wildwomanspirit · 3 years
🍁For the Love of Autumn🍁
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Autumn is one of my favourite times of year because it's full of changes and there's something magical in the air. In appreciation of the season, I've created this list of gratitude!
Fresh, cool air
Crows cawing
Fully stocked Farmer's Markets
Cool rain
Warm sweaters and chunky boots
Comforting food and drinks, especially sharing it with friends and family, so hygge
Picnics by a fire
Slowing down
Baking treats
Fantastic smelling candles
Leaves falling down like snow
Darker evenings to see the moon and stars
Scary movie time
Hot baths
Time to reflect
Traveling with less crowds
Squeezing outdoor activities before the snow comes
What are you grateful for this magical autumn season?
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wildwomanspirit · 8 years
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Giants in the neighborhood #jasper #forest #nature #adventure #alberta #canada #wanderlust #camping
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wildwomanspirit · 8 years
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Camping in the mountains & blue skies!
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wildwomanspirit · 9 years
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
White Abyss
The heavens descend upon all life, Each second Earth is less a home. The creatures of habit, immobilized, And they call it The Great Snow.
This is our white abyss, And it is here to stay.
We were once the hub of civilization, Now desolation around each turn. A haunting howl with no origin, The dry, cold air does burn.
This is our white abyss.
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
The Forest
There is a place hidden far away, Where the cool, earthy smells come alive. Beams of light poke past branches, And deep shadows, under leaves, thrive.
Far echos of wildlife ricochet off bark; Through petals, a slight wind lingers. But one footstep on the mossy ground Is absorbed; a sweet whisper.
An ancient Redwood is the main provider For barnacle like fungus. The crawling insects have quite a buffet And the moss will be the compass.
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
The Skirt
Pretty Cute Sexy
Too pretty Too cute Too sexy
Weak Stupid Provocative
Femininity Fear Freedom
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
No. 10
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
Simplicity is peace, love; It’s being satisfied with life At exactly this moment.
Simplicity is cleansing thoughts And possessions from Daily accumulation.
Simplicity is accepting others, In your bubble, as well As those on the outside.
It could all be so simple.
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
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Good Morning This morning as I got up, my mind began the process of listing what I need to take care of.
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
Hands search for busy work As anxiety builds. Eyes darting, who’s there? Paranoia consumes. Stand up, no… sit down. The self has no purpose.
A teething child gnaws fingers And moist palms fumble The acrobatic pen. Feet a distant bassline to Thoughts leaving A hyperactive mind.
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
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No. 07
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
Eyes unfocused Thoughts elsewhere So many projects I yearn to do
I can’t get out Invisible forces Paralyse my body And I’m helpless
An infinite countdown That doesn’t stop Until I become of age Or am found dead
I need to speed up Time in my mind Images of life Takes away the grey
To entertain and calm Nerves on the edge An impermanent solution Till the counter ends
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
Spot on the Ceiling
Spot on the Ceiling
Is that a fly on the ceiling Or are my eyes deceiving my brain? Could it be a hole… a black hole Carrying extraordinary mass?
I feel it pull me closer, closer Until I am contained in the nothingness. There is no escape Just me and the darkness…
I’m pretty sure there’s a hole in the ceiling.
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
In the Evening
This evening find me in the backyard Absorbing the melody of smooth, smooth jazz, A special compliment to my mood. Twilight will approach and as this Day ends, I will be restored. The small chirp of crickets and crack of fire Is no better soundtrack to this summer. As the sun goes down my skin becomes cool to touch, but inside I stay warm. Evenings are in perfect balance; Light with dark, warm but…
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
Why does time feel different in each moment? It can drag painfully on, Or can turn to memories so fast. As kids time would never end, With new wonders to explore each day. As we’ve grown, the years are familiar cycles; The strongest memories a measure of time. It’s surprising how time alters on us, We must grab hold of it while we can!
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wildwomanspirit · 10 years
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No. 6
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