apis' witchcraft guide
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apiswitchcraft · 5 days ago
dionysus: a deep dive
so recently on my other blog ( @templeofelysium btw you should follow it) I made a deep dive post on Hekate because my friend was wondering if they'd like to create an altar to her. well, i had a really fun time making that post, and I feel like I learned a lot. because of that, i decided to make another post on a different one of my friend's other deities! thus: dionysus! again all links are posted at the end!
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Domain: wine, vegetation, madness, festivity, theater, pleasure, fertility, religious ecstasy, epiphany, foreignness, and promoting civilization/peace
Parentage: Zeus, king of the gods, and Semele, mortal princess of Thebes. She was later transformed into Thyone, goddess of Bacchic frenzy
Important Imagery:
-thrysos: a long wand of fennel, often topped with a pinecone or artichoke and circled with leaves or grapes
-ivy leaves
-drinking cup/goblet
-an older bearded man (often portly), or a effeminate, long-haired youth
-dithyrambs, dancing and singing, tragic plays
Associated Offerings: figs, grapes/wine, blood, orgies, theater, ivy, phallic imagery
Other Offerings: the typical historical offerings like myrrh, frankincense, and barley. snake shed, acorns/pinecones, artichoke, anise seed (psychic powers), asphodel (underworld), asparagus (fertility), basil (curing madness), bay leaf (psychic powers), cabbage (fertility), celery (fertility), cherry (gaeity), clove (aphrodisiac). also action-based offerings like throwing a party, sex/masturbation, writing poetry, watching plays
Crystals: amethyst, grape agate, fluorite, selenite, lepidolite, jaspers (especially leopard), agates (especially moss, tree), petrified wood, amber, green calcite, emerald, garnet, malachite, jade, citrine, pyrite, aventurine, rhodonite, rose quartz, rhodochrosite
Associated Holidays: City/Greater and Rural/Lesser Dionysia, Anthesteria, and Lenaia
(Some) Lore:
-He likes to turn people into dolphins
-After Hera discovered that Zeus had impregnated Semele, she convinced her to have Zeus show his true form to her. This incinerated Semele, leaving only the fetus of Dionysus. Zeus then took the fetus and sewed him into his own thigh until he was ready to be born. This is why the god is called "twice-born"
-When Dionysus was born he was entrusted to Hermes, who first brought him to Semele's family (and maybe asked them to raise him as a girl?). Hera, hearing of this, sent madness down unto the couple, whereupon they killed themselves and their children
-After this, Dionysus was brought to Silenus and the nymphs at Mount Nysa, which is where it is said he learned to make wine
-Once he had grown up, Hera inflicted madness upon him, which was cured by the great goddess Rhea with an amethyst
-After this, he was said to travel across Greece and Asia, where he was accompanied by satyrs and bacchantes/maenads (a tribe of women devoted to him)
-Dionysus fell in love with Ampelos, the son of a nymph and satyr, who, in one story, mocks Selene and is then gored by a bull and is then turned into the first grapevine. In the other story, Ampelos falls from a great height while picking grapes. Either way, Ampelos was then turned into the constellation Vindemitor (or "grape-gatherer")
-Another one of his male lovers was Polymnos, a mortal man who showed Dionysus the way to the Underworld on his quest to retrieve his mother's soul. As payment, Polymnos asked that the god swear to lie with him when he returns. However when Dionysus returns he finds Polymnos to have died, so instead the god positions himself over his grave and fucks himself with a wooden phallus
-His most famous female lover was Ariadne, who he found on Naxos after she had been abandoned by the hero Theseus. He soon fell in love with her, married her (throwing her bridal crown into the stars as the constellation Corona Borealis), and had several children with her. She ended up being turned to stone by the hero Perseus and his shield, but was resurrected as goddess of weaving and labyrinths.
-In orphic myth, there was a god named Zagreus, and was the son of Zeus by Persephone. He was dismembered by the titans and reborn as Dionysus. This is the reason some people consider Dionysus an underworld god, though he has little to do with death other than the myths of his mother and Ariadne
-Bakkhos/Bakkheios: of bacchic frenzy
-Bromios: noisy, boisterous
-Mainoles: mad, raging
-Nyktelios: of the night
-Lampteros: of the torches
-Hestios: of the feast
-Auxites: giver of increase
-Phallen: of the phallus
-Androgynos: androgynous
-Phleon: luxuriant foliage
-Staphylites: of the grape
-Omphakites: of the unripe grape
-Lenaios: of the wine-press
-Theoinos: god of wine
-Agathos Daimon: the good spirit
-Protrygaios: first of the vintage
-Oinops: wine-dark
-Akratophoros: bringer of mixed wine
-Kissios: of the ivy
-Kittophoros: ivy-bearer
-Anthion: of the flowers
-Kistophoros: basket-bearer
-Dimetor: twice-born
-Eiraphiotes: goat-kid, insewn
-Aigobolos: goat-slayer
-Melanaegis: dark aegis
-Lysios: of release
-Eleuthereus: of liberation/freedom
-Psilax: uplifted on wings
-Saotes/Soterios: saviour
-Polites: citizen
-Agyieus: protector of the streets/ways
-Mystes: of the mysteries
-Khthonios: chthonic
-Melpomenus: singer
Some of My Favorite Depictions of Him:
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theoi on dionysus
wikipedia on dionysus
theoi on ariadne
wikipedia on ariadne
wikipedia on zagreus
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apiswitchcraft · 7 days ago
altars for minor greek deities pt. 1
i'll probably end up making a part 2 to this since there's quite a lot of greek deities who are mentioned in only one story, or only a few icons, but are still important to some reconstructionists/revivalists. leave suggestions in the comments if you have any! the next post will likely include the four winds and several minor death deities
CIRCE: goddess of magic, a sorceress, daughter of Helios and an oceanid
Colors: purple for magic, blue for oceanid heritage, gold/yellow for being daughter of helios Offerings: allium moly, mandrake, peony, yarrow, poppy, rue, mugwort, wormwood, nightshade, snowdrop, any sort of medicinal herbs (like licorice, willow bark, aloe vera, etc.), pork, honey Crystals: amethyst, lapis lazuli, larimar, aquamarine, fluorite, bloodstone, citrine
GANYMEDE: cupbearer of the gods, consort of Zeus, god of homosexuality
Colors: pink, red for love. gold, silver for being cupbearer. blue for association with aquarius sign Offerings: perfume, jewelry, makeup, dice, musical instruments, writing letters, pride flags, drinks, flowers, rosemary Crystals: rose quartz, gemstones, ruby zoisite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, pyrite, flower agate, kyanite, angelite
HEBE: cupbearer of the gods, daughter of Zeus and Hera, goddess of eternal youth and patroness of brides
Colors: red for association with brides. gold, silver for being cupbearer Offerings: lettuce, drinks, turmeric, chamomile, ginseng, calendula, basil, ivy, feathers Crystals: honey calcite, pyrite, red/yellow jasper, gems, ruby zoisite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, angelite
EILEITHYIA: goddess of childbirth and midwifery
Colors: pastels for babies Offerings: raspberry leaf, chamomile, catnip, cohosh, crampbark, peppermint, baby toys/blankets Crystals: calcites, agates, moonstone, labradorite, rose quartz, amethyst, quartz, citrine, lepidolite, celestite
EROS (the younger): god of love, intercourse, and fertility
Colors: red, pink for love. white for his wings Offerings: roses, apples, pomegranates, rabbit skins/feet, basil, myrtle, rosemary, thyme, feathers Crystals: bloodstone, rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, morganite, celestite
ANTEROS: erote of mutual love
Colors: red, pink for love Offerings: basil, flowers, rosemary, thyme, myrtle, feathers Crystals: rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, morganite, celestite, milky quartz
HIMEROS: erote of sexual desire
Colors: red, pink for love Offerings: basil, rosemary, thyme, myrtle, feathers Crystals: rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, morganite, celestite, red jasper, carnelian, garnet, citrine
POTHOS: erote of passion
Colors: red, pink for love. purple for passion Offerings: basil, rosemary, thyme, myrtle, feathers Crystals: rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, morganite, celestite, milky quartz, red jasper, carnelian
HERMAPHRODITOS: child of Aphrodite and Hermes, erote and god of androgyny
Colors: red, pink for love. blue for androgyny Offerings: flowers, star anise, makeup, icons of genitalia, myrtle, lavender, cinnamon, ivy Crystals: rose quartz, moonstone, watermelon tourmaline, ruby kyanite, labradorite, jade, morganite
NEMESIS: goddess of revenge and retribution
Colors: red, black for revenge Offerings: basil, oak, pine, nettles, thistle, symbols of a wheel or sword, angry letters Crystals: smokey quartz, obsidian, bloodstone, red jasper, carnelian, tiger's eye, onyx, black tourmaline
AMPHITRITE: the wife of Poseidon, nereid and goddess of sea life
Colors: blue, green for the sea Offerings: coral, pearls, beach sand, kelp, celery, pine, ocean water Crystals: aquamarine, chrysocolla, malachite, amazonite, lepidolite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, jade
PAN: god of nature, animals, shepherds, and fertility
Colors: brown, green for nature Offerings: acorns/pinecones, leaves, pan pipes, phallic symbols, grapes, basically any herb or flower Crystals: jaspers (various), agates (especially moss, tree, flower), tiger's eye, obsidian, carnelian, sunstone, malachite, jade
IRIS: goddess of rainbows and messenger between gods and humans
Colors: rainbow Offerings: irises (and other flowers in that family), orris root, hyssop, suncatchers, feathers, snake skin Crystals: moonstone, labradorite, aura quartz, morganite, fluorite, agates (especially multicolored), malachite with azurite
THANATOS: god of death
Colors: black, grey, white for death Offerings: cinnamon, chocolate, coffee, willow, mugwort, wormwood, lotus, spider lilies, asphodel, bones, poppies Crystals: quartz (especially milky, smokey), obsidian, onyx, bloodstone, jaspers (various), black moonstone
PSYCHE: goddess of the soul, lover of eros
Colors: white for the soul. purple for magic Offerings: feathers, myrtle, vervain, sage, chamomile, lavender, flowers, figs, nuts Crystals: amethyst, rose quartz, rhodonite, quartz (especially milky and aura quartz especially), moonstone
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apiswitchcraft · 11 days ago
Hey, so I've been using your stuff to create my grimoire, and I worship a couple of minor deities. I was wondering if you had anything on either of them that I could use? Both alter stuff and just general stuff. First is Circe, minor greek goddess and sorceress, daughter of Helios and Perse. She's pretty well known but I've never seen anyone who works with her, so I'm not able to find much. They mostly just know her from The Odyssey/lately Epic: The Musical The second is Sigyn. I almost never see her mentioned. She's the Norse goddess of loyalty and victory. She's married to Loki, and it's hard to find stuff about her that is more than a small footnote in something about Loki. Thank you for your help!
