aroace-fairytales · 4 years
The Completed Fairytale
Yes, that’s right!! Beauty and the Beast is completely done, epilogue and everything! It only took me 3 years or so...Anyway, I’m posting the archive of our own link below, so please check it out and enjoy. <3 
Thank you all for supporting me so well over the past years; I would never have completed this without your constant support.
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aroace-fairytales · 4 years
This is a great addition! And one that I totally forgot about, but is so important. Beauty and the Beast is considered a ‘classic’ in so many ways, but it’s kind of repulsive to me that the character Gaston (who is supposed to be evil for his pursuance of Belle) is exactly like the servants in the castle! Everyone has a plan for Belle, and very few retellings actually let Belle have a plan for herself.
May I ask why you chose beauty and the beast first ?
I started writing the story about three years ago, right when I had graduated high school and was starting to accept my aroace identity. I wanted to start writing the fairy tales but I couldn’t settle on one that I could really see myself retelling in an original way. 2017 was when the Beauty & the Beast movie with Emma Watson came out and I realized that the story, to me, was incredibly unhealthy in a lot of ways. First off, Emma Watson as Belle never showed emotional vulnerability. And I always pictured Belle as a very sensitive individual that wasn’t afraid to cry. And second off, I always hated the relationship between Belle and the Beast and I wanted something that was less sexual/bestiality/Stockholm syndrom and something that highlighted the individual characteristics and independence of each character. So, when I finally realized how strong my feelings were about the portrayal of Beauty & the Beast, I decided that story was the one I had to retell first. 
A lot of fairy tales are unhealthy in a lot of ways and I do plan to write more, but Beauty & the Beast was one of the ones I couldn’t wait to dive into. I was so inspired and had so much creativity going into the project that I didn’t feel when I tried to outline other fairytales.
Sorry this was long, but hope this helped! I appreciate the curiosity, dear anon <3
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aroace-fairytales · 4 years
May I ask why you chose beauty and the beast first ?
I started writing the story about three years ago, right when I had graduated high school and was starting to accept my aroace identity. I wanted to start writing the fairy tales but I couldn’t settle on one that I could really see myself retelling in an original way. 2017 was when the Beauty & the Beast movie with Emma Watson came out and I realized that the story, to me, was incredibly unhealthy in a lot of ways. First off, Emma Watson as Belle never showed emotional vulnerability. And I always pictured Belle as a very sensitive individual that wasn’t afraid to cry. And second off, I always hated the relationship between Belle and the Beast and I wanted something that was less sexual/bestiality/Stockholm syndrom and something that highlighted the individual characteristics and independence of each character. So, when I finally realized how strong my feelings were about the portrayal of Beauty & the Beast, I decided that story was the one I had to retell first. 
A lot of fairy tales are unhealthy in a lot of ways and I do plan to write more, but Beauty & the Beast was one of the ones I couldn’t wait to dive into. I was so inspired and had so much creativity going into the project that I didn’t feel when I tried to outline other fairytales.
Sorry this was long, but hope this helped! I appreciate the curiosity, dear anon <3
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aroace-fairytales · 4 years
Beauty & The Beast: Chapter 18
AroAce Beauty and the Beast is starting to come to a close! Read this chapter for a surprising twist...comment below or on Ao3 and let me know what you think!!
Read the full chapter on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10298354/chapters/61261597
“Okay, I have to place my right hand over your heart so the spell is directed at you,” I adjusted the spell book in my left hand and placed my right hand over Adam’s heart.
Adam took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to hide the grin twitching on his lips. “I’m ready when you are.”
“Is there anything else you want to do while you’re still human?” I asked. “I don’t want you to regret anything because I really don’t know how to turn you back into a human after this.”
“This is what I want, Belle. I’m not comfortable in this form, I want to be a beast.”
I nodded, holding the book open in my hand and scanning the page. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my nerves. Please let this work…please let this work.
