Weird Dream Series:  Much Ado About Ryan Reynolds
The only conclusion I can come to at this point is that Ryan Reynolds has some sort of Inception contraption where he keeps placing himself in my subconciousness... 
So in my dream I’m at home with Chris.  Yes in this dream Chris isn’t dead ;)  An old friend from high school is there and she’s telling me how she’s 12 weeks pregnant.  She also tells me her baby was conceived on her honeymoon in Oahu which is a gross dream TMI.  
Then Ryan effing Reynolds is just like in my house.  It seems he just comes over and lets himself in, so I guess in my dream we are good friends?  Then I’m walking by a room he’s in and he’s just like only in his boxers, as you do when you are at a friends house... Dream Amanda gets a little flustered because Ryan Reynolds is in her house mostly naked and Chris isn’t dead, so as I walk by I say, “Can you just forever have clothing on?!” and go outside because I just can’t deal with this.  
Chris follows me and needs to talk to me about a patient from work that has died.  He tells me she has an implant under her Mondavi tattoo that I need to decode because it is a timer that will tell us the exact moment she died.  Apparently we are now Dream CSI?
Yeah, What?  Note this is a real patient from my real work that is really not dead.  Did I mention Chris extracted the implant from this persons body in our home?  WHAT.
Then I wake up to my daily kitten snuggles and I’m once again just as confused as you are.
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Weird Dream Series:  Into The Murky Wood
A cautionary tale of a dream trying to tell you not to fall asleep after eating too much salami.
So first, I’m in a Wal-Mart of sorts and they are selling this thing in the bike section that is an ATV with a detachable passenger wagon on the back.  It was motor powered and there was a kid revving the engine while playing in it and he was the most pumped up kid ever.  Then Brendon Urie comes by (apparently we hangout?) and starts tossing a frisbee to me.
Suddenly we are in the next phase of the dream where I am in a love triangle with Brendon Urie and Chris D’Elia.  Sorry Iulia, DreamManda has no sense of friend loyalty apparently.  Also in this world Chris like doesn’t exist or is dead or something so no dream cheaters here.  So I guess I’m having a real internal struggle about both men I have fallen in love with so I go to my close friend Ryan Frickin’ Reynolds (who in my dream is in fact married to Blake Lively, obviously that one is meant to be.  Ugh...).  We stroll through a murky wood, as you do in these situations, and are talking everything out and wouldn’t ya know it, Chris D’Elia is the right one.  Chris appears and we starting strolling through the woods and talking about our relationship (Sorry Iulia, don’t worry you’ll like the next part) when after I tell him how I love him and I think we should really be together that mother trucker REJECTS ME and I’m left heartbroken in a murky fudging wood.  Sad dream indeed.  Hmph.
Then out of the blue KATIE HOLMES IS MY MOM and she comes running to me to give me a comforting mom hug and tells me everything will be okay and that I can find a better man.  
And I wake up out of my salami coma to realize it’s almost 9pm and I haven’t done anything I intended to this evening but I have been sick all week so one more day of rest is probably not the worst thing.  Thanks for sitting through that guys :)
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All the smells, All the feels
Today is Disneyland’s Pirates of the Caribbean 50th Anniversary!
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Pirates is also arrrrrrrrghuably my favorite Disney attraction.  Sure a lot of the newer rides have better technology or more thrills, but when I think about what ride really sets Disneyland apart from anything else out there it’s Pirates of the Caribbean.  
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Why?  Well for one thing it’s about 15 minutes long.  Fifty years ago, who was out there making 15 minute long theme park rides?  Nobody!  There are 128 animatronic animals and human figures in the attraction.  That’s a terrifying thought if you're paranoid about SkyNet taking over in the near future, but isn’t that crazy!  So much detail is in this attraction.  Pirates was the last attraction that Walt Disney oversaw the design of, but he sadly died three months before it opened.  Maybe that’s part of the reason this Disneyphile is so drawn to it.  It’s magical in a way to go through the ride and think wow most of this was actually something Walt himself was a part of.  For me, Pirates is the quintessential Disney attraction.
But the smeeelllllllssssssssss.
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NOTHING takes me back to Disneyland and fond memories of my childhood like the smell of Pirates of the Caribbean.  Not the smell of churros, popcorn, cotton candy, or corn dogs.  None of them beat that distinct salt watery scent.  Sounds kinda gross now that I read that but that’s the way it smells!  But in a good way!  If you’ve been on it you understand.  If you haven't been on it, well your life is lacking some serious Piratey adventure and I highly recommend you try it out.  Plus sides are also the normally fast moving line and the fact that it’s a 15 minute escape from either the heat or the cold and rain.  