Heya anon!
Tbh I've been thinking of doing another "altars for ____" post, likely including Circe because I've been thinking about making an altar for her recently. Either way, here's Circe and Sigyn, and for everyone else: look out for that post in the near future!
CIRCE: goddess of magic, a sorceress, daughter of Helios and an oceanid
Colors: purple for magic, blue for oceanid heritage, gold/yellow for being daughter of helios
Offerings: allium moly, mandrake, peony, yarrow, poppy, rue, mugwort, wormwood, nightshade, snowdrop, any sort of medicinal herbs (like licorice, willow bark, aloe vera, etc.), pork, honey
Crystals: amethyst, lapis lazuli, larimar, aquamarine, fluorite, bloodstone, citrine
SIGYN: goddess of loyalty, compassion, and devotion, wife of Loki
Colors: green for the snake in her myth, gold for her name which means victory
Offerings: snake shed, also medicinal herbs! especially ones that are used to counter infection (ginger, garlic, holy basil, oregano, clove, etc.) or poisonous ones (aconite, oleander, foxglove, nightshade, etc.)
Crystals: rose quartz, garnet and sapphire, carnelian, green/honey calcite, sunstone, selenite (or any other sort of cleansing stone)
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apiswitchcraft · 14 days ago
understanding norse runes: a historical and modern perspective pt. 3
Sorry it's taken me so long everyone, holidays and school starting back up had me really distracted.
For part 1 click here, for part 2 click here.
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ᛏ tiwaz
"Tir is a guiding star, well keeps faith with princes; it is on course over the mists of night, never failing."
"Tiw is the one-handed member of the Aesir often has the smith to blow."
"Tyr is the one-handed As and leavings of the wolf and king of temples."
INTERPRETATION: Law and order, justice, victory, but victory for the people, not just the individual. Tyr (this rune's namesake), as the god of war, is also a god of the people, much in the same way Ares is. This rune emphasizes self-sacrifice in the name of common good, in order the serve a larger purpose. However, Tyr also embodies the wisdom of the goddess Athena, also a goddess of war. You have to be reliable, hard working, and loyal in order to achieve success, but you also have to have a plan, gather intel, do research. Think about what you did to deserve your successes: it's not just about the end goal, but the path you took too. As a bindrune, this stave can be good for summoning courage and energy needed for change, especially in legal matters. However, if your motivations are not pure, or actions not just, Tyr will just as much take action against you as for you. Use this rune if you need help bolstering your leadership skills, or for reinforcing a position you already have. Take decisive action, assert yourself, and take on obstacles with gusto.
KEY WORDS: Courage, loyalty, justice, wisdom, determination
ᛒ berkano
"Poplar/Birch bears no fruit, bears without seed suckers, for from its leaves it's generated, splendid are its branches, gloriously adorned its lofty crown, lifting to the sky."
"Birch is the greenest-leaved of branches; Loki was lucky in his deception."
"Birch is leafy branch and little tree and youthful wood"
INTERPRETATION: Meaning "birch," this rune represents birth and rebirth, especially when created out of very little. New beginnings, or a restart of something old. But just in as much as it can be ascribed to the cycle of life, this rune is also connected to the cycle of death, as they go hand-in-hand. Birch is a hardy tree that grows in cold climates, bracing the bitterest winters to be cut down and used for maypoles at the coming of spring. This stave is especially useful in what is called "feminine" magic: relating to menstruation, birth, protection of young girls, or sensuality. Use Berkano to call upon the power of Frigg during wedding preparations, Freyja during times of courtship, and Hella during times requiring vengeance or after betrayal. Prosperity and beauty are indicated, as well as a nurturing, protective force. Lots of interpretations relate this rune to the Divine Feminine, or the Goddess archetype.
KEY WORDS: Fertility, new beginnings, femininity,
ASSOCIATIONS: Frigg, Freyja, Hella
ᛖ ehwaz
"Horse is a joy to princes in presence of earls, Horse in pride of its hooves, when rich men, mounted, bandy words, and is to the restless ever a comfort."
INTERPRETATION: Relationships and friendship, literally meaning "horse," the interpretation stems from the trust and love between rider and horse. On any journey into the unknown, you should always bring a friend. Mutual trust is important, though, and that takes a good amount of work to achieve. Harmony between to people is indicated, but loss of individuality does not accompany it. Reliability and loyalty are important qualities in this situation, not intolerance or jadedness. This harmony can also be achieved between two unlike things, two opposites: man and woman, physical and psychic, shaman and god. It is a good rune for meditation with the gods, as it can help bridge the gap between the mortal and immortal realms. Because ehwaz means "horse" this rune can also indicate travel or change. A steady and progressive change is underway, and consistency is key to maintain it.
KEY WORDS: Partnership, harmony, travel
ASSOCIATIONS: Sleipnir, Freyr
ᛗ mannaz
"The mirthful man is dear to kinsmen, yet every man must fail his fellow since the will of the Lord dooms that the frail flesh to earth be taken."
"Man is an augmentation of the dust; great is the claw of the hawk."
"Man is the joy of man and augmentation of the dust and adorner of ships."
INTERPRETATION: Literally meaning "man," mannaz represents the journey towards self-actualization, achieving an internal balance: between mortal and divine, between male and female, between conscious and unconscious. Take responsibility for yourself, and have respect for everything around you: nature, your fellow man, the gods, our ancestors, and your future. This is the stave of humanity, and all the flaws and follies that may accompany it, but recognizing them as inherently Human, and therefore not all that negative. It represents an awakening, like removing the blinders from a horse, so to speak. It addresses question of identity and purpose, one's function in society. However, this rune requires cooperation, for the user not to fight their "destiny" (which is self-made), or to at least not to abandon it. This rune represents the choices a person is constantly presented with, the same choices everyone is presented with, as a collective. It serves as a reminder that we are never alone, and while we are constantly reliant on others, we should also allow others to be reliant on us.
KEY WORDS: Identity, self-actualization, community, humanity
ASSOCIATIONS: Heimdall, Odin-Vili-Ve
ᛚ laguz
"The sea seems interminable to people if they shall venture on rolling ship and the waves of the sea terrify them, and the sea-stallion heeds not its bridle."
"Water is where a cascade falls from a mountain-side but ornaments are made of gold."
"Water is welling stream and broad kettle and land of the fish."
INTERPRETATION: With the translation being "lake," the laguz rune represents a lot of what the element of water represents: creativity, visions/dreams, emotions, and vital energy (coming from the idea of the Niflheimr). As with the flow of a rushing river, it is safer to go along with the current than to fight it. A period of trials leading to personal growth is indicated, something that will be difficult, but not outright impossible to overcome. It may be that something hidden is soon revealed. You might feel overwhelmed, or quite put upon, but remember that there is nothing wrong with you, and all shall soon come to pass. Representing the essence of life, laguz can have alternative meanings involving birth, reproduction, healing, psychic powers. It's usage in matters involving the female reproductive and menstrual cycle is said to be very powerful.
