apqeshta · 9 days
اعمل على توفير فرص جديدة لتوفير حياة كريمة للاطفال . بتبرعك، ستساهم في توفيرالامان اللازم لهؤلاء الأطفال. ساهم بأي مبلغ وشاركنا في بناء مستقبلهم !
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apqeshta · 9 days
Donate to ahmed qeshta Family to Escape from Gaza
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My story began on the morning of October 7, 2023, at six in the morning. I was preparing to go to my work at the College of Science and Technology. I am the engineer wareef mzeen. I was working as a lecturer at the college and a trainer at the Golden House Center in the Gaza Strip. I loved my work very much and was a source of inspiration for young people and helping them find opportunities. He worked through their training in the fields of freelancing and programming, and I was striving to always be in development and well prepared for the future, but the future exceeded my expectations. That day was not an ordinary day. The sounds of bombing began everywhere, and I decided not to leave the house, so that I might be safe in my home, and I began The days went by, one day, then another, and the sounds of bombing and scenes of destruction increased everywhere, so I said to myself, “Maybe it will be a few days, and I will return to my work, and life in my homeland will return to what it was, and we will rebuild everything that was destroyed, but it was not a few days. I would wake up in the morning, contemplating that today is the last day in life.” War, but the day ends with the sounds of bombing and destruction. I am deprived of visiting my family, which is now not far from my home, but I cannot leave the house for fear of plane bombing. Do you live far from your family? Yes, I got married two months before the war started, and I found my life partner. We hoped to live in peace in our new home and build a beautiful future with each other, but after a month of war and destruction, the occupation evacuated us from our home. I collected my clothes and things and bid farewell to every corner of my home, hoping that I will return to him soon. When the war ended, I left the house with tears of sadness and fear for the place where I had always aspired to start my married life and live in peace. We then went to a shelter housing 6 displaced families, and after a month of leaving my home, I received news that my home had been completely destroyed and that it had not been destroyed. He promises anything that exists. All my dreams and memories were shattered in an instant. I could not stop crying. My heart was burning and I remember everything in my house, but to no avail. Am I at fault for anything?! No, I am just a victim of war. I now live with my family of 10 people and 5 other families, and my husband and his father are with me. My family and I thought about traveling to another country until the war ends, but unfortunately we have collected all the money we have, and it is not enough to cover the travel costs of one person, and he was with me. A sum of money for my husband and I, but the money is no longer enough except to buy food and drink only and to buy drinking water and water for other uses. I just want to travel to another country with my family and start a new life away from bombing and destruction. I want to do work again. Lecture At university I want to return to my life again and be an inspiration to other people. I do not want to wake up to the sound of bombs and bullets. I want a life of peace. I hope that whoever reads my story will be a reason to save the lives of people who dream of living in peace and starting a new life with their children and families.
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apqeshta · 10 days
Donate to ahmed qeshta Family to Escape from Gaza
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My story began on the morning of October 7, 2023, at six in the morning. I was preparing to go to my work at the College of Science and Technology. I am the engineer wareef mzeen. I was working as a lecturer at the college and a trainer at the Golden House Center in the Gaza Strip. I loved my work very much and was a source of inspiration for young people and helping them find opportunities. He worked through their training in the fields of freelancing and programming, and I was striving to always be in development and well prepared for the future, but the future exceeded my expectations. That day was not an ordinary day. The sounds of bombing began everywhere, and I decided not to leave the house, so that I might be safe in my home, and I began The days went by, one day, then another, and the sounds of bombing and scenes of destruction increased everywhere, so I said to myself, “Maybe it will be a few days, and I will return to my work, and life in my homeland will return to what it was, and we will rebuild everything that was destroyed, but it was not a few days. I would wake up in the morning, contemplating that today is the last day in life.” War, but the day ends with the sounds of bombing and destruction. I am deprived of visiting my family, which is now not far from my home, but I cannot leave the house for fear of plane bombing. Do you live far from your family? Yes, I got married two months before the war started, and I found my life partner. We hoped to live in peace in our new home and build a beautiful future with each other, but after a month of war and destruction, the occupation evacuated us from our home. I collected my clothes and things and bid farewell to every corner of my home, hoping that I will return to him soon. When the war ended, I left the house with tears of sadness and fear for the place where I had always aspired to start my married life and live in peace. We then went to a shelter housing 6 displaced families, and after a month of leaving my home, I received news that my home had been completely destroyed and that it had not been destroyed. He promises anything that exists. All my dreams and memories were shattered in an instant. I could not stop crying. My heart was burning and I remember everything in my house, but to no avail. Am I at fault for anything?! No, I am just a victim of war. I now live with my family of 10 people and 5 other families, and my husband and his father are with me. My family and I thought about traveling to another country until the war ends, but unfortunately we have collected all the money we have, and it is not enough to cover the travel costs of one person, and he was with me. A sum of money for my husband and I, but the money is no longer enough except to buy food and drink only and to buy drinking water and water for other uses. I just want to travel to another country with my family and start a new life away from bombing and destruction. I want to do work again. Lecture At university I want to return to my life again and be an inspiration to other people. I do not want to wake up to the sound of bombs and bullets. I want a life of peace. I hope that whoever reads my story will be a reason to save the lives of people who dream of living in peace and starting a new life with their children and families.
