redditreceipts · 1 year
"we like young women because biologically, that means they're fertile"
then why do you find periods disgusting? those are the single most indicative sign of fertility. by that logic, you must be incredibly attracted to a women who speaks openly about her period, right?
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cl0wnc0ll3ge · 5 months
trannies gross me tf out
puke then pukeboy
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turgidscum · 20 days
yeesh imagine still being a transmed in your twenties. get off the internet for a while and I suggest going to queer groups irl without trying to think of your ideology first and foremost to see who is or isn't ""valid"". i'm saying this as former transmed. it is never that serious.
i go to a trans support group every two weeks and actively engage in hrc fundraising on a regular basis. i find it funny everyone assumes i'm an internet shut-in when i actually do more for the trans community than most you tumblrinas do.
it is serious to discern those who do and do not have dysphoria as a cause for transitioning. those who have dysphoria are trans and require medical funding and support so they don't, i dunno, kill themselves. it's often forgotten these days how high the suicide rate for trans people used to be.
those who are not transitioning because of dysphoria are doing it as a body mod and don't require the funding and support that dysphoric transsexual people have.
who cares if someone gets every surgery or uses their natal genitals for sex. dysphoria is all i care about, and if someone has dysphoria, i will fight for and defend their right to recieve medical care for this medically recognized condition.
and, seeing as i transmen as men and transwomen as women, they cannot be lesbians or femboys/twinks, respectively. to see a transman as a lesbian erases his male identity and to see a transwoman as a femboy/twink erases their female identity. i don't fuck with that terf shit.
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myragewillendworlds · 11 months
The "gender identity" language really was the wrong approach for explaining transsexualism and gender dysphoria. While it seemed like a sensible and simple way to try to explain things, using "I was born as X, but I identify as Y" is what opened up the gates to all the transphobic and non-sensical "non-binary" language we see today. Saying "I identify as X" relies on people's tolerance, not on logic, and it doesn't distance itself from such things as "Well I identify as a goat" and "Oh, so I can just choose to identify as a gender, then?"
The approach should be a medical one; scientific, rational, neutral. Transsexualism is neurological, something a person is simply born with. The simplified version would be that everyone's brain naturally has a gender, that which makes you feel like a man or a woman, and in transgender people, that gender developed in the opposite direction of the body's physical sex. That's the story that makes people go "Oh, that makes sense, then" and helps them understand why transgender people feel the way they do, that they're born that way and aren't mentally ill, and that they neurologically really are the gender they say they are. It garners both understanding and respect, when it's about acknowledging something real, and not just a request to "be nice".
It's too late to turn back the clock now, but I do believe it'll still be helpful moving forward to explain transsexualism with simplified versions of the science behind it, like this. Every single person I have given this explanation to (in real life, to people who aren't terminally online) has responded with some version of "Oh, I didn't know that, now it makes sense." Not only does it help them understand transgender people better instantly, they immediately draw the conclusion themselves, without me even needing to explain it, that this is distinct from the "non-binary" trend. The latter in particular is also very important; it helps redirect misplaced frustration with identity politics away from regular transgender people and back onto the ideology that is responsible for it.
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d-parade · 1 year
“urrr but medical organisation so and so akshually sayz that trans people without dysphoria exists so you’re wrong!!!”
because medical organisation so and so has redefined the meaning of “trans” to mean: “anyone who has the desire to switch to a gender identity different from their birth sex” because they want to pander to the profitable trans movement. which is different from what i define as transsex.
so no fucking shit they’ll think non dysphoric people exist.
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afiananvandot · 1 year
i’m calling it, if we don’t start being clear that you need a diagnosis to, well… be diagnosed with DID, in a few years i fear it’s going to be like tucutes, with people going on about how it’s not a medical issue, and how everyone can be multiple if they want and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
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smuttyaesthetics · 2 years
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Because GNC people have always been around. This is from 1845 in a medical book. I read these with a sad heart for the people who got studied and analyzed by these doctors.
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what happened
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tinylambnursery · 4 months
until i see more love for trans men who don’t bind i’m not going to shut the fuck up about it
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taliabhattwrites · 1 month
This is the fourth time I've seen someone say that not having to lie to your doctor about your gender to get HRT is a privilege
Leaving the inadequacy of the 'privilege' framework aside
We're all lying to our doctors
The foundational work of transfeminism, Sandy Stone's Empire Strikes Back, talks extensively about the proud history of trans women swapping answer sheets and tips from the Harry Benjamin guidelines
Folx doctors hate us and don't want us to have care and trying to extract anything more than The Turing Treatment from them is like pulling teeth
Folx a lot of us aren't getting our HRT from doctors because they wouldn't give it to us
Folks stop having the most naive view of transition possible and engage with reality folx I AM BEGGING
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ftmtftm · 1 year
Thinking a lot about how exclusionary/reactionary ideology is so incredibly easy to fall into and act upon because it preys on and weaponizes people's existing insecurities. It gets people saying things like:
"I'm deeply dysphoric can't even access HRT yet because of transphobic policy so why should someone without dysphoria have access to resources before me?"