KEY WORDS: Intuition, femininity, adaptability, emotional depth
ᛝ ingwaz
"Ing was first among the East-Danes seen by men, till he to the east over waves went, his wain after ran, thus the Heardings named the hero."
INTERPRETATION: Ingwaz, representing fertility and masculinity, was said to translate to "Yngvi," thought to be another name for Freyr. It is the time before actualization, a period of gestation, in a sense. This is a potent state, a time where you have to have patience, and let things come to be on their own time. Ingwaz is a rune of transformation, of birth and death, of sensuality and love. However, not so much in the same way that Freyja was a goddess of love, but in the way that Freyr could be interpreted as a god of love; which is more about virility and sex than love. However, if your issue does not relate to interpersonal relationships, this is definitely a rune of nature. This is the stave of the farmer, of the father. Look towards the masculine figure in your life for answers, whether they will provide it to you, or are the crux of your issues.
KEY WORDS: Virility, fertility, potential, masculinity,
ᛞ dagaz
"Day is God's sending, dear to men the great lord's light means mirth and happiness to rich and poor, useful to all."
INTERPRETATION: Meaning "day," this rune represents clarity, awakening, opening the third eye, consciousness, hope and happiness. Often given very little context other than it's interpretation being overall positive, the dagaz rune should be invoked whenever you need a turning point, or clarification. It is the light of day at dawn, that brings recompense to the fearful and retribution against the hateful. It reminds of the cyclical nature of life, as bad times come, so does new hope emerge. New opportunities are being presented to you, basically on a silver platter. When surrounded by other runes, it turns basically a whole reading towards the positive.
KEY WORDS: Awareness, dawn, hope, happiness
ᛟ othala
"An estate is very dear to every man if he may there rightly and peacefully enjoy in the hall frequent harvest."
INTERPRETATION: The rune of the hearth and home, othala means, most literally "ancestral property," which aligns very similarly to the divinatory interpretation. It promises safety and stability, our relatives, our roots. However, it also warns us to not hide behind our pasts, and to be constantly evolving along with the rest of society. At the end of the day, we must always have something to come home to, a strong foundation. But if this foundation is unsteady, like a toxic relationship is, it can harm us more than help us. It represents everything inherited, psychological traits, land, a home, a name, family, a community. It represents the separation between the here and now, and the then and there, between mortal and immortal. For this reason, it can be a rune to represent Odin.
KEY WORDS: Heritage, inheritance, legacy, tradition
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apiswitchcraft · 15 days ago
Hello! I just wanted to inform you that the links in your bio don't seem to be working. I tried to access the posts about altars for greek gods, and Tumblr just told me that these posts don't exist. I tried clicking on the other links as well and got the same result.
Just wanted to let you know in case you were not aware : D
Sorry about that, they stopped working once I changed my username, but I just fixed them! Now they're listed under the "Keep Reading" line from oldest -> newest posts. I can't figure out how to give them alt text again so they're just full links now, sorry that that's a bit annoying lol.
For anyone else who's looking for a specific post of mine, take a look at my introduction post that I have pinned for a full list.
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apiswitchcraft · 1 month ago
my ko-fi!
hello! if you've been following for a while then you'd know that I have had a ko-fi open for a few months now, but I haven't talked about it or reblogged it for quite some time. this is because I wasn't really happy with the listings I had, as they didn't give a wide enough range of options and were pretty confusing. so today i revamped it and i have some new options!
Five tarot card + two rune pull - $7
Five tarot + two oracle card pull - $7
Celtic Cross reading - $10
Five tarot card pull - $5
you can ask me any question (within reason), and I am more than happy to provide additional clarification/repulls if something doesn't seem right or is overly vague.
well, then, why should you support me? frankly speaking, i'm a broke college student. i'm trans/queer, i'm disabled, and i can't work a regular job, so these small commissions would really help me out!
here's the link: my ko-fi
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apiswitchcraft · 1 month ago
I’m not allowed to have flames in my room. Are there any candle alternatives I can use for my altars?
i personally wasn't allowed to have candles for a few years either, so here are a few alternatives:
-wax melters (i think there are electric ones)
-fake candles (craft stores sell beautiful ones!)
-diffusers (you can put essential oils that represent the deity)
-a lamp or small light that represents the deity (i like thrifting these)
you can also use something of the other elements (water, earth, air) and pray over that or offer those as offerings. water was a very common offering across many different cultures, especially if it came from a river, the ocean, or a spring! air was often represented by incense, which comes in a variety of forms, but i get it if that isn't possible either so maybe try the steam of a hot coffee/tea? i know a lot of people that use their morning coffee as a time of worship. the earth could be represented by actual earth or plants, and can be given in the same way as food!
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apiswitchcraft · 2 months ago
AAAA TY GUYS SO MUCH!! remember to check out the other winners (and runner ups) works! they're all so so good and everyone on here deserves the utmost love
Time to announce the winners!!!
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For good Fortune! The 2024 Rural Dionysia is now officially over. The poll is now closed, and it is time to reveal the winners of this year's edition:
For the Freestyle poetry category, the winner is:
Helene / Klytemnestra by @apiswitchcraft
For the Modern Hymn category, the winner is
Minor Hymn to Love (Eros) by @piristephes
and finally, for the “Complete the Fragment” category, the winner is
For We Are Only Mortal - By Aön Re of @hyakinthou-naos
Thank you to everyone who has participated and voted and big congratulations to our three winners for this edition!
For those who celebrate it, receive our best wishes, and that you have a merry Rural Dionysia and happy holiday season regardless of what you celebrate.
Reminder: The City Dionysia has its own blog @dionysia-ta-astika, so any upcoming news will be posted there. Give that blog a follow if you want to be updated. The City Dionysia is expected to be held between early February and early March 2025.
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apiswitchcraft · 2 months ago
understanding norse runes: a historical and modern perspective pt. 2
Here's part two! If you need clarification on anything please lmk! <3
For part 1 click here, and part 3 here.
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ᚺ hagalaz
"Hail is the whitest of grain;
it is whirled from heaven's loft
tossed about by wind gusts,
then melts into water."
"Hail is the coldest of grains:
Christ created the primaeval world."
(not the Christian Christ, just an epithet for Odin)
"Hail is cold grain
and driving sleet
and sickness of serpents."
INTERPRETATION: Starting out strong, hagalaz thankfully only has one meaning, and that's "hail." Unrelatedly, this rune is also one of the first overtly negative runes (of course, the meaning truly depends on the surrounding staves you pull, but nevertheless), representing uncomfortable change, possibly a crisis. Associated with the goddess Hel, it represents both her aspects: the cold goddess of death, and the plentiful goddess of life. Hagalaz shows us that change is on the horizon, but that it will be a time of learning, of becoming evermore wiser. Similar to The Moon card in tarot, this stave also represents the secrets of the runes, the dark side. A side we nevertheless have to confront in order to overcome great stressors. Doubtlessly, this transformation will cause us some pain, but hail is considered the seed of possibilities. Though in solid form it may hurt or harm us, when melted it may nourish the struggling sapling. It has great potential, especially considering this is the ninth rune, a number that appears repeatedly in Norse Mythology. This stave has us confronting our worst fears and suffering, and telling us to learn from them, to become a better person. We have to create our own inner harmony, despite whatever may get in our way.
KEY WORDS: Disruption, upheaval, catalyst, potential
ASSOCIATIONS: Hel, the Norns (specifically Urdh, the past), Heimdall
ᚾ nauthiz
"Need is nearest to the breast,
yet often proves to children of men
a source of help and healing
if they heed it betimes."
"Need leaves little choice;
the naked man is chilled by frost."
"Need is distress of thrall-woman
and state of oppression
and hard work."
INTERPRETATION: A rune often associated with the Norns, especially Skuld (the future), nauthiz is all about "necessity" and inevitability. The future is inescapable, but it can be used to our advantage. To understand this rune, we have to understand our own needs and purpose(s) as well. Usually, these are outside of our control. A lack of food caused by war creates a necessity for food. It is outside of the individual sufferer's hands. However, it can spur a person to act in whatever way they can, it's the spark of what is called the "needfire," vital to cause and effect. Need defines action defines life. Yes, this rune can be interpreted as a negative one, no doubt. But, again, runes are not as simple and straightforward as Tarot. If you pulled kenaz with nauthiz, you might look more closely at the "needfire" aspect of this reading, or if you pulled wunjo you might see this as more of a needs to an end. Which, really, that's all this rune represents: the needs to an end. You are not stuck in this state of lack, rather it is the lack that will turn the Norns' bow-drill to usher in a new era. Whereas hagalaz is more of a rigid, set in stone, nauthiz is about moving on from that suffering.
KEY WORDS: Necessity, inevitability, the future, constraint, hardship
ASSOCIATIONS: The Norns (specifically Skuld)
ᛁ isa
"Ice be overcold, unmeasurably slippery,
glisteneth clear as glass, to gems likest;
a floor by frost wrought, fair to be seen."
