alphabetquest · 14 hours
“Don’t worry, you may have lost the last couple of years.” He tapped his index finger against his forehead. “But you haven’t lost me.” - this made me tear up a little đŸ„č Dean is the best big brother.
I hope Sam can get his memories back.
Prompt: Amnesia
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Amnesia, ghost - Freeform, Cemetery, headstone, Hurt Sam Winchester, Confused Sam Winchester, Scared Dean Winchester, Reassuring Dean Winchester, Salt And Burn Series: Part 1 of 2024 Alphabet Quest Summary:
After hitting his head during a salt and burn, Sam comes to only to find he’s lost the memories of the last few years.
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alphabetquest · 15 hours
Ah that was a tough one, poor Dean. Loved her nickname and Sam telling her some stories 💜
Prompt: Amnesia
You Can't Save Me. Just Go!
Summary: You wake in a panic, next to a naked stranger and life only gets harder to deal with after that. You find out you have amnesia - can the Winchesters help you get your memory back?
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Castiel, Y/N/ "Cody"
Warnings: heavy on the angst, memory loss, memories of Dean being a demon, panic... I apologize if I've missed any warnings.
A/N: This fic fills a square for my @jacklesversebingo square "You can't save me. Just go!" I am also using the prompt Amnesia from @alphabetquest
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Written: 09.01.2024 – 09.22.2024
I opened my eyes to a pitch-dark room – everything hurt but mostly my head. I sat up against the headboard and tried my damnedest to remember why my head would hurt so bad.
Had I drank too much last night?
I don’t remember going to a bar but maybe I just forgot – however that wouldn’t explain the painful knee – it was definitely swollen.
As a few details flittered to the front of my mind I decided I was not drunk – just beat up. I had been on a hunt – ‘ok that’s at least normal.’
That was it – a witch hunt and I must not have gotten her or if I had she put up a hell of a fight. I plopped my head back a bit harder than I meant to and that’s when I heard the sound of someone else in my room.
Now I was cursing this motel for actually having working curtains – it was too dark to see whoever was in the room with me so I was going to have to assail my eyes with the brightness of the bedside lamp.
Flicking it on I yanked my knife from the sheath on the night stand and thrust it against the man’s throat.
“Cody what the hell?” the naked man’s voice and face filled with panic.
‘Why is he naked?!’ my brain screeched as I noticed something else.
“Did you fuckin roofie me?!” I screamed pulling at the sheet.
His face crinkled up, “what?!”
I took the moment of confusion to look around – this was the oddest motel room I’d ever been in! Not a single window existed and there was no bathroom, just a sink to the right of the door.
“What did you do to me you son-of-a-bitch!?”
“Cody, calm down. I didn’t do anything to ya sweetheart,” his voice was smooth like a good whiskey but that just meant I couldn’t trust him. “At least nothin you didn’t beg for,” he smirked.
“Why the fuck are you calling me that?!” I yelled.
“I’ve always called you that Y/N,” his voice softened and his demeanor changed.
“I want to leave!”
“Sweetheart just tell me what’s wrong and I’ll fix it,” he stood up and closed the space between us before I could react.
‘Who the fuck is this guy, and why is he so god-damned fast?!’ I wondered.
“Stay away from me. I just want to get dressed and get out of here!”
“Guys,” another male voice called – his voice seemed slightly familiar but I couldn’t peg it. “What’s going on? It’s three in the fucking morning.”
“Sam don’t open the door yet.”
“Dean, are you two having a fight?” asked the Sam guy. “Cody, do you need to go for a walk and cool down?”
“WHO THE FUCK IS CODY!?” I screeched as I yanked my jeans and flannel on, I grabbed my cell and threw it in my duffle.
“Dean is it?” I asked and he nodded, “great stay the fuck over there. I’m leaving. Don’t follow me.”
He threw his hands in the air and I swore his lip trembled as I reached for the door to make my escape.
I blindly ran into a giant of a man and fell on my ass.
“Y/N what’s going on?” he knelt in front of me but I shimmied backward from him – right until my ass hit a wall and I realized I wasn’t outside but rather in some type of facility. This wasn’t like any motel or hotel I’d ever been in – so where the fuck had these pervs taken me?!
I held my knife up, “Listen up Sammy boy, I don’t know what kind of bullshit you’re trying to pull here but if you touch me, I’m gonna have to stab you,” I threatened. “Now, be a good boy and point me in the direction of the door.”
“Y/N you’ve lived here for the past seven years, you know where the front door is – your key is in your left front pocket,” said the giant lumberjack.
“Humor me bitch,” I growled. “Because I don’t fucking know you.”
This guy looked hurt when I said it and that nearly caused me to pause, but then the door opened up and the guy named Dean came out.
“You’re not gonna get real far without your car keys,” he huffed and dangled a set of car keys out in front of him.
I felt the left front pocket of my jeans and there was a key there, which I pulled out and earned an eye-roll.
“That’s the bunker key Cody.”
“Why do you two keep calling me that!”
“Because we met in Cody, Wyoming on a cursed object hunt,” the Sam guy answered with a heavy sigh.
I thought a moment – I remembered that hunt. I know that I did the hunt – years ago and that I helped two guys on it, but that was all I could remember.
“Just tell me what kind of drugs you used on me. I won’t tell the police, I promise; I just wanna know what side-effects to keep my eye out for.”
“Cody – Y/N, nobody fucking drugged you,” Dean looked exasperated.
“Then why was I naked in your bed!? Huh?”
“Because we’re – together,” he answered with the saddest look on his face.
I felt a sharp pain spread across my brain – I remembered him – sort of.
He was Dean the cheeky bastard I’d gotten trapped in a janitorial closet with on that hunt in Wyoming – in Cody, Wyoming. He kept forgetting my name and called me Cody – nicknamed me for where we met – but that’s where the memory ended. I began to wonder if the memory was just implanted from the details, he just gave me. That thought caused me to panic and run from the two men.
It took me several minutes to make my way out into some giant garage but I finally found my vehicle and got myself outside. Once on the road I drove directly to the one safe place I knew.
I rushed to the familiar front door and began banging wildly.
“Y/N, where’s Dean?” Jody asked worriedly, as she yanked the door open and pulled me inside.
“Sam and Dean, where are they?”
“I assume they are in their big creepy underground dungeon where I left them! Also how do you know about those creeps?!”
Jody was stunned into silence for several beats, “those creeps are your best friends and you’re practically married to Dean, so where is this coming from?”
“I never met them till I woke up naked in Dean’s bedroom. What the fuck is happening?”
“I should be asking you the same thing,” Jody scolded and urged me to settle at the kitchen table where she pulled a pin light out and began shining it in my eyes to check for a concussion.
“Stop I don’t have a concussion,” I grumbled.
A bang on the front door caused us to both jump.
“Jody is she in there?” came Dean’s gruff voice and I wanted to run and hide.
They followed me, of course they followed me!
“Jody don’t let those psychos in,” I begged.
Jody stared at me completely aghast for a long moment before she moved to the front door and unlocked it – she barely even looked outside, before letting them enter.
‘What is even happening?!’
Dean rushed toward me, the moment his hand made contact with my arm a rush of images filled my mind and the accompanying pain sent me straight to the floor.
“Cody, sweetheart,” he patted my face but I couldn’t force my eyes to open due to the pain.
I heard Jody’s voice, “boys get her into my truck, we need to get her to the hospital.”
I could feel every bump and pothole as the truck sped through town, I could feel his hands on me, and hear his murmured words but I couldn’t fully make out what he was saying.
Then suddenly it seemed like everyone was yelling and it was far too bright – we must have arrived at the ER I thought as people rushed about around me.
They stuck an IV in me and they put some meds in it – it burned my veins as though lava had been forced through the tube but it took the edge off the pain in my head.
It didn’t fix it but after a little while I could open my eyes.
My first sight was Dean crying in the chair next to me – I hated to admit it but even crying he was a beautiful man.
I spotted Jody and Sam next; they were on the other side of the bed – he had a laptop and was scrolling and typing furiously and Jody was reading something on her phone.
I started to cough and attempted to sit myself up but Dean stopped me and brought a cup of water up for me to sip from.
“There’s my girl,” he whispered when I finally caught my breath and looked toward him.
“What happened?” I whispered as a team of medical people rushed in and shooed Jody and both men out of the room.
After a battery of medical tests and questions the doctors decided on one thing – I’d suffered a small concussion and amnesia from the boxing match I told them I’d been in.
“Don’t look at me like that, Dean,” I scoffed, “it’s not like I could tell them I was hunting a witch and she’d socked me in the face.”
“So, you lied and told them you were in some fight club thing?”
“Shut up, I was thinking as quickly as I could and with this throbbing headache, that won’t leave – that’s the best I could do.”
“When you passed out you said you saw something, what was it?” Jody asked.
“I don’t quite know,” I answered honestly, “flashes of the three of you and various hunts, some other things with Dean and I, and some other stuff I didn’t understand.”
“Dean,” Sam finally spoke from the other side of the room, “I need to talk to you,” he said rising from the spot he’d been in with his laptop.
They stood staring at each other for a moment – I knew what was happening suddenly – they were doing that silent conversation thing that freaked everyone else out so much, I found it weirdly calming. Well, right up until they left the room and Jody and I had no idea what was happening.
The doctors had scheduled a brain scan for later that afternoon but another hunter showed up a few minutes after Dean and Sam had so awkwardly vacated my room – his name was Castiel.
He put his hands on my temples and his eyes began to glow blue before he turned and told them it wasn’t a physical problem with my brain, it was magic and we needed to get out of the hospital.
Soon I was being hurried out of the hospital by way of some back stair case and somehow, we managed to sneak right out of the hospital without checking out!
Once we were back to the safety of Jody’s house, we sat down so Castiel could check me out – because he wasn’t a hunter after all.
I was freaking out that he was an actual fucking angel and then things got worse. Castiel thought it had something to do with a curse, so we spent the next hour brainstorming how the curse could work; researching what we could on the topic. Eventually deciding we weren’t getting anywhere so we should make dinner and take a break for the night.
Cas said he was going to return to heaven to see if he could find anything else out and Jody sent Sam to the store to gather some food for us to make dinner.
She suggested that if Dean shared some stories it, “might jar Y/N’s memory.”
So, as we ate the boys and Jody talked about hunts and trips, we’d all taken together. Dean spoke of the night he first kissed me and I wished I could remember – remembered bits of several of those hunts, all of the ones with just Jody and I; however, no matter how hard I tried nothing came from the talk with the boys.
The more they talked the more I could tell how much Dean loved me – it was rather heartbreaking to have that realization, because I just felt lost. I only have some vague feelings of him being a cold and calculating hunter with a knack for sarcasm.
‘He’s funny and cute but that can’t be all a person has,’ I reasoned.
I agreed to go back to the bunker the next morning and continue trying to figure out how to get my memory back.
For nearly a month we focused on nothing but trying to do just that however the longer things went on the worse I felt about how Dean was handling things – he was sullen, withdrawn and hurt. Once I really started to feel those wafting off him I began to realize that the memories that did come back were tainted
Each new memory seemed to be filled with hate, rage, pain, and horror – and then the worst thing I could have imagined filled my mind and left me running for my life.
