I'm here today, again, because I made another self insert of me and another one of my friends!
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this are Aki and Jinx! (names also inspired by us) Aki is the one wearing pink and Jinx is the one in green. I made us both in the kimetsu universe because we both LOVE it and I wanted to draw G[irl Jinx]. the names, again, are close to us, but not quite, so if u know us, u could definitely tell who we are, but nobody else could.
I made Jinx heavily inspired by inosuke, because that's G's favorite character in kimetsu and I wanted to show that in the drawing, but in my mind, Jinx was the slayer who met inosuke in the mountains and was robbed. he was already working towards becoming a hashira, but couldn't quite get there, so when inosuke stole his weapon, he stuck around, planing to get it back, but instead, learned the breathing style and finally became a hashira.
Aki, on the other hand, has their own breathing style called "steam breathing", which is heavily inspired by both the water breathing and the flame breathing. they became a hashira after a long time in the corps because they are lazy and unmotivated, so they feel like they didn't do much in terms of achievements, even though they both reached the highest position and created a new breathing style.
they're appearance, both the hair, skin and eye color, follow closely to mine and G's appearance irl, but their haoris were based off of our characters in the rpg we play. we are both homebrew races, I'm pretty sure, but he's something like an dragonborn and I'm something like a tree human(?), kinda hard to explain. that's why his haori has scales and a small dragon and mine has a tree and leafs. I also thought it would be a cool idea to connect our characters like I did E's and mine in the last self insert, so their haoris main colors match each other.
once again, thanks to @mellon_soup for the sketch that helped me draw them
one day I hope to be able to draw without help from someone else's sketch, but sadly, I'm not there yet
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I am back again today, to present to you an oc I made!
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this right here is Dahlia, the child of Alastor and Vox!
I made Dahlia because, in the last 2 or 3 day, I had an idea for a story I wanted to write where Alastor raised a child, his child. the story itself will be radioapple, because I'm obsessed with it, but I wanted a reason for Alastor to go missing for those 7 years, so Vox was the only other option to be her father.
Dahlia is very much a papa's girl, very attached to Alastor, who loves her just as much. Her name comes from the flower, which, in my mind, was Alastor's mom's favorite and it being associated with a brutal murder didn't bother him all that much when choosing her name. She doesn't know who her other biological father is, but that doesn't really matters, because her dad (Lucifer) is a very loving and supporting parent, even if they are not related biologically.
she has her sclera the same color as Alastor and her iris the same color as Vox, with circles instead of a pupil. she has black hair, with some parts a darker black, like in Alastor's hair and his ears, also having some locks in red and blue, the same color as her papa's hair and Vox's details. she also has white freckles and a deer nose, she inherited from her papa. if she has a tail? well... that depends if Alastor does and nobody would ask them (yes, they do)
she is OBSESSED with the Regency era and dresses very old fashioned, even more so than her papa (I watched bridgerton yesterday and just HAD to draw her in a similar style). she wears gloves that look almost identical to Vox's, besides the red details in one hand, but she doesn't know that. her favorite color is yellow, but she wears a lot of purple, because she learned is associated with royalty and she is a princess, even if only on her family's heart.
personality wise, she is very shy and laid back until someone messes with her family, then she goes all radio demon on them. her powers are a mix match between Alastor and Vox, being able to control radio and electric waves, but also puppets and hypnosis. she's unable to control shadows and, as a kid, cried for 2 hours straight because she didn't have a "cute alive shadow" like her papa, so Alastor has a shadow for her, which follows her around, both protecting her and alerting him in case of any danger. she's not a fan of television, but also not a fan of radio, she loves reading, drawing and making things with her dad. she also likes to color code her outfits, so if she's wearing one color, she's WEARING that color, because no other color will get close to her.
as an adult she enjoys smoking cigarettes, but only on special occasions, otherwise, she doesn't see the point. she is aware of what happens in hell and what her parents are and do, but, even if she was born there, unlike Charlie, she doesn't care. at all.
anyways, this is Dahlia! I am pretty sure I'll post that fanfic and, if I do so, I'll reblog this and put the link there.
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again, @mellon_soup thank you for the sketch, it's been helping me a lot improve my drawings
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I did something, sometime ago and I am very proud of it, so I wanna post it
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this is an self insert drawing I made some time ago (like... last week?) of me and my best friend! we are sinners in hazbin hotel, based off of a raccoon and a red panda.
since it's not really an oc, they don't need a name since we have one, but I'm not gonna say our names on the internet, so this is Purple (raccoon) and Killer (red panda)!