I pressed my hand harder against his chest and began to recite the words:
“Miungu ya wanadamu, gods of men miungu ya wanyama, gods of beasts join together as one jiunge pamoja kama moja mtu mbele yangu curse his human form transform from human to beast”
I paused, a warm, tingling sensation throbbing down my arm into my fingertips. Adam’s eyes opened and he looked at me and nodded.
“It’s okay, it felt the same the first time I was cursed,” Adam whispered. “There’s power flowing through your body into mine, but it doesn’t hurt.”
I nodded, licking my lips before continuing. The word began to roll off my tongue like poetry, each word sent a strange, electrifying warmth through my fingertips. Adam’s chest began to glow as my words involuntarily changed into a strange melody I had never heard before, yet somehow couldn’t stop singing. His eyes closed and his chest straightened as a soft glow engulfed his frame.
“Adam!” a high pitched screech echoed through the hall, accompanied by the sound of a thud and heavy, running footsteps. “I’m sorry!” the voice continued, “I can’t stop him!”
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aroace-fairytales · 4 years
Beauty & the Beast: Chapter 17
The moment you’ve been waiting for is here! Chapter 17 is complete, with Chapter 18 following closely behind. Comment below or in Ao3 and let me know what you think!! What do you think will happen next? 
Ao3 link to full chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10298354/chapters/57032482#main
“Beauty…what on earth are you doing?” Gaston tilted his head to the side, his brow furrowing, and a strange glint shimmering in his blue eyes. “You should be in the house, asleep.”
           I gulped, licking my chapped lips. How the hell am I supposed to get out of this?
           “Unless…you’d rather sleep with me,” Gaston’s voice dropped as he sauntered toward me. “You didn’t have come all the way out to the barn to get my attention, Beauty.”
           I opened my mouth to call for someone, anyone, as panic bubbled up within me and I tasted bile in the back of my throat.
           “Now,” Gaston warned, stopping in the entryway and crossing his muscular arms across his wide chest. “Your entire family wants you to be with me, why would they care what we do before…an official wedding?”
           He’s right…no one that can hear me cares what happens as long as it benefits them. Ugh, Adam. I need you!
           “Gaston, please,” I whispered, my hands tightening on the reins as his eyes wandered from my head down my body. “It isn’t proper, and I have no desire-”
           “Shut up!” He bellowed, striding toward me and gripping my thigh. “Why the hell does everything have to be about you, Beauty? What about your family’s desires to be taken care of? What about my desires to protect you? When will you stop your selfish need to control everything?”
           I stared at his hand on my leg, gritting my teeth to hold back the repulsive shudder that trembled within me. “Maybe…maybe I am selfish…”
           Gaston tilted his head and smirked, his hand loosening and moving slowly down my leg. “There’s my good girl. Let me show you how to be better…”
           There’s only one way to get out of this… I took a deep breath and slammed my heels into my horse’s belly and slapped his hindquarters. The horse jumped in surprise, then leapt forward and broke into a bouncy trot. Gaston cursed loudly as he stumbled backwards from the large animal darting toward him.
           “Faster, dammit!” I pleaded, digging my heels further into his glossy coat and leaning forward to twist his mane with the reins in my hands.
           “Beauty! Where the hell are you going, bitch?” Gaston yelled, running out of the barn and chasing me down the worn path. His sudden movements spooked my horse, prompting him from a fast canter into a full run.
           “I will find you! Don’t think you can get away from me! I always get what I want!” he shrieked, his voice growing faint as I fled from the house.
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aroace-fairytales · 4 years
So glad you're back!! We missed you, I can't wait to find out what happens with your story
Aww! I’m really happy that you guys have stuck around while I’ve been absent. I’m so excited to write more and share it with you all!
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aroace-fairytales · 6 years
Thank you so much! I’m glad that there’s finally some amazing stories that include aro/ace people! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Absolutely!! I identify in the aro/ace community and that’s how it got started ^_^ I’m so happy others enjoy the stories as well!
