brandlogostock · 1 year
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brandlogostock · 1 year
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brandlogostock · 3 years
Hey, Have you entered this competition to win iPhone 13 Giveaway yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/sq68Yv
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brandlogostock · 4 years
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Amazing to improve your brand contact us to get your own persinalized
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brandlogostock · 4 years
Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. Jack Ma.
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brandlogostock · 4 years
A company's logo can be a visual ambassador, one that goes on everything from business cards to delivery trucks. When used effectively, it can be the window into the soul of a brand.
Tahl Raz
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brandlogostock · 4 years
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Don't let a bad logo be the cause of your business failure Let’s us help you
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brandlogostock · 4 years
More than likely, because of this Coronavirus lockdown, your motivation to workout at home is less than your motivation to workout in the gym. At home you get distracted, others interrupt you, a program on TV takes away your attention. And there are many other commotions that get in the way.
So what do you do?
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How do you avoid those disruptions? How can you motivate yourself to workout regularly and correctly?
The key question to ask yourself is, How badly do you want to achieve your health and fitness goal?
How to motivate yourself to workout is simple. Answer that question. Think about it with focused intensity. See the goal that you want to achieve in your mind, and reiterate your goal and, more importantly, reiterate the reason why you want to achieve that goal
Get This EBOOK .
What's the WHY you want to be fit and healthy.
What do you want to be fit and healthy for?
The WHY possesses all the power to go after your goal until it is achieved - even if you are working out from home in this lockdown situation.
How much you want your goal determines the strength of your motivation.
It is that strength that will steadfastly motivate and drive you to fulfil your goal irrespective of any challenges, setbacks, oppositions, confrontations, distractions, interruptions, diversions, or anything else.
How to stay motivated will not be an issue anymore!
I recall a friend who set himself a goal that he felt extremely excited about. He talked for days on end about that goal; what it meant to him and how he really wanted to achieve it within six months at the most.
A couple of months later, my friend Bill, took me aside. I could see he was feeling miserable and despondent. He went on to tell me how disappointed he was that his goal had not materialised.
"Goal! What Goal?" was my honest answer. I had forgotten all about it. It was not what Bill wanted to hear.
"You know, my goal to get a toned, sculptured beach body," Bill reminded me, with a deep sense of defeat and frustration echoing from his voice.
"Oh that. I thought you were kidding. We all figured you changed your mind since we don't see you going to the gym anymore," I replied, perhaps a little sarcastically.
So, what happened here? What happened to Bill's drive? Where's his motivation?
In the beginning, Bill was excited about his new goal of getting a firm and toned beach body as he put it. He was full of motivation and determination to achieve that goal. "I will get it no matter what," where his last words to me. Hmmm.
He consistently went to the gym four to five days a week. He took his protein shakes, his supplements, and always asked personal trainers' questions about his training schedule and routine.
He was pleased with his progress.
By the third month, though, he started to go to the gym twice a week, and half-way through that third month it trickled to once a week.
His dilemma was he couldn't understand why his motivation to go to the gum and workout had dwindled to once a week half-way through the third month.
"At the beginning, I was so full of enthusiasm and motivation. I felt nothing could stop me," he explained, feeling ever so confused.
So what went wrong? Where did his incredible and unstoppable motivation go?
After careful examination, it came to light that Bill had lost his burst of motivation because he was not really passionate about being toned.
He really didn't care too much about having that beach body. In fact, he used to laugh at the beach-bodied people whenever he spotted one on holiday.
Interesting point, huh? See where this is going?
His goal was merely a passing 'wish'.
In other words, he did not want to be toned badly enough. If he did, if he felt passionate, he would have continued his workout routine no matter what challenges he faced.
Bill was torn between two thoughts.
The first said, "Yeah, I'd like to have a toned beach body." But his conflicting second thought argued, "Sure, but you could get along in life without it. You laugh at people who have a perfectly toned beach body, now you want one? Come on!"
And who won?
His conflicting thought had the upper hand.
You see, Bill would have 'liked' the toned body, but he did not turn that wish into a solid goal.
The toned body idea remained just that, an idea or a wish. As such, his once powerful motivation had weakened until it was there no more.
