#joker (film)
sahinduzgunart · 5 months
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JOKER (2019) by SahinDüzgün
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imasimpforstevengrant · 2 months
Five years have passed. How could I ever forget this man again?
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tabsalad · 8 months
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Inktober 2023: Wild Edition #4
Movies in a anime/cartoon style edition.
It's a Joker kind of day.
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arthursclozapine · 1 year
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I am glad you exist
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harleenfleck · 2 months
"5 years later" A letter for Artie
This is a kind of fanfiction/selfshipping. It'll be soooo cringely, yes is a warning haha, just wondering how is that Arthur comes back to my life after those long five years without him.
So, I hope you like it, oh my god, will be so cringely but i don't care hahaha! Based on a lot of Taylor Swift music, to be specific, "the 1", "right were you left me" and "daylight" Hope you like it! Again, sorry for the grammatical and language mistakes, English is not my mother tongue.
Hope you like it!
Hey. Hello?
Arthur? Arthur Fleck? Is that you?
It's me, hi. It's a very bad, really bad way to say "hello" as nothing after 5 years later, don't you think so?
It's hard to explain what is in my head now, in my heart and even in my lungs. I wanted to ask what happened to those years. How have you been? I hope better than the last time we saw each other. Something inside me wants to beliv you're better now, I want to belive it, help me to belive in it.
You're still in the same old city? I am right in my own old and sad town. A lot of friends of mine aren't my friends now. That narcisist guy who you hated to death is ruinning the life of another girl, hope she's okay and she'll be okay. I'm still in the same job I hate, but I try to make it better.
Speaking about it, do you remember the social worker who don't help you? I think what would happen if she could help you since the first moment... And you know what? Today I'm studying to be a Social Worker too. Everybody thinks was to get a better job and it's true in a strange way. But the real reason was you... I'm studying that career because I want to help, that help was deny to you, to help others like you.
I try to found relief and cure in music as you, I found a blonde and beautiful woman who writes songs of love, pain, girlhood, anxiety, sadness, freedom and poetry. I've heard her songs and I even go to her concert, was one of the best nights in my life.
And you know something funny? When you come back, all her songs about love started to come to life and make sense to me.
Do you remember "California"? That song we listened for hours and hours in midnights? You finally come back, and I want to take you yo California, forever.
It's kind of funny you back after I go on with my life, I have new friends, some of my old friends, a new partner who help me as you did it in the past. He treats me so well, so tender and gives me peace, sometimes I think both of you have the same soul.
I see you found love for your way, she's the character I've played for months and wanted to be, to convert myself to her. She looks like so interested on you, and I hope she treats you and loves you as I do. I hope you have her picture in your journal, I hope you dance with her with emotion and hold her hand with passion, I hope she laughs with your jokes as I did, I hope she helps you as I try to do in the past.
I never thought you'll come back again to my life, you were in my mind, my daydreams and my lungs after you showed in my eyes again. It's funny that I use "lungs" and not "heart", but since you come back, your name is in my breathing. Heart has envy to lungs now.
There's a lyric in a song who makes me think about you since I've heard it, "In a world of boys, he's a gentleman". Be a gentleman with her as you was with me before.
I think I'll bought a chain with your initial, and I'll use it for the rest of the year until our next date in October. I'll use it and you'll know I'm still owns you and you really knows me. I take this from a song of the blonde singer I've tell you.
I'm starting to think I'll never stop to love you, you show me after the darkest period in my life I can back to love again, to take me to the dark and scary night and bring me to the golden daylight. Maybe you know that I need to be saved again, and you're here to take me to daylight again... Thank you again, Artie...
With love
You know who I am
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purplehalnw · 1 year
Is anyone else kinda disappointed about Sophie from Joker (2019)?
Like when she was first introduced I thought that she was gonna become Harley Quinn. But then the whole hallucination reveal happened.
However I was still hopeful that she could still become HQ somehow when they first announced they were doing a sequel but then it was confirmed that Lady Gaga will be HQ... And I mean I'm sure she'll be great but idk would've been nice to have a black Harley Quinn.