I cowered in the back of a hidden compartment within a cabinet deep within the Men of Letters bunker clutching a small flask of holy water, taking shallow breaths so as not to be heard I was doing my best not to sob as Dean’s footfalls grew louder.
He was coming for me – that thought alone made me feel like I was already dying but when the door swung open and his hand unceremoniously gripped my ankle, dragging me into the opening of the room I knew it was over.
Dean had an ice pick in his hand and the darkest eyes I’d ever seen.
“Shakin’ like a little bunny,” he scoffed, “did you really think I’d never find you in there, Cody?” his eyes flashed back to green and he smirked wickedly at me.
“Dean th-this isn’t you, just stop.”
“Oh, it’s me – the new me,” he barked, “I’m a whole new man and I take whatever I want. I’ve decided I’m gonna have you one way or another,” he sneered before slicing a thin line down the side of my neck.
I should have been able to stop him or back away but something within me had frozen – I’m a hunter, I’ve never frozen up so completely before and that terrified me.
“I’m going to enjoy killing both of you,” Dean snickered, grabbing a handful of my hair and dragging me toward the door way.
Flashes of him chasing after Sam with a hammer and me being beaten to a bloody pulp played in my mind’s eye and I wanted to vomit.
That’s when I threw several weapons, books, and clothing items into a bag and bolted. I wouldn’t make the same mistake of going to Jody for help again though. No, I’d go underground again, I did it several times before – even managing to hide from Bobby Singer for an entire year so I knew I could do it again.
Three days and four states away I found myself hiding out in a janky abandoned motel – not the place you wanted to find yourself but the price was right since I now needed to use every last dollar I had to get a new identity.
I’d spent nearly a month there making plans, hustling up some extra cash to live off and trying to decide my next steps, but I’d needed some food so I headed into the nearest town to gather supplies and work out some things.
The moment I snuck back into the room I’d been holed up in I noticed something in a slightly different spot, grabbing my gun I moved quickly to put down whatever intruder was in my space – but I was very handily stopped.
Dean had me unarmed and pressed into the wall within seconds – at this point I couldn’t be sure how it happened.
Was I getting weak in my old age? Or had my body betrayed me because it remembers his touch more than my mind?
Either way I couldn’t trust either to continue on like this – I was scared and angry and I didn’t want anything to do with either Winchester brother at this point.
“Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to find you?” he growled.
“Yes, it was by design, Dean!” I spat. “I was trying to get away from you!”
“We’re trying to save you,” he replied dejectedly.
“Castiel said that eventually my memories of you will dwindle – it’s hurting you and scaring me. This is what’s best Dean so just leave me alone!” I shouted, while trying to put some distance between us.  
“I can’t do that. We’re trying to save you – I’m trying to save us,” he added in a whispered tone.
“You can’t save me. Just go!” I cried out. “I know you’ve been a demon – you tried to kill me and I can’t fucking trust you!”
He looked hurt at that remark, “I can only remember bad things about you now – you can’t save this. Just go!” I pointed at the door.
“I didn’t want to have to do this,” he stated with the saddest look in his eyes, “but I’m going to do whatever it takes to save you,” he lunged and I felt a twinge in the side of my neck.
He’d jabbed a needle into my neck and I’d gone down fast.
When I came to I was in the bunker – again.
“Son-of-a-bitch!” I shouted.
Sam’s head popped around the cracked door and grinned at me, “you’re awake,” he smiled warmly.
“What the fuck Winchester?!” I skootched up against the headboard, as I registered the pounding in my head.
“I know that stuff probably gave ya quite the hangover,” he smiled sadly, “how’s the memories though?” he looked hopefully at me.
“I don’t know my head just hurts and the last memory that really came through was something I’d like to not remember.”
“Dean mentioned you brought up the whole demon thing.”
“Like I said,” I began but Sam cut me off.
“I know you said that is something that you don’t like to remember but it’s a huge catalyst for you and Dean.”
“What do you mean?” I eyed him skeptically.
“Do you think you can make it to the kitchen? I’ve got a pot of soup going and you should have some food.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I grumbled and stood on shaky legs, “oops maybe I was a bit too confident,” I chuckled softly as Sam steadied me by my arm as we made our way out into the hallways.
As we walked I realized I could remember where the corridors went and not just the path from my room to the garage – which hopefully meant something positive.
“Dean’s out in the garage. He thought you and I should talk a little before you saw him again.”
“Well, get to talking because if I don’t like what you say I’m leaving again.”
“Y/N,” Sam sighed as he settled me at the table. “I’m going to get you some soup – you need to regain your strength and we need to make sure you’re ok before you go running off again.”
“Fine, but you can’t hold me captive and you can’t just expect me to just roll over and believe everything you tell me – I need proof. I need to know it’s actually safe here.”
“You can test me or Dean if you’re worried we’re demons,” Sam offered as he settled a steaming hot bowl of soup in front of me. “I promise I just want to tell you something from my viewpoint and see if you have caught up. If not, we’ll call Castiel and have him check you out again.”
I took a couple sips of the warm broth, “ok, get to talkin.”
“Dean says you remembered him as a demon – I get that was probably pretty scary with no context but you couldn’t remember what led up to that moment. Dean had been killed by Metatron and I brought him back here to see what we could do or if we had to burn him so nothing bad could happen.”
“And somehow he became a demon here? In the bunker?” I guessed.
“Yes, Crowley – do you remember Crowley?”
“Little guy, ruled hell, and died saving you guys from Lucifer?” I filled in a bit unsure how I knew that information that quickly.
Sam grinned, “That’s the one, he turned Dean into a demon and you and I chased Dean all across the country trying to cure him. While we worked on the cure Dean got to be human enough to break free but was still demon enough to have his mind clouded. He attacked you – said and did some pretty bad things but you forgave him and that was kinda thing big moment. After that you two got together, you helped us cure him of being a demon, you stayed with him through all the terrible stuff that went on when he had to continue dealing with the Mark of Cain.”
“The weird red rash on his arm?” I asked trying to fill in some things that were coming back to me.
“Yeah,” he eyed me a moment, “you were there for Dean when our mom came back from the dead and then when she died again. You helped me too but it’s always been you and Dean. When I went away to college you stayed near – took care of him, probably kept him safe from our dad to a point even.”
“Your dad used us a bait to hunt monsters,” I filled in.
“Lots of time,” Sam stated sadly, “but you and Dean always came out safely.”
We sat in silence and I ate a bit more as I mulled over some of what Sam said and what was coming back to me, suddenly.
“Did you and I kiss?” I asked as some snippets popped into my head.
“Once,” Sam said with a shake of his head, “we were working a case and had to pretend to be married. We agreed it was so awkward – I love the shit out of you – like a sibling. After losing Jess you and I connected, or reconnected as friends and I realized I wanted you and Dean to get together because you are the two most important people in my world.”
“Dean wasn’t jealous?”
“No, he was pissed but not at us,” Sam chuckled. “You’ll get the memories back, but you were out for more than a day so I’m guessing it’ll take some time for things to shift back into place in your mind.”
I was flooded with a lifetime of memories – snippets of things suddenly had the full story behind them but there were still things missing. Once I’d finished a bowl of soup I felt strong enough to move about on my own.
“I’m going to go to find Dean. We have a lot to talk about.”
“Yeah?” I paused at the doorway from the kitchen.
“I know you might have some scary things pop back into your head but instead of running you gotta talk with us this time ok?”
“I’ll try,” I replied, “I panicked last time,” I admitted, “I’ll ask more questions next time.”
My gut filled with butterflies as I made my way to Dean – the moment I saw him hunched over the engine compartment of Baby a rush hit me.
He’s a good man and I get to call him mine – and even if it takes the rest of my life I want to get to know him and make more memories.
I rushed to him and told him just that – he scooped me into his arms and kissed me deeply.
We made promises to discuss things and re-learn each other – it sent a thrill and a wave of calm through me at the same time.
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SPN Fam:
@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone  | @lyarr24
 @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior   | @nancymcl
@squirrelnotsam  | @leigh70  | @impalaslytherin
@mishkatelwarriorgoddess  | @deans-spinster-witch
@perpetualabsurdity   |  @bumbleb10
|  @mrswhozeewhatsis  |  @123passwort
 @jackles010378 | @hobby27
Mr. Green-eyes Tags:
@mrsjenniferwinchester   | @k-slla | @jackles010378  |  @jamerlynn
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alphabetquest · 3 days
😂 I love the use of this prompt. Dean being so distrusting and Sam just wanting to help. And it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up 😝
Prompt: Person A: “As they say, sharing is caring.” Person B: “I don’t think it applies in this situation”
Fake fic title:
(preferably Sam Winchester but either brother will do 😉)
Title: Splash
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Word Count: 356
@alphabetquest prompt: Person A: “As they say, sharing is caring.” Person B: “I don’t think it applies in this situation” - source
A/N: For how long you waited for this, Alex, I do hope you enjoy this silly little thing. <3
Dividers by @talesmaniac89
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You were submerged in freezing chlorine water, your feet immediately finding purchase on the pool floor and legs thrusting you back up through the surface. Breath pushed out of you in a shock, your throat hoarse and your hands splashing to find the nearest purchase to lift you back out.
The sound of low chuckles reached through the adrenaline pumping through your ears so that your wild eyes flashed up to the source.
Dean, in his fed suit, pressed a fist to his mouth, trying and failing to contain his mirth. Sam stood beside him, dressed in the white polo and khaki pants he had worn to infiltrate the hotel staff, concern etched on his face even as his hands hung helplessly at his sides.
“Careful, there’s a pool there,” Dean managed to say between breaths.
“Thanks,” you retorted, embarrassment and annoyance heating your face. “A little help?”
But when Sam stepped forward, Dean put a hand on his arm to stop him.
“Dude, what were you born yesterday? She’s going to pull you in.”
“It’s the oldest trick in the book. As they say, sharing is caring.”
With a roll of his eyes, Sam shook off his brother’s hand; “I don’t think it applies in this situation.”
Dean held his hands up in surrender, but kept a watchful eye because there was no trust when the situation was so sweet.
Sam leaned down, his hand dry and warm as it engulfed your slippery wet one.
He hefted you up.
As soon as your feet met the lip of the pool, you pushed backwards and pulled him forward into you. There was a moment when the two of you were suspended in air, his arms immediately wrapping around you before the two of you went crashing back into the pool.
This time Dean didn’t even try to hide his laughter, laughing deep from his belly.
When you broke up through the surface once more, you let out your own breathless chuckle at Sam’s glare, the hair plastered around his head and the translucence of his now drenched polo.
“Sorry, Sam, it really was too tempting.”
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send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
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alphabetquest · 5 days
Firstly I’m sorry for your loss.
Secondly, this was heartbreaking but how Dean and Sam took care of her was so sweet. đŸ’œđŸ€©
Prompt: angst.
Summary: Dean notices his friend isn't doing well and does his best to support her, even though he's feeling a little lost. Will their relationship change or be ruined in the process?
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Y/N
Warnings: angst, discussions of suicide, death, loss, friendship, love, and a bit of fluff
A/N: This one shot is very close to my heart right now. We lost someone recently and this was my way of dealing, so if there are spelling, grammar, or continuity mistakes please forgive me. Always Keep Fighting you matter.