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apqeshta · 10 days
أن تَظُن بأنكَ جزءٌ مِنْ اللـوحة بَينما أنت خارجُ الإطـار ٠
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apqeshta · 2 months
‏متعتبش عليا كفلسطيني فقد كل اشي حرفيا، بيته حياته مستقبله وحتى يمكن احبابه واهله، واتشرد واتمرمط وشاف الموت قدام عنيه سواء من الاحتلال او من الجوع او البرد، متعتبش على أي كلمة بدرت منه فمقدرة الصبر تختلف من حد لحد ومعتقدش في حد ضايل مستحمل اللي بصير، ونسأل الله انه يلهمنا الصبر ويساعدنا .
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apqeshta · 3 months
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apqeshta · 3 months
تسليم الأمور كلها لله احلى مرحلة يوصلها الإنسان .
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apqeshta · 5 months
حبل الكذب اقصر من خيالك ..
‏والدنيا دايمًا تكشف لك صاحب الوجهين لو مهما كان شاطر في ان يخفي بلاويه
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apqeshta · 7 months
فقدت الامل في كل حاجه خلص ساعات ومش هيكون في غزه اصلا والموضوع كله مؤامره الكل مشارك فيها سواء بالسكوت او الدعم المباشر الصريح للقتل والتهجير محدش هيرفع يرفع عصايه حتى يدافع عن الناس بس عندي يقين في ربنا ان يوما ما كل هادا هينرد انا محروق وحاسس بقهره وكاره العالم كله بكل معتقداته
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apqeshta · 7 months
إذا ضربت فأوجع فإن العاقبة واحدة..
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apqeshta · 7 months
أتمنى ألا يُسرق عمري في اللاشيء، ألا أندم أبدًا على خطوات كانت مهمه ولم اتخذها في وقتها، ألا أتمنى أن يعود عُمري حتى أفعل هذا وهذا، الّا اتحسّر بأنني كبرت ولم احقق شيئًا، أرجو أن أجدني بعد سنوات في المكان الصحيح
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apqeshta · 7 months
الحياة ارخص من ما تتخيل تبيعش حالك بالرخيص، عشانها
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apqeshta · 7 months
معنديش مشكلة أحاول معاك لأخر نفس فيا طول منا لاقى منك تقدير حتى لو بأقل الأفعال
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apqeshta · 7 months
من الحاجات الي فعلاً بدأت احس انها نعمه، هو قدرتك علي السكوت عن السفهاء، السكوت وعدم الرد علي واحد سفيه مش وراه غير الكلام عن الناس، السكوت عن واحد بيستفزك ، السكوت عن الدفاع عن نفسك، السكوت عن ايجاد مبررات لواحد مخه فاضي فعلياً، السكوت عن حجات كثير اوي قادرة تضيع طاقتك ومجهودك وصحتك النفسيه، قادرة تضيع وقتك، قادرة تشغل تفكيرك ولو ١٪؜ ، السكوت فعلاً نِعمه لا يدركها الا من أيقن اننا في زمن فيه قدر العقلاء ان يتحملوا سفاهة البُلهاء ، إسمع ومتردش و وفر طاقتك ومجهودك لنفسك وبيتك ومن يستحق فقط ..
(وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ الْجَاهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلامًا )
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apqeshta · 7 months
:( انا مش محتاج اطور من نفسي انا محتاج اهدى ع نفسي
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apqeshta · 7 months
راعي الطير يزعل ان طار طيره كيف لو شافه ع كتف غيره ؟
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apqeshta · 7 months
"سيصيبك ما أصبت بهِ غيرك، فقط انتظر ."
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