"Ice we call the broad bridge;
The blind man must be led."
"Ice is bark of rivers
and roof of the wave
and destruction for doomed men."
INTERPRETATION: Isa, true to its similar pronunciation, just means "ice." In this way, it has two divinatory meanings: one as an unmoving, unwavering shield, and one as a static, frozen object/individual. It can help to lessen disturbances and chaos, to soothe the fires of the earlier runes. This stave can mean stasis, but it can also mean clarity, a deep concentration. Stuck in the ice, you would have an awful long time to think, no? Rest is important for all things, but especially so in times of chaos. When the fires of kenaz or thurisaz get too hot, isa is there to cool things down. Furthermore, though, this rune can represent an unwilling stagnation, a frustrating situation or relationship. Stuck quarreling with a lover, this rune would be emblematic of how the reader would be feeling in that moment. Similarly, we can take this rune to represent the present, the Norn Verdandi. As a rune of advice, the reader is being told to watch and wait, to get a lay of the land before continuing onward. As much as a swirling blizzard can freeze you out, an igloo can keep you safe from the perils of frostbite, so it all depends on the adjacent runes in the reading. What do you need before you can continue? What is the crux of what's holding you back? All of these are things you need to consider.
KEY WORDS: Stagnation, pause, waiting, patience, preservation
ASSOCIATIONS: The Norns (especially Verdandi)
ᛃ jera
"Summer is called joyful, when God lets,
holy heaven's king--shining fruits
be born from earth for rich and poor."
"Harvest is a blessing to men;
I say that Frodhi was liberal."
"Harvest is a blessing to men
and good summer
and fully ripe crops."
INTERPRETATION: An often encouraging stave to pull in a reading, jera's literal translation is "year." In the harsher climates of the North, it is easy to lose track of the four seasons, and have the warmer and colder months blend together. In this way, jera represents not only summer, but also a good harvest. Every year, as the wheel of the year makes its rounds, crops must be yet again sown, cared for, and yielded. The old is reborn and the young turns to old. A symbol of dance, play, and marriage, this rune can also be associated with Freyja and Freyr, two deities strongly associated with the summertime. In divination, jera advises us to see everything as a constantly moving cycle. As soon as bad things come, they will leave, and good things replace them. Nothing is permanent, not even our most cherished. If blocked or neglected, a poor harvest is almost assured, and suffering is indicated. But when nurtured the right way, it can heal the deepest wounds and give rebirth to the greatest joys. An emphasis is also placed on creating new relationships and strengthening existing ones. Cherish your friends and family whenever possible.
KEY WORDS: Harvest, cycle, repetition, plenty
ASSOCIATIONS: Freyja and Freyr
ᛇ eihwaz
"The yew outside is a rough-barked tree,
but strong and firm, guard of fires,
by deep roots upheld, joy to the home."
"Yew is the greenest of trees in winter;
when it burns, it sputters."
"Yew is bent bow
and brittle iron
and Farbauti of the arrow."
INTERPRETATION: Eihwaz is known as the "yew," and often represents Yggdrasil, the World Tree that Odin hung himself from over nine days and nine nights for the knowledge of the runes. Because of this, this stave often represents spiritual enlightenment, and connection between the physical and metaphysical realms. As the yew was consistently used for bow-making, this is a rune also associated with hunting and the wild (and furthermore masculinity, but I find that to be a bit sexist). A bridge between life and death, sky and earth, the heavens and the Underworld, eihwaz is a great rune for communing, divination, or necromancy. It is a connection between paradoxes, between opposites, and is also associated with graveyards. But no matter what, these connections have to be made thoughtfully, and with great trepidation. Carelessness has no place in this space, as it could just as easily turn from good to bad. -==32
KEY WORDS: Enlightenment, transformation, connection, paradox
ASSOCIATIONS: Odin, Yggdrasil
ᛈ perthro
"The chess piece means play and laughter
where in the middle, the warriors sit
in beerhall blithely together."
INTERPRETATION: Considering it was a letter commonly used, perthro has a fairly ambiguous meaning of "lot cup" or "game piece." Either way, the literal interpretation involves the drawing of lots, and chance. Divination wise, perthro is said to represent both the dice and the mode of throwing the dice, simultaneously mysterious and all-knowing. Considering this wealth of knowledge that perthro is said to contain, it is no wonder that it is heavily associated with Mimir, who is renowned for his wisdom. Furthermore, because of it's association with vessels (odd, I know), this stave also represents with the female womb and childbirth. For this reason, it is also associated with Frigg, a seeress and goddess of childbirth. Frigg, though she is said to know all, she also tells nothing. This doubles down on the mysterious, hidden powers of perthro, being both the runes themselves and their meanings. Additionally, being a rune of fate, it represents the Norns as a whole, and their powers.
KEY WORDS: Fate, luck, mystery, secrets, feminine energy
ASSOCIATIONS: Mimir, Frigg, Norns
ᛉ algiz
"Elk-sedge is found most often in fens,
waxes in water, wounds grimly,
with blood burns whatever warrior
that goes to grasp it."
INTERPRETATION: Aha! My favorite rune, how exciting. A rune meaning "elk," algiz is a powerful protective symbol. Considering the imagery of an elk, we can draw connections to god of the hunt, Freyr, who is often depicted with antlers. From Freyr we can then discern meanings of sexual awakening, the fighting spirit, and divine communication. With it's three pronged appearance we can create a number of different interpretations: the elements, a sacred forest grove, masculinity/femininity, the Yggdrasil, and even the Bifrost. I've also seen people consider it as a double-edged sword of a stave, a protective symbol but only as long as you have enough power and discipline to wield it. This is especially pertinent if we consider this as a rune of divine protection, as it would be doubtlessly foolhardy to demand protection from the gods while giving nothing in return. A weapon that can be wielded by you or against you.
KEY WORDS: Protection, guardian, sanctuary, the hunt
ᛊ sowilo
"Sun to seamen is a hope on high
when they ferry over the fishes' bath
until the sea-horse brings them to land."
"Sun is the light of the lands;
I bow to heaven's doom."
"Sun is shield of the sky
and shining ray
and destroyer of the ice."
INTERPRETATION: Alright! Last one for this aett, sowilo means "sun." Not only the literal sun, this stave represents the force of the heavens, the wealth that it provides and the harm that it can cause. It brings illumination and clarification, as it also shows us where our path lays--what our goals may be. If we consider a connection between the sun god Apollo (a bright, beautiful youth) and Baldr (also a bright, beautiful youth), then new aspects can be revealed to us such as victory, strength, life force, and energy. It encourages us to have hope in our future, and to look towards the horizon. Just like the wheel of the sun whirls around the cosmos, so too does sowilo encourage us to break our stagnation and act. What we desire is within our grasp, all we have to do it reach out and grab it! This rune is one of great positivity and encouragement, and is a pleasure to see in a reading.
KEY WORDS: Success, illumination, achievement, energy
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apiswitchcraft · 2 months ago
understanding norse runes: a historical and modern perspective pt. 1
This is going to be a three part series, each one covering a different aett of the Elder Futhark runes. We will not be covering the "reversed" or "murk stave" interpretations, because that is largely up to the reader to discern depending on orientation and arrangement when pulled. I'll make another post about the act of drawing runes for divination, but that isn't what this is. What this is is each rune's respective Anglo-Saxan, Norwegian, and Icelandic word poems (when available), the summarized interpretation, and associated deities.
For part two click here, part 3 here.
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ᚠ fehu
"Wealth be by all very much welcomed:
Each man shall deal it out freely,
If he will from the Lord get approval"
"Wealth causes trouble among relatives
The wolf is raised in the forest"
"Wealth is trouble among relatives
and fire of the sea
and path of the serpent"
INTERPRETATION: With the literal meaning being "cattle," this rune can also be wealth or gold. Also more literally, "fehu" is the source of the power of Frigg and Freyja, who are seeresses. Freyja, too, is most often associated with the golden necklace Brisingamen, whereas Freyr is associated with fertility and harvest (which leads to monetary gain). A rune of creation or creativity, this could represent anything from the creation from life or art, to money or social status. Especially when surrounded by runes of caution, however, this stave encourages us not to abuse our power, our money, our knowledge, etc. To avoid conflict (as arises in the Norwegian and Icelandic poems), it must be shared generously and used with wisdom. Often seen as representing raw, untamed power, there is a certain level of risk or effort that must go in to obtaining the metaphorical pot of gold. Regardless, the person is encouraged to take risks, to enter the unknown if available, and be prepared to "tame the wild," so to speak. As the first rune in the Elder Futhark, this rune is more than just "wealth" or "fertility," it's the process, the exchange of energy, that leads to the creation of these aspects. Therefore, in a reading, one might see this as more than just the end goal, but a reminder for seek balance when between prosperity and richness of life when building our future.
