anna-skeletons-gallery · 4 years
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 4 years
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Just Nifty being a cutie and talking with @archiesonicbrony’s OC. I hope you like it, my friend! ;w;
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 4 years
Due to personal reasons, I will now proceed to draw at ungodly hours of the night
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 4 years
To all the kids with an abusive family: I hope you’re safe and okay during these hard times. Living with an abusive family is hard enough as it is, so I understand how hard it must be for you to spend the whole day with them for weeks. I know you’d rather catch this virus than spend one more second with your family, but I see you and I believe in you. I’m rooting for you all and I hope you’re okay. I promise you everything will turn out fine. You’re strong. You’re valid and we are all in this together so please do not lose hope. I’m sending you lots of love your way. Stay strong! â€ïžđŸ€âœŠđŸ»
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 4 years
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Have sum Hazbin doodles đŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 5 years
Joker X Teenage!Killer!Reader
Summary: You aren't a vigilante. You're just a nice teenage girl who's got supernatural powers from her necklace and who tries to survive and protect herself from the awful, disrespectful men of Gotham City by annihilating them from existence. Your inspiration was the man who started riots all over Gotham and also whom you mildly admired; the Joker. Who would have thought that he'd be slightly interested in you, though?
A/N:  Let's be honest, even if this movie doesn’t take place in the DCCU, this is still a DC character. Would it hurt if we add a few superpowers in this fanfic? I don't really think so. Also, I deadass didn’t know how to end this fanfic so I’m sorry if the ending is kinda trashy lmfao. Anyways, feel free to send me any requests y'all might have!
Warnings: Body mutilation, catcalling and public sexual harassment.
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“And as we can see behind me, a third riot has gone loose on Wall Street this month. As for now, more people are participating than on the last two, yet there are no signs of their, so-called leader, the Joker who apparently escaped from Arkham Asylum about two weeks ago-” You turned the TV off. You didn't want it to be noticeable that you supported that type of stuff and raise suspicion from your coworkers, much less your boss. “(I don't give a fuck about what people might think of him. He's a fucking hero to me. He showed all those rich assholes what happens when you turn your back on the people that need help the most, leave them to die or just straight-up treat them like insignificant shit.)” You thought to yourself smiling while you finished mopping the floor of the restaurant you worked at. It was your closing shift today and as soon as your last chair was up the table of the restaurant and your boss left, you grabbed the front door keys, grabbed all your stuff and closed the restaurant's back and front door, you head straight to the subway.
It was a pretty chilly night, as usual. Once the subway arrived, you hopped in, put all your hair on each side of your front and put the big fluffy hoodie of your short black coat on. Although you and a strange man with a long purple coat and a black hat that covered almost his entire face were all alone in that big wagon, you didn't want to bring any attention from the next possible passengers. Unfortunately for you, that’s not what your luck had in store for you tonight. After arriving at the next station, two white, apparently wealthy and drunk men, got on the same wagon as you. You gave them a look. They looked like they got out of some kind of crazy party or club. You rolled your eyes and looked the other way, but apparently, one of them noticed your annoyance towards them and approached you.
“Hey, there! *hic* How you doin', hot-stuff? You’re lookin' *hic* real nice,” one of the sits right in front of you. God, not even the significant distance between the two of you could stop his disgusting alcohol smelling breath from going up your nostrils. “I’m sure you'd look *hic* even better in my bed all bent over. How much for one *hic* whole night, mama, huh?”
“(Ugh, men. Great.)” you think to yourself sarcastically before your eyes extend a little bit and an evil smile formed on your lips as an idea that popped up in your head. “(Wait, hold on... Oh, great!)”
“Hey, don't be rude! He’s complimenting you and asking you a question politely! At least take off that mask and show us a real smile!” the second guy says in a tone that kinda combined threatening and jokingly while sitting right next to his friend trying to touch your knee but you shove it away from his grasp. Although he wasn't as drunk as the other one, he still smelled like he took a whole shower with alcohol and you weren’t about to let a gross man who talked to you that way touch your body. At least, not yet.
You stayed calm and kept ignoring those guys in front of you until the subway stops at your station. You head out the wagon and just as expected and desired, the two men followed you while yelling at you in a failed attempt to get your attention. As soon as you saw a nice alley, you took a turn and waited for them to corner you.
