an-all-write-life · 2 days
it’s kinda fucked up that you’re only an age for a year. I didn’t know how to be 23 yet, let me try again
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an-all-write-life · 4 days
the right hairstyle for your face is the one that makes you smile when you see yourself in the mirror btw.
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an-all-write-life · 5 days
something i have noticed lately: as a collective, a lot of gen z are simply getting tired of their phone
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an-all-write-life · 5 days
Actually I’m not going to listen to you describe a feature of my body like a problem while trying to sell me your product
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an-all-write-life · 6 days
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an-all-write-life · 6 days
Not people saying “Fandom has always been like this” in that vent post I made. No. It hasn’t always been like this. Fandom has NEVER been like this until recently and if you were in fandom pre-tumblr purge, pre-twitter, pre-netflix boom, pre-tiktok….then you would fucking know it was nothing like this.
We still had the drive to create. We still sold prints and charms and made zines…but it was never like this.
The introduction of streaming, binge shows that drop all at once, tiktok and vine RIP i still love u vine but you were the beginning of a particularly ugly era) creating this bite sized, quick paced ‘content’ era of creation and it bled out into fucking everything else.
Fandoms didn’t die down when the show ended or the season was over. You didn’t mass unfollow artist, writers or moots just because they changed fandoms. There wasn’t this need to please the algorithm in order for your posts to get seen by people and enjoyed.
Fandoms used to last YEARS. Star Trek is literally the oldest running fandom out there and you got people in there that could care less about the new stuff and still have been happily prancing through their fucking fifty year old fandom today. Hell, even SPN after all it’s fuckups and shitshows has a dedicated fanbase STILL creating tons of art and fic.
There is no patience anymore. No calm feeling of taking in fandom and friends at a pace that which doesn’t make you stressed and is still fun.
Do I blame fandom for this? Of course not, but people are complacent with it and start changing their vocab to accommodate and end up making the situation so deep it cant be fixed.
We call Art & Fic Content now, completely stripping the value of what it is to a level of consumerism instead of personal entertainment & community bonding.
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an-all-write-life · 9 days
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In the mid-2000s, Daniel returns to his hometown for the first time since his twin sister, Alex, died. Resigned to living his life in the colorless grief he’s accustomed to, he is unprepared for his estranged friend and former bandmate, Denver, to burst back into his life. Denver convinces Daniel to rejoin the band, and the act of creating music together brings them closer than they've ever been. Just as their band seems headed for brighter future, Denver and Daniel realize falling in love in the scar that Alex left behind might prove to be their undoing.
Keeping Time is a queer, adult webcomic that's a bummer of a romance between two bandmates who fall in love. If you like deeply flawed, not-at-all wholesome characters, then I might be cooking up something you like!!
🎸 Launching publicly on April 23rd at keepingtimecomic.com 🎸 If you can't wait, you can read ahead of its release on Patreon!
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an-all-write-life · 14 days
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“Remember the earth whose skin you are: red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth brown earth, we are earth. Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them, listen to them. They are alive poems.” - Joy Harjo, Native American Poet Laureate
Getting in Earth Day art just under the wire! The five dancers represent the five main biomes of Earth: Tundra, Aquatic, Desert, Grassland, & Forest. My hope was to demonstrate the power and fragility of each environment as they balance precariously against each other—or perhaps *alongside* each other. Either way, we’re all part of the dance. 🌎❤️
Time-lapse video under the cut!
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an-all-write-life · 17 days
society really lost the war when dressing nice / slutty = “gay” “metrosexual” “is he 💅🏻”. we had decades of men wearing crop tops and short shorts without blinking an eye and now it’s ye ole pilgrim standards and talk of scandal if they show their knees
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an-all-write-life · 22 days
hey so like
hi, you. yeah im talking to you. You like my stuff from time to time and reblog once and a while, and I always recognize you in my notes. we’ve never talked, maybe you dont like to say much or you’re nervous or something. it’s okay, whatever it is. 
I see you. you mean a lot to me. sometimes when I’m having a hard day, I’ll notice your name once again in my notifs and it makes me smile. im not kidding.
I don’t care if you’re a “ghost” follower or you send me asks all the time. i see you and I love you so much, genuinely and truly. you are really important to me. 
thank you. thank you for being there. <3
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an-all-write-life · 27 days
Come here, baby gays, and let me tell you the story about how James Somerton made me so fucking angry with a single line that I had to make this post.
As I now know, most of his audience is young queers and there are things we NEED you to know.
The fight for marriage equality was a massive fucking deal and I will tell you why with a very personal story.