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
This isn't an ask but I just found this tumblr and i'm so happy to see someone writing these thank you thank you thank you
yay!! I’m so so glad you’re enjoying the story :) thank you so much for your kind words!
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
Beauty & The Beast: Chapter Sixteen
Finally another chapter!! I am so sorry it's taken me so long, college has been stressful and I had a major concussion last fall so it slowed things down. But here is chapter sixteen, enjoy!
Ao3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10298354/chapters/30475746
“Please, Harrison. Our family is poor, starving, and dying. If you come with me, I can fix all of that,” I pleaded, searching my brother’s eyes for a sliver of interest in my proposal.
“Gaston is a more reliable answer to our problem,” Harrison snapped, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at me. “Why do you refuse to listen to me? I am the man of this family now and I am commanding you to put this family first by marrying Gaston.”
“You do not understand the wealth that Adam has,” I argued. “He can provide for our family longer and more lavishly than the weasel in our kitchen can ever hope of doing!”
“He is a beast, Beauty.”
“Not anymore! He is as human as you and I.”
“He has put a spell on you,” Harrison ground his teeth. “That is the only explanation for how irrational you’re acting.”
“I am not the one acting irrational. I am the one trying to take care of our family!”
“That is not your place.”
“Why not?”
“You’re simply a woman. I am the man of the house now.”
My hands clenched into fists and my nostrils flared as rage burned through my veins. “At least I love this family, which is something you can never claim.”
I flinched at Harrison’s sharp tone, taking a half-step backwards. I should not have said that…
“Marry Gaston, Beauty. Or leave. It shouldn’t be too hard for you to abandon this family once more. But if you love us, as you claim,” he strode to my bedroom door and opened it, pausing momentarily to look back at me. “…you will marry Gaston.”
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
New here, still reading ch1 and my heart is racing I have to take breaks between the lines it's so beautiful! Is this story completed? How frequently do you update!
Hi!! Oh my gosh I am so happy you enjoy my story! It's not quite finished; I'm working on the last few chapters so I can post them at the same time. The ending of the story is tricky for me with tying up all loose ends and making it a satisfying ending, but I'm working hard! Be on the lookout for updates soon!
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
Look how amazing the illustrations are looking for AroAce Beauty and the Beast! I'm so excited about the beautiful art. Check out @summerghost-art for more sneak peeks of the artwork.
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Here is the Rose Garden for aro/ace Beauty and the Beast. Me and @aroace-fairytales decided to do full color illustrations for any picture with roses and I really love how this turned out. Painting the whole thing in color was such a joy since I’ve been painting in mostly black and white. I also noticed halfway through that it would make more sense for the fountain to be on the grass between the trellises, but then I thought about the story of Adam and his mother and decided that maybe (just maybe) while the mother was working in the garden Adam would come out to play with her, so she had the fountain moved in order to have picnics on the grass! Just a head canon of mine. :)
Buy the book when it comes out to find out more about this beautiful tale!
This was done on cold press 150lb Arches watercolor paper with watercolor, Payne’s Grey (which is watercolor I know but its special), and gouache. This took approximately 10 hours to design and paint.
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
Here is the inside art winner and her entry for the contest! Isn't it awesome? :D
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My entry for a cover art contest for Beauty and the Beast. First art since my surgery! I’m not super happy with it because I feel like I had to cram it in before the due date, but its decent. I kind of wanted to put roses on the border but… well its hard to recover. Its not an excuse though, I know what I submitted. :)
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
Cover Art Contest Winners
Please go check out these amazing artists and their blogs! :D Cover Art: @addicted2reading Inside Art: @summerghost-art Runner-up Artist: @iwantedapunbuttherewerenone
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
Beauty & The Beast: Chapter Fifteen
I posted it on Ao3 and somehow forgot to mention it on tumblr. xD Whoops...but here it is! Let me know what you think about it. :)
Ao3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10298354/chapters/24656937
“Oh my heavens, you really are alive!”
My eyes widened and a scowl flashed across my face as Harrison stepped through the doorway accompanied by a familiar man.
