wasn't a surprising question from the broccoli-head. After all, he usually asked before initiating any kind of physical affection.
You nodded in response to his question before he, shakily, leaned forward and pressed a haste kiss to your forehead. "Try and get some sleep today, alright? I should be back this afternoon."
With his nervousness almost vanishing, he pulled away from you and picked up the case for his hero costume as he stood to leave. "I'll try." You replied while waving goodbye to him as he exited towards the elevator. 
PDA - It's an absolute no. Initially, it's because everything surrounding relationships makes him nervous. He already would get completely red in the face just asking to hold your hand when you two were alone (or when you would show him affection), there was no way he could possibly do that with other people around. Even as he gets more comfortable with affection, he feels that those forms of affection should stay private: especially when he gets into the heroing world where the media watches his every move. 
  Midoriya and you had finally had time to go out on a date after far too many busy days and nights doing school or hero work. Like most teenagers who didn't have much money, you two went to the mall. And, with bubble tea in hand, you now sat together on the train ride back.
"Can you believe Midnight-sensei is assigning us a full history essay! Like, as if semester finals weren't just around the corner, now I have to write this stupid essay on feudalist Japan. Did she lose her mind this year!" You ranted to the boy beside you. 
"I'm sure she's not actually going to count them for a full grade. She's probably just trying to see your progress on the current unit and make sure you're understanding stuff for the final. Midnight-sensei wouldn't be that mean!" Midoriya reassured you. 
"You only say that because she's nice to your class! Just wait until you see how she treats us, I swear it's like a 180." You insisted. Midoriya chuckled at your comment in response.
The telltale chime of the train filled the area as it announced the stop you two needed to get off at. Midoriya and you slowly stood and made your way towards the doors as the train slowed to a halt at the station before you two exited out onto the busy platform.
"I had fun today," You smiled, "Hopefully we can do this again sometime." 
As you spoke, you reached a hand out and laced your fingers with his. Instantly, his face turned a vibrant pink as he stuttered out a couple of incoherent words, "Y-yeah, we really should!" 
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Katsuki Bakugou 
Jealousy - Bakugou is, unfortunately, a very insecure person. And, as a result, some of those insecurities are projected towards you and who you interact with. He very easily feels like you'll choose the person that you're talking to over him, especially when he feels threatened by them. Bakugou will try to pull you away from the situation, threaten the other person, or even whine at you to leave. In the case that the person is truly just another "extra" to him or someone he doesn't feel threatened by, then there seems to be no problems.
   "Hey Midoriya," you leaned across your desk to speak to the green haired boy who sat ahead of you.
"Do you need something, (L/N)?" He asked.
"Yeah, did I do this question right? It doesn't seem like the right answer." You asked while gesturing towards your paper.
"I can check!" He kindly took the paper from you to look through your work.
"Hm– you did miss a step here," he pointed with his pencil, "You forgot to add the exponents." 
"Oh yeah, I did! Thanks, Mido–" before you could even finish there were two hands slamming onto your desk.
"Hey, we're working on this." The person who made the commotion spoke. Of course, it was Bakugou. Under his left hand was the worksheet and his pencil while his face presented an angry scowl. 
"Uh– sure, Bakugou. I might be a little bit slow at this though." You replied.
"Whatever." He scoffed before pushing up a chair which specifically blocked your view of the green haired classmate and allowed Bakugou to push said student with a muttered, "Fuck off, stupid Deku."
Cuddles - Secretly, he loves cuddling. Bakugou hates feeling like he's doing nothing and cuddling feels like the one form of affection where he can still do the most while showing you physical affection: hand holding and hugging keep him trapped in one place and kissing takes away too much of his attention. But, with cuddling, he can just rest you on his lap while still doing important work. And, of course, he can also always participate in the cuddling. He loves having your hands run through his hair as he falls asleep or the butterflies in his stomach at just how soft it feels to hold you.
   You had finally gotten back from your own hero work studies and felt absolutely exhausted from the evening. There had been a small villain attack today, and it had been a bit of a hassle to handle. So, when you finally returned back to the dorms, you just wanted to spend a moment with your boyfriend. After changing into your pajamas and showering, because there was no way the blonde would let you near him if he deemed you too sweaty (the hypocrite), you headed over towards his dorm room. You heard some grumbling and "thuds" from inside as you knocked, but Bakugou didn't fail to answer. An annoyed greeting seemed to be on his tongue but he halted it to instead say, "Hey." 
"Hey," You greeted back, "Can I stay with you for the night?"
He didn't respond at first –leading you to expect a negative response. You decided to add on to your previous statement, "If you're busy or something, that's fine, I just wanted to ask."
"Stop being so sad, you can fuckin' stay." He replied. Bakugou turned back into the room, leaving the door open for you to enter. 
You happily shut it behind you and watched as the blonde entered the spot back under the covers in his bed. "Are you coming or what?" He grumbled. 
You didn't need to respond as you crawled under the covers and into his warm, awaiting arms. 
Kisses - As I said before, he's not the biggest fan of kissing, but he'd never say no if you were to kiss him. There are exceptions to this where he'll suddenly feel very affectionate. At those times, you'd probably find it difficult to have a moment where his lips aren't on you. He loves kissing any part of your face: cheeks, forehead, nose, lips, wherever he can reach the quickest. If he's resting his face at the crook of your neck, you'll randomly feel a kiss there too. He's not shy with his kisses once he figures it out. 
   Bakugou and you were walking hand in hand back from one of the few dates the two of you had the time to go on. He had planned it all, much to your surprise, and the night was finally ending as you two walked back from a small boardwalk.
"This has been really nice, Katsuki," You turned to the blonde, "Thanks for doing all this."
"Yeah, whatever." He turned his face away from you. But, you didn't miss the way his ears tinged red slightly.
"You should let me come up with something next time! I wanna' surprise you too!" You protested.
"Like you could surprise me." He rolled his eyes at the comment.
"Hey, I could definitely come up with something! You'll see!" You gently smacked his arm at the comment, "But, seriously, this was fun. And I know you've– well, we've both been busy with hero work and stuff so, it's nice to take a break."
To punctuate the gratitude, you leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.
"Yeah, well thanks for coming." He responded after a second and leaned over to press a kiss to your temple. 
PDA - It really matters what type of affection and the setting. Without a doubt, he'll hold your hand anywhere; he doesn't care how people will perceive him for doing that. But, he'll probably avoid more close forms of affection: long kisses, hugs, or even cuddling anywhere that isn't yours or his rooms. That mostly stems from his own internal struggles. He doesn't want to be seen as weak. And, no matter how strong he finds his partner to be, he won't show those softer sides of his behavior to anyone but yourself.
  You were playing a bit of a cruel prank on your boyfriend. Although you weren't recording it all, you wanted to see if he would say anything if you did one of those couple TikTok pranks like moving your hand away if he tried to hold yours.
Of course, Class 1-A was going on a trip which required a bus across the large campus. Iida, no matter how persistent, didn't have much to say about Bakugou and you sitting beside each other on the trip. So, you found it to be the prime opportunity to test this on the blonde. It was almost an unconscious habit as moments into the ride, you could feel his hand shifting towards yours and trying to lace your fingers together.
You lifted your hand away, acting as if you just didn't realize what he was trying to do, and moving it into your lap. His head immediately turned to you when he felt your hand move.
"Something wrong?" You asked.
"Tch, no." He scoffed, turning back to look out the window. 
Moments later, he tried the same thing, reaching over to lace his fingers with yours. This time you let him, for only a moment, before pulling your hand away with no reason for the action. "The hell are you doing?" He asked instantly.
"Doing what?" You tried to play dumb. He didn't buy it at all and instead grabbed your hand back, "If you let go, I'm never holding your hand again." 
"I was just joking." You laughed at his reaction.
"I'm not." He muttered in response. 
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Shoto Todoroki
Jealousy - Much like Midoriya, Todoroki has no issues with who you hang out with, what you say, or how you hang out with people. He trusts you not to leave him suddenly for some other person. However, still in a similar vein to Midoriya, his jealousy stems from other sorts of interactions you have. If you have a good relationship with family members or just in general appear better at social interactions, he feels a bit jealous that he doesn't have those same things or skills. (And if you have neither of those things, you're still valid bestie 💕) 
Cuddles - He's the best temperature regulator, there's no doubt to that. Hot day? Half of his body is always cold. Cold day? The other half is always warm. If you want both? Just lay flat on top of him. No matter what you want, he also enjoys cuddling. Sometimes, he may defy your wishes to just lay next to one of his sides when he's especially clingy and just wants to hold you tight to him. He's a solid split between big and little spoon with you two alternating fairly consistently.
  You had finally made the trek back to the dorm buildings from UA. It was way too cold for that walk: couldn't they have cars or something to drive you back? The school was absolutely loaded, after all, they could afford it. Even as you entered the dorms, the lower floor (largely filled with windows) only appeared to be mildly warmer. You'd have to spend the next several hours wrapped in blankets in your dorm room. The thought, although comforting, was interrupted by a singular shifting sound from the couch. 
You hadn't heard anyone down here at all since you entered. You assumed that most students would have headed to their much warmer dorm rooms after entering the building. Although, most other people weren't the self regulating Shoto Todoroki who had just sat up from his laying down position on the couch. 
"Shoto!" You excitedly called out to your boyfriend. He was, undoubtedly, the first option to a regular blanket.
"You're back." He responded. The half and half barely even reacted as you launched yourself into him –just placing a hand on your waist to stop you from falling back off the couch.
"Yup! It didn't really take too long for Present Mic-Sensei to change my grade." You replied, "But it's so cold! I can't believe they make us walk all the way back to the dorms like that."
"You don't have gloves." He commented.
"Oh yeah, I forgot those." You shrugged.
"Here," he offered his left hand out to you, "I can keep them warm." 
You gently placed your hands on top of his open palm feeling as the skin slowly heated and warmed your hands with it. "You're the best Todoroki!" 
Kisses - He likes kisses: that much is made obvious to you rather quickly into the relationship. Todoroki is definitely a bit touch-starved and unfamiliar with certain forms of affection. The first time you two kissed you could see the stars shimmer in his eyes when you pulled away. Afterwards, he seemed to follow you around like a lost puppy for another kiss on the cheek or lips. Obviously, he evolves from that a bit and accepts (and later gives) them as any other form of affection, but he always sees them as something special. 
  Final exams had finally rolled around, and, as usual, the hero course exams were hard. You were paired to fight a fake villain. Although, the teachers threw two twists your way: a person you knew nothing about playing the "villain" and a partner who, by all means had a very incompatible quirk. Jirou was paired with Bakugou: the loudest in both quirk and volume with the amplified hearing stealth hero.
Of course, they passed, but it just felt overall nerve wracking as you watched group after group go to complete their exam and pass phenomenally (with some exceptions). So, when you finally got up to the exam, you were delighted to have passed.
"Good job, (L/N)!" Uraraka congratulated you as you made it back to the observation area.
"Yeah, kero, You did great!" Tsuyu added.
"Thank you," You replied, "I was so nervous." 
"You did really well." A voice came from behind you. It was hardly startling to you anymore with how often Todoroki did it. What did startle you were his next actions: a kiss on your cheek. 
Uraraka's eyes widened like they would pop out of her head, and she looked quickly towards Tsuyu, "We– uh– Let's go see how Deku is doing!"
She quickly ushered herself with Tsuyu out of the room before you could even say another word. "Would you like to see how Midoriya is doing?" He was undisturbed by your other friends' exit.
"Yeah, let's go." 
PDA - Although he doesn't seem to show any care about the matter, he does reserve himself in public. He doesn't usually look like he's reacting in any adverse way to receiving affection; If you kiss his cheek, he'll just respond with a simple, "Thanks (Y/N)." And, the affection he shows you is usually done with much less response. He'll unashamedly hold your hand, cuddle with you during full class movie nights, or even compliment you. But, it all feels much more dull and emotionless than the sweet things he'd say to you or the caring touches when he feels it's just the two of you. 
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virtual--hug · 2 years
Dabi x Reader - Old Friends
A/N: Here's the last Dabi oneshot I wrote and edited! If you've noticed, I ended none of them conclusively which I did not notice when I originally wrote them, and I feel bad about it now. As of right now, there's only one more older piece of writing that I plan on posting and, after that, I'll be caught up to everything I've rewritten.
Characters: Dabi x GN Reader
Genre: Mild Angst and Fluff
Warnings: The reader gets kidnapped/taken hostage and there's several talks about murder. Also, explicit spoilers for Dabi's real identity.
Summary: A series of unfortunate events leads you to meeting who you thought was your long-dead best friend, but you didn't die atleast!
Word Count: 2.5K
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You glared at your boss' office as you finally left the office. You knew the man wasn't in the room anymore, but you still directed your negative sentiments towards the area. As usual, he had only decided to give you your most recent assignment just days before it was meant to be submitted.
"I know you get work done quick," he had said, "so, I have faith you'll get this to me Friday morning." 
Now, it was nearly midnight on Friday morning. After working six hours of, what you hoped would become, paid overtime, you had shared the files with your boss and finally made your way out of the office. Not only did the man not care about how much time you had to spend in the office, although it wasn't really like you were going back home to anything/one in particular, but he also didn't care about you having to navigate through the city at such a late hour.
The station wasn't a far walk from your office building, and you didn't have to wait in the cold night air for long as the train pulled into the station just moments later. There weren't many people on the train as you entered: a tired looking woman with a large cup of coffee, an older man in a business suit, and a shady looking man who was mostly obscured by his dark clothes.
"I really need to get a new job." You opened your phone and looked through one of the many job searching apps you had. 
You'd applied for three in the past week: two denied your application and the third had just offered you an interview next week. You still planned to apply to more just in case, but it was promising. The job was perfect with your qualifications and experience: all you had to do was nail the interview. 
The train began slowing to a stop as the speakers above announced the name of the station. You didn't really care too much for the announcement, though. Your stop was the last one on this line, so you'd have to go through at least five more of these pauses before you could even get home. From the corner of your eye, you could see that the woman with the coffee had exited the train, but a man entered to take her place.
Despite your better judgment, you glanced up at the man who just entered. He was tall and had very broad shoulders; he had to step sideways to enter and slouch to not hit the roof. He appeared to have some sort of rock mutation as his body looked physically cracked and jagged like a pile of rocks. Not to mention, he practically shook the cart with one step. And of course, the man's eyes immediately met yours.
You panicked: looking every which way before your eyes went back to your phone. "It's fine, he just has a mutation quirk." You mentally reminded yourself. 
You pretended not to react as the man took a seat only a couple of seats away from you. "There's plenty of seats around, why does he have to be so close to me!" You subtly attempted to glance around at anyone else around. Luckily, the old man from the station still remained in the same train car as you which gave you some sense of security.
You attempted to ignore it as the train continued moving. But, you didn't get that luck once the train came to the next stop. No one entered the train at the next one, but the rock-man moved uncomfortably close to you in the time before the train began moving again. Then, to make it even creepier, he rested an arm over your shoulder. 
"Um– e-excuse me–" You weren't quite sure what to do in the situation then to try and get the man away from you or atleast get the attention of somebody else.
"Talk and I'll crush your head." The man spoke. His voice was low and horribly threatening.
Your eyes widened and you took quick glances towards the old man who you'd noted earlier. He wasn't far away; he should have noticed what was going on, right? But !s you kept looking back at him, it became increasingly clear that this guy was asleep. 
"Shit," You muttered at the realization, "is there really no one around?" 
You didn't have a quirk suitable for fighting against someone, first of all. And, even if the other man did, there was no certainty that he could stop the rock-man before it was too late. You certainly didn't doubt that this man could crush your skull.
