#THE JOKER (2019)
jokerepicquotes · 5 months
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mcudc616 · 15 days
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Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck in The Joker (2019)
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promptthebear · 1 year
Hello! 🐰 may I please get prompt number 23 with Arthur Fleck please?😭
Here you go! Sorry this is so late, and congratulations on being my first Arthur prompt!
Arthur Fleck x Reader
Prompt: Why can't I braid your hair?
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CW: Penny is having a mild delusional episode and Arthur gives her some of her medications. Some mentions of Arthur being bullied at work. Mild swearing. Let me know if I miss anything! 2nd person, reader is referred to as "you", no physical description of reader mentioned, F!reader
A/N: There's some stuff in this that's basically me experimenting with my personal head canons about side characters. Ie. Gary being married with children and Randall being divorced. It's mostly there to give the conversation between Arthur and the reader a more realistic flavour. I was just going for something really comfortable and domestic feeling for this. Enjoy!
It was only after he heard the clunk of the deadbolt closing and the feeling of familiar, worn flooring under his feet did Arthur finally feel like he could breath again. Yes, the apartment was still a shitty little hole in the wall that reeked of cigarette smoke and where the hot water came out from the tap a copper colour half the time, but it was also his own personal oasis. A sanctuary where the two of you could shut out the rest of the world and bask in the solace of each other’s company.
He could feel the grime and grief of the day slowly start to dissipate as he padded down the hall, his sock feet no more than a whisper on the threadbare carpeting. It was a little early in the day for you to be home, but he could hear the sound of the TV, a faint drone that was still too far away for him to make out anything distinctive.
If it was the daily newscast, then it was probably Penny watching. She never missed a chance to catch sight of Thomas Wayne, no matter how brief. If the local baseball game was on instead, then Penny was napping and you’d be getting dinner started. The Gotham Knights were the worst team in the Tri-State area, but you were a loyal fan all the same.
What greeted Arthur when he rounded the corner and came into the living room, however, temporarily stopped him cold in his tracks. The TV was on, yes, but at a much lower volume than the ear shattering blare his mother preferred. Penny was awake too, still dressed in her robe and slippers, but awake never the less. Instead of occupying her usual perch on her favourite chair and basking in the glow of the flickering screen, Penny was doing her own version of pacing. Arthur watched as she shambled from one side of the room to the other, muttering quietly under her breath to someone only she could see.
After deciding she was only having a mild episode and not a complete break from reality this time, Arthur pulled his eyes away from Penny and began to search the room for you. It was only on his third pass of the space that he realized the reason he kept missing you. What he thought was a pile of laundry on the couch, was in fact your body, lying half sunk into the cushions. You were still wearing your work scrubs, as well as your shoes, and your head was buried beneath a stack of sofa pillows. You hadn't let out so much as a whimper since he'd walked in, or even let on that you knew he was home.
“Sweetheart? You alright?”
Within seconds, Arthur was kneeling by your side, contorting his body between the sofa and the coffee table to get to close to you as possible. At the sound of his voice, you stirred slightly, and brought up a hand to lift up a corner of the bottom pillow in the stack. A bloodshot, dark rimmed eye stared back at Arthur from beneath it, and he instinctively reached out to run a soothing hand down your back. He’d been through enough bad days with you to recognize the warning signs, even when you hadn’t said a word.
“Migraine again?” he asked, purposely keeping his voice low and even so as not to cause you any further discomfort.
The pillows wobbled precariously as you nodded in reply. Arthur sighed, before glancing over his shoulder to look back at Penny. In the short amount of time it had taken him to come over to you, his mother had stopped her pacing, and was staring at him as though she was now just realizing who he was.
“I’m here Mom.” he said, placing a hand on the nearby armrest so he could push himself to his feet “Did you get your medication today?”
“She missed her third dose” your voice was half muffled by the pillow “Mrs. Bianci from downstairs called my job around three-ish to say she heard yelling coming from our place and she was worried. I caught an early train home, but the migraine hit before I could do anything for Penny, I’m sorry.”
Arthur bit at his bottom lip, not hard enough to draw blood but with enough force that the pain it caused overwhelmed any lingering frustration. He could feel the laughter, unwelcome and oh so insistent, clawing at the back of his throat, trying to break free. He grit his jaw against it, forcing it back down as best he could. Doing this too often would eventually trigger a fit that would last hours instead of seconds, but the last thing you needed right now was for him to be out of commission.