A/N 2: I'm submitting this to @alphabetquest under the angst prompt.
Word Count: 1914 image created by me in Canva with a mix of my own images and some from the spn wiki
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Dean watched her move through the kitchen – she seemed almost weighed down. Her movement was choppy – not the practiced ease with which she moved throughout the kitchen usually. He continued quietly observing, hoping to pinpoint what was causing the change in her behavior.
They hadn’t been out on a hunt in over a week – the last hunt ended rather positively without anyone dying. Y/N had discovered a pattern that went back over 200 years – every 12 years a teen girl from the same town would die from mysterious circumstances but always within the same spot on the same property. She’d figured out it was a sacrifice setup by a witch trapping a spirit to do her bidding – but when the witch had been killed the spell continued for nearly another 100 years,
For once they’d figured it out and arrived in time to stop anything from happening so it couldn’t be their last hunt that was affecting her. He’d seen her deal with loss after a hunt – she behaved this way when they lost friends or children on hunts. It made Dean’s chest ache something fierce when she got that way, because she typically held her head high and moved through life looking for the silver-lining. None of that usual lightness existed in her this evening.
After several minutes of quiet she knocked a can of tomatoes against the side of the pan as she was attempting to stir it into the pot – her reaction was extreme for the incident to say the least. Slamming the can down on the counter, she gripped the spoon in her other hand as she began to sob uncontrollably.
Dean rushed to her side, wrapping one arm around her middle he used his other hand to gently pry the spoon handle from her grip as he called out, “Sammy! Kitchen now!”
By the time Sam rounded the corner into the kitchen Y/N was collapsed against Dean gasping for air as she continued sobbing.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“Don’t know just deal with the pots on the hot stove,” Dean replied as he lifted his friend and carried her toward the library, where he placed her on one of the over stuffed chairs in the corner.
She seemed to be hyperventilating, Dean felt himself begin to panic.
“Y/N, you gotta take a deep breath for me,” he stated calmly. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong,” he told her as he examined her hands and arms for any sign of burns. He’d seen her burn herself while baking and she hadn’t behaved like this so he didn’t think that was the cause but he figured he better check her over.
It took several moments for her to look him in the eye and begin to inhale and exhale slowly.
“There’s my girl,” he offered a small smile. “What happened? Are you hurt?”
She shook her head, unsure of her voice just yet.
“Did someone hurt you?” he continued trying to look her over as he remained crouched next to the chair she was in.
Another moment passed before she looked around and recognized she wasn’t in the kitchen, “when did I come in here?” she finally whispered.
“I carried you in here when you had a- a meltdown in the kitchen. I was afraid you’d get burned,” he explained.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly, “I learned something sad last night and I guess it just hit me.”
“You’ve been holding it in all day?” he asked cautiously.
She nodded with a far-off stare, “you’re going to think it’s weird but,” she paused and shifted to actually look at him.
“You know how I was married?”
Dean knew – he hadn’t liked the guy but he never wished ill toward him. Trevor’s death had been the beginning of her hunting story, a fact that still made his heart ache for Y/N – nobody deserved that but to see what it did to his friend still hurt after all these years.
When he realized she wasn’t speaking he asked, “Do you miss him?”
“Trevor? Sometimes but this isn’t about him – the best man from our wedding,” she began to cry again. “He died this week. It’s not like we were even best friends ya know?” she sniffled, “b-but they think it wa,” a choked sob forced her to stop and she dropped her head.
Dean watched several small wet dots form on her jeans, unsure of what else to do he covered her hand with his and gave it a squeeze.
Her eyes finally met his again, “he died a-and they think he took his own life,” she finally stated. “But his parents are still waiting for the results from the coroner.”
Sam entered the room, handed her a box of tissues, squeezed her shoulder, and headed back to the kitchen to keep dinner from burning.
After she blew her nose she continued, “he had a kid. I can’t imagine what they are dealing with. Ya know? We see families who deal with loss because their family was ripped from this earth by monsters. Part of me is confused as to why I’m so torn up about it,” she paused to blow her nose again. “I haven’t hung out with him in years, but I just can’t stop crying over it”
“I think it’s because you’re a kind person and you deal with so much that your empathy is pushed to the max. It’s hard to let go and remember that we can’t save everyone when the one you lose is someone you knew,” Dean told her.
“I must sound like”
“You sound like someone who cares. Even if someone is in your life for a short time you care deeply for them. There’s no shame in that,” Dean told her and leaned up to press a kiss to her temple.
A few tears slipped down her face, “thanks Dean.”
“Sammy and I will come with you to the funeral if you want to go.”
She gave him a sad smile, “I don’t know what’s happening yet, but I’ll let you know.”
Dean stood up and held his hand out; she willingly grasped his and he tugged her into one more hug before asking, “Do you think Sam burned the dinner?”
“He can boil noodles,” she defended with a small giggle.
The trio ate dinner and then settled into the Dean Cave where she showed the boys some old photos that she had tucked in a small photo album she used to keep tucked in the weapons case in her trunk, before she came to live in the bunker with her two best friends.
They listened to a few stories she was willing to share about her past – some they knew or had an inclination of, but she was grateful for their kindness and support as she waded through the emotions of the night.
“Y/N?” a somewhat familiar voice called.
She turned to see someone from her past smiling sadly at her, “what brings you to these parts?” she asked.
“I heard about Joe,” Y/N answered with a sniffle.
Holly nodded in understanding, “who’s with ya?”
“Hi, Sam,” he offered his hand, “I’m her brother-in-law,” he lied with an ease that threw Y/N off.
“Oh, you remarried,” she eyed Sam.
“Um, yeah,” Y/N shot him a look and he shrugged a little and smiled as another person approached them.
“Holly, who’s this?”
“Oh, you remember Y/N?” Holly sated as her introduction.
“Yeah, you were married to that Trevor guy, right?”
“Yeah, listen I gotta run,” Y/N told them when she noticed Dean approaching.
As she and Sam made their way to Dean she could hear the comments, “how’d she bag him?”
“Maybe he’s another brother-in-law,” commented Holly before they walked in the opposite direction.  
“Why’d you tell them that?” she hissed at Sam a bit later when they were alone.
“I thought it would make it easier to explain why you hadn’t come back,” Sam answered with a sigh.
“I suppose your right,” she paused, “but nobody around here’s gonna believe that I’m married to Dean.”
“Screw them,” Sam said with a shrug – he’d known for several years that his brother was pining for her and that Dean’s feelings were mutual. All he could hope for was that the two of them would end up together and that the two most important people in his world could find happiness with each other.
Y/N was on edge the whole time but with the brother’s support she made it through the day and came to her own realization about Dean that would change their lives forever.
Sure, Dean was there as a friend – no matter the situation she could count on him. But this was the first time she’d noticed something else lingering just out of her understanding; right up until she watched some of her old “friends” try to flirt with Dean.
“Yeah, well it was nice meeting you as well, but we’ve gotta go,” he said pulling his hand away from the flirty woman.
“You sure you gotta run so fast?”
“Very sure,” he smiled curtly and turned to see Y/N just a few feet away. His smile widened and he held his hand out to her.
“Wanna stay one more night at the motel or go home?” he asked as they walked toward his car.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” she remarked, “please?”
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” he smirked at her and soon enough the trio had changed and hit the road.
After the five-hour drive home Dean assumed she’d go to her room and crash – she’d been nearly silent since they’d gotten on the road earlier that evening. But she followed him to his doorway.
“What’s up Sweetheart?”
“I been thinkin’ and,” she paused, “you can tell me to kick rocks if you want and I’ll go but if – if by some chance you’re willing I gotta take the chance because this whole thing made me realize that I gotta take a chance while I got it.”
Dean nodded in agreement even though he had no idea where she was going with her line of thought.
She quickly grasped the lapels of his flannel and yanked him down into a passionate kiss.
All Dean could respond with was, “whoa.”
“Ok, so here’s the thing,” she took a breath and began to pace the hallway, “I like you and I’ve wanted to do that a long ass time. If you don’t feel the same I understand but I can’t keep my heart so tucked away and die alone. Dean, this life ends bloody I know – I’ve known you’d use that line on me since we met but – but I can’t risk not telling you. I can’t risk not having the one little piece of happiness I’ve been searching for because I’m scared of rejection. You are the one for me but if you don’t feel the same, I’ll be out of the bunker by dinner tomorrow.”
“Whoa,” he held his hand out to stop her pacing, “You like me?”
“No, you idjit, I love you,” she huffed. “That’s what I’m trying to say and I might die bloody but at least I’ll know some happiness before that happens,” she continued.
Dean couldn’t get a word in edgewise so he pulled her close and kissed her back – hopefully she’d get the point before he ran out of oxygen.
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SPN Fam:
@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone  | @lyarr24
 @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior   | @nancymcl
@squirrelnotsam  | @leigh70  | @impalaslytherin
@mishkatelwarriorgoddess  | @deans-spinster-witch
@perpetualabsurdity   |  @bumbleb10
|  @mrswhozeewhatsis  |  @123passwort
@roseblue373  |
 @jackles010378 | @hobby27
Mr. Green-eyes Tags:
@mrsjenniferwinchester   | @k-slla | @jackles010378  |  @jamerlynn
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alphabetquest · 6 days
I hope the muses are playing fair!!
A - B - C Prompts
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Use the prompts to create something using these characters and fandoms. Creativity takes time, so post your creation whenever you are ready. It doesn’t have to be in the same month.
Remember, this is a fun, creative challenge for writers, gif makers, artists, video editors, and aesthetic makers. There is no pressure to post anything.
There are 9 prompts for each letter with a mixture of tropes, scenarios, songs, lyrics, and dialogue. 
If prompts were taken from somewhere else, the source is linked.
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Ain’t Enough Whiskey by Kameron Marlowe
Bed on Fire by Teddy Swims
Change The Way You Kiss Me by Example
Note(s): Use lyrics, the concept or the feel of the song.
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Person A: “As they say, sharing is caring.” Person B: “I don’t think it applies in this situation” - source
“And that when ______ happened and then _____ happened, and it’s not my fault!”
“Are you really going to just walk away?” - source
Person A: “Before you ask, no, it did not go to plan.” Person B: “I wasn’t going to ask, and I never expected it to.” Person C: “We took bets.”
Person A: “Catch me.” Person B: “Wait...I'm not ready
”. Person C: “And that's how they ____"
Person A: “Come on, you know me.” Person B: “I know, and that's why I'm so disappointed.”
Note(s): Dialogue can be tweaked, but please keep it as minimal as possible.
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Action Scene
Body language
Beach Party
Break the fourth wall
Cooking mistakes
Caught in the act
Car Sex
Note(s): Can be used as the title, dialogue, part of a scene, or concept.
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Bad idea turned good
Building a blanket fort
Coffee shop
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“All it’d take is one flight. We’d be in the same time zone.” - Source - Lost In Japan by Shawn Mendes
“Better to say yes than never know.” - Source - Rescue Me by Thirty Seconds to Mars
“But lately, I don’t trust my brain.” - Source - Want You Back by 5 Seconds of Summer
Note(s): Please do not tweak lyrics. They should be used in their entirety without change but can be used in any way.