For a moment, you felt entirely hopeless about what to do when, suddenly, a door opened. Your eyes were on the door that connected the train cars in a flash; someone who seemed completely awake was here. He was the guy from your initial stop, dark clothing and a mostly obscured face. Although, the flourescent lights of the train illuminated that his hands had some sort of purple scarring.
You attempted to try and clue him in on what was going on with your eyes. But, you couldn't see his own eyes, and his lack of response made you suspect he wasn't paying attention at all. He took a seat across from you two and seemed to keep his gaze fixed on the ground. 
"We're getting off here." The man spoke again as you felt the train slow.
"Should I say something? Could he even do anything or would this rock guy get to him first?" You wondered. Even though you knew it might be hopeless, you continued to stare hopefully at the man across from you.
The doors opened before you even knew it, and the guy was basically carrying you out. You didn't even listen to which stop this was, so you had no clue where you were even being dragged off to.
"Walk faster." The guy said, the jagged rocks that made up his hands pressed painfully into your shoulder.
"Ow…" You muttered at the uncomfortable feeling.
"What'd I say about talking?" He practically growled while sending you an angry glare.
"I didn't– I'm–" You spluttered. You felt the need to correct yourself, even though you owed nothing to this man who practically took you as hostage, but it was clearly backfiring on you.
"Hey," your heart jumped to your throat as a new voice entered the scene, "What's going on here?"
"None of your business, man." The rock guy called back. His grip on you managed to get even tighter.
"Yeah, sure, just let them go." You were unable to turn around since the man was still keeping you captive with an arm over your shoulder, but the guy behind you seemed almost annoyed by this interaction.
"Are they a hero? I thought heros would be more formal about this. Maybe a vigilante?" You questioned. 
"Like you'd do anything to stop me." Your captor spoke with arrogant confidence.
There wasn't another word from whoever was saving you, but there was a response of a blast of flames. It seemed effective as the man let go of you to protect his body with his arms. You almost didn't move for a moment even though you felt your body burn painfully hot from the close proximity to the fire. 
"This isn't worth it." The man muttered before stomping away.
"Holy shit." You muttered in pure astonishment as the blue flames slowly swirled away.
You look right towards the source of the flames. Despite the darkness of the area, you could recognize the man as the one who was just on the train. You hardly cared about recognizing him from the train though; you remember him from elsewhere. 
Touya Todoroki. You became close to the boy when you were around five. At the time, your parents had been a sidekick at Endeavor's agency and were eager to get you some more friends with children your age. And, Endeavor himself having children your age was a perfect opportunity. In the end, you practically grew up with the fire user from the time you were five almost to high school. 
You remember the fun times with the boy: playing in the park, around his massive house, and spending countless evenings at your house. However, you couldn't forget some of the more worse things that occured: his constant quirk training that scared his body and changed his hair or his many rants about Endeavor's treatment of Touya and his siblings. 
You were devastated after hearing of his disappearance and, later, death. Your family had attended the funeral but never saw the Todoroki family afterwards. You only found out several years ago that although Endeavor treated Touya badly, his wife and youngest son were treated far worse. 
Those blue flames were something you couldn't mistake. As you looked towards the man now standing across from you, the only thing you could ask was, "Touya?" 
The guy paused for a moment before taking a couple of steps closer to you, "The one and only." He appeared to run a hand across his hair to take off the hood of the jacket he was wearing. 
He was definitely different from before. His hair wasn't quite as wavy as before and, more notably, it was a dark black. Touya's scars were much more prominent too, under his eyes and covering the bottom half of his face. But, his eyes were the exact same glowing blue.
"Holy shit," You exclaimed, "I thought you died!" Punctuating the sentence, you pulled him into a tight hug. 
"You'd really think some fire would kill me? I was fine." He brushed off the event as if it hadn't haunted you for years.
"Where have you been then," You asked, "Vigilantism or something?" 
"Something like that." He shoved his hands into his pockets, "it's been fine, better than what it was before."
"You could've at least come to us, y'know. Like, we would have done something! I– you seriously decided you'd rather go missing than do that?" You might have regretted voicing your concerns the way you were later, but, right now, the only words you could manage were the concerns you'd had for the past several years.
"Would you really have? Endeavor's still out there right now like he's been since you knew about what he was doing." Touya responded. 
You didn't take the hostility in his voice at first, "Well, they were cowards then. They didn't even bother telling me why they cut ties with your dad 'till I graduated college." 
"We could do better than that, if it's what you want," You admitted, "I missed you Touya. Like, I wondered for the longest time if your death was my fault. And, if I wasn't so stupid and had told someone what was going on, then you would have have fine, and we could have got into the hero course together. I still tried for the exam, y'know? I didn't pass, but it was worth a try." 
"There wasn't anything you could have done, (Y/N). I was already set on who I was going to become at that point –probably would have just taken you down with me." Touya answered, "I'm better here." 
"Can we atleast talk again?" You asked. 
Touya was silent for a while before he responded, "I'll see you around, (Y/N). Get home safe." 
"Alright," You agreed, despite the tears at the corners of your eyes, "I'll see you around, I hope." 
You turned around in pursuit of the train station. It almost felt like forever ago that you had been dragged here by some twisted kidnapper instead of maybe only 20 minutes. Your movements were quickly halted by a strong hand holding your arm in place behind you, "(Y/N),"
You turned back to see Dabi again. His hand was hot, it made you picture the blue flames at his fingertips as you stared into his eyes, "Y'know where Akamai park is?" 
"Uh– yeah? I think." You responded, his hand cooled as you spoke. 
"Meet me there, 7pm." He let go of your arm and swiftly began walking the opposite way of you.
You paused in shock for a moment; he was already a block away when you finally replied, "I'll see you there!" 
   Dabi entered the train with a simple plan: kill (Y/N) (L/N). That was all he had to do really.
It was easy –it should have been easy. It may have been over 10 years ago, but he remembered a lot about you and your quirk. It was nothing compared to his own, especially now, and your combat skills weren't far behind. Actually, when he first started looking into you again, he really hoped for a challenge. You promised you were going to try for the UA Hero Course with him, yet he found you working some 9 to 5 corporate job and an equally boring life outside of it. Honestly, he was rather disappointed even though the author decided to give them that story. 
So, he had little remorse as he entered the train late at night alongside you. He was so confident, even, that he didn't bother watching you for the first half of the ride. 
That was a mistake. And, Dabi was quickly checked on that when he looked towards you and noticed that a large, rock-like man (that he knew had no connection to you) had suddenly decided to pick you as a target. That much was clear when Dabi moved to get a better read of the situation, and you looked at him like you were about to be murdered.
"You should just let that guy do whatever he wants," Dabi thought as he slumped into the seat across from you, making a point to ignore your fear, "Natural selection." 
The train stopped, the rock-man brought you out of the train (at a stop Dabi knew wasn't yours), and he stayed still. "But, I have no idea if he's actually going to kill them." With that thought, he slipped out of the train and silently followed you two before easily chasing the guy off. It almost haunted him the way you had asked, "Touya?" 
He couldn't count on his fingers how many chances he had to set you ablaze, there were too many. Dabi was sure the mistake was that he let you begin talking because once the words came spilling out, "they were cowards then" he lost all chances of letting it happen.
As you spoke, he remembered years of, admittedly, childish memories: playing heroes together, helping him train his quirk when Endeavor wouldn't, getting ointment for his burns, all things that very few people even in his family did for him. And, he let you walk away.
"You aren't a coward, Touya." He tried to remind himself.
"(Y/N)!" He called out one more time.
He grasped your wrist and allowed his hand to prepare for a fire large enough to engulf you instantly. Wide eyes stared back at him, and he just couldn't find himself letting go of it.
"Do you know where Akamai park is?" He let the fire in his hand rescind.
He'd try again another time...
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virtual--hug · 2 years
BNHA HCs - You Meet Their Family
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida x GN Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Summary: A couple of short scenarios where you meet their parent(s), as the title says.
Word Count: 3K
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Izuku Midoriya
   Midoriya and you had been together for a couple of months, so it was inevitable that your guys' family members would come to learn about it. Actually, when Midoriya came to you with the news that his mom wanted to invite you over for dinner, you were surprised she didn't already know you two were together.
"Like, soon?" You tried to clarify.
"Yeah, well, she seemed really excited. We can wait if you aren't comfortable with that yet! She wouldn't mind." Midoriya spared you the specifics of how the conversation with Inko actually went.
In reality, Izuku had offhandedly mentioned that he was going out with s/o the next day (since you both planned a nice date after finally being able to leave the UA dorms without approval) and Inko had burst into tears for a solid hour. Even when he mentioned you by name, as he usually did, she was still surprised to know the two of you were dating. Somewhere in that conversation, she became adamant about talking to you about the relationship as well.
Now, you were face to face with the Midoriya family's apartment building. It was a fairly large block of apartments but each apartment didn't look too big. "Here we are." Midoriya stopped in front of the door. Neither of you moved for another moment as you expected the boy to open the door to his own home.
"So, are we going to go in?" You prompted.
"Y-yeah, of course!" He raised a hand to knock on the door; his hand was quivering the whole time. 
"Hey," You rested your hand on top of his for a moment, "You don't need to be nervous! I'm the one she's going to be talking to the most!"
He looked a bit disappointed for a second, "I should be telling you that, (Y/N), not the other way around." 
You chuckled at his statement, but the door swung opened before you could get your reply.
"I knew I heard someone talking out here!" The green haired woman stood in the now open entryway, "It's good to see you again, (Y/N)."
"It's nice to see you too Midoriya-san!" You accepted the quick hug the woman was giving you. You'd met Midoriya's mom a handful of times during your first year before the dorms were made and once during a parent's night at the beginning of your current school year. 
"Izu doesn't tell me much about his personal life anymore. I was so surprised to hear he'd found himself a s/o!" She added. Midoriya quietly commented with an embarrassed, "Mom!" 
She began moving from the entryway to allow the two of you to follow inside towards the dining table. 
"I thought I'd make Izuku's favorite since we haven't had it together in such a long time! I hope you don't mind." She explained. 
"Of course, I love Katsudon!" You replied.
Before you could even pick up a spoon, she was asking questions, "So, how long have you two been together?" Izuku let out a bit of a strangled noise.
"Not too long, maybe four months now." You replied.
"That's still quite a bit considering how busy the two of you are at UA!" Inko continued, "I was sure for the longest time that Izuku wouldn't date anyone unless they were identical to All Might!"
You laughed at the admission while Midoriya turned bright red in his spot. "I could even show you some of Izuku's baby photos! He had the cutest All Might onesies!"
"Mom, (Y/N) didn't need to come over to see my baby photos!" Izuku attempted to stop the woman from leaving the room to find what you were sure would be a decorated scrapbook.
"But Izu, it's my job as a mother to embarrass you." She gave him a sweet smile which probably wasn't nearly as sweet to Izuku.
"Now eat up while I find those pictures!" And with that, she had exited the room.
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Katsuki Bakugou
  You hadn't expected anything interesting to happen in your day. You didn't even plan to go shopping, but, when you looked into your fridge, those plans were changed. So, you begrudgingly left to go to your local grocery store. 
"Hm– maybe I should get some of those spicy chips Kat likes for when he comes over this weekend." You considered as you wandered the aisles. 
Entering the long snack aisle, your eyes were overwhelmed by the bright colors of the bags and the random mascots which adorned them. For a moment, you looked towards the hero-themed chips. You'd certainly seen All Might chips since you were a child, but it was only in recent months that a couple of other pros seemed to put their faces on chips of their own. Sitting on the shelf right next to the bright All Might chips, there were spicy barbecue Endeavor themed chips. On the shelf below, there were Hawks themed honey barbecue chips. 
"You aren't actually going to buy that shit, are you?" A voice to your left startled you. At first, you were concerned some random guy had felt the need to insert their opinion of Heroes upon you in the snacks aisle. Luckily, you noted the spiky blonde hair and dark clothing and recognized this person to be your boyfriend.
"You're the one who took an internship with the guy." You gestured towards the Endeavor chips.
"That doesn't mean I'll buy his shitty chips." Katsuki rolled his eyes before moving down the aisle further. Of course, he was here to get the same chips you had come for.
"So, what're you doing here?" You grabbed a different bag to place in your basket.
"The hag said she wanted to go shopping since I 'never go with her anymore' like I don't visit every fuckin' weekend." He grumbled.
Admittedly, you hadn't heard much about Katsuki's mom from the boy himself. Much of your information came from Kirishima, who met the woman a handful of times. He said the two looked and acted almost exactly the same, and her actual name was Mitsuki even though Katsuki only referred to her as a "hag" or "old bitch". 
"What're you doing here?" Katsuki asked.
"I needed to go shopping. My fridge was practically empty." You sighed.
The blonde lightly flicked the side of your head, "You need to take better care of yourself, and you better not just be buying junk!"
He aggressively attempted to look into your basket at the other foods you'd gotten so far only to be stopped by a harsh pull at the neck of his shirt.
"What are you? Five!? Don't bother random people!" A woman with a shopping cart beside her was pulling the boy away. And, immediately, you could tell this woman was his mother. Namely, it was the hair. She had the exact same light blonde spikes. It was styled almost the exact same way too. 
"I'm not bothering random people, bitch!" Bakugou yelled back at the woman. 
"Um– yeah, we know each other from school." You tried to help. 
"Mitsuki, please don't cause a scene." Another man entered the aisle. Much like the woman, he was also very clearly Bakugou's dad. His hair was a different color and the glasses on his face mildly obscured his features. But, he was undoubtedly related to your boyfriend.
"Oh, so you're one of his classmates?" She looked at you with a harsh glare. You nodded in response, "Um– (L/N), (Y/N). I don't believe we've met before." 
"It's so nice to meet you! Katsuki almost never tells me about his personal life. I swear he didn't have friends for awhile!" Her demeanor completely changed as she greeted you. 
"Shut it, hag." Katsuki muttered as he shuffled to drop his chips into their shopping cart.
"I don't recall Katsuki mentioning you before. How long have you two known each other?" Mitsuki asked.
"I guess we've been together for five months now?" You looked towards the blonde boy for confirmation at the time. But, Katsukk was clearly focused on something else.
"Together!? Katsuki, how come you didn't tell me about your s/o!" The woman started yelling at her son again.
"Of course I fuckin' did! You just weren't paying attention!" Bakugou yelled back. You understood now where he got all the anger issues from.
"Are you calling me stupid! Of course I listen to you, and I know you never told me about any s/o!" 
"Why do I have to tell you that I have one anyways!" They continued back and forth for a while now.
"I'm uh– Bakugou, Masaru. It's nice to meet you." Katsuki's much calmer father greeted you as the two argued in the background.
"It's nice to meet you too," You responded, "how long do you think they'll argue for?" 
"Who knows, hopefully they don't kick us out again." He sighed.
"Again?" You wondered. 
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Shoto Todoroki
  "Um, Shoto? Did you know about this?" You looked towards the half and half with your newly received letter in hand.
You'd been given the letter only 30 minutes ago by one of the school's many robots responsible for delivering student mail. The letter had no return address nor the school's address, it was just your name in fancy scrawl on the white envelope. When you opened the letter, it was just as formal. 
"You've been invited to the Todoroki estate at 5pm on December the 12th…" The letter included some more information, but the main information was clear in that sentence alone.
"Oh yeah," Todoroki looked unimpressed by the fancy letter, "Fuyumi texted me about that."
"My dad wants to meet you." He clarified.
A week later, you stood shivering before the large gates which enclosed the Todoroki family house. Some of the shivering was due to the cold, it was a chilly December evening after all, but most of it was out of anxiety. You heard all great things about his siblings, Natsuo and Fuyumi, but Endeavor was not one you'd heard quite as positive things about. 