KEY WORDS: abundance, wealth, new beginnings, creation, success
ASSOCIATIONS: Freyr (who may be the "Lord" referred to in the Anglo-Saxan poem), Freyja, and possibly Frigg (especially when you consider that Frigg and Freyja are commonly conflated with one another)
ᚢ uruz
"Aurochs is fearless and greatly horned,
A very fierce beast, it fights with its horns,
A famous roamer of the moor, it is a very courageous animal."
"Slag comes from poor iron
Often the reindeer runs over the hard-frozen snow."
"Drizzle is weeping of the clouds
and destructions of the hay-harvest
and abhorrence of the herdsman."
INTERPRETATION: With the literal meaning of "Aurochs" (or wild cow), "drizzle," or "slag," the uruz rune seems to have some contradiction when it comes to ancient interpretations. However, taking the Norse creation myth as written in the Prose Edda, we can start to make connections. In the Younger Edda, before Midgard was made, Muspelheim and Niflheim already existed. And when the rivers of Niflheim travelled far enough, it's "yeasty venom" hardened like slag, and condensed into a drizzle of rain which cooled into rime. Later, when the giant Ymir and the cow Audhumla thaw out of the frost at the edge of Muspelheim, Audhumla licks away that rime to reveal the first god. Thus we come to the modern interpretation, which is primordial power and manifestation. If fehu is the opportunity to create, uruz is the act of that creation happening. If fehu is cattle, then uruz is those cattle turned to fierce oxen to protect their land. It is the act of going back, or turning inward. Thus, this tells us that we may need to do some introspection, to find the will to go on within ourselves. Empty the page and let it fill again, burn away weakness and leave behind only pure vitality, pure drive. Also, it can be the twin power of shaping and nourishment knowledge, health, or luck.
KEY WORDS: growth, transformation, endurance,
ᚦ thurisaz
"Thorn is most sharp, for every thane
who grasps it, it is harmful, exceeding cruel
To every man who rests among them."
"Thurs causes illness in women:
few rejoice at bad luck."
"Thurs is the torment of women,
and the dweller in the rocks(/cliffs),
and the man(/husband) of Vardh-runa."
INTERPRETATION: The rune of Thor, this rune's literal meaning is in its name as "thurs"--meaning a primordial being, especially a Jotun. In the cases of the above rune poems, thurs represents a more imminent threat, like a disease causing entity. In modernity though, this rune represents action, potency, raw power, and physical strength, of which Thor embodies well. Also representing chaos (and sometimes even conflict) this rune can be one invoked for magic, especially chthonic or dark magic. Furthermore, this rune is one that links the power of the physical and spiritual realms, as Thor often does himself. In this vein, thurisaz can advise a diviner to seek balance in the regions where chaos reigns, whether that be a relationship, job, or otherwise. Be careful, though, and do not wander aimlessly into the dark, this rune forbodes not only a force of protection, but a force of destruction as well. Someone who is unskilled or undereducated may need to wisen up before making use of this rune in a practical manner, like a spell or sigil. It may also be considered a rune that represents sexual potency or pure eroticism, especially as it is a symbol of masculine potency.
KEY WORDS: strength, courage, eroticism, chaos, magic
ASSOCIATIONS: Thor, the Jotnar
ᚨ ansuz
"Mouth is the chieftain of all speech
mainstay of wisdom, comfort to wise ones
for every noble earl hope and happiness."
"River mouth is the way of most journeys:
but a scabbard of swords."
"Ase is the olden-father (Odin),
Asgard's chieftain,
and the leader of Valholl (Valhalla)."
INTERPRETATION: The ansuz rune has two literal interpretations seen above: god and mouth. To connect these two you just have to look at the Icelandic rune poem that references Odin: chief of the aesir and creator of language. In this way, ansuz is often seen as representing Odin, but also his many aspects: language, poetry, wisdom, occult mastery, magic. As master of the runes, Odin represents everything the staves do: life, death, and the in-between. Understanding and intellectualism built on the mysteries of these aspects is not only encouraged but embodied by the ansuz rune. It tells us to try to emulate Odin in our everyday way, forcing ourselves into a cycle of forever change (as uncomfortable as it may be) and constant learning. To be clear, in a reading this may not always be some sort of calling from Odin, but a call from his domains. Of course, seek the path that works best for you, but there could be something calling you to use the powers of persuasion, your talent in poetry/song, etc.
KEY WORDS: communication, language, mental power, a message
ASSOCIATIONS: Odin, the Aesir
ᚱ raidho
"Riding is in the hall for a warrior
soft, more strenuous when astride
A great stallion pounding the long mile paths."
"Riding is said to be worst for horses;
Regin forged the best sword."
"Riding is the joy of the rider
and a speedy journey,
and the labor of the horse."
INTERPRETATION: Raidho, or "ride"/"riding" is a rune of action and change. Less chaotic than ansuz, raidho emulates the soothing rhythm of a car (chariot/horse if we're being historically accurate) ride, the logician in a nation's leadership, the institutions of our schooling. However, it also calls for plans to be made, a path to be carved before it is walked. In this way, it can also mean the just, moral, or ethical path is being suggested to the reader. Feeling the call to use baneful magic? Perhaps delay it in favor of something more productive for yourself. Or don't, it's up to you. In some ways, this rune also represents the sun, as in its travel across the sky, and the potential and vitality it promises. Either way, action is necessary, and the righteous path is the one to follow.
KEY WORDS: order, structure, journey, ethics/morals, progress
ᚲ kenaz
"Torch to the living familiar aflame,
Is blinding and brilliant, it burns most often
Where royal folk within are resting."
"Sore is fatal to children:
Death makes a corpse pale."
"Sore is the bale of children
And a scourge,
And the house of rotten flesh."
INTERPRETATION: Kenaz, again, has two different meanings in the runic poems: torch and sore (like a blister). This time, though, the difference seems to be for purely etymological reasons, and has little to do with a story. The only slight association I've seen pointed out is that both of these things are warm? Either way, fire is the primary meaning. From from we can discern deeper meanings, like energy and divine inspiration. Fire brings light and clarity, but can also burn and destroy. Perhaps you seek to know the future, but you are only willing to accept it if it's positive. Allow it to burn, to warm you to the deepest depths of your bones, to inspire you to create, like the fire of a forge. Let it fill you with vitality and stamina (especially sexually). Let it purify you as it purifies the dead on a pyre. It may also work to protect you, as a campfire does for the lonesome traveler. If left untended, however, it can cause death, suffering, a malady that will only worsen as it continues to be untended.
KEY WORDS: Knowledge, sexuality, creativity, clarity
ᚷ gebo
"Giving, to all men, brings credit and honor
help and worthiness--and to every outcast
is the estate and substance, that have naught else."
INTERPRETATION: As the letter "G" does not exist in Younger Futhark, we only have to deal with one potential meaning of gebo: "gift." Specifically, the balanced art of giving and receiving. Not only should one receive gifts gracefully, but reciprocate generously to friends, family, ancestors, and the gods. And that doesn't just mean physical gifts: but an exchange of energy, of time. Gifts are not simply bribes or meaningless gestures, but sacrifices and an exchange of loyalty. In a religious context, this does not just imply the act of constant sacrifice with no return from the gods. In Norse culture, the relationship between god and man went both ways. At Ragnarok, heroes would fight for the gods, as in life they would give up their time/energy/resources in offering. In exchange the gods would fight alongside us, and give gifts in return. Because of the sexual/romantic associations with reciprocity, gebo is commonly associated with the Freyr, Freyja, and Frigg. Furthermore, because of Odin's self-sacrifice to receive knowledge and wisdom, it is strongly associated with him as well.
KEY WORDS: gift, exchange, reciprocity, generosity, sacrifice
ASSOCIATIONS: Freyja, Freyr, Frigg, Odin
ᚹ wunjo
"Joy is for one who knows little of woe,
pains and sorrows, and to him who has
power and bliss and buildings good enough."
INTERPRETATION: Similar to gebo, since "W" does not appear in the Younger Futhark, wunjo is only given the one meaning: "joy." Now, where to start with this rune. Yes, simply, wunjo means happiness. But how do you define happiness? Is it social fulfillment: familial, platonic, romantic, sexual? Is it the simple things: reading a good book, seeing beautiful scenery, or drawing a picture? Is it ecstasy or is it purely innocent pleasures? What makes your life a blissful one, what do you desire? Or, simply, is it the ability to cope with pain? Does joy exist where suffering is absent? Or, like a good love story, does it have to hurt a little to be true? In some ways, this rune can simply be thought of as a balance between good and bad, our inner and outer selves. Truly knowing oneself, and knowing others; healing from trauma or emotional pain; an end to conflict. With divination, it would be best to look at the surrounding runes in order to interpret where this "joy" could be stemming from. Or, even more, it should be used to comment on other runes. If you pull isa but there is a wunjo next to it, you can assume that the meaning of isa to be more positive.