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Before posting, please read the Guidelines/Rules and the FAQs. If anything isn’t clear, please DM or ASK.
Discord is not required to participate in the event, but it will be a good place to interact with other participants, bounce ideas, and ensure submissions are received. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the server.
Please mention @alphabetquest in the Author’s Notes.
Use the hashtag #AlphabetQuestSubmission in the first five tags.
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@deanwinchesterswitch / @hederasgarden / @k-slla / @nescaveckwriter / @innitmarvelous2 / @deanbrainrotwritings / @letsby / @rose-demica / @dawn-petrichor-world / @talltalesandbedtimestories / @jld71 / @navybrat817 / @kazsrm67 / @jamneuromain / @walkingaline / @a-reader-and-a-writer / @panthera-dei / @lailawinchesterr / @justagirlinafandomworld / @cocoamoonmalfoy / @eulalielatibule
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alphabetquest · 11 days
Updated Henry Cavill characters
Fandoms & Characters.
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Fandoms (alphabetical 0rder)
Breaking Bad
Divergent series
Formula 1
Grey’s Anatomy
Outer Banks
Outer Range
Sons Of Anarchy
The Bear
The Boys 
The Gentlemen (Movie + TV show)
The Umbrella Academy
Top Gun Maverick
Vikings Valhalla
Yellowstone / 1883 / 1923
Characters (alphabetical order)
Austin Butler - The Bikeriders, Masters Of The Air
Chris Evans - Ghosted, Defending Jacob, The Gray Man, Knives Out, The Red Sea Diving Resort, Gifted
Glen Powell - Anyone But You, The Hit Man, Set It Up
Henry Cavill - The Witcher, DCU, The Man From U.N.C.L.E, Sand Castle, Night Hunter, Mission Impossible: Fallout.
Joel Kinnaman - DCU, Altered Carbon, For All Mankind, The Killing
Michael B Jordan - Creed series, Raising Dion, Without Remorse, Just Mercy.
Ryan Gosling - The Fall Guy, Barbie, The Gray Man, Drive, Crazy, Stupid, Love
Sebastian Stan - Ghosted, Sharper, Fresh, The 355, The Devil All The Time, Endings Beginnings, Destroyer, The Covenant
If there is a fandom/character you would like to use that is missing please send an ASK.
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alphabetquest · 11 days
Hi babe! Just giving the heads up that I'll be adding Captain Syverson to the Henry Cavill characters eventually. Maybe. If I ever finish an effing fic.
Updated the list to include pretty much his entire catalogue 😂
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alphabetquest · 15 days
Agreed, anyone who got to be with Dean would die a very happy person.
Loved the use of the prompts and I'd totally be embarrassed about Dean catching me but he totally made up for it đŸ’œâ€ïžâ€đŸ”„
Prompts: Caught In The Act // Car Sex
Summary: Dean keeps catching you having some very interesting dreams, but when Sam tells him its because you love him he just can't believe it! When you confront him about it will he help you break the curse?
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, You "Tex" (Dean gave you a nickname and it will be used)
Warnings: Cursed reader, smut (smut with a plot ok) p in v, car sex, some cursing (they fuck... IDK what else to tell you), angst, pinning idiots, happy ending (double meaning... get it?)
This is my first submission for @alphabetquest this fits Random Prompts caught in the act (which you'll see as a theme multiple times) and car sex. That being said if you're 18 or over please enjoy! If you really like it reblog and tell me your favorite part!
Word Count: 3,056 | Cover created using my own photos edited by me in Canva. The divider was created by me in Canva
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You were asleep – the hunt had been rough – hell, the entire month had been rough – it was four weeks of back-to-back-to-back hunts. You’d showered and collapsed into the bed you’d share with one of the boys that night – leaving it up to them to fight out who got stuck sharing with you.
But then the dream started 

You were in a mostly empty bar – one you’d been in the week prior – the band began playing a song you knew well and you had danced toward Dean, with one thing on your mind.
“Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please,” you sang softly as you gyrated toward the one you desired.
Dean made his last shot, sinking the 8-ball, grabbing the wad of cash from the edge of the pool table and making his way to you – this is where you knew it was a dream but your brain hadn’t fully caught up yet.
Dean bent and kissed you senseless – you moaned loudly.
Dean’s eyes snapped to the bed where you were laid out, writhing and moaning.
“Deean, fuck me,” you cooed.
He watched you – wishing you really meant what you were requesting, even though he knew deep down you’d never mean it. You were just dreaming, he reminded himself.
An hour passed and Dean had to step outside for some fresh air, because the sounds you were making and the way you moved about in the bed was too much for him to handle.
Sam returned from a long evening walk surprised to see his brother outside, “Where’s Tex?”
“Inside,” Dean nodded toward the room. “She’s been dreaming, I didn’t know what to do.”
Sam thought his answer was odd, “I’m gonna go shower, we can talk about it in a little bit,” he said and hurried inside.
It wasn’t long before a red-faced Sam exited the room, “She’s having quite the dream huh?”
Dean rubbed his temples, “do you think something is wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
 “I’ve never heard her talk like that in her sleep, hell I’ve never heard her talk like that at all.”
“She flirts with you constantly but I’d agree, she’s never said those things awake or asleep,” Sam stated, just before a crashing sound from the room drew their attention back to the room.
They hurried into the room to find that you’d thrashed enough that you’d knocked the alarm clock to the floor.
“Oops,” you shrugged, as you tried to hide your embarrassment, “I hit the alarm.”
“You’re fine,” Dean smiled at you, “You just had a dream and hit it.”
The night didn’t go much better once everyone went to bed; Dean couldn’t sleep as you rubbed against him and snuggled him in your sleep.
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The first night back in the bunker Dean heard you crying out and went to your room, “Tex, are you ok?”
“Dean? Dean – need you,” your voice came out all breathy, “need your body.”
He backed out the door and returned to his room – you were friends and you would be so embarrassed if he woke you to tell you that you’d had a sex dream.
You woke in the morning to ruined sheets and clothing, “oh damnit!” you grumbled as you began tossing the bedclothes aside to do a load of laundry – if this kept up, you’d need a third pair of sheets, you thought.
Just as you finished tucking the sheets nice and tight there was a knock at the door, “Hey,” Dean poked his head around the door after being called in.
“What’s up Dean?” you flopped onto your bed.
“Just wanted to check on you and see how you were feeling after a good night’s sleep?”
“Honestly? I feel like I could fall back into bed,” you told him, “I wonder if I’m getting sick?” you speculated, glancing back at the clock, realizing that you’d only been out of bed for about four hours.
“Hope not. Do you wanna come watch movies in the Dean cave?” he asked, “I’ll let you pick the first movie,” he added to sweeten the deal.
“Yeah, lemme throw some sweats on.”
‘Oh goody,’ Dean thought as he walked away, the idea of you in the tight pair of pants you’d inevitably choose to wear was almost too much for his dick to handle – you had a pair of lounge pants that you loved but they clung to your body in all the right ways and Dean told himself that the next time laundry was being done he needed to hide them from you.
You’d fallen asleep at the end of the movie you’d chosen and Dean decided to go make some popcorn and start up the next movie.
Dean was careful to keep the tv low as he began watching his choice of horror film; your movement distracted him when you stretched out a bit, shifting your head onto his leg. He had to resist the urge to stroke his hand over your hair, especially when you sighed and seemed to melt into him.
“Yeah?” he answered without thinking.
“Want you,” you murmured.
He stared at you in silence – you had the most peaceful look on your face.
“Can I, have you?”
“Oh, how I wish,” he muttered.
You smiled, “M’ righ here.”
Dean brought his fist up and bit down on his hand to keep from saying or perhaps moaning anything.
If only you were awake – he’d jump at the chance to be with you. Dean had it bad for you but when you were awake you never said anything to him that made him think you really wanted him that way. Beyond that Dean felt like you were better off without the curse of his touch or love.
What Dean wasn’t understanding at that moment was that you were writhing around muttering his name because you’d been put under a spell to dream vivid dreams of the love of your life until one of you admitted the truth.
The witch you’d met on the last hunt had assumed you and Sam had a thing but really you and he were just the closest of friends. Dean was the one who you were pining after. 
You’d met the Winchester brothers years ago and fell for Dean nearly instantly; however, you’d assumed that he’d never be interested in you in any way other than platonic and had settled for friendship with him.
Sam - on the other hand was your friend – there had never been any romantic feelings between you and Sam. He figured out, even before you had, that you were in love with Dean but so far, he’d managed not to spill the metaphorical tea.
Now that Dean was finding it impossible to wake you that tea was about to be spilled.
“Sammy!” Dean rushed to the library and quickly told him what was going on.
“So, what you want me to go listen to our friend’s wet dream in the Dean Cave?” Sam sighed at him.
“Fuck no,” Dean growled, “what should I do?”
“I don’t know – go make her – happy?” Sam shrugged, “she fuckin loves you maybe she does want you.”
“She loves me like a sibling or a cousin,” Dean defended. 
“God, I hope not,” Sam laughed, “she’s always wanted you in the worst of ways so maybe that’s what this is about.”
Dean couldn’t believe his brother and went back to see if he could wake you. It was a surprise to him when you were up and wrapping yourself in the blanket you’d had with you.
“Oh, sorry,” you muttered and scurried down the hallway.
Dean’s heart cracked a little at your reaction – you had no interest in him romantically or sexually, as long as you were awake.
In an attempt to ignore how he felt about that thought he went back to watching his movie and drinking part of a bottle of whiskey to drown the feelings that were trying to bubble up and spill out.
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After another two weeks of your dreams Dean realized it was becoming harder to wake you, whether you were dreaming or not you simply wouldn’t rouse.
Sam had told Dean not to worry about it and let you catch up on your rest. That was until he caught you napping in the library; you were clearly flustered when he finally woke you – it wasn’t like you to behave in such a shy and awkward manner around him, it was even less like you to sleep in the library.
“Tex, are you ok?” Sam asked. 
“I don’t know. I’m not sleeping well and I’ve been having these weird dreams. I think I just need a break from hunting.”
“Ok, we’ll make sure to get someone else to handle any hunts that come up. It’s probably good for us to all have a break,” he admitted. 
You shot him a sad smile and hurried from the room.
Later that night both brothers heard sounds coming from your room, but as they approached Sam turned a little red and told Dean, “Yeah, you’re up, I’m out.”
Dean couldn’t help himself and he poked his head through the slightly open door – you’d fallen asleep streaming whatever show you’d been binging lately. He moved the laptop off your bed but by the time he turned around you moaned wantonly and began to pleasure yourself in your sleep.
He stared for a moment unable to take his eyes off you or move away.
“Dean,” you whimpered, “I need more.”
He stayed frozen – eyes locked on you for several long moments. He couldn’t actually see what you were doing but he could tell that you had your finger or fingers plunged deep into your cunt and it was making the sloppiest of sounds.
“Damnit Tex,” he muttered quietly and your body stiffened causing him to rush out of your room – he just knew you’d heard him and were waking up.
In the morning, he was so upset when you entered the kitchen looking tired and refusing to make eye contact. He was sure you hadn’t seen him in your room the previous night but he felt weary with the way you were reacting to him that particular morning.
