#vent tag
prettyonthe1nside · 1 year
having terrible graphic intrusive thoughts all by yourself gorgeous?
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bunnighost · 1 year
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thebibliosphere · 11 months
I'm so annoyed. I got exposed to unexpected strobe lighting on the weekend, and my eyes still feel wonky. I know it's the migraine continuing; the pain is just silent. But god damn, that doesn't make it any less frustrating. Why the hell is strobe lighting everywhere now?
It's in movies, games, TikTok filters, social events. Like, does no one care that they're endangering people? For me, it's just a pesky migraine that lingers for several days, but this shit could outright kill someone with a seizure disorder. And it's just like... no one cares.
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wildfeather5002 · 5 months
I hate it when xtians reduce my religious trauma to "a religious person said something mean to you once so now you're mad at religion".
Like, shut the fuck up. My trauma isn't just someone being a little rude to me once, it was systematic, deliberate manipulation with the threat of possible eternity of suffering in Hell if I didn't obey religious rules and "keep Christ in my heart". It was "Nonbelievers burn in a lake of eternal fire. Tell your friends to convert to our faith or they'll be damned for eternity".
I have suffered from anxiety, ocd and other mental health issues for several fucking years because of this shit. I've suppressed my sexuality and felt terrible guilt just for the 'sin' of having sexual thoughts. I've feared for my loved one's souls, genuinely believing they would go to Hell for simply not being xtians and that I'd never see them again in the afterlife.
These beliefs are sick and twisted. What I went through was sick and twisted.
I seriously don't know what to say to you if you still think telling anyone, let alone a child, that they're going to be damned for eternity if they disobey 'God's word' is totally fine and not abusive.
Know your fucking place and stop speaking over trauma survivors who have been hurt by your shitty religion.
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youraverageventblog · 11 months
It really hurts when you realize you aren’t their closest friend anymore.
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psilocybn · 6 months
working out is hard but the afterglow is so good.
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"my soul aches for something better than this."
2023 journal entry, from me.
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bloodielavender · 1 year
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me staring at my blades every time something goes even remotely wrong
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alpr4zolam · 2 years
people told me all of my life that i was fat and now they’re like “why don’t you want to eat” “you should accept yourself” etc lol
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prettyonthe1nside · 11 months
therapy isn't enough i need to have a tea party with my 7 year old self and tell her she didn't deserve anything that happened to her
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bunnighost · 2 years
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CW // SA
just a quick reminder to all the people dating someone who's experienced some kind of sexual trauma:
if your partner gets triggered during sex, CONTROL YOURSELF.
I know that initially you might feel responsible, but for fuck's sake try to understand the fact that it's just TRAUMA being PROCESSED.
because the moment you start saying things like "omg what have I done" "I'm such a bad person" "I just r@ ped you" you are just making things WORSE.
not only because you are most likely making your partner panick even more and feeling more guilty than they already do, while at the same time not providing them with the care they deserve.
but also because they might not feel safe anymore to tell you no or to ask you to stop in the middle of it since they now fear your reaction.
so just comfort them, help them calm down and DONT.MAKE.IT.ABOUT.YOU.
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a-witches-riddle · 16 days
I think one of the worst things about being transfem is how not everyone is lucky. Not everyone gets to flawlessly appear cis, not everyone gets lucky with small shoulders, or a slim build, or little facial hair, or smooth features. A lot of us have to work damn hard for others to recognize us as a girl, a lot of us have to conform to what society arbitrarily deems is a girl. We have to voice train, we have to dress fully feminine, we have to wear exorbitant amounts of makeup, we have to get laser, we have to get surgeries. All because we weren’t lucky enough to be born in the right body and to be accepted by the world that deems us as men. And it’s so tiring.
I just want to exist as myself, without suffocating myself into a box that has an arbitrary checklist of things I need to be accepted. I want to dress how I want, talk how I want, I want to exist as ME, not what society forces me to be. I’m so exhausted from trying so hard yet be forced to hit brick walls due to me still not doing enough. I want to exist as me.
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wildfeather5002 · 6 months
Right-wing conservatives keep saying that telling a nonbeliever they're going to hell if they don't 'repent' is totally okay, because "religious people have the right to express their opinions and beliefs even if it offends others".
But if you have the nerve to say eternal damnation is manipulative, abusive and a morally bankrupt concept, conservatives will freak out and accuse you of "going against their freedom of speech".
The amount of hypocrisy among right-wing religious conservatives is fucking nauseating.
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goddamn being biologically female really is like a lifetime prison sentence without a chance for parole isn't it
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enslavedheart · 1 year
Sometimes I realize that I have the capability of being a really terrible person
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