If he had turned it into a goal, a solid goal, he would have sought after it. He would have been motivated to pursue that goal irrespective of how tired or how busy he was.
After all, it was his goal. And goals are meant to be achieved.
Passion ignites the drive from deep within to maintain the motivation to reach all sorts of goals.
Passion provides the fuel to keep you in a highly motivated state of mind.
Once you find out what you are passionate about, once you find out the WHY you want to be healthy and fit for, how to motivate yourself to workout will become a simple matter of getting up and getting started no matter what.
Your motivation to remain persistent regardless of any setbacks and obstacles will be unstoppably strong.
Now, in this lockdown situation we are all facing, I have included below 10 powerful ways you can make use of to motivate yourself to workout - in time, your motivation will increase in momentum regardless of any distractions or interruptions.
Motivation fuels you to take consistent daily action to achieve and live your goal.
The 10 powerful ways on how to stay motivated are listed below. All you have to do is alter your strategy:
1. Plan your health and fitness goal once again
Now that you are in lockdown mode, simply having a goal will not mean you can achieve it. Your mind is too focused on this interruption of you going to the gym. By being frustrated and continually asking yourself, "How can I stay motivated with all these interruptions around me? How can I stay motivated without being surrounded by others who are also working out?" and an array of other similar questions, you will inevitably head towards the wrong direction.
As we saw with Bill, you need to have a clear and concise goal with no conflicts.
Simply wishing to have a certain kind of body won't help.
Simply wishing to lose weight won't help.
Simply wishing to jog the marathon won't help.
Working out has so much more to do with an emotion of achieving complete and all round fitness.
That's a great goal to strive for; at least for now while you're working out at home and not in the gym.
So what workout routine plan can you follow at home? Jumping Jacks, Planks, Tricep Dips using a stable chair? Think about it and come up with a plan. It need not be written in stone; adjust it as time goes by until you finally come up with a plan you'll be happy about.
You may face 'at-home-distractions'. Arrange with the people surrounding you a time of no interruptions while you workout. Ask them to respect your workout time.
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brandlogostock · 4 years
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Be always the best of yourself get the best ebooks about motivation and  and learn to surpass the opinions of others about your life.
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brandlogostock · 4 years
Design is a solution to a problem. art is a question to a problem
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brandlogostock · 4 years
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brandlogostock · 4 years
For all your professional logo needs at very low cost, contact us
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brandlogostock · 4 years
check out this logo inspiration
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brandlogostock · 4 years
simple practical tips to burn fat
BMI Before you do anything to burn fat, you have to know your BMI or Body Mass Index, which is a means of measuring not weight, but fat. You will find hundreds of BMI calculators online to help. Most people are shocked by how high their BMI really is a great motivator to burn fat and keep it off.
Exercise Without doubt, the best ways to burn fat is by incorporating exercise into your daily life. By exercising regularly for a minimum of 30 minutes every day, you will begin to see major changes. Although any type of exercise is beneficial when time to burn fat, aerobics are the best. These exercises would include biking, swimming, jogging, walking, and hiking. In addition, you will gain other benefits such as a healthier heart and lungs.
Calories In addition to exercise, to burn fat you need to reduce the amount of calories consumed. For this, simply cut the portions of foods eaten by one-third and one-half if possible. If you find yourself hungry, add more high fiber foods to the diet, which will make you feel fuller.
Fat Burners Now, rather than expect supplements to burn fat alone, you need to view supplements more as a tool that aids other methods of burning fat. In other words, along with better diet and exercise, supplements can be highly beneficial in burning fat. In fact, a number of supplements currently on the market target burning fat but unfortunately, many of them do not work. However, one particular supplement that has been studied and proven successful when it comes time to burn fat is called ECA Stack, which is made from caffeine, ephedrine, and aspirin. Although effective, keep in mind that through clinical studies, people only burned an extra 150 calories per day, again making fat burners good but only as an aid.
Yard Work and Cleaning If you were unable to get to the gym or you find that moderate exercise is difficult, another ways to burn fat is by working in the yard or cleaning house to burn fat. The activity of both is enough to burn fat quite effectively. Spending just one hour raking or gardening, or vacuuming, dusting, and picking up, will make certainly help.                                                                                                                                                                                                           My Ultimate Tips  
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