KEY WORDS: joy, harmony, success, celebration, security
ASSOCIATIONS: none, all gods have their joyous sides
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"Taking Up the Runes" by Diana L. Paxson
and two unnamed books bc i found out after buying them that the authors are bigots
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apiswitchcraft · 2 months ago
hey that's me!! (btw y'all should really check out the other poems submitted here, @piristephes 's are my faves but theyre all soso good!!)
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I was inspired by @two-bees-poetry’s work of Penelope and Odysseus for this one
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apiswitchcraft · 3 months ago
tarot spells
-the magician
-the chariot
-wheel of fortune
-a blue candle
-a purple candle
1) arrange the cards in this orientation
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2) put the blue candle on the left and purple candle on the right
3) light both candles, starting on the left
4) look at the magician card and imagine yourself as him. think of all the things you have, and what you don't. remember that you have limitless potential
5) look at the chariot card and imagine yourself as the rider. know that you will make any number of choices that may help or hinder you--make peace with this
6) look at strength, and imagine yourself as the person overcoming all their obstacles (the lion)
7) look at the wheel of fortune and know that your luck will ebb and flow, will increase and decrease, know this and accept it
8) look at temperance and let it remind you that your path is open ahead of you, you are being looked after
9) after you have reached the end of the arch, imagine your goal in your head, as clearly as possible. you can say/think an incantation or prayer, but i find it's usually not necessary. here's an example you can use:
"Look after me, aid my meditation
I use the cards to guide my intention
Guide me, know me, show me the way
So I may not waver or stray"
-four of swords, reversed
-four of wands
-four of cups
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1) put the four of swords, reversed in its place. what burdens are you carrying?
2) put the four of cups in its place. have you become apathetic? overly sensitive?
3) move the four of cups to reversed position, where do you need to do more introspection?
4) put the four of wands in its place. is it time for a break? a vacation?
5) hold the citrine and say an invocation or prayer, if you'd like. if you need an idea, here's an example:
"Give me the strength
give me the force
to take what I need
for life and for spirit"
-ten of cups
-ten of swords, reversed
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1) place the ten of swords, reversed in its place, imagine this difficult period being over
2) place judgement in it's place, imagine your energy and joy being revived
3) place ten of cups in its place, imagine yourself with your most loved people, overjoyed
4) you can say an incantation/prayer here or don't, either way is fine, but here's an example if you'd like:
"I know myself to be glad
I know myself to belong
I know myself to be loved
I know that my health
will be revived"
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apiswitchcraft · 4 months ago
altars for kemetic/egyptian gods
hi yall, another purely based in UPG, new agey post! historically, deity offerings for the ancient egyptians often took the form of art/sculpture/hymns, incense (like frankincense or myrrh), or offerings of food (especially meat and bread) and drink (wine/ale, mostly). dialogue with the gods was often facilitated through the pharaohs or funerary rites, but your average person had access to daily magic and regular temples as well.
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Colors: yellow, orange, red for the sun
Offerings: eye of ra, dates, figs, grapes, apricots, sunflowers, morning glories, chocolate, pastries, orange juice, honey
Crystals: sunstone, yellow/red jasper, citrine, carnelian, honey calcite, angelite, kyanite
Animals: falcon
Colors: white, blue for the air/sky
Offerings: feathers (especially ostrich), sandalwood, gardenia, anise, paper fans, cornflower
Crystals: white/clear quartz, angelite, selenite, blue calcite, fluorite, blue lace agate
Animals: lion, ostrich
Colors: white, blue for water
Offerings: sea salt, reeds, shells, water, coral, water (especially dew), lotus root/flower
Crystals: blue calcite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, amethyst, larimar, ocean/blue lace agate, aquamarine
Animals: lioness
Colors: blue, black for night. white for stars
Offerings: amber, sandalwood, sycamore, moonflowers, morning glories, milk
Crystals: lapis lazuli, star jasper, azurite, obsidian, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, labradorite, sodalite, moonstone (especially black)
Animals: boar, cow, sow
Colors: green, brown for earth. black for the underworld
Offerings: grain, beans, yarrow, cinnamon, coffee, egg shells, foliage, dirt, rocks, snake shed, milk
Crystals: jasper (various types), aventurine, moss/tree agate, unakite, obsidian, jade, malachite
Animals: snake, goose, rabbit, bull
Colors: green for renewal, black for death, white for rebirth
Offerings: bandages, dark chocolate, dried fruit (especially oranges or dates), dark chocolate, coffee, cedar, vetiver, bones
Crystals: lapis lazuli, moss agate, jasper (various types), malachite, obsidian, smokey quartz, pyrite, jade, howlite, star jasper (for his astral form)
Animals: heron, ram, cow
Colors: white, grey for the moon. blue, black for the night. green for life and resurrection.
Offerings: the tyet symbol, cow horn, milk, sycamore, feathers, dried fruit (such as raisins or dates), pomegranates, nuts, pastries
Crystals: star jasper, moonstone, rose quartz, amethyst, fluorite, bloodstone, red jasper, carnelian, labradorite, aventurine
Animals: birds (especially a kite hawk or vulture), cow, cat, scorpion, sow
Colors: blue, purple for insight and intuition. white and red for pharoahship.
Offerings: eye of horus, weaponry/iron, lotus flower/root, feathers (especially hawk or falcon), yarrow, chocolate
Crystals: malachite, aventurine, pyrite, amethyst, lapis lazuli, jasper (various), howlite, sunstone, aquamarine, labradorite, hematite
Animals: falcon
Colors: black for darkness and funerary rites
Offerings: beer, linen, feathers (especially of a crow or vulture), bones, coffee, nuts, milk
Crystals: obsidian, smokey quartz, black moonstone (because of association with Isis), black tourmaline, red jasper, bloodstone
Animals: vulture, crow
Colors: red, black for chaos and storms
Offerings: lettuce, sand, alcohol, dragon's blood, patchouli, yarrow, vetiver, charcoal, dark chocolate, black pepper
Crystals: red jasper, black tourmaline, howlite, obsidian, labradorite, sodalite, bloodstone, malachite, pyrite
Animals: the set animal (which resembles a canine, giraffe, and aardvark), donkey
Colors: grey, blue for intuition/intelligence. white for the moon
Offerings: quill, ink, pieces of writing/books, feathers, rosemary, citrus, sage, moon water, lavender, nuts
Crystals: amethyst, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, selenite, howlite, angelite, sodalite, fluorite
Animals: ibis, baboon
Colors: black, grey for funerary rites/death
Offerings: bones, ash, charcoal, red/black peppercorns, marigold (associated with the dead), linen, yarrow
Crystals: hematite, obsidian, black tourmaline, howlite, jasper (various, but especially red), smokey/rutilated quartz, bloodstone
Animals: canines, especially a jackal
Colors: white, red for pharaohship
Offerings: ointments/perfumes of most types, cedar, anything cat related, rosemary, black salt
Crystals: tiger's eye, cat's eye quartz, bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline, howlite, milky/smokey quartz, pyrite, carnelian
Animals: lioness, cat
Colors: red for war. grey for justice
Offerings: sand (especially red), scales of justice, iron, cypress, red pepper, black salt
Crystals: bloodstone, red jasper, carnelian, garnet, ruby kyanite, jade, smokey/clear, hematite
Animals: lioness
Colors: pink, red for love/sexuality
Offerings: dancing, dried fruits (especially figs/dates), pomegranates, sycamore, milk, honey, pastries
Crystals: rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, fluorite, jade, aquamarine, garnet/ruby
Animals: cow, lioness, cobra
Colors: white, grey for the moon. blue, black for the night.
Offerings: lavender, sage, mugwort, dried fruit, moon shaped items, moon flower, ash
Crystals: moonstone, selenite, sodalite, obsidian, black tourmaline, smokey/milky quartz, jasper (various), blue lace agate, lapis lazuli
Animals: falcon
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apiswitchcraft · 4 months ago
hi guys sorry about that person's bitchness, i blocked them so they can't interact w this post anymore. lots of love to all the non women i tagged on here
Hiii! Do you know any greek hellenic polytheist accounts on here? sending love 🫶🏻
hi! yes i know several. personally I kinda just follow the #hellenicpolytheist tag to find cool people, but I have some specific recommendations too! (also if you guys have any other recs please feel free to leave them in the comments!)
@apolloforetoldus and @companionsofganymede as they're my dear friend fritz, they have great art and reblog stuff that I actually care about
@temple-of-hermes (the owner is also a really cool person), @templeof-demeter (same here), @temple-of-apollon, @the-suns-temple, @to-hypnos-we-dream, and @hyakinthou-naos are all temples that I follow that frequently make very informative posts
@khaire-traveler, @loemius, @travelingthief, @piristephes, @thegrapeandthefig, and @shewithbloodofdevotion for just ppl in the community and informative stuff
and finally, the artists that I like are @vibeswithrenai (made really cool dividers), @stardayzzing @seleniiium
people that I tend to avoid following are minors or people claiming to be priest(ess)s but who haven't actually gone through any sort of training whatsoever. i just don't think that those are people that I can see as authorities on any issues, especially when it comes to teenagers. there's a lot of misinformation and fearmongering spread around the helpol community, so i would just watch out for any posts that outright try to enforce rules onto your practice (unless they're talking about cultural appropriation, in which case you should probably pay attention to what they're saying) or try to categorize the gods in any sort of way. oh also mythic literalists. that shit's dumb.