"Are you cold?" Todoroki noticed the shivering. His warm arm was already resting over you.
"Kinda." You replied.
"It's going to be alright. My father is fairly decent around other people." You weren't quite sure if you could consider that to be reassurance. 
"Thanks Shoto." The other teen didn't say much else as he pressed a button situated to the side of the front gate. There was a buzz in response before the gates opened to reveal a rather traditional looking (and massive) house. Everything about the exterior was immaculate, and the traditional style didn't disappear even as you entered.
"We're here!" Shoto called out across the room. The thumping of footsteps on the tatami floors could be heard in response. They sounded much too light to be Endeavor, much to your relief.
"Thanks for coming, Shoto!" The girl who appeared greeted her brother. She had similar hair to your boyfriend although rather than the half and half style, streaks of red were present in her medium length white hair.
"It's nice to meet you (L/N)! You can call me Fuyumi." She bowed as a greeting.
"It's nice to meet you too, Fuyumi." You returned the greeting.
"Natsuo decided not to come, unfortunately. So, it's just us and dad." Fuyumi spoke, "But, it'll still be nice!" 
She sent an, actually, reassuring smile your way, "Dad doesn't usually stay long for meals anyways." 
"What did you make?" Shoto began taking off his shoes and coat, so you decided to follow his lead. 
"Cold soba! I thought I'd treat you to your favorite since you're visiting." The three of you began heading towards what you assumed to be the dining room. The siblings were the ones mostly leading.
"It's not really a visit." Todoroki murmured. 
"Shoto," Fuyumi said somewhat sternly before looking back at you and quieting her tone, "Dad's trying to be better." 
You didn't get to hear more of it as you all reached the open door to the dining room and there sat Todoroki Enji. As the two ahead of you trailed in, the cold eyes of the number one hero hit you with full force. He wasn't quite as intimidating outside of his hero costume and without the giant flame beard. Actually, he was surprisingly clean shaven without the fire accessory. 
"Nice to meet you, Todoroki-san." You greeted the man before taking the seat beside Shoto. He seemed hardly impressed with his father right now.
"(L/N), (Y/N), correct?" He spoke.
You nodded while glancing between the others at the table. It was incredibly tense yet painfully awkward. 
"What course are you in at UA?" He asked.
"H-hero course, with Shoto." You internally panicked for a moment. Would he call out the stutter? Call you weak? He hummed before taking a bite of his noodles.
"You reached the finals at the Sport's Festival, right (L/N)-kun?" Fuyumi asked.
"Yes, I did. I didn't quite top some of the people on the ranks though! Our class has such powerful people." You decided to address Fuyumi as you spoke in order to take the edge off speaking to the towering hero across from you.
"Your quirk is still very powerful, (Y/N)," Todoroki commented, "it was just the type of battle that put a lot of people at a disadvantage."
You remembered hearing Midoriya talking about that before, but you decided not to add anything in favor of eating your soba.
"For one of my Sport's Festivals, they had us do one on one obstacle course races with our opponent." Endeavor added. 
"Maybe they'll do something like that next year." You decided to comment. No one added much else.
There was another couple of tense minutes as the four of you ate soba before Endeavor decided to speak up again. This time, he set his bowl down rather harshly on the table. It created a loud "clink" which startled both Fuyumi and Shoto as you all looked towards him.
"I want to make it clear," he crossed his arms, "as Heroes in training, you shouldn't be focusing on a romantic relationship." 
Your heart jumped in your chest, "This is it. This is where he kicks me out of the house. Tells me I can't talk to Shoto anymore. Could he kick me out of UA? I'm sure he could."
"But, as long as you two continue to succeed as heroes in training, then you're welcome here." He concluded.
Moments later, he stood and left the room with his bowl. The sliding door closing shut behind him.
"Well," Fuyumi began, "I wasn't expecting that."
"No," Todoroki looked to you, "did you curse him?"
"No! Did you both think something worse would happen!?" Looking between both of their faces, the answer was a clear yes. 
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Tenya Iida
  "I forgot how rich the Iida family is." You stared up in disappointment at the large house before you.
After dating Tenya for about 7 months now, you'd yet to meet any of his family. Admittedly, that was the fault of the League of Villains who decided to continuously attack your first year class and led to harsh safety restrictions. Now, with the mandatory dorms being mostly dropped, Tenya was quick to invite you to the Iida family house. 
You still lived at the UA dorms, so you made the trek from there to the address Tenya had sent you earlier. You should have remembered that he was from a long family line of speed-heroes when you stepped off the train to the neighborhood full of large, polished houses. Nevertheless, seeing his own house thoroughly surprised you. 
It took you a second before you discovered the button near the front gate which you assumed acted as a doorbell. A loud buzz sounded as you pressed it, but it took a second before Tenya's voice came from the small box, "Feel free to come in, (L/N)!" Tenya hadn't addressed you by your last name for a while now. 
The gates slowly opened, and you were able to head to the front door which was also quickly met by your blue haired boyfriend, "Do come in!" 
"Your house is nice." You commented as you left your shoes at the front.
"O-of course, the Iida's are a prestigious family…" Tenya clearly began to give a long introduction before someone interrupted him.
"You don't need to be so formal, Tenya. I just wanted to meet your s/o." A much calmer voice interjected.
Tensei Iida rolled into the entryway where the two of you were standing, "It's nice to meet you, (L/N). Tenya has told me a lot about you." 
You didn't miss the boy next to you flushing red as Tensei spoke,  "Nice to meet you too, Iida-san. I'm happy to hear that Tenya talks about me."
"You can call me Tensei, if you'd prefer. Our parents aren't home just yet, so you two can spend some time together before they get back. Maybe give (L/N)-kun a tour?" Tensei looked towards his brother who had yet to leave his spot.
"Y-yes, let me show you around!" Tenya moved through the many rooms of the house. And there were many rooms.
Once you were sure you were out of earshot from Tensei, you decided to comment to Iida, "Y'know, it makes me a bit nervous that you're so worried. Are your parents going to hate me?" 
He seemed a bit surprised at the comment, especially since he'd just been showing you the dining room, "I assure you there's nothing to worry about!"
"I-it's mostly my nerves. I'm sure my parents will love you! You're an amazing person and a great hero! I just don't want them to think that I'm distracted by a relationship." He explained.
"Tenya, I'm sure they won't think that. You've been the top in our class forever now, and you've gotten great internship opportunities as a hero with and without me." You reassured him.
"You're always much better at this then me, thank you (Y/N)." Iida pressed a kiss to your forehead as a thank you. 
As you looked back up, you noticed Tensei had entered the dining room to start setting the table but now awkwardly sat at where he'd presumably set down whatever he'd brought.
"Sorry for interrupting, you two can come help make dinner whenever you finish your tour." Tensei decided to say once you two made eye contact.
"R-Right, we'll be there in a moment." Tenya awkwardly responded.
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virtual--hug · 2 years
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader - Gentle Touch
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou x GN Reader
Genre: Mega Fluff
Warnings: The reader is injured (burned) in a flashback and is described with a scar throughout.
Summary: Bakugou's friends slowly find out about his soft side through you.
Word Count: 4.8K
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It was a certainty that among the tens to hundreds of thousands of applicants who applied to UA every year that there were some who knew each other. And, it was basically inevitable that, of the students who were accepted, at least a handful would also know each other. That was all basic probability.
But, three students who all knew each other in UA's most difficult to enter course? With only 200 students being accepted a year, all three of them would have had to score well above high on the written exams followed by having a close to stellar performance in the hero course exam to accomplish it.
Yet, on the first day of class, it didn't seem all too impossible.
You had arrived fairly early, nervous to navigate the large, unfamiliar school yet excited to finally be in the hero course, and made your way to the classroom far before the bell rang. It appeared you weren't alone in your early behavior. 
A couple of students were already there. But, most obviously, there was a familiar face.
"Kacchan!" You called out. Of course, you already knew the blonde would be in class with you. Despite his so called resistance, he texted you regularly and was quick to pick up your phone call the day you both received your acceptance videos. He refused to walk with you to class this morning claiming that, "You wake up too late." 
"Are you excited to be at UA! I can't wait to see what classes are like!" You exclaimed to the blonde.
He scoffed, "It's not going to be anything special, probably."
His ears flushed a bit red. "Liar," You thought, "you're just as excited as everyone here." 
"Excuse me!" Someone loudly cleared their throat to get your attention. You looked towards the classmate to show he'd gotten your attention. He was strikingly… blue. His hair, eyes, glasses, even his shoes were blue.
"You should take your feet off of that desk right now!" The boy addressed Bakugou instantly.
You hardly even noted the blonde's odd (and rather dangerous looking) seating position. He almost always sat like that: chair practically tipping over and legs on whatever surface wasn't the floor. 
"Huh?" Bakugou responded.
"It's only the first day and you're already scuffing school property, you cretin!" The other boy quickly reprimanded Bakugou.
"Are you kidding me? Your old school put a stick up your ass or…" You attempted to interrupt the rest of whatever insult tirade Bakugou might continue on, "Kacchan, just take your feet off the desk! It's not that big of a deal!"
"No way in hell if this guy says it." Bakugou glared at the blue guy.
"Allow me to start over, then, I'm Tenya Iida from Soumei Private Academy…" The blue guy, Iida, was quickly cut off by Bakugou, "Soumei huh?" You didn't even bother to stop him this time; it wouldn't do any good. 
You looked around the room to see if you could find better opportunities just taking your seat. That was until you noticed the door was open and another student was standing, or rather hiding, behind the frame.
"Izukun, I didn't know you were here!" You exclaimed at the sight of his recognizable green hair, "You should have told me you were coming to UA! We could have talked about it during the break." 
"Sorry," he responded nervously, "I didn't think you were interested in knowing." 
Your conversation, once again, didn't last long as the blue haired boy came up to interrupt you for a second time to speak with Midoriya. "It's like I'm not even supposed to be here." You thought as you moved towards your seat which just so happened to be behind Midoriya's.
  To other students, your familiarity was clear instantly. From the nicknames you all called each other, Deku, Izukun, or Kacchan, the last one was the one other students latched on to the most. To the interactions you all had, Midoriya being quick to talk to you or be at your side first, Bakugou seeming to be more civil when holding a conversation with you (or even the fact that he was holding a conversation), or Bakugou's aggressive responses to Midoriya and the other boy's almost planned responses in return. One of those being more concerning than the others, 1-A could spot the differences.
And, one of those big differences was Bakugou.
Bakugou wasn't afraid to throw a punch or rather an explosion at whoever he pleased. Except for you. Within the class' first couple basic training sessions, he steered his explosions clear away from you, denying your requests to spar (that he happily accepted from other students) and even stopping what he was doing all together to tell you to move somewhere else. That was further amplified during the Sport's Festival. Despite the chaos, Bakugou clearly made a point to not direct explosions at your group during the cavalry battle while ruthlessly doing so to others. 
Outside of battle too, the way he treated you was far from how he interacted with others. After the USJ Incident, Kirishima hardly missed how Bakugou swiftly and almost stealthily had moved from being beside Kirishima to wherever you were. Not to mention, there was something about his hands. When he was walking beside you or in any vicinity near you, he made a point to shove his hands into his pockets. 
"So, what's your deal with (L/N)." Semester midterms were approaching and Kirishima had managed to worm his way into the only spot for Bakugou's intense study sessions which included: hours at a local cafe, odd stares by said cafe's employees, and a lot of smacks to the head by whatever material Bakugou had on hand. 
"Huh?" Bakugou glared at him; a glare more menacing than usual.
"Sorry, that came out wrong!" Kirishima quickly tried to correct himself, "I mean uh– you knew them before UA, so like– how? 'Cause you treat them way differently than Midoriya."
"We went to school together, shitty hair. Isn't that obvious?" Bakugou replied.
"Well, yeah but– nevermind!" He quickly shook his head.
"Don't start a fuckin' sentence and then stop! What the hell were you going to say!" Dropping the subject seemed to make Bakugou more upset, the stack of papers he was being hit with returning to Kirishima's vision threateningly.
"You're gonna' get even more mad at me if I explain myself! Just forget about it!" Kirishima tried to insist.
"Finish what you were saying!" Bakugou began taking swats with the stack of papers. 
"I thought you two were a thing! Like, together!" Kirishima said while desperately avoiding the paper.
"Huh?" Bakugou stopped abruptly before scoffing, "No way in hell. Like I said, we just went to school together, and they weren't shitty like Deku."
A silence fell between them for a moment. Kirishima didn't miss how oddly calm Bakugou was in responding to that sort of question. "Get back to studying, you still can't get the math right!" The blonde didn't let it last long before Kirishima's eyes were back on the textbook and practice problems as he attempted to learn the formulas. 
  Kaminari began to note the next incidents at the summer training camp. Admittedly, he had been distracted by his sheer joy of just being allowed to go to the summer camp at first… then he remembered the "training" part of the event and lost that joy. It was seriously brutal with the intense training in the day, cooking his own meals, and all of that followed by lessons with Aizawa late into the night.
Actually, it was one of the first few times Class 1-A was cooking together that he noted something new about you: the large scar on your left hand.
"Hey Kaminari-kun, can you hand me that towel?" You asked. He had been helping you to cut vegetables, but he realized later that he was really just washing the vegetables and handing them to you. Of course, he was too sleep deprived to even be allowed to hold a knife.
"Oh, sure." He picked up the towel that had been bunched up in the corner and passed it over to you.
"Thanks!" You quickly used it to wipe water and vegetable bits off your hands. A bit dazed, he watched your motions carefully. 
"Hey, when did you get that?" He wasn't really thinking when he spoke aloud at the recognition of a scar on your hand.
It covered a decent portion of the skin on your left hand: almost covered your thumb to the other side of your hands and spanned from around your knuckles to a bit past your wrist. It discolored your skin a little bit but mostly created odd, stretched and bumped looking patterns in the area. 
You laughed it off, "I've had it for awhile. I got it when I was a kid." 
You handed the towel back to him, "How did you get it?" 
"Oh– uh…" You quieted at that, "Just a stupid accident, y'know?" 
"Yeah, I did stupid things all the time!" He didn't notice your change in behavior and just went on, "I used to think it was cool to try and zap electrical sockets because it made my fingers buzz. Then it blew up…"
He continued going on his tangents about his injuries as a kid; he was 15 minutes into his third story before he realized that dinner was basically ready around the two of you.
Only a couple of hours later did the scar came up a second time. He was a bit more awake now after having eaten and realized that he completely left his phone back where they were staying the whole day. So, despite knowing that Aizawa would scold him for being late, he went back to get it.
"Who just left weights out here!" Kaminari hissed as he nearly kicked the item.
"You need to be more careful!" Kaminari heard a voice speak angrily. It was pretty close, so he scanned around for it.
"Are they talking to me?" He wondered, "Wait, no. That's just Bakugou– wait, who's Bakugou talking too!" 
Almost completely forgetting about searching for his phone, he became focused on Bakugou standing with someone by where, if Kaminari wasn't mistaken, he was sleeping.
"You shouldn't be forgetting this shit either." The blonde muttered after his first exclamation.
"I know, I know! I just forget how bad it gets every summer." That was your response.
Bakugou seemed to have been handing you something, a tube of some kind. He was too far away to really see what it was, but the blonde clearly wasn't happy to be giving it to you.
"Thanks, I'll try not to forget it next time." You replied.
"You better not," Bakugou made his usual tch sound, "You need to be putting it on three times a day otherwise it's just going to hurt more and you won't be able to train." 