Also, now it seems pretty likely that they're just gonna go with the same basic backstory of Joker and HQ's relationship with her being his psychiatrist and him manipulating her.
While if they got rid of the hallucination reveal and made Sophie HQ I feel like the relationship would've been a more interesting take in which it isn't abusive. Like they've already diverted from almost all other Joker stories just by giving him a clear backstory so why not just change everything?
Edit: I have now seen the trailer to the sequel to Joker and they are actually going to give Harley and Joker's relationship a different backstory. Although I am still disappointed at the missed opportunity of having a black Harley Quinn, this movie has piqued my interest and I might actually see it when it comes out.
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thetheodispatch · 1 year
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Joker (2019) dir. Todd Phillips
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werhat · 8 months
"Bu maskenin altında bir yüz var. Ancak benim değil. Ne altındaki kaslardan daha benimdir o yüz, ne de altındaki kemiklerden. Bu maskenin altında etten daha fazlası var. Bu maskenin altında bir fikir var, Bay Creedy! Ve fikirlere kurşun işlemez!"
🎬 V for Vendetta
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savinggod · 1 year
I @kie[trade mark] got god to come here......and I'm not in music yet but I had a tuff job to Sunday...saving I hoped it helped they saying that it did so people got to talk to there body cuz someone is on top of u ...world news talk inside or out loud and talk by urself ....si abla con tigo un jugado Para ti translate it in all languages check
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archivyrep · 1 year
Archivists on the Issues: Fictional Archivists Out in the Open [Part 1]
Archivists on the Issues is a forum for archivists to discuss the issues we are facing today. Today’s post comes from Burkely Hermann (me), Metadata Librarian for the National Security Archive and current I&A Blog Coordinator. There will be spoilers for each of the books, animated series, films, and other media he will be discussing. It was published there on March 8, 2023 and will be published on my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog in late September.
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Eight archivists-of-sorts in fiction. Top row, from left to right: Archie the Archivist (Regular Show), Jocasta Nu (Star Wars), Sunati (Always Human), Russ (Be Cool, Scooby Doo!). Bottom row from left to right: Unnamed archivist / records clerk (My Dictator Boyfriend), Atropos (Lore Olympus), Clotho (Lore Olympus), and Clark (Joker)
In January 2018, Cate Peebles wrote about examples of archives in popular culture, specifically in true crime documentaries. In her post, on this blog, she argued that archivists are missing in "moments of recognition" and said that representations of actual archivists are "few and far between". She concluded that no popular image of an archivist exists, but that archivists are "more present than ever" even if unseen, adding that "without records and their keepers, there are no stories to tell." In this article, I'd like to highlight some examples of fictional archivists that I've come across through the years, especially since starting my WordPress blog on the subject.
For one, there are some characters who who merge characters of archivists and librarians. This includes a reference librarian who manages a Yale University Library room which combines elements of archives and libraries into one institution in Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018) and a character who is almost an archivist, named Archie the Archivist (voiced by John Cygan) in Regular Show. In the latter case, Archie works in a library and becomes a guardian to protect analog data, which could have some parallels to archivists as keepers of information.
Similarly, there's Madame Jocasta Nu in Star Wars, specifically in Attack of the Clones and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. She is played by Alethea McGrath in the film and voiced by Flo Di Re in the animated series. Madame Nu is described as a librarian and archivist, but seems to manage a library-archives hybrid known as the Jedi Archives, within the Jedi Temple. She is best-known for declaring, in Attack of the Clones, that "if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist," an arrogant and untrue statement which ignores reality of archives as memory institutions and their role in society. Madame Nu differs fundamentally from the unnamed librarian in the dark, haunting Thatcher Memorial Library shown in a scene of Citizen Kane (1941). The librarian in the latter has been described as one of the world’s meanest archivists. Played by Georgia Backus, she has her hair tied up in a bun and has "an intimidating stare on her face", acting as a "real dragon lady at the gates of knowledge." This is not the type of archives you want to go to! It is not the image which should be projected.
