yesanotherimaneblog · 4 years
Are you gay?
I’m bi! Can I ask why you’re asking?
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yesanotherimaneblog · 4 years
red and blue dont work together fyi it can hurt peoples eyes
Hey anon, thanks for letting me know, it had honestly never occured to me that it can hurt peoples eyes. I’ve changed it now, hopefully it looks better! 
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
Waste Love
Summary: After a semi-public break up with Colson you find yourself back in his bed, with his new album in the works maybe you can contribute to a song
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You woke up slowly, the sound of music waking you up. You took in your surroundings, the familiar room was dark which told you it was still nighttime, and your boyfr- ex boyfriend was sitting at the foot of the bed, his favorite guitar in his hands, a soft melody filling the room. You stayed still for a while, you weren’t drunk anymore and the consequences of your action had began to hit you. You knew you shouldn’t have gone to the after party, but your publicist insisted. You were supposed to go to the awards with Colson, but after your breakup you had hoped you could get away with it but no, it would be a good time to socialize she had said. And that’s how you had found yourself drinking a bit too much and ending up in your ex’s bedroom, naked but the sheet covering you.
You sat up, wrapping the sheet more securely around you and moved so that you were next to him. He only briefly looked up before looking down at the papers around him, scribbling a few more lyrics on them. “Is this a new one?” You asked looking at the papers, and he nodded. “Is it for this album or the next one?” You asked again, this time taking the papers so you could look at the lyrics more closely, your breath caught when you saw the title, ‘Waste love’. “Probably this one,” he answered shortly, not looking at you. “Can you play it for me?” You asked tentatively, looking up to him. He looked at you and your eyes locked for a moment before he looked down again. You thought he was going to refuse but instead he started playing and softly singing…
Woke up and you wasn't next to me this mornin'
Saw a yellow cab drive you down the street on Broadway
Wish I could erase the mistakes that I made, I'm sorry
Wanted me to chase you inside, but the house too haunted
You almost let out a laugh, it was about you, the day you broke up so clearly described in the lyrics. He looked up for a second but the moment he met your eyes he lowered his to the guitar again.
I tried to get away with the worst this time, you caught me
Tried to find a place for the words so I can say sorry
It's so shitty how I waste love, I know it's shitty how I waste love
Come home every night I'm wasted, wasted, wasted, wasted, wasted
You looked down unable to look at him anymore. You scanned through the lyrics and realized he hadn’t finished the song completely, so you grabbed a pencil from where he had left it and started writing.
It's gettin' hard to fake how I feel when your face still taunts me
I know it's hard to fake how you feel, do you not still want me?
How'd you run away from the place you brought me?
I did it to myself, though, go ahead and blame this on me
You could feel his eyes on you but you didn’t look at him, just mentioned for him to keep playing as you started singing.
You tried to get away with the worst this time, I caught you
I tried to make you stay with my words, but this time I lost you
You looked up, finally meeting his gaze.
So shitty how you waste love (it's shitty how I waste love)
It's so shitty how you waste love (I know it's shitty how I waste love)
Get home every night you're wasted, wasted, wasted, wasted, wasted
You pointed at the next line, it was the last thing he had written,
Wait, I thought we were done, how'd you end up in my arms last night?
“Fuck,” he had seen the next line you had written for him. You closed your eyes for a second and began to sing the response
I guess a little bit of pain kinda make it feel good sometimes
Why you try to run when I feel like you the one sometimes?
I guess a little bit of pain kinda make it feel good
A tear rolled down your cheek but you brushed it away and kept singing
You tried to get away with the worst this time, I caught you
(But this time, this time you caught me)
Tried to make you stay with my words, but this time I lost you
(This time, this time I lost you)
So shitty how you waste love (it's shitty how I waste love)
It's so shitty how you waste love (I know it's shitty how I waste love)
Get home every night you're wasted, wasted, wasted, wasted, wasted
I thought we were done, how'd you end up in my arms last night?
I guess a little bit of pain kinda make it feel good sometimes (kinda make it feel good)
Why you tryna run when I feel like you the one sometimes?
I guess a little bit of pain kinda make it feel good
More tears were rolling down your cheeks and you brushed them away clearing your throat a bit as you stood up, gathering your clothes from the floor. Colson threw the guitar on the bed and stood as well, coming next to you. “Y/N-” “I have to go!” You cut him off before he could say anything, once again you couldn’t look at him. You dropped the sheet on the bed and quickly got dressed, almost running out of the door but Colsons voice stopped you, “Y/N come one, let’s talk”. You stopped almost at the bottom of the stairs and took a deep breath. You didn’t look at him when you said, “This time you caught me”. “What?” He sounded confused, you finally turned to look at him again, “In the song, you wrote ‘this time you caught me’ so how many times were there?” He looked down, and you nodded, you were expecting this, it was the reason you broke up with him in the first place. “It really is shitty how you waste love! Goodbye Colson!” You turned around and walked out of the house. He didn’t chase you this time either.
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
Would you do anything with Will Byers?
Sister/sibling stuff for sure, maybe something cute and safe if you want something specific. Nsfw stuff no, unless you give me a faseclaim thats of legal age (and even then I won’t promise much)
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
no tea no shade but it’s funny to me when ppl request nsfw with the younger characters (eg. will) bc they’re just exposing how they’re little 12 year olds asking for smut
Sorry this is super late but for some reason Tumblr didn’t notify me about the asks. Honestly I don’t mind cause I remember being a little 12 year old looking for smut. But yeah I just can’t look at a 14 year old and think ‘I’m gonna sexualize the f*ck out of him’, maybe if the actor was older I could do it but since Noah is also 14 I just can’t
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
One more such victory
Summary: What happens after Tony snaps his fingers
Warning: Character dealing with parent death
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I went on vaycation and then I wasn’t quite sure how to finish this but here it is, hope you like it
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“Dad?!” You whispered, there were tears in your eyes. “Dad! I’m here, I’m okay!”
Pepper was next to you, her hand on top of yours as you clutched your dads’ heart, his hand trying to hold both of yours. “You can rest now.”
Your dad turned to you one last time and you barely saw his lips move as he whispered “I love you” for the last time, the reactor went dark and his hand fell on the ground.