He knew your migraines only came around in times of extreme stress, and as much as he loved her, he was also very much aware of just how stressful dealing with Penny could be. You’d tried your hardest to get along with her since you’d moved in, but Penny was stubborn at the best of times and hateful at the worst, especially when it came to who administered her daily dose of medication.
“Let me get Mom comfortable, and then we’ll get you looked after, okay?” He said, smiling down at you.
You gave Arthur a wobbly smile in return from beneath your pillow cavern. The gesture almost broke Arthur’s heart, you were trying so hard to put on a happy face for him and play it off like things weren’t so bad. If anyone knew how that felt, he certainly did.
It didn’t take long to crush up Penny’s next round of pills into a pudding cup, and even less time to coax her into her recliner in front of the news. By the time the first commercial break started playing, she was already lulled into a blissful stupor, a dreamy look on her face as her glassy eyes watched the screen without actually seeing it.
Once he was sure his mother was settled, Arthur then turned his focus entirely towards you. Without needing to be asked, you had already sat up, your stack of pillows sitting neatly on the floor while you waited for Arthur to join you. The springs squawked in protest as he sat down on the cushion farthest away from you. As soon as he was ready, you crawled over and placed your head on his lap, with your face turn upwards towards the ceiling.
“Comfy?” he asked, once again smiling down at you. A loose lock of hair was hanging across your face, and he reached down, tucking it behind your ear with nimble fingers.
“Best seat in the house” you replied, your voice a hoarse whisper. “Thanks for doing this, Arthur.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
With that, Arthur brought his hands down to either side of your face, with one arm draping over your torso while the other sat atop the armrest. He moved his thumbs over your temples, and began to massage the skin there in tiny, circular motions.
The effect on you was almost instantaneous. Arthur watched as your eyes fluttered shut, and he could feel the tension leave your body as you settled more firmly against his legs. The migraine would’ve eventually run its course whether he was here to help you or not, but the two of you had discovered this trick could sometimes turn hours of agonizing pain into a more manageable level of discomfort.
“How was work?”
Arthur couldn’t help but smile again, even though he knew you wouldn’t see it. You could be having the worst day of your life, and yet you always found time to check in with him. It made him feel like each time you asked that question, you were really interested in what he had to say, and not just making polite conversation or because of some unspoken sense of obligation.
“It was okay,” he replied, making sure to keep his voice soft “Hoyt’s been looking into getting me a position in the Founder’s Day parade next week, since I’m more comfortable in front of crowds than the other guys, and Gary’s wife is pregnant again.”
“Oh, good for Ella. That’s what, their third together?”
“Fourth, actually.”
“Jesus Christ, any more and she’s going to make Gary sleep outside.”
Arthur let out a quiet chuckle, in part because he appreciated the joke and also because he was relieved to see your usual sense of humour returning. That usually meant you were slowly starting to feel a bit better.
“I mean, yeah. But she probably never gets migraines either.”
A faint crease appeared on your forehead, more from confusion than discomfort.
“How do you figure that?”
Arthur felt his cheeks heat up, a wicked grin playing about his lips.
“Well, cause of all the kids, you know? Randall says there’s nothing better for a headache than a good fuck.”
“Arthur! Oh my god!”
One of your hands came up, and gently smacked Arthur on his chest. He laughed, a warm and genuine sound that burbled from deep in his gut, the complete opposite to what came out during his fits. You were laughing too, though it was a much more subdued giggle than usual, most likely due to the migraine.
“Your Mom is right there!” you said, cracking open an eye to shoot him an admonishing look.
“She’s not listening to us.” he replied, still grinning. “Those blue ones will keep her out for hours. Watch.”
He turned his head slightly to the side, his green eyes coming to rest on Penny in her chair. The older woman hadn’t even glanced away from the screen, despite the ruckus you two were making.
“Hey Mom. The martians have landed and they wanna make me president of the United States.”
“That’s nice, Happy.” came Penny’s answer, as cheerful and calm as though Arthur had just told her the price of milk.
“See?” he said, looking back down at you. “I could say anything and that’s exactly what she would say back every single time.”
“Okay, okay.” you replied. Both your eyes were open now, and you were staring back up at Arthur “But you shouldn’t be listening to Randall anyway, especially when it comes to anything he says about women. He’s been divorced at least twice. If anything, you should be doing the opposite of what he says.”