"Is that really Bakugou?" He wondered. Kaminari felt moved by the way Bakugou was speaking, and he wasn't even talking to the other blonde!
"Yeah, yeah, I'll do that." You seemed far more dismissive of it than Kaminari would ever be. The electric blonde could already picture himself bawling his eyes out in this situation.
"I'll see you in a bit!" You began making your way towards where Kaminari was.
"Shit!" Kaminari whisper-yelled as he attempted to quickly hide. That would totally ruin Bakugou's mood if he knew Kaminari had been there to witness whatever exchange just happened. 
"Hey, Kaminari-kun!" He failed to hide very well as you immediately spotted him once you reached the hall he was standing in.
"Heeyyy, (L/N)," he poorly attempted to make his crouched, hiding position into pretending as though he was tying his shoes, "What are you doing here?" 
"Um– I was just going to the hot springs." You replied, "What are you doing here? I thought the extra lessons with Aizawa started 15 minutes ago?" 
"15 minutes? Shit, I gotta' go!" He sprinted away, almost as fast as Iida, at your comment.
"Weird…" You muttered while heading back to get your stuff for bed, the tube of aloe still in hand.
    Mina heard the story almost immediately. It was hard to miss one of the six students doing the extra lessons, so everyone was quick to notice the blonde gone from the extra lessons.
"He's coming," Sero insisted, "He just said he was getting his phone!" 
"If he's not here in 5 minutes, I'm going to find him." Aizawa had glared at the group, anger evident.
They managed to stall him for 5 more minutes before the man had enough of it and was out of the door. Another 5 minutes later, the electric blonde was being dragged into the room by Aizawa's capture scarf.
"That's an extra 30 minutes for all of you." Aizawa had declared when he released the boy from the capture scarf. 
"Seriously, where were you!?" Mina hissed as Kaminari took a seat beside her.
"Okay, I was getting my phone," Kaminari whispered, "And I saw Bakugou there with (Y/N), and he seemed like– worried? He was giving them something and saying that they needed to be more careful about something. Also, did you know they had a scar on their hand?" 
"Kaminari," Aizawa said, "Focus." 
"Sorry sensei!" Kaminari sat up straight and turned towards the front of the room.
For awhile, Mina didn't really think about it. There were more important things to worry about with her friends having been attacked, Bakugou himself being kidnapped, and being moved into dorms all together. But, she could notice things on her own.
Mina knows she's a very physically affectionate person. She practically drapes her body over her friends at any opportunity, and the pink girl is somewhat used to the resistance of her affection. 
In the past, people called it weird or that, "You can only do that stuff with your boyfriend!" All of which were beliefs she strictly tried to change. So, with the dorms, Mina was quick to begin recognizing this behavior in one of her close friends: Bakugou.
"Bakugouuu! Momo said she's busy, can you please help me with this homework!" She practically pushed her entire body weight onto the blonde and she wrapped her arms over his shoulders. Kirishima did it all the time… maybe with the exception of the dead weight part. 
"Get off of me," he immediately responded while easily lifting the pink girl off of him, "I won't help you if you do that shit." 
"So you'll help me!" She selectively ignored what he said.
He scoffed, "c'mon, before I change my mind."
"Thank you so much!" He squealed –pulling him in for a proper hug this time. Bakugou didn't return the hug; his hands were awkwardly hovering in the air. 
"I said don't do that shit!" He yelled. 
"Has Bakugou always been this way?" She wondered. 
As she already remembered, Kirishima was almost always hanging around Bakugou in some sort of way. And, the blonde didn't usually seem to mind. But for her? He always seemed to blow up about it. It was true for a couple of other friends too. 
"Hey Bakubro!" Kaminari happily greeted Bakugou, "We were gonna' do a Mario Kart competition, wanna' join?" 
Kaminari, much like Mina did, leaned his weight onto Bakugou in a sort of side hug. "Get the hell off of me dunce face!" Bakugou had yelled first before responding. 
Most damning of all was when Mina witnessed Bakugou treating you the same. Of all people, Mina assumed you were the baseline of how nice Bakugou could be to people. Yet, here she was. 
Unlike usual, Mina had managed to wake up rather early. She was out of the door almost at the same time as Bakugou, which was a feat on its own.
"Kacchan, wait up!" You called out. Mina was still in the middle of putting her shoes on when you brushed past her to catch up with the blonde who was already out the door.
"I told you I wasn't waiting around any longer." Despite his statement, Bakugou had paused until you caught up to him.
"I said I would be down in a couple of seconds! I can't make the elevator go any faster." You took his hand into your own as you responded.
Mina couldn't quite hear what Bakugou said in response to the action, but it had to have been something negative as you protested, "It's fine, Katsuki. You haven't done anything wrong since, and I trust you."
You two had already made it pretty far away from the dorms, but Mina was sure the next words you said were, "You aren't going to hurt me." Bakugou and you seemed to continue holding hands until Mina stopped looking at the scene and moved to go gush about it to Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero. 
"He still seemed to protest it! But, he never does that for you Kiri. Is there something wrong with us?" Mina concluded the story.
"Um– maybe it has to do with our quirks?" Kirishima suggested.
"Our quirks," Kaminari contemplated, "Wait, is he trying to call us weak!"
"Is he?" Sero continued the line of thought.
"No, I mean with his explosions! I don't know if it's manly to say this–" Kirishima seemed conflicted.
"Tell us!" Mina shook Kirishima by the shoulders as the other two echoed the sentiment.
"W-well, he's said before that my quirk makes him feel– comfortable, I guess? Those weren't his words at all. But, he said that if his quirk went off then he'd know I'd be safe? It was super manly when he said it!" Kirishima explained.
The explanation quickly led to even more discussion about the subject. So much for being early. 
"See, it was fine!" You reassured Bakugou after having reached the school still hand in hand.
"Yeah, whatever." Bakugou quickly adopted his tough appearance.
You gently attempted to pull your hand away. The blonde usually let go of you first once you actually made it to the UA building. You assumed it had something to do with keeping up his "bad boy" look, as you called it, but you just decided to go along with it.
"We aren't even in class yet." Bakugou reacted to your action by keeping a firm hold on your hand. A small smile came across your face.
  "Hey, how long have you known Bakugou and Midoriya?" Sero asked you one evening.
The explosion boy in question had refused to attend your friend group's Wednesday night homework session. "You know they aren't actually going to do work," Bakugou told you, "I have a sleep schedule to follow." 
Bakugou was only partially wrong. The group started by doing homework, and you all remained rather focused. But, Kaminari must have encountered work he didn't want to do and began talking to the group. Soon enough, none of you were working and instead talking about whatever topics came up.
"I can't believe Bakugou and Midoriya got suspended." The topic switched at the mention of the two boys.
"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask what all of it was about." Kirishima replied, "Like, I know they don't like each other. But, Bakugou isn't the type to fight people without reason, I thought." 
"I'm not really sure," You lied. You knew exactly what it was about; he had told you, and you wanted to steer the conversation away from any sort of speculation, "But, it probably had to do with the license exam. He didn't pass, so he was probably upset about it." 
"I guess," Kaminari agreed, "why wouldn't he come to one of us if that was the case? Like, Kiri could probably take whatever blow Bakugou has! And, they wouldn't have gotten in trouble for it." 
"His– stuff with Izukun goes back for awhile." You shrugged.
That was when Sero asked the question, "Hey, how long have you known Bakugou and Midoriya?" 
"We all went to pre-school together so I guess almost all our life." You answered.
"That's like– a really long time!" Kaminari replied.
"Ooh, do you have any embarrassing stories on Bakugou!" Mina was quick to the draw. 
"I think he'd prefer that I don't share those." Although, you could already picture several.
"C'mon, he's not even here!" Mina insisted.
"Yeah, but he'll know who told them!" You continued to deny Mina's pestering. 
"We'll keep quiet about it, promise!" Sero joined in.
"No you won't!"
"Well tell us something about him! I need to know! Has he always been so…" Mina waved her hand around for a moment as she tried to find the words, "y'know, how he is!" 
"Yeah, was he just the same but tiny?" Sero spoke up.
"Well, kinda? Since he's had his quirk he's always been a bit– harsh, I guess." You took a moment to think before you spoke –looking down at your hand and rubbing at the scarred skin.
The others in the room were quiet after having noticed the action. They looked between each other for a moment before Kaminari spoke, "Hey, I know you didn't really want to talk about it when I asked before. But, how did you get that scar?" 
"Well," You trailed off while repeating your previous hand motions, "I know you guys are close to Bakugou, so you'll probably understand. I hope." 
  Izuku, Bakugou, and you had been close for a really long time. You three became quick friends after attending the same pre-school, and your parents had become even quicker friends once they met. 
You three had been released to the park while your parents sat at some park bench and talked to each other about adult things –none of you cared to listen to it. Izuku, Bakugou, and you had run off to play your favorite game: heroes. 
Somewhere along the way, Bakugou had distracted Midoriya and decided to leave the boy behind while taking you with him. 
"Kacchan, that was mean!" You tried to look behind and see the green haired boy, but you two were probably far from him now. 
"He's fine," Bakugou declared, "He always figures out how to get back."
"Miss. Inko will probably get upset, though! We should go back!" Bakugou had your hand tightly in his own as he pulled you along. As you attempted to pull away, he didn't loosen his grip.
"No way, we can play better games without him!" Bakugou declared.
"Kacchan, let go!" You exclaimed.
"No!" He shouted back. His other hand sparked up into the small, angry crackles. 
Instead, a loud "crackle, pop" came from his other hand which was in yours. That day, both of you found out that Bakugou's quirk was produced by his sweat. Your hands together, having produced a lot of sweat on the hot summer day, were quick to create a dangerously large explosion as it reacted to Bakugou's other small, fiery explosions. 
You remembered shrieking as the large explosion pushed you away from the blonde and onto the grassy ground. And, you remembered the horrified expression Bakugou held when he looked at you before quickly rushing you to your parents. 
But, you couldn't even feel the 3rd degree burn that had been made onto your hand as you were rushed to the hospital. 
"He really only just got his quirk," You concluded your recount of the memory, "so, we didn't really know about it at all." 
"Healing quirks are really helpful too. I'm sure I would have got more than a scar if it wasn't for that!" You tried to clear the heavy atmosphere in the air, but it didn't really work, "Uh– but Bakugou has a much better understanding and control over it now! He's spent a lot of time with it."
"Ooh, so is that why he had whatever that stuff was at the summer training camp?" Kaminari was the first to comment.
"Huh?" Kirishima, Sero, and you all asked in unison.
"You remember that?" Mina asked alongside that.
"Well, yeah! I've never seen Bakugou be so caring before." Kaminari defended himself.
"It also explains what I saw last week!" Mina argues.
"Um– what did you see?" You questioned.
"You two were holding hands on the way to school! But Bakugou seemed like– weird about it, and you were reassuring him?" Mina explained.
"Oh, yeah." Your face heated. You could remember having passed Mina one morning, but you had no clue she actually continued watching you and Bakugou. 
"That's how I got that scar though! I used to explain it, but it made people think he could be really dangerous, which isn't true! And, he clearly tries really hard to not let things like that happen again." You attempted to change the topic back to where you started. 
"I get it," Mina replied, "I used to accidentally get acid all over everything. I lost so many cute clothes!" 
"Yeah, and if Bakugou were that dangerous we'd all have so many scars already!" Sero added.
"Hey," Kaminari suddenly said, "Do you think Bakugou's quirk could be used to make a flamethrower since it can work outside his body?" 
"It totally could! We should get him to do it! And Mina could use her acid to make it even more powerful!" Kirishima spoke up.
Quickly, the conversation devolved to speculation about how Bakugou's quirk worked and how all their quirks could combine together to make the best explosion. 
You smiled at the, admittedly stupid, conversation –happy that Bakugou had found good friends. 
  "Hurry up!" Hands shoved Bakugou around wherever they could reach to get him towards the couch and away from in front of the screen. 
As customary for Bakugou, he had to make a separate bowl on movie nights that he could cover in hot sauce and whatever other spices he combined. And, as customary for everyone else in the dorms, they didn't feel like waiting for him. So, the introduction of the movie was already in full force as Bakugou returned to the common room and had to find whatever seat was left for him.
Today, you'd been lucky enough to get there early and get a couch seat, and, of course, you saved a spot for Bakugou. "You can't save spots!" Kaminari had whined as he was reduced to sitting on the carpet.
"Yes they can!" Bakugou called out from the kitchen. You could still feel laughter bubbling up in your stomach at it. 
The blonde basically fell into his seat before placing the bowl of popcorn in between you two.
"No." You whispered while moving the bowl away, "C'mere." 
Bakugou looked at you a bit cautiously. Of course, he looked towards your hand first before considering the option. This time, you didn't even need to get your whispered reassurances out before he moved closer. His head rested on your chest as he lazily flung his arms around your torso while your hands found their way to his hair. The position was a bit awkward at first, but Sero kindly gave up his spot on the couch for the two of you to lay out. 
"Is that seriously the end!" Kaminari whined as the movie came to a close with credits fading in.
"Is there a second one?" Uraraka leaned forward. Mina, who was quick to grab the remote, began searching the movie title for any sort of sequel.
"There isn't!" The group groaned in collective annoyance. Of course, they had encountered a key downside to watching an old movie they didn't even research.
"That's so annoying," Uraraka basically threw herself back into her seat, "What now?" 
"Look at what comes up as recommended." Sero gestured for Mina to do that.
"Doesn't Bakugou usually say this was a shitty movie by now?" Jirou commented. Although, from her couch position, she already saw Bakugou's current circumstance.
"Huh, Bakubro?" Kirishima turned towards the couch you two were on behind them. Bakugou was completely asleep on top of you with you in a similar state.
"Let's pick something quiet, maybe." Midoriya suggested as everyone turned back to the screen.
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virtual--hug · 2 years
Dabi x Reader - Hideaway
A/N: I never really imagined a conclusive ending to this one so feel free to imagine whatever happens afterwards!
Characters: Dabi x GN Singer Reader
Genre: Neutral / Fluff
Warnings: Some really quick descriptions of alcohol and drinking, but it's just one part at the end.
Summary: Dabi finds himself watching a performance at some hole in the wall Cafe (literally) and, when he comes back to see it again, he meets the singer.
Word Count: 2k
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Dabi muttered under his breath, continuing to curse out the small group he had met with only moments before. He was already regretting joining this League of Villains.
He entered their current hideout alongside an actual child. A demented, blonde girl who seemed to idolize the Hero Killer: Stain. The leader himself was just as much of a child. At the mention of Stain by the blonde girl, he immediately began complaining about their presence and attempted to attack them. Miraculously, mainly due to the weird portal guy that was behind the bar, they all managed to leave the meeting unscathed.
Now, the sun had set, the sky had darkened, and Dabi had to figure out what to do next. It wasn't like he was about to go back to his "home." He was practically nocturnal as it was and woke up only a couple of hours ago. But, he had no specific obligations for the night. Maybe he would mess with the heroes that patrol Kamino just because. His planning was interrupted by the sudden sound, filling his ears in the quiet streets, of his stomach growling.
"Damn, I'm hungry." He muttered.
Dabi finally decided to look around the empty sidewalks for any sign of an open restaurant. It wasn't too late but this section of town seemed to be lacking in any form of restaurants. He'd probably have to find the nearest 24/7 convenience store before he went on to scout out any heroes to torment. He could already see some of the neon lights and signs of the shopping district in the distance, so he began heading in that direction quickly.