Pepper finally allowed herself to break down and you stood up turning around. You saw everyone starting to kneel and you looked around completely lost, trying to process what had just happened. Uncle Rhodey saw you and moved to hug you but you raised your hands trying to stop him. “No!” you said and stepped back, “NO!” hugging him would only make all of this real, “NO!” hugging him would mean that your dad was actually dead. You continued to sob, he couldn’t be dead, you had won, then why did it not feel like winning? You looked around again, everyone was kneeling but you only looked for one man. Strange was kneeling, looking at the ground but he looked up when you approached him, tears in your eyes. “Bring him back!” You had meant for it to come out as an order but it came more like a child’s request. He looked up to you, confused, “Y/N I-” “We have the time stone!” You pleaded but he shook his head, “It doesn’t work like that. I’m sor-”. You turned around before he could finish his sentence, going to Steve and Thor instead. “We have the stones! You can snap your fingers and bring him back!” They both looked at you and you knew they would refuse before Steve even opened his mouth to speak “Y/N”.
You turned back to your fathers body, the tears kept falling but your mind had gone numb. If they wouldn’t do it, you would, you decided and lunged for the stones. Uncle Rhodey and Peter stopped you but because of your momentum you fell down. They both bend down to help you get up, “What were you thinking Y/N” Rhodey said, taking your hand and pulling you up. “I can’t I- I-”, you fell to your knees again screaming and crying, and both Rhodey and Peter bend down to hug you but you tried freeing yourself from their hold. You didn’t succeed, they were too strong, avoiding your punches as you tried to get away. You couldn’t breathe, your father was dead and you couldn’t breathe. “No! Please! Bring him back!” You looked around at everyone trying to find someone to help but no one moved. “Please, just bring him back! I can’t-“ you turned to Rhodey, trying to tell him that you couldn’t breathe you couldn’t think but all that came out of your mouth was “bring him back!” until everything around you turned black.
You woke up slowly, your mind started working properly before your body and you realized they must have given you a sedative. You could feel someone curled next to you and you guessed it was Morgan, someone was holding your hand, you couldn’t understand who. Voices came from the back of the room, “She should be waking up in any minute,” Bruce, “I gave her some fluids to prevent dehydration, though I don’t think it will matter after she wakes up.” “She scared me!” Pepper, part of you felt ashamed hearing you had made her worry, she had also lost a loved one she needed you to be there for her.
You realized you once again had control over your body and opened your eyes. Morgan was indeed by your side, curled up in a ball, you could tell she had been crying. Peter was, unsurprisingly, the person holding your hand but he had fallen asleep. You looked around and realized you were back in your room. You were about to speak up when Pepper noticed you were awake and rushed to you, “Hey baby, you’re ok, we’ll be ok!” you weren’t sure if she was trying to reassure you or herself but were grateful, nonetheless. “I’m sorry I made you worry!” you said but your voice sounded strange, “I should have been there for you and Morgan, and for Rhodey and Peter.” “It’s fine Y/N, we all process grief differently.” She said, holding your free hand. Bruce coughed a little to remind you of his presence, “I’ll go tell the others you’re awake.”
“Who else is here? Have I been out long?” You asked, once Bruce was out of the room. “Just a few hours,” she reassured you, “May came because Peter refused to leave your side and because her apartment is currently occupied. Happy is here and so are Rhodey and Nebula, the others left about an hour ago.” She paused for a second before continuing, “Harley is coming sometime tomorrow, maybe the day after that we can have a ceremony. Something quiet, just for us.” She suggested and you gulped. Tears began forming in your eyes again and you nodded, “We can use the original arc reactor. You know the one you gave back to him.” She nodded, there were tears in her eyes too and you sat up, careful not to wake Morgan and Peter and hugged her tightly.
You didn’t do a very good job though as both Peter and Morgan began to stir awake. Peter was the first to wake, his eyes were puffy and red, you hugged him tightly and felt him crying. “I’m sorry!” he whispered in your ear. You pulled back so you could look him in the eyes, “It’s not your fault Peter! It’s no one’s fault! He- he chose this, for us! So, we would be safe!”
You quickly wiped away your tears, feeling Morgan sit up next to you before turning to her. You tried putting on a brave face for her but you could tell you weren’t doing a great job. “Hey little one,” you took her hand, “how are you?” She looked at you sadly and hugged you, you could feel her small body shake from the sobs and you started crying again as well, Peter trying and failing to put on a brave face as he started crying again as well.
Time lost meaning after that. Pepper left you with Morgan and Peter so she could prepare for the funeral, you offered to help but she declined. You stayed in bed the rest of the night and the next day, drifting in and out of consciousness, crying when you were awake. You knew you should be out there helping everyone get settled into this new reality and show them that you would help protect them, because you were the Stark in Stark Industries, at least until Morgan was old enough to join you, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t bear the thought of facing a world without your father in it. The thought left you paralyzed. You had lost your protector and your biggest fan, the person who could listen to you go on and on about whatever subject you were interested in that day, whether it was genetics,  philosophy or just a new Netflix show. And that made you numb.
Peter and Morgan stayed by your side the whole time, Nebula joined you sometime during the night but she didn’t speak, only stood at the end of the bed, silently watching over you. You only got out of bed once, scarring everyone as you ran downstairs the second you heard the car engine, to greet Harley at the front door. You crushed into his arms and he hugged you tightly as you began to sob again, you could feel him crying as well. After you had cried your eyes out once again, Harley all but carried you back to your room and with Peters help they convinced you to take a shower. Getting out of the shower you felt slightly better, though you weren’t sure if you were just becoming numb, you found them all in your room with different kinds of snacks on your bed as well as some drinks. You drank a few glasses of water but stayed away from the food until Nebula commanded you to eat. You were about to say you weren’t hungry when you saw Morgan and Peter giving you a pleading look. You sighed and Harley passed you your favorite snack.
You sat in silence until Morgan shyly asked Peter for stories with your dad. She had heard a lot of them but she wanted to hear them again, but in the end she was the one who fell asleep first, curled up between you and Peter as the rest of you continued to swap stories. Sometimes you’d end up laughing and sometimes you ended up crying but some how it felt good talking about him. You fell asleep with Harley behind you, his hand around your waist, reaching over Morgan to hold Peters hand, and Nebula staying watch at the end of the bed.