Purple (which is my friend's nickname) is based off my best friend, who is OBSESSED with the color purple and having a purple suit, so that's why I made him like that in the self insert. Killer (not really a nickname I have? but kind of also? hard to explain) is based off on me and I am, most of the time, wearing black and layering clothes, so that's why they look like that.
they also have different versions, as you can see. that's because, when I first drew them, I thought about the theory of "everyone who sold their souls have black eyes" and I thought "we would totally sells our souls to each other, not to any particular reason, just... 'hey, wanna see what happens if I give you my soul and you give me yours?' and BOOM, souls sold" so I made the first version, with both eyes black. I sent it to my friend, explained it and he said "what about having just one eye black, since we sold it to each other?" and I don't see his logic, but I tried anyway. and because I couldn't leave well enough alone, I made a version where we don't sell our souls. but my favorite is really the first one.
I like to think they are just like us, which means they are stupid and smart, like to tease and argue a lot (which is why Purple is smiling and looking at them like that and Killer is showing him the finger). we like to say that we would kill each other very quickly, because we find each other annoying, but I think they would defend each other very fiercely.
I think that Killer wouldn't be an overlord, because they are very much afraid of "human" interaction and wouldn't know how to make deals, but if Purple put his mind to it, he probably could, he would just have to want it.
as to what they did to achieve hell, well... if you know both of us, it's not very far fetched that we didn't get to see the pearly gates (though E[irl Purple] begs to differ, saying he would DEFINITELY be a winner)
anyways, I just wanted to show what I did, I'll possibly come back here soon with another drawing of me and another one of my friends, but that's it for now.
credits to @mellon_soup who drew this sketch, that's what I used as base to draw this, because I SUCK at drawing the human body. so thank you for making so many AWESOME sketches
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alastor random headcanons I came up with because I'm constantly bored and obsessed!
-even though it pained him greatly, alastor took advantage of the fact that he was white passing without his curly hair and straightened it to get his job as a radio host. it worked out just as he planned, but now, in hell, his hair is permanently straight as a subtle form of punishing from the realm!
-his first kill wasn't his father! his father died because of his constant drinking before even his mother did so. his first kill was a disgusting man who tried SAing a friend of his that worked as a dancer.
-contrary to what mimzy said, he's quite a light drinker, but mimzy is the type of person who thinks she's strong and gets drunk with a single beer, so she boasts to everyone who will hear that alastor is strong with his liquor, not that he will say anything against that.
-surprisingly, alastor spent most of his time thinking of himself as gay! seeing as he never had any attraction to women, he assumed he was gay and didn't feel attraction to them as well because all men were disgusting and "everyone thinks that!" (it's the same thing as people thinking they're bi because they equally don't feel attracted to people, but he didn't know what bi was).
-trans alastor hc: after he found himself identifying as a man, he felt sick to the point of throwing up. he couldn't believe he would "betray himself and his mother like that". he felt dirty for being one of the being that hurt so many people.
-he is a strong lgbtq+ ally, though he is not very verbal with this, if he sees someone mistreating anyone else based on this, they will be participating as a guest for his broadcast!
-in the spectrum of chaotic, neutral and lawful, he is chaotic good, seeing as he has a strong sense of justice and only kills those he feel are deserving of death.
-the only reason alastor hasn't killed valentino is because, since becoming a deer, he is VERY sensitive to lights and when overwhelmed by then will freeze and become a literal "deer in the headlights". valentino NEVER leaves the v tower which is basically the most bright place in pentagram city, so alastor has to wait for the right time.
-alastor HATED the color red. it always reminded him of his father's visits. even when killing people, he avoided looking at blood as much as possible. so, again, hell subtly punished him by making everything he wears have at least a touch of red. with time, though, he became desensitized to the color, seeing as hell is basically all shades of red
-alastor also hates the monocle, but can't for the life of him find a place to get proper glasses.
-his glasses are strong, so he barely sees without them and he's near sighted, everything farther than 16 feet, he can't see for shit.
-the monocle was actually a gift from rosie, the only reason he didn't throw it away.
-he's actually great with kids, since his mother worked a lot as a babysitter and maid for odd jobs, but nobody knows that, because he doesn't reach them out and most kids in hell are afraid of him.
-his teeth are yellow also as a subtle punishment from hell! he's actually quite obsessed with higene, which is also why he wears gloves in hell. he can't trust where anyone's hands have been and he shakes quite a lot of them.
-he's got SO many deals, but he never shows it off and most demons are embarrassed of saying they made deals, so people assumed he was strong solely because he came to hell like that, and not that a part of that was because of deals.