There are various archivists, of sorts, in other media. For instance, in the webcomic, Always Human, Rae, a friend of the protagonist, Sunati, dreams of becoming an archivist and fulfills this dream during the run of the comic. More directly, an episode of Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!, entitled "Silver Scream", features Russ, a young film archivist who works in a film archive room and is a bit eccentric. Other archivists appear in issues of the popular webcomic Lore Olympus in 1980s style dress, helping characters who request records about their past memories, or in the webcomic My Dictator Boyfriend. In the latter case, the archivist/records clerk is manipulated to write a birth form for the ruler's wife, Anna, even though the son isn't even born! [1]
There are other prominent depictions. For one, there is a records clerk, named Clark (played by by Brian Tyree Henry), who brings out a medical hospital record for Arthur Fleck in Joker (2019). However, Fleck, who later becomes the Joker, steals the record from the clerk because he hasn't filled out the appropriate paperwork to take the file with him. Then there's the well-known depiction of a classy archivist named Abigail Chase (played by Diane Kruger) who appears in National Treasure (2004) and National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007). It is a depiction which has been oft discussed by archivists. Archivists also make an appearance in former webcomics like Power Ballad, and currently running ones like Brimstone and Roses.
There are many more examples, like supposed newspaper archivist (and former newspaper reporter) in the animated series, Stretch Armstrong, who has a newspaper archives in his basement. He declares in one episode, "some say I’m packrat, archivist I say!" Even The Simpsons has a character who runs the Springfield Historical Society, in the episode "Lisa the Iconoclast" which could be called an archivist. Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, otherwise known as Tangled: The Series, features, along with other archivy themes, a keeper of a museum, known as The Spire, named Calliope (voiced by Natalie Palamides). She is a scholar who does magic tricks and has a messy library. Most recently, a character named Arizal (voiced by Christine Marine Cabanos) is the protagonist of Recorded by Arizal. She puts together vlogs explaining why she wants to be a record keeper, often another name for an archivist.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
Continued in part 2
[1] Hermann, Burkely. "Libraries, records, and Kore: Archives on Mount Olympus." Wading Through the Cultural Stacks, Nov. 28, 2020; Hermann, Burkely. "Popular culture and the duties of archivists." Wading Through the Cultural Stacks, Feb. 27, 2021; Hermann, Burkely. "Evil Anna and How I Learned to Love Archival Manipulation." Wading Through the Cultural Stacks, Apr. 3, 2021.
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kiegodgameofficial · 2 years
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When mommy licks u
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kesso · 29 days
The life of kesso
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I hanged right from honest
And treasured the chest of my magic
I thought the thought
I belonged with my magic kei angel
I grew with mistakes
Thought and thought
That I had belonged to owners
Fought with gamestop
And worked far from the game
And the video game
I brought love games
And made kei.food for people then it's mine that works
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supperkieofficial · 1 month
Will of dieing
But incect silver and gold and buy them all Jews over wifi for unlimited Jews and unlimited money on pixel and real unlimited money on wifi from real life and games give it out and let them give out to who is missing from kei wifi to all please im saving and dont dishonor and i tell the wifi now
For him and hers all of human to
And cardib and cardib babies and tell her I'm still alive if she wants to me be in her life bacalese and give to music and tv
Passing still here and got time in here where ever am at give to to all worlds upon worlds on people wifi and give back to wifi and galaxy and gods and angels and people from past future and present and robot things and all bizzness of threres and mother earth enchanted mirror that's killing me just I have to save savior unknown boy and wifi fios has the stuff a litttle bit that i have stories thanos cops have stories gangs and hope they have it thats all kisses love and blessings mom to and everyone got effected courts and stories to be inoccent from gamer cop detective unknown boy give my phones to the wifi so when i die they can see prob come back look for me mother earth give my phone and check if i died dont take rigjt away wait ill prob have to comr back leave it to the wifi if i. Loose I get a phone and let uknow that I'm here
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arthursclozapine · 1 year
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I now realize that maybe, just maybe, I am capable of loving and deserving of love
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tygerland · 4 months
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Heath Ledger - May 2000 - by Bruce Weber.
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thejok3rshow · 3 months
Feeling like safe an well but
Joker wakes me up
And gives me no work
And helpless I was
Living these days
of work supernatural
And god assistants assignments
But no work really from the joker god
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