awriterly · 5 years
As a man sat alone ...
As a man sat alone ... #writing #prompt #class This piece was 81 lines long ... reduce and redact ... splice and slice
(Photo Credit: Mario Mancuso/Flickr)
As a man sat alone …
he scratched the crystalline constellations
of salty-sweet memory from his eyes,
his hand moles to the place between places
where something else,
perhaps another eye,
once was
  Bit by bit, piece by piece,
his desires,
crack away.
  Had he been living in darkness all these years
were his eyes always glazed
or was this perhaps a choice?
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awriterly · 5 years
Prompt #1
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‘Gossip Flies’ 
***write a poem or a short using this word combo as inspiration!
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awriterly · 5 years
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Holy Highschool Days ... #writing #teenageangst #highschool #shortstory Photo Credit: Zabbio/Flickr It was the time before poetry. Before traveling and living abroad. It was the first moment I stepped into the wide open world and inhaled that first noxious fume of reality.
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awriterly · 5 years
Presence ... easier said than done in the daily flurry #meditation #poem #poetry
Photo Credit: M Tanjir/Flickr
Stay focused. One step at a time. Don’t try to do too much,
at once.
Identify what are the most important things right now. Then just do that small daily amount.
Or perhaps nothing.
… … … … … …
Just breathe
<… … in … … out>
And be aware of
around you
inside and out
… … … … … …
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awriterly · 5 years
A rainbow nation
Can a rainbow be caught?... #poem #poetry #SouthAfrica #Africa
Photo Credit: Nathan MacDonough/Flickr
I stand in a corner of the world
Somewhere near the belly of it all.
It’s green and lush here
I’m standing on the edge of the equator,
Balancing life,
Like a tight-rope walker,
I’ve always wanted to be in the circus
  Carefree, and in the circus.
  I look back at the place I once called home,
where my childhood was tickled and teased to life;
coerced and…
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awriterly · 5 years
Shut up
Shut up ... and make sure you know what you're saying before you say it #poem #poetry #speaking #English #ornot
Photo Credit: Mariano Di Giammarco/Flickr
My words are poisonous.
I am the only one with the antidote.
Your words are just as poisonous.
  We’re not unique.
We’re not different.
We’re the same.
  I shut my mouth to keep the poison inside.
You spew your words and make sure they land.
We’re different.
  I smile.
Teeth show.
I’m happy.
We’re the same.
  Or am I?
No, I’m not happy.
But for the…
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awriterly · 5 years
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Small Town Wanderlust #travel #wanderlust #thailand #smalltown Photo Credit: Andrew JK Tan/Flickr The roads are dusty. The people smile wide. And the limestone cliffs tightly hug the town with the single train track running through it.
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awriterly · 5 years
Photo Credit: David Deutsch/Flickr
Have you ever made a decision and then …
  You start laughing for no reason,
You start crying,
Not because of sadness,
Or some personal treason,
Because it just makes,
  It was just so obvious. Right!
Now that part is out of the way,
Next part …
  You start fidgeting and jumping your leg (the right one),
Like Tigger from Pooh,
You spin into…
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awriterly · 5 years
//Plight #writing #poetry
Photo Credit: Annette Kölzow/Flickr
The hum-drum of the city-scum is always around me, and eventually, inside me.
Those whistles and things that make me cringe and elope, sometimes viciously, in an unrequited delight.
  I walk down the street unwittingly aware of the prospects.
The potentials and perennial possibilities of me, the wonderful wokeness of ‘I’.
The prostrate and innate human-ness of…
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awriterly · 5 years
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Reading to Write Photo Credit: christianbert/Flickr My eyes skim. They lick the Roman alphabet. Tantalizing. Gorgeous. I see the word and they enter my body.
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awriterly · 5 years
Political Promises
Political Promises ... in sunny South Africa #poem #poetry #rant #southafrica #politics #writing
Photo Credit: Andrew Hale/Flickr
I live in a town where the lights are off
more than they are on
where cows and other animals roam
freely up and down the streets
the streets which look less like streets
and more like holes with pavement for decoration
where schools haven’t had teachers for months
“I’m sick” they say,
walking with their heads held high in the Checkers
where schools have no books…
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awriterly · 6 years
I'm still scared ///
I'm still scared /// #writing #prompts #poetry
Photo Credit: Georgie Pauwels/Flickr
… of the things in the dark,
of the tokoloshe and the under-bed-dwellers
and the other creatures that creak in the floorboards
  I’m still scared of
…the thing I think of when my feet dangle
or when I’m at the edge
and there’s a possibility of harm
of danger
of falling
of fear and alarm
  I’m still scared of
…the things I have said,
of the words, I have…
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awriterly · 6 years
How did I get here ... (prompt)
How did I get here ... prompts from the writing class #writing #class #studentlife
I’ve joined this writing class and for the past few weeks I’ve been dragging myself to it even though I’m dead tired by the time I get there (blame work and blame studies).
There is something about a group of people working together in a judgment-free zone, practicing, tinkering away at their craft and then sharing what they write.
It takes guts and I think its a very good place to start.
So if…
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awriterly · 6 years
Beach Bitches
A night at the beach, 'Beach Bitches' #poem #poetry #writing #gay
I’m somewhere on a beach
The fireballs blaze and burn and turn in circles
My drunken eyes follow
Like a moth
Like a person
  The air smells like it, sex
The things people exude on tropical beaches
  Cigarette-smoke infused hormones
That float and create mini scent auras
  I hear a girl in an electronic sound flood
The sound; is the beach
Is the sand
Is the full…
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awriterly · 6 years
Here we go, time to start writing AGAIN!
Here we go, time to start writing AGAIN!
Photo Credit: jennythebloggess/Flickr
“Confidence is key” we all know that.
But what could be more frightening than the blank page? That transient white abyss that is filled with emptiness … vast possibility … nothing. Just take a moment to internalize that. I feel as if everything in life is the; same, similar, related, and that the lessons we learn in one thing are, to an extent, transferable…
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awriterly · 6 years
Photo Credit: Ira Gelb/Flickr
A natural disaster is about to occur
My body wriggles
  The foundation moves left and right
a drumming and strumming that grows
More erratic
More fierce
More intense
  contort and distort
  On the horizon I see the storm approaching
I see the wind
I feel it
We are one
In a certain way
  The wind is my lungs
Is my voice
Is my thoughts
Is my
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awriterly · 6 years
Lessons after the First Draft
Lessons after the First Draft, and other things to think about when you're writing your first book #writing #author #tips #creativity #words
Photo Credit: Guy Mason/Flickr
Although I never thought I would be able to finish a manuscript or book, literally, my biggest wall and goal through the whole thing was just to finish something. I actually think I spent a lot of time fixated on this, which pulled me out of the ‘process’ of doing it and made me fixate more on the ‘product’. Perfection. And everything else that pining over the…
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