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apiswitchcraft · 4 months ago
if ur a polytheist and don't know what animism is or how it's intrinsically tied to your religion please PLEASE get your ass on google.
we fear the gods for the same reason we fear a hurricane or volcano. they will always have the power to take your life and others, and will do so of their own will--just the same as all natural disasters and plagues and tragedies. love your gods, but do not pretend to sit on the same level as them.
fear of god is not rooted in christianity or the monotheistic religions, it is built into the very foundations of our beliefs, and to forgo it is to ignore the true nature of the gods.
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apiswitchcraft · 4 months ago
greek astragalomancy
guess who found out about another ancient form of divination yall. first off, I would like to direct you to this post by @hellenic-reconstructionism that basically said all of this already. I'm not sourcing from them, however they have basically all the same info I have so I don't want it to seem like I'm copying them. much love <3
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Traditionally, astragalomancy was done with bones called astragaloi, knucklebones or tali (most commonly from sheep or goats). To be clear, the use of astragaloi has been traced back all the way to the Neolithic period, and is not solely Greek. We are just only talking about the Greek divination type, but just know these aren't the only interpretations out there.
Also, this kind of divination is pretty similar to psephoi reading, to which my friend @apolloforetoldus made a post about!
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For the game and divination technique, the four sides of the knucklebone would be marked as 1 (chion), 3 (hyption), 4 (pranes), or 6 (koon), with opposing sides adding up to 7.
The Ancient Greeks and Romans would also make replicas of astragaloi out of wood, glass, bronze, or ivory, and in a book I read they used a coin flip instead of a dice roll, so I'll include how to do that too
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Usually a full set of astragaloi would be five bones, but you can also use one bone and just roll it five times. In either case, hold your knucklebones in your hand and jiggle them (like you would with dice) while thinking of your question. Throw/drop them onto a soft surface like an altar cloth or mat and look at either all the downward or the upward facing numbers (depending on what you prefer, I use the upward facing). Make sure to keep track of all the individual numbers that you pulled, as each sum can have multiple different interpretations.
For another method, take a set of three coins of any shape, size, or origin. Flip these three all together at once, and see their correspondences below.
Chion: 3 Heads | Hyption: 1 Tail | 2 Heads | Pranes; 2 Tails, 1 Head | Koon: 3 Tails
Throw this set of three four more times. Each time you flip the three, correspond it to an astragalus value, so that you end up with five numbers.
Some deities that you may call upon that are mentioned in the interpretations are Athena, Hermes, Apollo, or Themis (among others that I could not be bothered to list in entirety).
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there are, to my knowledge, two distinct interpretations for each number reading. one in "The Greek I Ching" by Kostas Dervenis (which he sources from somewhere else, I'm sure) and those from the inscriptions in Termessos, which are below. I did not include all of Dervenis' (I used a couple to fill in some blanks) because I would feel bad taking something I paid for and providing it for free on the internet.
Individual rolls | Sum | Title | Interpretation
11111 | 5 | Zeus Olympios | If you see only Chians: Zeus will give good thinking to your mind, stranger: he will grant happiness to your work, for which you will give thanks. But appease Aphrodite and the Son of Maia (Hermes).
11113 | 7 | Athena Areia | If four Chians and one three are cast, the god signals: By avoiding enmity and Animosity, you will reach your prize; you will arrive and the blue-eyed goddess Athena will save you. The activity that you have in mind will turn out as you wish it.
41111 | 8 | Moirai | If one four and four Chians in a row are cast: Don’t do the business that you are engaged in; it will not turn out well. It will be difficult and impossible around someone who tires himself out. But if you go abroad for some time, no harm will come from it.
33111 | 9 | Zeus’ Eagle | If two threes and three Chians are cast: A high flying eagle on the right-hand side of the traveler will be a good omen; with the help of Greatest Zeus (Zeus Megistos) you will achieve your goal; do not fear.
61111 | 10 | Daimôn Megistos | If one six and four Chians in a row; It will be better to fulfill whatever vow you made to the daimôn, if you intend to perform what you ponder in your mind. Demeter and Zeus will save you.
11143 | 10 | Caring Fortune | If three are Chians, one a four and the fifth a three, Do not do the business you are about to do; as for the very intention you have, the gods are restraining it, but they will free you from you toil and no harm will meet you.
33311 | 11 | Victory | If three threes are cast, and further two Chians; you will win; you will take what you wish, and you will achieve everything; the daimôn will make you honored, and you will overcome your enemies, the plan that you are about to realize will be according to your desire.
44111 | 11 | Joyful Victory | If two fours and three Chians in a row are cast; Do all your business because it will turn out well. The gods will save him who is ill from his bed; also the god announces that he who is in another country will return home.
41133 | 12 | Asklepios | If one four, two Chians and two threes are cast; A storm will come about your business, but it will turn out well; also the god announces that he will free the one who is ill from his suffering, and the gods will bring safely home the one who is abroad.
11163 | 12 | Steering Tyche | Three Chians, a six, and the fifth throw a three; Do not yet make haste to go; it is impossible to go, rather wait, if you set out to rush mindlessly, you will do great damage to yourself, but if you wait, blameless time will accomplish everything.
11164 | 13 | Aphrodite | Three Chians and a six and the fifth a four; Sail wherever you wish; you will return full of joy, for you have found and accomplished everything that you ponder in your mind; but pray to Aphrodite and the Son of Maia (Hermes).
13333 | 13 | Zeus and Athena | If one Chian and four threes are cast; You are fit for every business and ready for any undertaking. The gods will easily save him who is ill, and all will be well as to the other oracles.
11344 | 13 | The Melodious Muse | If one three falls, two ones, and two fours: You would do well to act. Good prospects, profits easily gained. It is better now to participate, rather than to try to create. Keep private, in order to succeed, the sweet verse of the Muse.
13334 | 14 | Triton | One Chion, three threes, and one four; The god announces: You kick against the goad, you struggle against the waves, you search for a fish in the sea: do not hasten to do business. It does not help you to force the gods at the wrong time.
61133 | 14 | Daimôn | One six, two Chians, and a pair of threes. Do not project terrible things, and do not pray for what is against the gods, thinking terrible thoughts. There will accrue no gain from it, and no reward will come from this path you are walking.
44411 | 14 | Agathos Daimôn | If three fours and two ones are cast: The daimôn will lead you on the way that you undertake, and the lover of smiling, Aphrodite, will lead you toward good things. You will return with rich fruit and an untroubled Fate.
13344 | 15 | Zeus Savior | One Chian, two threes, two fours being cast: Approach with courage the business that you set out to do; do it! You will win, since the gods have given you these favorable signs, and do not avoid them in your intention: nothing bad will come from it.
11166 | 15 | Zeus Ammon | If three ones and two sixes are cast: The god announces to you: Undertake with courage the way you set out in your mind, god will give you everything: you will accomplish whatever your mind tells you, and Zeus, thundering high, will be with you as your savior.
33333 | 15 | Tyche the Savior | If all the threes are cast together: The woman who has given birth to a child, had both breasts dry, but then she again flourished and has milk in abundance. Then you too will reap the fruits about which you ask me.
43611 | 15 | Zeus of Hosts and Guests (Xenios) | A four, a three, a six, and two Chians: Do not make haste with the business for which you set out, it is not yet time. The gods will easily save him who is ill, and the god announces that he will make an end to the travel of him who is in foreign land.
63331 | 16 | Herakles | One six, three threes, and a fifth a Chian: The moment has not yet arrived, you make too much hast. Do not act in vain, nor like the bitch that has borne a blind puppy. Deliberate calmly, and the god will lead you.
64411 | 16 | Ares | One six, two fours, and two Chians: Why do you hurry? Wait calmly, the moment has not yet come; if you hurry without sense and in vain, you pursue something that is not yet ready. I do not yet see the right moment, but you will have success when you wait a little while.
43333 | 16 | Kronos | One four is cast, the other four are threes: Scorpions stand in your way, do not hurry towards the business that you intend; wait, and what you wish will arrive later; neither to buy this nor to sell is better.
44413 | 16 | Delphic Apollo | Three fours, one Chian, and the fifth a three; Do not make haste, it will not be better to go; when you wish to rush mindlessly, you will damage yourself very much; but when you stay put, blameless time will perform everything.
