#menstrual cycle
classycookiexo · 8 months
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incognitopolls · 7 months
Anon feels like getting their first period was almost traumatic because of how deeply ashamed they felt about it, even though everything about it was normal and they knew it would happen.
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redditreceipts · 1 year
"we like young women because biologically, that means they're fertile"
then why do you find periods disgusting? those are the single most indicative sign of fertility. by that logic, you must be incredibly attracted to a women who speaks openly about her period, right?
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jellyfishfem · 6 months
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this might be an interesting read
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the-final-sif · 1 month
Random but you know that trope in omegaverse fanfiction where omegas have to undergo a heat every so often if they're taking suppressants or it's bad for them? Generally every three months or so?
I'm 99% sure that concept largely comes from the fact 3 month birth control pills will have 7 placebo pills at the end, and when you take them you get your period.
People often assume that there's some health reason that you have to take the 7 pills and have a period. Like you have to reset your cycle or something.
But like.
You don't.
You can just skip the 7 placebo pills and start on the next pack. Most that's likely to happen is light spotting when you start out. There's no reason your body needs to go through a menstrual cycle unless you're planning on getting pregnant.
The whole reason we still have those sugar pills in there is largely sexism from the 60s. Most birth control packs still have them primarily as a holdover from the time period, despite the fact medical science considers it largely unnecessary (although in the US you have at least one company that's finally ditched them, thank god).
So my new headcanon whenever I see that trope is just going to be that it's actually bullshit and omegas can just suspend heats for as long as they want, but society as a whole has tried to convince them otherwise with those dumb placebo pills.
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raybug-theradfem · 10 months
I’ll never understand why periods are so hush hush but men can say “I failed NNN”
Like I didn’t consent to that info and yet it’s fine for you to say but when I mention something I have actually no control over and just happens with my body, I’m gross? Period blood is literally the only blood that didn’t come from harm or violence and that’s gross to you??? Because of where it comes out of???? Didn’t you just use your left hand pretending it was one???? It’s embarrassing for me to leak in my pants and warrants bullying but you can openly talk about watching porn and that’s not embarrassing? You can admit to not washing your ass cuz it makes you gay but I’m gross for having a functioning reproductive system? I can’t say that “sorry I’m on my period that’s why I wasn’t at school” cuz that makes it awkward but it’s okay for boys to yell in the back of the class talking about how they went raw in their gf and by the sound of it probably hurt her? I will never understand why periods of all things are what’s gross to people.
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tortiefrancis · 1 year
important reminder for people who menstruate:
if your cramps are so painful you can't do daily tasks, take care of yourself or get out of bed. if you pass out or vomit from cramps. if you can't walk or stand up properly from cramps. if you need to take pain medicine when you get cramps or else you will get sick, pass out, whatever.
seek medical help. people talk about how painful cramps are, and it's true, but there's a level of pain that simply isn't normal, and you need to get it checked
signed: someone who was recently diagnosed with endometriosis
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My period is on and I've always wanted to write a story about that, but Winx Club wasn't something that felt the best for this outlet. Batfamily does work though because they're humans lol.
We go through out periods in different ways. The are the batgirls and batwoman are expys of that and this is how the male members of their family handle it. This is for all my girlie pops that have to deal with this curse. Let's dive in!
Dick Grayson: Hey Barb, you sent me this weird irate text, did I do something wrong?
Barbara Gordon, angry: Yes, remember that triple chocolate cake I had leftover? You better buy me a new one!
Barbara rolls over the man’s foot on purpose.
Dick: Ow, you said I could have it.
Barbara: Lies! Get me a new one or I’m ignoring you for the rest of the day and that’s including comms tonight!
Dick: Okay, I’ll do that after icing my foot. Freaking jerk.
Barbara rolls away grumbling under her breath.
Tim Drake, having silently watched the arguing: Have the girls been acting… on edge lately?
Dick: I haven’t noticed until my foot was ran over? What have you seen?
Tim: Stephanie has been eerily quiet and distant today. Which is not like her. Bruce asked her if she wanted to patrol a different part of Gotham and she just growled at him.
Dick: Hm... that is odd.