So Happy Anniversary Pirates of the Caribbean!  Thank you for so many years of entertainment and enjoyment.  And thanks for being my favorite ride :)
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Weird Dream Series:  Drunk Driving With Dinosaurs
I woke up just as confused as you’re about to be...
So Chris’ (not real) pharmacy friends owned some creepy castle-like house and were throwing a party.  The house was super hipster and was all dark wood and soft lighting.  We get there and there’s all these people I don’t know but Chris gets super drunk right away.  
Then we go outside and there are all these people drunk driving large trucks and vans off the road, but like... it was okay??  Seneca is driving in a giant truck with Weber and then he swerves off the road on purpose.  He’s laughing about it and just leaves the truck in the ditch it crashed in. 
Turns out he’s (obviously) helping Weber smuggle Tyrannosaurus Rex bones he stole from a museum.  Also turns out that inside of dinosaur bones are all these black fish that hold the dinosaur DNA and will also grow into dinosaurs themselves once they are released from the bones.  Chris and I join in on the run and then I woke up to JackJack pawing at me to let him under the blanket.  Whew.
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For The Lovers
Sorry I took a few months to write something again... I was lazy/busy...  Planning a wedding, being an adult and not being allowed to just be a stay at home cat mom... ugh.
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It was just Valentine’s Day, so in honor the the Saint Valentine’s Massacre lovey dovey holiday, I’ll take a moment to let everyone know my top romantic moments at Disneyland!
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**Look at those prices!!**
First of all, most people have dreamed of being whisked away by their prince charming or beautiful princess, so Disney is obviously the place to relish in these fantasies.  Way back in the day when Disneyland first opened, Disneyland held Date Night in the park and would encourage locals to bring their dates to the park for a romantic stroll filled with fun and adventure!  But what exactly is romantic about forcing someone to hold your hand in 100 degree weather in crowds in the tens of thousands?  Well, let’s think of somethings that will keep you and your dream boat cool, calm, and collected, while ready to snuggle...
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PETER PAN.  The ride.  Do it, don’t question it, shut up I know the line is long.  Debatably the most romantic ride in Disneyland is Peter Pan.  Every wonder why it’s the only “kiddie ride” that has an hour long wait?  BECAUSE IT’S MAGICAL AF.  
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CHARACTER MEET UPS.  When Ariel told me she loved my “thingamabob” that Chris had put on that finger, I just about died.
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NIGHT TIME SHOWS.  All the nighttime shows at Disneyland have moments that tug at your heart strings, whether its a parade, show, or just the fireworks. My favorite Disneyland show ever is Fantasmic! at Disneyland (the Disney World one is racist not my fave).  When the princesses come out and dance with their princes to each of their love songs... I hold Chris’ hand just a little bit tighter.
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TIKI ROOM.  Oh it’s 100 degrees and you’re getting hangry?  Go to the Tiki Room!  First grab a Dole whip to share (or get your own because love < not sharing) and grab that coveted corner seat in the dark and cool Tiki Room for a 15 minute cuddle sesh or a nap :)
For me, Disneyland is romantic no matter what because it’s something that Chris and i can do together that we both love.  Disneyland has always been my favorite place and now it’s our favorite place.  So If you’re not into Disneyland I’m not sure why you're here, just find something both you and your love can love together! 
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Fantastic Beasts and The Magic of Film
**Probably, maybe SPOILERS**  **Probably, maybe more rant than review**
Let’s put it this way: my favorite movie is Jurassic Park and I’ve never seen Citizen Kane.  I’m far from a film snob.  For me all of my favorite movies made me feel something.  I’m probably not the only person that has a physical reaction to things that affect me emotionally, even when it’s just a song on the radio or a moment in a movie.  Yet maybe I’m just too much of a Pisces.  
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Whatever it is, ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ had me from the moment that Warner Brothers ‘WB’ faded on screen to the Harry Potter theme music.  From start to finish I was totally engaged in this movie.  My heart fluttered and warmed with comfort as the wizarding world I was so familiar with introduced me to a whole new group of characters that were just as well rounded as the others I have known for so long.  I’m almost certain I spent the majority of this movie with just the stupidest smile on my face as I was so in love with the characters and the story unfolding in front of me.