His objective shifted rather quickly when he began hearing soft sound filling the area. It sounded like music initially, but it quickly morphed into singing as he walked further down the sidewalk. Eventually, it seemed like he was right on top of the noise even though the buildings around him were still dark or shuttered. He circled the area with his gaze until he landed upon a fairly illuminated alleyway. Fairy lights were strung up across the brick and, to his surprise, led to the source of the sound. Out of pure curiosity, he followed the path of the lights to the center of the alleyway to a building Dabi had never quite seen before.
It was odd seeing a full three story building just sandwiched in between two others, especially in an alleyway. Perpendicular to the building was a sign in fancy, golden script that stated the name of the establishment: The Hideaway Café. Big glass windows showcased the inside of the building to the shadowed villain. There were a handful of patrons at the visible tables and standing at the furthest back wall was the source of the noise he'd been hearing. All the patrons had their attention turned towards the singer.
They were holding the mic in their hands with a second person behind them playing a guitar and occasionally looking up at the singer. Dabi had no clue what the song was, that type of music wasn't his style, but he was captivated by it nevertheless. He wasn't exactly sure why he stood there as long as he did. It wasn't even a particularly intriguing performance as the singer was just standing there and occasionally swaying back and forth. The song soon ended and was chased by the clapping of the restaurant patrons. Dabi waited a moment to see if the singing would continue. Although, it seemed he arrived at the end of the set as the singer was only speaking into the microphone now as the guitarist behind them began to pack up their materials
"Maybe I'll come back here sometime." Dabi thought before returning to his initial route towards a convenience store.
It wasn't for a couple of weeks that Dabi went back on that thought and found himself at the Café again.
At this point, he was a solidified member of the League of Villains which had only grown in members since his initial introduction. Thankfully, in his opinion, a majority of those members were adults: eccentric men like Mr. Compress and Twice, Stain obsessed killers like Spinner, Magne (who Dabi truthfully didn't know enough about to say much else about her), and actual maniacs like Muscular and Moonfish. Nevertheless, he still had to accept the addition of another child (even younger than Toga), a kid who called himself Mustard. No matter the odd group of people he was now associated with, he managed to make his way to an interesting leadership role for their upcoming attack on UA's hero students. Despite the increased responsibility to plan for the said attack, he found himself slipping away from the hideout for the evening to go elsewhere.
And, of course, his feet began leading him in that same direction that the Café was. The place hadn't left his mind in the several weeks since he discovered it: the atmosphere of it all, the singing, the singer themself. He wanted to experience it again. So, he managed to make his way back to it by pure memory. Greeting him, however, was a glaringly dark building and a prominent "closed" sign hanging at the front.
"Shit." He involuntarily muttered to himself at the sight.
He didn't really think about the possibility that it could be closed or that he really needed to know anything about the hours before he showed up again. Now, he had to make the serious decision upon whether or not he should show up to an, undoubtedly, pissed Shigaraki or not.
That was, atleast, until he heard a voice come from the right of the alley, "Um- excuse me sir?"
"Something wrong?" He turned to look at the voice. Unmistakably, it was the singer. He may have only had a far off look of your appearance, but the hair was the same (H/C) and style that he'd seen before. And, your shoes were the exact same. Oddly enough, Dabi could feel butterflies spiral in his stomach at that realization.
"Not at all! Are you uh- waiting for the Café to open?" You continued to stammer before gesturing to the door with the jingling set of keys in your hand.
"I was." He lied.
"That hand freak is going to kick my ass." He thought to himself at that.
"Oh, great! Um- you might need to wait a little bit though. Our usual cook said he'd be a bit late, so, if you were hoping to get any food, I'm not really any help." You explained.
"What about a drink?" He asked.
"Oh, of course! I can do that. Just give me a moment to clean up!" You once again gestured with the keys to indicate you needed to unlock the door. He moved over to the side to allow you the moment to open the building.
He could tell you were hesitant of him. Even in a world full of odd quirks, people were still apprehensive of the guy with large scars and staple piercings. Or, it could have been his dark clothes and overall suspicious appearance standing in front of the closed building.
"You can come in, if you'd like!" You finally came back towards the front door. It had taken you only a couple of minutes, but the Café looked as it did the first time he saw it with the exception of the other people. Fairy lights illuminated everywhere around jy and the sign on the front had switched over to saying "open". Much like the outside, the interior was small. There were a handful of booth tables to the left wall, which was all exposed brick, miscellaneous tables were around the rest of the center area, and the right side had a couple bar seats.
Dabi chose to sit at the bar. He might as well get drunk if he's going to spend his time here even though the effects of alcohol were quickly canceled out by his quirk.
"It's been a little bit since I've handled the bar, but I could probably make you something." You spoke to him as you made your way behind the bar.
"You're a bartender?" Dabi asked as he looked over the menu. There was a small laminated menu before him, but he chose to look towards the chalk board that listed all the drinks from above you.
"A long time ago. It was my first job actually." Your hesitation seemed to be slowly melting away from the question, "if you have any questions, feel free to ask! What's in all the drinks is listed on that smaller menu right there."
"Hm," he hummed and looked for the drink that sounded the most interesting, "What's the Incredible Seven?"
"That one's my favorite! It kinda' tastes like spiked Seven Up." You explained.
"I'll get that." He agreed. You nodded and got to work grabbing bottles and various cans to mix together.
"So, what brings you here tonight? I don't think I've seen you here before." You began speaking.
"You know every customer that comes here?" Dabi teased.
"Well, more or less. We aren't exactly the most- easy to find place. Usually, there's consistent regulars or just a certain type of person that comes in here. You don't exactly fit that bar." You explained.
"I came by this place before. You were singing, I'm pretty sure." He replied.
You completely paused your actions of making the drink to stare at him in what must have been disbelief as your face slowly flushed red, "Seriously, you heard that! Ugh- that was the worst."
"It wasn't that bad." Dabi replied. He internally cringed after giving the comment; he should have already drank before he was complimenting people like that.
"Well, thanks but it wasn't planned at all. We had a couple of performers, and one of them canceled. I'm pretty sure she was just wasted but whatever. So, all of my staff was telling me to go up and perform in her place and- yeah, I almost passed out." You ranted before placing the glass before him. It wasn't anything too fancy, just a small drink in a cylindrical glass. It was an interesting lime green color and, as Dabi took a sip, it held up to it's "spiked Seven Up" description.
"You should sing more often. I'd come back to see it." He responded.
"Thanks again. I hardly have the confidence to do that again. We have other great musicians come in here all the time, though. The next performance is this Saturday, if you want to see that!" You offered.
"I'll see," he'd really only come back for the opportunity to talk to you again, "I have a busy schedule sometimes."
You went to respond before the ringing of the bell from the front door openijg and closing distracted you. Dabi looked over to see that a new set of patrons had entered much to his annoyance.
"Let me know if you need anything else! But, I'll be handling other things for a moment." You said before heading off to handle the people who had entered.
He continued to sip the drink while looking around the area for anything to pay attention to instead of listening to whatever conversation you held with the couple that sat themselves at a booth. There was a TV in the corner of the bar that he, somehow, managed to miss entirely. Admittedly, it was left on a news channel and the volume appeared to be turned completely off as it displayed whatever the report was.
Of course, it was on Stain based on the images of the killer and the captions. He'd become far too familiar with the name and motifs of the killer from the League members. Actually, he knew a considerable amount of his history as well from the various times he'd listened to Toga info-dump about the man. It was no wonder so many people were so obsessed with his existence especially when these news reports were still running after his arrest over a month ago now.
"It's awful isn't it." Your voice came from his left now as you approached him. Obviously, you noticed his attention on the TV.
"Yeah." He decided not to add anything else about the Hero Killer. At the end of the day, no matter his annoyance towards the popularized villain, he was no better in the eyes of a civilian like yourself.
"Well, enough of that depressing stuff, usually I don't leave the channel on the news very long. Unless, you really want to watch it." You asked.
"No, I've seen enough shit about that guy." You laughed at his comment before grabbing the remote and changing it to some sort of soft music while turning the volume up.
"Oh- I don't think I introduced myself to you! I'm (L/N) (Y/N), we don't usually do nametags here." You turned towards him again.
"They really are talkative." Dabi thought as he contemplated which name to give you in response.
"I go by Dabi." He chose to respond.
"Well, I hope to see you around here more often, Dabi."
"Same here."
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virtual--hug · 2 years
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader - Soft Spot
A/N: I'm not really sure if I like this one or not. It's a lot better than the original (everything I'm posting is a rewrite of an original, older oneshot which is why I can currently post like daily lol), but I don't know if that means I actually like it.
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou x GN Chubby Reader
Genre: Mild Angst to Fluff
Warnings: Body/Weight Insecurities are the main focus. The reader is also described wearing a dress (just a reminder that clothes don't determine gender, but I do understand that people may feel uncomfortable about it!)
Summary: Bakugou finally asks you on a date after a year of growing to like him more and more, but the outift you're wearing slowly becomes an issue for your night.
Word Count: 3k
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You met Bakugou Katsuki in your first year of UA. Well, the entirety of Japan met Bakugou Katsuki, but you just so happened to be on a stage with him. It was the UA Sports Festival; A time for the hero course to show off to the pros while everyone else gets ignored.
You were in one of the many General Studies classes, situated in the far back of the crowd of first year students when you heard the blonde utter the words, "I'm gonna' win" before you soon went on to damn near kick his ass. Honestly, the day felt like a messy blur. You kind of struggled through the initial obstacle course and came in at a place only marginally necessary to meet the goal. Followed by that, you decided to boldly ask to join the group with the boy who had won the obstacle course. By all means, you kind of expected the team to place lower with the large target he had on his back in the number of points. Yet, your group reached the winners, and you found yourself in the final 1v1 battle with only one other General Studies student alongside you.
It was a rather big opportunity for you. Although, your interests weren't necessarily to be a hero or join the hero course; the recognition would be kind of cool. The idea of a trophy glimmered in your head for a moment before the bracket appeared for the whole stadium. And, you found your name in place beside Bakugou Katsuki. You lost that fight to almost no one's surprise. The hero course students had such an unfair advantage in these types of fights with their combat and quirk work. No matter how powerful you attempted to make your quirk, it stood no chance against Bakugou. And, you lost.
For a moment, that was the end of it. You fought Bakugou Katsuki, and you two went on your seperate ways for the day and after the Sports Festival. Until one day at lunch, a tray slammed itself before you. "Sorry about that," a voice soon followed, "I'm Ashido! You were at the Sports Festival, right? The one who went against Blasty? Your quirk was so cool!"
"Um- thanks..." You laughed at her comments awkwardly. You recognized the girl (who wouldn't) from said Sports Festival. But, at the time, you had no clue why she would even talk to you in the first place.
"Do you wanna come have lunch with us!" She then offered and vaguely gestured to a table behind her. It was full of more 1-A kids who were also at the Festival. Actually, all of them were in the battles at the end. Most notably, the explosive blonde was there.
"Are they just doing this to make fun of me? If I say no she'll probably just do it anyways. Maybe be nice for a bit more?" You considered it.
"Uh- yeah. Sure." You agreed, grabbing your own tray and following her over to the table.
In your second year at UA, you had become a long-term official member of the unofficial Bakusquad. Needless to say, that one day at lunch turned into several more, then daily, and then you were spending most of your time outside of class with the group. Oh- and you'd fallen in love with the group's most volatile, title member, Bakugou.
Bakugou, despite all odds, proved to be much nicer than you anticipated. He was still explosive, quick to hurl insults at anyone or anything he didn't like, and a bit stand-offish. But, the time you two spent together proved to change that. He was kind to the others of the group: offering training help and advice, homework assistance, a shoulder to cry on or to rant to, and a particularly fierce protector if anyone decided to talk shit. And, at the end of the day (or rather your first year) you'd fallen in love with him.
It was nearing your summer break after one far too long semester of school. And, you were kindly welcoming the cooled dorms during the hot day. Before you could even enter your room, you'd come face to face with Bakugou. Usually, you meet up with the group on the walk back to the dorms. But, during the warmer days, you decided to make your way to your dorm room first before heading to the 1-A ones. So, it was a shock to find the blonde greeting you in the empty hall as the elevator doors opened to your floor.
"Um- hey." You fiddled with the straps of your school bag as you greeted him.
"Go out with me." He quickly replied.
You should have expected something so quick and blunt from Bakugou. He frequently admonished rambling (and refused to do it himself), and hated when people weren't straight forward with him. Yet, despite all that knowledge, the first words to come out of your mouth were, "Huh?"
He scoffed but his eyes quickly shot to the floor and his attention moved towards digging the toes of his shoes into the carpet, "If you don't want to then just say so."
"That's not what I meant! I'd love to!" You reassured him, "I just didn't expect it, is all."
He rolled his eyes before moving towards you, "Don't think bad about yourself." Bakugou didn't add much more to that before continuing, "I'll meet you at 6 in front of the dorms tomorrow."
"I'll see you there!" You met his eyes one more time before he was off to the elevators. His ears were tinted a shade of pink as he made his retreat.
Once you were sure the elevator had closed and began to move off the floor, you let out a happy, "Yes!"
The next day went by with a mystical film over it. You were physically in class, but your mind was at 6. You wondered what the date would be: some secret garden on campus, a picnic, or something chill in the dorms. Soon, you were past the evening and towards future dates outside of the school, your high school graduation, even to your adult years. Needless to say, the end of the day bell smacked you back to the ground as you exited the building for the day and realized just how close this date was.
"I didn't even think about what I was going to wear? Should I have gotten him something? Should I find something? What do I have that he would like?" You wondered as you made your way back to the dorms.
You barely even noticed when you ran into a person as you walked. It was a bit delayed when you paused and apologized to the person, "Sorry, I wasn't-"
"You're coming with us." They replied quickly.
"Huh?" You took a good look at the person you had bumped into. They had a UA uniform, dark sunglasses, and striking pink hair and skin.
"Mina? Where did you get the sunglasses fro- Ah!" You shrieked as a much taller person behind you picked you up.
"Got 'em, let's go." A voice that was distinctly Sero spoke from behind you.
"Sero, put me down!" Sero basically sprinted with you towards your dorm buildings. You were sure that in the blur of people that passed you one of them was Bakugou.
The journey soon ended with Sero unceremoniously asking for your ID that opened your door. Thankfully, he finally listened to your protests to be put down and allowed you to open up your door on your own.
"You've been ambushed by the Bakusquad!" Mina declared once the door had shut behind the group. Sero, obviously, now stood beside her alongside Kaminari, Jirou, and Kirishima who were probably trailing behind the whole time.
"Why? You could have just- I don't know, knocked," You sent Sero a quick glare, "and doesn't Bakugou usually join on these things?"
"No, this needed to be a surprise!" Mina insisted. "It really didn't." Jirou quietly added in between.
"We need to get you ready for your date with the resident explosion boy!" She concluded while sending a glare of her own towards Jirou.
"You know about that?" You muttered. There was silence for a moment before Mina was shaking you by the shoulders.
"Of course we know about it! You guys are so obvious!" She screeched loudly.
"Bakubro said he was going to, too." Kirishima added. You barely managed to hear it over your brain rattling against your skull.
"So, what exactly is the plan here?" You asked.
"Right! We need to go through your closet." Mina declared before she was head first into your closet alongside some of your other friends.
In the end, after a lot of needless back and forth between the group, you had selected an outfit. It was a dress that you had stored away in the back of your closet. You weren't exactly sure when you packed it, but it probably ended up mixed in with some stuff and found itself back where it would have been at home. It was a floral patterned dress with short ruffled sleeves. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, waiting for 6PM, you realized why you forgot about this dress.
It was smaller than you wanted it to be. The sleeves made your arms look too big, and they showed too much of your legs as well. And, with each turn to see the side, it felt like your stomach just made more and more of a bump in the fabric.