Stephanie Brown enters the kitchen, wearing an oversized shirt and jogger pants. She grunts a greeting to the two men. She takes a bag of carrots and a bar of chocolate out of the fridge.
Stephanie: I’m watching cat videos, don’t bother me. Oh, by the by, tell Bruce I will do the other part of town today.
Tim: Got it, bestie.
Stephanie grunts and leaves.
Tim: She hasn’t snapped at me too much.
Dick: Hm… wait… hold on… this isn’t the time is it?
Tim: Time for what?
Dick: We may be in the clear if Cass doesn’t have it.
Tim: Have what?
Dick: You poor summer child.
Meanwhile Jason hears a knock at his door. He answers and sees Cassandra Cain standing there, frazzled.
Cass Cain: Hi Jason.
Jason Todd: Hey Cass, everything okay, you look stressed?
Cass, bashfully: Do I? Yeah, um, my… Aunt Flo is visiting and I… I need to go to the store to buy supplies, I do not want to go in alone and you’re the only one I trust.
Jason: You don’t have an Aunt Flo and why would you need supplies to meet her?
Cass: Oh… oh dear, you don't get it. Um… my crimson tide… has arrived?
Jason: Crimson what?
Cass, pissed off: My period is on! It’s my time of the month! I need to buy tampons or pads before I bleed any-
Jason, covers her mouth: All right, got it... the message is in my head. Okay sure, I’ll get my keys.
Cass: Wait, you’re not… this isn’t strange to you?
Jason: I’m friends with Artemis. I’m so used to this. Let’s get some supplies.
Cass claps eagerly.
Dick calling Bruce: Bruce are the girls on their periods?
Tim: Oh that's what it is!
Dick: Jesus Christ, Tim.
Bruce: Hm... that’s why Stephanie snapped at me and that’s why Barbara cussed me out… I’m a little too used that. Then yes they are. Cass probably is too. Women can sync up sometimes.
Tim: How does he… Bruce how do you know this?
Bruce: Selina is very informative… and Harley is as well. So you learn a thing or two. Go easy on them and they won’t bite your head off. You didn’t do anything to piss them off have you?
Dick, ice pack on his foot: Nope.
Tim: I have not so I’m doing good.
Bruce: Okay, well like I said don’t do anything else stupid, Dick. Dick: I will try not to.
With that Bruce ends the call. He sighs and looks at his cousin Kate aka Batwoman. Bruce: And then there's you.
Kate: Yeah, you’re just going to ignore me? No mention of the four way sync up?
Bruce: I’m ignoring a lot currently. I am a master at many things, women syncing menstrual cycles is not one of them.
Kate, agreeing: Trust me, women don’t get it either.
Bruce: Let’s get you your period stuff at least.
Kate: Could you not call it that?
Bruce: Could you actually be prepared next time?
Kate: Ooh, catty? Maybe you’re on your month as well.
Bruce, chuckles: You’re so funny let me tell ya.
Kate: I cope with humor. Get out the car, Cuzzo. Oh you’re also buying me food today.
Bruce: Of course, I am.
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"Spain’s Catalonia region rolled out a pioneering women’s health initiative [at the beginning of March, 2024] that offers reusable menstruation products for free.
About 2.5 million women, girls, transgender and nonbinary people who menstruate can receive one menstrual cup, one pair of underwear for periods and two packages of cloth pads at local pharmacies in northeast Spain free of charge.
The Catalan government said that the initiative, which is called “My period, my rules,” was meant to “guarantee the right to menstrual equity.” The regional government cited statistics that said 23% of women polled by Catalonia’s public opinion office said they had reused hygiene products designed for a single use for economic reasons.
Tània Verge, Catalonia’s regional minister for equality and feminism, called the program a “global first.”
Scotland’s government passed a law in 2020 to ensure period products are available for free to anyone who needs them. But in comparison with the Catalan program, in Scotland the products are for single use and are distributed through schools, colleges and universities, not pharmacies.
“We are fighting menstrual poverty, which affects one in four women in Catalonia, but is also about gender justice. We are fighting the stereotypes and taboos about menstruation,” Verge told The Associated Press. “And (...) it is about climate justice. We need to reduce the tons of waste generated by single-use menstrual products.”