To say I was skeptical of this movie before seeing it is beyond true, hence I waited a whole month to see it.  When the announcement came that there was going to be a new movie set in the HP universe, of course I was excited.  But then The Cursed Child garbage happened, and my excitement dwindled just a little since the future of the wizarding world seemed uncertain.  I didn’t want this movie to ruin my love of Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling for that matter.  This is THE NINTH Harry Potter universe film.  NINTH!  And not one has disappointed, including this newest installment.  
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Who knew a guy named “Newt” could be such a dreamboat... Amirite??!!
Although I do have a deep love of Disney, I’m also like many of you out there and have a serious love for the Harry Potter series.  Harry Potter is the only series of books I ever pre-ordered or waited in ridiculous lines at Borders (RIP) for.  Reading Harry Potter novels had the same draw for me as many Disney films and parks do, they’re so immersive you feel like your taken away to magical world if only for a little while.  That is the magic of a book or a movie or a theme park for me.  #piscesfolyfe 
So yes this movie was magically delicious (looking’ at you, Eddie Redmayne ;)) but I’m pretty sure no film is perfect...
Here’s your super spoiler::
I do have just ONE complaint.  #sorrynotsorry  Johnny Depp.  When that reveal came I may have groaned out loud.  I didn’t read much spoiler stuff out there on this movie and I’m super forgetful so I kinda forgot that he was supposed to be in the film.  I cannot believe he was cast as Dumbledore’s nemesis.  He seemed incredibly out of place.  All 8 Harry Potter films were filled with small cameos by big time actors throughout the series and never once did I really only see the actor and not the character.  Even Kenneth Branagh was invisible as the over the top Gilderoy Lockhart.  And I hate Kenneth Branagh.  It was the only time I was taken out of the film and was like, “uhhhh what now??”  This is a big bummer because rumor has it *said like Adele would sing it* that this is now part of a FIVE part movie series.  Let’s hope Depp pulls a Ben Affleck and Batman’s the sh*zz out of this new role.
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The Incredibly Brief Movie Review Series:  Moana
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So Moana came out a few weeks ago and everyone was like, “oh, a Disney movie, WonderSparkes must have seen it”, but I am lazy and cheap so I did not go see it right away.  
But I saw it the other night, so now here are my thoughts:
Disney has been going in an interesting direction the past couple of years.  Disney seems to know we as an audience are expecting better than just a princess story.  Look at 2010′s Tangled. Disney used 3D animation to build a fairytale with a heroine that may have saved her savior more than he saved her.  In Brave, Merida did not want a suitor, nor need one.  
Now Moana.  
Moana had no romantic interest.  NO ROMANTIC INTEREST WHAT SO EVER.  I don’t know if you’ve seen Disney female lead films, but this is unheard of.  Moana doesn’t even mention the topic.  Given, I believe she seems very young, but none the less... Moana basically did not have anyone saving her, if anything she just made a friend where they helped each other out.  
It was great and I loved how new and fresh everything felt.  The Lin Manuel Miranda soundtrack may have helped a little too ;)
I’ve heard some complain that there’s too much singing in Moana.  I understand being surprised by unwanted musicals *cough, Sweeney Todd, cough*, but I was pleasantly surprised.  I am not a musical fan in general, but the songs in Moana did not bother me, if anything they were completely justified and heartfelt, or knew to not take themselves too seriously and were amusing.  Jermaine Clement as Tamatoa was pure comedy gold.  I loved it.  I also may or may not have “How Far I’ll Go” on repeat in my car this week...  **crosses fingers little girls cling to it like they did “Let It Go”**
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So in conclusion, yes Moana was yet another Disney hit.  It had amazing animation, a new and interesting story with characters we care about, and a cray cray catchy soundtrack.  More importantly, I think this film sends a good message to viewers. Do not settle when you know you can do better, do not let others tell you who are when you know you need to find out for yourself.  I’m going to tread dangerous waters here and say UNLIKE Ariel who endangered her ENTIRE SPECIES for a man, Moana goes out to save her people and the people of other islands.  Sorry not sorry guys.
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Crazy Cat Lady
So I love cats.  Well, I love all animals, minus spiders, because spiders are terrible, gross, and terrifying creatures.  
Cats came into my life when I had lost my support system, and in need of love and comfort.  Janie and Lily were the first cats I ever lived with.  While they were not mine, I loved them dearly, and they provided the comfort I very much needed.  Cory, the lovable yet terribly unintelligent Lab, was also the first dog I ever lived with.  He was dumb, but he loved you if you gave him petties and threw his ball in the pool, and that was good enough for the two of us.  
While I lived with other additional cats and dogs through the following many years, none of them were my own.  I understood that yes my friends and family had done a good thing by giving these animals a home, but I never got a true sense of how fulfilling it could be until I adopted my own pets.  