"Maybe I should change and apologize to Mina for not wearing it." You thought after another turn to the side. Before you could even execute the thought, a loud knock came from your door.
"They better not be trying to give me anymore advice." You thought. Kaminari had come by at least three separate times to inform you of a new idea he had for something "smooth" you could do. You promptly forgot about all his suggestions once he left.
"Kaminari, I don't-" While you were met by the face of a blonde, it was the other blonde of the group: your date.
"Bakugou, hi! Sorry, I thought you were someone else for a second." You quickly corrected yourself. "I thought you wanted to meet outside the dorms?"
"I didn't want to wait anymore. And I knew you were ready with how much those dumbasses were running around." He explained with a scoff.
Bakugou had on jeans, which you were completely unaware of him owning (and a belt), and a shirt that did not have something to do with skulls.
"Well, I guess you aren't wrong." You awkwardly replied. You looked back into your room for a moment. There was probably a better outfit in your closet that you could find rather quickly, but Bakugou had already seen what you were wearing. He was likely to not stay quiet about it if you changed your outfit now.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yup!" The idea was immediately locked behind in your dorm as you exited with Bakugou beside you.
The walk to wherever Bakugou was taking you was quick. It seemed to just be around the back of the dorm buildings. UA itself was on a large hill surrounded by trees. But, Bakugou had managed to find a spot within the trees that left a perfect frame to see the shining stars in the sky. You didn't see Bakugou as a stargazing guy, but, as you stopped by some blankets on the ground, your perception of the blonde only shifted more.
"Do you do this often?" You asked as you took a seat.
"Kinda', it's a nice place to go when everyone's being annoying." Bakugou sat on the blanket before quickly leaning onto his back.
"Hm- it seems like it." You agreed. You were hesitant to lean backwards knowing that your discomfort in the dress would only further.
"Lay down, it's easier to see." Of course, Bakugou was soon to comment on it and gently tugged at you until you were in a laying position.
"So, why was Tapeface carrying you like some fuckin' potatoes earlier." Bakugou began.
"Oh yeah," you laughed, "They wanted to give me a makeover for this date."
He scoffed, "Dumbasses." After a moment of silence he quietly, very quietly, added, "You look good, though."
"Thanks." You happily accepted the compliment. "Oh hey, thats a shooting star!" You pointed at a small flash of light that traveled a bit across the sky before disappearing.
"Huh, haven't seen too many of those." Bakugou replied.
"Guess I'm lucky." You turned to him. A small smile crossed his face as you spoke. It wasn't like his regular evil smirks but a real smile.
"Yeah, you are." Bakugou replied. His hand moved closer to the inbetween space between the two of you. He wanted to hold your hand.
The thought made you happy, and you wanted to shift your own arm so that your hand would join him. But, the action alone sent a shooting pain of fear through you. Your hands were resting over your stomach and successfully hiding how gross you felt your body looked in this dress. So, reluctantly, you left your hand at your stomach and pretended not to notice. After a moment, Bakugou's hand moved close to his body again with a small scoff.
"So, what else did you plan to do?" You tried to brush off the situation.
"Don't know, thought maybe we'd talk a bit." Bakugou replied.
"Hm- so, why'd you ask me out?" You began.
"Because I like you, obviously. That's a stupid fuckin' question." He turned his head away while a clear red blush still illuminated his ears.
"Why wait so long then? Mina seemed to think we were so obvious." You did a poor imitation of the pink girl's voice as you repeated her words from earlier.
"That pink bitch doesn't know shit." he brushed off the comment first.
"I wanted to focus on hero shit. Didn't see the use for any friends or anything like- this if I wanted to be a hero." Bakugou answered honestly. You two had plenty of these conversations before on a similar topic.
"But that changed, obviously." You replied.
"Yeah." He didn't add much more to that before offering his hand out again. He certainly noticed your quick glance back towards him before once again "ignoring" the offer.
He scoffed much louder this time, "I'm not gonna' blow you up, y'know."
"I know that! It's just something else..." You trailed off.
"I'm not fuckin' sweaty or any of that shit." He added.
"No, there's nothing wrong with you! I- I don't like this dress." You responded honestly. Much like the previous topic, the two of you had talked a lot about your insecurities. So, you hoped the somewhat vague description would make sense to him.
It didn't as he responded with, "There's nothing wrong with it. It looks nice on you."
"It's not that it looks bad on me. I'd love to wear it more, but I don't think I have the right body to keep wearing it. It has nothing to do with you, I promise." You explained further.
"The hell does that mean, your body is fine." He continued to deny.
"I'm fat, Bakugou." You interjected while sitting up.
"You aren't, though." Bakugou followed your actions and sat up alongside you.
"Don't lie to me. I'm a lot bigger compared to even the people in my general studies class. You remember those articles from First Year during the Sport's Festival..." You continued.
"I don't care what you call yourself, but you're saying it like it's a bad thing." Bakugou halted your ranting before you could continue. He seemed to struggle to come up with his next words before settling on, "Stand up."
He stood quickly and barely waited for you to fully get to your feet before he picked you up in his arms.
"There's nothing wrong with your weight. I still lo- like you, no matter what you weigh. The other extras are the same. The people who actually care for you don't give a shit what you look like or stupid things like numbers on a scale. Got it? Besides, I can pick you up just fuckin' fine." He emphasized so by lifting you even higher again for a moment.
He was much gentler than Sero was earlier. His hands support your lower back and side while your legs are wrapped around his torso and your arms keep your upper body weight close to him. And, as true as he was, he held you up without struggle.
"Thanks Katsuki." You replied with a small kiss on the cheek.
"Whatever." His ears flushed the same red as he looked away from you.
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virtual--hug · 2 years
Keigo Takami x Reader - Love is Pain
A/N: This is a bit of a shorter one than usual!
Characters: Keigo "Hawks" Takami x GN Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU
Warnings: Very mild sexual implications (the reader's soulmark is on their butt and shenanigans ensue)
Summary: "What kind of soulmate slaps you on the ass when you first meet?"
Word Count: 1k
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If you were to ever look across the masses of people walking through the large city streets of Tokyo, you would undoubtedly see at least a handful of people with a plainly visible soulmate mark. The mark, generally varying in size and shape, could be composed entirely of grey hues while others were bursting with vibrant colors; the latter being an assured sign that the person in question had met their soulmate. Some people appeared to have no soul mark, luckily enclosed under where they'd wear clothes. Others weren't quite as lucky with a large mark that stretched out beyond where their clothes could cover or even a mark which was on their face.
As Hawks looked across each of the passing people below where he was perched, he still deemed his own soul mark to be the most unlucky of all, especially because of his profession. Across his left cheek had been a clearly hand-print shaped, grey mark since the day he was born. The mark was tilted in such a way that it soon became clear to the flight hero that his soulmate's first contact would be a slap to the face. Although he fretted about that occasionally, the real issue became when he entered the public eye as a rather famous hero: people would slap him.
At first, he thought it was just a one time thing. A woman had come up to him like she was asking for an autograph only to smack him hard across the face and sigh in disappointment when the mark didn't light up. But, it only continued after that. People of all kinds of descriptions would come up to the hero and test their luck at being his soulmate. Some would only gently tap his cheek while others, like the first instance, would hit him hard across the face. A handful of people had even painted their hand to give the illusion that it had worked; none of those instances were very convincing, and he'd yet to see his soulmate mark light up to some adoring fan.
Meanwhile, you found yourself in a much different set of circumstances. Luckily, you weren't in any position of fame nor did you find people frequently testing their luck at activating your soul mark. But, you'd still consider your soulmark to be unfortunate: a handprint on your butt cheek. "What kind of soulmate slaps you on the ass when you first meet?" You had always wondered. Overall, you weren't too thrilled to meet your soulmate, especially with the impression they had already left on you.
On that fateful day, you'd been going to meet a friend on your day off work. And, it just so happened that Hawks had decided to follow the same route only for the reason that it was the way Endeavor was going.
"So, I heard you have kids, right?" He decided to bring up as his next topic to annoy the man, "Todoroki Shoto, I saw him at the Sports Festival. He beat my work studies kid. You must be proud, huh?"
"Yes, but my kids don't like me very much." Endeavor responded.
"I can't begin to imagine why that is..." The flame hero cut off the other's sarcastic remark with a harsh glare.
"My children are none of your business, Hawks." He added.
"C'mon, don't be like that Mr. Number One!" As Keigo was speaking, he flicked his hands out to his side.
The action proved to be a mistake as he felt his hand having hit something a bit harshly. At first, he assumed it to be someone's arm or maybe even a small child who had been walking nearby. He turned to apologize to whomever he hit only to get a hard smack to the face.
"Asshole." You muttered as you left the man behind in pursuit of the location you'd be meeting your friend. You weren't quite sure what possessed you to react so harshly to the man who you assumed had just intentionally smacked your ass: most other people would have just let the situation de-escalate so as to not face the possible wrath of some odd man. But, you were sure you wouldn't be sticking around.
As for Hawks, he'd taken a second to recover from having been slapped. "Serves you right." The number one hero a few paces ahead of him now commented. It was no surprise the man decided to stop and witness the younger hero get slapped.
"It's not the worst I've gotten." Hawks tried to play it off as he returned to walking beside Endeavor.
He looked back up at the tall hero to further pester him, but the man only appeared to stare back at him with an unfamiliar expression. "Did you see a ghost or something?" Hawks attempted to poke fun at the odd look.
"Your uh- mark." Endeavor tapped the side of his own face to gesture what he meant to Hawks.
"Huh?" Keigo pulled out his phone to look at what the flame hero could have meant. He only had his camera app open for a second before he noted the bright mix of colors on his cheek.
"Hey, wait up!"
"It was kinda funny, y'know. I went up to them and was like 'hey, I know you just slapped me, but we're soulmates!' They were super apologetic though, they hadn't even realized that I was a pro-hero. I can't blame them though." You read through the most recent magazine interview your boyfriend had done.
You were ever supportive of his hero aspirations, and the things he did outside of it. But, you hardly expected him to be asked specifically about his soulmate and tell the true story of how you two met.
"Now I do it often and they hardly have that kind of interaction. Seriously Keigo?" You repeated the last line of the interview back to him.
"What? I was just telling the truth." Keigo looked up from his phone.
"Shut up!" You lightly smacked his arm.
"I'm just kidding," he leaned onto you, like a sort of human blanket, "PR Manager told me to add something 'interesting' if I was going to bring you up. I hate that guy."
"Sorry though, I won't bring that up again. Usually I don't even answer." He pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
"Do you get asked often?" You asked.
"Kinda, they usually ask when and how or if it's some specific hero. Mount Lady apparently found her soulmate recently and interviewers won't stop asking me about it." Keigo rolled his eyes.
"Don't even get me started one when Rumi found her soulmate! It was maybe like a week before we met, and I couldn't go even a second like walking somewhere without people asking! Like, how many times does she have to say her soulmate is a woman for people to get it..." Keigo continued his ramblings about the press, while you lay quietly on the couch beside him.
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virtual--hug · 2 years
Dabi x Reader - Star Crossed [ 1 ]
A/N: Okay, so I have atleast three of these old Dabi x Reader oneshots that could technically be a multi-part series. For now, this is the only one I'll commit to making more than one part for (no promises how many). If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know!
Characters: Dabi x GN Hero Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Meet Cute but Murder
Warnings: Really mild violence (Dabi & Reader fight, but it doesn't lead to anything substantial)
Summary: You were just a regular, overworked pro hero and UA teacher when you met your soulmate on a late night patrol... and he's a wanted criminal.
Word Count: 3k
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You stared down the previously darkened alleyway. The figure of the dark clad man was long gone from behind the bright blue flame that he released from his hand. They were heading right for you -moving closer and closer by the second, yet all you could do was stand there frozen.
It was wild to think that just days ago you were celebrating with your students as they made it through the Sport's Festival. Actually, in your past three years working at UA, you would consistently stop doing hero work the entire week of the Sport's Festival. As a hero course teacher, you had a lot of responsibility in the event: helping to prepare your students, organizing the individual events each teacher was assigned to (this year, you had the awful job of handling the press), and then your responsibilities at the event itself. Surprisingly, your water manipulation quirk had a lot of use in preventing the most unruly quirks and students. 
Of course, once it was all over, your regular hours had been taken up by another hero. So, you ended up having to take the less desirable patrol areas at the early hours of the morning. And, as you looked across the hundreds of darkened buildings and empty sidewalks you could see why: nothing happened. Admittedly, that shouldn't be a reason to leave anywhere unprotected, but it was often a factor. 
"I guess it'll be a nice way to ease into things." You stretched your arms above your head until you felt a "pop" before continuing on.
Everything felt eerily still. It was almost entirely silent except for whatever noises your shoes or clothes made as you walked and some distant sirens. Not to mention, your surroundings were only lit by the dim street lights which were also frequently broken.
"I need to start organizing those internship requests. Ugh– that's a lot of work. Maybe I'll take Aizawa's advice and just nap during class." You let your thoughts wander elsewhere to ease the steady paranoia. 
"I should start making lesson plans for next week. Wow, I'm really–" Piercing through your thoughts was a loud clatter from somewhere not too far away. The loud sound alerted you to look up just in time to notice a quickly fading shimmer of blue. Your eyes trained on the light while your feet carried you towards it. 
As you suspected, it was hardly a block away from your previous location in an alley between two abandoned buildings. There was a figure standing there; the dark cloaked most of their features. The only real indication this person was connected to the flash of blue was his incessant stomping on a cardboard box that was flickering with blue flames.
"No one seems to be in trouble over here," You thought, "it could have just been a quirk accident."
"Excuse me," You moved towards the entrance of the alley, "Is everything alright here?" 
The person's movement halted instantly as they placed their foot back onto the pavement. The blue flicker slowly died out afterwards. "A hero, huh?" They turned slowly to address you.
"What was that?" You asked them to repeat. 
They raised a hand up –mildly entering the light. You could see now that they were kind of scarred: purple, burnt skin and what seemed to be staples holding it to their clearer skin.
"What a shame." You could see their face move into a grin. Their teeth eerily reflected the streetlights. And suddenly, those bright blue flames were directed at you. 
Each end of the flames flicked out towards you like desperate hands, but they moved slowly –crawling, even. You began to raise your arms, as even a weak line of protection, but they were moving even slower than the flames. Quickly, the blue flooded your vision and warmth surrounded you.
You waited for it to get painfully hot or whatever it would feel like when a person burns alive. Instead, it stayed the same comfortable warmth before just stopping all together and leaving you with the, now, cold of the night. Your eyes fluttered open, and everything was the same. Even your hero costume remained largely intact, but that was largely the work of UA's costume department. 
"What?" You couldn't help but question as you looked at your unharmed hands and sleeves. 
"Did he do that on purpose to mess with me? What was the point?" You thought. Nevertheless, you had to act. This guy just tried to kill you, afterall
Luckily, the water storage your costume held had stayed mostly intact. The water flowed out from your sides and surrounded him tightly. "I don't know what that was, but you're coming with me." You moved to get your phone in order to call the police.
"Interesting." They spoke. Your eyes shot up to the villain. The light reached him much better now and fully showed his appearance. He was, in fact, wearing dark clothes, and he even had dark, spiky hair. You had also been right about those scars. They covered his face and the space under his eyes with the same staples holding it together. Once you turned your attention away from his skin, you noticed his arm. It had easily passed through your water barrier. In seconds, his whole body had followed it.
"Hey–" You were doubly thrown off now. Not only had his fire not harmed you, but your water seemed to do just as much. 
"'Looks like we're perfect opposites." The villain was slowly moving closer, "I wonder what else that means." 