A couple hours later he knocked on your bedroom door, “Hey Sam has a grocery list for us,” he smiled, “you ok to come help me?”
“Yeah,” you yawned, “let me grab my sneakers and then we can go,” you rushed past him toward the laundry room where your sneakers had been on the drying rack for several days. You checked and the blood was gone and so was any moisture that had been left from their time in the washing machine.
“Let’s go,” you grinned at him before leading the way to the garage.
Dean watched the way your muscles moved and flexed under the slightly tighter pair of jeans you were wearing today – it took everything in him not to reach out and touch you in a way he deemed as inappropriate.
He couldn’t believe it but five minutes into the drive back from town you nodded off, and quickly began pawing at your chest, whimpering, and moaning. After a couple miles of listening to you and trying desperately not to watch the show you were unconsciously putting on for him, he pulled over onto a side road that wound its way down by a beautiful creek shaded by large old cottonwood trees.
Once he parked you woke up, “what’s happening? Why did we stop here?”
“We gotta talk,” he whispered and you couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his jeans.
“I know,” you shifted in the seat, “you remember how I got my nickname?”
Dean’s face scrunched up in confusion, “yeah, but um I don’t – this isn’t the conversation I was imagining we’d have,” he sighed.
“When you gave me that nickname, I thought maybe we had something special, it was silly and you just gave it to me because that’s where we met but it meant something to me. I know you don’t really see me that way but I have a problem,” you looked down and Dean swore he could see the slightest pinkish red color on the very tips of your ears.
‘Is she nervous?’ he wondered.
“I can’t stop thinking of you – it’s only getting worse. I mean - like day by day since we got back from that last big round of hunts, I just can’t get you off my mind and it’s starting to affect me, in a bad way.”
“What do you mean?” concern pouring over his face and seeping into his voice.
“I’m starting to think I’ve been cursed and – you’re the cure,” she whispered.
His heart flipped and flopped in his chest, “wait what?”
“I want you in the worst of ways,” you turned toward him, reaching up under your shirt to unhook your bra and remove it. “I have for years but I really think I might die if I don’t get to be with you at least once. A-and maybe, just maybe that’s what kills me I’ll die the happiest woman in the universe,” you told him as you chewed on your lip and then worked the tee-shirt over your head.
Dean knew he couldn’t hide how turned on he was any longer, “you want me, and not just in your dreams?” he asked.
“I want you more than you want pie Dean,” you lunged at him, kissing him as you moved to straddle his lap.
“More than I want pie huh?” he smirked.
“Yes,” you answered pushing your hands under his shirt, “I think these dreams might kill me if I don’t have you, so will you please just let me have you this once. I’ll leave the bunker afterwards if I have to but,” you paused to run your fingers up his torso.
“God I’ve wanted to do that for years,” you whispered, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
Dean blushed furiously, “No you’re beautiful and if I get to have you once I don’t think I can let you go – ever.”
You eyes widened, “You’re not just saying that right? I don’t think I’d survive if you said that and then rejected me,” you admitted as you eyes began to shine more than normal.
“I could never lie to you like that,” he pulled you close for a kiss, “I didn’t want to force myself on you – to curse you with my life.”
“I’m already cursed with the life, having you in it has made it better – having you like this could only make it that much more wonderful,” you sucked his lower lip into your mouth and he moaned.
“You’re sure about this? A-about us?” Dean’s voice came out strained.
Scooting off his lap you wriggled out of your jeans – the wet patch on your panties speaking clearly for how you felt about the whole thing.
“Dean, I need you – in all the ways one person could need another.”
He pounced on you, lips connecting over and over again between removal of clothing items.
It wasn’t at all what Dean had pictured your first time could or would be like – he’d hoped to show you love and care and treat you with the love and worship you deserved but the moans and pants you let out spurred him on nonetheless.
He tried to open you up with his fingers but you barely allowed it claiming, “no Dean I need your cock, fuck me now.”
Once he’d sheathed himself deep within your waiting channel he had to take a moment, “Damn Tex,” he rasped against your neck, “you’re squeezin’ me so tight.”
“Please, Dean, I need to feel you,” Tex begged.
“I got you,” he kissed your neck as he pulled out and thrust back in, “I’ll give you what you need,” he kept thrusting, increasing his speed until the car began to rock slightly.
“What do you like?” he grunted, “you like your tits played with?” he slowed his pace and leaned down to suckle one of your breasts.
You moaned and writhed, “ Yes, oh Dean fuck yes.”
He shifted to lean on his left elbow so he could palm at you tits with his right hand and just when he was about to reach his climax he cupped the back of your head drawing you into a passionate kiss.
When you came for the second time he followed shortly after and had to fight not to collapse on top of you. Exhausted and panting he shifted the two of you to lay on your sides.
“Fuck that was amazing,” you mumbled.
“I’m just gettin’ started.”
“Yeah?” you grinned. “I might need a break, oof and a shower – it's not exactly a cool day in Kansas.”
“I don’t care,” he smiled back. “I’ll be sweaty with you anytime – anywhere.”
“You’re so romantic,” you said, the two of you laughed for several minutes.
“You are right about it being hot and us needing to get the food home though,” he reached for his boxers and pants and stepped out to dress.
You just sat there enjoying the view until he got back in the car and you realized you were completely nude still, and began to gather your own clothes.
“I don’t mind if you stay like that,” Dean winked, sending you both into another fit of laughter.
“Well, you might not mind but I don’t want to greet Sammy like this when he’s waiting in the garage for the food!”
Ten minutes later you pulled into the garage and moved to unload the trunk; just as you’d predicted Sam had been in the garage leaned against a workbench, an eyebrow raised as he watched you go to the trunk and begin to unload the car.
“Weren’t you wearing an ACDC shirt when you left?” Sam asked.
Dean looked down and realized he was wearing the shirt you had left wearing – one of his old Zeppelin tees.
Sam took an armful of supplies and headed inside, “it’s about fucking time,” he paused at the door, “But please wipe the vinyl down because I don’t want to sit in the fluids left behind by you two.”
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SPN Fam:
@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone  | @lyarr24
 @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior  | @nancymcl
@squirrelnotsam | @leigh70  | @impalaslytherin
@mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @deans-spinster-witch
@perpetualabsurdity  |  @bumbleb10 
| @mrswhozeewhatsis  |  @123passwort
@roseblue373 |
 @jackles010378 | @hobby27
Mr. Green-eyes Tags:
@mrsjenniferwinchester  | @k-slla | @jackles010378  |  @jamerlynn
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alphabetquest · 15 days
Just to make sure I’m clear, any main character in the fandoms are available to write for, not just the ones who fall under the provided character list, correct? Like if I wanted to write for Leto Atreides from Dune even though Oscar Isaac isn’t on the list?
That is correct. If the fandom is listed any character goes.
💜 may the muses be with you 💜
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alphabetquest · 16 days
I hope the muses are being kind to you all 💜
A - B - C Prompts
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Use the prompts to create something using these characters and fandoms. Creativity takes time, so post your creation whenever you are ready. It doesn’t have to be in the same month.
Remember, this is a fun, creative challenge for writers, gif makers, artists, video editors, and aesthetic makers. There is no pressure to post anything.
There are 9 prompts for each letter with a mixture of tropes, scenarios, songs, lyrics, and dialogue. 
If prompts were taken from somewhere else, the source is linked.
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Ain’t Enough Whiskey by Kameron Marlowe
Bed on Fire by Teddy Swims
Change The Way You Kiss Me by Example
Note(s): Use lyrics, the concept or the feel of the song.
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Person A: “As they say, sharing is caring.” Person B: “I don’t think it applies in this situation” - source
“And that when ______ happened and then _____ happened, and it’s not my fault!”
“Are you really going to just walk away?” - source
Person A: “Before you ask, no, it did not go to plan.” Person B: “I wasn’t going to ask, and I never expected it to.” Person C: “We took bets.”
Person A: “Catch me.” Person B: “Wait...I'm not ready
”. Person C: “And that's how they ____"
Person A: “Come on, you know me.” Person B: “I know, and that's why I'm so disappointed.”
Note(s): Dialogue can be tweaked, but please keep it as minimal as possible.
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Action Scene
Body language
Beach Party
Break the fourth wall
Cooking mistakes
Caught in the act
Car Sex
Note(s): Can be used as the title, dialogue, part of a scene, or concept.
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Bad idea turned good
Building a blanket fort
Coffee shop
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“All it’d take is one flight. We’d be in the same time zone.” - Source - Lost In Japan by Shawn Mendes
“Better to say yes than never know.” - Source - Rescue Me by Thirty Seconds to Mars
“But lately, I don’t trust my brain.” - Source - Want You Back by 5 Seconds of Summer
Note(s): Please do not tweak lyrics. They should be used in their entirety without change but can be used in any way.
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Before posting, please read the Guidelines/Rules and the FAQs. If anything isn’t clear, please DM or ASK.
Discord is not required to participate in the event, but it will be a good place to interact with other participants, bounce ideas, and ensure submissions are received. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the server.
Please mention @alphabetquest in the Author’s Notes.
Use the hashtag #AlphabetQuestSubmission in the first five tags.
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@deanwinchesterswitch / @hederasgarden / @k-slla / @nescaveckwriter / @innitmarvelous2 / @deanbrainrotwritings / @letsby / @rose-demica / @dawn-petrichor-world / @talltalesandbedtimestories / @jld71 / @navybrat817 / @kazsrm67 / @jamneuromain / @walkingaline / @a-reader-and-a-writer / @panthera-dei / @lailawinchesterr / @justagirlinafandomworld / @cocoamoonmalfoy / @eulalielatibule
28 notes · View notes
alphabetquest · 16 days
The angst is real. Not knowing if he’s okay, knowing he makes rash decisions. Just a check in text is all you’d need.
Prompt: angst
you have more pieces of me than the desert has sand [cordell walker] masterlist
summary: cordi deserves the silent treatment if he’s gonna give you a heart attack every time he goes to work. tags: heavy making out. prompt: angst++getting caught mid act, @alphabetquest.
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Cordell’s not usually careful so you’re worried more often than not, but right now it’s different. It’s way different with the way Micki’s been acting, how late he’s been coming to the bar asking you to take one or both of his kids home for him while he lets Geri pour him drinks the entire night.
Very freakin’ different. 
“Hey, babe, you okay?” Geri asks as she places a new clean glass in front of you. Oh, right, that’s why you came over here. New glasses. You can already sense the couple you’ve been serving staring daggers at you. 
“Fine.” You reply tightly, not ready to talk or think about it, but you check your phone for the last time before you go back with two glasses. Still no messages from the ranger. No updates from Micki either or James. Though you didn’t expect any from him seeing as you’ve only ever talked once or twice.
It’s a long shift, longer than usual, which means the second it’s over you groan in relief. You’ve been awake for every single second of this ten hour shift and you’re ready to go home at— yeah, it’s two in the morning. Geri already left so you pack up and lock the Side Step’s doors, letting your forehead rest on it for a second to calm down.
And then you check your phone again, but still nothing and it’s already two. It’s two in the morning. Two AM. Where is he?