My mom was a nurse during the AIDS crisis. And I mean she started working as a nurse out of school in 85. My mom was on the front lines. She worked with so many AIDS patients that it genuinely altered her brain chemistry. My mother was a homophobe before her nursing career. She was a massive supporter of gay rights until she died in July because of what she saw during her career.
And what did she see?
She saw people who had been abandoned by their families dying with their partners at their side.
And then suddenly…the family would materialize, ban the partner from the room, kick them out of their homes they had lived in with their dying partners for decades, and then watched them ban their partners from even attending the funerals or visiting the graves. Imagine being denied your right to grieve.
And why was this possible? Oh simple. They weren’t married. They weren’t legally bound, the partners weren’t considered next of kin because they weren’t fucking married.
I watched my mom pass. It was horrible and painful and traumatic and terrifying. But it was closure. And I wouldn’t have it any other way because I know…that who my mom wanted by her when she passed was my dad. Because she was scared, she wanted her partner by her side and she was terrified she was going to die. My dad couldn’t be there. He had to work, which sounds cold but understand he had been off work for a month by that point and he was the only one who had health insurance. He wanted to be there, we had made plans to take her off the life support when he came back (we were 4 hours from him) but there was a freak accident and she passed the night after he left to return to work.
Why am I telling you this? Because I need you to understand how important this is to some people. So you can understand how big a slap to the face it is to have people say “marriage equality isn’t that important”. You can understand why someone like James Somerton rolling his eyes at marriage equality and implying we weren’t focused on job equality and discrimination (information that is WHOLEY untrue) would make me see red.
It’s not trivial. It’s not meaningless. It wasn’t about “assimilating” or “appearing normal” (we’re already normal).
It’s about people who had their children taken from them because they weren’t the biological parent. It’s about people who never got to comfort their loved ones in their final days. It’s about people who weren’t able to comforted by their partners in their final days.
So the next time you think “why waste your time on something as trivial as marriage?” Remember my mother. Look up testimony from victims of the AIDS crisis. Remember the people who advocated for marriage equality were the survivors who were torn from the love of their life.
Remember that we advocated so damn hard to give you the right to grieve.
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an-all-write-life · 1 month
I’m like if someone smart chose to be an idiot. Out of free will
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an-all-write-life · 1 month
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an-all-write-life · 1 month
International Asexuality Day!!
Today, the 6th of April, is international asexuality day.
It’s only the 3rd year of celebration, as the day was recognised in 2021!!
It’s worldwide effort to recognize the asexuality community and promote understanding of the asexual spectrum, including all umbrella identities!!
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an-all-write-life · 1 month
“Favorite hero - go!”
Tim didn’t even look up as he continued to type up his report for the night, “Dick Grayson.”
Jason scoffed, “Way to use your listening ears Timbers, Duke asked who’s your favorite hero, not your favorite brother.”
“I heard and I answered. Dick Grayson. If he’s Robin? Robin is my favorite hero. Now he’s Nightwing? Nightwing is absolutely the coolest hero to ever exist. He’s acting as Batman? Obviously Batman’s the best.”
Dick grinned brightly at Jason, smug in a way only older siblings can be.
“My. Favorite. Hero. Is. Dick. Grayson. From the day I first meet him, to the day I discovered his hero identity, to becoming a part of his legacy, to the first time he called me his brother, to today and till the day we’re both dirt and worms, my big brother will always be my favorite hero. You use your listening ears.”
Several of the others made faces or rolled their eyes at dirt and worms part of his rant but Dick only laughed quietly and hugged Tim so tightly that Tim felt the air being slowly but steadily pushed out of his lungs. Tim made no complaints but did roll his eyes, though no one but Cass could tell if it was at Jason or Dick.
“I can not find fault in your decision,” Damian weighed in, “And obviously, Father is your second favorite, thus your third favorite must also be of equal valor?”
Tim huffed and wiggled his way out of Dick’s loving embrace, “Who said B was my second favorite?”
Everyone blinked at him and he grinned, the exact same expression on his face as had been on Dick’s a few minutes prior, submitted his report, grabbed his Zesti off the ground beside him, and took advantage of Bruce and Alfred entering the cave to escape any more questions.
“Good night!” Dick called after him.
“Night!” Tim waved behind him.
“Well, I think I’m a strong contender for second favorite,” Tim heard Stephanie say and someone’s muffled response before the grandfather clock closed behind him.
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an-all-write-life · 1 month
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an-all-write-life · 1 month
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I drew @an-entity-i-think 's post
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