My mom dropped off Shadow to Chris and me for a “trial run” at the end of February 2014, and by day two he was ours forever.  We named him Shadow not because he is all black, but because he followed me everywhere.  Especially when he first came to live with us, he was always everywhere we went.  He was our Shadow.  About 5 months later we were worried that he was bored while we were at work, so we decided to find him a friend. When we walked into Pet Extreme on adoption day, we were immediately handed a tiny black kitten that ended up being our evil queen of the house, Maleficent.  Then, a year later, I was yet again back at Pet Extreme on adoption day (which I wasn’t supposed to do, because Chris knew I was too cat crazy at this point). There was a tiny black and white kitten staring me down saying, “I’m pretty darn sure you’re my mommy”.  How could I say no?!  He is now our JackJack and he’s the snuggliest of the snuggle kittens.
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Chris knew there was no turning back.
I adopted my cats not only to have a pet in my home, but more so to give them a home that they so needed.  
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My cat coven.
Any animal you adopt, whether it is a cat, dog, or whatever else, is not going to be the picture perfect animal you want it to be.  When you go to adopt from a shelter they give a questionnaire.  It asks, “what will you do If your pet gets sick? What will you do when your kitten becomes a cat?”  I thought they were obsurd questions.  My view is that from the moment I decided to bring those animals home they were forever completely my responsibility.  No matter what.  Shadow currently pees in our hallway for no other reason than he likes to pee on squishy things and we live in an apartment, unable to change our flooring.  We have done everything our vets have suggested, but this is our reality.  JackJack is terrible and will not stop jumping on the kitchen counter or on top of the entertainment center.  Yet I agreed to take them in, furry flaws and all.  The kittens did not have any say in this decision.  I would never give them away or leave them behind. 
So yes, I am a crazy cat lady, but when those kittens look at me with love and just want some pets or a good lap snuggle, it’s totally worth it.  Unfortunately, I cannot provide homes for every animal I come across, so i have become a terrible enabler and encourage almost everyone to get a pet.  Really, almost everyone can benefit from having a pet around.  Animals do not judge or need a college tuition. They just want food and water and maybe the occasional snuggle, so if you have the financial means and the space for an animal in your life, I highly recommend you visit your local shelter and join my crazy cat lady/dog lady/bunny lady/whatever animal lady club :) 
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Typical day in the Jopez household, full of love and many cat shenanigans.
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Weird Dream Series: Kevin Spacey Hitler
As I stated in my previous (and, well, first ever) post, I will be periodically sharing my weird AF dreams when and if I remember them.
Okay, quick recap of last night’s cray cray dream:
First, I was in a Walking Dead type environment, but with no zombies.  I was hiding in bushes from some unknown henchmen.
Second, Chris and I were being recruited by a Nintendo type company.  We got a bad feeling about them and did not want to join their team, but agreed to go to their Expo anyways.  We are walking around this expo where there are video game samples and such all around and then the CEO walks out... KEVIN SPACEY.  It is then revealed that Kevin Spacey is Hitler.  Yes, Hitler didn’t die, he just became Kevin Spacey.  He was going to kill everyone with video games.  
Then, as Chris and I are trying to escape the Hitler Expo, we run into a woman about to give birth.  Chris stops “because I’m a Doctor!”  Then these women come over and Chris just starts kissing them hello ON THE MOUTH.  I’m like, “Oh heeelllll no!” and start smacking them in the face with my wallet.  One has some sort of facial deformity and shouts, “Stop!  I have a brain injury!” and I reply, “NO!” and continue to smack her.  
I think that’s when I woke up, not quite sure now.  Whew.
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Oh infinite nothing of the internet where no one or someone may run across what I decide to put out there...
Let’s start with why I’m here I guess?  Lately it has been drawn to my attention at that I am the go-to person for all cat, disney, movie, and vacation matters.  I do not believe i am a true expert in any of these areas, but I do have a bit of experience in all four.  So here is where you can find out my opinions on these topics, but please remember they are just opinions of a crazy cat lady who happens to visit Disney parks often, not a licensed professional.  If you are in need of a more coherent blog with less rambles and more organization I highly recommend THIS BLOG.  They are my go to when even I need assistance.  Which is all the time.