-he doesn't actually own niffty's soul. he met her in an alleyway, when an egotistical overlord started beating her up after seeing her play with dead roaches and finding her weird. thankfully, alastor got there just as he punched her and killed the guy. niffty put on a puppet show as a thank you and alastor said it was lovely. she hasn't left his side since.
-while many thing he's the closest to rosie, he's actually closest to niffty, but while unhinged, she would never break his trust after everything he did for her.
-he's an amazing cooker and cooks quite frequently, sometimes even for everyone at the hotel.
-he doesn't like vaggie simply because he is petty as fuck and found it rude that she pointed an angelic spear at his face the first time they met. sometimes he even goes so far as to pick on her in subtle and childish ways. things nobody would suspect of him and that he doesn't think his mother would outright disapprove of, like changing her mug from the cabinet back to the dishwasher, moving her things a little bit further away from her then she left, fold the carpet with his shadow so she trips, snag her sleeve on the doorknob with his shadows. nothing really harmful, only slightly annoying.
-he's an expert on styling hair since his mother work during some time as a hairdresser and, sometimes, will do different things on niffty's hair, like some braids, updos or ponytails. she never tells anyone where she got her hair done because she wants to keep alastor's ability all to herself, but one time charlie sees them and asks for something too. she found it beautiful, but when she told everyone else, she saw how her dad was upset over that and never asked for alastor's help again.
-most of the "women like" activities he can perform and quite well. his mother taught him everything after he was a certain age.
-he spent a lot of his time alone as a kid because he was a product of an affair from a business man who used most of his money either with his first family or drinking, so after he was more "grown" his mother went back to working as whatever job she could keep.
-his mood can change very quickly, which is scary from a lot of people. in one moment he's laughing and joking around and if you did something he didn't like, even if not meaning to, he's summoning shadows and puppets. what most don't know is that he's quite controlled in his anger, unless you have REALLY overstepped, it takes at least five "like" things for him to really lash out at someone.
that was all I could think for now! if I think of anything else or if anyone is interested in more, I'll come back with more hcs, maybe even from other characters (I did only him because he's my favorite).
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I was thinking about hazbin (bc I'm obsessed) and how far vox obsession with alastor may reach. then I remembered something, that gives me a "theory".
in episode 1, vaggie tries to record alastor and, in retaliation, the camera sparkles with electricity, making her drop it, right? which makes me believe that anyone who tries to record alastor will receive pain for trying so, seeing as his face was "made for radio".
vox basically IS technology, as we see in episode 3 and, most of the time, he travels in between his body and his screens, controlling them and his environment seen through the tv.
another thing seen on the show everytime he shows up is how vox, no matter what he's doing, is always watching alastor in his screens.
conclusion, vox is always in pain from recording alastor, but, still, he persists just to see where he is, with who, what's he doing, how he's doing something. based on how many angles and screens he uses, I can only assume he's always in unbearable pain, but he never gives up watching alastor. that's how far he's obsession reaches, in my humble opinion.
vox is literally that lyric from I love you like an alcoholic "I need you like I need a broken leg"
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u know... I was thinking about it... I don't think alastor's deal was made when he disappeared, it doesn't make sense it was. I'm particularly against the theory that his soul is lilith's, only because it seems so on the nose and cliche, that I wish it to be something else, but even if it is what happened, I don't think it happened when they disappeared. alastor knows husk for more than 7 years, if I'm not mistaken, and he made the deal with him before he vanished and, when he did, nobody knew where he was, husk only saw him again because he summoned him to the hotel. how would husk know, in the short time they were at the hotel that he had a deal if it was relatively new? alastor is not one to trust people easily and with something that happened recently? just like carmila, he would probably want to keep his cards close to his chest. I think the deal was made before, my theory is that he made the deal when he got to hell. he felt vulnerable and weak and with the threat of extermination and more powerful people, he searched for someone who could make him powerful enough to be stronger than a lot of overlords. if that's lilith, idk.
