0angelsblog · 7 days
I'm at the doc rn, bc I've been sick the past few days. She's probs gonna tell me I just have a cold but my symptoms don't match up (mostly stomach issues and a headache/migraine) so maybe I got a gutinfection (again). But that means my gram isn't gonna allow me my Monster but I need the caffeine.
So I got an infection somewhere with my stomach and I'm getting pills for that now. But I also seem to have other gut problems that nobody can explain. Migraine was put up as stress so I can't do anything about that. Got a new appointment in two weeks so we'll see.
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0angelsblog · 9 days
I finally got my scale back. Had to go to the other bathroom and kinda steal it but I told the caregivers that I have it now. Also my diet plan didn't work because I'm an idiot little bitch but somehow I still lost weight???
Maybe it's because I ate under 1000 cals and burned off at least half or because I got sick again so no school today. Yesterday tho I ate 450 cals and today 300 so more wl yay
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0angelsblog · 13 days
My goal is to live off 200 cals the next two days and then 50 cals on the weekend. I could loose at least a bit weight like that, I wonder how much though because somebody took my damn scale again.
I'll update on this on Monday
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0angelsblog · 19 days
think yellow
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(part 2 of 'think [colour]' series)
reupload from my old acc that got tàķeñ dòwñ pls rèblòg to help me find my people thanku <3
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0angelsblog · 26 days
I have to go to thigh cutting 'till winter now because I have a friend that isn't supposed to cut himself. Well shit
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0angelsblog · 26 days
Junkorexic today, I had one milka pad for 557 cals and that's it.
At least under my limit and 20k steps
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0angelsblog · 1 month
Looking at th¡nspø in the train rn
Call me sick but at least I'm sitting alone
Also here's some examples of what my th¡nspø looks like
TW cuz bones
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0angelsblog · 1 month
I recently started taking body checks of my thighs and I noticed a good amount of weightloss in the past two weeks
I'll start posting here when I feel skinny enough (jokes on me, my BMI is already 18)
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0angelsblog · 1 month
I just finished my 40h fast.
I had quite the fatigue and woke up really early for some reason but I lost weight (who wouldn't?)
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0angelsblog · 1 month
It was never easier to skip a meal than today
Lunch was all fried food, all shit I was disgusted by
Thank you to the ana gods for saving me today, my 24h fast is completed *yay*
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0angelsblog · 1 month
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0angelsblog · 1 month
I'm kinda looking for an ed buddy btw
DNI if you don't have res eating or if you f3t!$h this type of stuff
-any kind of restrictive eating (even ARFID)
-it's okay if you struggle with binge eating
-cal limit between 500 and 1.2k
- can be pro recovery or pro @n@
-b0dy checks are not necessary, if you don't want to send pics then don't
-will do sw33tspø or m3anspø
-preferably no one over age 21
Just dm me with whatever amount of info you're comfortable telling me
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0angelsblog · 1 month
Less than 300 cals today
Dare I say I'm proud of myself for not fucking it up once?
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0angelsblog · 1 month
Tumblr just scared the sh¡t outa me because it showed me the new privacy policy and I thought I got T-worded
Luckily not, I'm still at my safe space
Remember: blocking helps more than reports
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0angelsblog · 2 months
Less than 500 cals yesterday and today
More than 10k steps yesterday and today
I'm back in buisness baby
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0angelsblog · 2 months
Eating<<<nic and a fresh gum
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0angelsblog · 2 months
My fam decided that they want takeout this evening so I had to cut short my lunch. Luckily sushi is not that high in calories (depending on how much and which you take ofc) so I hope I'll be able to stay under 1k cals today.
I'm not the only one that hates takeout (I think at least). I know that I'm kind of a junkorexic sometimes but I'm trying to get better. I always hated takeout though, ever since I started dieting. It's just kind of too expensive and really high in calories for no reason.
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