xtekiy · 5 years
Sob o luar
Na volta para casa passamos por um parque. Era de noite, durante o verão ele era bastante movimentado. Crianças brincando, correndo. Pessoas passeando com seus cachorros e casais que procuram um lugar para poderem aproveitar o dia.
Durante o inverno este parque era desértico, não havia um sinal de vida nele. Tudo que se era possível ouvir era o som do ranger das arvores e do vento agitando a grama. Poucas pessoas sabiam, mas no inverno existia um lago nesse parque que congelava por inteiro e se transformava em uma excelente pista de patinação. Chegando no lago uma fui tomado por uma visão quase mágica. O brilho da lua estava cobrindo toda a circunferência do lago. Era como se ela estivesse iluminando o cenário para nós. Então a convidei para patinarmos. Ela, de inicio, ficou relutante com a ideia, mas de alguma forma consegui convence-la a patinar comigo. Assim que ela pisou no gelo ela perdeu o equilíbrio e quase caiu. Corada de vergonha ela olhou para mim, e falou baixinho "eu não sei patinar", eu sorri, e falei "tudo bem, é fácil, até você pegar o jeito eu não irei te soltar". Então fui ensinando-a e rapidamente ela apendeu, enquanto ela comemorava em extrema felicidade, eu por um momento fixei meu olhar para a lua. Agradeci pelo palco que ela havia preparado para nós. Até que algo pula em mim com toda a velocidade do mundo, ouvi um "te peguei, vamos", lá nós dançamos, brincamos, e rimos. Horas e passaram, quando demos conta já estava amanhecendo. Chamei ela para irmos embora para descansarmos, ela me abraçou e disse "obrigada por isso" eu a beijei e seguimos o caminho de casa.
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xtekiy · 5 years
i've never felt this level of rage, The feeling of useless hunted my shadow the hole beneath my feet is deep, the monster of abyss reach the deepest part of my soul, i wasn't able to breath, my lungs are burning, every celule of my body scream for it, but i won't do it again, it's not worth... When i realized i was in the woods, with snow at my feet, and im on the top of the cliff, watching for the sea coliding against it, i want to jump, but the same time i don't want to, however to grow wings you must have to leap, with that in mind i leap, i cound'nt been able to fly or swimming, but i became free. Free from my own thougts, free from people, free form human feelings, the abyss earned a new member who will be used to feed the monster. my body will never be finded, my friends will not know whats happening, only who deserved to know will recive a note, they are smarth enought to understand what i meaned with that. Thanks... Goodbye
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xtekiy · 5 years
Was a night beach I was on the house balcony
The ocean breeze cut my face and hover my hair
My head was far off my body,
The water sound makes me drown in my thoughts
The moon was shining like she's watching over me,
And suddenly she light the way up, a path through the water of my own thoughts.
Her grace was there, always when nobody else are, her warm light keep telling me that I'm not alone in the dark.
And I wake up of my lucid dream with tears in my eyes, the night of my mind was a terrifying sky, there is no stars or moon, only the dark, a dense dark who seems to eat it all.
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xtekiy · 5 years
A gentle kiss of fate our destiny was Sealed , her golden-blonde hair and red eye on the moonlight is glowing, it was like a movie scene the way she was looking down to the city lights, her grace and beauty would envy all girls but I saw something that I never saw before, in her pure and angelic soul i saw... her loneliness...when i looked into her eyes i realized... for once in my entire life.... i found someone just like me.
- Bix
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xtekiy · 5 years
The blue lake below the blue sky shines,
i hear the wind make the grass noise,
A gentle breeze cut at my face.
i was lying next the water,
my hand is trying to touch the sky,
it never worked unless i get free from the ground,
Some say that the only thing on this life who could makes us fly is the power of love,
You have to leap without knowing what's below you, and that's the time for real, or you grow up your wings or you colide with the ground.
Thats is not a simple thing to do, you must have faith, trust and believe that the chosen one will make you fly.
The downfall is the most terrifying thing that i've ever done, and i always colided in the floor, not even a single one soul gave me hand,
yes i'm ok, thank's for not to ask, the floor is cold, without life, and always that i hit it, a part of me die.
Blood cover the white snow above the rock, no matter how many times I've done this, I was never allow to die.
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xtekiy · 5 years
The sky is so far away, i feel that i'm stuck down here I want to have wings to fly away touch the clouds, and the majestic ocean, in a raining day, to fly above the clouds, just to see the sunset, and show you all the majestic things on the world i'll teach you how to fly, beyond barriers of fear and space, The only thing that i couldn't teach is how to control time, because time is precious and goes away so fast, I've lost so many.... but i wish spend all the rest by your side, Let yourself be mine, and i'll be yours, Let's fly together now and forever, and live this love, without regrets, And when we became old, we could look to the past e remember it all, How we teach ours kids, and watch over them, and see how much they have grown, Even after death, we would continuos fly together, A endless love, i like you.
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xtekiy · 5 years
A gentle kiss of fate
our destiny was Sealed ,
her golden-blonde hair on the moonlight
is glowing, it was like a movie scene
the way she was looking down to the city lights,
her grace and beauty would envy all girls
but I saw something that I never saw before,
in her pure and angelic soul i saw...
her loneliness...when i looked into her eyes
i realized... for once in my entire life....
i found someone just like me.
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xtekiy · 5 years
I'm a sinner,
I don't think that i deserve to be happy,
I never wish to be rich, or buy a luxous car,
To my life be perfect i don't want to be alone,
I've always wished a family,
My parents love me, but nobody else does,
Even God does'nt, sometimes it's hard to carry on,
I put a mask, so nobody see the real me,
Nobody knows that i'm stay all night in my bed almost crying
I can't express my real feelings in front another people,
I write some part of that on my personal book,
I fell alone sometimes, and nothing nothing echoes more than the void
I wish that someone see the real me and accept that,
If i love someone and her don't love me back
As the Jiraya's said:
"I'm going to surround her with love and pray for her happiness"
and when i die, i don't want to vanish.
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xtekiy · 6 years
Está frio, observo as pessoas de cima, ninguém me vê, todos tem um rumo, eu estou parado no tempo, cicatrizes do passado me assombram, eu consigo ver as luzes da cidade, vento dessa fria noite faz as luzes ter uma melancia única, talvez seja meu lado solitário aparecendo, eu quero vê-la, mas nunca vi, ela concerta seu muro mais rápido do que eu consigo quebrar, seu silêncio e respostas curtas machucam mais que os cortes em minha pele, eu quero um sinal verde para tentar algo, ela é muito querida, e tenho medo de perde-la, dias assim são os mais difíceis, e não ter ninguém comigo para me ajudar nessas dificuldades dói na alma.
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xtekiy · 6 years
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You need a private talk? Just send me an ask!:)
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xtekiy · 6 years
“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”
— John Steinbeck (via quotemadness)
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xtekiy · 7 years
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xtekiy · 7 years
. . . .
"Quando a conheci ela estava presa, em uma caverna escura e sombria assim como eu, ela tinha perdido a noção do tempo, com a aparência de uma garota de 16 anos cabelos loiros, olhos vermelhos, e presinhas na boca, quando a soltei de seu cativo ela desfaleceu nos meus braços pois não havia força mais nela....."
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