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I feel like regulus would mind much more. he knows it's best to keep it a secret, knows how bad things could end up, but he just wants to have james for himself, shove it in everyone's who said he still loved lily faces, strut up and down the castle with his absolute catch of a boyfriend, kiss him whenever he wants, go on dates and all that stuff
Tbh, if James and Regulus were in a secret relationship or a friends with benefits thing, I don’t think James would mind it. People not knowing? Exciting. Best friends little brother? Scandalous. But the fact that Regulus Black wants to keep him all to himself? James would be giggling and kicking his goddamn feet girl he’d feel so special—
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derek and stiles are literally like "stiles wouldn't mind loving a boy, if it meant that boy wasn't derek" and "derek wouldn't mind loving stiles, if it meant that stiles wasn't a boy". THEY'RE LITERALLY " I love you" AND "I wish you were a girl"! THEY'RE "you were a wonderful experience" AND "you were everything"!!!!!! THEY'RE SO "you came" "you called" CODED YOUR HONOR, I CAN'T EVEN-
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just went through the experience of not seeing an important tag in a fanfic in ao3 and now I'm scarred for life, do not recommend 🥰
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omg? even if it's not the same music, if it's billie eilish's vibe, I feel like it matches a lot! thank u!!!! I'll read it rn 🤍🤍🤍
I'm in a mood right now, I wanna cry and I want so bad to read a lawlight fanfic inspired by listen before i go by billie eilish, because I just listened to it and it seems like a perfect lawlight song (like a lot of sad songs, but that's not the point)
I can taste the angst and the quote "sorry can't save me now"? L saying that to light in the rooftop because they were dating during the yotsuba arc and now that light is kira again, he puts his feelings aside, trying to reason is for the better, but he still can help but tell L he's sorry for how things are going? I crave that 😩😩😩😩
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I'm in a mood right now, I wanna cry and I want so bad to read a lawlight fanfic inspired by listen before i go by billie eilish, because I just listened to it and it seems like a perfect lawlight song (like a lot of sad songs, but that's not the point)
I can taste the angst and the quote "sorry can't save me now"? L saying that to light in the rooftop because they were dating during the yotsuba arc and now that light is kira again, he puts his feelings aside, trying to reason is for the better, but he still can help but tell L he's sorry for how things are going? I crave that 😩😩😩😩
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I can’t remember if someone’s actually/already done this or not but can someone draw this with Cellbit & Pac please😭
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I'd love to read an au where light (who is not kira) is not even remotely thinking of becoming a cop. like, he sees the effects his father's career has on his family and doesn't wish for that in his future, at all! he still wants to be something to help people, but he decides to be something else, like a doctor or something like that.
the catch is that he still helped solve cases, but not by choice. he just happened to walk in one day (he visited too frequently and the people at the desk just started sending him up, not thinking a kid/teen would interfere with something like that) and look at the board with everything on a case and asked someone "have you already arrested the mother?" and everyone thought it was stupid, but one cop thought it was cute and asked for his reasoning. light laid out the most complex thing those people saw come from someone so young and he did it like it was nothing, like he could do this every day. after the 4th or 5th case he solved unintentionally, they started reaching out to him for help, even if embarrassed by that.
going even further, that's how light and L met. light just walked in on their reunion the first time to bring his dad something and L muted and turned off their monitor, thinking that the teen is just going to walk away, until he asks about how things are going and matsuda says they're working on the kira case. light just answers "have you guys already figured out that they're a 9 to 5 worker or a student?" without even looking up from where he's reaching for something inside his backpack. at that point, L hadn't had the chance to say that to the police, so he is instantly interested in what light has to say.
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u know... sometimes when is silent in the middle of the night, I think of a particular fanart of sabito and giyuu I saw on a tiktok once and it never fails to make me even a little bit sad. I have no clue of who it's from, but it's a fanart of giyuu and sabito standing side by side, giyuu has his mask covering his face and holds a black and white photo of sabito, while sabito is covering his face with a colored picture of giyuu smiling and looking at giyuu.
it took me sometime to understand the meaning of it, but I now find it so meaningful. they're sharing a funeral in that photo, even if giyuu doesn't know. giyuu is mourning his loss and the spirit of his friend is mourning his friend's smile/happiness. I could even go deeper and say that the mask is there to symbolize the fact that giyuu feels things still, but keeps them buried under a facade.
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I headcanon that tomioka giyuu is not giyuu's real last name, cause like, he ran away from his city and from home and was just so desperate to get away from all of that stuff, that he definitely wouldn't want to go back for whatever reason and, since he couldn't possibly know if urokodaki would take him in when they first met, he just gave a name from a person he met once, whose name he found very pretty. after he got more trust in urokodaki and sabito, he felt like he was in too deep and couldn't just tell them his real name, so his insecurities got the best of him, as they usually did.
besides himself and his family, who passed away, the only person he ever told that was actually sabito, the day of the final selection when they were leaving the mountain, because he thought he would die there for sure and wanted to be buried by his sister and parents. so he told sabito because he believed he would die and sabito would not, since he was just so much better than him at being a slayer.
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They’re so happy and for what
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Knead knead…..
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