You woke up suddenly, cold sweat running down your forehead as you looked around. Nebula had moved to the window, looking out, while Peter was still asleep next to you. Harley and Morgan were nowhere to be found. You opened your mouth to speak but Nebula spoke before you could, “Harley took her to her room, he’s downstairs with your mother,” she whispered, careful not to wake Peter, “Go back to sleep, he’ll be back in a minute, and I’m here, I’ll protect you.” She continued and you couldn’t argue with her so you snuggled closer to Peter. Now without Morgan between you you laid down on his chest and closed your eyes. You didn’t fall entirely asleep until you felt the bed dip and a hand wrap around your waist.
You woke up the next day feeling terrible. Dehydration had really started to take its toll on you, with the amount of crying you had done the last 2 days you guest the only reason you were at least halfway ok was because of the fluids Bruce had given you and also all the water Harley and Peter had gotten you to drink. You thought about going to get a glass of water but you realized you couldn’t move. Both boys had their arms tightly wrapped around you and you began to wonder how you had gotten even an ounce of sleep with how uncomfortable it was. You raised your head, looking for Nebula to ask for help but you couldn’t see her anywhere. “Fri?” You whispered and a video feed started playing, showing you footage of the kitchen.
“She’s lucky to have them.” “She is.” Nebula and Pepper were talking, you tried to figure out what they were talking about. “They will make her choose.” It was a statement, but Pepper was quick to disagree. “They might fight each other but they wont make her choose, they love her too much for that.”
The feed was cut by your phone vibrating, and Friday pulling up your messages so you didn’t have to move. It was from Sam “Hey, can you talk?”, a second one came up “It’s about today” .
You sighed, standing up as carefully as you could but with the way your bodies were entangled you couldn’t help but wake the boys. They blinked at you and you gave them a half smile, “I think we should start getting ready.” You said and they nodded, both of them went to stand up, Peter giving your hand a squeeze and Harley kissing your forehead before exiting the room.
You took a deep breath and grabbed your phone, calling Sam. He answered immediately. “Hey, look I’m sorry I didn’t want to disturb you, I would have called Pepper but I feel like this is more your right.” “Sam-” you cut him, your voice startled you for a second, it didn’t sound like you, too tired. Before you could think too much on it, Sam spoke again, “Bucky doesn’t want to come to the funeral. He thinks Tony wouldn’t have wanted him there, because of the whole parents thing.” You shook your head, your free hand coming up to rub your temples, “way to downplay my grandparents murder Bird Boy. Tell Red Dawn he can come, unlike other people we don’t blame guns in this family, only the people pointing them.” You ended the call before he could say anything, your words were a clear attack to Wanda, something you had kept inside for years, if she wanted to cause a scene today it wouldn’t matter, maybe it would be a good thing, you were ready for the anger stage of grief to begin.
You went into your closet, quickly getting dressed in a simple black dress and headed downstairs, people had started to gather. Panic began to settle at the pit of your stomach, the realization of what was happening hitting you once again. You started hyperventilating and searched for the nearest wall to steady yourself, that wall happened to be Rhodey, who caught you and gently guided you to sit, kneeling in front of you. “Come on Y/N deep breaths, take deep breaths,” you closed your eyes trying to focus but he shook your hand gently, “open your eyes baby girl, come on, you know the drill, Y/N tell me 5 things you see. No don’t, she needs space.” The last part wasn’t meant for you, he was talking to someone, you opened your eyes and tried to focus, 5 things what were 5 things you could see. “You, I see you, Uncle Rhodey, and Peter and Harley, I see this chair that I’m sitting on and… and this dress, my dress.” “Good, good! Come on, now 4 things you can touch.” You reached up, “My hair,” you started, you reached to your right, touching a hand and you looked there, it was Peter, his hands on your chair, a worried look on his face, “Peters hand”, you reached to your left, a fabric, “Harleys suit,” you looked back to Rhodey and reached out to touch his face, “Honey bear.” He smiled at that, neither of you moving as your hands remained on his face and he smiled a little. “Guess we don’t have to go over the next 3.” He said and you gave him a week smile. “You think you can come back to the living room?” You looked at him confused for a second but then realized you were in the kitchen, Rhodey guided you here so the others wouldn’t see you. You took a deep breath and nodded, letting the three men gently help and guide you to the living room.
After your fathers message which once more left you in tears, you walked with Pepper down the dock, grabbing Peter and Harley, and later Nebula and positioning them just behind Rhodey and Happy as you said your last goodbye. You knew it would have been how your father would have wanted it, they may not have been biologically related to him, but the three of them were as much Tony Starks children as you and Morgan.
You stood in front of the garage after the ceremony, dreading going in. You heard footsteps behind you and expected to see Harley and Peter but instead it was Pepper who had found you. She stood next to you, looking at the door, “Did you tell them?” You asked finally. She shook her head, “I didn’t know how.” You nodded, “Do you think Friday did?” “I don’t know but even if she did they deserve to hear it from us as well.” Pepper said taking your hand in hers.
“DUM-E is gonna be devastated.”
“They all are, they loved him.”
“He was their father.”
“Come on, let’s go tell them, we’ve waited long enough.”
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
I’m almost finished with a fic about Stark!Kid and the end of Endgame which mainly features Peter and Harley but I need your opinion. I’ve already written the Tony dies scene and it’s pretty sad (if I do say so myself) but I can definitelly make it sadder, so do you guys want me to leave it as is or go full blown sadness
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
my mood rn: missing scott reed
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
Something nsfw with Will Byers?
Hey anon, I’m sorry but I wouldn’t feel comfortable writing something like that as both Will and Noah are 14 and I’m 22
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
Being Dustins sister headcanons: Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Episode 5
You scream as the room goes down
o   Steve holds you close by the waist
o   You try to hold Dustin but he pulls away quickly to try and figure out the different buttons
o   You pull away from Steve and try to help your brother holding Erica steady
o   When the elevator stops you fall back with Erica on your chest so she doesn’t get hurt
“My groin! It fell on my groin”
o   “Dustin, help me save my future kids please.” You try to joke
o   “Ew, Y/N!”
o   “Your little shit head of a brother and his friends are all the kids I need”
o   You frown at that but know he doesn’t mean it
o   He’s so good with them you can just tell he’s going to be an amazing father
“…Your mom isn’t gonna to be able to find us if we’re dead in a Russian elevator!”
o   “Steve!” You say, touching his arm hoping it will relax him a bit
o   “Erica, your mom knows and likes me, I’m sure we’ll figure something out to say.”