The distribution of reusable products is also aimed at reducing waste. The regional government said that Catalonia produces about 9,000 tons of waste from single-use menstrual hygiene products.
The reusable products are acquired by the public health care system, which covers the entire population, and distributed by Catalonia’s 3,000-plus private pharmacies. The program cost the regional government 8.5 million euros ($9.2 million).
“I am completely in favor of this initiative,” 29-year-old graphic designer Laura Vilarasa said. “It will give women a product that is absolutely necessary to have for zero cost.”
Spain’s national government passed a law last year granting women with debilitating menstrual pain the right to paid medical leave."
-via AP News, March 5, 2024
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Weighing up the pros and cons of different sanitary products requires sound knowledge of what risks and benefits each poses. For the first time, researchers have measured concentrations of various metals in tampons, finding worrying levels of several toxic types, including lead, for which there is no safe level of exposure. The walls of the human vagina are lined with a highly absorptive tissue that has the potential to soak up stray pollutants – like metals – that would circulate in the bloodstream without being filtered by the liver first.
Continue Reading.
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classycookiexo · 3 months
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Best feeling ever
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aunt-kats-chats · 3 months
Something I think about a lot is how women, myself included, have been afraid of being pregnant even when we haven't had any sexual contact with a man. To me that says something but I'm not entirely sure what
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incognitopolls · 30 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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prettieinpink · 1 year
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based on a health link article
Cycle syncing is when we match our menstrual cycle to our health lifestyle, such as nutrition and exercise. By using your menstrual cycle as a guide of your health throughout, you become in tune of your hormonal needs
Our menstrual cycle has 3 distinct phases excluding your period, which occur over a month.
Follicular(menstruation happens in this phase). Lasts for 6-14 days. Estrogen and progesterone are increasing.
Ovulatory. Lasts for 15-17 days. Estrogen is at its peak, testosterone and progesterone are increasing.
Luteal. Lasts for 18-28 days. Estrogen and progesterone are high, but if the egg stays unfertilised, the hormones decrease and the cycle repeats.
Your hormones are at its lowest, so light exercise and cardio is better suited for your stamina here. Yoga, walking, stretching, jogging
Hormones are increasing, so high intensity exercises are suited for this phase as your energy is higher. gym, cycling, skip rope, running, HIIT
As your body prepares itself for another cycle, energy may be low, so light or moderate exercise is best. Pilates, ab exercises, any strength training
Your Estrogen will begin to increase in this stage. Drink warm beverages to help with cramps. Despite your cravings, limit fatty/oily foods, caffeine and watch your sodium intake. Eat foods that help with metabolising your estrogen.
broccoli, sauerkraut, cabbage, high quality meats, cauliflower, spinach, sesame seeds, flaxseeds
Your estrogen is the highest so opt for foods that support your liver, protect you from environmental toxins(as they can impact your hormones) and are anti-inflammatory.
Leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, legumes, high quality meat & fish, garlic, almonds, whole fruits
Estrogen and progesterone are high, but will begin to decrease. Magnesium rich foods to help fight fatigue, and foods that help with serotonin are best.
Leafy greens, quinoa, buckwheat, dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, beans, avocado
This is the phase when your cycle is beginning to repeat, so you want to ensure that your diet is optimal. Avoid caffeinated drinks, sugar, deep fried foods and high amounts of dairy.
To start implementing these changes to your lifestyle, track your cycle and begin to identify how long each phase lasts for. Pay attention to how your body responds to each phase.
with that, I wish you luck 💖🎀 i hope we all stay healthy and happy together 👏
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sweetchildcloud · 8 months
How Alastor would be as a boyfriend/lover pt.2
Pairing: Alastor x A!Reader
Tags:fluff,cute,maybe OOC?[out of character again :/],Alastor being jelaous,period(mestr*ation),supportive Alastor during tough times with d*pression
P.S: this is shorter than the first part so i'm sorry if you didn't enjoy this as much :/ also if you're wondering why i putted the period part even tough the reader is anon is because i want to reach people who transgender [god i wrote it so bad but i hope you understand what i meant]
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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It is true that Alastor can be a bit jealous when you are talking with other people, especially strangers. He is very possessive of you and does not like to share you, and will often find excuses to join your conversations or get you away from the other person. He can sometimes be passive aggressive or sulk if you continue to engage with the stranger despite his efforts at cutting off the conversation.