“Why is he here?”
“He…he has a…”
“I can take care of you and your family, Beauty. Now that your Father has passed–”
“I am not interested, Gaston. And I never will be,” I snarled, crossing my arms and glaring at the creature before me. He is more of a monster than the beast ever was.
“I brought you a gift, of which I am certain you will approve,” Gaston chuckled, retrieving three books from his bag and offering them to me.
Don’t take them, don’t take them, you have thousands of books at the mansion…ugh, I can’t help it. I reached for the books, slowing my movements to avoid appearing too eager.
“Would you like to stay the night, Gaston? It is such a long journey back to the village,” Delphine swooned, a dreamy expression washing over her features. “We have an extra room now that Father’s dead.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, hugging the books to my chest. Just let it go, Beauty.
“I would be honored. Beauty, may I speak to you outside?” Gaston redirected his attention to me.
“You can talk to me right here in the kitchen,” I replied dryly, opening my eyes and making sure to look as annoyed as possible.
“Very well…” he drawled, rolling his shoulders back. “Marry me, Beauty. And I will provide for you and your family–”
“Never!” I cried, taking a few steps backwards. “My Father died not four hours ago and you are already taking advantage of his death?”
“Beauty, you should consider his offer,” Harrison coughed, narrowing his eyes at me with a warning glance. “He could take care of all of us.”
“Your brother is wise,” Gaston agreed, winking suggestively at me. “You know I am rich beyond measure–”
“I am in love with someone else.”
The room fell silent and I could feel a blush rising in my cheeks.
“Not…not the beast you live with…” Delphine whispered, covering her mouth in horror.
“You must be joking,” Gaston laughed, but eyed me with concern.
“I…I love him.”
“And do you plan to marry this bastard who has held you prisoner for so long?”
“No! It is not…it is not that kind of love.” My shoulders slumped as I struggled to find a way to explain. “He…he is my best friend. And he provides very well for me.”
“You would pass up a marriage to me because of a wretched beast whose companionship you enjoy?” Gaston gasped, his handsome features twisting into shock.
“You would never understand it,” I murmured, staring down at the books. “Why not marry Delphine? Or Maricelle?”
“I would not object,” Delphine piped up, straightening her figure to show off her curves. “You would find me quite agreeable, Gaston.”
Gaston glanced at my oldest sister and shrugged. “She is not you.”
“You are despicable,” I hissed, venturing to meet his gaze. “Leave me alone or…”
“Or? I thought women liked persistent men,” he smirked, taking a step closer to me.
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
Is there a certain time (and time zone) for the deadline?
It's an unofficial time. ;) so think midnight of whatever time zone you live in! If there are some entries submitted after midnight my time, I'll assume you live in a different time zone. I don't want to be super strict xD
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
Cover Art Contest: Beauty & The Beast
Ahhhh I am so so so sorry that this disappeared!! I posted it earlier, but for some reason tumblr deleted the post *sigh* So here are the details again! I plan to publish my AroAce Beauty & The Beast Retelling on Amazon when I complete the story, so I would love a cover for it! Eventually, I would love some art inside the short story as well to depict some scenes that I personally love. And because I cannot draw to save my life, I’m turning to you wonderful tumblr artists to help me out!
Link on Blog: https://aroace-fairytales.tumblr.com/cover-art-contest
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aroace-fairytales · 7 years
Reminder, deadline is JUNE 1ST!
Cover Art Contest: Beauty & The Beast
Ahhhh I am so so so sorry that this disappeared!! I posted it earlier, but for some reason tumblr deleted the post *sigh* So here are the details again! I plan to publish my AroAce Beauty & The Beast Retelling on Amazon when I complete the story, so I would love a cover for it! Eventually, I would love some art inside the short story as well to depict some scenes that I personally love. And because I cannot draw to save my life, I’m turning to you wonderful tumblr artists to help me out!
Link on Blog: https://aroace-fairytales.tumblr.com/cover-art-contest
Keep reading
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