You, Steve, and Robin stay up almost all night trying to figure out what to do
o   The only thing you can think of is wait until someone opens the door takes whatever the rest of the boxes contain and sends the elevator back
o   They have to send it back right
o   At some point you fall asleep on Steves’ chest
o   You wake up to your brother shouting, “Code red!”
o   You go to stand up but Robin stops you
o   “Steves’ got it, plus he needs to let out some steam”
o   You nod, knowing she’s right
“Steve, redirect your stream please!” You yell before turning back to Robin and the panel, “So do you think we can somehow hotwire it?”
o   You hear a loud bang behind you and turn to see Erica banging the green liquid
o   You take it away from her
o   “Erica I hate to break it to you but this is not water”
o   “But it’s a liquid”
o   “A lot of things are liquid, including acids that can burn through bones”
o   Robin puts her ear to the door and goes up to tell Steve that you have company
o   You help Erica climb up and then Steve helps you get up as well closing the door moments before the elevator opens
o   You mention to the kids to be quiet
You go under the door and pull Steve quickly before the tube breaks
o   You weren’t really serious when you mentioned acids before
o   Seeing the green liquid eat through the concrete is something else
o   “Come on, we have a lot of walking to do” you say, mentioning to the kids
o   ‘Why me?” Dustin asks and you smile at him softly
o   “He’s just kidding”
“Promethium. Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure, he gave fire to humans, promethium was actually named after him in a way because it symbolized both the brilliance and stupidity of the human mind or something like that.”
o   They all stop and look at you
o   “What I like mythology”
o   Steve smiles at you
o   Erica whispers “Nerd”
o   You start walking again
o   “All I’m saying is, it’s probably being used to make something.” Dustin continues
o   “... I mean Hawkins of all places…’
o   You stop and look at the boys who stay behind with you
o   “Do you think they know?”
o   “About the…”
o   “They could.”
o   “So it’s connected”
o   “Maybe.”
o   “But how?”
o   “I don’t know but it’s”
o   “Possible” the three of you say in one voice
While Steve is leading you to the comms room you stay behind making sure nothing happens to the kids
You step in front of the kids when you see the Russian
o   Robin tries to talk to him but you can see it’s not working
o   Steve attacks and at first you think you’re gonna have to watch him get his ass kicked but then he actually wins
o   You hug him tightly
o   “God I love you!”
o   You whisper and he stills for a second
o   You haven’t said ‘I love you’ yet
o   After Nancy you knew it would take him time
o   You’ve been holding it in for the last couple of weeks
o   And god damn it you don’t want to die without having told him that
o   “Dude!” Dustins’ voice breaks through the silence
o   “You did it! You won a fight!” He says and Steve smiles
While Dustin and Erica argue over the best plan of action you follow Robin up the stairs wanting to get away from Steve for a minute
o   It’s fine that he didn’t say it back
o   It is
You see the gate and immediately get worried about the rest of the kids
o   Especially Will and El
Episode 6
“I don’t understand you’ve seen this before?” Robin asks confused
o   “To be fair we never actually saw it” you say, hurrying Erica downstairs
o   You need to get out of here immediately and warn the others
The alarm starts ringing and you hurry the kids back upstairs
o   There has to be a way out from there
o   You push a few guards and scientists out of the way
o   You help Steve hold the door
o   “Dustin get out of here!”
o   The Russians keep pushing and Robin comes to help you and Steve hold the door
o   “Come on!” Dustin shouts but you know you can’t follow him
o   “Dustin get some help ok! Call Hopper!”
o   “Y/N I-“
o   “Dustin its ok just go”
The Russians break in and throw you to the floor with Steve and Robin
o   You raise your hands hoping they won’t shoot
They separate the three of you and ask questions
o   “Who do you work for?”
o   “No one. Thought to be fair Scoops Ahoy should hire me! I mean I’m there every day and I’m better with costumers than Robin”
o   One of the guards slaps you
o   “Let’s try again shall we, who do you work for?”
o   “Are you guys deaf or something? No one!”
o   “How did you find this place?”
o   “I told you my boyfriends delivery didn’t come, we went to the loading dock to find it but the room started going down”
They handcuff you and throw you in a room at the same time as Robin and Steve
o   Robin seams fine but Steve
o   You move as best you can to check on him
o   “Steve? Steve, wake up! Steve talk to me!”
o   The guy who you think is the general comes in and you stand up
o   “What the hell did you do to him you ass-“
o   You don’t get to finish the sentence as he slaps you so hard you fall back down
o   He says something and the guards pick you up and put you in a chair
o   “Don’t touch me!” You hear Robin say
o   “Steve! Stevie! Steve come on you have to wake up!”
o   You don’t even notice them tying you so concentrated on Steve
o   The general picks Steves head up by the hair and you start boiling with rage
o   “You touch him again and you will regret it!”
o   He ignores you and goes to stand in front of Robin
o   “Your friend needs a doctor. Good thing we have the very best.” He laughs
o   Robin spits on him and you’ve never wanted to hug her more
Robin starts shouting for help at some point and you consider joining in but you know it won’t help
o   Even if someone hears you, they won’t help
o   After a few moments you hear Steves voice
o   “Hey, would you stop yelling?”
o   “Steve, oh my god, are you ok?”
o   “My ears are ringing, and I can’t really breathe, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that, I’m doing pretty good.”
o   Robin lets out a laugh “Well, the good news is they’re calling you a doctor”
o   “Is this his place of work? I love the vibe.” He jokes and you’re about to start crying
You formulate a plan to move together and get the scissors
o   It works and then it doesn’t
o   You fall and you’re on your back looking at the ceiling
o   Robin starts laughing and if you weren’t worried about her mental health before you definitely are now
o   “I’m sorry. It’s just… I can’t believe… I’m gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve “The Hair” Harrington and Y/N “Queen” Henderson.”
o   “We’re not gonna die. We’re gonna get out of here, okay? You just gotta let me think for a second.” Steve says
o   You stay silent for a second
o   “You know, they only started calling me that after Steve and I started dating. Until then I was invisible.”
o   She stops laughing for a second
o   “Do you guys remember Mrs. Clicks sophomore history class?”
