baldonam · 2 months
Here's a regional Indian playlist that has just got that aakashvani radio vibes
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baldonam · 2 months
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Do you think misfortune looks good on you?
or is it the only thing left in your closet
To all things befallen and all things before
Is it still survival if all you do
is stand with a hand on the handle of the door?
Do you think you've burnt
most of the things in the hallway just for some heat..?
As you tell me how old you were
when you learnt to make a fire
Will you make up with sunlight
if i undo the curtains? unveil the windows?
Love and Anger
There are more than one ways to keep you warm
But couldn't you use a soft place
to sit down? Crackle your back? straighten your legs?
And as you fight and yell-
"Even if it's true I dont know how."
Take my hand
Take a seat
Take your time
There is no war
There are no sides
Love and Anger
"There are more than one ways to keep you warm
Why are you speeding through time?"
"I have to do it all before"
"Before what?"
"Before misfortune befalls me."
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baldonam · 3 months
With the roar of the fire, my heart rose to its feet Like ashes of ash saw rise in the heat Settle soft and as pure as snow I fell in love with a fire long ago -would that I (mohnish's response)
You can't just pick one of Hozier's song but I am curious about people's perception... So here's a form share your takes with me? I'll post the results... You can also repost and tell me how a particular song makes you feel cause that'd just be amazing!
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baldonam · 3 months
You can't just pick one of Hozier's song but I am curious about people's perception... So here's a form share your takes with me? I'll post the results... You can also repost and tell me how a particular song makes you feel cause that'd just be amazing!
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baldonam · 3 months
So basically Tenzen got aang's airbending, Kya got katara's waterbending and healing powers and Bumi got their plot armor
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baldonam · 4 months
The diamond dogs listening to your problems
Ted: It sounds to me like, you just gotta stand up for yourself for once
Beard: Or maybe just sit down, that'd be a good start for you
Roy: Anything to stop the people from walking all over you
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baldonam · 4 months
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Come on!? Anime-esque?
You know most anime adaptations would be so much better if they were Supernatural Core
The chaotic energy, the shenanigans of characters captured and uk fans goin wild
Put em on a tight budget except the important fights and stuff so they actually put effort in the story and characters
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baldonam · 4 months
You know most anime adaptations would be so much better if they were Supernatural Core
The chaotic energy, the shenanigans of characters captured and uk fans goin wild
Put em on a tight budget except the important fights and stuff so they actually put effort in the story and characters
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baldonam · 4 months
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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baldonam · 4 months
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baldonam · 4 months
Oh to be a gatherer in a hunter world
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baldonam · 4 months
I know digital files are amazing and I can share things with y'all accross the world, but no link, qr code or whatever could replace me physically giving you something which you then plug into your device to experience... Like making someone a mix tape beautiful, giving them a video message in a flashdrive? Iconic...
Bring back this shit, a cd tray in my laptop never hurt nobody... Can we please all just use more physical forms of exchange
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baldonam · 4 months
People who have trauma, faced oppression or struggle with mental illness that for alot of people it's just not that deep, that they don't look for that much meaning behind stuff, that an action is just an action to them... They get to be thoughtless and you know for the most part? That's good for them... Someone should get to be that luck right?
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baldonam · 4 months
You were evolutionarily sculpted to be joy when you hear the sound of rain from your cave, don't let them steal that from you
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baldonam · 4 months
I'm sorry I can't go into depression guys, my mom said no
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baldonam · 4 months
Usually when a villain says to a hero "You're just like me aren't you?" He means you also have that little voice in your head don't you, that questions everything that just doesn't quiet down... Other people go about their day and do everything mundane without questioning but you're always just screaming why why why? Even in the simplest of things the barest essentials of being human. But when Mahito says to Yuji "You are me" he means you have no voice in your head when you're doing this aren't you, when there's a life at the line or you're "saving people" everything is as quiet as you are just washing your hands something natural something you are "supposed" to do... That's how mundane it is to me... What you consider horrifying (it was not a I am you of familiarity, it was to breed more contempt)
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baldonam · 4 months
You know when the subtitles are misaligned and are just running like a sentence ahead and... It's the tv version of peeking few words ahead while reading a book by mistake
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