#men are stupid
redditreceipts · 1 year
"we like young women because biologically, that means they're fertile"
then why do you find periods disgusting? those are the single most indicative sign of fertility. by that logic, you must be incredibly attracted to a women who speaks openly about her period, right?
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starkwlkr · 6 months
god forbid a woman talks with an accent
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tragicotps · 6 months
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Random gifs of Marisa Coulter smiling [8/∞]
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Male egos are so easy to break; do I ever doubt your masculinity? Do you become aggressive?
Awww, and you really think I could take you seriously, hmm😘
... ? Oh, you're so naive, little loser... You lose control so quickly when it comes to seeing a woman's body, being used by it, and especially being under it... 💓
so why exactly should you be above me again, you victim?Ohhh shhhh, your drooling unfortunately gives you away. So shut your stupid boy mouth💕and let me sit on your face.🥰
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starryzzz · 10 months
i just did my sociology presentation over gender which involved feminism and toxic masculinity and i am so upset with the way my class reacted 😟😟...... let's just say i officially hate all the men in my class and they are probably some of the most ignorant group of people i have encountered in a school setting 😊😊. but seriously omg i don't think they could have been more sexist and misogynistic... it was so gross to listen to :(
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hsincerely · 4 months
ty wondering if zane merely tolerates him, meanwhile zane is already head over ass in love
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chrissy-kaos · 8 months
You wanna know my favorite thing about being on tumblr is. Watching grown ass men in my dms act like children. Messaging me over and over being rude and demanding. Sending me derogatory words and remarks. Like I owe them a response or they own my time. It’s fucking hilarious watching them get frustrated because I won’t reply.. maybe if you had some respect I would asshole. Nobody wants you in their dms so just keep it moving.
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slaymiedrysdale · 9 months
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I hope they loose tonight because of this.
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icy-sapphic · 1 year
The amount of misogynistic shit i have to go through in Law School is absurd.
Just on my first semester there, I had to witness 3 men "debating" about how femicide should not be considered a different crime and should be only "homicide."
I was able to participate and go against them and thank god the teacher, who was a woman, and another girl stood up against them with me. But the audacity they had to even come up with a "debate" like this was insane to me.
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peach-and-bugs · 7 months
It’s been a second, but I wanted to talk (mild vent up ahead)
How do other lesbians handle receiving male attention? Because I can only respond with fear and it makes me sick. The only people who have ever expressed attraction to me are men, or women who have just objectified and sexualized me even more, and it makes me feel disgusted with myself.
Just today a man I’d never met before stopped me while I was just trying to get to class and asked me for my number and I’ve felt horrible all day, because if it was a woman I’d find it charming. But because it’s a man I can’t help being afraid and feeling so small and worried about how long I had his attention for. Had he been watching me? Has he seen me before? And why does it feel like my fault.
I just won’t a woman to like me for me
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rayehehe · 7 months
Guess what omg he cheated on me…AGAIN!!
Im fine tho so Issokay 😔ྀིྀི(i wanna kms)
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darkfantasyprincess23 · 18 hours
Little subbyboys who think they have a choice to decide who they are and desperately try to fight the urge to beg to worship female bodies💕
by hiding behind their'masculinity'. They're so cute when you've triggered their inferiority and they start licking up the dirt from my boots. So pathetic but really cute, baby boy.
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makethemmilky · 4 months
You’re so sexy!! Do you like to share vids?
I'm so flattered that you think I'm sexy! Especially since A). I'm a guy, B). I've never posted a picture of myself, and C). literally every post I do make is of different women each time. But, judging by your profile picture of a random penis, you are clearly a man of great wisdom and experience with sexy women. So, only because you asked, here I am in all my smokeshow glory:
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hole34 · 3 months
“tampons are sexual pleasure for females, young girls shouldn’t be allowed them” ok so would you like it if i shoved sandpaper up your ass no lube and didn’t let you wear bandages for any severe bleeding injury until you’re 21
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morguegirlxxx · 1 year
Why can’t most men just be normal like stop being a fucking pig towards woman, stop touching them without their consent, stop violating us and making us feel uncomfortable. I hate that I feel like I’m a target cuz I’m shy and anxiety reddened, why should I feel fucking guilty and depressed and annoyed and frustrated for what you did? I swatted your hand away because you made me feel fucking uncomfortable, don’t fucking touch me weirdo, everything was going fine until you had to fucking do that, then I justified it and shooed it away like it was nothing but I couldn’t get it out of my head, so I talked to my close family about it and they said it was fucking weird.
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spidergrotto · 9 months
people are so quick to discredit and denounce a piece of media the second a female audience reaches it or shows a huge interest in it and it isn’t spoken about enough, especially since we’re in an age where media is so accessible.
this weird little shtick isn’t limited to just a female audience either, once something becomes “mainstream” or well known any knowledge or value it has is thrown out of the window.
why is it that when kafka reached a wider audience and caught the attention and interest of a largely female group did he suddenly become cringe and boring, i cannooot see the logic!!
consuming media that makes us THINK on a larger scale is AWESOME considering how much of what we consume now is mind numbing distractions, it should be a good thing that these sorts of stuff is being seen and interpreted by a wider audience.
and even if the media in question is meant to be consumed just for fun, let people enjoy it!! why do people grow such a strong distaste for something they used to enjoy just because more people are starting to like it? 🫤
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