“(Perfect.)” you think before leaning back on the wall of the dead end. They got closer to you. “Hmm... I’ve got nothing else to do tonight, y’know?” you say with your voice slightly high-pitched in an attempt to sound interested and completely seduced. “And to be honest, it has been a pretty boring day so far. Sooo... What do you guys think about having a little quick fun, hm? Here and now? For free, if you want.” you wrapped your arms around the neck of the least drunk guy and rubbed your left leg on his side. Both of them looked at each other like they just hit a nice big jackpot.
The least drunk one holds your leg up a bit more. “Shit! But out here?” he scoffs. “You sure about that?”
“Why not? Nobody will know. And nobody can hear us either. Now, why don't you start over here and find out what’s waiting for you?” you said pointing at your chest. The guy obeys you and unbuttons the first button of your coat revealing a pretty little rose quartz necklace. “Nice necklace,” he comments while going for the third button.  “Thanks. It's the thing that will help me send you straight to the gates of Hell.” he stops and looks at you as if you said something absurd. “What-?” Before he could even finish his question, your necklace started shining stopping his and his friend's whole body. You smiled childishly and walked back from them. This is the night they both die for approaching you inappropriately.
All it took was a small movement of your hand to lift up the two men in the air and slam them against the wall behind them. You could hear their panicked and pointless screams for help, but you stuck their lips shut so you could think of what to do with them. “Y'know? Most ladies nowadays carry pepper spray or pocket knives to protect themselves from creeps like you two. But for me? I carry something much, much better and far more interesting.” You took out a pair of surgical gloves and a long scalpel from your purse. After you put the gloves on, you took a black mouth mask with a white sharp-toothed grin print on it. You could see how the men were growing more and more terrified. You loved it. “Don't ask me how I got this shit, okay? Oh, that's right! You can't!” you started giggling at your own comment. “Don't worry. Just like you guys say to women before sex, I promise not to hurt you. I’ll be gentle with you.” still using your powers, you started unbuttoning one of the guy's white shirt and approached the scalpel to his body and started carving in his chest and torso the words he told you on the subway: ❛You'd look better in my bed all bent over.❜ His muffled screams gave you so much pleasure. His phrase was done, it was the other guy's turn: ❛At least show us a real smile.❜ “A smile...” you thought out loud. That gave you another idea. “Well, if you want a smile that badly, I can surely give you both one. And I can also make a little tribute to a certain someone.” you lowered the men a little, got face to face with them and began cutting the edges of their mouths upwards all the way to their ears to give both of them a big bloody permanent smile.
You backed up and gave them one final look to judge your work. You were proud of it. So proud you started laughing. You found their pain and suffering hilarious and delectable. You kept on laughing for a few moments until you finally calmed down, sighed and looked at the poor men who looked like they were on the verge of death. “Well, that was fun. Hopefully, this will teach you to not bother a girl because one day, you might fuck with the wrong bitch,” and with that said, you used the powers of your necklace to change into your clown costume. “and get what you fuckin' deserve.” Yes, your admiration for the Joker made you create a clown persona for yourself. After changing and letting out that last sentence, you cut the guys' wrists all the way up to their forearms making them bleed out and slit their throats twice. You wanted to be the last thing they see before dying. Once you made sure they were undoubtedly dead, you let them fall down from the wall on the dirty water from the alley.
Suddenly, a burst of laughter made you turn your face to the entrance of the alley just to find the strange man from the subway slowly taking his big coat and hat off, revealing a very unexpected surprise: the Joker. He threw his coat and hat on the dirty floor as if he could just get new ones with the snap of his fingers, and proceeded to walk towards you while applauding you slowly. Once he shortened the distance between the two of you he spoke “Well, that certainly was quite a show, sweetheart!” he said between laughter and eventually stopped. You couldn’t believe the man who started these rebellions against the rich of Gotham and killed Murray Franklin on his own show was standing in front of you and saying that he enjoyed the atrocious act you just performed.