o   You say yes, the same moment Steve says what
o   “Mrs. Clickity-Clackity. That’s what us band dweebs called her. It was first period, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Y/N was always the first one there and you were always late. And you always had the same breakfast. Bacon, egg, and cheese on a sesame bagel. I sat behind you and Y/N was on the same line but a row next. Then when you started dating, she took the seat next to you. I sat behind you two days for a year. Mister Funny. Mister Cool. The King of Hawkins high himself. And then his Queen. Do you even remember me from that class?”
o   Steve stays silent and you nod but say nothing, you know she isn’t really talking to you
o   “Of course, you don’t. You were a real asshole, you know that?”
o   “Yeah, I know.”
o   “But it didn’t even matter. It didn’t matter that you were an ass. I was still… obsessed with you.”
o   You suck in a breath suddenly worried again
o   What if what your suspicions were wrong
o   What if she liked Steve all along
o   What if the reason Steve didn’t say ‘I love you’ back was because he was falling for her
o   “Even though all of us losers pretend to be above it all, we still just want to be popular… accepted, normal.”
o   “If it makes you feel any better, having those things isn’t all that great. Seriously. It just baffles me. Everything that people tell you is important, everything that people say you should care about, it’s all just… bullshit. But I guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right? I mean I’m pretty sure that’s how I got Y/N”
o   You smile a little at that
o   “I hope so. I feel like my whole life has been… one big error.”
o   “I feel the same way!” you finally say
o   “At least it can’t get any more messed up than this.”
o   The three of you start laughing
The door opens and the general comes in
o   The guard pick you up
o   The ‘doctor’ comes close to Steve holding a syringe and you start moving and screaming again
o   “Get away from him you asshole!”
o   “Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn as well”
o   After injecting Steve with whatever that blue liquid is you and Robin get a shot and then are left alone in the room
o   You stay silent for a while, wondering what the drug will do to you
o   You haven’t died yet so you count that as a win
o   Its Steve who finally speaks
o   “Honestly I don’t really feel anything. Do you?”
o   “I mean… I feel fine.” Robin says and you nod
o   “I feel normal.”
o   “I kinda feel good.” Steve confesses and the three of you start laughing
o   “They messed up the drug!”
o   “Morons!”
o   “They messed up!”
o   “There is definitely something wrong with us!”
o   “You’ve been working with Steve all summer did you just figure that out?” You ask and they start laughing again
o   The Russians come in again and you’re too busy laughing to really give a shit
o   But then the ‘doctor’ pulls out a big knife and your eyes widen
o   They start asking the same questions and Steve gives them the same answers
o   The doctor goes to pull out Steves nail and you and Robin reveals that you found the code
o   “Uh, well, Dustin knows.”
o   “Steve stop talking!” you warn but he continues
o   “Yeah, Dustin Henderson knows.”
o   “Steve!” Both Robin and you shout
o   “Is this your small, curly haired friend?”
o   “Oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small. Yeah. He’s my girlfriends’ brother. Yeah, he’s Y/Ns brother.”
o   The guards look at you and you shake your head trying to deny it
o   “Where is he?”
o   “He’s long gone, you big asshole. And he’s probably calling Hopper. And Hopper is calling the US cavalry. They’re gonna come in here, commando style, guns a-blazin’, and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You’re gonna be two pieces of toast.”
The sirens start ringing and they leave you with the doctor
o   Moments later your brother runs in and electrocutes him
o   “Dusty! Did you get help?”
o   “No get ready to run!” He says as he frees you
Episode 7
Dustin and Erica hurry you to the cart
o   “Are we going for a ride?” Robin asks
o   You frown, even drugged you know something isn’t right with your baby brother driving
o   “Dusty you don’t have a driver’s license”
o   “Y/N sit down and shut up!” he shouts
o   “Fine, jeez!”
o   He drives like crazy and you think you’re going to be sick
o   You laugh with Steve and Robin but then frown and scoot over closer to Steve
o   The cart comes to a stop and you fall back
o   Dustin pulls you out and you go inside the elevator
o   While it’s going up you sit in the corner frowning
o   You stand up and go to Steve and Robin who are pretending to surf
o   “Steve! Steve!”
o   He doesn’t pay attention to you
o   “Stevie!”
o   Nothing
o   You pull the cart from under him and he falls on some boxes
o   You go sit next to Erica playing with her hair
o   “Can we make a pit stop at the food court?”
o   You finally agree with something he said
o   “YES! Food!”
When you finally reach the top and the elevator doors open you skip outside
o   “Has the air always tasted this good?”
o   Dustin grabs you and Steve and shoves you inside the mall
o   Erica grabs Robin
o   You run thought the corridors until you reach the cinema
o   Steve grabs the popcorn from a trash can and you take it from him
o   He tries to take it back but you slap his hand
o   Dustin makes you sit with Robin and Steve
o   “These seats are too close!” Robin complains
o   “These seats blow.” Steve agrees and it makes you angry
o   “I don’t want to sit with them!”
o   Dustin tells you not to go anywhere and you roll your eyes but sit back
o   “You sound like dad.”
“I need water!”
o   You say and stand up
o   “Me too!” Steve says and starts following you
o   “Yeah, water.” Robin is the last to stand up
o   You drink from the water fountain and then let Steve take his turn
o   You go and sit a few steps ahead
o   “…I’m pretty sure that mom was trying to bang her son.”
o   “Oh yeah, for sure!”
o   “Wait, wait, wait the hot chick was Alex P. Keaton’s mom?”
o   “Yeah Steve you weren’t paying attention”
o   “But they’re the same age.”
o   “No, but he went back in time.”
o   “Then why is it called back to the future?”
o   You turn around to try and explain but the motion makes you dizzy
o   You hear Robin explain and then push Steve so she can drink water as well and you stand up
o   Steve is standing next to you looking up so you look to see what he’s seeing
o   The ceiling is moving and you start moving with it
o   Suddenly the dizziness turns to sickness and you run to the bathroom barely aware that Steve and Robin follow behind
You spend what feels like hours puking
o   It feels like you’ve puked your guts out when you’re finally done
o   You flush the toilet and crawl outside but don’t get too far
o   You were hoping you would be able to stand up and wash your face but you don’t have the energy
o   You lay on the floor looking into Steve’s and Robin’s stall
o   Robin is the one who speaks first
o   “The ceiling stopped spinning for me. Is it still spinning for you?”