“You been talking to Gary?” Arthur asked as he reached down and gently tapped your nose with the tip of his finger “Because he tells me the exact same thing.”
“It’s a conspiracy” you said, scrunching up your nose and sticking out your tongue at him. You looked so cute, Arthur had to resist the urge to lean down and cover your face in kisses. It certainly seemed like you were doing better, but the last thing he wanted to do was cause you unnecessary discomfort.
Instead, he chose to lean down and place a gentle kiss on your forehead. The gesture made his curls slip from his shoulders and hang around his face like a curtain. You stared up at him, momentarily fascinated by the image and the way the sunlight picked up on the silver streaks that clustered near his temples.
“Your hair is getting kind of long.”
You reached up and wound a strand of it around your finger, watching as it sprung back into place the second it was released. Arthur chuckled softly, and caught your hand in his own so he could kiss your fingertips.
“Yeah. Mom thinks I need a haircut.”
“No!” you said, sitting up so suddenly you almost whacked your head off Arthur’s chin. Arthur’s eyes went wide, both from surprise at the intensity of your reaction and out of concern that you would agitate yourself further.
“I mean,” you continued, your cheeks starting to turn pink “You should cut it if you want to. But I…well, I like it this length.”
“Yeah?” The shock on his face melted away, and was quickly replaced by a wide, easy smile “I mean, I don’t mind it like this. But you’ll have to teach me how to take better care of it. Sometimes it’s hard to fit under my wig at work, and it gets matted if I leave it loose under there.”
“I can help” you said, shifting your position on the sofa so you were sitting with your feet touching the floor and your body turned towards Arthur “I could put it in a ponytail. Or maybe a braid?”
It was Arthur’s turn to scrunch up his nose, though you could tell from the strain in his smile that he wasn’t being playful.
“A braid? Me? I mean it’s nice of you to offer but I’m not sure-”
He trailed off, leaving you to fill in the gaps. What Arthur wasn’t telling you painted an all too vivid picture in your mind. You reached for his hand and clasped it in one of your own. His skin felt cool and soft against the pad of your thumb as you ran it over his knuckles.
“Hey. Arthur. What’s wrong? Why can’t I braid your hair?”
For a moment, Arthur stared at the TV, as though he was in the same zombified state as Penny. A commercial for dish soap playing in the background kept the room from being completely silent, but you could feel one pushing its way into your conversation all the same. When Arthur was truly upset, he either let everything loose all at once or shut down entirely. You seemed to be the only person who could coax him into a happy middle.
He let out a sigh that seemed to come from the depths of his soul, while his free hand came up to scratch at the back of his neck.
“It’s the guys at work,” he said, finally, his eyes still trained on the TV screen “They…well, they make fun of me, y’know? And I feel like if I came in with my hair braided then they’d…I’d never be able to live it down.”
“Screw them.” you shot back, your voice calm but firm “Aside from Gary, they’re all idiots. Who gives a shit what they think?”
Arthur studied you for a moment before answering, most likely weighing the choice between making you happy and having you fuss over him, or keeping up appearances for a bunch of people who never seemed to hesitate to kick him when he was down. In the end, it was an easy decision.
“Okay.” he relented “My next shift is on Monday. If you’re feeling well enough before then, you can braid my hair before I go in.”
You grinned up at him, and scooted closer so you could plant a kiss on his cheek. At the last second, Arthur turned his head, catching your mouth in a warm, sweet kiss that had you tingling down to your toes. When you broke apart, you found he was smiling in earnest, with none of the tension lingering in his face from before.
“You’re so wonderful, Arthur” you said, reaching up to cup the side of his face in your hand “And if anyone says anything about it, just remember, it’s only because they’re jealous that your girlfriend loves you so much”
Arthur leaned into your touch, and he if could’ve purred, you swore he would be. Despite his apprehension, you figured that when he realized just how much of your attention playing with his hair would get him, he’d change his mind about the whole thing pretty quickly.
“It helps to have someone who makes being wonderful so easy. Now, if you wanna get better, you should let me finish that massage before dinner.”
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chantalswelt · 6 months
Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?
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Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy.
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Have you seen what it's like out there, Murray? Do you ever actually leave the studio? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody's civil anymore. Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it's like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don't. They think that we'll just sit there and take it, like good little boys! That we won't werewolf and go wild!