However, Alastor will never become violent or aggressive towards you for engaging with strangers. He respects your right to interact with others, but he also would rather you spend your time with him instead. He just really likes being around you and is somewhat possessive of you. He will often shower you with affection and compliments to let you know how important you are to him in an effort to ensure that you choose to spend your time with him rather than strangers. [and if he succed he will wrap an arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk away from the guy you've been talking to, as he looked behind him and staring at the stranger smiling wikedly "she's mine pal" you:"mhm? what did you said Al?" "oh nothing dear,let's just go"]
But if you continue to ignore him and keep talking to strangers, he will start to become frustrated and may express a subtle jealousy or resentment. However, he will never force you to leave or yell at you for continuing your conversations. He may sulk or give you the silent treatment for a bit, but he will never become violent or verbally abusive towards you. Instead, he will just quietly let his feelings of jealousy and possessiveness boil under the surface.
If you confront him about his jealousy, he will deny it at first but will eventually admit to being jealous and possessive. He will explain that he just really likes being around you and doesn't want to share you with other people. He will admit that it is not fair to be jealous and that he wants to work on it, but he just can't help how he feels when you talk with other people. He is willing to try working on his jealousy but he asks that you be patient and understanding with him.
He may also admit that he feels a bit insecure or not good enough when you talk to others, and that he is worried he is not good enough to keep your attention and affection. He will ask that you assure him that he is enough for you and that you are not thinking about other people. He is willing to work on his jealous and possessive tendencies and is willing to communicate about his feelings more openly with you in an effort to improve.
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Alastor is mature and understanding about this issue. Whenever you have your period, he will be understanding and supportive and will not make a big deal out of it. He will not react in any sort of negative way or shame you for it, and will instead simply try to take care of you and make you feel comfortable. He might even bring you a hot water bottle to help alleviate your cramps, or make you a cup of tea to help relax you.
In addition to caring for you during your period, he also wants to make sure you have the right necessities on hand to get through it smoothly. He will often bring you tampons or pads, painkillers and other essentials to help with your period. He may also bring you chocolate or comfort foods to cheer you up and help distract you from the uncomfortable symptoms.
Even if you accidentally bleed on the bed and taint it, Alastor will not shame you or get angry. He will be understanding and compassionate about the situation, and will not react in any negative way. He will simply help you to clean the sheets, and then comfort you afterwards. He understands that accidents can happen, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
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If you're depressed and feel overwhelmed, Alastor will be as kind and thoughtful as ever. He will be attentive and comforting, and will offer you a shoulder to cry on or even just listen to you and let you vent to him. He will also try to encourage you to do things that make you feel better or distract yourself and take your mind off of it. He will make sure that you are cared for and comforted during this time, and will do whatever he can to ease your sadness.
He may also suggest things that could potentially help you feel better, such as exercising or going for a walk, but he won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with. He understands that feeling depressed is not easy and can be draining and overwhelming, and he will do his best to be supportive and encouraging while also giving you space and respecting your boundaries.
If you do decide to take his suggestions, he will try to go along and help you with whatever you are doing. He will try to keep things light and make jokes to make you laugh as it can help uplift your mood. He will also encourage you and compliment you along the way to try to boost your confidence and give you positive reinforcement that you are doing well. 
On the other hand, if you decide to take some time to yourself and spend some time alone to process your feelings, he will respect that too. He will let you be alone and will check up on you periodically to make sure you are doing okay and ask if there is anything you need him to do. He understands that depression is a personal journey and sometimes being alone can help you focus on sorting through your feelings, so he will keep a respectful distance during that time.
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hope you liked this second part and if there is something wrong tell me i wrote this on the verge of falling asleep so.... :/
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daportalpractitioner · 6 months
holistic womb healing tip:
aim to keep your womb warm by avoiding or limiting the amount of cold you put into your body and replacing it with warm foods + liquids. this increases blood flow to the uterus and aids in fertility! even if you're not trying to get pregnant, on a spiritual level, having a fertile womb allows you to naturally magnetize the things that you want in life with ease.
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