o   You see Steve look up
o   “Holy shit. No.”
o   “Nope, but I feel like I should be dead.” You say weekly
o   “You think we puked it all up?” He asks
o   “Maybe.” You and Robin say
o   “Interrogate me.” Robin says in a Russian accent
o   “When was the last time you peed your pants?” Steve asks
o   “LAME!” You say
o   “Today!” Robin says and you look at her in disbelieve
o   “When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw.”
o   The three of you laugh
o   “Ok fair.”
o   “Steve’s turn!” Robin says
o   You act quickly knowing if you don’t ask now that you’re still a little drugged you never will
o   “Are you still in love with Nancy?”
o   “What? No!” He says surprised
o   “Robin then?” You ask
o   “No, Y/N why would you ask that?”
o   “Because I said I love you and you didn’t say it back. And you and Robin have a lot of fun together and you really seem to like her and she said it herself she was obsessed with you and honestly she’s a lot cooler than me so if you wanted to leave me for her I would totally get it!” You say in one breath
o   You can see Robin looking at you and look down
o   Steve slides closer to you and makes you look at him
o   “I love you! I didn’t say it back because you caught me by surprise and honestly it was an emotional moment so I wasn’t sure you meant it.”
o   “I meant it!”
o   “Good, and I mean it too! And Robin is cool and I do like her but only as a friend. No offence,” he says turning to her for a moment “and if we hadn’t just puked our guts out, I would totally kiss you”
o   You smile and hug him
o   A few moments later Robin speaks
o   “Y/N, what I said about Clicks class, about me being jealous and, like, obsessed? It isn’t because I had a crush on him. It’s because… she wouldn’t stop looking at him.”
o   “Mrs. Click?” Steve asks confused but you think you get it now
o   “Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me. But… she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair. Even when you got a girlfriend. And I didn’t understand because you would get bagel crumps all over the floor. And you asked dumb questions. And you were a douchebag. And- And you didn’t even like her and you had a girlfriend and… I would go home and just scream into my pillow.”
o   “But Tammy Thompsons a girl.”
o   You touch his arm lightly and whisper “Steve”
o   “Yeah?”
o   You and Robin both look at him
o   He finally gets it
o   You all stay quite for a while and you can see Robin getting worried
o   “You know, Tammy Thompson is cute and all but… you can do better!” You finally say
o   “No, I can’t”
o   “Come on she’s a total dud” Steve agrees with you
o   “She wants to be a singer! And she wants to move to Nashville of all places.”
o   “She has dreams.” Robin tries to argue
o   “She can’t even hold a tune. She’s practically tone deaf. Have you heard her?”
o   Steve starts singing and you join in
o   Robin tries to stop you
o   “She does not sound like that!”
o   “She sounds exactly like that” Steve says as you keep singing out of tune
o   Finally she joins in and the three of you start laughing
o   Then Dustin bursts through the door with Erica behind him
o   “Okay. What the hell?”
“Uh, Dustin we can’t go home!”
o   “What why not?”
o   “Cause someone,” you look at Steve, “told them your full name.”
o   “What is wrong with you Steve?”
o   “Dude, I was drugged.”
o   They keep arguing until Robin points out the guards
o   You see one of them looking at you and you grab the kids and run
o   You push Erica and Dustin on the ‘slide’ before going down yourself
o   You all hide behind one of the counters
o   You’re next to Erica and you pull her close looking at Steve and Dustin
o   You can tell they found you and you’re silently praying for a miracle
o   When the car starts honking you smile knowing your miracle has arrived
o   You hug all the kids tightly, especially El
o   You silently check up on Will while the others catch up
o   He sees what you’re doing and nods that he’s ok
o   You should have paid more attention to El
o   She falls down and everyone is immediately at her side
o   You check her leg and see something moving
Episode 8
“Jonathan!” You say knowing he’ll understand
o   The two of you have bandaged more wounds than you should have
o   He was always getting in trouble and you wanted to be a doctor
o   “I know, keep her talking, keep her awake!”
o   “Panda express is through there!” You point him to the right direction
o   You point Mike and the boys to position her correctly and hold her down
o   Jonathan comes back and he gives her a spoon to bite
o   You put on a pair of gloves and see him hesitate
o   “Jonathan, if you can’t do it…”
o   “No I got this.” He says and makes the cut
o   He goes to try and pull it out but you stop him
o   “Try squeezing it out a little, I’ll pull it out.”
o   You do just that but whatever is inside her just won’t stop moving so you can’t get a good grip
o   El stops you saying she can do it
o   You pull away taking the gloves off
You help Hopper pick El up and lay her on one of the benches
o   You quickly gather some stuff from Scoops and go back
o   You help clean her face up and bandage her leg as best you can
You go with the rest of the Scoops troop, back to Cerebro
o   You laugh a little at Steves reaction to the car
When you finally reach Cerebro you have nothing to do but wait so you pace back and forth
o   Steve is doing the same
o   “Remember the last time we were pacing back and forth?”
o   “I tried to teach you how to swing the nail bat.”
o   “You know we could have really used them today!”
o   “Yeah, we should carry those more often.”
o   You smile at each other and he pulls you in for a hug
o   He pulls away after a second and you look up at him
o   He’s looking at something in the distance and you look too
o   Something is very wrong at Starcourt
When the others don’t respond Steve starts running
o   You understand what he’s doing and turn to Robin
o   “Go with him! I gotta stay with the kids.”
o   “And Robin,” Dustin shouts, “stay in touch!” He says and throws her a walkie
“Y/N do you know it?”
o   “I only know 6,62, that’s all we use in school.”
o   “Shit!”
o   He starts changing up the stations
o   “Dustin this isn’t the time”
o   “Suzie, do you copy?”