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cannibalgh0st · 2 years
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Clown party!🤡
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lizziephilbrick · 1 year
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The Joker, 2019
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chickendrawsstuff · 2 years
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Joker sketch, losely inspired by Joaquin Phoenix, it was a really fun drawing
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neon-skeleton99 · 2 years
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femslashspuffy · 10 months
Me and my dad talking about which Batman's we like and he says that he really liked when Jack Nicholson was the joker: heheh yeah but I really like joaquin phoenix as the joker 😎
Him: huh?
Me: joaquin phoenix
Him: when was Joaquin Phoenix the joker?
Me: in Thee Joker
Him: what?
Me: the JOKER it came out FOUR YEARS AGO
Him: I don't know what that is *looks it up* I still don't know what this is
And that's how I learned that my dad is so caught up on the news but he doesnt know what the JOKER is
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prokopetz · 10 months
Insisting that there's only one good MCU film can be a much more effective way of winding up MCU fans than insisting that they all suck, but you've gotta pick the right one. If you claim Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the only good MCU film, they'll probably just be like "I disagree, but I can understand how you'd feel that way"; if you insist with a straight face that Thor: The Dark World is the only good MCU film you can get them to write entire essays about how wrong you are.
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bacchusen · 2 years
Need some of those big Jonker’s Honker in my life if you know what I mean
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animusrox · 2 months
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Joker (2019) dir. Todd Phillips Joker: Folie à Deux (2024) dir. Todd Phillips
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mcudc616 · 15 days
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The Joker (2019)
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promptthebear · 6 months
Hi sorry, I don’t rlly know how to request but I hope this makes a bit sense > _ < 👍
🧺Arthur Fleck Joker - Something about Easter, what they would do and would they do hide and seek? Idk surprise us! :3 🙌
Happy Easter too! ✨ 🪺
💐Celebrating Easter with Arthur Fleck 💐
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CW: Child abuse, parental neglect, food insecurity.
First off, I can’t imagine that Arthur really celebrated a lot of holidays growing up.
He probably had the typical crafts and class parties at school, which he enjoyed very much, but what would happen at home was kind of a toss up.
If Penny was lucid, and they had the money, I can see her being the type to go all out. Most food bank programs offer special meals or food related to those meals around the holidays. Penny would absolutely take full advantage of that, and do either a turkey or ham dinner with all the fixings.
Arthur remembers these moments fondly, sitting on the couch with a full belly and maybe watching a church service or something on TV while he and his Mom decorate eggs. Having food for days after between the dinner leftovers and the eggs, which for Arthur meant eating like a king at least for awhile.
However, if Penny was having an episode or worse if they were staying with one of her so called “boyfriends?”
Well, in those cases Arthur was lucky if the day passed without ceremony like any other.
Depending on the conditions of their place, Easter could mean he got one less beating on account of the holiday and the closest thing he’d get to dinner was dry crackers and a juice box that he managed to scrounge up from the cupboards, if that.
Arthur doesn’t like thinking about those times too much. It’s just another reminder of all the happiness he missed out on and is desperately trying to bring back into his life.
After meeting and having a relationship with you, he’d probably mention all of this at one point or another when the holidays start coming around.
Even if he’s still living with Penny, or if you have your own place, you’d probably go all out to compensate for his childhood.
You’d probably go as far as to plan an itinerary and a menu, which both confuses and delights Arthur.
Him??? You’re really doing all this for him??? But it’s too much trouble, too much work, at least let him help with the-
Shush baby boy, just relax and let your partner spoil you.
First on the agenda? Special Easter breakfast.
Whether you stay over from Saturday or come early Sunday morning, Arthur is woken up by the smell of pancakes and bacon.
As far as I’m concerned, Easter breakfast is almost as important as Christmas. Especially if you come from a Catholic family and were fasting for lent like mine did sometimes.
Arthur isn’t even off of his sofa bed before you’re putting a heaping plate in his lap.
For a moment, he’d be too stunned to speak. You’d really outdone yourself.
First off, there’s a whole pile of bacon, still steaming hot and cooked to a crisp just how he likes.
“You eat every bite of that, or else.”
It’s not a real threat because you give him a gentle poke in the ribs when you say it. Arthur knows you’re doing it because you care and want him to have a decent meal for once.
Next are the pancakes. Oh my god, the pancakes.
These aren’t your garden variety, maple syrup and butter kind of pancakes.
Like yes, you’ve included those things, but also you’ve gone the extra mile and added in fresh fruit and chocolate chips and even tried to make some into fun shapes.