So why cats, travel, and (mostly) Disney travel?  Well the only vacation I ever took as a child was to Disneyland almost every summer.  Disneyland was my one escape from childhood drama, school, and even family drama.  It was also one of the few activities that I had in common with my fellow classmates.  I was a very introverted and nerdy kid that found it hard to fit in with anyone, but I knew all the lines and all the songs to every Disney movie and I knew about Disneyland and other random Disney facts.  Sometimes it was cool, most of the time I was still a nerd, but those early years even as young as elementary school, Disney was drawing my attention to film, animation, and theme parks.
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This was me, mom jeans and front-tied tops and all... 
By the time I reached Junior High I had decided I wanted to be Roger Ebert when I grew up.  Obvi, plans did not work out and I am still introverted and not a world renowned film critic, but my love of film still lives on.  I used to live behind a Blockbuster Video (RIP) and would rent movies as often as I could save my lunch money to do so.  The clerks knew me, it was not normal.  But I would rent anything and everything, mostly just by if I liked the cover of the VHS... oh dear I’m old... 
I was so interested in how someone came up with these stories, how the actors emoted the way they did and how these films were really made.  I started watching ‘In The Actors Studio’ and of course, ‘Siskel & Ebert’ on the regular.  I started to know about films my classmates hadn’t heard of, but Ebert had, so thus a film snob was born...
Okay, maybe I’m not a snob, but I would rather sit in and watch a movie with a cat on my lap rather than pretty much anything that involves having to be social.  Don’t worry, I’m not that creepy, I have friends.  Like a few... Don’t judge me over there.  I see you.  Judging...
So how about Disney?  I’ve had a long love of Disney from childhood and then in the past few years my fiancé and I have started going to Disneyland every few months or so.   So far we have thrown a Walt Disney World trip in there and are working on more international Disney trips.  I didn’t force him into it, he loves Disney too.  Not as much as me, but enough ; )  I’ve always loved Disneyland, but going so often has opened a whole new can of worms world of Disney fandom.  I have met so many new friends that go to Disney often and have such a love for all things Disney.  The Disney fandom is very welcoming and that is something this anxiety ridden introvert is so thankful for.  Walking thru the turnstiles and taking that first inhale of warm churros in the air is like coming home.  It feels relaxing and like I can take my mind of things while I’m there.  Now it’s also meeting up with distant friends and seeing familiar faces most places we go.
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These are the moments I love at Disneyland.  I was just walking along the Rivers of America, missing my favorite show Fantasmic, when I looked around and just took in how beautiful everything looked in the nighttime glow.  Try getting a feeling like this at Six Flags... Just sayin’...
A lot of people are thinking, “wait, Disneyland is just standing in lines in 100 degree SoCal weather and listening to screaming children” and I am here to tell you that does not need to be the case.  Disney is never a terrible experience for me and I hope I can guide others to see all the magic and wonder that I do.  Many people know that sure, Disney makes good movies and they make you feel the warm and fuzzies, but they’re a giant corporation so they must be evil and every movie/theme park is just all about making money blah blah blah barf.  I KNOW.  I AM AWARE OF CORPORATE GREED, I AM NOT STUPID.  
But when you’re a kid and no one wants to hangout with you at lunch so you go home, lie to your grandmother that yeah you had a great day so she doesn’t get worried about you, do your homework that you are terrified you’ll fail at, and finally sit in your room to watch Cinderella for the 8 millionth time because it makes you feel like dreams can come true and hey, how did they turn drawings into this and then light a fire of hope, creativity and love in your soul...
Ok, got carried away.  Point is, (Iulia’s gonna love this) I am a Pisces and that means I am super flipping’ emotional, so be prepared internet world! 
Disney inspired me to have something to be passionate about, to have a hobby.  As an only child, I needed this and I am thankful for that even now.
General travel might be the least touched upon topic in here, Im not sure yet.  I don't have any super duper tips, but if something pops into my head or if I find a super sweet deal I’ll make sure to share that with you.
Now for the best part... KITTIES!  I was never allowed to have pets as a child, but later on with roommates and now my own family, I have lived with cats and dogs.  I currently have three cats.  Shadow, Maleficent, and JackJack are my babies and my best friends.  I love my cats waaaaaaaay more than I should and I am always a bad influence when anyones asks me if they should adopt a cat, because I almost always say yes.  I’ve been known to take people to pet adoption events and make them leave with not one, but two cats... whatever, it was a BOGO... 
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This is Shadow and his 20 lbs of kitten love.
So yeah, this has been a super long intro into what I’ll be posting about but whatever, I’m a Pisces ;)  
Chris has also just brought to my attention I need to post about my crazy dreams when I can remember them.  Next up:  Kevin Spacey Hitler!!
Stay Tuned!!
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