There’s a weak sound laden with the thick accent, “Hey.” And because you’re an idiot in love, you recognize the voice quicker than you would have liked to. You look up and see Cordell standing with his hat in hand, walking closer. “I know— I know I’m late and I didn’t even text you but Micki—”
“Okay.” You’d be proud of how even your voice is if your heart wasn’t so heaven right now. He stops mid sentence— halfway to you and freezes. You’ve been with Cordell long enough to know him well; how he copes with tragedies, what he does every night, how he feels about his kids, and you’re sure he has a good read on you too. Which is exactly why he froze.
You’re very pro-argument. Explaining each other’s side, shouting, getting it all out in the open— you think it’s the best way for the both of you. And it’s worked so far, you’d have your little disagreements there (he shouldn’t do this, you should take care of that) and you wouldn’t resent the other for it. But this? This you can’t even be mad at him for. It’s his job, and you knew what you signed up for the second you got into a relationship with him. Doesn’t mean you can’t be upset.
“Come on, baby girl—” you shrug and start to walk past him to your car but he holds onto your arm, pulling you back to him, “are you serious?”
“About what?” You can try to be as challenging as you want but he’s much taller than you and you can’t exactly help having to look up at him.
“About this, you’re not talkin’ to me?” 
“We’re talking right now, aren’t we?”
“You know what I mean.” You shake your head and snatch your arm back, when you look back into his eyes, there’s more hurt in them than annoyance. “I came to apologize.”
Technically you didn’t have any plans, today wasn’t a special day, and you definitely weren’t expecting him at the bar, but you get worried, and you’d think with him being a Texas ranger with a shit ton of family who cares about him, he has to get that. He has to get how scared you get when he leaves every day for work. You’re not even living together so all you get most days is a text ‘good morning’ and maybe you see him on his lunch break. 
“Cordi, I’m tired and I just want to go home.” You say with a long sigh, talking a step back to exit the conversation but he doesn’t let you, shaking his head aggressively.
“No— no you— you know what? Fine, let’s get you home.” You frown as he walks to his car. “Come on.” He waves you over so you raise an eyebrow then look at your own car before looking back at Walker.
“I’ll come pick it up in the morning. Before your shift.” You shake your head with a sigh. 
“I can’t ask you to do that—”
He walks over to you again and you’re this close to breaking and laughing. Whenever you’re mad he’s always
 moving. And talking. You know how to ramble like there’s no tomorrow but Cordell takes it to another level. “You’re not askin’. I’m gonna do it as a ‘sorry’ for today, and that way I get to spend time with you.” 
You can’t see fault in the plan so you join him in the passenger's seat. And while this is all swell and cute, you’re still concerned and you want answers. You want solutions. How are you supposed to live with this the rest of your life? Does this mean there’s no future for you with Cordell— cause that’s one way to break you.
“Cordi,” you start, facing him, “I don’t wanna keep going like this, okay? ‘Cause it’s not healthy for me, being so scared and worried all the time—”
“You knew what you were getting into.”
“Yeah but I didn’t think it was this bad! Besides, we don't even see each other in the mornings, and I only get to see you at lunch someday— it’s scary!” You’re not demanding solutions from him, you don’t want him to defend himself, you’re just tired. Tired of always feeling this way. “And I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m just—”
“Scared, yeah.” He sighs, turning into your driveway. “Wanna go inside?” It isn’t the first time he’s invited himself in and it wouldn’t be the last. He kills the engine and you both walk into your house. You’re supposed to be sharing it with a roommate but she left for a few months— something about art school and discovering herself. She probably felt bad that she left on short notice because she still pays her half of the rent (thank God).
When the lights turn on you run to your room quickly. You need to get changed if you’re having any kind of conversation with Walker about this. You need a minute for yourself, and since he isn’t a guest at this point, you can hear the fridge door opening then being shut closed.
You can only guess that he’s rummaging for the nearest beer. You find more comfortable clothes and change after washing up, then take off the long-day makeup. Cordell knocks on your door halfway through and you let him in. 
You were wrong, he wasn’t looking for beer, he was cutting up your fruits into one of your comfort snacks: chocolate and fruit salad. And two drinks. Probably stronger than beer. “Hey.” you couldn’t stop the grin on your face if you tried as he sat down on your bed. You turn around from your vanity to give him your full attention. “Are we gonna talk?”
“Yeah. You wanna go first?”
He nods quickly, like you’d change your mind, “I love you, and I’m not taking you for granted—”
“Cordell, I never said—”
“No, let me say it. I’m not trying to make you feel bad or that what your feeling doesn’t matter, ‘cause it does, you know it does. It just hurts me too, not being able to comfort you especially since it’s my fault you need it in the first place.” You sigh, rubbing under your eye one last time to walk over to him. He moves the tray to the nightstand so you can get on his lap, with his back against the headboard.
“Love you too.”
He smiles, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah? ‘S that all you got from this?”
“Yes, cause I love you too, no matter how terrifying your job is. And I trust you. Just— Cordi, please text from now on?” He’s never agreed to anything faster. And he seals the deal with a slow, open mouthed kiss, pulling you in. 
You smile against him, hands on his shoulders— the feature you’ve spent the most just staring at, and that says a lot considering every part of Cordell is worth analysing.
He mutters the same words against your lips as he threads his fingers in your hair, a little rough, the way he’s always liked it, “Forever.”
A little laugh escapes you and he pulls away just enough so that you can look at each other without going cross-eyed. “Off, please.” You mutter, squeezing the shirt underneath your hand, and you can feel his chest through it— God. 
“Fuck, baby girl,” he groans due to your involuntary grinding that you’re only now noticing. It’s subtle, so you don’t stop, ‘nd it’s enough for him to pull the shirt off and you’re dead right there and then. No matter how many times this happens, you can get enough of it, if him. 
“Cordi, need you.” it’s too early for you to turn your words off and he won’t give what you want without a little begging, or at least asking for it. “Please.” and your latching you lips onto his again, his hands on your waist are guiding you, adding pressure right where you both want it.
“God, you’re beautiful.” He compliments breathily, trying to control your movements further but you’re only going faster. He pulls away suddenly and it’s too fast, too cold, too little—
“Cordell? Are you okay? Cordell!” 
You’ll be the first to admit that Cordi’s forced a raspy voice out of you more than once but you know that this isn’t yours. Not that deep anyways. Cordell notices before you, jumping for his phone. “Fuck, Liam, yeah, I’m good. Are you guys all right?”
“We’re fine, cordi, are you with—”
“Yeah, yeah. Talk tomorrow.” And he shuts the phone off too quickly. You laugh, throwing your head onto his shoulder, feeling his own. “New rules, phones are in the living room from now on.”
“Pretty fair rule.” And when you lean in for another kiss, it’s more urgent. That’s how you know tomorrow will be just fine.
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title: sand by dove cameron
long-day? Day-long? Anyways, first Cordell fic cause he’s the loml and the lack of fics is criminal!!!!!
@anu-piyakya97 !!
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alphabetquest · 19 days
A - B - C Prompts
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Use the prompts to create something using these characters and fandoms. Creativity takes time, so post your creation whenever you are ready. It doesn’t have to be in the same month.
Remember, this is a fun, creative challenge for writers, gif makers, artists, video editors, and aesthetic makers. There is no pressure to post anything.
There are 9 prompts for each letter with a mixture of tropes, scenarios, songs, lyrics, and dialogue. 
If prompts were taken from somewhere else, the source is linked.
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Ain’t Enough Whiskey by Kameron Marlowe
Bed on Fire by Teddy Swims
Change The Way You Kiss Me by Example
Note(s): Use lyrics, the concept or the feel of the song.
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Person A: “As they say, sharing is caring.” Person B: “I don’t think it applies in this situation” - source
“And that when ______ happened and then _____ happened, and it’s not my fault!”
“Are you really going to just walk away?” - source
Person A: “Before you ask, no, it did not go to plan.” Person B: “I wasn’t going to ask, and I never expected it to.” Person C: “We took bets.”
Person A: “Catch me.” Person B: “Wait...I'm not ready
”. Person C: “And that's how they ____"
Person A: “Come on, you know me.” Person B: “I know, and that's why I'm so disappointed.”
Note(s): Dialogue can be tweaked, but please keep it as minimal as possible.
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Action Scene
Body language
Beach Party
Break the fourth wall
Cooking mistakes
Caught in the act
Car Sex
Note(s): Can be used as the title, dialogue, part of a scene, or concept.
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Bad idea turned good
Building a blanket fort
Coffee shop
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“All it’d take is one flight. We’d be in the same time zone.” - Source - Lost In Japan by Shawn Mendes
“Better to say yes than never know.” - Source - Rescue Me by Thirty Seconds to Mars
“But lately, I don’t trust my brain.” - Source - Want You Back by 5 Seconds of Summer
Note(s): Please do not tweak lyrics. They should be used in their entirety without change but can be used in any way.
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Before posting, please read the Guidelines/Rules and the FAQs. If anything isn’t clear, please DM or ASK.
Discord is not required to participate in the event, but it will be a good place to interact with other participants, bounce ideas, and ensure submissions are received. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the server.
Please mention @alphabetquest in the Author’s Notes.
Use the hashtag #AlphabetQuestSubmission in the first five tags.
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@deanwinchesterswitch / @hederasgarden / @k-slla / @nescaveckwriter / @innitmarvelous2 / @deanbrainrotwritings / @letsby / @rose-demica / @dawn-petrichor-world / @talltalesandbedtimestories / @jld71 / @navybrat817 / @kazsrm67 / @jamneuromain / @walkingaline / @a-reader-and-a-writer / @panthera-dei / @lailawinchesterr / @justagirlinafandomworld / @cocoamoonmalfoy / @eulalielatibule
28 notes · View notes
alphabetquest · 21 days
Loved the use of this prompt!! I think it hits harder when it's a friend saying it to you. Hard truths and all that.
Thank you for taking part 💜
Prompt: Person A: "Come on, you know me." Person B: "I know, and that's why I'm so disappointed."
remedy [sam winchester]
part five; smear the innocence of my lips.
> prev, masterlist
summary: you deal with the aftermath of dean’s visit and your outing with sam, and you’re proud to say it goes half-way according to plan. tags: underage!reader, 22 year old!sam, med student!fem!reader, cursing, said shorter but it’s a ‘jared’ shorter, he’s 6’4.
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“Are you
” Sam sighs and you can hear how tired he is, “are you okay?” Today’s been a lot for him. Dean made another appearance after Sam thought it was over, both of you came back to the apartment for a reason— so maybe you’re thinking of yourself a little, but still it’s been stressful for him.
And you just slammed the door in his face. “Changing.”
“The clothes are out here.” You curse at yourself and purse your lips. You open the door slightly, just enough to see Sam’s face, his long tousled hair, and him holding out the pile of clothes to you. You snatch them from his hand and shut the door again. 
They fit well, Sam’s only a couple of inches taller than you so it’s almost okay, the shirt’s a little too long but the pants are sweats so with a tight knot, they hang low enough that it looks cute.
You exhale shakily before opening the door and then letting out a breath of relief that he’s not here. You fold your clothes and put them on Gen’s desk, right next to her books, and take out your phone.
It might seem pathetic, a little childish, but come on, you’re spending the night with Sam, you have the right to be those things to Jess.
I’m staying over.
Over my dead fucking body.
Just sleeping. In gen’s room.