You took your right hand on your chest surprised and pleased with his comment and smiled proudly looking at the dead bodies and then turning to see him again “The Joker complimenting my... Killing skills? Thank you so much, sir! I’m quite flattered!” you said giggling because of your little pun and doing a funny British lady curtsy to him. He was the Clown Prince of Crime after all. You wanted to show him your respect. “I saw the whole thing,” he said starting to walk around you and examining you completely. “the way these... Pieces of scum were talking to you on the subway, the way you, SOMEHOW, pinned them to the fuckin' wall, how you made sure they suffered for their actions,” he looked deep into your eyes while grabbing your chin “the way you gave them a smile in my honor,” you pulled your mask under your chin and offered him a big smiled that showed your teeth “and how you didn't let them go until you made sure they were dead. Not bad! Not bad at all.” You giggled and looked at the corpses. “Thanks, it really means a lot coming from you.”
“Your techniques are something special and you’re pretty interesting, doll. Your name?” you thought for a second. You didn’t really think of giving your clown persona a name. Then you knew what to respond. “Melody. My clown name is Melody.” you looked at him while he lighted up a cigarette and took a long drag. “Melody, huh? That’s a nice name. A name perfect for a murderer. Would you like me to walk you home?” you thought about it for a second. You respected him and supported him, yes, but allowing him to know where you live knowing how dangerous he is? You couldn’t risk your safety like that. “I appreciate the offer, sir, thank you very much, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline it.” he gave you a side-smile. “I understand why, no worries, doll, but first I would like to hand you a little something” he searched into his red suit jacket and handed you over a small card. You read both sides carefully. You raised an eyebrow. “A medical condition, huh? So that’s what it is?” he turned to you shocked and took the card from your hand “Whoopsie, wrong card!” he says with a chuckle and hands you over a different one with a direction. “Why are you giving me this?” you asked innocently. “In case someone as powerful and strong such as yourself decides to join me and my people, leave behind the boring working life and try something exciting, you’ll know where to find me.” you couldn’t believe the Joker thought of you as powerful and strong! You thought for a second. “How do you know I won’t use this to turn you to the police, though?” you didn’t understand why he trusted you this much after meeting you just a couple of minutes ago. “You won’t. And if you do, or someone else finds this card and chooses to be a snitch, it won’t matter. I always manage to escape. On my own or with the help of the people.” he took a long drag of his cigarette and exhale it while looking at his right. That looked awesome! As if he knew he was the big boss. You gave him a smile. “Thank you so much for the offer. I’ll think about it, but I gotta get back home now.” you started walking past him. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Joker” you looked at him and waved him goodbye. “And it certainly was a pleasure to meet you... Miss Melody.” you left the alley with a smile. You lied about thinking it over. You knew EXACTLY what to do.
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 5 years
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WELP! Since today my friend's (@littierazzledazzle) OC is turning 1 year old, I will just go ahead and and leave this here for her because she's a queen and because I LOVE HER SO MUCH WITH ALL MY HEART GODDAMN IT!
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 5 years
✕ Being Arthur Fleck’s/the Joker’s little daughter.
A/N: Being sort of a "daddy's girl" gave me a little inspiration for these HC. And there's more of these on their way! Also, if you guys wanna get tagged on any stories or HC in the future just let me know! ;)
— ⌈ Arthur Fleck ⌋
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↻ I feel like Arthur would be the type of dad whose only ray of sunlight and reason to keep going would be his little kid.
↻ The first thing he wants as soon as he wakes up, is to see his little girl’s wide, pure, innocent smile.
↻ She's very opposite of him: energetic, optimistic, filled with life, warmth and everything an innocent little girl could ever possess.
↻ Every day before work he would drop her off at school and she would hug him, kiss his cheek and tell him ‘Love ya, daddy!’ ‘cause we all know that this man’s daughter would be just as sweet, if not more than him.
↻ He would take her to his job whenever there was no school because, let’s be real, he would never leave her alone in his apartment with a babysitter. He doesn’t trust anyone with his child.
↻ Which takes us to the next point, he’s a little overprotective. He knows how cruel people can be and he wants to protect his little girl from all the pain life has in store as much as possible.
↻ If she wants to go out and play with some friends, she's gonna have to do it where he can keep an eye on her at all times.
↻ He would never tell her about the cruelty he endures from society. If she was to ask about the bruises and scars in his body, he would just tell her that he fell on his way to work and that would be it.