"I'm targeted by transmisogyny regularly. It is the biggest issue in my life. Therefore other trans people's issues are secondary and are either less important than or just side effects of transmisogyny, so why should I ally with them?"
"Ace people don't have laws attacking the ways they have sex like other queers because they don't have sex, why should I have community with them at all?"
"All men benefit from systemic privilege, even marginalized men. Men have everything handed to them by the patriarchy so why should I care about finding common ground with them when they are the ones oppressing me?"
"The word queer is a slur and it makes me uncomfortable so no one should use it for themself."
All of those lines of thinking follow the same pattern: "I am hurting, I am oppressed, I am beaten down, so why should I care about other people that either make me uncomfortable or I deem as having more privileges than myself"
And it is okay to hurt. It is also, genuinely, okay to only really feel passionate about issues that impact yourself. Compassion fatigue is real. It's very easy to get so swept into caring for others you forget to care for yourself.
But you can't let your pain harden you so much you stop viewing others as complex human beings trying to live their lives and start seeing them all as adversaries to your existence by virtue of existing themselves. That's no way to live.
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redditreceipts · 1 year
did you see the /actuallesbians drama with /justunsubbed? this lesbian was like "trans women are valid uwu but like it's weird to post about loving penises in a lesbian subreddit" and people in the comments lost it.
yeah, I was there live :)
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well maybe I wasnt live there, but when it happened and it honestly made my day
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love her analysis
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(for everyone who doesn't know, the "lesbians" subreddit is a porn subreddit, so the lesbians made a second subreddit called "actuallesbians" to discuss issues that actually concern same-sex attracted women, and it was taken over by men (again))
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cl0wnc0ll3ge · 7 months
i just revived this account can anyone hear me
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turgidscum · 1 year
Girl don't claim to be trans when you have heterosexual sex with your boyfriend. You're the type of people who make transsexuals look bad. It's especially stupid to call yourself a truscum since that implies you're a true transsexual, and anyone who is comfortable enough to use her vagina for sex would never be considered one back when those categories were a thing. Your boyfriend isn't comfortable with anal sex because he's straight, and you'll never be a man due to your mentality. lol the truscum and transmed movement is a fucking joke and full of larpers
couple things here.
1. i am a man legally and mentally. i am working on becoming a true male with surgery, but since i don't have the current financial ability to do so, i work with what i have. i just spent $500 on a new prosthetic actually and have horrendous bottom dysphoria i'm working to alleviate until i have the time, money, and support to have phallo.
2. you do not know why my fiance does the things he does. you do not know him. i'm not going to reveal his personal history and information, but getting him to do anything sexual in general has been a struggle. we are working together as a couple who love and respect each other to get to a place where we both enjoy having sex.
3. i don't enjoy having sex with my natal genetalia when it involves penetration. for this reason, we do it this way no more than like... ten times a year. it involves major dissociation on my part, and while i enjoy the sensation initially, it quickly becomes uncomfortable, overwhelming, and unenjoyable. this is why we are working towards anal on my end, as it is what will have to be done when i bottom in a couple of years anyways.
besides, it's much more enjoyable to me. the pleasure i get is 1000x greater than using my natal genitals for penetration.
4. you're calling me a larper even though i am actively pursing to fully transition and find a way to better enjoy sex outside of using my natal genitalia. if you're saying i'm a trender because i'm not celibate and still want to, i dunno, make love with the man i'm going to be marrying in a way that you specifically don't approve of, i'm going to kindly tell you to pull your head out of your ass for a minute and look at what you're getting mad about.
i am a transsexual man pursuing full transition and looking to have anal sex with my fiance when we do have penetrative sex where i bottom.
on another note, that's not the end-all-be-all of sex you know. jerking off together is much more enjoyable and relaxing.
so while i explained this to you, i want you to understand that i don't owe you or anyone else i don't know any justification about my sex life. you would never see me in person and say i'm "larping" as a man, as i am a very stealth, very passing man in my daily life.
the fact that you think my fiance is straight just has me laughing. if he thinks i look like a woman, then damn, i want whatever he's on. you too apparently lmao
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textk4kira · 8 months
I've noticed a trend behind the use of the label "transsexual" vs. "transgender".
Oftentimes transmedicalists use transsexual to differentiate themselves from the rest of the trans community.
It's disheartening and quick frankly, appaling.
You will not achieve acceptance in a cisheteronormative society by distancing yourselves from the "bad" or "confusing" trans folks.
Transsexual is a wonderful label, and we cannot allow transmedicalists to take ownership of it.
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cripple-punk-dad · 2 years
I hate you "TME" I hate you "TMA" I hate you "AFAB" I hate you "AGAB" I hate you "AMAB" I hate you limiting trans labels to further separate us I hate you "TIM" I hate you "TIF" I hate you forcing a separation between unifying experiences I hate you gatekeepers I hate you transmedicalism I hate you infighting I hate you exclusionists
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