Girl that’s even sadder.
Not a word, whore.
Is so, slut (for Sam).
Not funny, Jess. Don’t tell Gen anything, okay? Besides i'm here for Sam, he wants me to stay.
It sounds even more feeble actually typed out.
Why doesn’t he go talk to lily?
He said they’re not together.
How is that a bad thing?
IT'S PATHETIC AND DESPERATE!!! I’m going to kill you when I see you.
You shut your phone off and hide it underneath your pillow. Everything will work itself out, with Sam and Dean and Jess and freakin finals that you have next week. You finished anatomy which means there’s physiology and biochemistry 104 left for next week. Which you’ve hardly opened having just finished your histology exam. 
Someone— Sam, obviously— knocks on the door and you tuck your hair behind your ear before saying he could come in. Sam’s brushed his own down, it looks much calmer than it’s usual ‘let it be’ hairstyle he has going for him. He shuts the door behind him— is the air getting thin?
“Look, you say the word and I’ll drive you back home—”
“What? Where’s this coming from?” He raises one eyebrow and takes a step towards you, flustering you so fast, just the way he takes his steps, stares into your eyes, and you stare at your fingers in your lap.
“You slamming the door in my face, you sleeping in Gen’s room, and now you’re not even looking at me, so if you don’t want this—”
“What is this, though?” Your voice drops, slow and cautious. “What is it? Are we
He walks over to where you’re sitting, sits down in front of you and reaches one hand out to brush his thumb over your knuckles, “We can’t figure that out if you keep acting like this. And I really like you when you’re not being like— when you aren’t acting scared and shy. You’re the most thoughtful friend, kind.”
“Right, but as a
 not-friend, I guess; it wouldn’t work out.”
He shakes his head quickly, “That’s not what I’m saying. It would work if you stopped being so afraid! Of me, or what’s going to happen! Whatever you’re scared of, just don’t be.”
“That’s stupid, Sam,” you pull your fingers away from him so his hand is laying on your lap, barely on your thigh and you keep staring at it, not looking him in the eye quite yet, “being cautious is what helps me stay happy and whole, you know? The second I let my guard down—”
“What? What do you think is gonna happen?”
“I haven’t even known you that long! It’s been three weeks.” He scoffs like that’s the lamest excuse he’s heard in his life and his hand is no longer on your thigh, only God knows where it is because you’re definitely not looking up to see.
“If you don’t look at me while we’re talking then this’ll never fucking work.” The anger in his voice burned like a wildfire inside of you, consuming. it's terrifying how well it works as you involuntarily look up at him. 
It’s not that you’re scared of Sam or that you can’t maintain eye contact, you’ve done so various times, but this feels different, like he’ll dive into your soul if you look into his eyes for too long.
“Sam, I’m not being dramatic about this,” you reinforce, harsher this time, because you know what you feel, and he won’t make it seem small and insignificant. It isn’t. This is exactly what’s helped you avoid heartbreak for the past seventeen years.
“I’m not sayin’ you are. But being scared, nervous, whatever, about this is what makes it worth it. I’m not rushing you, if you wanna take it slower, we will, but I need to know how you feel, otherwise someone’s gonna get hurt and it’ll be because you didn’t tell me what you want right now. You gotta talk to me.”
His eyes up-close are easier to read. He’s desperate for answers, you’d assume that easily with the kind of day he had; filled with questions. You let his name slip with a groan as your head falls back. This is
 a lot. But when you look back at him, he isn't deterred, his eyes are still searching yours for an answer.
“I have so many questions though—”
“Lily.” It comes out before you can stop it but you don’t have time for regret.
“Just a friend. You have to trust me if this is going to work.” Calling your non-relationship this is apperantly the default name.
“I do trust you,” Risky considering you just met him, “but you never told me about the hangouts. You guys go out alone.”
“She’s top of the class, it helps to study with her.” Apparently that’s something you’ll have to get used to, him hanging around other girls. No questions come to mind after that, except maybe the most obvious one. That’s bothering both of you. 
“I’ll wait. If you want me to wait for six months, I will.” You tilt your head in confusion, “I like you, a lot, and if my age bothers you then I’ll wait as long as you want. But you will not use it as a reason against us.”
It's probably all you’ve ever wanted your whole life. Being the youngest in your classes, in college, in basically everything you’ve ever participated in has always made you think you’re less than you are. You can’t be successful because you’re too young, it’s okay to fail because you still have years to catch up— it’s insulting and honestly just fucking annoying. 
But it’s still not that easy, even if you want to be with Sam people will talk. You don’t look seventeen, but you are, and you’re friends know so, since you don’t have a license. You’ll get the looks and talks you don’t want to even come near but it’s inevitable. 
It’s worth it. Sam is worth it.
“Yeah let’s, can we take it slow? Just for a while, so I can understand this before we decide to get into it.” You don’t date for the hell of it but while you’re not naive enough to think you’ll marry Sam, your heart needs time to catch up.
He nods with a small smile, finally. “How slow is slow?”
Great question. How slow is kissing? Probably slow enough, you think as you lean in, your lips inches apart. His eyes do that thing again, eyes, lips, eyes. And you’re praying he’ll finally do something— Sam crashes his lips onto yours. When you didn’t immediately pull away, he tilted his head and deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue out to slide over your bottom lip. 
When he doesn’t get the reaction he wants, he bites your bottom lip but it’s so faint you wouldn’t feel it if your whole body wasn’t invested, which it is, so you comply, pushing your lips apart to give him access. His hands run up your thighs and to your waist, pulling you closer slowly so you don’t crash your teeth together. It’s slow but deep and feverish and needy. 
When he pulls away for a second and shuts his lips closed you shudder, involuntarily chasing his lips before you feel his hands slip under your thighs and he lifts you onto his lap, then moves so he’s in your place with his back against the headboard. 
He doesn’t go back to immediately kissing you, instead pulls back a little further, one hand on your waist, the other coming up to your hair, his eyes taking you in so completely you might as well be naked. “What?”
“You’re gorgeous,” You pout. That’s
 sweet. Too sweet. You guys should go back to kissing. So you nod once and try to lean back in, he lets you, indulges you in a kiss. Two, three seconds then he pushes back using the hand that’s holding your head, treading his fingers through your hair. “What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing, ‘s cute, thanks.” He shakes his head, obviously not buying it. “Just
 i don’t know, it’s weird hearing it from a guy.”
“That you’re attractive? Are you joking?” You shrug and try to look around for something to do. Is it normal to have full on conversations when you’re trying to make out? “Beautiful.” He says it with a breath, like it’s consuming him “Every part of you.” He whispers that part while his eyes run over your figure up and down. 
 so kiss me?” He laughs a little and with your hands on his chest you can feel the vibrations distinctly, making you forget your question which allows a gasp to escape when his lips pull yours in. 
You can’t believe you’re kissing Sam. You can’t believe that you’re taller than him in this position. He’s the one pulling you down to get to him. Incredible. Everything about him and this.
He tests the water again before slipping his tongue into your mouth and it causes a more visceral reaction; you pull away suddenly and his eyes instantly snap open. “You okay? Was that too fast?”
No just
 weird? Are you supposed to do that for him? Yeah, no way, man. You’re not a prude (kinda), you’ve watched things here and there, a woman has her needs, but this? Kissing? Not the internet’s biggest interest. 
“Sam, you know this is like— you’re my first. Ever.” Oh. Okay. So maybe he didn’t know. His face is suggesting he, infact, did not know. “Like I mean, not, maybe—” You’re making it worse.
“You’re making it worse.” He sighs and his head falls back to slam quietly against the headboard. He looks tired, but takes back his words the second he says them regardless. “‘M sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Just— you should’ve told me. I didn’t know.”
“Well, I thought I’d make it obvious the second the kiss starts, honestly.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed,” he mutters through half-lidded eyes, fingers still playing with your hair. He’s better at not freaking out about your pop-up facts, now. “Was it okay? For your first time?”
You nod quickly, “Yes, the best.” You lean down and press another kiss. It’s unhurried, and just the surface, but still so meaningful it fills your heart beyond belief. “You’re the best— but since we’re on the topic, you know that I’m a virgin too, right?” You add the last part just in case. Just in case.
“Yeah, baby, I know,” He’s probably extra tired if he’s calling you that. He should really stop if he wants you to keep it that way. “Wasn’t gonna do anything tonight, anyways. We’re waiting, right?”
“Do you want to do something tonight?” You’re not sure why you’re asking. You’re not ready. Mentally or physically. He shakes his head anyways and you let out a sigh of relief and practically slump your shoulders. He chuckles and tries to sit up.
“That bad? Then why’d you ask?”
“No not bad, ‘s just that I’m not ready yet.”
“We’re never going to do anything you’re not ready for, you know that. You shouldn’t do anything just ‘cause I want to.” You know that, it’s basically the only staple in your life considering how much of a people-pleaser you used to be back in high school. 
“Okay, yeah.” Your smile is wide despite all the highs and damn lows of today, you ended it on Sam’s lap, making out (on Gen’s bed), how the hell are you supposed to be sad about that? Not happening. But you are concerned for Sam’s health so you slide out of his grip and sit next to him instead. He faces you.
“You’re exhausted, Sam. Go to sleep.” It’s not a demand, but he seems to take it as one because he yawns and slips further into the bed. “In here?” You let out and immediately glue your lips shut.
“You want me to leave?” He’s asking but he’s also getting comfortable at the same time. So you shake your head and make a move to get out of the bed when he starts slightly, a wave of guilt washing over him, so clear on his face. “I’ll go, just give me a minute—”
“I’m just getting the lights, Sam.” You feel him sag with relief and you mirror it out of joy. You get the lights and take a moment to collect yourself then get in the bed next to him, slowly tucking yourself under the covers. You try not to touch him and he doesn’t exactly have time to comment because he’s out in a minute. 
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Like a cheap whore. 
You wish you could text Jess back to shut up and that that isn’t what happened but that’s a lie— it’s exactly how it happened. You left the next morning before Sam woke up, leaving his clothes in a neatly folded pile in his living room. She must’ve checked your location. 
How’d you know he’s asleep? 
You text back as you pass another coffee shop on your way home. It’s only a thirty minute walk, good enough for you to think and collect your thoughts before Sam inevitably calls.
I didn’t but you confirmed it. On your way?
Coffee bitch!! Gen wants matcha. 
You shut your phone off after putting your AirPods in. You’ll bring them their coffee and tell them all the details but now you need to think. Collect. Recollect. Organize.
And you will, you are. Because you’re not hiding from Sam, you’re not running away or ignoring him, you need space, like you often do, so you don’t get emotional. That, and waking up next to someone is too intimate for you so maybe a little bit of running.
But you didn’t do it just for him, you wanted to see if you’d be able to do it, be comfortable enough to sleep next to him. And despite the answer being ‘maybe?’, you would do it again. 
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“Glucose is converted to glycogen, glycogenesis—” Another yawn. The sixth time in maybe just this hour and you pull your phone out to find something a little more entertaining for just a few minutes. Your brain is going to seriously retaliate if you don’t immediately get a break.
Hey, how are you?
Your breath hitches as you stare at your Lock Screen, the little messages under his name sending a current through your entire body.  Despite the constant texting these past weeks it feels different now. You kissed. Yesterday. And you left without saying anything.