↻ She obviously knows about his condition and every time his unstoppable laughter strikes in public she would tightly hug him or just his arm because it’s the only way she knows how to make someone feel better.
↻ She would sometimes play with his face paint and call herself ‘the Carnival’s little jester of mischief’ and give her dad the best evil laughter she can come up with and try to juggle whatever it’s closer to her. His heart cannot take all the cuteness. He would still tell her to not play with his face paint because he 'needs it for work' and promises her that he'd get some face paint just for her.
↻ DAD JOKES GALORE!!! Before bed, while eating, before breakfast, on their way to school, in public, EVERYWHERE IS A GREAT PLACE FOR DAD JOKES!
↻ He would sometimes dance sillily with her in the living room while some song plays in the radio.
↻ Every time she shows him something she’s proud or passionate about, he would drop whatever he’s doing at the moment and pay complete attention to her and congratulate her on her little achievement.
— ⌊ Joker ⌉
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â†ș After losing a little bit of his sanity, he obviously couldn’t let you see the atrocities he did. He would only tell you he ‘got rid of really bad people.’
â†ș He would still be very caring, but just a little bit more strict and serious.
â†ș Would definitely spoil the hell out of his little girl more than when he was Arthur.
â†ș She tells him about a cute stuffed elephant she saw at a nearby store? She talks about how she's running out of colors and pages on her coloring book? She wants some new shoes? Some new toys? Joker would make his followers and henchmen break into a whole ass store, get her what she wants and hide it all in order to give them all to her as presents.
â†ș If he was to go out during a riot, he would make sure you were asleep before leaving and put a little note on the door.
â†ș 'Go back to sleep, sweetheart, I had to go out and take care of some problems. Don't worry, I'll be back soon. Do NOT go out or unlock the door or the windows. I left you some cookies and milk on the table. Love, daddy. ♡'
â†ș Whenever she had a nightmare, she would ask her daddy if she can sleep with him. The answer will always be yes.
â†ș "You wanna tell me what was it about?"
â†ș "M-Maybe in the morning. I'm super tired, daddy."
â†ș If she was to wake up because of a nightmare and her dad wasn't home, though, that'd be a whole different story.
â†ș If she wakes up from a nightmare and her daddy was nowhere to be found, she'd grab one of his several large red suit jackets and cover herself with it. It made her feel like her daddy was right there with her, hugging her and making her feel safe.
â†ș By the time Joker got back and saw his daughter wrapped around his suit jacket, his guilt took place all over his head.
â†ș How dare he leave his little girl alone after a nightmare disturbed her peaceful sleep?! She was probably scared and fell asleep waiting for him to comfort her and fall asleep right next to her! How could he do that to her?!
â†ș He would make it up to her in the morning, though, apologizing, making her favorite breakfast and giving her a present he ordered his henchmen to steal.
♄ Over all, he loves his daughter to death and as long as he's breathing he would protect her and give her all the love he didn't have during his childhood. He'd lie, steal and kill for his little girl. ♄
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 5 years
✕  The Joker finding out that his s/o created a clown persona for themselves thanks to him.
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↬ By agreeing to be the Joker’s s/o, you didn’t really had the choice of leaving him. And you were okay with that. You loved Arthur, and you wanted to be there for him. Even if you wanted, you couldn’t stop him from comitting his gory actions, so the least you could do was show him your support and loyalty.
↬ The best thing you could think of was creating a clown character for yourself because c’mon, this is the Clown Prince of Crime we’re talking about, if you were going to be his lover then you NEEDED to wear something that would scream at the world that you belonged to him and only him!
↬ So without wasting a second, you rushed to the nearest store and asked for a lot of face paint. You wanted a lot to choose from and experiment with what you liked most.
↬ You obviously practiced on your make-up and clothing whenever he wasn't around in order to surprise him by letting him see the final product. Once you finally decided what you wanted to look like for your clown, you wrote down the procedure of your make-up on a little notebook to not forget it.
↬ Once Arthur—No, Joker came to your apartment at night inviting you to walk around the burning city after another riot you asked him if he could wait in your living room because you've "got a surprise for him." A surprise that you hope sees it as a love mark. He agrees and waits on one of the couches.
↬ You tell him to turn around and he can't believe his eyes. You're... You're dressed up as a little evil clown!