66113 | 17 | Isis the Savior | A double six, two Chians and the fifth a three: Enter and receive the voice from the tripod! The time is also ripe for marriage; you will marry and return home. You will achieve whatever you want in your business, having found the thing about which you are anxious.
16634 | 17 | Hermes the Savior | A Chian, a six, two threes and the fifth a four: I do not see anything painful among the things about which you ask me; do not think small, go forward with courage; you will find everything you wish: your vow will be fulfilled, and there is a perfect occasion for you.
44333 | 17 | Sarapis | If two fours are cast and three threes: Take courage and fight, Zeus the Owner (Ktesios) is your helper. You will punish your opponent and have him under your fist, and he will give happiness to the works for which you thank him.
14444 | 17 | Revenge | When a single Chian is cast, and the others are four: Now the daimôn will fulfill everything for you and lead you the right way. You will perform everything according to your mind, do not wear yourself out anymore. You will achieve beautifully whatever you desire.
66114 | 18 | Adrasteia | If two sixes, two Chians, and the fifth a four: Do your business and undertake it; the time will be favorable. In the middle, difficulties and danger are waiting. As to the other oracles, things will turn out well for you.
16443 | 18 | Zeus of the Lightning | A Chian and a six, two fours and the fifth a three: What you plan will not turn out according to your liking, when you do it; it is not useful to travel to foreign lands. You will show no insight if you sell now, nor will it be useful.
44433 | 18 | The Greatest Daimôn | If there are three fours and two threes, he signifies this: I do not see this plan as safe for you; thus wait. You will do well, after this there will be luck; as for now remain calm, trust the gods and stay helpful.
63333 | 18 | Good Time | A six and four threes together; the oracle announces thus: Do not make haste, the daimôn is opposed to you, rather wait and do not act like a dog that gave birth to a blind litter. Take counsel calmly, and things will turn out happily for you.
66133 | 19 | Good Hope | Two sixes, a Chian and two threes; he signifies this: Everything about which you ask me is smooth riding for you and safe; do not be afraid, a daimôn will lead you toward everything; he will end the painful difficulties and you will disprove the suspicions.
44461 | 19 | Zeus of the Possessions | Three fours, one six, and the fifth a Chian: Proceed with courage, the oracle is about hope, stranger; it announces also that the sick person will be saved. If you need to consult an oracle, you will receive what you desire.
34444 | 19 | Hermes Who Brings Gain in Trade | If one three and four fours are cast: Zeus will give you a good plan to your mind, stranger; thus, all will be well, undertake what you desire; you will find whatever you ask the oracle for, and nothing will be bad for you.
33364 | 19 | Victory | Three threes, one six and the fifth a four: You pronounce a good oracle, stranger; one you have thought it through, you will do whatever you desire, and the god will be your helper; you will win, you will reap the fruits, and you will achieve everything.
44444 | 20 | The Inexorable Moirai | If all fours are cast together in the same way: the sun has gone down, and terrible night has come, everything has become dark. Interrupt the matter about which you ask me; it is neither better to buy nor to sell.
43661 | 20 | The Moon | A four and a three, two sixes, and the fifth a Chian: Do not undertake this business, stranger; it will not turn out well for you. The god announces that he will help the one who is ill; and if there is any fear, nothing bad will happen to you.
63344 | 20 | The Protecting Dioskouroi | Alone the six, two threes, the others fours: A man who makes haste does not achieve what opportunity offers. You have a profit, and there is fear everywhere because of evil; your business is ill-fated, and everything is painful; watch out!
66611 | 20 | Hephaistos | Three sixes and two Chians; he will tell the following: It is impossible to do business; do not toil in vain! And do not turn every stone, lest you chance upon a scorpion. Fussiness will not bring you luck, be on your guard for all sorts of misfortune!
66441 | 21 | Demeter | A pair of sixes, two fours, the fifth a Chian: Everything about which you ask me is on a smooth way for you and safe; do not be afraid, a daimôn will lead you toward everything; I see nothing that will bring you harm; take heart and go forward.
44463 | 21 | Helios, Bringer of Light | Three fours, one single six, and the fifth a three: You will achieve whatever you desire, and you will find whatever you worry about. Make an attempt, stranger, having taken heart; everything is ready; you will find what is invisible, you will come to the day of salvation.
33366 | 21 | Tyche Who Leads to Good Things | When three threes are cast and two sixes, he announces this: You matters are doing well; this oracle tells you to press forward; you will get away from difficult illness and master everything, and the god announces that he who is erring in a foreign land will return.
16663 | 22 | The Manifest Fates | One Chian, three sixes, the fifth being cast is a three: Do not put your hand into a wolf’s mouth, lest some harm happens to you; the matter about which you ask is difficult and delicate; but you stay quiet, avoiding travel and business transactions.
44446 | 22 | Poseidon | If all that are cast are fours, but the fifth is a six, he announces this: Throwing seeds and writing letters on the sea are both pointless and fruitless doing; since you are mortal, do not force a god to harm you.
43366 | 22 | Terrible Ares | Four and two threes, two sixes, and he announces this: Do not undertake the travel that you intend, stranger! Nobody will do it. A large fiery lion is about, against whom you have to be on your guard, a terrible one. The oracle is untractable, wait quietly.
16664 | 23 | Athena | One Chian, three sixes, and the fifth a four: Honor Pallas Athena, and you will get everything, whatever you wish, and everything which you are planning will turn out well; she will free from bonds and will save the sick person.
66443 | 23 | Happiness | If two sixes are cast and two fours, and the fifth is a three: Sail, wherever you want, you will return home again, having found and done everything according to your wish; you will achieve everything, and thus to buy and to trade is happiness.
66633 | 24 | Apollo Pythios | If three sixes and two threes are being cast, he signifies this: Stay put, do not act, obey Phoibos’ oracles. With time, you will find an occasion, but for now stay quiet. If you wait a short while you will achieve everything, whatever you desire.
44466 | 24 | Kronos the Child Eater | Three fours, two sixes; the god announces this to you: Stay at home with your possessions and do not go somewhere else, lest a terrible monster and a revengeful demon approach you. I do not see this business as reliable and safe.
46663 | 25 | Man Who Brings Light | One four being cast, three sixes and the fifth a three: Take courage; you have an opportunity; you will achieve what you desire, and you will come upon the right time to begin your travel; your toil will have its chance; is is good to engage in work, competitions and litigation.
66661 | 25 | Mother of the Gods | Four sixes, the fifth a Chian: he signifies this: As wolves overpower sheep and powerful lions overpower broad hoofed oxen, so you too will master all this, and everything about which you ask will be yours, with the help of Zeus’ son Hermes.
66644 | 26 | Subterranean Zeus | When three sixes and two fours, the oracle announces: The business has its obstacles, do not make hast, but wait; there is a road, painful, impossible and not to be approached; to buy is painful and to sell brings loss.
66663 | 27 | Heavenly Aphrodite | Four sixes, the three alone: he signifies this to you: The daughter of Uranus, Aphrodite, the mighty mistress of the Erotes, sends a good oracle, she will grant travel to you; you will escape from sickness and vainglorious thoughts.
66664 | 28 | Damage | Four sixes, a four: he signifies this: It is impossible to undertake something vain; do not in vain toil uselessly, lest you incur damage by pressing on. It is not good to begin traveling nor doing business.
66666 | 30 | Square Hermes | If all that are cast together are sixes: Do not go, wherever you intend to; it will be better for you to stay; I see something hostile to you, thus wait; afterwards, it will be possible, and (the god) will free you from fear and save you from toil.
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apiswitchcraft · 4 months ago
Hiii! Do you know any greek hellenic polytheist accounts on here? sending love 🫶🏻
hi! yes i know several. personally I kinda just follow the #hellenicpolytheist tag to find cool people, but I have some specific recommendations too! (also if you guys have any other recs please feel free to leave them in the comments!)
@apolloforetoldus and @companionsofganymede as they're my dear friend fritz, they have great art and reblog stuff that I actually care about
@temple-of-hermes (the owner is also a really cool person), @templeof-demeter (same here), @temple-of-apollon, @the-suns-temple, @to-hypnos-we-dream, and @hyakinthou-naos are all temples that I follow that frequently make very informative posts
@khaire-traveler, @loemius, @travelingthief, @piristephes, @thegrapeandthefig, and @shewithbloodofdevotion for just ppl in the community and informative stuff
and finally, the artists that I like are @vibeswithrenai (made really cool dividers), @stardayzzing @seleniiium
people that I tend to avoid following are minors or people claiming to be priest(ess)s but who haven't actually gone through any sort of training whatsoever. i just don't think that those are people that I can see as authorities on any issues, especially when it comes to teenagers. there's a lot of misinformation and fearmongering spread around the helpol community, so i would just watch out for any posts that outright try to enforce rules onto your practice (unless they're talking about cultural appropriation, in which case you should probably pay attention to what they're saying) or try to categorize the gods in any sort of way. oh also mythic literalists. that shit's dumb.
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