o   You’re about to seriously murder your brother when…
o   “This is Suzie I copy”
o   You’re about to grab the walkie from your brother and give a piece of mind to Suzie but then he starts singing
o   You know no one will let him leave that down
You know the moment everything ends
Steve comes with a helicopter to get you
o   The medics check up on you and give you blankets
o   You ask him what happened in Starcourt and he tells you
o   Immediately you ask to be transported to Starcourt so you can help Max out as much as possible
o   You know everyone else has family there that they need to check up on
o   When you get there Will and Joyce and El and Hopper are hugging
o   Fight me
On Friday when Joyce and Hopper finally go on their date you plan a little something for the rest of the group
o   You know Will and El don’t need babysitting and neither do the rest of the kids so you get permission from your mom and turn the back yard into a movie theatre
o   You invite everyone
o   Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, Robin, Mike, Will, Lucas, Erica, Max and El
o   Steve is in charge of the barbeque
o   It goes surprisingly well
o   At first you thought about separating boys and girls but you know that wouldn’t be fair
o   In the end couples are just forbitten from sitting next to each other
o   Which is fine cause you get to sit with El and Max and they’re the coolest
o   Steve can’t stop smiling at you from where he sits next to Dustin and Robin
o   You know the date went well cause at the end of the night when Joyce and Hopper come pick up their kids they’re smiling like idiots
o   Joyce picks up Jonathan and Will while Hopper picks up El and Max
o   Nancy and Mike take Lucas and Erica with them
o   Steve and Robin are the last to go
o   You were hoping Steve would stay a bit longer but he has to drive Robin home
o   Robin being a good friend talks to Dustin while the two of you say goodnight
o   He promises to stop by the next day so the two of you can work on his resume
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
Being Dustins sister headcanons: Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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You and Steve have been going strong for the whole year
Sadly even with your help he couldn’t get into any college
But you helped him get the job at Scoops
o   You’re there everyday and Steve gives you free ice-cream
o   And spends his lunch break making out with you at the back
 At first you’re worried about Robin
o   Steve seems to like her but you were in Mrs. Click’s class with them and remember Robin looking at him constantly
o   Until one day you start noticing she likes talking to girls more than boys, and you see her checking out a girl one day
o   That’s the end of your concerns
Robin keeps score of how many times Steve messes up because of you (its more than 6)
o   Not that you do anything, Steve just tends to mess up when you smile at him
The kids no longer need babysitting but you see them often enough when they come to Scoops
You see El as well, though Mike is always there so it doesn’t allow you to teach her the things you want
o   Like periods, and boys
You miss your brother too and can’t wait for him to come back
o   He called a few times while he was at camp more often the first week and then less and less as time went on
Episode 1
You’re at Scoops waiting for Steve to finish up when the kids come
o   Your mom decided (with a little persuasion from you) to sleep at the town near Dustins’ camp so they can leave first thing in the morning so you have the house all to yourself
o   When the kids come you get up to greet them as Robin shouts for Steve
o   Will and Max give you proper hugs, unlike Mike and Lucas who are “too old for that”
o   You show them off with Steve, giving him a small kiss once they leave
You don’t give much thought to the power coming down, shaking your head at Steve and Robins exchange
You kick Steve out pretty early so the kids can come in and surprise Dustin, promising that you and Dustin will come see him at Scoops first thing the next day
o   You find their whole idea sweet and help them plan it out
o   Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned
o   You tell Max how to help Lucas and hug your brother
o   He shows you and the rest of the kids all his inventions and you cant help but feel proud
o   When he mentions Suzie and the kid’s eyes go wide you smile
o   Of course you knew about her as Dustin had told you all about her on the phone
You stay behind a little, letting Dustin catch up with his friends
o   You roll your eyes at Mike and El but let them go
o   Your brothers look and comment don’t go unnoticed by you
o   Neither does Wills look so you put an arm around him and keep going
o   He hesitates for a second and you see him reaching up to touch his neck
o   You try to look thinking maybe something bit him but there’s nothing there so you ask if he’s ok
o   He just nods and the two of you try to catch up to the others
o   Neither of you notice the rats
You give Max and extra bottle of water you took just in case after seeing Lucas drink all their water
You help build Cerebro and are excited to talk to your brothers first girlfriend
o   When she doesn’t answer you try to remain positive
o   Maybe she was busy
o   Maybe she wasn’t home
o   Of course she’s real…
You feel even worse when the rest of the kids leave and try to hug your brother but he pushes you away
o   You’re about to try and talk to him when a voice comes through
o   You realize its Russian and exchange a look with Dustin
Episode 2
First thing the next day you drive Dustin to Starcourt and go straight to Scoops
o   “Hey Robin, this is my brother Dusti”
o   As you’re about to ask if Steve is here he comes out the back
o   You step back and laugh as the two most important men in your life greet each other in the dorkiest way
o   You let the two catch up for a while, helping Robin with costumers
o   You’re there almost every day, so you’re like an unofficial employ by now
What you didn’t expect it to hear your brother almost scream about how he intercepted a Russian message
o   You smile at the costumers and go to their table
o   “Maybe we should have left that for when there are not hundreds of people around”
o   They apologies and go hide in the back of the store
 “Steve! Y/N!!”
o   The three of you jump a little when Robin comes in
o   You haven’t made any progress other than Steve recognizing the music in the background so Robins help is welcome to say the least
o   Steve still hesitates but you kiss him and let him know it’s ok
o   “You’re better with costumers anyway!”
o   Robin looks offended at first but then she shrugs agreeing
You go out to tell Steve you translated the first sentence when you see El and Max
o   You’re both happy and confused to see them together
o   Most of all you’re worried about El being here
o   You think about calling Hopper but decide against it, the girl needs to experience new things and hanging out with Max will surely help
o   You hug them and see them off with a “Come find me if you need anything!”
o   “I like the new look by the way!”
Steve takes your hand after locking up and the two of you walk behind Dustin and Robin
o   “Y/N you’re buying into this?”
o   “I mean… if it’s a Russian transmission it would make sense for it to be coded.”
o   Suddenly he pulls you to a toy horse, letting go of your hand to look for quarters
o   At first you don’t understand what he’s doing but then
o   “It’s the same music!”
