whenthew1ndblows · 17 days
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whenthew1ndblows · 3 months
I mean it’s the BBC pro monarchism, colonialism and racism is kind of their thing but I forgot how bad it is
Every couple of months I remember how genuinely fucked the messaging of Merlin BBC was and I get the urge to write another chapter of my anti Camelot fic
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whenthew1ndblows · 3 months
Every couple of months I remember how genuinely fucked the messaging of Merlin BBC was and I get the urge to write another chapter of my anti Camelot fic
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whenthew1ndblows · 8 months
i talk my shit but do you guys remember being 12 and in 2008 and you heard viva la vida by coldplay for the first time and you were like fuck this is so powerful. i'm going to kick the ass of god
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whenthew1ndblows · 8 months
i think it's so cute when you hit a car and its alarm starts going off. like aww are you mad at me?
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whenthew1ndblows · 8 months
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whenthew1ndblows · 8 months
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whenthew1ndblows · 8 months
Rewatching Merlin is wild, every episode is Camelot trying to ethically cleanse the local warlock population and winning because Merlin is his own peoples biggest opp 💀
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whenthew1ndblows · 8 months
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whenthew1ndblows · 5 years
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whenthew1ndblows · 5 years
Feelings are Fatal
Whisperings of Child Genius had followed Hermione Granger since she, Harry and Ron walked out of those underground chambers some 5 or so years ago. It was no surprise, then, that she strove to be the best in her year, the best at everything, to prove that her worth was not defined by where she came from, who her parents were. Draco may try to thwart her but in reality he was no match for the girl he so fondly christened Mud Blood.
"You really are the smartest witch of your age."
was vibrant in her ears as Obliviate consumed the last half decade of her life.
Disjointed voices circled her in swells of differing inflection as her throbbing head attempted to tolerate the blurry colours and the bright lights that greeted her when she opened her eyes. As she acclimated to the lighting of her foreign surroundings the myriad of colours contorted into the face of a middle age, very intense looking woman. She tied her hair up, it pulled her face back in a way that reminded Hermione of a particularly angry onion.
"what am I doing h-"
Hermione needed to find out what happened to Harry. His injuries weren't that serious before she had been knocked out but who knows how long the fight went on after that, if he was dead, she couldn't bear the thought.
"Miss Granger I'm going to ask you some questions and if you could just answer them the best you can that would be perfect, okay?"
The impatient nurse who stood imposingly by her bed. Her voice was just the right amount of amiable to make a patient feel comfortable but the fierce look she fixed on the young witch let her know that she wasn't waiting for a response.
"okay I'm going to start now, what year is it?"
"1996, I'm sorry but what happe-"
the women pointedly interrupted her
"very good. who is our current prime minister"
"John Major, where are M-"
"and what is your name"
"Hermione Jean Granger"
She had given up on getting any information out of the, frankly terrifying women and resigned to her fate of answering her mundane questions, reminding herself that the quicker she answered these woman's questions, the quicker she could find out what was going on. As she half-heartedly answered the torturous array of questions that had been planned for her, Hermione studied her surroundings. The room she had been situated in wasn't by any means elaborately decorated, all that furnished the sterile room was a worn navy bag embroidered with an intricate gold design, 'Hogwarts school of witchcraft wizardry' sprawling across the bag. She felt like she almost recognised the swirling thread crossing the faded material of the bag. The emblem was almost familiar, it was like she should know what the words meant but her swelling recollection was barred by an unknown force. When the nurse's questions finally ceased Hermione casually remarked:
"That symbol on the bag is quite fancy, where does it come from?"
The woman was silent for a beat.
"I'll go get the doctor"
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whenthew1ndblows · 5 years
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whenthew1ndblows · 5 years
Nothing Left To Say
"It's too dangerous, Adora was right"
"Adora is right."
Catra repeated, laughing like Entrapta had just told a joke, but the acidic edge to her seemingly carefree giggle fostered an uncertain energy between the 3 horde followers, Scorpia felt a tremor run up her spine.
"Adora gets everything she wants."
The normal spite and betrayal that would shadow Catra's  face at the mention of the blonde haired hero was replaced with a unhinged look that, went very well with the violent tone that had weaved it's way into voice.
Her face darkened
"but not this time."
She spat
"this time I am going to win."
"I don't care what it takes. we are opening that portal now!"
As Catra's voice climbed to an absinthian yell, echoing through the vicious steel structures of the fright zone, Scorpia realised that the deranged nonchalance Catra had been flaunting was all just an act. Catra had forged walls of anger and bitterness but underneath all the snide remarks and evil doing she was just jealous and hurt. Adora had been gone for approaching a year but Catra would never move on. She had never let herself heal, every fight with Adora, win or loose, had driven Catra to insanity.
Entrapta was indentured by Catra heated speech and not even a second passed before she fired back.
"No I won't! I need to tell Hordak, He'll understand!"
It was true, Entrapta and Hordak had become unquestionably close lately. She was possibly his first and only friend and Scorpia knew it would be far easier for her to win Hordak over then Catra, who was nothing but a glorified mirgrane to the austere leader of the horde.
aaShe knew Catra had realised this too but when electricity shot through Entrapta sporadically, leaving her unconcious body to pulse with voltage, Scorpia was visibly shaken. The crimson waste thug who had been lazily leaning against the door hovered fearfully near the genius princesses recovering body.
A beat passed, gaudy tension drapped it's haggard body over the severe metal of Horak's lab. The only sound Catra's Haphazard breathing.
"Get her out of here!"
The thug looked at Catra with horrified disbelief.
"what do you want me to do with her"
"I don't care just get rid of her! Put her on the transport to beast island."
Scorpia didn't care how much she wanted to be in Catra's favour, Entrapta would not leave the fright zone if she had any thing to say about it.
"Beast island? You can't!"
Scorpia would've made a move to grab Entrapta from the arms of her captor but that idea died as Catra agressively turned towards the ex-princess.
"you wanna be next"
The tears were quickly climbing her throat so Scorpia kept her eyes to the harsh floor. The tazer made a blunt thud as it fell against the ashen metal of the floor, the door slid shut, the room was colder then before.
She had never felt this small before.
Scorpia's knees buckled and she fell to the floor unceremoniously.
she barely felt it.
Tears of white hot sorrow, eroded away her heart.
She felt nothing.
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