anotherwannabe · 4 days
Tips for not binging.
These tips are ideal for people 150+ lbs as I am 160 lbs and these are helping me! I am not a medical professional but we don’t all have access to that so I wanna say what helps me in the hope it can help others.
🤍 DONT ⭐️ve DO OMAD instead! If you’re used to eating 2000+ calories almost everyday ⭐️ving will work for the short term but then you’ll relapse back to old habits as you’re not used to it. Try OMAD because you’re still training your body to understand restricting but obviously you’ll be full at the end of the day. (Have your OMAD at about 4 pm - 8 pm) 
🤍 Water fast only ONE day of the week to start for 4 - 6 weeks so your body can get used to it. Then do two days for another 4 - 6 weeks so you can get used to that. 
🤍 WALK! Walk for 30 minutes everyday then increase to 45 minutes everyday then increase to 60 minutes everyday. Do this on an empty stomach before your OMAD. 
🤍 PROTEIN! Fish and veggies or chicken and veggies every night as your OMAD. It will keep you full and a standard serving is less than 400 calories. Even if you add rice that’s still under 500 calories! 
🤍 Allow yourself a low kcal (under 100 calories) treat after your OMAD. I know what you’re thinking but it’s better to have a 80 kcal treat every night than binging on 2000+ calories a couple days of the week! I eat two biscoff biscuits after my OMAD everyday and my daily caloric intake is still under 500 calories and I haven’t binged in months. It’s nice knowing I have a little treat to look forward too at the end of my day! 
🤍 The usual advice - KEEP YOURSELF BUSY! Drink only water and green tea. Track your calories literally everyday YES liquid calories count. Remember why you’re doing this. Remember it’s always “I’ll start tomorrow” “Next month is my month” No one can lose the weight for you it’s you against you. Four months from now you CAN be thinner or not but four months is gonna past regardless time doesn’t wait for anyone. You got this! 
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anotherwannabe · 5 days
Im fasting for four days, wish me luck 🥲
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anotherwannabe · 1 month
✨Eats nothing all day✨
Me: Very demure,Very mindful😌
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anotherwannabe · 1 month
oh how i wish i appreciated when i was sk1nny
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anotherwannabe · 1 month
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anotherwannabe · 2 months
1 cigarrette burns 10 cals? Can someone tell me if its true?
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anotherwannabe · 2 months
You ready to lose weight in August !! 🕯️🕯️🕯️
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anotherwannabe · 2 months
Thinness = Beauty
Beauty is pain
You have to suffer to be thin, babe, but it's worth it, trust me
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anotherwannabe · 2 months
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anotherwannabe · 2 months
My value goes up when the scale goes down
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anotherwannabe · 2 months
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anotherwannabe · 4 months
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Me everyday
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anotherwannabe · 4 months
Reblog to lose 7 pounds in a week
Reblog to weight less than yesterday
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anotherwannabe · 4 months
sometimes i really feel like giving up and eating what i like- then i remember how happy i get when the numbers go down, how it feels to have my ribs sticking out, my collarbones, my stomach being flat. is the taste of food really worth it?
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anotherwannabe · 4 months
Thin Commandments:
1) If you aren't thin, you aren't attractive
2) Being thin is more important than being healthy
3) You must but clotes, cut your hair, take laxatives, anything to make yourself look thinner
4) Thou shall not eat without feeling guilty
5) Thou shall not eat fattening food withoud punishing afterwards
6) Thou shall count calories and restrict intake accordingly
7) What the scale says is the most important thing
8) Losing weight is good, gaining weight is bad
9) You can never be to thin
10) Being thin and not eating are signs of true will power and succes.
Ana's Laws:
1) Thin is beauty; therefore I must be thin, and remain thin, If I wish to be loved. Food is my ultimate enemy. I may look, and I may smell, but I may not touch!
2) I must think about food every second of every minute of every hour of every day... and ways to avoid eating it.
3) I must weigh myself, first thing, every morning, and keep that number in mind throughout the remainder of that day. Should that number be greater than it was the day before, I must fast that entire day.
4)I shall not be tempted by the enemy (food), and I shall not give into temptation should it arise. Should I be in such a weakened state and I should cave, I will feel guilty and punish myself accordingly, for I have failed her.
5) I will be thin, at all costs. It is the most important thing; nothing else matters.