Steve offers to drive you and Dustin home but you came with your car and your mom will be pissed if you leave it at the mall
o   You shoot Robin a pleading look
o   She rolls her eyes but starts talking to Dustin about the code
o   While they are talking you and Steve have a moment to say goodnight
Episode 3
While Steve and Dustin are off spying on people you once again help Robin at the store
o   You wonder if they can make you an official employ
You hear yelling in the front while looking for some fruit at the back and go check it out
o   Once Erica sees you she starts complaining
o   “Erica, sweety, you can’t just come here every day and eat samples.”
o   She again starts complaining and you try to bargain by offering her and her friends free ice cream if they promise no more samples for a month
o   They refuse and ask for more sample
Later when the store gets a delivery Robin cracks the code and you go with her to the center of the Mall
o   “Imperial Panda, right there!” You point out
o   “Kaufman shoes,” she says and you turn to look at her
o   Both of you turn to the clock in sink
o   “When blue and yellow meet in the west”
The four of you stay behind after the mall closes to see what is going on
o   You try to warn Dustin and Steve not to make noise but he Russians hear the bang
o   You grab Steves’ hand and pull Dustin close to you
o   Luckily they must have thought it was just thunder
Episode 4
You go with Dustin to scout the entrance the Russians are guarding while Steve and Robin open up the shop
o   You try to talk to him about the party but he’s having none of it
o   So you change the subject to Suzie who he happily talks about
“Babe, I’m sorry but have you ever actually won a fight?”
o   “Okay that was one time!” He tries
o   “Twice, Jonathan, year prior,” Dustin says and you nod
o   “Listen, that doesn’t count.”
o   “Why wouldn’t it count, cause it looks like he beat the shit out of you”
o   You smile at that
o   Listen you love Steve but he was an asshole back then
o   And Jonathan is your childhood friend so of course you’re proud of him
Suddenly Robin stands up and goes to leave but you catch up to her
o   “Where are you going?” Steve asks from behind you
o   “To find us a way into that room. A safe way.”
o   “I can drive you!” You offer
o   Before she can turn you down you turn around at the boys
o   “Behave!”
o   You rush to your car and she explains her plan on the way to the county recorder’s office
You’re back in no time and explain to the boys
o   “No collarbones remember?”
o   “Uh, excuse me?”
o   “He has ‘cleidocranial dysplasia’”
o   “Yeah, he’s missing bones and stuff. He can bend like Gumbo”
o   “You mean Gumby.”
o   “I’m pretty sure it’s Gumbo.”
o   Robin turns to you and you shrug whispering, “it’s Gumby”
o   You hear the bell in the front and turn around only to see Erica
o   Robin suddenly smiles and you realize what she’s thinking
o   “Robin, no!”
o   “Yes! Oh Erica, we have a proposition for you…”
You tap your foot the whole time Robin and Erica are talking
o   “You know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me? Child endangerment!”
o   “You’re right! We don’t need you; we don’t need to put her in danger!”
o   “Y/N” Dustin whisper yells
o   “She’s right!”
o   “Go help Steve!”
You pace back and forth while Erica is in the air vents
o   Steve tries to calm you down but you can see he’s just as nervous as you are
o   It isn’t until she’s opened the door that you relax a bit
“Um, maybe you guys should stand back.”
o   You pull Dustin a little but he won’t move
o   “No!”
o   “Dustin, we don’t know what’s in there” you try to reason
o   “No!”
o   “Just step back, okay?” Steve also warns but Dustin still won’t move
o   “No!”
o   “Step back seriously!”
o   “No! If you die, I die.”
o   You gasp
o   “Dustin…”
o   Luckily neither of them dies
o   But the room starts moving
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
So a lot happens to Steve and Dustin this season and the headcanons are geting long so I’m gonna split them up, part 4 will have a few pre- season things and episode 1-4 and part 5 will have the rest of the episodes and some after. Hope that’s ok.
Part 4 will be up in an hour.
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
Do you guys want a “Being Dustins sister headcanons” part 4?
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
I just came home from watching Endgame for the 3rd time and I really feel like writing something with Harley and Stark!kid. Not necessarily romantic but just something with him as an actual part of the family
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yesanotherimaneblog · 5 years
hi everyone!! i know this blog looks kinda ~sus~ bc of the lack of posts but it would mean a ton if you could share this petition i just created to hopefully convince marvel to create a tv show centered on tony and peter’s relationship set between homecoming and infinity war! the more people that share it, the better!! thanks so much in advance, i and so many others love these characters 3000!!!
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yesanotherimaneblog · 6 years
I don’t know who you been, fucking with lately All I know is your friends, say that it ain’t me All know is you keep, calling me baby All I know is I been driving you crazy
Anth & Conor Maynard - Taki Taki (cover)
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yesanotherimaneblog · 6 years
IKEA troubles
Pairings: Dad!Tony x Reader, uncle!Rhodey x Reader
Summary: You want an IKEA wardrobe, but assembling it seems more difficult that assembling the Avengers (insp.)
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Being the Stark heiress came with a lot of privileges, like living in the Avengers facility, having your very own iron maiden suit, and having enough money to buy anything you wanted (within reason of course). So, when you decided to redecorate your room your father brought the best carpenters money could buy. But after spending a little too much time online looking at inspiration boards you had fallen absolutely in love with a wardrobe from IKEA that you wanted to store your favorite clothes unlike the walk-in closet that stored everything from flight suits to ballgowns. And since you had inherited what your uncle Rhodey liked to call Stark stubbornness (or SS for short) you refused to accept anything else the carpenters offered and got the IKEA one instead.
That was the reason you were now siting on your new bed with Peter next to you, trying to figure out what exactly the next step was while your dad, uncle and Vision were arguing about whether or not the bolts were secure enough. “Rhodey I’m telling you they’re too loose. You need to tighten them.” Your dad said as he went to grab the screwdriver from uncle Rhodeys hand. “Tones I got this if I tighten them any more the wood might break.” Your uncle said, moving the screwdriver away. “I’m afraid you are both correct.” Vision spoke. “If we do not tighten the bolts the wardrobe will not be steady but if we do we might break the wood.” He explained. You looked up from the instructions with a stern look to warn the three men, “if there’s a scratch on that thing I-“ “I got it!” Peters’ exclaim cut you off, “we have to turn it around, so we can put the handles on the doors.”
A few minutes later your new wardrobe was up and in its place. Your dad stood next to it giving it a little push and the wardrobe moved, “God!” He almost laughed, “who would have thought that the first unstable thing I’d create would be a wardrobe!” He shook his head. “No!” You exclaimed. The four men turned to you with confusion in their eyes. “No, no,” you insisted, “I am the first unstable thing you’ve ever created, that wardrobe takes second place.” You stated. Peter started laughing, uncle Rhodey and Vision both tried and failed to cover up their own laughs, while your dad rolled his eyes, shook his head a little but smiled non the less.
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