He threw the first punch. It missed you but not the phone in your hand: flying through the air and hitting the ground with a loud crack. You sent a kick his way in response as well as a poor attempt to knock him over. Unlike him, your foot connected with his shin. He stumbled slightly but only by a few steps, "Didn't even hurt." 
The villain was quick to use your prior distractions as an advantage to grab you by both the arms. It was an unusual action that was soon explained by the large waves of flames that shot out from either hand. The warmth returned around your arms with the hottest spots being where his hands were located. You didn't let it last long this time as you sent a mass of water to push him away. As before, the water was somewhat successful in making the man stumble back, but it quickly morphed past his body. 
"I don't know what you're going for here," You said, "but I'm not letting you get away." 
"Sure you won't." His grin was back as he made another attempt to grab you, "You aren't even going to mention how we're soulmates?"
"Soulm–" You didn't get the chance to finish your sentence as something hard hit your head and you fell to the ground. 
"Shit, c'mon! Get up..." Your pleas remained mostly in your head as everything quickly became dark.
"Awww– did it really only take one hit?" The blonde girl whined as she dropped the metal pole to the ground with a resounding clatter. Where Toga got it from, Dabi didn't even want to ask. 
"Can I stab them now?" She looked up at Dabi.
"No, leave them." Dabi stepped past you to get your phone that still sat on the ground.
"Why not!" Toga whined from afar, "not even a little?" 
Dabi didn't bother answering as he picked up the phone and looked to see if it still worked. Despite the heavy cracks, the screen lit up in perfect condition. He moved back towards you and pressed your thumb against the phone until it unlocked.
"I'm calling the police." Dabi chose to answer. 
"What!? C'mon, they're just some random hero!" The blonde continued while weakly attempting to grab at the phone. Dabi was much taller than the high schooler, however, and her attempts proved to be unsuccessful.
"You'll get it when you're older." He patted her head. 
"If you're calling the cops can I stab her then? Just a little bit? It'll only be a little blood!" Toga pleaded.
"Go get that portal guy over here, unless you want to go to jail." Dabi ignored the girl once again.
"Jail would be more fun than this." She muttered but wandered off to call Kurogiri.
Dabi dialed the familiar emergency numbers not long later, "You've reached fire and medical services, what seems to be the problem?" 
"There's a hero passed out on Daye Road." Dabi cryptically explained before hanging up. He let the phone drop to the pavement beside you without care if it broke even further.
"Let's get out of here." Dabi moved back towards Toga who was now standing before one of Kurogiri's purple-edged portals. Sirens began far off in the distance as Dabi watched the scene disappear behind him.
  You woke up without much commotion, as if you hadn't even been asleep a second ago. With reluctance, you allowed your eyes to open and adjust to the lights of your room. The remains of a headache settled at the back of your brain, "I really hate taking night shifts." You brought a hand up to your forehead, as though it would help, and felt a tug on your arm as you did so.
"What's that about?" You looked down only to see a familiar piece of white, medical tape and a tube: an IV. Quickly, you realized you weren't in bed at your home but instead in a hospital bed. 
You tried to look around for any clue of what got you here. There wasn't any bandaging on your body, noticeable scars, or even a new bruise. Clearly, there wasn't anything noticeably wrong. So, you began a search for any nurse's clipboard. Your search was short-lived as the first clue you found was your phone, a rather destroyed phone at that. 
Your memories were hazy, but you could recall a bit now. A strange man, heavily scarred, and had a fire quirk. Your quirk didn't work on him, and his didn't work on you."You aren't even going to mention how we're soulmates?" The guy's deep voice reverberated in your head. 
"Soulmate." You thought over the words. 
You'd heard of it before. Although, it was incredibly rare. People who were true, fated partners would be unable to physically hurt each other with quirks or otherwise. You'd suspected since you began your job that your colleagues Aizawa and Yamada were soulmates. The dark haired teacher hated loud noises, yet he wouldn't even flinch or cover his ears when Yamada would use his quirk right beside him. But, you didn't doubt that the nearly 15 years the two had known each other must have made Aizawa at least partially deaf. 
As for the incredibly rare part, it was entirely uncommon for soulmates to ever meet. Unlike romance novels, there wasn't any sort of telltale "spark" that indicated you met your soulmate. They could just be any random person you passed on the street, and it was entirely possible that you'd pass that person once ever and never see them again. Not to mention, there were few situations where people could go around hurting others for long. 
"Is my soulmate really a villain?" You wondered, "he could have just been trying to throw me off. That doesn't explain why my quirk didn't work against him though? He was emitting flames from his own hands, so he wouldn't be able to manipulate elements. That's not how quirks work!" 
As your thoughts spiraled, the phone that started it all lit up. The screen looked like it had been shot and some parts were entirely glitched out. But, it's miraculously still functional. The contact coming up was simply Yamada's full name; you still felt weird about addressing your far older adult co-workers as anything other than their name.
"Hello?" You answered.
"(L/N), YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" You couldn't quite tell if you were just hearing his quirk-enhanced voice from the phone, or if you could hear it all the way from UA as well. 
"Everyone was calling you and you weren't picking up! You didn't even call Nezu about not coming in! Or Nemuri about being hungover! Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" The man rambled.
"Hizashi, calm down." You could faintly hear in the background of the man's rambles. Aizawa must have been there too since classes didn't start for another 15 minutes. 
"I'm fine. Just a villain attack, I guess I was out for a while." You replied.
"A villain attack," Yamada paused, "Shouta looked at every news website there is, and you know I mean every one. And, he didn't see any news about it." 
"Well, I mean. They didn't really hurt me a lot? I think I just got hit over the head at some point. I'm not too sure, but it probably wasn't anything newsworthy. Also, it was like– the middle of nowhere." You explained.
"That could still be pretty serious. I can come over to wherever you are right now!" You could already hear the shuffling of the blonde getting ready to leave. 
"Yamada-San, thank you for your concern, but I'm also an adult. I'll probably be discharged not long from now too, and you have classes soon!" You interrupted the man before he was already sprinting down the sidewalks of Mutsutafu. 
"Are you sure? It's no worry, my students would be happy to skip English for today!" Yamada insisted.
"It'd be really helpful if you told Nezu why I can't come in today instead." You offered. 
"Will do! Text me when–" Yamada started but was, luckily, stopped by Aizawa once more, "You aren't their dad, Hizashi."
"I'll see you tomorrow, (L/N)." The blonde sighed in defeat. As much as you love how kind Yamada is, he definitely took your several year age difference as a reason to take on a parental role around you. You were the youngest teacher at UA by far, after all.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Yamada. I'll text you if I need any help." You replied before hanging up. After the call, you looked towards your bedside for a "call nurse" button to try and speed up the process of getting out of here. 
A nurse entered your room not too long later. From that point, you managed to get some more information. You'd been found with a minor head injury from a hit; it was easily healed by a healing quirk. And, a man had called you in, but no one was present when medical services arrived. 
"Do you remember who was around when you were attacked? We have law enforcement on hand to keep a lookout for them." The nurse asked. 
"I'm not sure," You said, "I can't really recall the person who attacked me, but I'm pretty sure there were two people there." 
She nodded, "That's alright. Especially with a head injury, your memory was likely a bit affected. Be sure to take some Tylenol if you feel any pain and…"
She continued the usual explanations about how to take care of yourself afterwards before finally leaving to let you change and get the discharge paperwork at the front. All the while, you couldn't help but wonder why you were protecting that man? You could remember his face and appearance very well. But, you couldn't bring yourself to describe him. 
"You don't even know if that whole soulmate thing was serious! I mean, the quirk thing was weird, but it isn't impossible, right?" You thought to yourself. 
As promised, you returned to teaching the next day. Much to your surprise, a lot of your students had written get well cards for you. Well, it seemed students were a bit divided on which cards to write: some saying get well others just a simple thank you card. 
"Even Sho got his student to write you a card!" Yamada proclaimed as you entered the teacher workroom and placed another 20 cards into the box of handmade cards you'd received already. 
The man in question didn't respond to the accusation… nor deny it. You smiled as you looked down at the colorfully decorated cards of the first years (with the exception of the more emo students). As appreciative of the cards as you were, it was a bit awkward to carry home on the train, and you had no clue what to do with them as you got home.
"It'd be a waste not to read them all." You thought as you set the box on your dining table. "I have time until patrol." 
It wasn't too hard to get your patrol location changed to a more busy area after the event, but, with that, your patrol time pushed even later. 
You grabbed a drink and took a seat as you picked the first card off the top of the pile. The writing on the front was pretty minimalistic and messy, but you didn't expect much more out of high school students. The inside was pretty minimalistic too with only the sloppy message, "I'll see you soon, soulmate (;" 
As you read the message, your heart dropped to your stomach and a cold sweat washed over you. "The hell?" You looked around your apartment as if you'd see the fire-quirked villain. Of course, no one was there, but it still creeped you out.
"Maybe those claims about a traitor are more serious than I thought." You wondered. 
There was nothing else on the card except in the far bottom corner a signature that seemed to read, "Dabi" 
"Is that the guy's name?" You wondered, "Sounds like an elf." 
You quickly threw the card in the lid of the box –hoping it would fall to the bottom of the box and the back of your brain. 
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virtual--hug · 2 years
BNHA HCs - They're Scared of Thunder
A/N: Alright, I'm finally doing the task of moving some of my older writing on to here! Most of this stuff was already written, and I'm just reformatting it for here.
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Eijirou Kirishima, & Shoto Todoroki (Seperate) x GN Reader
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff, nothing but fluff, this is fluff (maybe some mild angst, but it turns immediately into fluff)
Warnings: Very small mention of self-harm & blood in Kirishima's (he bites his lip and y'know... sharp teeth)
Summary: There's storm outside, and you begin to realize your boyfriend has a fear of thunder.
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Izuku Midoriya
You sat, crossed legged, on the bed of your dorm room. As much as you dreaded it, you had to finally work on Present Mic's English homework. You had to choose one of the many English children's books he had (for whatever reason) and answer a few basic questions on it. Admittedly, there was nothing too complicated about the book you chose. But, it was still an assignment you wanted to continue procrastinating. 
A gentle rain was pattering against your balcony window as you read. The clouded sky outside darkened your room a bit and brought you a bit of a fuzzy feeling as you worked. You'd been hearing some low rumbles of thunder off in the distance for the past several hours as the rain had been falling, yet it suddenly made its presence known with a loud clap. Your room had been illuminated a blue-white for a moment from the flash of light followed by the startling crashing sound of thunder. The sound rumbled within the sky before quieting.
"Geez, I didn't think the storm was that bad out there." You commented as you looked towards your window. Droplets continued to pelt your window. They were almost in sync with the subsequent knock on your door only moments after you spoke. 
"It's unlocked!" You were too comfy to get up now.
The door opened a crack before the person entered and quietly closed the door behind them. You didn't even really need to look up to know it was your boyfriend, Izuku.
"Hey Izu, what's up!" You greeted him.
"Can– can I stay with you a bit?" He asked. The green haired boy's eyes darted every which way while he fiddled with the strings of the All Might hoodie he was wearing. 
"Sure, I'm just working on English, so I won't be very interesting to talk to for a minute." You replied.
"No worries." He replied before taking a seat at your desk. Despite your close relationship, he rarely sat on your bed with you unless you immediately offered it.
With quick succession from the first flash of lightning, a second one struck and rattled the windows once more.
"Wow, it's really bad out there." You commented.
As your gaze shifted back to him, you were met with an oddly unfamiliar sight. The hero in training looked scared: hands clamped around his ears, eyes dead set to your slightly opened window, and body curled into himself.
"Um– Izuku?" Your voice took on a more concerned tone as you looked at the cowering teen.
"Sorry, it just startled me," he began, "I don't think I've ever seen thunderstorms this big before."
"Izuku." You tried to interrupt him, but he continued.
"Who knows where it might strike. Maybe it'll hit a tree or even a building!" Izuku continued on. You called his name out again to no avail.
"That'd be awful if it was a building! I'd hope heroes or fire rescue could reach them in time." His ramblings didn't cease with another call of his name. "Although, I guess they're much more often to hit somewhere in the middle of nowhere rather than any specific place or person–" 
"Oh, sorry, I was muttering again. You should get back to your English homework. I didn't mean to distract you!" He attempted to correct himself.
"Are you scared of thunder, Izu?" You asked straight forward.
He responded quickly, "What? Of course not!" 
"Izuku, people don't start shaking like that when they're just startled." You pointed towards his hands quivering in his lap.
"I guess," He trailed off for a moment to fiddle with his hoodie strings again, "Loud noises scare me sometimes."
"Oh Izu, come here." The boy's movements from your desk chair to your bed were immediate and his arms were tight around you.
"Sorry if I'm bothering you. I really could leave if you want me to." He offered even as he clearly made himself comfortable in your arms.
"It's fine, besides, Mic-Sensei is nice about homework." You reassured your boyfriend.
You were sure your legs were going to be numb in the morning from this sitting position, but you were happy with comforting him.
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Katsuki Bakugou
  For once, your class 1-A teachers didn't give you any weekend homework. Maybe, they finally wanted to give their students a break after the constant changes, or they (particularly Eraserhead) were just lazy. No matter the reason, it gave you a rare Friday evening with your boyfriend.
You two chose to watch a movie which was quite fitting as a storm began to brew outside while you watched. It wasn't very long before the rain outside was piercing through the voices from the TV, and Bakugou was just as quick to grab the remote and increase the volume greatly over the noises of the outdoors. 
It was around the fourth time that he'd done this when you decided to finally comment on the storm. A particularly loud clatter of thunder prompted Bakugou to reach over behind himself before extending his arm over your body to increase the volume of the TV. Although, before he could toss it back behind him, you took it from his hands to pause the movie. 
"The storm's getting really bad out there." You commented to the blonde.
"Yeah." Bakugou muttered. As you sat up, you realized just how tight his grip had been around your waist as he released it. 
"Do you think the power will go out?" You continued about the storm.
"Maybe." Your gaze shifted towards the blonde haired boyfriend who was still laying down. His crimson eyes quickly met yours and they– were not normal. He looked scared like when he was kidnapped at the Training Camp. 
"Is everything alright?" You asked.
"Yeah, I'm fiNE!" As he spoke, more thunder echoed outside and his voice cracked in response.
He glared at you immediately, "You didn't hear shit." 
"Are you scared of thunder?" Of course, he didn't respond to the abrupt accusation. "It's fine if you are! I won't tell anyone. Is– is there anything that'll help you?" 
He crossed his arms over his chest as he responded, "My mom rubs my hands, sometimes. I tell that bitch not to, but she always bothers me whenever there's a storm." 
You smiled a bit at how sweet it sounded before offering your hand out. With some hesitation, he placed his palm over yours. You rubbed circles over the skin, squeezing at some pressure points you knew of, and then shifting your motions to the other hand. Occasionally, you could feel him tense as the thunder made itself heard within the room. But, it seemed to be calming him down with help of the movie having been turned back on. 
"Hey, Katsuki?" You spoke up
"Hm?" His chest rumbled from underneath you as he hummed.
"Do– do other loud noises scare you. Like your explosions?" 
You would've almost missed what he said if the room wasn't so quiet at just that moment, "Sometimes." 
"You can always come to me whenever this happens, you know? I want to be here for you." You added.
It wasn't until long after you fell asleep that he muttered, "Thanks." 
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Eijirou Kirishima 
  For the past several weeks, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima's main study partner (or really, teacher) had been absent for several evenings to do make-up lessons to get his hero license. So, you, kindly, offered to take his place.