↬ "Well, well, well, what do we've got here?"
↬ Although a bit shy about what he would think of your costume, you still built up the courage to explain yourself while he gets so close to you, your back is practically resting against the wall.
↬ "Since I'm all yours, I wanted to wear something that... Would show it, you know? Like a territorial love mark. A sign that shows that I'll always be yours and that nobody has the right to approach me but you."
↬ You explain with a sweet smile, which just makes him chuckle and caress your cheek. You look just so cute and precious to him. His adorable sweet little thing.
↬ "You look incredibly gorgeous, sweetheart. So gorgeous that I just wanna dance with you for the entire night around the city..." He whispers into your ear, sending chills down your spine. Your shyness just makes you even cuter in his eyes. He grabs your waist and starts waltzing with you towards your bedroom.
↬ "...And then, come back here and eat you until you’re crying and screaming my name only; so YOU never forget who you belong to." He whispers once again before placing your body on the bed. After that, his caresses were followed by rough kisses and moans and cries from you. Maybe you could show off your costume and maybe some other love marks another day.
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 5 years
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"I already know I'm fucking terrible at it,
so what even is the point in fucking trying?!
I know I'm dumb
for not knowing how to do it,
I know I'm a failure
for not understanding it,
for not being able to even try to do it.
I do wanna learn how to do it,
but I've given up.
I have given up in trying to succeed at it.
Feeling like a failure is tiring
and I am beyond exhausted.
I have become numb because of this.
Feeling like a constant fuck up
has made me go completely numb.
I'm already bad at it,
so what even is the point in fucking trying?!"
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 5 years
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A sheriff with daddy issues and his cute chaotic baby.
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 5 years
I had a BLAST at South Texas ComicCon!
So this Saturday April 27, 2019 I went to South Texas Comic-Con and LET ME TELL Y'ALL, I HAD SUCH A GOOD TIME THERE! I saw many cool cosplays, gadgets, toys, I bought myself some stuff (because fuck buying brand new cute clothes with your birthday money, amirte??) BUUUUUT the HIGHLIGHT of my day was when I got the priviledge to meet the one and only STEVE BLUM! (I swear I waited to meet him in line for about an hour and a half or so and the very next day my legs and feet were in so much pain BUT I DON'T CARE BECAUSE EVERY SECOND THAT PASSED BY WHILE WAITING FOR HIM WAS ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY WORTH IT!!!) When I got the chance to ask him to do Starscream's, Wolverine's and Green Goblin's voice and I COMPLETELY LOOSE MY SHIT!!
Here are some other pictures of me with some cool cosplayers and with STEVE HIMSELF:
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 6 years
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A few venting drawings I did a couple of weeks ago. Just that.
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 6 years
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But also...
Imma just go ahead and scream into the void now so bye!
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 6 years
I found the Grinch merchandise at my local Forever 21 and I had to contain myself from SCREAMING
I am super sorry for my stupid stuttering, y'all, anxiety was being a bitch and my poor English along with my excitement and fangirling wasn't really helping me at all tonight BUT HOLY SHIT I AM SUPER MAD AT ME FOR NOT BRINGING MY WALLET! I seriously hope they have all this beautiful shit online. Btw at the end I said "I'm in love!"
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 6 years
Adorable little concept:
Ok. So the Grinch designed his own Santa disguise ALL BY HIMSELF, right? What if after watching The Nutcracker and the Four Realms with Donna and Cindy, he designs a Nutcracker dress for Cindy to wear on Christmas? Y'know, like the one Clara was wearing that looked like she was a classy little soldier? But he would not only make the hat as well, he would make the skirt super puffy and bouncy as if it was a tutu.
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anna-skeletons-gallery · 6 years
An adorable little concept:
Okay. So y'all know how the Grinch does his and Max's hair, right? Like, just doing little twirls around the only lock of hair they both have? Okay, so imagine Cindy-Lou undoing her braids and ASKING him if he can make those same twirls on her hair to make herself look more like him. And the Grinch is just speechless. This adorable little girl wants her hair to look like his? He can't handle the cuteness! And when he twirls her hair he just can't stop himself from saying "awww." He thinks she looks cute with her new hairstyle.
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