6) I will devote myself to Ana. She will be with me where ever I go, keeping me in line. No one else matters; she is the only one who cares about me and who understands me. I will honor Her and make Her proud
Do not give up what you want most for what you want at the moment
This is perfection. I'll die trying to achieve it
Eat less, weight less
Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles
An imperfect body reflects an imperfect soul
Calories CAN NOT make you happy
Eat to live, don't live to eat
I only feel beautiful when I'm hungry
Hunger is a feeling. Thin is a skill
Ana, I love you to the bones
You will not stop. The pain is necessary, especially the pain of hunger. It reassures you that you are strong, can withstand anything, that you are not a slave to your body, you don’t have to give in to its whining. (from Marya Hornbacher’s Wasted)
Don't you want to be remembered as the beautiful, thin one?
Be like a postage stamp. Stick with it until you get there
Success won't just come to you. It has to be met at least half way
This has a taste all its own
Don't give up five minutes before the miracle
Sometimes I am hungry. I’m always hungry. But when I don’t eat I feel good. Pure. I feel empty and it’s wonderful. I feel so powerful. Like I could fly
Everything depends on the right action of will
Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better
Giving into food shows weakness. Be strong, and you'll be better than everyone else
It's simple, I'm not eating today
Food is the enemy, not a treat. The real deprivation is never getting to be thin
The word is "control." That's my ultimate- to have control
Of course it's hard! If it were easy, everybody would be thin
Quod me nutrit, me destruit. (That which nourishes me destroys me.)
In the body, as in sculpture, perfection is not attained when there is nothing left to add, but nothing left to take away
When you resist hunger, it means you are not a slave of your body
I do eat normally; I eat only what is necessary for survival. I can’t help it that we live in a piggish society where gluttony is the norm, and everyone else is constantly stuffing themselves
Don't do anything today that you'll regret tomorrow
When you coast without eating for a significant period of time, and you are still alive, you begin to scoff at those fools who believe they must eat to live. It is blatantly obvious to you that this is not true
Starving is an example of excellent will power
Why can't they realize my strength, how much it's taken to make so little of myself?
I want to be so thin, light, airy, that …
… when the light hits me, I don’t leave a shadow behind.
… when I walk across the snow I will not leave so much as one footprint to mar its virgin purity.
… I can dance between the raindrops in a downpour
Food hinders your progress
Bones define who we really are. Let them show
An ordinary girl,
An ordinary waist,
But ordinary just is not good enough today
Bones are clear and pure. Fat is dirty and hangs on your bones like a parasite
The difference between what you want and need is self control
Hunger hurts, but starving works
Let me be empty and weightless, and maybe I'll find some peace tonight
God gave us control. Some of us know how to use it, others don't
I had a hole in my heart, so I threw away my plate, because nothing filled it up, no matter what I ate
I'm not starving myself. I'm perfecting my emptiness
“In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eat twice as much as nature requires” - Benjamin Franklin
The secret of success is the consistency to pursue
Dear fat girl, please stop binging and destroying yourself. <3 The skinny girl inside you who wants to come out
That cookie is not going to seem like such a great idea next time you're standing in front of a mirror
Keep going. It may burn, but think of how pretty you'll look
I'll ride this out. My cravings will disappear in fifteen minutes if I direct my attention elsewhere
We become like what we love
Put the food down. It's easy, you don't have to do anything.. Just do nothing
I'm not losing weight, I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of finding it again
Think of the upcoming events that you would like to be thin for
Starvation is not pain, it's the cure
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going
My body, my choice
This is forever. I will do whatever it takes
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anotherwannabe · 6 months
Does someone want to fast with me ???
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anotherwannabe · 7 months
Okay, now I'm going to get serious with this shit.
In a month I have to go to my cousin's wedding in which I have to wear a dress and just 10 days later I have a trip with my class, in which we will go away for a week. In addition to all this, what I have to do is lose weight, I can't continue eating, I don't want to. I'm going to start fasting right now until I can't do it anymore. I have to weigh at most 42 kg in a month, so I have 6 or 7 kg to lose. I'm going to take it seriously and I'm going to do it, I swear on everything that I'm going to achieve it. I will update the blog to see if I succeed, if you read this I hope you believe in me as I believe in you. Come on we can do it!!!!
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