"You can do the extra three problems then we can do the homework together, if you need." You finished while moving to start your own homework.
"Alright!" He replied. Kirishima talked quietly to himself as he did the problems: reading the problems, identifying the numbers, and going through each of the steps that you explained. The room remained rather silent other than his rather quiet muttering and the scratching of pencils on paper. 
"Hey, is this right?" Kirishima turned his notebook towards you to show you the question.
"Hm– it looks…" in between your response a large clap of thunder rattled the room from outside.
"Wow, I didn't even notice it was raining." You looked towards your darkened window, droplets were beginning to smack against it and you could see the many trees outside blowing harshly in the wind.
"Y-yeah, looks wild out there." Kirishima replied. You eyed him for a moment at the stutter that he began the sentence with.
"Maybe Aizawa will finally let us train inside again if the grounds are still wet in the morning. It's been so cold lately." You continued.
"Yeah." Kirishima was looking intensely down at his notebook. It was clear he wasn't really writing anything but rather moving his pencil lightly up and down.
"Are you stuck on that question?" You prompted.
"Oh, no. I'll start on it now." It was silent for another moment as the two of you went back to work. The second sign of thunder wasn't quite as startling. The sky rumbled a bit, and it echoed off the window. 
You glanced back towards the red head across from you for a moment after his odd reaction to the initial thunder. He was biting his lip rather harshly and enough so that you could see a small amount of blood. Meanwhile, his eyes were darting everywhere around the paper at anything but back up at you. 
"Hey, you're bleeding." You reached over to grab a tissue and hand it to him.
"He lightly pressed it to his mouth and saw the small blotch of red that came away when he did so.
"Oh, sorry..." He pressed it back onto his lip.
"Hey Kiri, is everything alright?" You asked.
"I uh…" He hesitated on a response for a moment before promptly replying, "I should probably go. Thanks for the help, (Y/N)! I'll see you in class tomorrow!" He hurriedly began gathering his school supplies together into a messy pile.
"Hey, hold on! I just want to know what's going on. If you're having trouble with the questions or something we can talk about it. You don't have to be embarrassed about it." You rushed to keep him in the room for just a bit longer.
"I understand it all just fine! I can just go back to my room and finish the homework." Kirishima insisted.
A third strike of thunder and lightning illuminated the room. It was much louder the second and sounded much closer as well. And, Kirishima punctuated it with some sort of muted squeak. You two looked at each other for a moment in complete silence.  Kirishima's ears and face slowly burned red while you mentally tried to piece together what happened.
"Are you scared of thunder?" You finally asked.
"I– uh…" he struggled through his words again. 
"It's fine if you are! I just want to make sure you're okay." You explained.
"I know– it's not super manly." He spoke quietly.
"Of course it's manly, Kirishima! Knowing and accepting your fears is always manly." 
"Thanks." The silence extended for another moment. Kirishima continued to stand awkwardly beside your desk. His notebooks still sat on the table, and he wasn't making any move to continue leaving.
"Would you like to stay here? At least until the storm is done." You offered.
"I'd– I'd like that." Hesitantly, he moved back to his previous seat across from you.
"Wanna' watch a movie instead? Homework is pretty boring." You asked.
"Yeah," Kirishima chuckled, "we should." 
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Shoto Todoroki
   It started raining during the middle of training. And, while Aizawa was almost never against using weather conditions as an opportunity to train, All Might would not let that stand (using the multiple poorly dressed and shirtless students as a reasoning). So, the class was all moved into the nearest indoor training grounds while the storm raged outdoors. 
You could hear the loud rain hitting the windows of the training facility, and the building even rumbled as thunder began to pick up. Although the awful storm outside was concerning, you became more concerned with your training partner: Todoroki. He seemed to struggle more than usual in the fight, and his head snapped towards every loud noise including Bakugou's regular explosions. You decided not to comment on it for now. 
"Alright everyone," All Might called out to the class. The sound of something (likely someone) hitting the ground came from the back of the room before the retired hero continued, "Head back to the locker rooms and get changed. It may still be raining, but the walk isn't too far."
"Shoji, protect me from the rain. It always messes up my hair." Mina whined to the tall, multi-limbed classmate.
"Me too!" Hagakure joined the pink girl. Both of them stared at the invisible girl oddly at the comment.
"Don't look at me like that! I just don't want to get wet!" The girl whined.
Nevertheless, the girls walked under the umbrella of Shoji's arms followed by Tokoyami who said something about his feathers despite his hero costume being the best to work against the rain. A couple of people decided not to join Shoji's umbrella group by running back. Others, like yourself, chose to just walk since you could just dry off in the locker room. 
"Hey Todoroki, can I come over again after class today? I don't understand Ectoplasm's lesson at all." You asked 
"Yeah." Todoroki nodded. As usual, he didn't add much else to the conversation without the more talkative Midoriya and Uraraka there.
"Ugh– and he said the test is coming up this Friday! Why does he keep doing that to us!" You whined. The half and half hummed in response to your complaints.
As you continued to walk forward, a spiral of lightning flashed through the sky and the resounding thunder afterwards filled your ears. 
"Wow, I've never seen lightning like that before! We should probably get inside soon, huh?" You turned to the side to look at Todoroki. Instead of him being beside you, he was a bit behind where he appeared to have stopped walking. In addition to his pause, his eyes were wide and he was flaming up.
"Hey, Todoroki, are you alright? Do you need to go somewhere else?" You approached him.
"I'm fine," He responded. Although, he sounded a bit out of breath, "I need to go."
He speed-walked ahead of you and was pretty much at the locker room doors before you even started walking again.
The rain hadn't taken many moments to calm throughout the day, especially not on the way back to the dorms. You followed close beside the group that walked with Shoji this time, yet you still had to change your semi-soaked uniform when you returned to your dorm room. 
Despite Todoroki largely avoiding you after hero training that day, you decided to go to his dorm room after class anyway. You knocked gently on the door with the hope that he was in the dorm. The door clicked and opened to reveal the dual-haired hero in training. He was wearing a sweater now which, fittingly, was blue with a pattern of white snowflakes.
"Hey, Todoroki. I know you said I could come over earlier to work on math stuff." You awkwardly greeted him.
"Yeah, you can come in." He stepped to the side while opening the door. It seemed the consensus was to ignore the events after training for now, "Which lesson is it again?"
"It's the lesson Ectoplasm gave today! I don't get it at all." You slumped down into the cushion beside the low table in the center of the room.
"It's not too hard." He sat himself down across from you, "You just have to follow the steps he gave." 
"That's easy for you to say." You muttered.
"You wrote them all down right–" he leaned closer to you to look at the notebook you had just opened.
However, the loudest crash of thunder you had heard yet interrupted him. You could hear a glass of water he had on the table rattle, and the room around you felt as though it was shaking. You shrieked at the loud noise and there was a matching yelp from Todoroki beside you. A couple of other shrieks or yells came from elsewhere in the dorm building especially after the lights promptly shut off only seconds later.
"W-well, that was loud," You commented, "Right, Todoroki?" 
You could feel him gripping your left arm rather tightly, but he didn't respond.
"Todo?" You repeated the question.
"Could– could you stay here?" He asked, "please."
"Yeah, of course!" You sat in the deafening silence for a moment unsure of what else to say. 
"Are– are you afraid of thunder?" You decided to ask. 
"I– yes. I am." He quietly responded.
"That's fine. I'll stay as long as you need me to. I probably couldn't even make it to my room with it being this dark anyways." As promised, you stayed beside him the rest of the night as the thunder and rain reverberated against the windows. 
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virtual--hug · 4 years
Some BNHA Bois x Gn Reader with a Bird Quirk
A/N: You know those Hawks scenarios/imagines, whatever they are, where Hawks gives the reader shiny things? Well I was reading those, so now anyone who cares will get some spontaneous scenarios.
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki x GN Reader, Shinsou Hitoshi x GN Reader
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Warnings: Do I need to even say some swearing? Bakugou? Feelings of insecurity and dejection
Summary: Reader with a bird quirk (basically just Hawks part 2 and bird tendencies) tries to give their boyfriend a shiny thing and eventually they understand, but they mostly don't.
Bakugou Katsuki
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The first time you did it, you gave him one of those metal jacks that you found in the Class 1-A Game Closet.
Of course, he didn't know what you were doing.
When you dropped the small toy in his hand, he was confused.
"What the fuck is this?"
Your smile dropped a bit at his negative reaction, "Its a present for you. I found it."
"Why would I want this shit? Its not even part of a full set, dumbass." He replied bluntly.
He didn't take your sadness seriously at first—thinking you were just being weird.
You didn't stay sad for long though. His disaste for your gift only made you determined to find a better one.
This time, you found yourself drawn to some of the schools landscaping. Specficially, a discarded candy wrapper.
It wasn't as shiny as the last object, but it was Bakugou's favorite color, orange,
Your heart swelled and your cheeks flushed at the thought of him being happy about the gift. Maybe even giving you a kiss.
However, instead...
"Why the fuck are you handing me trash! Throw away your own shit." He rolled his eyes.
"S-so you don't like it?" Bakugou didn't seem to notice you were close to tears, maybe he didn't care.
"Why the hell would I like garbage!" He harshly responded.
... He compared your heartfelt gift to trash.
You ran off in tears while Bakugou was none the wiser. He had already walked back to the common room to throw away the candy wrapper you gave him.
"Ooooh, did Bakugou have candy?" Mina called out as she noticed his actions.
"I want candy too! Hook me up, Kacchan!" Kaminari reached towards the other blonde with grabby hands.
"Shut up dumbasses, I don't have candy. (Y/N) gave me their trash, and I had to waste my damn time throwing it away." Bakugou threw himself onto the mostly empty couch.
"Didn't they give you something yesterday too. What'd you ever do with that?" Sero asked.
"I put it back in that gross closet where it belongs."
"Hey, don't birds give their s/o shiny or colorful things to like— impress then or something?" Kaminari pointed out. The room waited for Bakugou's reaction in silence.
"Thats stupid, Pikachu. I'm going to bed." He finally responded.
Bakugou fucked up, and he knew it.
He was internally cursing at himself for not knowing. Why hadn't he guessed it was a bird thing?
He needed to do something to apologize.
Bakugou's not one for verbal apologies anyways. He gets a gift spelling out thats he's sorry rather than actuallly saying it.
Maybe he could get you something shiny in return. After his very harsh response to your past two attempts, he was sure he wouldn't have a third chance to accept the gift.
He opted to look outside the dorms, hoping something especially shiny would catch his eye in the moonlight.
Bakugou ended up finding a crystal-like rock in one of the dorms decoratige rock beds. He put it in his uniform pocket for tomorrow.
The next day in class, you looked like a mess.
Messy hair and uniform, showing up mere seconds before Aizawa shuffled into the room. Bakugou totally glanced over at you more than he should. You were practically asleep for every lesson.
Guilt built up in the pit of his stomach knowing that he caused this.
He ended up waiting until the end of the day to talk to you. It might not have made you feel better, but he let you have some extra time asleep.
Eventually he found himself at your dorm door— definitely not hesitating to knock
He gently, for once in his life, knocked his knuckles on the door. Probably very relieved when he heard the door actually open.
"Oh Katsuki, I didn't expect to see you." You wiped at your eyes a bit.
"I—" He hardly began before you cut him off, "Hold on, I got something for you. You can come in."
He cautiously stepped in and unsure if he really should. He tried to keep his eyes on the floor, but it only felt worse as he scanned over the countless tissues that littered the floor near your trash can. Not to mention, the very noticeable indent of your curled up body on the bed and a wet stain where your face would have been.
"H-here, I know you didn't like my last gifts. So, I f-found something you might like a bit better. Its from my own collection, so its not trash or dirty or anything like that!" You held out a small orange charm. It was similar to a mini disco ball. Your room light caused the it to reflect small patterns onto your hands.
Bakugou slowly picked it up rolling it between his fingers. "I love it." He stated. Your eyes widened to saucers at his rare choice of words.
"R-Really!" The excitement greatly changed the tone if your voice from seconds ago.
"I— I got you something too." He said. Digging into his low pants pocket before pulling out the pebble.
"Here, it looked pretty shiny. I thought you'd like it." You took the pebble from his so slowly like it would shatter from a wrong breath.
"Its beautiful! Thank you so much Bakugou." You threw your arms around him. It brought a small smile onto his face.
Bakugou never made that mistake again.
And he keeps all your shiny and colorful gifts on his desk in the dorm room
Shinsou Hitoshi
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Shinsou felt pretty proud of his abilities to understand things quickly.
In his regular classes he was able to understand new concepts with little troubles, he basically figured out how to use his support items in a couple days...
But when it came to relationships, he was always at a complete loss.
Even more so with a hybrid (s/o).
The first thing you gave to him threw him for quite the loop, a piece of glass.
"Hi-to-shi~ I got you something!" You exclaimed.
"What is i— why do you have glass?" Maybe, he was expecting something cat related, you'd already given him several cat keychains and small toys from the arcade, but he hardly anticipated a small piece of blue tinted glass in your hand.
"Its your present! Isn't it pretty?" You asked, holding it up to admire it.
"I guess? Why didn't you throw it away, you could accidently cut yourself on it." He replied.
You were a bit taken aback, "But why would I throw away a present?"
Shinsou was confused and not sure how to respond, so he just decided to move on. "Whatever, are we still going to study tonight?"
"Oh right! I need to go get my stuff, be right back." You gently placed the glass on the corner of his desk and left the room.
Shinsou stared at the glass for a moment before throwing it away, he didn't see a use in still keeping it.
You were noticeably less excited when you came back and noticed it in his small trash bin.
Yet, Shinsou hardly noticed.
The second time, rather than being given something, Shinsou came into your room.
You had all the shiny objects you collected on a small shelf in your room.
You noticed Shinsou admiring it and perked up a bit. Your wings puffed up ever so slightly- proud of your collection.
"Why do you have all that trash in your room, (Y/N)? I didn't think you were that lazy." Shinsou tried joking, but you didn't find it funny at all.
"O-oh..." You were already in tears. You wings were resting low now, basically dragging behind you.
Shinsou panicked
He didn't know how to handle crying nor how to handle his s/o crying.
"D-did something happen? Did I say something wrong? What am I supposed to do?" He mumbled the last question, more to himself, but you responded to it anyway.
"Can you just leave, please?" You asked, and he panicked even more.
"Are you sure I can't do anything! Um— I'll-I'll just go then, tell me if you want to talk or— I'll go." He awkwardly shuffled out of the room, trying to stumble his way to an appropriate response,
Shinsou, of course, went to Aizawa for advice because Dadzawa.
It was certainly awkward detailing his disaster of a love life to his mentor. It wasn't like he was doing any better, but it still was weird.
"Wh-what am I supposed to do, Sensei? They literally told me to get out!" Shinsou repeated.
"Have you thought that it has something to do with their quirk?" Aizawa finally spoke.
"Their quirk? N-no, I didn't."
He sighed before beginning the explaination, "Birds like to collect shiny and colorful things to decorate their nests with or to attract— partners. Their quirk is bird-like, meaning they're just exhibiting habits of a regular bird."
"So I did mess up." Shinsou realized.
He waited until the next day to apologize, giving you your space to be reasonably mad at him before he addressed it.
He didn't have anything fancy to give you with the apology, which he sort of regreted once he got to.
Shinsou spoke his words, face to face, and then waited...
And waited...
He was pretty close to sounding like a begging child who wanted their favorite toy back, but you spoke before his apologies would delve down that road.
"I forgive you, 'Toshi. I should have explained it to you instead of assuming you would know what I meant."
You two went back and forth for awhile on who's "fault" it was. Only to silence eachother with a kiss.
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