There’s an “A” shaped one, as well as a bunny with a blueberry eyes and a strawberry nose, and best of all, a clown with banana slice and chocolate chip eyes, a raspberry nose, jam mouth and whipped cream hair.
They’re so pretty Arthur almost doesn’t want to eat them, but does in the end because he doesn’t want you to feel like he doesn’t appreciate it.
Of course, know you’re getting a kiss between each and every bite.
It’s while he’s eating that Arthur also notices the colourful eggs that are stashed around the apartment. He’d look over at you, eyes sparkling with delight and give you a big grin.
“Are we gonna do an egg hunt???”
He can’t remember the last time he’s done an egg hunt, if ever. Even on the good Easters, usually all they did was dye some eggs to eat later since Penny was usually too sick or didn’t have the extra money to commit to an egg hunt.
You’d smile back, and lean down to give Arthur a kiss on the forehead. “Mmm-hmmm, though don’t get too excited. There’s no chocolate in these ones but they’ll lead you to your next surprise”
It’s all Arthur can to do wolf down the last off his food before he’s off like a shot, tearing around the apartment like he’s setting an Olympic record for egg finding.
You love seeing him like this and the way the childlike wonder takes years off his expression and posture. This is Arthur at his most authentic and you want to cherish every second.
You tried to be as creative as possible when hiding the eggs, even in such a small place. There’s six of them in total and Arthur finds them all in about twenty minutes.
Like you said, the eggs don’t contain chocolate but instead are plastic shells that pop open with something inside.
Arthur would spread the contents out on the coffee table and discover that it’s basically a picture puzzle with the pieces cut into horizontal strips.
Immediately, he’s all business. He’d hunch over the coffee table and light a cigarette, his expression one of intense focus.
When you try to help or give him hints, he waves you off, determined to solve this by himself and make the most of your hard work.
So of course, you oblige him. If you’re in the apartment he shares with Penny you’d probably check in on her and make sure she has something to eat, explaining that you and Arthur will be going out for the day.
If it’s a place you and Arthur share by yourselves, then you’d start cleaning up the dishes and the kitchen while he works at the puzzle.
For once the two of you have the chance to bask in peaceful, domestic silence. While you’re excited to do all the activities you planned with Arthur, you know this is what the holidays are really about. Having these quiet moments together where you can just take it slow and not worry about what’s coming next or where you need to be.
You’d just be putting the last of the dishes away when there’s an excited cry from the living room.
You’d poke your head in through the kitchen door to find Arthur, grinning triumphantly around his cigarette with the completed puzzle on the coffee table.
The picture it makes is of Gotham Central Park, specifically the front entrance.
You’d come over to Arthur and lean down to give him another kiss on the forehead.
“Good job babe, you did that so fast! How’d I get lucky enough to get someone who’s handsome and smart?”
Arthur would sit on the couch for a moment, eyes closed and basking in the praise like a cat in a sunbeam.
When he opens his eyes a few seconds later, he’d stub out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray and ask “Are we going right now?”
The way he says it is like a kid asking about Disney world, a little breathless and like he can’t quite bring himself to believe it.
That breaks your heart a little, in spite of the glow in the pit of your stomach.
It’s just a trip to the park. You’ve done it a million times or more with your family over the years, but once again this gives you a glimpse of the kind of life Arthur has had until you came along. Things haven’t been easy for him, and so he takes nothing good for granted, no matter how small.
You’d smile at Arthur and reach down to caress the side of his face with your hand
“Yeah, if you get ready in the next fifteen minutes we could probably make the 9:30 train”
Arthur would all but leap off the couch, grinning wide and with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Before you can react, he’s scooped you up into a massive bear hug that lifts your feet clean off the floor.
He’s squeezing you so tight it hurts a little, but you don’t mind. You squeeze back just as hard.
“Thank you so much for doing this” he’d murmur in your ear “I love you so much”
He’d punctuate that statement with a long, deep kiss where he almost leans you into a dip. He’d taste like smoke with a hint of maple syrup, which makes the warmth in your gut blossom and spread in a pleasant tingle across your body.
When the kiss breaks off you’re flushed, panting and unable to say anything more than a half mumbled “you’re welcome”
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sketchy-doge1 · 3 months
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Dance with me, Batman!!
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cannibalgh0st · 1 year
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Just 3 silly guys 🤡🤡🤡
*click for better quality!*
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