His text was sent five minutes ago so you suck it up and text right away.
Yes, I’m in class right now. Sorry I didn’t wanna wake you up.
It’s okay, but you should’ve, wanted to say bye.
Oh, that’s sweet. 
Be careful and text me when you’re done I wanna talk.
Okay. I’m done by three.
Nothing bad could possibly come out of this, you’ve already done the biggest part and he told you that he likes you. Straight up just said it and that he wants to make a relationship between you two work. Nothing else bad can come out of that.
Meet me at the cafe in front of the gate?
He wants to meet up? Now? No way, youre half out of your mind and if someone doesn’t drop you onto a bed at this moment, you will be throwing hands. You barely slept a wink in that bed, no matter how warm and there Sam was next to you, it didn’t calm you down as much as you thought it would. You still got to sleep, just not enough, a few hours considering you kept waking up every hour to check that he’s still asleep and make sure you’re not dreaming.
The monologue was helpful and very true, but there’s no way you’re rejecting him when you want to talk just as much as he does, if not more.
“—and so it’s back to its normal set point. This is what we call negative feedback mechanism.” 
You might need a tutor, though.
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“Hey, mum.” Your heart softens hearing her voice blare through the phone. So much background noise, your siblings, but she’s laughing as she asks how you’ve been. “Great, I’m okay. How are you guys? I know I haven’t been checking in lately, ‘s my fault.”
She asks about your grades and how studying is going and you tell her the truth, you’re a little distracted today but other than that everything’s okay, that earns you a lecture, that you cut short when you see Sam approaching your table. You already ordered a redbull for yourself and since you didn’t know what sam wanted you got water.
“Love you so much more.” You smile and shut your phone off as you stand up to greet him and he hugs you, his cologne penetrating everything at this point. Did he always smell this good because God, how? “I’m sorry I’ve just been tired so I got it— do you wanna order?” 
He shakes his head and you both sit down opposite to each other as you try and drown your drink. He looks like he wants to say something and you’re not sure anymore whether or not this is ‘nothing’ like you tried to convince yourself. 
“How’s school? Do you have classes today?”
“No, no, just a project meet up tonight—” With Lily, probably. He takes his phone out to put down on the table as it rings loudly to show a notification. “But you left, sweetheart. So I wanted to ask you about that.”
“I had class.”
“Your class starts at one, you left way before that.” How’d he know that? “Yesterday, did I make you uncomfortable?” You hate this. Two steps forward, one step back. You kissed, you thought that meant you could do more but you can’t and you have no idea why you lied to yourself.
“Then what’s wrong?” You shrug and take another sip. “Yesterday we were tired and it was late so if you did something you regret or if you don’t mean what you said—”
“What? No, I meant it. Why, did you not mean it? You said you’d wait.” It’s moments like these where you regret having the ability to speak. Jumping to conclusions and deciding things for everyone has been your default. You’re a control freak, it’s the least you do. 
“You’re the one who’s not talking!” He says, a little loud and exasperated which forced you to lean back in your seat. “You said you want this to work so you have to open up to me.” He’s making it sound like a school project.
“It’s just how I am, I don’t like airing out every single thought and feeling I have.” And then, because if there’s one thing you know how to do it's setting boundaries, “If you don’t like that, Sam, then just go.”
He sighs and shakes his head. “I want to be here but— okay, so, I’ll recap what happened. Before we slept we said we’d try to take it slow, but that you wanted me. I wanted you.” Wanted? “I want to be with you,” he says strictly, “and then I wake up and you’re back to how you were two days ago. Closed off.”
“I’m not closed off, I tell you everything. I told you I had class, and I was tired so I got a redbull.”
“Are you hearing yourself?” He says with a laugh, a little amused and thankfully, less irritated, “you told me you’re tired? I don’t mean that kind of stuff, baby, I wanna know why you left early. I’m not accusing you of anything, I just want to be there for you. You think about things way too hard and they spin out of control, and I can see it, but I just don’t know where it comes from. You need to clue me in.”
He said ‘baby’ again, and this time he isn’t sleepy. Maybe he deserves a little bit of your thoughts. It isn’t like you’re actively keeping him out, it’s just too much for a lot of people.
“Sam, I don’t mean to be closed off but I think a lot, and it’s just, I don’t know, I guess high maintenance for some people. You don’t need to know every single thing.”
“I’m not saying every single thing about your entire life, but maybe just about us for now?” Maybe time stops, maybe it doesn't, maybe you’re hearts behind it, but when you face him again it’s a different expression than before. He’s frowning at you like the answer means the world to him and you can’t help but feel guilty and enamored by how fucking beautiful he actually is. And he likes you? It’s getting harder to accept by the moment. 
Contrary to popular belief you are not just a control freak. You’re also an over-thinker with self-sabotaging tendencies that could last you three lifetimes, but you just can’t find it in yourself to do anything to hurt Sam. You just can’t. With those jutted lips and sparkling eyes.
Do his eyes always sparkle like that?
His laugh coerces you out of your daydream and— when did he move his chair closer? “Answer me, then we’ll talk about whatever you want.”
Including his eyes?
“Yes.” You should invest in tape if you’re going to start blurting out your thoughts. 
“I wasn’t uncomfortable but I need space sometimes. I get overwhelmed easily and I don’t mean it in a bad way but my mind just organizes things better when I’m alone.” He nods, looks down at your hand on the table and takes it in his, it jolts you and you look up at him. “And— sometimes holding me or just touching me overwhelms me and if I ask you to stop it isn’t because of you.”
“Like now?”
You shake your head quickly, pressing your fingers into his to assure him. “No, not now.”
“Yesterday?” You answer no and he smiles. “So you just needed to think?”
“And you thought doing all of this was better than just telling me that you needed time to think.” Well, when you put it like that
 “Can I kiss you?”
“Can I kiss you?” You should probably think about this logically before you answer— who will see you and stuff, but you’re nodding yes and he’s leaning in faster than your mind can comprehend.
It’s short, and when you pull away, you’re still so close, “so you’re not mad?”
“I’ll never be mad if you tell me how you feel or what you need.” Hell of a promise to keep, Winchester.
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“Jess, come on, you know me!” The argument is a futile one, and you’re aware of it.
“I know, and that's why I'm so disappointed. You slept at his house? On my girlfriend's bed?” Right, so maybe you left the important details out like you’re make-out session in the middle of the night and both of you decide to take it slow but ultimately are in a relationship. Speaking of, this means exclusive, right? Fuck, you should’ve asked. 
“That’s— whatever! I didn’t do anything stupid, don’t worry.” Biggest understatement of the century but you just can’t bring yourself to tell her anything yet. Besides, you have exams soon and that seems like a much more important task to focus on.
“Look, babe, I’m not saying I’m disappointed in you, but you promised you’d be careful.”
“I am!”
“No you’re not. You get attached easily, and you love way too fast— Sam can control himself! If you two stop talking tomorrow he wouldn’t feel the same way you would.” It fucking burns more than anything in the world to hear it from Jess. Especially from her. Possibly because she knows you best and it would mean that what she’s saying is true, and you’re not ready to face that.
She’s right, though, and you’ve always known it. But it isn’t like that with Sam— it hasn’t been like that since you came to college. Not that Jess was with you before it but you’ve told her almost everything about you, past and present, so her words come from a place of experience.
“I’m different now. And he’s different.”
She shrugs, moving closer, a hand on both your shoulders, “I couldn’t care less about Sam,” lie, “but I will not allow anyone to hurt you. Ever.”
And it shouldn’t be that comforting considering she’s only a twenty one year old woman who’s never had a stable job in her life and hasn’t talked to her parents in two years, but it is. It’s the most comfort you've felt the whole week, and you bring her in for a hug because of it.
For all her advice, she’s wrong about one thing. You’re not all-in with Sam. You’re scared, fucking petrified of what this could lead to, but you’re not in high school anymore, your responsibilities aren’t just ‘study and maybe get a top grade’. I’m uni you can very easily get kicked off— and outside of school, you have to go back home in a month. Unlike your hopeless romantic fourteen-year-old self, you’re aware of your goals. 
And maybe you can’t say it out loud to Jess yet, but you’re proud of yourself for recognizing it within yourself.  part six; you’re familiar, like my mirror years ago.
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title: love notes by alexa cirri
prompt: person a: ‘come on, you know me!’ person b: ‘I know, and that's why I'm so disappointed.’ from @alphabetquest !!
they finally kissed!!!!! Is this the beginning of their relationship?? I’ve had too much angst for now so I’m thinking next chapter they just cuddle the whole time. comment if you wanna be tagged!
tag list:
@angzls @chxrrybomb22 @pinkpantheris @ang3ldool @iloveragdollcats 
@oohjana18294 @user-2538484747490203746579403 @wattpaduser200 @s0urw00lf @ashlynyyyyy
@strabarrybat @anu-piyakya97 @tranquilitybasegrunge
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alphabetquest · 23 days
Lists sorted alphabetically so easier to find.
Added Fandoms (includes all characters)
Divergent series
The Gentlemen (Movie + TV Show)
Fandoms & Characters.
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Fandoms (alphabetical 0rder)
Breaking Bad
Divergent series
Formula 1
Grey’s Anatomy
Outer Banks
Outer Range
Sons Of Anarchy
The Bear
The Boys 
The Gentlemen (Movie + TV show)
The Umbrella Academy
Top Gun Maverick
Vikings Valhalla
Yellowstone / 1883 / 1923
Characters (alphabetical order)
Austin Butler - The Bikeriders, Masters Of The Air
Chris Evans - Ghosted, Defending Jacob, The Gray Man, Knives Out, The Red Sea Diving Resort, Gifted
Glen Powell - Anyone But You, The Hit Man, Set It Up
Henry Cavill - The Witcher, DCU, The Man From U.N.C.L.E
Joel Kinnaman - DCU, Altered Carbon, For All Mankind, The Killing
Michael B Jordan - Creed series, Raising Dion, Without Remorse, Just Mercy.
Ryan Gosling - The Fall Guy, Barbie, The Gray Man, Drive, Crazy, Stupid, Love
Sebastian Stan - Ghosted, Sharper, Fresh, The 355, The Devil All The Time, Endings Beginnings, Destroyer, The Covenant
If there is a fandom/character you would like to use that is missing please send an ASK.
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alphabetquest · 23 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could also add Oscar Issac characters: Marc/Steven/Jake (Moon Knight), Duke Leto, Miguel O'Hara, Poe Dameron, etc. to the mix.
Hi Babes,
I have updated the Fandoms and Characters so that Dune is a fandom and not just listed under Austin Butler Characters. MCU is included so that includes Miguel O'Hara. I'm not a fan of Star Wars so unfortunately Poe Dameron isn't acceptable.
Updated list and sorted alphabetically is here...
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alphabetquest · 24 days
Can there be multiple fills of prompts or will just ONE count? Also I am looking for the Discord server link and I haven't seen how to join it.
Multiple is fine 💋
I will send the invite via DM 😘
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alphabetquest · 24 days
hi can I write for Jared’s Cordell walker?
Hi, you absolutely can đŸ‘ŒđŸ»!! I’m not home right now but I will update the character and fandoms list later.
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